The smallest football field. Standard football goal sizes

According to international rules, the dimensions of a football field are 100-110 by 64-75 meters. The football field has the shape of a rectangle. A world-class football stadium is a complex structure that consists of several parts: grass covering the entire area of ​​the football field, a base of crushed stone, sand, pipes that heat the football field, drainage and irrigation pipes. On a football field there are markings for a circle in the center, a penalty area, a goalkeeper's area and a mark for a penalty kick. The field for playing football according to accepted standards is green.

The length of a football field is 100-110 m, the width of the field is called the goal line (64-75). Behind this stripe is the marking of the football field goal. Corner flags are placed in the corners. The size of a football field in meters is important in professional matches. In amateur competitions, maintaining playing field standards is not of great importance. The field for football training has any size, the main thing is that the side line is longer than the goal line. The standard dimensions of a football field are not mandatory; these values ​​are arbitrary.

Requirements for a football field

Football field standards, like the rules of the game, have been in place since 1863. Since that time, changes to markings have been made rarely; they are approved in the first paragraph of the rules. The final layout of the football field was formulated by FIFA in June 2013.

In 1863, it was established how many meters a football field is. The length was assumed to be 100-130 yards, width 50-100 yards. Basically, the length and width of a football field are 105 * 68 m. The dimensions of a football stadium for professional games are determined by rigid boundaries. Compliance with the requirements is monitored by international federations. The permissible length of a football field is 100-110 m, the width of a football field is 64-75 m.

The field markings were changed in 1901 and 1937, adding a penalty area and an arc from the point from which penalties (free kicks) are taken with a circle of 9.15 m. The markings are made with identical lines with a maximum width of 12 cm. Two long lines indicate the length and width of the field; they are called side lines. The goal lines are set with two short ones, with the length of the first being longer than the second. Also on the football field there is a middle line that unites both side lines. The center of the field is marked on this line. It is circled with a diameter of 9.15 m. It is from this place on the court that the game begins at the start, at the beginning of the first half, and all subsequent rounds, if match time is added. The team that missed the goal starts the game with it.

The pre-start excitement of the leaders of many Russian football clubs is related to how the team will start the season, on what field it will start. After all, permission to hold home matches at the home stadium is obtained if it is ready. If the coating and markings comply with all federation and league requirements.

Photo 1. The Otkritie Arena stadium of the Spartak football club has been operating since 2014.

Football field dimensions

A football stadium has one shape. The side line is longer than the goal line. The dimensions of a football field do not have clear boundaries, while the width and length do not exceed the permissible threshold. Strict requirements for football fields are put forward during official competitions.

For domestic matches, the established framework is: field length from 90 to 130 yards, minimum width 50 yards, up to 100. If international matches are held, then the dimensions of a standard football field are between 100-110 m long and 64-75 wide. There are instructions on this in the rules (150x68 m). At the same time, the requirements for the playing field are not strictly regulated; various deviations in its parameters are possible.

According to the first paragraph of the Football Rules, the dimensions of the field are:

  • length - 90-120 m;
  • width - 45-90 m.

But for international competitions there are different standards:

  • length - 100-110 m;
  • width - 64-75 m.

Photo 2. The goal area marked with markings is also called the goalkeeper's area.

What does field size affect?

Many teams prefer certain field sizes. The tactics that matter in football are carried out within a certain width and length of the field. Wide areas are suitable for long attacks on the opponent's goal. Due to the few extra meters, players get additional space to maneuver and create free zones.

For teams with counter-attacking tactics, it is preferable to play on a narrow pitch, as this size makes defense easier. The zones are narrow and it is more difficult for players of attacking teams to break through them. The size of the football field is also important when using vertical passing tactics. The length allows you to throw the ball into the free spaces behind the defense towards the goalkeeper's court away from your own goal.

Photo 3. The large size of the football field gives space for maneuvers, such as throwing the ball behind the defense.

Internal zones

In addition to the length and width of a football stadium, the dimensions of the field and internal zones are determined by clear values. The field is mirrored into two parts. The central circle is within a radius of 9.15 meters. The goal is located opposite the goalkeeper area. The inner sides of the goal posts are located 5.5 meters from the side lines of the site. At the same distance, the goal is connected to a line that is drawn parallel to the field boundary. This area is to orient the goalkeeper, who stands with his back to the goal. Pushing the goalkeeper is prohibited.

Special zones of the field

Ten field players are provided with a field for maneuvers. The goalkeeper has a goal area and an area limited by two rectangular areas. It is considered to be a goal area that is larger than the penalty area. On these courts, the goalkeeper is allowed to hit, catch or put the ball into play with his hands. The first zone from which goal kicks are taken measures 7.32 by 2.44 m; 18.32 by 5.5 m. The second site, 11 meters from which the penalty area is located, has dimensions of 40.32 by 16.5 m.

Special zones include the technical area, located at a distance of one meter from the bench of each team. The side line of the football field is also drawn one meter from the technical area. This area is necessary for team coaches to convey instructions to their players.

Standard field dimensions

Field dimensions for international matches


minimum 90 m (100 yds), ​​maximum 120 m (130 yds)

minimum 100 m (110 yds), ​​maximum 110 m (120 yds)

105 meters


minimum 45 m (50 yards), maximum 90 m (100 yards)

minimum 64 m (70 yds), ​​maximum 75 m (80 yds)

68 meters


4050 m 2 - 10800 m 2

7140 m2

Table with established field sizes for different types of football games.

Field coverage options

The main surface of the football field is natural grass. Various combinations of bluegrass, bentgrass, clover, fescue, and ryegrass are used for the mixture - the choice is determined by the region. These grasses are able to withstand prolonged exposure to referees and players running across it, the scorching sun, and frost. The grass for the football field has the characteristics of springiness and has high-quality grip on the boots.

Photo 4. Boots should not slip on a high-quality football field.

A lawn for a football field is created using two methods: the grass is grown on the territory of the stadium or it is brought in rolls and rolled out on site. The lawn does not have to be natural; the use of artificial material is acceptable. Artificial turf for a football field is made from polymers. The coating has a pile that resembles the fibers of real grass. Many main or reserve fields and training grounds are equipped with a heating system to protect against cold weather or have artificial grass.

Types of coatings

A natural football field requires special care, it is watered, fertilized and gaps are seeded. Up to two matches per week are played on grass. Grass for big sports is not grown on the field; it is brought in rolls in the form of turf.

Artificial grass for a football field resembles a synthetic carpet with blades of grass sticking out of it. The blade of grass is a product made of synthetic fiber, has a shape and stiffeners. To make the artificial lawn elastic, it is covered with sand and rubber crumbs.

Artificial turf survives the scorching sun and frost. But artificial turf maintenance is also important; the process is limited to treating the lawn with a special machine. The filler is removed, separated and placed. After a set number of games on the field, the surface is changed to a new one.

The mixed covering is turf with artificial pile sewn into it. Its cost is high, but mixed turf is equivalent to playing on grass. At the same time, more matches are played there. Care consists of watering, fertilizing and filling gaps. World championships are held on natural grass (or mixed, which is equivalent to it).

Photo 5. Lawn made of synthetic fiber is delivered in rolls and consists of fine pile

Coating features

There is acceptable space between the fibers of artificial turf on a football field. It is filled with sand and rubber granules. The structure of the football field softens friction when a football player falls. Decorative lawns are soft, and the space between the pile is not filled with sand.

