The frame materials are made of metal. Metal garage frame. We make a metal frame with our own hands

Staircase structures made on the basis of a metal frame are among the most reliable and durable. They do not rot, withstand significant loads, and are easy to manufacture.

Cascade LLC offers a large selection of stairs to metal frame, both standard and developed in accordance with the individual sketch and wishes of the client. Our own production allows us to produce even complex and large orders in a short time without loss of quality.

Sequence of anti-corrosion treatment

Those who do not meet these standards in age are rare. Formed from donut nails wrapped around one end of a string and, above all, from the “hub” or block of wood into which these nails are inserted, the tuning system represents, along with the piano, a neural and very important point in the functional quality of the instrument. Although it cannot be seen, it can be "guessed" because the tunnels passing through special holes in the frame are "stuck" in this part of the hardwood. Made from multiple thin layers, each with the grain in a different direction, for strength, stability and exceptional sockets with customizable nails, the "hub" is responsible for how the tool is processed.

According to their design, stairs on a metal frame are divided into the following types:

  • marching. Such structures consist of one or more stepped transitions. Accordingly, they are called single- and multi-march. In the latter case, platforms are located between the stepped transitions. Marching stairs are installed in public, administrative, office, and residential multi-apartment buildings;
  • screw. Designs of this type are compact in size. They are usually installed in private homes where space is limited. A spiral staircase can be circular, semi-revolving, on curved stringers or on a vertical support.

Marching structures are preferable when there are no space restrictions. Screw frames are appropriate in those houses where compact dimensions and space saving are fundamental.

The trends that this wooden piece also undergoes as it inevitably ages are significant. There are two design solutions or two “generations” in circulation. One is called "Viennese" mechanical, and the other is called "English". The name does not refer to the place of manufacture, but to the place of its construction, that is, it identifies the type, so you can have a Viennese mechanic made in England or an English mechanic made in Vienna.

The first, the oldest and predecessor of the other, “Viennese mechanics”, is less effective and somewhat more complex. The piano can be easily identified visually due to the fact that the "backpack" is accompanied by a wooden frame visible above the strings. On a piano, the vertical metal lever system has a "weary" appearance to it. Thus, almost 80% of the hammers are not freely visible, and access to the top of the strings is almost completely blocked, making it difficult for a Viennese mechanic to work on the piano.

Regardless of the design, stairs that have more than three steps are equipped with guardrails for safe movement along them. The dimensions of the latter are standardized. The minimum height of the stair railing is:

  • 850 mm - for residential buildings;
  • 900 mm - for public buildings;
  • 1350 mm - for kindergartens and nurseries.

The amount of clearance between the elements of the staircase fence is also normalized:

The second generation, an improved version, known as "English Mechanics", is optimized and more powerful. In a piano, this mechanic is identified by the fact that only "damper" strokes appear above the strings. Additionally, a well-known technical feature - and an advantage over piano mechanics - is the "double repeat", which allows the key to repeat a keystroke at a much higher speed than Viennese mechanics, and not even lift the flap all the way in advance. An easy-to-read feature of the piano is the full visibility of the hammers, with no other parts of the mechanics above them.

  • 140 mm - for residential and public buildings;
  • 100 mm - for kindergartens and nurseries.

Types of frames

Closed. Such a staircase frame will be completely hidden after covering it with another material, most often wood. Weld seams are not visible, so the finishing requirements during manufacturing are low. The standard frame of this type of staircase is a load-bearing frame made from channels, which are connected in pairs in several places. When making a structure, gussets (metal corners) are attached to it for greater strength.

The mechanics of a piano are made up of several thousand pieces, including wood, metal, felt, felt, leather. The wood pieces are made from hardwood to ensure the efficiency of this mechanical system with reliable reliability. Despite the emergence of a large number of new and modern materials, until now nothing has been able to overcome or equal design solutions and classic materials.

