Choosing plants for the pond. Selection of plants for a pond at the dacha, taking into account the principles of zoning Perennial plants that purify water for the pond

Water, as a symbol of purity and change in life, has always attracted people. A small body of water, where you can spend time pleasantly, away from everyday worries, is a fairly popular element of landscape design of suburban areas. Pond plants are a mandatory attribute of pond design. Planting beautiful flowering and decorative foliage beauties not only transforms the pond, but also protects it.

Herbaceous plants and shrubs, decorated with delicate and variegated flowers, complement the picturesque composition of a natural cozy corner with bright touches and unique aromas.

A pond framed by green compositions always looks natural and at the same time elegant

However, in addition to their decorative appeal, aquatic plants for a pond also serve a practical purpose. The leaves of plants located above the surface of the water slightly shade the water space, thereby preventing the development and intensive growth of algae. Thanks to this, the water can remain clear and clean for a longer period.

In addition, on hot summer days, the natural shading of the water surface by leaves allows the sun's rays to disperse, which heat the water.

Shading is especially necessary for reservoirs inhabited by fish, frogs, turtles and other amphibians.

Factors determining the choice of plants

When choosing plants for a pond at your dacha, you must adhere to a single decorative idea. This will allow you to create a composition that will stand out against the background of other landscape elements, but at the same time will be in harmony with them.

When planning the placement of green plantings, it is advisable to decide on the main angle in relation to which the composition will look most impressive

Any decorative composition looks elegant and rich if it is created taking into account the planned elements, when the foreground is decorated with low or ground cover plants, and taller plants appear in the background.

When planning to set up a recreation area along one side of the pond, the plants for this area are chosen to be low, so that they do not block the picturesque landscape and access to the pond.

Plants for ponds are selected taking into account the depth zoning of the latter. In the deepest part of the reservoir, which is mainly located in the center of the pond, deep-water plants are located, and shallow-water floating ones are located closer to the shores and wetlands. On the shore of the pond there are representatives of the plant world that grow comfortably on wet soil, and on the dry shore there are less moisture-loving shrubs and flowers.

In which part of the pond is it better to plant what?

The middle of a handsome creature floating on the surface of the water is dotted with countless stamens. The lotus prefers to grow in sunny areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is at least 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Lotus is a delicate and amazingly beautiful flower, loved by many gardeners, and can rightfully be considered the king of the pond.

The middle of a handsome creature floating on the surface of the water is dotted with countless stamens. The lotus prefers to grow in sunny areas of the reservoir, the depth of which is at least 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the ground under water, and flowers and leaves float freely above the water surface.

Water lilies can be an equally effective addition to a plant composition.

There are more than a dozen varieties of these nymphs, and each of them requires certain planting conditions and depth for growth. The water lily is also one of the sun-loving deep-sea flowers.

Brazenia with dark purple inflorescences and mulberry with delicate white miniature flowers can be a worthy decoration for the central part of the pond.

Floating on the surface

Plants of a fresh water body, freely floating on the surface, act not only as a natural “screen” shading the water surface. They perform an important function because they absorb organic matter dissolved in water and thereby regulate the ecological balance.

Among the most picky representatives of this variety of plants are: azola, wolfia, water chestnut, and zherushnik. They feel very comfortable both in sunny areas and in shaded areas.

A dense lace carpet woven from tiny azola leaves adds a special mystery to any body of water. The shades of the carpet can vary from red-brown and rich green with pinkish to bluish-green

The water chestnut, visually reminiscent of a prickly ball with curved horns, is decorated with a decorative rosette of jagged sheets

Among the beautifully flowering, picky floating plants, the following stand out: watercolor, hydrocleis, luronium, and bladderwort.

The unassuming waterweed, also called toadgrass, stands out effectively against the background of other aquatic vegetation with its heart-shaped leaves and three-petaled flowers. Exotic hydrocleis, which has taken root in our latitudes, looks very similar to watercolor

Such plants should be planted in small quantities. Their leaves should cover no more than half the surface of the water.

Oxygen-generating plants

Outwardly unattractive oxygen generator plants serve primarily to clean the reservoir. By absorbing carbon dioxide and minerals from the water, they deprive algae of food and thereby prevent water pollution.

Among the decorative varieties of plants-oxygenators, hornwort, pondweed, elodea and urut stand out

Fluffy hornwort with needle-like leaves prefers shady coastal areas. Spike-shaped inflorescences of pondweed in pink shades are an excellent food for the inhabitants of the reservoir. Floating branches with a metallic sheen of elodea grow so quickly that within the first year of being introduced into a pond, the plant can create dense thickets. Elodea is not picky about lighting and temperature conditions.

When choosing plants to decorate a pond in the coastal zone, you can choose moisture-loving plants such as calamus, cattail, and reeds.

Among marsh plants, decorative forms include fern, daylily, Volzhanka, and gravilat.

