The best marinade for barbecue. The secret of making Armenian kebab from juicy pork Recipe for delicious Armenian pork kebab

Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient in Transcaucasia. Ancient culinary traditions have been carefully preserved by the people for centuries and have come down to us almost in their original form. And the dishes themselves arouse keen interest among gourmets and ordinary connoisseurs of tasty and healthy food. You can verify this by looking at such a wonderful and beloved dish as shish kebab.

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What is barbecue in Armenian? First of all, these are selected varieties of lamb meat, less often pork. Secondly, be sure to use spices and seasonings to give the food a special aroma. This includes basil, cilantro, pepper, and cloves. Often, to make a real Armenian kebab, meat is marinated not only in vinegar or wine, but in pomegranate juice, cognac or kefir. And, of course, the dish has its own special methods of heat treatment. Much attention given to the size of each piece of meat. Traditionally, Armenian kebab is fried from preparations weighing 30 g. Consequently, about 125-130 g of the main product are consumed per serving of the dish. In many regions of Armenia, meat is baked together with onions, eggplants and tomatoes. Thanks to vegetables, it becomes especially juicy and acquires a unique flavor bouquet. Armenian shashlik is served, according to ancient culinary etiquette, on lavash, with big amount fresh parsley and dill, collected in small bunches.

One of the old recipes

To prepare a truly Armenian kebab, the recipe, which came to us from time immemorial, requires taking 2 kg of pork belly or neck, 1 kg of onion, 1 not quite ripe pomegranate and salt, ground red pepper, basil, parsley, cilantro to taste. And definitely thin lavash cakes. First you need to marinate the meat. To do this, cut it into portions, season each thoroughly with salt and pepper, and place in a tall enamel pan. Cut the onion into rings, add to the meat, mix gently. Cover the pan and place in a cool place for 8-12 hours. Squeeze the juice out of the pomegranate and pour it over the special Armenian one about half an hour before you start frying it. Fry the meat threaded on skewers until cooked, turning as needed. Separately, chop the greens - onion feathers, parsley stems, dill, cilantro. Remove the finished meat from the skewers, mix with herbs, wrap in pita bread and serve.

Sevan-style recipe

You will get amazingly tasty real Armenian kebab if you make it based on the recommendations of this recipe. The main highlight of the dish is that the meat is marinated in sour milk (yogurt or kefir). And since kefir is absorbed by almost 90% in just an hour, the kebab itself will also be absorbed faster. So, take 1 kg of lean lamb meat. For juiciness, add 150 g of bacon. In addition, you need 4 onions, 4-5 cloves of garlic, half a liter of kefir. And salt and hot pepper to taste. Cut the meat into portions, chop the onion and garlic into cubes, mix everything in a deep saucepan and pour in kefir. Add salt and ground black pepper to the marinade. Place the pan in a cool place for 10 hours. Then take out the pieces of meat, blot them with napkins and string them onto skewers mixed with thin slices of bacon. Fry over smoldering coals until done. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and add a small bunch of parsley to each skewer.

Meat “karski style”

Another traditional one will appear on your table and will pleasantly surprise your guests if you prepare an original kebab, called “Karski style” or “Middle Eastern”. The only meat it requires is lamb, taken from the lumbar part of the carcass. It should be freed from veins and films. For barbecue it is cut into large pieces of approximately the same size and round shape. Therefore, for one batch of the dish you will need at least 2 kg of lamb. The meat should be interspersed on skewers with lard, always fat tail lard. You need from 500 g. Well, the marinade in this recipe (compared to other Transcaucasian types of shish kebab) is also unique. For this, grind 10-12 medium onions through a meat grinder. Prepare fresh lemon zest, grind the pulp and peel (without seeds). Combine both components, pour in 50 g of cognac and 2 tablespoons of vinegar, preferably grape vinegar. Add 3 teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ground allspice and two tablespoons of chopped basil, cilantro and dill, as well as a little ground cloves. Mix well.

