How to properly prepare lecho from bell pepper. Recipe for winter lecho step by step with photos

Tomato and pepper lecho became widespread in Eastern and Central Europe. Tomatoes and bell peppers are its main ingredients, but there are also options with eggplant and zucchini. The recipes for preparing this dish are quite varied, so we want to offer you several ways at once. So let's look at them.

Tomato lecho for the winter


Sugar – 4 tablespoons
- vegetable oil– 155 g
- onion- 1 kg
- sweet peppercorns – 2 kilograms
- salt – 2 teaspoons
- tomatoes – 2 kg
- bay leaf – 2 pieces
- black peppercorns – 4 pieces
- allspice - teaspoon
- vinegar – 3 tbsp. spoons


Wash and sort all the vegetables. Chop the tomatoes, cut the onion into half rings, chop the pepper into strips. Add bay leaf, allspice and black pepper, butter, sugar, salt, simmer it all for one hour. Finally, pour in the vinegar, pack into jars, close with screw caps, and roll up.

Eggplant and tomato lecho

Required Products:

Eggplant – 2 kg
- tomatoes – 3 kilograms
- carrots – 320 g
- pepper – 2 kg
- salt, granulated sugar - 200 g each
- vinegar – 100 ml
- hot pepper – 1/5 pod
- head of garlic
- vegetable oil – 220 g


Select the fruits and wash them. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder. Cut the eggplants into slices, chop the pepper into strips, and chop the onion into half rings. Chop the garlic, carrots and hot pepper. Combine all the vegetables, add vegetable oil, spices, granulated sugar, vinegar, boil, simmer for 40 minutes over low heat. Pour the salad into sterilized containers and roll up.

Try the same

Lecho recipe with tomatoes

You will need:

Tomato paste – 355 g
- zucchini – 2 kilograms
- onions, tomatoes – 10 pcs.
- peppercorns – 5 pieces
- sugar - one glass
- sunflower oil - one glass
- salt - a tablespoon
- vinegar - a tablespoon

How to cook:

Peel the zucchini and chop into cubes. Wash the peppers and cut into strips. Cut the peeled onion into incomplete rings, and the tomatoes into slices. Prepare the sauce: add butter, tomato paste, vinegar, spices to a liter of water, stir. Place the zucchini in the sauce, place the pan on the stove, boil, cover with a lid, and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After ten minutes, add the onion, tomatoes, pepper, and cook for another 10 minutes. Package the finished product and seal it.

It turns out very tasty and



Tomato juice – 2 liters
- peppercorns – 5 kilograms
- granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
- salt – 120 g
- vinegar – 120 ml
- hot pepper
- honey – 5 tbsp. spoon
- sunflower oil – 220 g
- onion – 6 pieces

How to cook:

Make syrup from tomato, honey, hot pepper, butter, vinegar and sugar. Place bell peppers and onion rings into the boiling marinade, boil for 10 minutes, place in sterile jars, pour hot marinade, and roll up.

How to make lecho from tomatoes

Required Products:

Sunflower oil - ? glasses
- zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes – 2 kg each
- salt
- sugar - a couple of tablespoons

Cooking steps:

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, chop the remaining vegetables, add spices, butter, granulated sugar, boil for half an hour, pour into jars, and roll up.


Required Products:

Tomatoes – 3 kg
- garlic clove – 3 pcs.
- salt – 2 tbsp. l.
- sugar - one glass
- vinegar consistency – 3 tbsp.
- bell pepper – 1 kg

How to cook:

Rinse the tomatoes and cut into slices. Remove the seeds from the remaining fruits and chop into strips. Mix one and a half kilograms of vegetables and place in a saucepan. If the tomatoes are not too juicy, add a glass of water, boil, and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Add the remaining tomato slices and stir. Add spices and sugar and cook for another 20 minutes. Crush the peeled garlic, pour vinegar into it, and boil for five minutes. Wash the jars, heat them in the oven, lay out the preparation, and roll it up.

Your loved ones will love it and

Bulgarian lecho.


Tomatoes – 3 kg
- salt – 2 tablespoons
- sugar – 155 g
- pepper – 2 kg


Before cooking, dip the tomato fruits in boiling water for a few minutes, remove the peels, and cut them into large circles. Cut the pepper into rings. Mix the vegetables with seasonings and sugar, pour them into a saucepan, bring to a boil, cover with lids, cook over low heat while stirring. Place in a glass container and seal.