There is another type of artificial turf, a cross between a practical lawn and a decorative one. The space between the pile is filled with quartz sand, but there are no rubber granules. This type of lawn is used to cover children's football fields and sports fields, but not large football fields.

Photo 6. It is necessary that the surface of a football field soften friction in the event of a player falling.

Football field markings

A standard football field is delineated along the perimeter by four lines: two side and two at the goal. The width of these marks is no more than 12 cm, like the width of the other markings on the field. The playing area is divided into two parts by a stripe - this is the marking of the center of the field. Draw a line in the form of a solid circle with a radius of 9.15 m.

The gate area is marked on part of the sports arena. The border is drawn from points from the inside of the goal post, at an angle of 90 degrees to the goal mark. The length of the border is 5.5 m. Two more lines are drawn deep into the field, connected by a common strip, which is drawn parallel to the goal. Their length is also 5.5 m.

Penalty zone

Half of the field has a penalty area - a place where the goalkeeper is allowed to take, pass and catch the ball with his hands. The markings start from the inside of the goal posts. Two stripes lead deep into the field, their length is 16.5 m. At the end (after 16.5 m), these lines are united by another strip, which is drawn parallel to the goal line. 11 meters from the penalty area, in the center of the goal, a mark is made for taking a penalty. Outside the penalty zone, a semicircle with a radius of 9.15 m is drawn so that its middle coincides with the 11-meter marking. This line simplifies the gameplay when placing players during penalties. According to the rules of the game, players, in addition to the one who takes the penalty, are no closer than 9.15 m from the 11-meter marking.

All corners of the football field have sectors with a radius of 1 m, from where a corner kick is taken. The standard gate size is 7, 32 m long, 2.44 m high.

Goal markings

Photo 7. The standard length of a football goal is 7.32 m, height - 2.44 m.

The gates are located in the center, according to the markings. They are made up of racks that are located vertically at the same distance from the flagpoles in the corners. At the top, the gate posts are connected by a horizontal crossbar. The regulated distance between the posts is 7.32 m, from the bottom crossbar to the ground - 2.44 m. The crossbars and both posts have the same width and height, up to 12 cm.

The width of the goal line is the same as the width of the posts and crossbar. Behind the goal, a net is attached to the ground or posts and is securely positioned so as not to interfere with the goalkeeper. The color of the goalposts and crossbars is white. Crossbars and racks are made of metal, wood or any other material. Cross section in the shape of an ellipse. At a distance of 9.15 m from the corner sectors, at the goal or side lines, zones are marked from which players take corner kicks. The gate stands firmly on the surface; portable structures are used if they meet this requirement.


At the corners of the football field, flags are installed on flagpoles at least 1.5 meters high, without any points at the top. This is the perfect view of a football field. Flag poles are installed a meter from the intersection of the side and center lines, but this option is not used.

Additional zones

Indoor football fields and other stadiums where there are areas for technical personnel and substitute players have technical zone markings. The boundaries start at the field, protruding a meter on both sides of the bench area. The boundaries of this zone are marked with special markings.

Football field lighting

The lighting of the football field complies with established standards. There is a certain lighting scheme that is applicable to sports stadiums. Linear lighting systems involve the installation of high-power floodlights along the length of the sides of the field above the canopy of the stands. Or lighting equipment is mounted on special structures.

A continuous line of spotlights or separate groups of lighting fixtures provide conditions for spectators. This system takes into account the capacity of football stadiums. The depth of the shadows of the spotlights is reduced to eliminate their glare. The lighting line for a football field is designed in such a way that no shadows are formed from the canopies of the stands. A light fencing is being installed for the football field.

Football fields are illuminated with high-power metal halide floodlights (1000-2000W). LED equipment is not installed at such facilities due to non-compliance with technical lighting requirements. If there are no athletics areas on the field, then it is preferable to use floodlights with symmetrical and asymmetrical distribution of light flux, 4 or 6 pillars. The height of the supports is placed along the length of the football field 12-25 m. The lighting equipment must have two positions: “competition” and “training” mode.

Photo 8. Special high-power floodlights are used to illuminate football stadiums.

For a standard-sized field, you will need 12-16 floodlights; fewer will not make the lighting natural and illuminate the entire stadium area. It is important to have a backup power source.

Football field safety requirements

In accordance with the requirements, the football field is covered with high quality grass turf that meets the accepted standards for size and design. A field with a flat surface does not contain elements that lead to injury to players. Regarding the size of the football field, there are values ​​- 105 * 68 m. Minor fluctuations are allowed taking into account the requirements of the organizer. The markings of the football field comply with the rules of the game. It is also necessary to provide safety zones.

Field design requirements

The stadium structure is a multilayer structure, which consists of irrigation, drainage, heating, and lighting systems. The design also includes installation of football equipment and inventory. The stages of construction of a football stadium affect functionality, ergonomics, safety and other important criteria.

The design of the football field ensures: evenness, water resistance, resistance (including to mechanical damage), and playing characteristics. It is important that the grass surface allows the player to interact with the field. The characteristics of the lawn affect the player's movement. It is important to maintain the degree of shock absorption, vertical deformation, resistance to rotation of the sole and friction force.

These indicators with design and dimensions are considered features of the football field. Indicators of depreciation, deformation and resistance are provided by the design of the foundation of the playing field. The friction force depends on the quality of the grass surface. But the quality of the lawn also depends on the base materials, drainage systems, irrigation, and how much water the coating allows to pass through. The safety of a football field depends on the compliance of the indicators with the required values.

Photo 9. The construction of the sports arena is carried out in accordance with all the requirements for sports grounds.

Football field engineering systems

The characteristics of a football field are determined by the presence of engineering drainage systems for the top layer and underground. These systems make it possible to play matches in the rain and drain water from the field even during downpours. Heating systems for the playing field are installed to ensure comfortable play in the cold season.

Photo 10. The gameplay does not stop even during a rainstorm.

Features of laying grass cover

Professional football stadiums comply with accepted standards for artificial turf. A mixture of quartz sand and rubber granules is poured onto the grass surface of a football field. The sand must be river quartz sand, since it contains no impurities, which means that water will not remain on the surface. The rubber filling gives the coating the required evenness along the length and height of the pile, and also provides the desired rebound of the ball.

To increase the wear resistance of artificial grass, a layer of geotextile is laid on the top layer of fine crushed stone. Afterwards, the lawn is rolled out and glued with tape or glue. The marking lines of the football field are made of white artificial grass. The surface of the field is formed after filling with a mixture of quartz sand and rubber crumbs. The indoor football field is also laid using technology, with the preparation of the foundation. More often, wooden flooring is used as a base.

Football field grass care

Caring for a natural lawn involves performing a number of tasks. Grass requires regular watering. It is preferable to equip automatic watering, which will start as the soil dries out. The irrigation system will simplify the process of fertilizing the soil. The lawn is watered a few days before the game in the evening, when evaporation is small.

Mowing a grass lawn is done with a lawn mower with sharp blades. To cut the grass, a special technology is used: across, lengthwise. The main requirement is not to cut the lawn short; after a while the covering will become sparse and lose its aesthetic properties.

Photo 11. Natural lawn should be mowed regularly.

Raking is considered an important component of care; it is carried out to clean the covering and create a bed for sowing grass.