When forming a flower garden in the coastal zone, you can play on the contrast of shapes and colors. For example, graceful elongated leaves and unusual iris flowers, contrasting with the golden inflorescences of the leotard, look impressive against the backdrop of an openwork fern. When creating compositions, the main thing is not to overdo it. A harmonious aesthetic composition of plants should decorate the landscape of the site, filling the soul with pleasant emotions from contemplation.

How to properly plant a pond with plants - video

Since ancient times, decorative garden ponds have been an element of landscaping in recreational areas, remaining popular today. Such ponds are usually decorated with shore fills and plants, imitating a natural body of water, and sometimes live fish are also added. In this article we will talk about plants, which are planted near the pond or directly into the water.

Features of the design of reservoirs

Typically, artificial reservoirs in private houses and dachas have an area from 0.5 m2 to 5-6 m2 with a depth of 30 cm to 1.5 m. What technologies are not used! Ponds are created with waterproofing and an earthen bottom, using plastic containers and bathtubs. Mini ponds are created in barrels, bathtubs, and troughs. It all depends on the area of ​​the plot and your imagination.

To give the pond at the dacha a natural look, natural materials are used - various types of stones: basalt, granite, diabase, sandstone, quartz, beautiful driftwood, filling with crushed stone of different colors and fractions, pebbles, shells.

And, of course, we use plants that will add completeness and uniqueness to our decorative pond.

Plants that can be planted around a pond come in a variety of plant forms: trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers.

Trees should be planted away from the edge of the pond so as not to pollute it with leaves and needles and to prevent clogging of equipment that may be installed to aerate ponds. In addition, the foliage that settles to the bottom rots and releases toxic gases that can oppress plants planted in water, aquatic animals and fish.

Trees are placed singly or in small groups, various shrubs are planted in front of them, and herbaceous plants are placed near the water. You should not plant many identical plants along the shore, as this will add monotony to your landscape. Do not clutter the entire space around the pond with plants, maintain a view of the water surface and the opposite shore.

Of particular importance in the design of a decorative pond are aquatic plants that are planted directly into the pond. They should occupy a small area of ​​the water surface and stand out as a clear spot on it. It is not recommended to plant more than 2-3 types of plants in one group.

Deciduous trees for coastal plantings

Shrubs for planting near water

Let's move on to the bushes. Suitable for planting in soil from shrubs:

Herbs and flowers for coastal plantings

Herbs and flowers suitable for planting near a pond have a wide variety of species. It is better to limit the planting sites of one type of plant. This is especially true for cereals. Cereal grasses have creeping rhizomes and, if not limited, will quickly take over the entire free surface, displacing weaker neighbors.

Herbs and flowers look beautiful in the niches between the stones.

Let's list the coastal grasses.

  1. Morrova sedge, varieties: “Variegata”, “Ice Dance”. Height above the water surface: 20-30 cm. Planting depth in water: 0 cm. Prefers shady, moderately warm places. The soil should be moist, with humus. In winter they are kept indoors at 4-6*c.

  2. Chinese miscanthus, varieties: “Gold Bar”, “Gracilimus”, “Graziella”, “Silberfeder”, “Strictus”, “Zebrinus”. Decorative, rapidly growing grass, height from 0.5 to 2 m. Very beautiful panicles last until winter. The soils are constantly wet. It is better to cover young plants for the winter. Planting no more than 3 pieces per 1 m2.

  3. Blue molinia "Variegata". Forms lush bushes with striped leaves, height up to 60 cm. For moist, acidic soils. Up to 10 pieces per 1m2.

  4. Cattail Laxmann and broadleaf cattail "Variegata". Planting depth in water: from 0 to 40 cm. Height above water: 80-150 cm. They love the sun. It is better to plant in a container in heavy clay soil. Overwinters at the landing site.

  5. Spreading rush plant "Spiralis". Planting depth in water 0-10 cm, height above water 40-60 cm. Photophilous. If overwintering in a container, lower it below the freezing level.

  6. Reed horsetail. Planting depth in water: 0-5 cm, height above water: 20-30 cm. Suitable for swamp gardens and mini ponds. Sunny place or partial shade. It grows slowly. If it grows in a container, it is buried in the garden for the winter.
  7. Water pine. Planting depth in water: 0-60 cm, height above water 20-30 cm. Unpretentious. When planting in a container, move it deeper for the winter.

It is better to grow all coastal aquatic plants in containers in order to limit their growth and protect them from roots by waterproofing, if there is one at the bottom of the reservoir.

Before winter, it is better not to cut cereal grasses; their foliage and flower stalks are decorative under the snow. Pruning is carried out in early spring, after the snow has melted.

Decorating the shore of a garden pond with ferns looks picturesque, provided that the pond is located in the shade or partial shade. Ferns are planted from:

Now let's list some flowers. Some flowers can also be planted directly in water in a container.

Flowers and herbaceous plants are planted in loose, permeable soil.

