Lm designation. Luminous flux of LED lamps

Professional lighting engineers and specialists working in the field of lighting constantly use different terms and definitions that mean little to the average person.

To make it easier to understand what we are talking about and what these words mean, we have prepared a list that explains the main lighting terms and characteristics. You don’t need to learn it by heart; you can simply go to the desired page and refresh your memory of a forgotten parameter. Speaking “the same language” is always easier.

Lighting parameters and concepts.

1 - Visible and optical radiation

The entire world around us is formed by visible radiation, concentrated in the band of electromagnetic waves from 380 to 760 nm. On one side is added to it ultraviolet radiation(UV), and on the other, infrared (IR).

UV rays have biological effects and are used to kill bacteria. They are used in doses for therapeutic and health-improving effects.

IR rays are used for heating and drying in installations, as they mainly produce a thermal effect.

2 - Luminous flux (F)

Luminous flux characterizes the power of visible radiation in terms of its effect on human vision. Measured in lumens(lm). The magnitude does not depend on the direction. Luminous flux is the most important characteristic.

For example, an E27 75 W incandescent lamp has a luminous flux of 935 lm, a halogen G9 lamp of 75 W - 1100 lm, a fluorescent T5 lamp of 35 W - 3300 lm, a metal halide G12 of 70 W (warm) - 5300 lm, LED E27 9.5 W ( warm) - 800 lm.

3 - Lumen

Lumen (lm) is the luminous flux from a light source (lamp) at an ambient temperature of 25°, measured under reference conditions.

4 - Illumination (E)

Illumination is the ratio of the luminous flux supplied to a surface element to the area of ​​this element. E=F/A, where A is the area. Illuminance unit - luxury(OK).

Most often, horizontal illumination is normalized (on a horizontal plane).

Average illumination ranges: outdoors with artificial lighting from 0 to 20 lux, indoors from 20 to 5000 lux, 0.2 lux during the full moon natural conditions, 5000 -10000 lux during the day when it is cloudy and up to 100,000 lux on a clear day.

The picture shows: a - average illumination in area A, b - general formula for calculating illumination.

5 - Light intensity (I)

Luminous intensity is the spatial density of the luminous flux limited by the solid angle. That is, the ratio of the luminous flux emanating from a light source and propagating within a small solid angle containing the direction in question.

I=Ф/ω The unit of measurement of luminous intensity is candela (cd).

The average luminous intensity of a 100 W incandescent lamp is about 100 cd.

KSS ( luminous intensity curve) - distribution of light intensity in space, this is one of the most important characteristics of lighting devices, necessary for calculating lighting.

6 - Brightness (L)

Brightness (light density) is the ratio of the luminous flux carried in an elementary beam of rays and propagating in the solid angle to the cross-sectional area of ​​this beam.

L=I/A (L=I/Cosα) The brightness unit is cd/m2.

Brightness is related to the level of visual sensation; the spread of brightness in the field of view (in the room/interior) characterizes the quality (visual comfort) of lighting.

In complete darkness, a person reacts to a brightness of one millionth of a cd/m2.

A fully luminous ceiling with a brightness of more than 500 cd/m2 causes discomfort in a person.

The brightness of the sun is approximately a billion cd/m2, and the brightness of a fluorescent lamp is 5000–11000 cd/m2.

7 - Luminous efficiency (H)

The luminous efficiency of a light source is the ratio of the luminous flux of a lamp to its power.

Η=F/R The unit of measurement of light output is lm/W.

This is a characteristic of the energy efficiency of a light source. Lamps with high luminous efficiency provide energy savings. By replacing an incandescent lamp with a light output of 7–22 lm/W with fluorescent lamps (50–90 lm/W), energy consumption will decrease by 5–6 times, and the illumination level will remain the same.

8 - Color temperature (TC)

Color temperature determines the color of light sources and the color tone of the illuminated space. The color temperature is equal to the temperature of a heated body (Planck emitter, black body) that is the same color as a given light source.