Maintenance of the grass turf of a football field is carried out systematically. The turf is replanted throughout the year. Overseeding of grass is carried out when the density is 50%. Re-turfing is a measure if the field has heavily trampled and destroyed areas.

The main surface of football fields is a natural grass mixture. It uses a variety of combinations of clover, bluegrass, fescue, bentgrass and ryegrass to withstand prolonged exposure to running players, umpires and weather.

Artificial turf care

The artificial turf of a football field is combed to level and raise the pile. Carry out uniform distribution of the filler, controlling the height of the pile. Football lawns are combed at least once every two weeks, sports surfaces every week.

Photo 12. Caring for synthetic fiber pile - combing and leveling.

Add filler to areas where it is missing or in insufficient quantities. If there is not enough bedding, this will cause the fibers to bend and make it impossible to comb them. The presence of weeds on the football surface is unacceptable; they must be removed to prevent their growth. Apply herbicides to the field when the next few days are dry and sunny.

There are no third-party objects on the territory of the football field, especially bulky and heavy ones. Before walking on artificial turf, any shoes should be checked for dirt and stones. Contaminated shoes are cleaned.

It is prohibited to drive on the artificial turf in any vehicle. Special equipment for cleaning the lawn or adding filler is an exception. In the autumn, the football surface is inspected to ensure that it is not clogged with leaves and removed on time. Foliage leads to changes in the properties of artificial pile and spoils a significant part of the lawn.

Refilling or complete replacement of the filler is carried out once every 1-2 years. To prevent caking of sand and crumbs. Also, this procedure will allow you to get rid of possible germination of moss and weeds.

The cold Russian climate does not allow playing football, in early spring and late autumn, in stadiums with natural grass. Many main or reserve training football fields in our country are made either with a heating system from drainage pipes laid under the field, or with artificial “grass”.

Requirements for lighting and fencing of the field

Lighting equipment (spotlights and lanterns) meet international standards and are firmly fixed so as not to blind players and spectators. The fencing of a football field performs several functions: zoning and security. Dividing the stadium into zones makes it possible to limit entry into individual zones, thus eliminating possible incidents at the stadium. The height of the fence is at least 4 meters along the main perimeter and 6 meters behind the gate. When calculating lighting equipment, the length of the football stadium is taken into account. The main requirement is to ensure a comfortable game at any time of the day.

Photo 13. The dimensions of the fence must comply with established standards: at least 4 meters in height (at the gate - 6 meters).

Special sectors of the football field

The football field map includes a special area where technical workers, a coach and substitute players are located during the game. This is the technical area of ​​the football stadium, which is planned during the construction of the playing field. Spectators watch the game in the stands, which are divided into sectors. To ensure the comfort and safety of people moving around the football stadium, each sector has a separate exit.

Ideally, on the playing field, behind the goal, there are additional areas for players to warm up. These zones also ensure the movement of referees during the game, personnel who serve balls, medical workers, security services and the media. The dimensions of such zones are at least 8.5 m on the sides of the football field, at least 10 m from the goal lines.

Photo 14. Beijing National Stadium is one of the largest in the world (91 thousand people).


A football field is a complex structure, not a grass surface. The properties and characteristics of a field are determined by factors such as an effective irrigation, drainage and heating system. When developing a stadium project, the following criteria are taken into account: climate, amount of precipitation, proximity to groundwater. It is also important to take into account the frequency of games on the field.

The standard dimensions of a football field are determined by the first paragraph of the Football Rules. The size has no clear restrictions, but the width and length comply with accepted standards. The shape of a football field is necessarily rectangular. The side line is longer than the goal line. The surface of the playing field is flat and smooth.

Photo 15. A high-quality football field consists of many elements - high-quality coating, accurate markings, convenient location of the stands and safety

Of the possible options, there are three types of football fields: with natural turf, artificial and mixed. A natural lawn consists of soil and grass. Or ready-made turf, which is delivered to the field in rolls and rolled out on site. Artificial turf includes synthetic grass and filler. The backfilled mixture is a combination of river (quartz) sand and rubber crumbs in certain proportions. Mixed football surface involves combining natural grass and artificial pile. The base grass surface is stitched with synthetic fiber to increase resistance to mechanical damage. Also, by intertwining the grass root system with an artificial substrate, increased resistance to erosion is achieved.

Type of sports lawn

What does it represent



Soil with seeded grass and turf

Attractive to climatic conditions, requires high-quality care, expensive


Backfill with artificial grass

Long shelf life, easy maintenance, resistance to various climatic conditions


Natural lawn stitched with synthetic thread

Maximum imitation of natural lawn while maintaining the advantages of a synthetic analogue

Comparison table of different types of lawn.

The football field covering option has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The characteristics of natural lawns remain unchanged for many years. Artificial surfaces have recently undergone significant upgrades with the support of FIFA and UEFA. The improvement and improvement of artificial turf has led to the fact that sports clubs are more often choosing this option. Due to the difficulties in providing regular maintenance of natural grass surfaces. The cost of artificial football turf does not reduce its competitiveness in comparison with natural turf.

Video: Marking a football field

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On this page we describe the rules of mini-football. If you need any advice on a football field, our specialists will answer all your questions.

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Mini football field dimensions

The site must be rectangular. The length of the sideline must be greater than the length of the goal line.
The playing field has the shape of a rectangle. The touchline must be longer than the goal line.

  • Length: minimum 25 m, maximum 42 m
  • Width: minimum 15 m, maximum 25 m

International matches

  • Length: minimum 38 m, maximum 42 m
  • Width: minimum 18 m, maximum 22 m

Mini football field markings

The site is marked with lines. These lines are included in the dimensions of the areas they limit. The two long lines of the court are called the side lines. The two short ones are called goal lines. All lines are 8cm wide. The site is divided into 2 equal halves by the middle line. The center mark divides the center line into two equal parts. A circle of radius 3 m is drawn around it.

The penalty area is located on both halves of the court as follows, a quarter circle with a radius of 6m is drawn from the outside of the goal posts to an imaginary line drawn at right angles from the goal line from the goal posts. The top points of the quarter circles are connected by a 3.16m long line running parallel to the goal line between the two posts.

The penalty mark is placed at a distance of 6m from the midpoint between the two posts, equidistant from them.
The mark for taking a double penalty is placed at a distance of 10 m from the midpoint between the two goal posts, equidistant from them.
At each corner of the site, a quarter of a circle with a radius of 25 cm is drawn inside the site.
The substitution areas are located on the same side of the pitch as the benches and directly in front of them. In them, players leave the court and enter it. The 5m long substitution areas are located directly opposite the substitutes' benches. They are marked on both sides of the side line at right angles to it with lines 80 cm long: 40 cm inside the court and 40 cm outside it. The distance between the boundary lines of the substitution zone and the intersection of the center and side lines is 5 m. This space directly in front of the timekeeper's tables remains free.

The goal must be located in the middle of each goal line. They consist of two vertical posts, equidistant from the corners of the platform and connected at the top by a horizontal crossbar. The distance (in internal measurement) between the racks is Zm; the distance from the bottom point of the crossbar and the surface of the platform is 2 m. Both posts and crossbar have the same width and depth - 8cm. Nets made of hemp, jute or nylon are attached to the goal posts and crossbar on the outside of the court. The lower part is attached to a curved rod or other similar base. The depth of the goal, measured from the inner edge of the posts outside the area, must be at least 80cm at the top and at least 100cm at the bottom. The goals can be movable, but during the game they must be securely attached to the surface of the court.