Cooking shish kebab “Karski style”

Place the prepared meat and lard in an enamel bowl. Pour in the marinade and leave for 8 hours. Cut ripe, firm tomatoes into circles 5-6 cm thick. Thread the marinated meat onto skewers, alternating with lard and tomatoes. Fry the kebab until fully cooked, baste with marinade each time before turning. Serve by sprinkling the skewer with herbs and wrapping it in pita bread. Separately, fry the slices of eggplant soaked in vinegar and also cover the served meat with them.

The kebab season is in full swing, and everyone wants to show off their skill in preparing this delicious meat delicacy to surprise the whole company. Armenian pork kebab, whether a classic or an alternative recipe, always wins in this sense, and it is very easy to prepare. The main requirement is to prepare the marinade, cut the meat and fry it in good mood and with love.

In Armenia, kebab is called khorovats. This word contains the crystal purity of glacial springs, the proud spirit of ancient inaccessible mountains and a piece of the Armenian sun, and the coals are the heat of the hot Armenian heart.

List of ingredients (for 3-4 servings):

  • pork – 2 kg
  • onions – 2 kg
  • 250 ml mineral water
  • salt – 2 tsp.
  • greenery.

Keep in mind that mineral water is not just soda, but real natural water, such as Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki! And no vinegar or lemon juice!

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes the size of a chicken egg. Carefully remove all films and cores.
  2. Onions can be cut in any way.
  3. Pour the chopped onion into a deep container and mash thoroughly until the juice appears.
  4. Add the meat to the onion and again knead it well with your hands, like dough, mixing it with the onion.
  5. Season with ground black pepper and mix again.
  6. Then pour in 250 ml of natural mineral water.
  7. Cover everything with a plate or lid smaller than the diameter of the container and press down with a heavy object.
  8. Place the container with the marinated kebab in the refrigerator for 12 hours (minimum 2, maximum 24 hours).
  9. Add salt 15–20 minutes before baking to keep the meat soft and juicy.
  10. Cook the meat over coals only on both sides for 15–20 minutes until browned.
  11. Remove the kebab from the heat and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs to your liking.

Please note that when preparing Armenian-style kebab from pork, you should not put onions or other vegetables on the skewer along with the meat, as they will burn, which will make the kebab taste bitter.

Armenian kebab with pomegranate

The most delicious meat is home-grown, not from the store. If you can find something like this, it will be ideal. Which part to take (tenderloin, neck or rib) depends on your taste.

List of ingredients (for 5-6 servings):

  • pork – 3 kg
  • onions – 1 kg
  • ground black pepper – 1 tbsp.
  • spices to taste – 1 tbsp.
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 0.5 l mineral water
  • salt – 1 tbsp.
  • pita.

Under no circumstances should you add mayonnaise, sour cream or ketchup to the marinade! This is no longer Armenian kebab! You can eat meat with anything, but you shouldn’t add it to the marinade!

Cooking method:

In the evening, before leaving for nature, you need to rinse and cut the meat into medium pieces, clearing it of all excess.

  1. Thinly slice the onion into half rings.
  2. Place the onion and pork in a saucepan and stir.
  3. Add spices to the meat, mix thoroughly until juice appears.
  4. Peel the pomegranate and add the seeds to the mixture.
  5. Then clean hands mix everything.
  6. Pour mineral water and cover the pan with a lid.
  7. Place in the refrigerator until morning.
  8. In the morning, an hour before the picnic, add salt and do not put it in a cold place again.
  9. When frying, the meat should be at room temperature.
  10. Place the pieces on skewers, do not discard the remaining marinade.
  11. When the fire settles, you can start frying.
  12. The skewer must be constantly turned over every minute.
  13. After 20–30 minutes, the kebab is ready.
  14. Place the pita bread on the table or in a wide plate, place the remaining marinade with onions on it.
  15. Place the finished kebab on the pita bread.

Vegetables can be grilled separately and served along with hot kebab.

Armenian Khorovats in spicy marinade

For lovers of hot tastes, there is a wonderful recipe for Armenian khorovats in a spicy marinade.