The unit of measurement is Kelvin (K) on the Kelvin scale: T - (degrees Celsius + 273) K.

Candle flame - 1900 K

Incandescent lamp - 2500–3000 K

Fluorescent lamps - 2700 - 6500 K

Sun - 5000–6000 K

Cloudy sky - 6000–7000 K

Clear day - 10,000 - 20,000 K.

The color rendering index characterizes the degree to which colors of various materials are reproduced when illuminated by a light source (lamp) when compared with a reference source.

The maximum color rendering index value is Ra =100.

Color rendering indicators:

Ra = 90 or more - very good (color rendering degree 1A)

Ra = 80–89 - very good (color rendering degree 1B)

Ra = 70–79 - good (color rendering degree 2A)

Ra = 60–69 - satisfactory (color rendering degree 2B)

Ra = 40–59 - sufficient (color rendering degree 3)

Ra = less than 39 - low (color rendering degree 3)

Ra aka CRI- color rendering index was developed to compare light sources of the continuous spectrum whose color rendering index was above 90, since below 90 it is possible to have two light sources with the same color rendering index, but with very different color rendering.

Comfortable CRI value for the human eye = 80–100 Ra

Characteristics of the main indicators as applied to lighting: lux, lumens, kelvins, watts. Read!

Considering the current economic situation in our country, now is the time to switch to LED lighting. Why? LED lamps consume much less electricity compared to other light sources, and their technical characteristics are significantly superior to, for example, incandescent lamps.

However, before you go to the LED equipment store, you need to know some of the characteristics of such devices, taking into account which you can choose exactly the lighting device whose characteristics will fully correspond to the operating conditions. In this article we will talk about what watts, lumens, lux and kelvins mean on LED labeling, and also talk about the advantages of LED devices over other light sources.

Watts, lux, lumens, kelvins, as the main characteristics of LEDs

When purchasing incandescent lamps, the consumer is guided by the number of watts indicated on the label, thereby determining how bright the product will shine. In LEDs, this indicator has a completely different meaning.

The number of watts that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging does not characterize the brightness of the device, but the amount of electricity consumed per hour of operation. Naturally, a parallel can be drawn between incandescent lamps and LEDs, focusing only on power. There are even special tables for this. So, for example, an 8-12 watt LED device will shine as brightly as an incandescent lamp with a 60-watt rating. However, the basic unit that determines the brightness of LED lamps is the lumen.

What are lumens in LED lamps

By lumen we mean the amount of luminous flux that is emitted by a light source with a force equal to one candela per angle of one steradian.

For example! An incandescent lamp with a power of 100 W is able to create a luminous flux equal to 1300 lumens, while a much lower power LED can produce a similar indicator

However, in addition to lumens, LED equipment is also characterized by the amount of illumination, which is measured in lux.

What is lux in lighting

Lux is a unit of illumination measurement that is equal to the illumination of a surface area of ​​one square meter with a luminous flux equal to one lumen. So, for example, if you project 100 lumens onto an area of ​​1 square meter, the illumination indicator will be 100 lux. And if a similar luminous flux is directed at ten square meters, then the illumination will be only 10 lux.

Now, when you are asked: “luxes and lumens, what is the difference?”, you will be able to show off your knowledge and give the interlocutor a comprehensive answer to his question.

What is Kelvin in lighting

As you've probably noticed, incandescent light has a warm yellowish tint, while LEDs have a wide range of colors. Thus, LED equipment is capable of displaying colors from violet to red (in the spectrum of white and yellow flowers). However, the most common colors are still bright white, soft or warm white. Why are we telling you this? The thing is that you can determine the color of the light by the product labeling. To do this, you need to look at such technical characteristics as color temperature, which is measured in Kelvin. The lower the number, the yellower (warmer) the light emitted will be.

For example, a regular incandescent lamp has a color temperature that ranges between 2700 – 3500 Kelvin. Thus, if you want to purchase an LED lighting fixture that has the same color as an incandescent lamp, choose an LED fixture with a similar color temperature.