Aquatic plants for planting in a pond

Of the aquatic plants, the most common are water lilies, also known as nymphs or water lilies. In small decorative ponds, water lilies are grown in containers that are immersed to a specific depth for a given variety. Water lilies bloom from June until cold weather. For abundant flowering, water lilies are planted in sunny and protected from the wind places.

Currently, a large number of varieties of water lilies have been bred, differing in the color and size of flowers, leaves, and frost resistance. The most beautiful varieties: “Attraction”, “Fabiola”, “Gonnere”, “Rose Arey”, “Chromatella”.

In addition to water lilies, you can plant nymphaeum in the pond, water buttercup, and in the southern regions - Caspian lotus. In the northern regions, lotus is kept in ponds only in summer. For the winter, the rhizomes are removed and stored in damp sand in a cellar.

If yours is less than 1.5 m deep, then it is also better to remove the water lilies and store them in the basement. To do this, place the container with the roots in a container of water to cover the soil in the container. Other plants grown in containers in shallow water are also preserved.

Aquatic plants are usually sold in small shipping containers, so it is best to replant them before placing them in the water. For planting, take a container 10-15 cm larger than the transport one, always with drainage holes. We place a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom and fill it with heavy clay. Clay can be used from any natural pond, swamp or quarry. We transplant the rhizome into clay and rinse it well with water to wash away dusty particles of earth. You can sew the container in burlap, then the water is practically not contaminated. After this, we lower the container to a depth corresponding to the type of plant.

Fertilizers for nymphs are applied in the spring, before immersion in water. All of them have a prolonged action, so they are used once a season. For example - Osmocote. If your garden pond has an earthen bottom, you can plant water lilies directly into the ground, you just need to choose a variety that matches the depth of your pond. After planting the rhizome, it must be pressed down with crushed stone so that it does not float up. We apply fertilizer into the hole when planting.

Caring for aquatic and coastal plants involves timely removal of rotted, dried leaves and flower stalks to prevent fungal diseases.


We hope that this article will help you create a cozy relaxation area next to a pond. And let it make you happy and inspire your friends to achieve achievements!

So, you are the owner of a garden decorative pond. Having spent a lot of effort on setting up a mini-reservoir and decorating it in a landscape or design style, it’s time to start landscaping. What plants can be planted in a pond, and what plants can be planted near the pond, in its coastal zone? There are a great many options here; here you will learn about the most popular representatives of aquatic flora for an artificial reservoir.

What types of plants can be planted in a home pond?

All aquatic plants for an artificial pond perform an important task: they serve as a kind of filters to purify water and maintain biological balance. It is desirable that at least one third of the artificial reservoir be allocated for plants.

There are several types of aquatic plants for ponds, each of which requires planting at a specific depth.

There are deep-water plants for a garden pond, the flowers of which are on the surface of the water surface (for example, water lily).

There are oxygenating plants that grow in the water column and bring the greatest benefit to the reservoir, but they are practically invisible from the outside.

There are floating plants for the pond, as well as coastal ones, which rise above the surface of the water, and their roots are in the ground under water. Swamp crops are usually planted next to a body of water in waterlogged and wet soil. They bring little benefit to the pond, but provide shade and perform a decorative function. When deciding which pond plants to plant in the water surface and on the shore, you need to select them in accordance with the landscape design style, based on your own taste.

Planting aquatic plants for an artificial country pond

Plants for a pond at the dacha are planted in the pond already at the moment when the structure is completely ready, filled with water and settled for 10 days. It is better to plant aquatic crops in early summer. Depending on the type of plants, they are planted along the shore or at the bottom of the reservoir. You can plant the plants directly in the soil laid at the bottom, but it is best to place them in plastic or ceramic pots, which are then placed on the bottom.

Pots with aquatic plants for a pond must have holes in the walls and bottom; this is necessary for soil ventilation, otherwise the roots will rot. Z and plants in pots and baskets will be easier to care for: move them to a warm room for the winter, carry out reproduction, etc.

The soil in the baskets can be made up of ordinary soil from the garden (it is better to use clay soil) and a small amount of bone meal. It is impossible to enrich the soil with manure, fertilizers, black soil or peat; this can cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the reservoir.

Take care to protect the soil layer in the baskets from being washed away by water, and also to ensure that the fish do not pick up turbidity from the surface of the soil. To do this, after planting the plants in the pond, you can lay clean burlap or other coarse fabric on top, and place small pebbles on it (2 cm layer).

Regardless of what plants you decide to plant in the pond, especially long roots and old leaves must be removed before planting. After planting, it is necessary to compact the soil around the plant stem so that the distance between the soil and the edge of the basket is at least 40 mm. Before planting aquatic plants, it is imperative to determine exactly at what depth they should be planted.

There are also types of plants for decorative ponds that do not require planting at all - they float freely on the surface of the reservoir, holding themselves on the surface of the water. Such plants include water lilies and lotus. But these crops need to be closely monitored, since in favorable conditions they multiply quickly and, if not thinned out, can quickly take over the entire pond.