List of ingredients (for 7-8 servings):

  • pork – 4 kg
  • onions – 1 kg
  • ground black pepper – 0.5 tbsp.
  • allspice, coriander – 1 tsp.
  • ground chili pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • 0.5 l mineral water
  • salt – 1 tbsp.
  • dried tomatoes – 1 tbsp.
  • greenery.

When preparing the marinade, do not use chili ketchup instead of dry ground pepper. All sauces are served to the table with the prepared dish.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat and cut into large portions, place in a deep bowl.
  2. Chop the onion into rings of medium thickness and place on top of the pork.
  3. Add all the spices and dried tomatoes.
  4. Using clean hands, knead the resulting mixture until juice appears.
  5. Fill with mineral water.
  6. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for 6–12 hours.
  7. Add salt and stir 20 minutes before starting to string.

Serve the dish garnished with red hot pepper pods, sprigs of dill or parsley.

The taste of the finished dish depends on many subtleties of its preparation. Here are a few useful tips from the chef of an Armenian restaurant, how to cook delicious and juicy barbecue in Armenian:

  1. Choosing meat for barbecue is a whole science. As already mentioned, it is better to buy pork from a familiar farmer, choosing lighter pieces, as this is a sign of the youth of the pig. It is better to give preference to the loin or neck tenderloin.
  2. You need to cut the meat across the grain - this way it will absorb more of the marinade and become softer.
  3. The amount of onion in recipes is minimal; the more, the better. Ideally, as much pork as onions - 1:1.
  4. The depth of the grill also matters. It is important that the height of the walls is approximately 25 cm. With a shallower depth, the meat will burn, and with high altitude– it won’t finish cooking, but will dry out from the heat of the metal, not the coals.
  5. Firewood or coals must be dry and burn well. When the fire goes out, you need to wait a little for the coals to “grey” - white pollen should appear on them. After this you can start cooking.
  6. When frying, it is important to have a bottle of water or homemade wine on hand. Dripping fat can allow the fire to flare up again. In this case, you need to drop a little water or wine on the coal, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will extinguish the heat.
  7. Don't forget to turn the skewers regularly so that the pieces are fried evenly and retain their juiciness.

Bon appetit! Don't forget that the first toast is to the one who stood at the grill!

In my notebook, or rather, in the notes on my computer, this recipe is saved under the name “pork kebab with onions from an old Armenian.” With meat, everything is clear - it’s any pork pulp (neck, ham, shoulder), the whole point is in the marinade in vegetable oil and in large pieces of onion.

It was stated that almost 40 minutes are enough for marinating, but the meat can be stored in it in the refrigerator for at least three days. Onion quarters are soaked in marinade and then fried over coals along with the meat - this is something... Very tasty! You need to take medium-sized onions.

For pork shashlik with onions in Armenian marinade, prepare all the ingredients according to the list, i.e. pork meat and everything for the Armenian marinade.

Prepare the marinade. To do this, connect vegetable oil with crushed (crushed) black pepper, allspice, coriander, suneli hop mixture and finely chopped one onion. Stir. Wait with the salt, it will come in handy before frying.

When you peel the onions, be sure to leave the “tails”, or you can also “spouts”, so to speak))) This is done so that when cutting into quarters the onions do not fall apart. They will then be placed on a skewer, roasted over coals along with the meat, and at the same time retain their shape!

Cut the pork into pieces and place them and the onions in the marinade.

Stir so that the marinade gets onto each piece of meat and the onion quarters are evenly distributed between the pieces of meat. Those onion quarters that end up on top should be placed cut side down. Before using, store marinated meat in the refrigerator and remove it at least 1.5 hours before cooking.

By the time the coals in the grill are hot and ready to fry kebabs, add pieces of meat mixed with pieces of onion. Lightly salt the kebab before grilling. Do not push the meat tightly together; let the skewer between the pieces of meat remain hot and give off its heat.

Fry the pork shish kebab with onions over the coals until the meat is completely cooked. Check readiness by cutting the pieces with a knife to the skewer. The color of the finished pork is familiar to everyone; there should be no redness or blood.