Different types of industrial lamps, their advantages and disadvantages

Below is a comparison table various types industrial lamps.

Lamp type



Incandescent lamps

Ease of production

Short flare-up period

The luminous flux at the end of its service life decreases slightly

Low efficiency

Low luminous efficiency

Uniform spectral color composition

Short service life

Mercury discharge lamp

Low electricity consumption

Average efficiency

Intense ozone formation during combustion

Low color temperature

Low color rendering index

Long flare-up

Sodium arc tube lamps

Relatively high luminous efficiency

Long service life

Long burn-up time

Low environmental performance

Fluorescent lamps

Good light output

Variety of light shades

Long service life

High chemical hazard index

Flickering lamps

The need to use additional equipment for starting

Low power factor

LED bulbs

Low power consumption

Long service life

High durability resource

Diversity color range luminous flux

Low operating voltage

High level of environmental and fire safety

Adjustable intensity

Relatively high price

Based on this table, we can conclude that LED lamps are superior to other types of lighting elements in almost all respects. As for the price, this factor can hardly be called a significant drawback. In addition, when it comes to choosing and installing LED equipment, for example, it will pay for itself in a relatively short time.

Consult about technical characteristics and LED industrial lamps, and also choose from the product you need, you can on our website. Also, our specialists will carry out current lighting at your facility and offer a suitable system for upgrading.

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Luxes, lumens, kelvins, watts - what do these basic technical terms mean that are used in the characteristics of LED and other lamps used for lighting?

Knowing these basic technical terms will help you when choosing LED fixtures.

First, let's figure it out how does led work, which is used as a light source in LED lamps.

The incandescent lamps we are used to glow because electricity, which passes through a thin filament made of a refractory metal (usually tungsten) heats it to such a temperature that it begins to emit light.

Note: Tungsten is the most refractory metal. Its melting point is 3422 °C, boiling point is 5555 °C. The photosphere of the Sun has approximately the same temperature.

The light studied by the LED, is the result of the movement of electrons in a special semiconductor material. Modern technologies make it possible to create LEDs with a service life of up to 20 years (more than 35,000 hours).

The outer surface of the cathode and anode contains contact metal pads with soldered leads. When a positive charge of electricity is applied to the anode and a negative charge to the cathode, then р-n junction current begins to flow between the crystal and the cathode.

If the inclusion is direct, then electrons from the n-region and holes from the p-region will rush towards each other. During the process of doping (exchange of electrons) at the boundary of the hole-electron transition, their exchange will occur.

If a negative voltage is applied from the n-type material side, then forward bias occurs.

During recombination (exchange), energy is released in the form of photons.

To convert a stream of photons into visible light, the material is selected so that the wavelength of the photons is within the visible region of the color spectrum with a wavelength from 700 to 400 nm.


Light flow - a quantitative characteristic of the radiation emitted by a light source. Unit - (lm, English lm)

In simple words:

Light flow is the total amount of light that a given light source emits.

The power of light- the ratio of the luminous flux directed from a light source within an elementary spatial angle (1 steradian) covering a given direction to this angle. Unit - (kd)

In simple words: The power of light is the luminous flux density

Illumination - surface density luminous flux incident on a unit surface. Unit - (LK, English)lx).

In simple words:

Illumination directly proportional to the intensity of light. That is, as you move away from the surface, the illumination decreases and vice versa - the closer the light source is to the surface (light bulb), the less powerful it should be. Typically, horizontal illumination (in the horizontal plane) is normalized.