Lecho from carrots and tomatoes

Required Products:

Tomatoes, zucchini, peppers - 1 kg each
- onion – 0.2 kg
- carrot - ? kg
- sunflower oil – 155 ml
- garlic clove – 2 pieces
- vinegar essence – 18 ml
- sugar - a tablespoon
- salt – 35 g

Cooking steps:

Chop the peeled carrots into strips. Peel young zucchini and cut into slices. Remove the core if the seeds become hard. Peel the bell pepper and chop it. Chop the peeled onion into incomplete rings. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, and pass the pulp through a meat grinder. Pour 1/5 of the vegetable fat into the pan, heat it, add carrots and onions. As soon as the vegetables soften, add the rest of the fruits, add salt, and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour in the tomato, add sugar and garlic, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar essence. Sterilize lids and jars. In 5 min. Before the end of cooking, pour in the rest of the vegetable oil, preheating it to a boil. Roll up the lecho containers and cool them upside down.

It turns out very tasty too.



Red bell pepper – 50 pieces
- sugar, sunflower fat - 1 cup each
- tomato juice – 2 liters
- vinegar concentration, salt - a tablespoon
- bay leaf – 2 pieces
- bitter pepper
- black peppercorns – 10 pieces

How to cook:

Peel the peppers, remove the seeds, cut into 4 pieces lengthwise. Prepare a brine from the remaining products, boil it for 10 minutes, add the peppers, and cook for 30 minutes. Take out the peppers, put them in jars, fill them with boiling brine, and seal them.

"In Kazan style."

Required Products:

Head of garlic – 2 pieces
- red tomatoes – 4 kg
- carrots – 1/2 kg
- bitter pepper
- parsley
- dill
- sweet peppers – 4 kg
- salt – 3 tbsp. l.
- a glass of granulated sugar
- sunflower oil – 125 g
- vinegar – 75 g

Cooking steps:

Pass the vegetables through a meat grinder. Finely chop the bitter pepper, garlic, herbs, mix, add sugar, salt, butter, put on fire, cook for 15 minutes. over low heat. Add the peppers, cut into rings. Pour in the vinegar ten minutes before the end of cooking. Pack into sterilized jars and seal.

Good afternoon friends! Another article from the “Winter Preparations” series.

Lecho from bell pepper with tomatoes - a bright example of Hungarian cuisine. According to the classic recipe, this dish is prepared without vinegar, from just two ingredients: tomatoes and red or orange sweet peppers.

In Soviet times, Hungary supplied Globus jars with prepared vegetables, including lecho. Today, this beloved and popular dish in our country can be prepared at home and saved for the winter.

The lack of an exact recipe allows for a flight of culinary imagination and every housewife can use any available and budget vegetables: onions, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants and beans. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste, juice or sauce. Lecho can be prepared as a dietary lecho with onions and carrots, or for those who like it spicy with garlic.

The most delicious bell pepper lecho for the winter - you'll lick your fingers

A wonderful recipe for lecho for the winter! A bright, beautiful dish, extremely tasty.

For preparation, we take fresh, intact, thick-walled sweet bell peppers and fleshy, ripe tomatoes.

The opinion that you can use not quite “good” vegetables for salads is unacceptable; do not skimp on quality.


  • sweet pepper - 3 kg
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • tomato sauce - 0.5 l.
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 tbsp.
  • ground paprika - 1 tbsp. l.


Be sure to peel the tomatoes. We make notches on them, blanch in boiling water for 5-10 seconds, then in cold water. The skin will come off easily. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste or homemade ketchup.

Let's put them through a meat grinder.

Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and cut into large slices.

Place the prepared ingredients in a bowl and boil for 15 minutes. Add 10 tablespoons of sugar (less possible) and salt. Boil for another 10 minutes.

Let's try! The combination of flavors is amazing, but one more small touch - add good tomato sauce, sweet paprika and vinegar. The first two ingredients will enhance the taste, and vinegar will add sourness and preserve the product. Boil for 5 minutes.

We put the hot lecho into pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lids, and turn them over. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Store in a cool, dark place.

This snack can be cooked in a slow cooker. If you are interested in the recipe, write in the comments.

Just look how delicious it looks. The combination of flavors makes it so finger licking delicious. Bon appetit!