Metal frame for a spiral staircase

The secret to the sound of a piano is mainly found in the resonance plate made of wood and behind the strings. It receives the vibrations of the strings mechanically through direct contact due to raised thresholds called connecting lines, over which the strings are pressed with some tension tension. Thus, there is a phenomenon of amplification of the sound of strings, which in otherwise would have a significantly reduced volume compared to a harp. But the resonant plate does not only produce quantitative amplification.

Open. A metal frame of this type is carefully processed, as it will be in plain sight. There are two options for an open staircase design:

  • frame with two stringers. Made from a metal profile with a rectangular cross-section. Both stringers are attached to the stairs and then covered with enamel. Then the fence is installed, the steps are mounted;
  • frame with one stringer. Most often, such a staircase is a single load-bearing beam on which platforms for steps are mounted. If the flight width is significant, additional consoles are welded.

Requirements for stairs on a metal frame

Regardless of the type of structure and cladding material, movement along the steps should be comfortable and safe. Therefore, when manufacturing stairs on a metal frame, their optimal dimensions are pre-calculated.

The quality craftsmanship of a piano's acoustic body has the most valuable effect of capturing and amplifying as much of the full spectrum of harmonics emitted by the strings as possible, meaning achieving that harmonic-rich sound rich in color, depth and energy found in expensive and special instruments. The best wood material used to make this board is high-rise pine due to the very contrasting relationship between high hardness and low weight, which means maximum vibration potential and at the same time plastic resistance to string pressing.

Main normative document is SNiP 21-01-97, regulating fire safety of buildings and structures. In accordance with it, the width of the flight must be at least 0.7-1.35 m (depending on the type of building and the purpose of the staircase). The slope should not exceed 45°, and the height of the step should not be 22 cm. For comfortable movement, the width of the step should not be less than 25 cm.

For high-quality tools, manufacturers use undamaged, fine-grained and evenly grained wood, which they carefully dry over a long period of time. The widely held belief that a piano is even more valuable because it is older is completely false. The materials from which such an appliance is made are subject to deterioration with immediate effects on its performance. The voltage in the piano is very high and the operating tolerances are very low. After several centuries of continuous evolution, it became normal for the acoustic performance of pianos to be pushed to the limits of known materials and technologies.

The useful width of a ladder on a metal frame must be such as to ensure the unhindered movement of objects that can be carried along this path.

Exceptions are structures leading to the attic and basement. They are not used often, so they can have a slope angle of more than 45°, a smaller width of steps and flights of stairs.

Without reference to accidental or voluntary destruction, the “natural” enemies of all instruments are fluctuations in humidity and temperature. Metal can rust and oxidize. Tree, organic matter, “works” with plastic when humidity changes because it automatically tends to adjust internal humidity depending on the environment in which it is deformed. The very fact that seasons or an alternative external climate and your home does not have special climate stabilization leads to a change, at least in the humidity in the room and due to the “work” and wood aging of the tool.

To order a staircase on a metal frame in a standard or exclusive version, fill out an application on the website. You can also call the contact number yourself or send an email with a request to the email address of Cascade LLC.

IN this moment There is a huge selection of stairs, with a variety of design options; the most reliable are metal frame stairs. Thanks to the material used, the staircase frame is made of metal and can be made with a variety of rotation angles, which is difficult to achieve if a wooden frame is used.

Hidden frame structure

If it is also next to a window, radiator, bathroom or kitchen, or, even worse, between them, then the already invisible destructive factors have multiplied. Flowers placed on or near the instrument are even worse for the instrument due to the increased humidity that is created. Spilling a glass of any liquid into an instrument is an accident.

What can you do to protect your tools? Taking all of the above into account, positioning as far as possible away from sources of moisture and heat and out of route between them should be a priority. Exterior walls that are not sufficiently insulated can also be such variable sources. In addition, the instrument cannot be "seen" directly by the sun. Be careful not to place flowers or other containers containing water even near the piano. Don't bring your tea or coffee near your keyboard, be happy with the score.