Lighting power - the amount of lighting brightness per unit area, i.e. received light. For example, the brightness of sunlight reaches 100,000 Lux, in the shade - 10,000 Lux, in a lit room - about 300 Lux

Color sensation - a general, subjective feeling that a person experiences when looking at a light source. Light can be perceived as warm white, neutral white, cool white. The objective impression of the color of a light source is determined by color temperature, measured in (TO)

Brightness is the ratio of the intensity of light emitted by an object in a given direction to the projection of the surface of that object onto a plane perpendicular to that direction. Brightness is directly related to the level of visual sensation, and the distribution of brightness in the field of view (for example, in the interior) characterizes the quality (or degree of comfort, convenience) of lighting. Unit - cd/m2

Integrated driver - it is meant that the starting and control device is an integral part electronic circuit lamp (i.e. placed on the same board with the light source)


Watt(W, English W) - the amount of energy consumed. Unit W (W)
In relation to lighting, the number of watts that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging does not characterize the brightness of the device, nor the amount of light that the light bulb will emit, but only the amount of electricity that the source (light bulb) uses in one hour of operation.

To understand exactly how much light a light bulb gives, it would be more correct to pay attention to the number of lumens or candelas.

When purchasing regular incandescent light bulbs, the number of watts indicated on the bulb's label determines how bright it will shine. But for LEDs, this indicator has a completely different meaning, because they have a completely different one.

But you can still draw a parallel between the brightness of incandescent lamps and LED lamps, focusing only on power. There are even special comparison tables for this.

The easiest way converting power to lumens for a regular incandescent lamp:

We multiply the number of watts by 10 to get the approximate number of lumens.

For example If you need as much light as a typical 60W bulb, look for a bulb that's around 600 lumens. It could be LED lamp with a power of approximately 8-12 watts.

This is clearly visible in the comparison table below.

incandescent lamp,
power in W

Fluorescent Lamp,
power in W

LED lamp,
power in W

Luminous flux, Lm

About 250 lm

About 400 lm

About 700 lm

About 900 lm

About 1200 lm

About 1800 lm

About 2500 lm

Lumen(lm, English - lm) is a unit of measurement of the luminous flux of a light source. It determines the amount of light emitted by a light source.

One lumen (1 Lm) is the luminous flux that is emitted in a unit solid angle of 1 steradian, an equidirectional point source located in the center of a sphere of unit radius, and having an intensity 1 candela. (1lm = 1cd *sr). Light source with luminous flux in 1 lm, uniformly illuminating the surface 1 sq.m creates illumination 1 Lux.

In simple words:

Lumens determine how much light a lamp emits in all directions. The more light, the larger number lumens. This should be taken into account when choosing an LED lamp. A lumen for a light bulb is similar to a liter for a container, kilograms for a weight product, or meters for a linear product. Those. An LED light with more lumens will produce brighter light (as a larger volume will hold more water). Fewer lumens will produce less light.

But the brightness and number of lumens can vary greatly. Other characteristics such as color temperature, brightness, illumination and luminous intensity should also be taken into account.

It is also worth remembering that Lumen is the full light flow from the source. And this measurement usually does not take into account the focusing efficiency of the reflector or lens, and therefore is not a direct parameter for assessing the brightness or useful performance of a luminaire beam. A wide beam of light can have the same lumens as a narrowly focused beam.

Lumens cannot be used to determine the intensity of a beam because the lumen rating includes all scattered and wasted light.

Lux- unit of illumination used in the SI system. Lux is equal to the illumination of a surface area of ​​1 sq.m. with a luminous flux from a source of 1 lm (Lm/m2).

In simple words:

If you collect 100 lumens and project them onto an area of ​​1 square meter, then the illumination index of that area will be 100 lux. And if a similar luminous flux of 100 lumens is directed at 10 square meters, then the illumination will be only 10 lux.

Interesting: The human eye is a very sensitive organ that senses illumination with an intensity of 0.001 lux. This magnitude can be compared to the flame of a candle, which the human eye can recognize at a distance of 1 km.

Phot- unit of illumination in the CGS system. Equal to 10,000 lux.

Candela(kd, cd - from lat. candela- candle) is a unit of measurement of luminous intensity. One candela (1 cd) equal to the intensity of light emitted by one candle.

Candelas are used to measure light coming in one direction, such as for mirror lamps. The more light, the more quantity cand. Candela corresponds to the standard included in the International System of Basic Units (SI).