Recipe for lecho with tomatoes, onions and bell peppers for the winter


  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1/2 kg
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp.
  • ground dill seeds - 1/2 tsp.
  • parsley - 1 bunch

Bulgarian lecho with tomatoes, carrots and onions for the winter

This is a very unusual cooking recipe. If the ratios of all ingredients and spices are observed, the appetizer turns out thick, beautiful and extremely tasty. “Like Grandma’s” is our family recipe, which my mother inherited and passed on to me.

It is important to choose the right vegetables. They should be ripe, fleshy, bright in color. Grind the ingredients into pieces of the same size, not too finely.


  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • carrots - 300 gr.
  • onion - 300 gr.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • sugar - to taste
  • allspice and black pepper - 10 peas
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 150 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 tbsp.


We prepare the necessary vegetables. Cut: sweet pepper into classic medium strips, onion into half rings, garlic into quarters, carrot into thin strips, tomato into medium slices.

Place the chopped vegetable mixture, except garlic, in a large bowl.

Add salt, sugar, allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaf, ground paprika, sunflower oil.

Mix well. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave at room temperature for 4 hours. We stir periodically. Each ingredient has its own taste and aroma, and when we combine them, we get something amazing.

While the vegetables are brewing, prepare 0.650 gram jars. Sterilize in the oven at 160 degrees for 15 minutes.

Place the bowl on the stove, bring the vegetable mixture to a boil, add vinegar and garlic. Boil for 5 minutes, place in hot sterilized jars, seal, and cover with lids.

Sterilize in a saucepan with boiling water for 15 minutes, roll up. We wrap ourselves in a blanket. The sterilization process will continue until it cools completely.

A simple recipe for lecho with tomatoes, garlic and bell peppers

This is a wonderful and proven recipe that I have been preparing for many years. Lecho turns out thick, with an exquisite taste and noticeably outperforms other snacks. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it.


  • sweet pepper - 3 kg
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.
  • sunflower oil - 150-170 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 tbsp.

The weight of the products is taken in their pure, purified form.


  1. Select ripe, fleshy tomatoes. Peel and cut into medium slices. Tomatoes can also be minced, but I prefer them in pieces.
  2. Cut off the stalk of the pepper, remove the core with the seeds, and chop into medium strips.
  3. Cut the garlic into thin slices.
  4. Place tomatoes and peppers in a bowl. Stir, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Add sugar, salt, garlic, sunflower oil.
  6. Boil for another 15 minutes.
  7. Add vinegar, boil for 2 minutes. The lecho is ready.
  8. Place hot into sterilized jars and cover with lids.

This appetizer goes great with boiled potatoes, pasta, rice, meat, or just a piece of soft bread. Bon appetit!

How to prepare lecho from bell pepper

We associate lecho with preparations for the winter. I want to offer you a recipe for surprisingly tasty lecho, in which nothing needs to be preserved. It can be eaten immediately after preparation.

Sweet peppers are popularly called “Bulgarian”, but a delicious salad dish called “lecho” comes from Hungarian cuisine. To prepare it, Ugrian people take a special variety of red round peppers – gogoshary.

Domestic housewives have long moved away from the classic recipe and invented many of their own original versions, which are good both freshly prepared and sealed.

Preparing the Main Components

The main ingredients from which lecho is made are peppers and tomatoes. Only well-ripened fruits will be needed, as they have better taste. The color of the peppers does not matter; you can even use different colors. But green fruits have a slight bitterness, which can be removed by blanching.

The pepper is washed in cold water, then the stalk and testes are removed and cut into longitudinal strips 2 cm wide. It is advisable to rinse the tomatoes several times under running water, cut into slices and grind in a meat grinder.

Basically, lecho is prepared on the basis of tomato puree. To prepare it, twisted tomatoes are heated to a boil and then ground through a sieve. After this, they are boiled over low heat until the mass decreases in volume by 2.5 times. From 3 kg of fresh fruits, approximately 1 kg of puree is obtained.

You can go another way - buy ready-made tomato paste, diluting it with boiled water 1:1. The resulting puree should be boiled for several minutes before being used in the preparation.

The following are recipes for preparing canned lecho, ranging from classics to unusual combinations of ingredients. For young housewives they will become an example of how to experiment with winter preparations.