There are two options for installing a metal frame structure:

  • Metal stairs with a hidden installation method;
  • WITH open method installations.

Hidden frame structure

Hidden - when using this version of the frame structure, there are no strict requirements for appearance, since it is envisaged that all visible parts will be covered in the future. The installed metal frame is lined with the preferred decorative material to match your interior, so as not to disturb the overall style.

Please be aware that this device cannot repair existing damage. For many years, not allowing the instrument to allow it to lose more and more tension that the strings and resonant plate must have in order to provide the expected acoustic performance. The larger the tool is in this condition, the more it is used on it, and its restoration to normal tension becomes more difficult. What's worse is that steel strings gradually age over the years, losing their elasticity as they lose tension.

The manufacturing material can be relatively cheap channels or I-beams with corners of various sizes, to which steps and risers are secured. The channel beam itself is subsequently covered with plasterboard or wooden panels.

After this, the risk of damaging the resistor is very high, and the cost of replacing the strings is significant. This is why all pianists recommend that any instrument receive at least two tunnels per year, approximately 2-3 weeks after the main climate change, even if the instrument is not in use. The “key” climatic moments in our country are after warming up in the cold season and after the hot summer heat. Why after 2-3 weeks? In order for optimal recovery to occur after the instrument has been subjected to all climate change processes.

An important point that cannot be neglected is the necessary calculation of the load on the load-bearing elements in order to eliminate the possibility of the structure breaking during operation.

Open frame construction

The open frame is the visible part of the staircase structure, requiring careful processing and coating with paint and varnish. This option visually looks lighter and, with the proper approach, fits perfectly into the staircase structure.

Examples of metal frames

Providing is the process of adjusting the tension of the strings so that each one produces a well-defined pitch sound and a precise interval between all the sounds of the instrument. The piano is an instrument that cannot be perfectly tuned. To begin with, because the very fact that any two huge musical sounds must be different in pitch. Then the intervals between the 12 notes that fill a piano octave must vary depending on the pitch, which is equally impossible for a piano. Therefore, some compromises must be made.

According to the manufacturing method, open ones are divided into frame structures:

  • with one stringer;
  • with two stringers.

An open frame on one stringer - a supporting beam is installed in the center of the staircase structure, on which platforms or gussets are installed to secure the steps. Half steps are not installed in this type of frame structure. Visually, this type of design looks airy and light. If you plan to install wide flights, to prevent the steps from bending at the edges, it is recommended to weld additional consoles on the sides.

An open frame on two stringers - the installation system is similar to that with one stringer, only the beams are located not in the center, but along the edges of the steps. To secure the steps, gussets (fillies) are installed on the beam; the steps are secured with inside so as not to violate the integrity of the tread. This type of frame is more reliable and is designed for wide marches.

A rectangular metal profile is used to make stringers. The shape is made in the form of a straight load-bearing beam or a ladder. Open staircase on a metal frame with your own hands requires careful processing, beautiful view welding seam and high-quality paint coating (without drips) so as not to spoil appearance staircase structure.

Dimensions for calculation and sequence of work

Before you begin manufacturing a frame structure, you need to decide on the type of structure, calculate the amount of materials and take measurements.

Calculation of required parameters:

  • Measuring the height between the floor of the first and second floor;
  • Riser height, interval from 16 to 20 cm;
  • Tread width, from 20 to 30 cm;
  • The width of the flight of stairs is at least 90 cm;
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs, the limit is from 30 to 45 degrees.

The above limits of intervals when calculating steps are necessary for convenience when moving along the staircase structure.

Formulas for these calculations:

  • Convenience formula: e - j = 12 cm.
  • safety: e + j = 46 cm.
  • step: 2 j + e = 62 (60-64) cm.

Where: tread size – e, riser size – a, j.

Having made these calculations, we determine the stages of work:

  1. We prepare the opening of the required dimensions;
  2. We make a metal frame for the stairs, based on the calculations made;
  3. Assembly of the entire structure at the installation site.