Kelvin - K . Index color temperature- characteristics of the light source radiation intensity distribution as a function of wavelength in the optical range. The temperature of an absolutely black body at which it produces radiation with the same chromaticity as the given radiation. Color temperature characterizes the spectral composition of the light source's radiation.

In simple words:

Kelvin (K)- this is a characteristic of light sources that determines the color of the lamps and the color tone (warm, neutral and cold) of the space illuminated by the lamps. Expressed on the Kelvin temperature scale (K).

The full spectrum of light emitted by the Sun consists of different wavelengths. In combination they are white or yellow, depending on the time of day, but individually they have different colors. These parameters relate to the color spectrum of the lamp emission. The color temperature of light (K) in Kelvin does not indicate the spectral composition of the light from a lamp - it shows how the human eye perceives the color of light from a given lamp. This is a characteristic associated specifically with perception. The lower the color temperature, the greater the proportion of red and the smaller the proportion of blue. The higher the color temperature, the greater the proportion of blue and green.

White color lies in the range of 5500-6500K. Below 5500K, the lamp light becomes yellow or orange. And at values ​​above 6500K it is blue.

2700-3000K- warm light - radiation predominates in the red part of the spectrum

4000-4200K- cold light - radiation distributed over the entire spectrum

5200-6500K- daylight - radiation predominates in the blue part of the spectrum

8000-25000K - ultraviolet radiation


Kelvin (K)- unit of thermodynamic temperature, one Kelvin is equal to 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water
Triple point of water- temperature 273.16 K and pressure 61.1657 Pa, at which water can simultaneously and in equilibrium exist in the form of three phases - in solid, liquid and gaseous states.

Color temperature scale for common light sources

800 K- the beginning of a visible dark red glow of hot bodies;
1800 K- candle flame light;
2000 K- High pressure sodium lamp;
2200 K- incandescent lamp 40 W;
2680 K- incandescent lamp 60 W;
2800 K- incandescent lamp 100 W (vacuum lamp);
2800 K- gas-filled incandescent lamps with a tungsten filament;
3000 K- incandescent lamp 200 W, halogen lamp;
3200 K- typical film lamps;
3400 K- the sun is near the horizon;
3800 K- lamps used to illuminate meat products in a store (have a high content of red color in the spectrum);
4200 K- daylight lamp;
4400 K- morning sun and lunchtime sun;

4800 K- xenon arc lamp, electric arc;
5000 K- sun at noon;
5500 K- clouds at noon;
5550 K- photo flash;
5600 - 7000 K- daylight lamp;
6200 K- close to daylight;
6500 K- standard source of daytime white light, close to midday sunlight;
6500 - 7500 K- cloudiness;
7500 K- daylight, with a large share of scattered light from the clear blue sky;
7500 - 8500 K- twilight;
9500 K- blue cloudless sky on the north side before sunrise;
10,000 K- an “infinite temperature” light source used in reef aquariums (anemone blue tint);
15,000 K- clear blue sky in winter;
20,000 K- blue sky in polar latitudes;

Luminous flux is light energy emitted by a point source. Since it depends on the distance, it is expressed in spatial angles.

Lumen is a unit of measurement of the power of light radiation, which is estimated by the sensation of light to the human eye.

The unit of measurement for luminous flux, lumen, can be thought of as the total amount of light. For example, a 40 W incandescent lamp will create a luminous flux corresponding to 415 lumens, a fluorescent lamp will create a flux of 3200 lumens. Place any optical system around the light source, the amount of light (lumens) will be the same. Thus, if the number of lumens is not written on a non-directional light source, then it is not clear how it will illuminate.

Illumination and brightness

Illuminance is the amount of light, it quantifies light, which falls on a particular surface area of ​​the body. It depends on the wavelength of light, because the human eye perceives the brightness of different wavelengths of light differently, in other words, different colors.