Classic recipe

To prepare the classic version, you will need 1 kg of bell pepper and 0.5 kg of tomato puree. Sweet fruits must first be blanched in salted water so that they become soft, and then cut. The prepared peppers are placed (not too tightly) in jars and poured with boiling tomato sauce. It is prepared like this:

  • boil the puree to the desired volume;
  • add 30 g of salt, 35 g of sugar, 0.5 tsp. ground pepper;
  • before removing from heat, pour in 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Fill the peppers with tomato sauce and send them to sterilize: 0.5 liter jars for 15 minutes, 1 liter jars for 25 minutes. Since lecho contains vinegar, it is recommended to use varnished lids for sealing.

Lecho is very tasty with the addition of carrots. The algorithm for preparing this workpiece is as follows:

  • carrots (2 kg) and 200 g of white roots (parsley, celery, parsnips) are chopped and fried in vegetable oil;
  • chop the onion (350 g) and sauté separately from the root vegetables;
  • tomato paste (750 g) is brought to a boil, pepper and fried vegetables are placed in it;
  • simmer for 10 minutes and then pack into jars.

Since lecho contains carrots, the blockage will have to be sterilized longer: 0.5 liters - 50 minutes, 1 liter - 90 minutes.

To prepare standard lecho, use the same amount of tomato puree for 1 kg of peppers. After salting (30 g) and adding sugar (50 g), boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. After which the lecho is packaged in dry sterile jars, trying to evenly distribute the pepper and puree. In this case, the tomato should completely cover the pepper slices.

Covering the jars with lids, send them for sterilization (water temperature should be about 70°C). After the water in the sterilizer boils, half-liter jars are kept for another 25 minutes, liter jars for half an hour. Having rolled up, the jars are placed upside down and left to cool naturally.

This recipe is slightly different from the classic version. 2.5 kg of tomatoes are boiled 1.5-2 times. At the end of cooking, add salt (3 tbsp), the same amount of sugar, a little allspice and ground pepper. After boiling for another 5 minutes, add chopped herbs and crushed garlic (several cloves).

The remaining vegetables are processed separately. Heat 350 g of vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry onions (0.5 kg), carrots (2 kg), and white roots (350 g) in it. Then add pre-blanched sweet peppers (2 kg), mix thoroughly and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Packaging into jars is carried out using this method - first pour a little hot sauce on the bottom, then put the mixture stewed vegetables and pour the tomato on top again. Half-liter containers are sterilized for 50 minutes, liter containers for 90 minutes. Cooling - lids down, air.

After cooking, this lecho tastes like Crimean sauce. For the recipe you will need 3.5 kg of sweet red pepper, 2.5 kg of boiled tomato puree, 1 kg of onion.

In this dish, the pepper is not cut, but minced in a meat grinder after preliminary blanching. The onion is cut into rings and fried until golden brown. Ready tomato puree(boiled) add chopped pepper, fried onion, spices - 4 peas each of ground and allspice.

Mix well, add sugar (150 g) and salt (85 g). After 10 minutes, pour 30 g of 80% acetic acid into the lecho and remove from heat. Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 70 minutes and one-liter jars for 90 minutes.

Not all housewives know this recipe, but you should definitely prepare it. Thanks to zucchini, lecho acquires an interesting taste. The dish should be prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • cut the pepper into strips, zucchini into cubes (all 1.5 kg);
  • ripe tomatoes (2 kg) are crushed in a blender and put on fire;
  • as soon as the tomatoes boil, add peppers and zucchini to the pan;
  • add sugar (0.5 cup) and salt (2 tbsp);
  • pour in sunflower oil (1 cup) and cook for 15 minutes;
  • before removing, add 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar.

The finished lecho is packaged in half-liter jars, sterilized for 20 minutes and cooled in the standard way.

Every family loves canned cucumbers. Those who have not yet tried pimply fruits in lecho are encouraged to use this recipe:

  • tomatoes (0.5 kg) are cut and grated to separate from the skin;
  • sweet pepper (0.5 kg) cut into small cubes;
  • cucumbers (1.5 kg) cut into 4-5 cm cubes;
  • Place grated tomatoes and chopped peppers into the pan;
  • chop the head of garlic and add it to the vegetable mixture;
  • adding salt (4 tsp), sugar (12 tsp) and vegetable oil (50 mg), place the pan on the stove;
  • simmer the tomato mixture over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • Add cucumbers to the mixture, pour in 50 g of vinegar (9%), cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes.

The finished lecho is placed in hot jars and immediately rolled up. Cool by keeping for a day under a warm blanket.