We make a metal frame with our own hands

Stairs with metal frame simple designs, it won’t be difficult to make it yourself if you have the skills to work with welding machine. Let's look at the main stages of manufacturing metal frames for common types of structures.

Simple staircase

To make this frame structure, we will need a channel or a rectangular metal profile, as well as corners for making gussets for the steps. Depending on the selected manufacturing material (profile or channel), we weld the frame, and weld corners on top of the side edge of the channel to secure the steps.

Steps can be secured in two ways:

  1. Direct laying on corners, a method of fastening using bolts through or screws, screwed from the inside through the holes of the corner in the tread.
  2. Additional strips of the required length from the same corner are welded to the fixed corners to form a rectangular frame, into which the steps are subsequently laid and fixed.

The next step in the work is cleaning the welds using a file or an attachment with a grinding disk on a drill. Before painting, the metal structure must be treated with a protective solution to prevent the formation of rust.

Video: Making a metal frame for a flight of stairs.

Metal frame for a spiral staircase

For the manufacture of frame structures spiral staircase with our own hands we will need two pipes:

  1. For the central supporting column - it is made from a pipe of the required diameter and length.
  2. To secure the steps, use a pipe of the same length, but with a larger diameter.

The pipe intended for fastening the steps must be cut into sections (sleeves) with a length of 23 to 26 cm. As an option, in order to save money, you can simply use the remains of pipes (if available) to make sections, the main thing is to take into account their identical diameter.

Larger diameter pipe sections must be cut at an exact 90 degree angle to ensure the correct installation angle for the steps.

The cut pieces should fit tightly on the central post, without distortions or play. If during the installation process it is not possible to fit the sections tightly, then you can use o-rings, which can be made from a rod of the required diameter.

To achieve the required size of the sealing rings, the rod must be screwed onto a supporting pole during their manufacture.

We weld the finished sealing rings into sections for reliable fixation and smooth them out of unevenness using an attachment with a grinding disc on a drill. You can immediately weld the steps to the central beam, but the process of correct fastening will be very difficult; with the help of segments it is much easier to set the steps to the desired pitch and angle of inclination.

To facilitate the manufacture of steps of the same size, it is better to make a special template. For the template we need a piece of plywood and several wooden slats. We fix the slats on plywood to obtain the desired shape of the step.

We make the required number of future steps, install corners or profile pipe into the manufactured template, weld them together and with cut pieces (sleeves) from the second pipe. Upon completion of assembly, we clean the prepared steps along the welding seams from irregularities and burrs.

Having completed all the work described above, we proceed to the direct installation of the spiral staircase; we put the finished steps with the segments attached to them onto the central pipe and install the finished structure at the installation site.

For reliability, the lower part of the central pillar is concreted into the floor.

Upon completion of installation, we adjust the steps in a spiral to the desired angle and pitch to ensure structural strength and reliable fixation, and weld them together with jumpers. The treads are installed and secured after priming and painting all metal elements of the staircase structure.

Sequence of anti-corrosion treatment

To ensure a long service life of a metal structure, it is necessary to properly process them. Anti-corrosion treatment consists of the following stages:

  • Degreasing the structure;
  • Rust converter treatment;
  • Priming process.

Degreasing occurs by treating the metal elements of the stairs; for these purposes, a rag moistened with any organic solvent or gasoline, acetone, or white spirit is suitable.

Treatment with a rust converter occurs by applying the required sulfate layer with a brush without gaps. Ready-made solutions of rust converters can be purchased in stores.

The final stage of processing is priming, which is also applied without gaps in one layer using a brush or spray. For complete drying, at least 24 hours are recommended. For priming, GF-21 primer, which is gray or brown in color, is most often used.

By processing the metal frame of the staircase in the correct sequence, you will ensure its long service life and protect yourself from unnecessary financial costs for re-processing.