The main problem for any enclosed body of water with standing water is duckweed, which multiplies quickly and quickly takes over the entire area. Under no circumstances does it need to be planted on purpose. In general, when planting plants, you need to adhere to measures - all plants need light and, in addition, dense thickets in a small pond will look unattractive.

In any case, the pond with plants must be regularly thinned, removing excess and old shoots. As for preparing plants for wintering, those aquatic crops for which a temperate climate is their natural habitat should be left in the reservoir.

Exotic plants for the home pond from warm countries should be removed from the pond and placed in a home aquarium or indoor bathtub for the winter. You must first prune heavily overgrown plants. Indoors, crops must be provided with sufficient lighting so that they do not wither.

If it is not possible to buy plants for a summer cottage pond in a store, you can simply go to the nearest swampy pond, carefully study what grows in it and at what depth, and then select individual specimens for your own pond.

Since the water in the pond is stagnant, as in most artificial reservoirs, the plants in it will be suitable, and all of them, without exception, are adapted to the local climate.

In this case, it will be possible to immediately transplant an adult plant into a country pond. But you need to be careful and not go “foraging” alone, because after all, many of the plants grow in swampy areas, and here it will be difficult for one person to cope with the task, and even unsafe. You must first stock up on two long poles to test the ground under your feet, good rubber boots with high tops and a reliable assistant who will have to remain on the shore, but within the reach of the pole.

The most popular aquatic plants for a pond

The most popular aquatic plant when constructing an artificial pond is the water lily, or water lily. It belongs to the category of deep-sea plants and has a horizontally growing rhizome. There are four types of water lilies: dwarf (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm ), small (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm), medium (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm) and large (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm). Often, large and beautiful water lilies are much cheaper than their small and inconspicuous at first glance relatives. But the former grow in a tropical climate and do not adapt well to ours. In addition, large water lilies also need a large reservoir. But smaller water lilies take up little space and feel great in the local climate.

As you can see in the photo, these aquatic pond plants come with white, pink, red and yellow flowers:

Leaves begin to grow immediately after the ice melts, when the water temperature in the reservoir rises several degrees above the zero mark of the thermometer, and the plants bloom until late autumn. Their flowering peak occurs during the warmest period of the garden season. When choosing a type of water lilies, you need to take into account their characteristics: the temperature of the content (exotic species are not adapted to our climate), the depth of the reservoir (some species require a depth of up to 1 m), and the area of ​​the surface covered with flowers.

If the pond is small, then too much bloom will cover more than half of the surface of the pond, and this can lead to shading of the reservoir, there will be a lack of oxygen in the water, an excess of swamp gas will appear and the water will rot.

As they grow (after 2-3 months), deep-water lilies need to be transplanted to greater depths, and if the pond is shallow, then the pots with roots should be put in the basement for the winter.

The deep-sea plants also include the marsh plant. This plant resembles a water lily because it has small wavy leaves, often with brownish spots (diameter up to 5 cm).

Look at the photo: This pond plant has yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 4 cm. Usually this crop is planted in a pond until the water lilies take root. Tends to grow rapidly. The planting depth is 0.3-0.6 m, the height of the flowers above the water surface is 5-8 cm. The marsh flower blooms from July to September. Reproduction occurs by dividing rhizomes and occurs in late spring or summer.

Another plant from the deep-sea category is the egg capsule. This is a “relative” of the water lily, although it is not as beautiful. The egg capsule has small and uninteresting flowers, planted on thick peduncles that rise above the surface of the water. This plant needs running water and partial shade. For a medium-sized pond, you can use small and dwarf egg capsules.

Japanese and foreign egg capsules are often found on sale, but these plants require a large reservoir, because the diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm, and the pistil is comparable in size and shape to a small glass bottle. Planting depth is 0.3-0.6 m (for small species), flower height above the water surface is 8 cm, the egg capsule blooms from June to September, and reproduces by dividing rhizomes in late spring or summer.

Floating plants for garden decorative pond

Common watercolor, or frog, is a plant floating on the surface of the water. This crop is often used in small ponds because it grows slowly, although it blooms all summer, and its foliage dies off in the fall. Watercolor overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of the pond, which at the beginning of summer rise to the surface and a new plant grows from them. Some experts recommend removing the buds for the winter along with part of the muddy bottom and storing them in a jar of water, and lowering them to the bottom again in April. This will protect the population from freezing, because small bodies of water freeze thoroughly.

Vodokras leaves reach a diameter of 2.5-5 cm. The height of the flowers above the surface of the water is 3-5 cm. Vodokras propagates in summer by dividing bushes.

One of the most popular plants when constructing artificial reservoirs is hornwort. This is an oxygenator plant, i.e. it has no roots and grows directly in the water. Adapted to any lighting conditions, does not grow too much, reproduces by dividing shoots into parts in the summer.

In the water it looks like a thick, branchy brush. This plant is necessary to maintain biological balance in water.