Usually lecho is prepared using dry beans, but in this recipe we suggest using young beans. They take 1 kg based on 0.5 liters of tomato puree and 0.3 kg of chopped bell pepper. The dish is prepared according to this recipe:

  • the beans are poured with water (1 l) and put on fire;
  • when the water boils, add 1 tsp. salt and sugar;
  • the beans are cooked for 5-7 minutes;
  • carrots (300 g) are chopped on a coarse grater;
  • onion (200 g) finely chopped and fried along with carrots;
  • the frying is placed in a saucepan, tomato puree and bean broth are added;
  • After 5 minutes, the beans themselves are added to the mixture and boiled for another 10 minutes.

Sterilization of packaged jars is carried out for 20 minutes, then cooled under a warm blanket.

Lecho can be prepared without subsequent sterilization if you use 70% vinegar. The main steps correspond to the standard recipe - boil the tomatoes (2 kg) by half, adding 5 tbsp in the process. sugar and vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. salt. In total, the tomato is stewed for about 40 minutes.

Bell pepper and carrots (1 kg each) are cut into strips and added to the tomato. After 20 minutes, remove from heat, pour in 1 tbsp. concentrated vinegar, mix well and package. Having rolled up the lids, the jars are placed upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket and kept there for a day to cool.

If there are no additives in the lecho, but only spices, it can be prepared for the winter without vinegar (but with sterilization). In this recipe, for 2 kg of sweet pepper, take 2.1 kg of fresh tomatoes, 10 g each of ground black and allspice.

Place 2-3 peas of allspice and ground pepper at the bottom of each jar, then pack the lecho and place it in a sterilizer. From the moment the water boils, packaged containers of 0.5 liters are kept for 40 minutes, 1 liter - 50 minutes.

Some people like peppers stuffed with rice, but this grain can also be added to lecho. It will turn out no less tasty. First, rice (400 g) is washed in several waters until the cloudiness disappears. Then blanch in boiling water for 5-7 minutes and drain in a colander. Rice is washed cold water and leave for a while to let the water drain. Then proceed as follows:

  • carrots (1 kg), white roots (100 g), onions (350 g) are fried in heated oil (1 cup);
  • vegetables are mixed with rice and placed in an enamel pan;
  • Bulgarian pepper cut into slices (1.5 kg) is also placed here;
  • everything is poured with hot tomato puree made from 2 kg of fresh tomatoes;
  • boil for 10 minutes and pack into jars.

Half-liter jars are sterilized for 70 minutes, liter jars for 120 minutes. Roll up and cool.

This dish turns out very aromatic and spicy. To prepare it you will need 2 kg of sweet peppers and 1 kg of fresh tomatoes. Below are the step-by-step actions of the hostess:

  • the prepared pepper is cut into wide strips;
  • tomatoes are cut into 4 parts;
  • 4 medium onions, chopped into half rings;
  • Pour a glass of vegetable oil into the bottom of a thick-bottomed pan and place on the fire to warm up;
  • sauté the onion until transparent;
  • Place tomatoes in a saucepan and salt to taste;
  • After simmering the mixture for 20 minutes, add pepper;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes;
  • 2 whole heads of garlic, peeled and pressed;
  • put garlic in the lecho, add a glass of sugar, pour in 1 tbsp. vinegar and simmer for another 15 minutes;
  • add 1 tsp. ground red and black pepper, finely chopped herbs and after 10 minutes remove from heat.

Lecho is packaged in hot jars and immediately rolled up. Place the jars with the lids down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them for a day.

This recipe is shared by Bulgarian housewives who prefer spicy dishes:

  • bell pepper (1 kg) cut into slices and placed in a pan;
  • tomatoes (500 g) are cut into 8 parts and added to the pepper;
  • Remove the stem and seeds from red hot peppers (15 g) and finely chop them, then add them to the vegetable mixture;
  • After boiling the food over low heat for 20 minutes, pour in 100 g of calcined sunflower oil;
  • add 10 g of salt and sugar, chopped herbs and crushed garlic (5 cloves);
  • Let it simmer for another 20 minutes and pack it into jars.

Sterilization time for containers of 0.5 l is 25 minutes, 1 l is 30 minutes.