Illuminance is calculated for different wavelengths separately. People perceive the brightest colors as:

  • green - light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers;
  • yellow orange. They are located next to it on the spectrum.

Light coming from red, blue and purple flowers, have a short or long wavelength, so they are perceived as darker. The concept of illumination is often correlated with the concept of brightness.

When lighting an area with the same lamp, a large area will be less illuminated than a small one.

Difference between brightness and illuminance

The Russian language gives two answers to the question of what brightness is. Brightness means a characteristic of luminous bodies, that is, a physical quantity. It also defines a subjective concept that depends on many factors, for example:

  • structural features of human eyes;
  • amount of light in the room.

The less light there is environment, the brighter the light source appears to us. You should distinguish between brightness and illumination and remember the following:

  • brightness is the light that is reflected from the surface of a luminous object;
  • Illuminance is the light that falls on the illuminated surface.

In astronomy, brightness includes two concepts, where stars emit and planets reflect. In this science, stellar brightness is measured on a photometric scale, and the greater brightness of the star is correlated with a smaller value. The brightest stars have a negative magnitude.

The unit of luminance (candela per square meter) is used for applied or physiological purposes.

The lux unit is used to calculate light levels. One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter. The foot-candle is also used to measure illumination. She is consulted in the fields of cinema and photography and some others. The foot is in the name because the foot-candle means the candela illumination of a square foot of surface, measuring in one foot intervals.


A photometer is a device that measures illumination. The light is sent to a photodetector, then converted into an electrical signal and measured. There are photometers that work on a different principle. Mostly photometers show light levels in lux, but there are also those who use other units. Those photometers, also called exposure meters, are involved in determining shutter speed and aperture, thereby helping photographers and cameramen. In addition, photometers are used to determine the level of safe illumination in other areas, for example, in crop production, in museums, where it is necessary to maintain the required illumination.

Safe flow of light at work

Working in a dark or dimly lit room can cause various health problems, be it blurred vision, depression or other physiological and psychological disorders. For this reason, in the workplace, as part of occupational safety regulations, minimum safe lighting requirements are included. The final measurement result produced by the photometer includes the area of ​​light propagation. These indicators ensure sufficient illumination of the entire room.

Light flux and museum exhibits

The speed at which museum exhibits will deteriorate and fade depends on the illumination and the intensity of the flow from the light source. Museum workers are working to determine the illumination of exhibits. This is done in order to ensure that there is a safe amount of luminous flux on museum units, as well as to ensure a sufficient level of illumination for visitors while viewing the exhibit.

The illumination level can be measured with a photometer, which is not easy to do because it should be installed as close to the exhibit as possible, and this requires removing the protective glass, turning off the alarm and obtaining permission. This task is made easier in another way, which is often used by museum staff. Instead of a photometer, a camera is used, which is not a replacement for a photometer in situations where more accurate measurements of the found lighting problem are required, but it is quite enough to identify a deviation from the norm.

You can determine the exposure with your camera based on the light level readings. The exposure illumination level is easy to determine using simple calculations. Museum staff resort to a formula or use a table, where exposure is represented in illuminance units. When making calculations, do not forget that the camera absorbs a certain amount of light, so you should take this into account.

Before providing a plant with the light it needs for photosynthesis, you need to know how much each crop needs. Gardeners and plant breeders know this. They measure light levels to make sure each plant gets the amount of light it needs. Photometers are often used for such procedures.

Photometers are also widely used in laboratory practice. For example, a range of samples is determined with the help of which chemical composition. A special class of such devices includes a flame photometer. He detects alkali metals in samples, such as sodium, lithium, potassium. To detect them, you need to burn the sample at high temperature and use a photometer to analyze the flame spectrum. This problem is much more difficult to solve in other ways.

Modern photometers convert light radiation into electrical impulses; they are recorded using the principle of an ammeter and voltmeter, and then converted into a computer format.

A photometer is an instrument covering many fields of knowledge, such as chemistry, molecular biology, physics, materials science and others. The photometer is widely used in industry, laser and optical products. In addition to the chemical laboratory, the photometer finds application in forensic laboratories.