The surface of the site is even and smooth; it should not be abrasive. The use of wood or artificial turf is recommended. The use of concrete or asphalt pavement is excluded.

Solution 1
In the case where the goal line measures between 15 - 16m, the radius of the penalty area must be reduced to 4m. In this case, the mark for taking a penalty is not located on the penalty-no-line line, but is placed at a distance of 6 m from the midpoint between the goal posts, equidistant from them.
Solution 2
The use of natural or artificial grass and dirt is permitted for national championship matches, but not for international matches.
Solution 3
It is permitted to draw a line outside the area at right angles to the goal line at a distance of 5 m from the corner sector, indicating the distance at which the players of the defending team must be when taking a corner kick. Line width - 8 cm.
Solution 4
The substitutes' benches are located behind the sideline of the field in close proximity to the free space surrounding the timekeeper's table.

Mini football rules

Rule 1

Quality and sizes

  • has a spherical shape;
  • made of leather or other suitable material;
  • circumference not less than 62 cm and not more than 64 cm;
  • weight not less than 400 and not more than 440 grams at the beginning of the match;
  • pressure 0.4-0.6 atmospheres (400 - 600 g/cm2) at sea level.
  • Replacing a ball that has become unusable

If the ball loses its shape or becomes unusable during a match, play must be stopped. Play is restarted by dropping a dropped ball at the point where the ball became unusable. If the ball becomes out of shape or becomes unusable while it is not in play (at a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or kick-in), play is restarted according to the rules. During the game, the ball cannot be changed without the permission of the referee.
Decision 1 The use of felt balls is not permitted in international matches.
Solution 2 The ball must have a first bounce of at least 50 cm and not more than 65 cm when thrown from a height of 2 m. In matches, only footballs that meet the minimum technical requirements described in rule 2 are allowed to be used. In official competitions, only such footballs are allowed to be used. which meet the minimum technical requirements set out in rule 2. In matches of FIFA competitions and competitions organized under the auspices of confederations, only balls may be used that bear one of the following three markings:

official "FIFA APPOROVED" logo;
official "FIFA INSPECTED" logo;
the words "INTERNATIONAL MATCHBALL STANDARD" ("The ball complies with the international standard").
This marking of the ball indicates that it has been officially tested and, as a result, meets specific technical requirements, which differ for each category and which are in addition to the minimum technical requirements given in Rule 1. The list of additional requirements for each of the relevant categories must be approved by the International Council . FIFA approves the relevant organizations that test balls. National federations have the right
require that balls bearing any of these three markings be used during their competitions.

Rule 2


The game is played by two teams, each consisting of no more than 5 players, including the goalkeeper.

Replacement procedure
Substitutions may be used in any matches played under the Rules of Official Competitions at FIFA, Confederation or National Association level. The maximum number of substitutes is seven. The number of substitutions during the match is not limited. A player who has been replaced may return to the court to replace another player. Substitutions that occur while the ball is in play or out of play are subject to the following conditions:
a substitute player leaving the pitch must do so in his substitution area;
a substitute entering the pitch must do so in his substitution area and only after the outgoing player has completely crossed the touchline;
substitutions are completely controlled by the referees in accordance with the Rules, and only they determine whether the game can continue or not;
The substitution is considered completed when the substitute player enters the court. From that moment on, he becomes a player of the main team, and the player who leaves the court ceases to be one.
The goalkeeper can change places with any player.
If, during a substitution, a replacement player enters the court before the player being replaced has completely left the court:

  • the game must be stopped;
  • the substitute player must leave the court;
  • the substitute player must be warned with a yellow card.

Play is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was when play was stopped. If the ball was in the penalty area, then the kick is taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the ball was at the moment the game was stopped.
If, during the substitution process, the substitute or the player being replaced enters or leaves the pitch outside the substitution area:

  • the game must be stopped;
  • the player who violated the rules must be warned with a yellow card;
  • play is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team. from the place where the ball was at the moment the game was stopped. If the ball was in the penalty area, then the kick is taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the ball was at the moment the game was stopped.

Solution 1
At the start of the match, each team must have at least 5 players, including the goalkeeper. Solution 2
If, after players are sent off, there are fewer than three players remaining on any team, including the goalkeeper, then the game must be abandoned.

Rule 3


Players must not wear equipment or clothing that is dangerous to themselves or other players, including any type of jewelry.

Basic equipment
Mandatory basic player equipment:

  • a T-shirt or T-shirt, on the back of the T-shirt or T-shirt there is a number from 1 to 15, the color of the number must be clearly different from the color of the T-shirt (in matches of the Russian Championship and Championship, football players on the right side of their shorts must have a number corresponding to the number on the T-shirt (size 3x10cm) ;
  • underpants - if underpants are used, they must be the same color as the main color of the underpants;
  • gaiters;
  • shoes - it is allowed to use canvas or suede training or gymnastic slippers with soles made of rubber or other similar material; the use of shoes is mandatory.
    • must be completely covered with gaiters;
    • must be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar material);
    • must provide a sufficient degree of protection;

    The goalkeeper is allowed to wear long trousers. Each goalkeeper's clothing must be easily distinguishable in color from other players, referees and opposing goalkeepers. If a field player changes places with the goalkeeper, then his alternate equipment must have the number under which he is entered in the match report.
    For any violation of rule 4, the player who violated the rules must, at the request of the referee, leave the court to put his equipment in order or add to it. The player cannot return to the court without the permission of one of the referees, who must check that the equipment is in order. A player may only return to the court in his substitution zone when the ball is out of play.

    Rule 4

    Judge's powers

    Each match is conducted by a referee who has full authority to strictly enforce the Laws of the Game associated with the match, which begin when he arrives at the place where the court is located and ends when the referee leaves that place.

    Rights and obligations

    • ensures strict adherence to the rules of the game;
    • does not stop the game when the team against which the rules were violated gains an advantage from it, and punishes the team that violated the rules if the advantage granted is not realized at that moment in time;
    • records in the match report all sanctions imposed, which include information about any disciplinary violations by players and (or) officials, as well as about any incidents that occurred before, during and after the end of the match;
    • keeps the timing of the match in the absence of a timekeeper;
    • stops, interrupts or terminates the match in case of violation of the rules or any outside interference;
    • issues disciplinary sanctions to players who have committed violations for which they deserve a warning or removal;
    • ensures that unauthorized persons do not enter the court without the permission of the referee;
    • stops play if, in his opinion, a player is seriously injured and ensures that the player leaves the court;
    • if, in his opinion, the injury is not serious, he allows the game to continue until the ball goes out of play;
    • ensures that the ball used complies with the requirements of rule 2.

    Judge's decisions

    The referee's decisions on facts related to the game are final.

    Solution 1
    If the referee and the second referee call a violation at the same time and their decisions do not coincide, then the referee's decision prevails.
    Solution 2
    The referee and second referee have the power to warn a player or send off a player, but if their decisions do not agree, the referee's decision prevails.

    Rule 5

    The second referee is located in the half of the field opposite to where the referee is located. He is allowed to use a whistle. The second referee helps the referee control the game according to the rules.
    Also the second judge:

    • has the right to stop the game if the rules are violated;
    • Ensures that replacements are completed properly.

    Solution 1
    In international matches, the use of a second referee is mandatory.