This recipe is a little unusual because it contains honey. But the taste of the dish is quite original. First, prepare the marinade:

  • pour 2 cups of tomato juice into the pan;
  • add half a glass of vegetable oil, 6 tbsp. honey, 1 glass of sugar and 100 g of salt, chopped hot pepper and 100 ml of vinegar;
  • bring to a boil and add finely chopped bell pepper (5 kg);
  • cook for 10 minutes and pack into jars.

Lecho prepared according to this recipe does not require sterilization, so the jars are immediately rolled up.

A simple recipe for winter treatment step by step: video

Lecho from bell pepper with tomato paste for the winter: video

Recipe for winter lecho with carrots: video

Lecho: peppers, tomatoes, carrots and onions. The best recipe: video

The recipes can be listed endlessly. It is enough to slightly change the proportion of ingredients or the name of the components, and you get a completely new dish with an original taste and aroma. Therefore, it is not surprising that under the general name “lecho”, every family serves its own signature dish to the table in winter.

I think that many people know and love such an appetizer as lecho; it leaves the table especially well on winter evenings in good company, but you can also enjoy it in the summer. After all, it takes very little time to prepare it, and the ingredients you need are the simplest. So let's get started.

How to prepare lecho for the winter from bell peppers and tomatoes?

If you are wondering how to prepare a delicious preparation for the winter in the form of lecho, then be sure to read this recipe to the end. Besides the fact that it is very easy to prepare, the taste is simply incredible.

By treating your guests to such a snack, you will deservedly receive the highest rating from them. And also get ready to answer questions about how you prepared it and where you found such a simple and wonderful recipe.

Incomparably delicious lecho made from bell pepper and tomato! One of my favorite winter preparations. This delicious appetizer will complement and enrich the taste of any dish.


  • bell pepper – 2.5 kg
  • tomatoes – 2 kg
  • sugar – ½ cup
  • vegetable oil (refined) – ½ cup
  • salt – 1 heaped tablespoon
  • 9% vinegar – 1 tablespoon


1. Tomatoes need to be chopped using a regular meat grinder or blender. Add sugar and salt to them, stir, put the pan on the stove, where I bring it to a boil on medium.

2. While the tomatoes are cooking, remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into large pieces.

3. After the tomato mass has boiled, pour vegetable oil into it. Add bell pepper to them. Bring to a boil again and after boiling, cook for exactly 30 minutes, slightly reducing the heat.

4. After 30 minutes, add a spoonful of vinegar, and, after stirring, remove from the stove.

5. Place the lecho in pre-sterilized hot jars and screw on with sterile lids.

Are you convinced how basic everything is? If you still have any questions or something is not entirely clear, then ask in the comments. We will definitely answer your question and add to this recipe.

A simple recipe for making lecho from peppers and carrots

Here is another recipe for making unforgettably tasty and aromatic lecho. The ingredients are almost the same, we just add carrots to them. It will make the finished dish more satisfying and even sweeter.

I advise you to cook our favorite dish this way at least once. I think and hope that you will like this method as much as we do.


  • Tomatoes – 4 kg
  • Carrots – 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 1.2 kg
  • Onion -1 kg
  • Vinegar 9% – 100 g
  • Sunflower oil – 150 g
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Salt 100 g
  • Peppercorns 20-30 pieces.


1. First, peel the carrots, onions and peppers. We cut the tomatoes into large pieces, carrots into strips, onions into half rings, and peppers into large pieces.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, add tomatoes, peppers, carrots and onions. Add salt, sugar and peppercorns to them.

3. Mix all this carefully and put it on the stove, bring to a boil. When our lecho boils, cook for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Cook over low heat. When about 5 minutes remain before the end of cooking, add vinegar and mix everything carefully.

4. Take sterilized jars and put lecho in them, close the jars with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a towel until they cool.

You can eat the lecho right away, or you can leave it for the winter. It can even be used as a ready-made roast, for example, for preparing various soups. It turns out that you will need much less time to prepare your first hot dish than usual. And this is another big plus of this culinary masterpiece.

Recipe for lecho from bell peppers with tomatoes and onions

In this cooking method, in addition to onions, we also use hot peppers, which will add a spicy and unforgettable taste and aroma to our dish. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised!


  • sweet bell pepper - 3 kg
  • onions – 1.5 kg
  • red tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • hot pepper – 3 pieces
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • refined sunflower oil - 1 cup
  • vinegar – ½ cup
  • salt – 2 tablespoons.