There are several types of hornworts, but dark green or submerged ones are recommended for artificial reservoirs. The plant overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of a reservoir.

What plants to plant near a pond at the dacha

Below are described coastal plants for a pond with photos and names that can be planted around an artificial pond.

Air refers to coastal plants. There are several varieties of calamus, which differ in color and size. When choosing, you must remember that low-growing varieties are more vulnerable to winter frosts. Typically, two types of these coastal pond plants are used to decorate garden ponds: common calamus and marsh calamus.

The first type is very large, resembling an iris. It has straight, arrow-shaped leaves that emit a pleasant aroma. The inflorescences-cobs are of little interest - they are small, greenish and horn-shaped. The second type of calamus has beautiful leaves with a green-cream color, which turns green-pink in spring.

The height of this plant in the coastal zone of the pond is 0.5-1 m. These aquatic plants need to be planted to a depth of 8-15 cm. It is also a coastal plant - Volzhanka. There are dioecious Volzhanka and forest Volzhanka, or common Volzhanka. The latter is the most common. This plant is unpretentious, takes root well in a new place, reaching a height of 2 meters in just 2 years. Flowering time is June-July, propagated by dividing bushes in autumn. Volzhanka inflorescences are large, fluffy and long (up to 20 cm), consisting of many creamy white flowers. Crops need to be planted at a distance of 75 cm from each other and in small quantities, because this large plant shades the pond quite strongly. At the end of autumn, Volzhanka must be pruned, leaving only stems 10-15 cm long above the ground. The crop must be planted in the shade.

Plants of the coastal zone around the pond at the dacha

When deciding what plants to plant near a pond in your country house, pay attention to buttercups; they also belong to the group of coastal plants. To decorate artificial reservoirs, underwater buttercup is used, which looks very unique - it has two types of leaves: underwater leaves are dissected into thin segments, similar to hairs, and surface leaves, floating on the surface, have trifoliate leaves and look like clover. The first flowers appear in early summer. They are white, on branching stems that rise above the water. When the flowering period ends, the plant dies. Buttercup propagates in spring and summer by cuttings.

Kaluzhnitsa is a marsh plant, and is often used to decorate coastal areas of water bodies. This plant near a pond is a very unpretentious crop that grows well on the banks of small ponds or swamps. Marigold blooms early - in April. Its flowers resemble buttercup flowers, and its leaves are round or heart-shaped. The most popular variety of this plant, planted near a pond, is marsh marigold. The height of the plant is 0.3-0.5 m, it is planted to a depth of 5 cm, and blooms with bright yellow flowers.

Another popular type of plants around a pond is Calthapalustris Plena. This crop is distinguished by its double yellow flowers, similar to small chrysanthemums, and blooms in April. The bushes reach a height of 10-30 cm. There is a variety of the plant Alba, which blooms in May with white flowers. The culture grows in a swamp, planting depth is up to 2.5 cm, plant height is 15-20 cm. Another marigold, thin-sepalized, is a little similar to Alba. But this is a real giant among all other relatives. Marigold multipetallus has large beautiful leaves and large yellow flowers, grows up to 1 m in height and is planted to a depth of 5-10 cm in large bodies of water. All these plants growing near the pond at the dacha are propagated at the end of summer by fresh seeds or by dividing bushes.

What other plants should I plant near a pond in my country house?

What other plants can be planted near the pond to decorate the coastal area of ​​the reservoir?

Sedge grows both in water and in coastal marshy soil. The depth of its planting in water is 5 cm. There are tall plants that are suitable for large bodies of water. Protruding sedge is often used to decorate a pond. This plant, planted near a pond in the country, has yellow leaves, and the bush reaches a height of 0.5 m. You can also use coastal sedge - it has green and white leaves and the height of the bush is 0.3-0.6 m. Kotula - coastal a plant characterized by fragrant leaves. Its bushes grow 15 cm in height, and bloom all summer with small yellow, button-like inflorescences. There is Kotula coronopusifolia - an annual plant that easily reproduces by self-sowing.

You can sow the seeds of this plant in the spring at home, and then, after transplanting it into a ceramic pot, plant it in a pond. The planting depth of the cotula is 12 cm.

An excellent plant for the shore of a pond is pontederia. The most popular plant for constructing garden ponds is Pontederia cordate. This is a very beautiful plant: it has large shiny leaves, grows in bushes, cylindrical, spike-shaped inflorescences are pale blue, the height of the peduncles is 0.6-0.75 m, and grows slowly. Pontederia blooms from July to September and reproduces by dividing bushes in late spring. However, this plant, planted around a pond at the dacha, is not very resistant to frost; it overwinters with buds at the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable that the bud be as deep as possible, or to be on the safe side, you need to select the buds from the bottom along with the silt and place them in a jar of water for the winter, and when it gets warmer, move them back to the reservoir.