    Rules 6


    The timekeeper and third referee sit outside the pitch opposite the halfway line on the side where the substitution area is located. The timekeeper and third referee must have an appropriate clock (chronometer) and the necessary equipment for counting fouls, which must be provided by the association or club on whose ground the game is being played.


    • ensures that the duration of the match complies with Rule 8:
    • starts the clock (chronometer) simultaneously with the first hit of the ball;
    • stops the clock (chronometer) when the ball is not in play;
    • starts the clock after a kick-in, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or double penalty, time-out or dropped ball;
    • controls the minute timeout;
    • controls the two-minute removal of a player;
    • signals the end of the first half of the match, the entire match, extra time, time-outs using a whistle or any other acoustic signal other than those used by the referees;
    • keeps a record of the timeouts remaining for each team, signals the coaches to allow a timeout;

    records the first five fouls received by each team in each period and signals the receipt of the fifth foul by each team.
    Third judge:
    The third referee assists the timekeeper. He:

    • maintains a record of the first five fouls received by each team in each period and signals the receipt of the fifth foul by each team;
    • keeps a record of stoppages in the game and their reasons;
    • keeps a record of the numbers of players who scored goals;
    • recalls the names and numbers of players who have been warned or sent off;
    • provides any other information related to the game.

    In the event of injury to the referee or the second referee, the third referee may replace either of them.
    Solution 1
    In international matches, the use of a timekeeper and a third referee is mandatory.
    Solution 2
    In international matches, the clock (chronometer) must be equipped with all the necessary functions (accurate timing, counting of two-minute penalties and displaying the number of total fouls of each team in each half of the game).

    Rules 7

    A game

    The match consists of two equal periods of 20 minutes. Time control is carried out by the timekeeper, whose duties are described in law 7. The duration of each half of the match must be extended to accommodate penalties.

    Teams may call a time-out of 1 minute in each half of the match at any time, subject to the following conditions:

    • only head coaches of teams have the right to ask the timekeeper for a time-out of 1 minute;
    • a time-out, lasting 1 minute, can be requested at any time, but granted (allowed) only when the team is in possession of the ball;
    • the timekeeper gives (allows) a time-out when the ball is out of play, using a whistle or other acoustic signal different from those used by the referees;
    • During a timeout, players must remain on the court. If they wish to receive instructions from the officials, they must do so on the touchline opposite their bench. Officials instructing players must not enter the court;
    • a team that does not use a time-out in the first half of the match is entitled to only one time-out in the second half of the match.

    Break between periods
    The break between periods should not exceed 15 minutes.
    Solution 1
    If there is no timekeeper at the match, the coach requests a time-out from the referee. Solution 2
    If the competition regulations provide for extra time to determine the winner, then during the extra time teams cannot use time-outs.

    Rule 8

    Before the match starts

    The sides of the site are selected by drawing lots. The team that wins the toss decides which goal it will attack in the first half of the match. The other team gets the kickoff. The team that wins the toss is awarded the kick-off in the second half of the match. In the second half of the match, the teams change sides of the court and attack the opposite goal.

    A kickoff is a method of starting or restarting a game:

    • at the beginning of the match;
    • after a goal has been scored;
    • at the beginning of the second half of the match;
    • at the beginning of each overtime period, if assigned.
    • A goal is counted if the ball is scored directly from the kick-off into the opponent's goal.


    • all players are in their own halves of the court;
    • the opponents of the team taking the kick-off are no closer than three meters from the ball until the ball is in play;
    • the ball is motionless on the center mark of the court;
    • the referee gives the signal;
    • the ball is in play when it is struck forward;
    • The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player.
    • After a goal has been scored, the kick-off is taken by the other team.

    If the player taking the kick-off touches the ball again before it has been touched by another player, the free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the opposing team's penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.
    For any other violation of the procedure, the initial blow is repeated.
    Jump ball

    A held ball is a means of restarting play after a temporary stoppage of play has become necessary while the ball was in play, and provided that immediately before the stoppage, it did not cross the touch line or goal line, for any reason not mentioned anywhere in the rules of the game.

    The referee throws in a dropped ball at the place where the ball was at the time the game was stopped, unless the ball was in the penalty area; in this case, the throw-in takes place on the penalty area line at the point closest to the place where the ball was when play was stopped. The game resumes when the ball touches the court.
    The dropped ball is thrown in again:

    • if the player touches the ball before the ball touches the court;
    • if the ball leaves the court after it touches the court surface and no player touches the ball.

    Rule 9

    The ball is out of play
    The ball is out of play when:

    • completely crosses the goal line or touchline by ground or air;
    • the game is stopped by the referee;
    • the ball will touch the ceiling.

    Ball in play
    The ball is in play at all other times, including when:

    • bounces off the crossbar or goal post into the court;
    • bounces off the referee or second referee while they are inside the court.

    Solutions: Solution 1
    When a match is played indoors and the ball hits the ceiling, play is restarted with a throw-in from the team opposite the one whose player last touched the ball.
    The ball is kicked in from the nearest point on the touchline at the intersection with an imaginary line running parallel to the goal line through a point below where the ball touched the ceiling.

    Rule 10

    Scored goal

    Other methods of scoring a goal other than those provided for by these rules are excluded. A goal is counted if the ball completely crosses the line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, unless a player of the attacking team, including the goalkeeper, throws, throws or deliberately pushes the ball into the opponent's goal.

    Winning team
    The team with more goals scored at the end of the match is considered the winner. If both teams have an equal number of goals scored or there are no goals scored, the match is considered to end in a draw.
    Competition regulations
    For matches ending in a draw, the competition regulations may establish a provision that includes extra time or other procedures for determining the winner of the match.

    Rule 11

    Rule violations and unruly behavior are punished as follows:

    A free kick is awarded to a team whose player commits any of the following six offenses while the ball is in play, the referee must consider whether the offense is careless, reckless or using excessive force:

    • kicks or attempts to kick an opponent;
    • will knock over or try to knock over an opponent;
    • will jump on an opponent;
    • attacks the opponent, even with the shoulder;
    • hits or attempts to hit an opponent with his hand;
    • will push the opponent.

    A free kick is also awarded to the team whose player commits any of the following offences:

    • will delay the opponent;
    • spits at an opponent;
    • makes a tackle in an attempt to play the ball when it is being played or attempted to be played by an opponent (creeping tackle), except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area, provided that the goalkeeper does not play carelessly, recklessly or with excessive force;
    • deliberately handles the ball, except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area.

    A free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred. All of the above violations are accumulated violations.

    Penalty - awarded if a player commits any of the above violations in his own penalty area, regardless of where the ball was at that moment, as long as it was in play

    A free kick is awarded to the opposing team whose goalkeeper commits one of the following offences:

    • after freeing himself from the ball, while in possession of it, receives the ball from a teammate without the ball crossing the halfway line or being touched by an opponent;
    • touches or controls the ball with his hands after receiving it directly from a kicked pass from a teammate;
    • touches or controls the ball with his hands after receiving it immediately after a throw-in from the sideline by a team-mate;
    • touches or controls the ball with his hands or feet in any part of the court for more than 4 seconds, except when he touches or controls the ball in the opponent's half of the court.

    A free kick is also awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred if, in the opinion of the referee, the player:

    • played dangerously;
    • not playing the ball will hinder the opponent’s progress;
    • prevents the goalkeeper from putting the ball into play when the ball is in the goalkeeper's hands;
    • commits any other offense not mentioned in Law 12 for which play must be stopped to caution or send off the player.