Pork kebab with onions in Armenian marinade is ready. Mmm...

Usually, for serving kebabs (and not only) I bake myself or some, simple, with seeds, from different types flour.

The site has recipes for all kinds of tomato and other sauces that would be perfect for barbecue, as well as recipes for salads from fresh and grilled vegetables...

Bon appetit!

Recently, my husband decided to gather our entire large family with grandparents and feed us delicious barbecue. We, naturally, were all in favor and contributed in every possible way to him in this. And the husband, therefore, decided to try a new marinade recipe, which, apparently, interested him very much...

This method of marinating meat is actually quite remarkable and unconventional. Often, various sauces, wines or sparkling water are used for this, and in this case we need nothing more than unrefined sunflower oil...

In addition, you need to take care of a large number onions. But what is important here is not only its quantity, but also the size of the bulbs themselves - they should be small, smaller than average...

As for meat, everything is very clear here - pork neck is a classic of the genre...

But let's talk more about the ingredients...

To prepare shish kebab you will need:

    200 ml unrefined vegetable oil

    salt (to taste)

Recipe difficulty: nothing complicated

Cooking time: a little over an hour


This method is notable for the fact that the meat is not only marinated quite quickly (literally 40 minutes), but also fried much faster. This is explained by the fact that vegetable oil, when it is melted, warms up the pieces of meat from the inside, but does not allow it to lose its juiciness.

So, let's start with the marinade. We select a small enamel bowl and pour vegetable oil into it. Grind black and allspice peas into the oil (but not into powder), then add salt and mix everything well.

Meat can be marinated for 40 minutes to 1 hour, at room temperature.

You need to thread the meat onto the skewer alternating with the onion - its quarters are just great for this...

Cook the shish kebab over medium heat, constantly turning over and checking the degree of doneness with a knife...

The kebab turns out to be very juicy and incredibly tasty, but the onion also deserves special attention here - it turns out so aromatic, as if it had been skewered, and very, very tasty...

They say that this method of marinating shish kebab belongs to Armenian cuisine... Personally, I cannot say this, and it is not particularly important. The main thing is that the meat prepared according to this recipe turns out simply amazing!..

Bon appetit!

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Armenian kebab amazes with its taste, but has subtleties in preparation. The most important steps are choosing meat and preparing the marinade. Without this, proper Armenian kebab will not work.

The Armenian kebab is called khorovats. It is cooked on hot coals. Traditionally, Armenian kebab is made from pork. It can be prepared from other meat, if for religious reasons such a dish is prohibited. The main condition is to use fresh, not frozen neck or loin. It should be light, which indicates that it was prepared from a young pig, without any foreign smell. There is no need to be afraid of white veins; the fat will melt, which will not spoil the taste of the finished Armenian dish.

The secret of real Armenian kebab is in the sauce, which is prepared without mayonnaise, ketchup or vinegar. At the same time, the meat turns out tasty and juicy, in fresh Can be stored without refrigeration for more than a day. It cooks twice as fast as usual. To prepare Armenian pork shashlik there is classic recipe marinade, which can be varied with your favorite spices. However, the taste of the dish depends not only on this, but also on the correct cutting of the meat. The pieces are divided across the grain, which is very important. Before cooking, it is allowed to stand at room temperature; cold pork is not fried. If you don’t have a cauldron, you need to marinate the barbecue in Armenian style in a glass or clay container.

Attention! Serve ready-made Armenian-style khorovats with lavash or vegetables.


Servings: – +

  • pork 3 kg
  • onion 1 kg
  • pomegranate 1 PC
  • vegetable oil200 ml
  • table salt to taste
  • allspice 6 pcs
  • coriander beans pinch
  • black peppercorns2 tsp.
  • cilantro, parsley, green onions taste

Calories: 204.77 kcal

Proteins: 12.1 g

Fats: 16.48 g

Carbohydrates: 3.01 g

1 hour. 50 min.

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