So, you are the owner of a garden decorative pond. Having spent a lot of effort on setting up a mini-reservoir and decorating it in a landscape or design style, it’s time to start landscaping. What plants can be planted in a pond, and what plants can be planted near the pond, in its coastal zone? There are a great many options here; here you will learn about the most popular representatives of aquatic flora for an artificial reservoir.

What types of plants can be planted in a home pond?

All aquatic plants for an artificial pond perform an important task: they serve as a kind of filters to purify water and maintain biological balance. It is desirable that at least one third of the artificial reservoir be allocated for plants.

There are several types of aquatic plants for ponds, each of which requires planting at a specific depth.

There are deep-water plants for a garden pond, the flowers of which are on the surface of the water surface (for example, water lily).

There are oxygenating plants that grow in the water column and bring the greatest benefit to the reservoir, but they are practically invisible from the outside.

There are floating plants for the pond, as well as coastal ones, which rise above the surface of the water, and their roots are in the ground under water. Swamp crops are usually planted next to a body of water in waterlogged and wet soil. They bring little benefit to the pond, but provide shade and perform a decorative function. When deciding which pond plants to plant in the water surface and on the shore, you need to select them in accordance with the landscape design style, based on your own taste.

Planting aquatic plants for an artificial country pond

Plants for a pond at the dacha are planted in the pond already at the moment when the structure is completely ready, filled with water and settled for 10 days. It is better to plant aquatic crops in early summer. Depending on the type of plants, they are planted along the shore or at the bottom of the reservoir. You can plant the plants directly in the soil laid at the bottom, but it is best to place them in plastic or ceramic pots, which are then placed on the bottom.

Pots with aquatic plants for a pond must have holes in the walls and bottom; this is necessary for soil ventilation, otherwise the roots will rot. Z and plants in pots and baskets will be easier to care for: move them to a warm room for the winter, carry out reproduction, etc.

The soil in the baskets can be made up of ordinary soil from the garden (it is better to use clay soil) and a small amount of bone meal. It is impossible to enrich the soil with manure, fertilizers, black soil or peat; this can cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the reservoir.

Take care to protect the soil layer in the baskets from being washed away by water, and also to ensure that the fish do not pick up turbidity from the surface of the soil. To do this, after planting the plants in the pond, you can lay clean burlap or other coarse fabric on top, and place small pebbles on it (2 cm layer).

Regardless of what plants you decide to plant in the pond, especially long roots and old leaves must be removed before planting. After planting, it is necessary to compact the soil around the plant stem so that the distance between the soil and the edge of the basket is at least 40 mm. Before planting aquatic plants, it is imperative to determine exactly at what depth they should be planted.

There are also types of plants for decorative ponds that do not require planting at all - they float freely on the surface of the reservoir, holding themselves on the surface of the water. Such plants include water lilies and lotus. But these crops need to be closely monitored, since in favorable conditions they multiply quickly and, if not thinned out, can quickly take over the entire pond.

The main problem for any enclosed body of water with standing water is duckweed, which multiplies quickly and quickly takes over the entire area. Under no circumstances does it need to be planted on purpose. In general, when planting plants, you need to adhere to measures - all plants need light and, in addition, dense thickets in a small pond will look unattractive.

In any case, the pond with plants must be regularly thinned, removing excess and old shoots. As for preparing plants for wintering, those aquatic crops for which a temperate climate is their natural habitat should be left in the reservoir.

Exotic plants for the home pond from warm countries should be removed from the pond and placed in a home aquarium or indoor bathtub for the winter. You must first prune heavily overgrown plants. Indoors, crops must be provided with sufficient lighting so that they do not wither.

If it is not possible to buy plants for a summer cottage pond in a store, you can simply go to the nearest swampy pond, carefully study what grows in it and at what depth, and then select individual specimens for your own pond.

Since the water in the pond is stagnant, as in most artificial reservoirs, the plants in it will be suitable, and all of them, without exception, are adapted to the local climate.

In this case, it will be possible to transplant it into an adult plant immediately. But you need to be careful and not go “foraging” alone, because after all, many of the plants grow in swampy areas, and here it will be difficult for one person to cope with the task, and even unsafe. You must first stock up on two long poles to test the ground under your feet, good rubber boots with high tops and a reliable assistant who will have to remain on the shore, but within the reach of the pole.

The most popular aquatic plants for a pond

The most popular aquatic plant when constructing an artificial pond is the water lily, or water lily. It belongs to the category of deep-sea plants and has a horizontally growing rhizome. There are four types of water lilies: dwarf (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm ), small (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm), medium (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm) and large (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, covering area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm). Often, large and beautiful water lilies are much cheaper than their small and inconspicuous at first glance relatives. But the former grow in a tropical climate and do not adapt well to ours. In addition, large water lilies also need a large reservoir. But smaller water lilies take up little space and feel great in the local climate.