    A free kick is taken by the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the opposing team's penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.

    Disciplinary sanctions
    Violations punishable by warning:
    A player must be warned by showing a yellow card if he commits the following offences:

    • guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct;
    • expresses disagreement through words or actions;
    • systematically violates the rules of the game;
    • delays the resumption of play;
    • fails to maintain the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, kick-in, free kick, free kick or goal throw, enters or returns to the pitch without the permission of the referee, or violates the substitution rules;
    • intentionally leaves the court without the permission of the referee.

    For any of these violations, a free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred. If the infringement occurs in the opposing team's penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred. The player must be warned even if the offense committed was not serious.
    Violations punishable by removal from the site:
    A player must be sent off the pitch by showing a red card if he commits the following offences:

    • guilty of serious misconduct;
    • guilty of aggressive behavior;
    • spits at an opponent or any other person;
    • will deprive the opposing team of a clear opportunity to score a goal by playing the ball with his hand (this does not apply to the goalkeeper who is in his own penalty area);
    • deprives an opponent who has a clear goal-scoring opportunity and is moving towards goal from this opportunity by committing an offense punishable by a free kick or penalty;
    • uses offensive, offensive or obscene language;
    • will receive a second warning within one match.

    If the game is stopped to remove a player from the court for violations described in paragraphs. 6 and 7, and no other fouls have been committed, play is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the foul occurred. If the infringement occurs in the opposing team's penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.
    Decisions: Decision 1 A player removed from the court cannot return to the court in the future and cannot be on the bench. The player replacing him may enter the court after 2 minutes of net time, the countdown of which begins after the removal of a teammate, if no goal is scored during these 2 minutes, and after permission from the timekeeper. If, when playing with incomplete squads:

    • a team with 5 players scores a goal against a team that had 4 players, then the team that played in the minority expands its roster to 5 players; both teams had 4 players and a goal was scored, then the teams remain in those same compositions;
    • a team with 5 players plays against 3, or 4 players play against 3, and the team with the majority scores a goal, then the team with the minority can only field one player;
    • both teams have 3 players, and a goal is scored, then the game continues with the same lineups;
    • If a goal is scored by a team playing in the minority, then the game continues with the same lineups.

    Rule 12

    Types of blows

    Kicks can be free kicks or free kicks. When taking penalty kicks and free kicks, the ball must lie motionless on the court; The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player.

    Free kick
    If the ball is scored into the opponent's goal immediately after a penalty kick is taken, the goal is counted.
    Free kick
    A goal can be scored if, after a kick is taken, the ball is touched by another player before it goes into the goal.
    Player locations
    All players of the opposing team are at a distance of no closer than 5m from the ball until it enters the game, i.e. until the kicker touches or plays it.
    If, when performing a kick, the opponent approaches the ball at a distance less than the required distance, the kick is repeated. If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball again before it has been touched by any other player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the violation occurred in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the spot. closest to the place where the violation occurred.

    If the team taking the penalty or free kick does not take it for more than 4 seconds, the free kick is awarded to the opposing team.

    Free kick: The referee keeps one arm horizontal in the direction in which the kick will be taken. If the violation was accumulated, then the referee points to the court with the fingers of his other hand, indicating to the third referee or another official located at the referee's table that this violation was accumulated.
    Free Kick: The referee signals a free kick with his arm raised above his head. He keeps his hand in this position until then. until after the kick is taken the ball is touched by another player or the ball is out of play.

    Rule 13

    The accumulated violations are:

    • all offenses punishable by a free kick listed in rule 12;
    • The first 5 accumulated violations committed by each team in each period are recorded in the match report.

    Player locations
    For the first five accumulated violations recorded by one of the teams in each half of the match:

    • players of the offending team may form a “wall” as a means of defending against a penalty kick;
    • all players of the offending team are positioned no closer than 5m from the ball until the ball comes into play;
    • a goal can be scored directly from a free kick.

    Starting from the sixth accumulated violation recorded by one of the teams in each half of the match:

    • players of the offending team cannot form a “wall” as a means of defending against a penalty kick;
    • the player taking the kick must be clearly identified;
    • the goalkeeper must remain in his penalty area no closer than 5m from the ball;
    • all other players on the court must remain behind an imaginary line level with the ball and parallel to the goal line and outside the penalty area. They are located no closer than 5m from the ball and must not interfere with the player taking the kick. No player may cross the imaginary line until the ball is touched or played.

    Procedure for the sixth (and any subsequent) violation

    • the kicker must kick the ball with the intention of scoring a goal and cannot pass to another player;
    • after a free kick has been taken, no player is allowed to touch the ball until it is touched by the goalkeeper or the ball bounces inside the court off the goal post or crossbar or leaves the court;
    • Free kicks and free kicks cannot be taken from a distance of less than 6m from the goal line inside the penalty area. If an offense for which an indirect free kick would normally be awarded is committed inside the penalty area, the indirect free kick is taken from the penalty area line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred;
    • If a player commits the 6th accumulated team foul in the opponent's half of the court or in his own half of the court in front of an imaginary line parallel to the halfway line and passing through the 10-meter mark for a double penalty, then the free kick is taken at the 10-meter mark. The 10 meter mark for taking a double penalty is described in Law 1. The penalty kick is taken in accordance with the conditions described in the position of players above;
    • If a player commits his 6th accumulated team foul in his own half of the court between the 10-metre imaginary line and the goal line, the kicking team may choose whether to kick from the 10-metre mark for a double penalty or from the place where the foul occurred ( if the violation did not occur in the penalty area);
    • if extra time is called, all accumulated fouls from the second half of the match continue to accumulate into extra time.

    If a player of the defending team breaks rule 13:

    If a teammate of the kicker breaks Rule 13:

    If the kicker breaks rule 13 after the ball is in play:

    a free kick is taken by the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.

    Rule 14

    A penalty is awarded to the team whose player commits one of the offenses punishable by a free kick, in their own penalty area and while the ball was in play. A goal is counted if the ball is scored directly from the penalty spot into the opponent's goal. There must be time allowed for penalty kicks at the end of each half of the match and at the end of each extra time period.

    Position of the ball and players

    • the ball is on the penalty mark;
    • the player taking the penalty must be clearly identified;
    • the goalkeeper of the defending team remains on the goal line facing the kicker until the ball is kicked;
    • the remaining players (except the player taking the kick) are located inside the area, outside the penalty area, behind or to the side of the penalty mark and no closer than 3 m from the ball.


    • the player taking the kick must direct the ball forward;
    • he cannot touch the ball again until it has been touched by any other player;
    • The ball is in play when it is struck forward.

    When a penalty is taken during play time, or during the time allowed for its taking at the end of the first or second half of the match or for its retake, a goal shall be awarded if, before the ball crosses the goal line between the goal posts and under the crossbar, the ball touches one or both posts and/or the crossbar and/or the goalkeeper.
    If a player of the defending team breaks rule 14:

    • the kick is retaken if the goal is not scored;
    • the kick is not retaken if a goal is scored.

    If a teammate of the kicker breaks Rule 15:

    • the kick is repeated if a goal is scored;
    • the kick is not retaken unless a goal is scored.

    If the kicker breaks rule 14 after the ball is in play:
    a free kick is taken by the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.