Thus, from the above, you have learned about the units of measurement of light, which It is better to buy lamps with the specified number of lumens that the concepts of illumination and brightness differ, and the amount of light can be measured with a special device.

When choosing an incandescent lamp, the buyer is interested in its main parameter - power. By analogy, he is trying to select an LED lamp in the same way.

However, in this case this characteristic speaks only about the rate of consumption of electrical energy.

The luminous intensity can only be determined by such a parameter as the luminous flux of LED lamps: a table of correspondence between this characteristic and power will help the consumer make the right choice.

Luminous flux is the power of radiant energy.

This value is estimated by the sensation of light produced by it.

Radiation energy is a collection of quanta emitted into space by an emitter.

Radiant energy is measured in joules.

Falling on the body, the light flux is distributed into three components:

  • missed by the body;
  • reflected by him;
  • absorbed by the body.

The power of an LED lamp and its luminous flux are directly related: the greater the first, the higher the second.

The unit of measurement for light flux is the lumen (Lm).

LEDs emit electromagnetic waves that vary in length. Luminous flux is the sum of light waves visible to the eye and invisible - infrared and ultraviolet.

Many people do not think about the design of light bulbs. However, if you know, you can produce some types repair work these devices.

Read how to repair a faulty LED light bulb.

Do you want to change the lamps in your house to LED? will help you choose a quality device.

LED lamp power

The power of LED lamps, like any other, is measured in watts (W). The industry produces LED lamps:

  • general purpose – 3-15 W;
  • industrial use – up to 100 W.

The beauty of LED lamps lies in their low power consumption compared to others - incandescent lamps, for example.

At the same time, they are capable of providing high-intensity luminous flux. Even a small LED bulb can illuminate with sufficient efficiency small room or landing.

Its more powerful “sisters”, intended for lighting industrial facilities or streets, consume 120-160 W, and in terms of luminous flux intensity they can compete with mercury lamps with a power of 400 W.

Conversion of incandescent lamp to LED: table

The conversion of an incandescent or fluorescent lamp to an LED lamp is carried out based on the luminous flux.

For example, let’s compare three lamps that produce a light flux of 250 lm. This parameter corresponds to:

  • 20 W incandescent lamp;
  • fluorescent - power 5-7 W.

This lighting intensity can be provided by an LED lamp with a power of only 2-3 W.

Below is a table of conversion of incandescent, fluorescent and LED lamps by luminous flux:

Power, W

Luminous flux, Lm
Incandescent lamp Luminescent LED
20 5-7 2-3 250
40 10-13 4-5 400
60 15-16 8-10 700
75 18-20 10-12 900
100 25-30 12-15 1200
150 40-50 18-20 1800
200 60-80 25-30 2500

The results of the above comparative analysis clearly indicate the benefits of LED lamps.

Comparative characteristics of incandescent and LED lamps

The difference in “age” of these types of lamps is almost a hundred years. However, the “old lady” with a tungsten filament in the bulb still remains the most popular on the market.

Navigator Filament LED lamps

Let's have a little comparative analysis the main technical characteristics of two types of lamps - incandescent and LED. After all, it is not only the power that distinguishes products that are equal in luminous flux.

Luminous output

The luminous output of a lamp is defined as the ratio of luminous flux to power. This parameter is measured in Lm/W. The light output of an incandescent lamp ranges from 8-10 Lm/W. Its LED relative has a range of 90-110 Lm/W. Consequently, the effectiveness of the latter is clearly higher.

Colorful temperature

When designing lighting for a home or office, experts recommend using the following table:

Room area, sq. m

Required lamp power, W



Less than 6 150 18
10 250 28
12 300 33
20 500 56
30 700 80

Heat dissipation

An equally important characteristic to be compared is the heat transfer from the product.

Incandescent lamps can heat up to 250 degrees.

True, basically this parameter remains within 170 degrees.