As you can see in the photo, these aquatic pond plants come with white, pink, red and yellow flowers:

Leaves begin to grow immediately after the ice melts, when the water temperature in the reservoir rises several degrees above the zero mark of the thermometer, and the plants bloom until late autumn. Their flowering peak occurs during the warmest period of the garden season. When choosing a type of water lilies, you need to take into account their characteristics: the temperature of the content (exotic species are not adapted to our climate), the depth of the reservoir (some species require a depth of up to 1 m), and the area of ​​the surface covered with flowers.

If the pond is small, then too much bloom will cover more than half of the surface of the pond, and this can lead to shading of the reservoir, there will be a lack of oxygen in the water, an excess of swamp gas will appear and the water will rot.

As they grow (after 2-3 months), deep-water lilies need to be transplanted to greater depths, and if the pond is shallow, then the pots with roots should be put in the basement for the winter.

The deep-sea plants also include the marsh plant. This plant resembles a water lily because it has small wavy leaves, often with brownish spots (diameter up to 5 cm).

Look at the photo: This pond plant has yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 4 cm. Usually this crop is planted in a pond until the water lilies take root. Tends to grow rapidly. The planting depth is 0.3-0.6 m, the height of the flowers above the water surface is 5-8 cm. The marsh flower blooms from July to September. Reproduction occurs by dividing rhizomes and occurs in late spring or summer.

Another plant from the deep-sea category is the egg capsule. This is a “relative” of the water lily, although it is not as beautiful. The egg capsule has small and uninteresting flowers, planted on thick peduncles that rise above the surface of the water. This plant needs running water and partial shade. For a medium-sized pond, you can use small and dwarf egg capsules.

Japanese and foreign egg capsules are often found on sale, but these plants require a large reservoir, because the diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm, and the pistil is comparable in size and shape to a small glass bottle. Planting depth is 0.3-0.6 m (for small species), flower height above the water surface is 8 cm, the egg capsule blooms from June to September, and reproduces by dividing rhizomes in late spring or summer.

Floating plants for garden decorative pond

Common watercolor, or frog, is a plant floating on the surface of the water. This crop is often used in small ponds because it grows slowly, although it blooms all summer, and its foliage dies off in the fall. Watercolor overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of the pond, which at the beginning of summer rise to the surface and a new plant grows from them. Some experts recommend removing the buds for the winter along with part of the muddy bottom and storing them in a jar of water, and lowering them to the bottom again in April. This will protect the population from freezing, because small bodies of water freeze thoroughly.

Vodokras leaves reach a diameter of 2.5-5 cm. The height of the flowers above the surface of the water is 3-5 cm. Vodokras propagates in summer by dividing bushes.

One of the most popular plants when constructing artificial reservoirs is hornwort. This is an oxygenator plant, i.e. it has no roots and grows directly in the water. Adapted to any lighting conditions, does not grow too much, reproduces by dividing shoots into parts in the summer.

In the water it looks like a thick, branchy brush. This plant is necessary to maintain biological balance in water.

There are several types of hornworts, but dark green or submerged ones are recommended for artificial reservoirs. The plant overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of a reservoir.

What plants to plant near a pond at the dacha

Below are described coastal plants for a pond with photos and names that can be planted around an artificial pond.

Air refers to coastal plants. There are several varieties of calamus, which differ in color and size. When choosing, you must remember that low-growing varieties are more vulnerable to winter frosts. Typically, two types of these coastal pond plants are used to decorate garden ponds: common calamus and marsh calamus.

The first type is very large, resembling an iris. It has straight, arrow-shaped leaves that emit a pleasant aroma. The inflorescences-cobs are of little interest - they are small, greenish and horn-shaped. The second type of calamus has beautiful leaves with a green-cream color, which turns green-pink in spring.

The height of this plant in the coastal zone of the pond is 0.5-1 m. These aquatic plants need to be planted to a depth of 8-15 cm. It is also a coastal plant - Volzhanka. There are dioecious Volzhanka and forest Volzhanka, or common Volzhanka. The latter is the most common. This plant is unpretentious, takes root well in a new place, reaching a height of 2 meters in just 2 years. Flowering time is June-July, propagated by dividing bushes in autumn. Volzhanka inflorescences are large, fluffy and long (up to 20 cm), consisting of many creamy white flowers. Crops need to be planted at a distance of 75 cm from each other and in small quantities, because this large plant shades the pond quite strongly. At the end of autumn, Volzhanka must be pruned, leaving only stems 10-15 cm long above the ground. The crop must be planted in the shade.

Plants of the coastal zone around the pond at the dacha

When deciding what plants to plant near a pond in your country house, pay attention to buttercups; they also belong to the group of coastal plants. To decorate artificial reservoirs, underwater buttercup is used, which looks very unique - it has two types of leaves: underwater leaves are dissected into thin segments, similar to hairs, and surface leaves, floating on the surface, have trifoliate leaves and look like clover. The first flowers appear in early summer. They are white, on branching stems that rise above the water. When the flowering period ends, the plant dies. Buttercup propagates in spring and summer by cuttings.