    Rule 15

    Kicking the ball from the touchline is the way to restart the game. A goal cannot be counted if the goal is scored directly from a kick from the touchline.

    A kick from the sideline is awarded:

    • when the ball has completely crossed the touchline on the ground or in the air or touches the ceiling;
    • from the place where the ball crossed the side line;
    • opponents of the player who last touched the ball.

    Position of the ball and players

    • must remain motionless on the sideline;
    • the kick can be put into play in any direction.

    The kicker may place his feet partially on the touchline or outside the court when he kicks in the ball.
    The players of the defending team are located no closer than 5m from the place from which the ball is kicked from the sideline.

    • the player kicking the ball from the touchline must do so within 4 seconds of taking control of the ball;
    • the player kicking the ball from the sideline cannot touch the ball again until the ball has been touched by another player;
    • the ball is in play immediately after it is struck or touched.


    • A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the kicker touches the ball again beforehand. how the ball is touched by another player. A free kick is taken from the place where the violation occurred. If the infringement occurs in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred;
    • the kick of the ball from the touchline is repeated by a player of the opposing team if:
    • the ball was kicked from the side incorrectly;
    • the ball was kicked from the side from the wrong place where the ball crossed the side line;
    • the ball is not kicked from the side within 4 seconds from the moment the player took control of the ball;
    • any other violation of the rules has occurred.

    Rule 16

    A goal kick is a method of restarting the game. A goal cannot be counted if the ball is scored directly from a goal kick.

    A goal kick is taken when the ball completely crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and is last touched by a player from the attacking team without a goal being scored under Law 11.

    • the ball is thrown from any point in the penalty area by the goalkeeper of the defending team with his hand;
    • the opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play;
    • Once the ball is in play, the goalkeeper cannot touch the ball again until then. until it is touched by any other player;
    • The ball is in play when it is thrown directly outside the penalty area.


    • if the ball is not thrown directly outside the penalty area, the goal throw is repeated;
    • If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball again before the ball has touched another player, a free kick is taken by the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred;
    • If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper receives it back from a teammate, a free kick is taken by the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred. If the infringement occurs in the penalty area, the free kick must be taken from the penalty area line, from the point closest to the place where the infringement occurred.

    Rule 17

    A corner kick is a way to restart play. A goal must be counted if the ball is scored into the opponent's goal directly from a corner kick.

    A corner kick is awarded when:
    the ball completely crosses the goal line on the ground or in the air and is last touched by a player of the defending team without a goal being scored in accordance with Law 11.

    • the ball is located completely inside the corner sector closest to the point where the ball exits;
    • opponents remain at a distance of no closer than 5m from the ball until the ball comes into play;
    • the ball is kicked by a player of the attacking team;
    • the ball is in play when it is kicked or touched;
    • The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player.

    A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if:

    • The player taking the corner kick will touch the ball again before it is touched by another player. The free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred;
    • a corner kick is not taken within 4 seconds of the player gaining control of the ball. The free kick is taken from the corner sector.

    For any other violation, the corner kick is repeated.

    Post-match kicks from the six-meter mark

    Taking post-match kicks from the 6-meter mark is a way to determine the winner if the competition regulations stipulate such a method.


    • The referee selects the goal into which the kicks will be made;
    • the judge draws lots, and the team whose captain wins the toss gets the right to strike first;
    • The referee keeps a record of the strikes performed;

    In principle, each team performs 5 kicks under the conditions described below:

    • the blows are made in turn;
    • The names and numbers of the players taking the kicks are provided to the referee by the team captains before kicks begin from the 6-meter mark. Before the start of the game, they must be included in the match protocol among the 12 players;
    • if, before both teams have taken 5 kicks, one of them has scored more balls than the other, even if it takes all 5 kicks, then the shooting stops;
    • if after both teams have taken 5 kicks and the same number of goals have been scored or no goals have been scored, then the kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one of the teams has one more goal scored, than the other with the same number of blows;
    • these shots are taken by players who did not take part in the first five shots. After each of them takes a shot, the players who started the shots continue the series;
    • any player removed from the court is not entitled to take part in kicks from the 6-meter mark;
    • any player can change places with the goalkeeper;
    • only to the players and referees officiating the match. is allowed to be on the court while kicks are being taken from the 6-meter mark;
    • All players, except the kicker and the two goalkeepers, must be on the opposite half of the court from where the kicks are being taken. The second referee controls this part of the court where the rest of the players are located;
    • The goalkeeper of the team whose player is taking the kick must be on the court and not interfere with the kick.

A football field is a platform of a certain size for matches. It is the basis for each game, along with the fact that the length of the match is 90 minutes.

Over the years of the existence of football rules and standards, the parameters of the playing field have also changed. The last significant change to the markings took place back in 1937 - then it was decided to draw a semicircle in front of the penalty area.

Standard dimensions of a football field

To this day, there is no uniform standard in sizes. There is only one regulated by FIFA football field length and width range. For international matches it is as follows:

  • length: from 100 to 110 m;
  • width: from 64 to 75 m.

There is also a wider range, noted in the rules of the game of football published by the founders of the game (the English). According to it, the field sizes can be:

  • length: from 90 to 120 m;
  • width: from 45 to 90 m.

Sizes that fit into this range are acceptable for matches of domestic professional championships.

However, the dominant football organization FIFA has a document that indicates the exact dimensions of the field. The document is based on technical recommendations for stadiums hosting international football matches. According to the document, the size of the field should be 105 by 68 meters (equal to 0.714 hectares or 7140 square meters or 71.4 acres).

These standard dimensions fit the parameters of the fields of most famous stadiums in the world. At the same time, the document notes that the minimum distance from the field markings to the end of the lawn should be five meters.

The marking of the football field itself is a rectangle - two side lines and two goal lines. There are regulations on the minimum width of the marking line - which corresponds to no more than 0.12 meters.

If we consider a regular field for playing football, its main parameters are as follows. It is divided into two equal parts by a middle line, in the center of which a circle is drawn. The diameter of this circle is 18.3 m.

Football goals are installed along the lines across the width of the field. The gate has a width of 7.32 meters and a height of 2.44. A penalty area is marked from the goal line, inside of which there is a mini area - the goalkeeper's area. The boundaries of the goalkeeper's area along the goal line are 5.5 meters away from the posts in each direction, and the same distance from the goal perpendicular to them.

Penalty line width is 40.32 m, length - 16.5 m. In hectares, this is 0.0665 hectares, or, to be more precise, 665 square meters, or 6.65 acres. Everyone knows the penalty point, located in the center of the penalty area - a penalty kick is taken from it in the event of a violation inside this square.

It is characteristic that the distance from the penalty spot to the arc on the outskirts of the penalty area is 9.15 m - exactly the same as the radius from the point of the central circle to its borders.

For training two-sided games, when each team has no more than 6 people, as well as for children's competitions, a mini-size football field is often used. The playing area is half of the entire football field - that is, approximately 70 meters in length and 50 in width.

This minimum field also has a gate proportional to the reduced size, usually also 2 times smaller. Appropriate markings can be applied to this playing area only if a mini football competition is being held. In other situations, in particular during training, they do without it.

Many football teams play tactical formations to suit their field sizes. As a rule, if a team has good level players who demonstrate excellent individual skills, a large field will be an advantage.