A heated glass bulb is a potential source of fire, so when installing a lighting network in wooden house It is not recommended to use a traditional light bulb.

In this regard, LED lamps are in a more advantageous position: they can heat up no higher than 50 degrees. Therefore, there are no restrictions in its use.

In this article we're talking about about general cases. For premises in the category of increased explosion and fire hazard, appropriate products are produced that have a high degree of protection.

Life time

LED lamps are characterized by excellent survivability. Manufacturers claim that their product can last more than 50 thousand hours. Incandescent lamps last much shorter - only 1000 hours. Therefore, it is much more profitable to buy an expensive light bulb once, which will last for several years, than to change a cheap one every 3 months.

Types of LED lamps

However, the longevity of an LED does not reflect one unfortunate fact: over time, the intensity of its glow decreases. After about 4000 hours of operation, the light from it will noticeably dim.

The degradation of an LED is higher, the lower its quality. In this regard, consumers have many complaints about Chinese products.


The efficiency of lighting lamps tells you what percentage of consumed electricity is converted into light and what percentage into thermal energy. The efficiency of LEDs is approximately 90%, while an incandescent lamp boasts only seven to nine percent.

Thomson Filament - new generation LED lamps


Opponents and supporters of LEDs argue vigorously on the Internet. The subject of their dispute is cost. After all, LED lamps cost more than 10 times more than conventional lamps. speaks in favor of the former low power, and therefore low power consumption.

For clarity, let’s summarize the lamp efficiency indicators different types to the table:

Indicator name Incandescent lamp Luminescent LED
Power, W 60 12 5
Product cost, rub. 30 150 300
Energy consumption per year, kWh 175 35 14
Cost of consumed energy*, rub./year 526 105 44

The table is compiled based on the following initial data: on average, a light bulb burns for about 8 hours a day or 8 x 365 = 2920 hours; the cost of 1 kWh is taken to be 3 rubles.

The table shows that even without taking into account the durability of the lamps, the LED lamp occupies a clearly advantageous position compared to the incandescent lamp.

Other characteristics

It remains to compare the analyzed types of lamps by:
  • current strength;
  • mechanical strength;
  • color temperature and some other indicators.

Let's compare two lamps:

  • LED power 9 W;
  • incandescent 60 W.

Let's summarize the comparison results in a table:

Parameter name LED, 9 W Incandescent, 60 W
Current strength, A 0,072 0,27
Light output efficiency, Lm/W 53,4 10,3
Luminous flux, Lm 454,2 612
Color temperature, 0 K 5500-7000 2800
Operating temperature, 0 C 70 180
Sensitivity to low temperatures absent Present on some lamps
Sensitivity to humidity absent Present in some
Mechanical strength High – you can shake Low – a shock may cause the thread to break or the glass to break.
Thermal radiation, BTU/h 3,4 85

All the above tables allow you to compile general idea about the advantages and disadvantages of LEDs and incandescent light bulbs.

Economical fluorescent lamps It won’t surprise anyone, everyone is switching to more economical LEDs. – replacement instructions.

Did you know that LED lamps can be dimmed? A dimmer is used for this. Read in detail about how to connect it.

Luminous flux of outdoor lighting

Unlit courtyards and streets are becoming a thing of the past. Accordingly, the cost of street lighting increases.

Since street lighting requires powerful flashlights, it is not surprising that consumers are increasingly turning their attention to LED products:

  • their use allows to reduce energy consumption by 2-3 times;
  • Light from LEDs creates comfort for drivers and pedestrians.

The most commonly used lamps for street lighting are:

  • L-122 Cold – power 10 W with luminous flux 950 W;
  • FL-20 – 20 W power, providing a luminous flux of 1700 Lm;
  • LL-232 – thirty watt: luminous flux is 2100 lm.

And the street lamp STREET-150 provides a luminous flux equal to 13360 LM. It includes 60 LEDs, the total power of which is only 158 watts.

Based on the above, it becomes understandable that city officials want to replace old lights with LED ones.

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