Kaluzhnitsa is a marsh plant, and is often used to decorate coastal areas of water bodies. This plant near a pond is a very unpretentious crop that grows well on the banks of small ponds or swamps. Marigold blooms early - in April. Its flowers resemble buttercup flowers, and its leaves are round or heart-shaped. The most popular variety of this plant, planted near a pond, is marsh marigold. The height of the plant is 0.3-0.5 m, it is planted to a depth of 5 cm, and blooms with bright yellow flowers.

Another popular type of plants around a pond is Calthapalustris Plena. This crop is distinguished by its double yellow flowers, similar to small chrysanthemums, and blooms in April. The bushes reach a height of 10-30 cm. There is a variety of the plant Alba, which blooms in May with white flowers. The culture grows in a swamp, planting depth is up to 2.5 cm, plant height is 15-20 cm. Another marigold, thin-sepalized, is a little similar to Alba. But this is a real giant among all other relatives. Marigold multipetallus has large beautiful leaves and large yellow flowers, grows up to 1 m in height and is planted to a depth of 5-10 cm in large bodies of water. All these plants growing near the pond at the dacha are propagated at the end of summer by fresh seeds or by dividing bushes.

What other plants should I plant near a pond in my country house?

What other plants can be planted near the pond to decorate the coastal area of ​​the reservoir?

Sedge grows both in water and in coastal marshy soil. The depth of its planting in water is 5 cm. There are tall plants that are suitable for large bodies of water. Protruding sedge is often used to decorate a pond. This plant, planted near a pond in the country, has yellow leaves, and the bush reaches a height of 0.5 m. You can also use coastal sedge - it has green and white leaves and the height of the bush is 0.3-0.6 m. Kotula - coastal a plant characterized by fragrant leaves. Its bushes grow 15 cm in height, and bloom all summer with small yellow, button-like inflorescences. There is Kotula coronopusifolia - an annual plant that easily reproduces by self-sowing.

You can sow the seeds of this plant in the spring at home, and then, after transplanting it into a ceramic pot, plant it in a pond. The planting depth of the cotula is 12 cm.

An excellent plant for the shore of a pond is pontederia. The most popular plant for constructing garden ponds is Pontederia cordate. This is a very beautiful plant: it has large shiny leaves, grows in bushes, cylindrical, spike-shaped inflorescences are pale blue, the height of the peduncles is 0.6-0.75 m, and grows slowly. Pontederia blooms from July to September and reproduces by dividing bushes in late spring. However, this plant, planted around, is not very resistant to frost; it overwinters with buds at the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable that the bud be as deep as possible, or to be on the safe side, you need to select the buds from the bottom along with the silt and place them in a jar of water for the winter, and when it gets warmer, move them back to the reservoir.

The water features in the garden are beautiful and attract everyone's attention. And how much trouble arises with their appearance: cleaning, maintaining decoration, preserving for the winter... But there are some methods that make life easier for the owner of a reservoir.

A pond, which can be cleaned with the help of plants, is a body of water divided into

  • deep(for example, for swimming),
  • shallow water areas with plants that serve as natural water regenerators.

Such a pond has a natural appearance and fits perfectly into the landscape of a landscape garden.

  • For water filtration, the optimal size of a bioplateau is about 2/3 of the reservoir.
  • Therefore, the entire pond must have a sufficiently large area.
  • Biofiltration is an almost ideal option for water purification.
  • The water actually becomes crystal clear if the bioplateau is done correctly.

It is not recommended to breed fish in such a reservoir, as this greatly increases the load on the regeneration zone.

Plants - oxygen generators(enrich the water with oxygen) play an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the pond.

  1. They should be placed in the deep part of the pond and trimmed regularly to prevent them from growing haphazardly.
  2. Plants taken from their natural habitat tolerate winter well.
  3. The species composition of vegetation must form a developed root system and be resistant to adverse factors.



Plant species most often used as bioplato:

  • calamus;
  • bisexual swampweed (water star);
  • irises;
  • marigold;
  • water buttercup;
  • pontaderia;
  • curly pondweed;
  • cattail;
  • submerged hornwort;
  • common telores;
  • water urut;
  • falaris reed;
  • antipyretic fontinalis (key moss);
  • plantain chastuha;
  • Eichornia;
  • elodea.

Photo: Pontaderia

In a self-cleaning pond, everything is interconnected:

  • water nourishes plants,
  • plants purify water,
  • dead representatives of the flora break down into microelements necessary for the growth of other microorganisms.

Photo: Filaris reed

  1. Plants from the regeneration zone consume huge amounts of nutrients, preventing algae from growing.
  2. The optimal height of the deep zone is 120-180 cm, for the regeneration zone - 40-80 cm.
  3. On average, in order to prevent water turbidity in a reservoir with a water surface area of ​​100 m², it is necessary to use about 17 coastal plants and about 20 to plant in the water.
  4. A mixed pond cleans itself without the use of chemicals.