An example is the 2015/2016 Champions League quarter-final match, in which Real Madrid hosted German Wolfsburg at the Santiago Bernabeu. Having lost the first match in Germany with a score of 0:2, the Spaniards decided to win back at all costs in the return match and bet on a wider field. The world's sports tabloids have covered the noticeable expansion of the markings at the Royal Club's famous stadium.

Live and learn! I wanted to find information about what the standard dimensions of a football field are and suddenly I found out that there is no standard! Believe it or not, football players in each stadium can play on pitches that differ from each other in width and length. There are times when even within the same stadium the size changes. Only the dimensions of the goal, circle, goalkeeper, penalty area and, of course, the penalty spot remain unchanged.

A football field is a rectangular grass area with a certain size. Today there is no officially established size for a football field, there are only limits regarding the maximum and minimum length and width.

Below is more information about the dimensions, as well as an interesting video about how the main stadium of Russia was made for the 2018 World Cup.

Standard dimensions of a football field according to FIFA regulations

For national level matches:

  • Length: minimum 90, maximum 120 meters;
  • Width: minimum 45, maximum 90 meters.

For international matches, field sizes are more strictly limited:

  • Length: minimum 100, maximum 110 meters;
  • Width: minimum 64, maximum 75 meters.

In March 2008, the IFAB (International Football Association Board) tried to establish a uniform size of football grounds for international matches (105 by 68 meters - 71.4 in acres, 7140 m2, 0.714 in hectares). Most stadiums on the planet fit these dimensions, but the organization was unable to establish an exact uniform size for a football field.

Interesting. According to FIFA rules, the grass surface must extend 5 meters beyond the boundaries of the field. However, at most stadiums this requirement is ignored. This is due to the fact that it is financially expensive for many teams to maintain such an area of ​​turf. In England, many stadiums are built so that the stands are as close to the field as possible, almost 2 meters from the lines.

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The length of all lines in big football is 12 cm. The middle line divides the court in half, and in its middle is a circle with a diameter of 18.3 m. In the middle of the circle is a point with a diameter of 30 cm, which is the center of the field.

In each of the four corners of the field, a mark is drawn in the form of an arc with a radius of 1 m. From this point, a corner kick is executed. At the very corners of the field markings, columns with a flag are placed, at least 1.5 m high.

Interesting fact. Since the 2016/17 season, the IFAB has allowed the use of club and federation logos on flags.

Goalkeeper's zone

From the goal of each post, 5.5 meters are counted to the side, then two lines of 5.5 meters are drawn towards the center of the field, and their end points are connected by a line drawn parallel to the goal line.

Penalty area

The boundaries of the penalty area are made according to the same principle as with the goalkeeper area, only the distance from the goal posts will be 16.5 meters. Within each penalty area, a point is marked at a distance of 11 meters from the halfway line of the goal line. From this place in football a penalty kick is taken. Outside the penalty area there is an arc, the radius of which is 9 m. 15 cm. This arc is counted from the 11-meter mark.

What size football fields do teams prefer?

The length and width of a football field, in many cases, depends on the team's tactics. Teams that like to attack, especially carry out positional attacks, prefer long and wide fields. Playing on fields with large areas is not easy, especially from a physical point of view. Football players must have good endurance, since they will have to cover long distances during 90 minutes of a match.

Small fields are most often used by clubs that are more focused on defending their own goal and operate on counterattacks. When the field is narrow, you can build a very tight defense, thereby minimizing the amount of space through which opposing attacking players can get through.

Interesting case

In the 2015-2016 UEFA Champions League season, at the quarter-final stage, Real Madrid lost the first game to the German Wolfsburg on their field with a score of 2:0. The coaching staff of the Spanish club approached the return match tactically, deciding to expand the field of the Santiago Bernabeu home stadium. The “royal club” believed that a wider field would make it possible to make maximum use of flank attackers and play combination football with a large number of passes.

As a result, the expansion of the site had a positive effect. The Madrid coach's tactics worked, and his club defeated Wolfsburg with a score of 3:0, reaching the semi-finals. By the way, in that Champions League draw, Real Madrid reached the final, where they defeated Atlético in a series after match penalties.

A football field is a rectangular grass area with a certain size. Today there is no officially established size for a football field, there are only limits regarding the maximum and minimum length and width.

Standard dimensions of a football field according to FIFA regulations

For national level matches:

  • Length: minimum 90, maximum 120 meters;
  • Width: minimum 45, maximum 90 meters.

For international matches, field sizes are more strictly limited:

  • Length: minimum 100, maximum 110 meters;
  • Width: minimum 64, maximum 75 meters.

In March 2008, the IFAB (International Football Association Board) tried to establish a uniform size of football grounds for international matches (105 by 68 meters - 71.4 in acres, 7140 m 2, 0.714 in hectares). Most stadiums on the planet fit these dimensions, but the organization was unable to establish an exact uniform size for a football field.

Do you know what exists?

Interesting. According to FIFA rules, the grass surface must extend 5 meters beyond the boundaries of the field. However, at most stadiums this requirement is ignored. This is due to the fact that it is financially expensive for many teams to maintain such an area of ​​turf. In England, many stadiums are built so that the stands are as close to the field as possible, almost 2 meters from the lines.

Field marking

The length of all lines in big football is 12 cm. The middle line divides the court in half, and in its middle is a circle with a diameter of 18.3 m. In the middle of the circle is a point with a diameter of 30 cm, which is the center of the field.

In each of the four corners of the field, a mark is drawn in the form of an arc with a radius of 1 m. From this point, a corner kick is executed. At the very corners of the field markings, columns with a flag are placed, at least 1.5 m high.

Interesting fact. Since the 2016/17 season, the IFAB has allowed the use of club and federation logos on flags.

Goalkeeper's zone

From the goal of each post, 5.5 meters are counted to the side, then two lines of 5.5 meters are drawn towards the center of the field, and their end points are connected by a line drawn parallel to the goal line.

Penalty area

The boundaries of the penalty area are made according to the same principle as with the goalkeeper area, only the distance from the goal posts will be 16.5 meters. Within each penalty area, a point is marked at a distance of 11 meters from the halfway line of the goal line. From this place in football a penalty kick is taken. Outside the penalty area there is an arc, the radius of which is 9 m. 15 cm. This arc is counted from the 11-meter mark.

What size football fields do teams prefer?

The length and width of a football field, in many cases, depends on the team's tactics. Teams that like to attack, especially carry out positional attacks, prefer long and wide fields. Playing on fields with large areas is not easy, especially from a physical point of view. Football players must have good endurance, since they will have to cover long distances during 90 minutes of a match.

Small fields are most often used by clubs that are more focused on defending their own goal and operate on counterattacks. When the field is narrow, you can build a very tight defense, thereby minimizing the amount of space through which opposing attacking players can get through.

Interesting case

In the 2015-2016 UEFA Champions League season, at the quarter-final stage, Real Madrid lost the first game to the German Wolfsburg on their field with a score of 2:0. The coaching staff of the Spanish club approached the return match tactically, deciding to expand the field of the Santiago Bernabeu home stadium. The “royal club” believed that a wider field would make it possible to make maximum use of flank attackers and play combination football with a large number of passes.

As a result, the expansion of the site had a positive effect. The Madrid coach's tactics worked, and his club defeated Wolfsburg with a score of 3:0, reaching the semi-finals. By the way, in that Champions League draw, Real Madrid reached the final, where they defeated Atlético in a series after match penalties.