From the indicated ingredients the yield is 5 liters.


1. Chop the tomatoes coarsely, the next step is to mince the tomatoes and hot peppers.

There is no need to remove seeds from hot peppers, just cut off the cap and cut off the top of the tomato. Transfer the resulting mass to the container in which we will prepare the lecho (basin or pan).

2. Peel the bell pepper from the stem and seeds and cut it into 8 slices each, add it to the tomatoes.

3. Now let's move on to the bow. Cut it into half rings and add to the total mass. Sprinkle salt, sugar and sunflower oil on top. Mix everything well and leave for 30 minutes so that the vegetables release juice.

4. Put it on the stove to cook. From the moment of boiling you need to cook for 25 minutes. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

5. Add vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. While the lecho has not cooled down, pour it into sterilized jars, cover with a lid and close with a seaming key.

6. The resulting jars must be turned upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket and left until it has cooled completely. We will take a sample in a few months.

Tomato and pepper lecho for the winter without sterilization

The name of the recipe sounds somewhat scary, because how can you make a preparation without sterilization? But this is only at first glance impossible. In fact, everything is done quite simply.

Lecho without sterilization for the winter turns out very tasty. Even jars with lids do not need to be sterilized or dried; just wash the jars well. You can easily surprise your loved ones and friends with this dish. It turns out not only very tasty, but also very beautiful. Especially if it contains peppers of different colors.

The result will be such a bright and spring-like salad that will winter time will remind you of warm days. And it is guaranteed that such an appetizer will decorate any table with its presence.


  • bell pepper - 1.5 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg or tomato juice 1 liter.
  • onion - 500 g.
  • carrots - 300 g.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • vegetable oil - 150 g.
  • sugar -100 g.
  • salt - 1.5-2 teaspoons
  • vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

It turns out 2.5 liters of Lecho.


1. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer or a meat grinder. Bring tomato juice to a boil.

3. Add grated carrots, mix and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent moisture from evaporating.

4. Add onion and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Cut the onion into half rings; you can also chop the onion smaller if someone doesn’t like the onion to be felt.

5. After 5-7 minutes, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and pepper, seeded and cut into 3-4 pieces lengthwise. Simmer the lecho over low heat, stirring occasionally.

6. Then add bay leaf, chopped garlic and vinegar to our lecho. Gently mix and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

7. Then put the boiling lecho into well-washed jars, cover with a lid and roll up. Immediately turn the jars with lecho onto the lids, cover with a warm blanket, and leave the jars in this position until they cool down.

Opening these jars in winter, you will feel and taste the aroma of summer, which is so needed on cold winter evenings.

Video on how to prepare lecho for the winter with tomato paste

I present to your attention a slightly unusual video recipe for making lecho. Its highlight is that instead of tomatoes or tomato juice, tomato paste is used.

That's all I have for today. If you liked our recipes, please leave your feedback in the comments below the article. We will also be immensely grateful if you share this post on social networks so that your friends know about them.

In the meantime, see you in new issues.

Lecho made from bell pepper and tomato for the winter is the best vegetable salad. Preparing homemade preparations is easy and simple, the main thing is to know proven recipes for delicious lecho. But how nice it is in the cold winter to open a jar of aromatic lecho salad made from bell peppers and tomatoes, which is prepared with my own hands at home. For delicious dish It is important that all vegetables used are ripe and of good quality.

There is probably no one who doesn’t like winter salads, and our simple winter lecho recipes will help any housewife prepare this wonderful appetizer without spending a lot of time and effort.

Pepper and tomato lecho for the winter


  • ripe tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • red sweet pepper - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns;
  • 80 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.

Pepper and tomato lecho for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

Snack jars must be prepared in advance. They need to be washed well. They should not be large and their displacement should not exceed 800 ml.

How to sterilize jars

Pour some water into the jars so that it covers the bottom. Place the jars in the microwave. 4-5 jars can be placed in it at once. Set the timer for 3 minutes. And the sterile jars are ready.

Vegetables must be washed very well under hot water. Cut the pepper into longitudinal strips approximately 1 centimeter wide. Tomatoes need to be cut and stems removed. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder and place the mixture in a saucepan.

Place the pan on the fire and bring them to a boil. Then add the pepper cut into strips into the pan. Boil the vegetables again over low heat for about half an hour. Finally add pepper, salt and sugar. Pour in vinegar and add bay leaves.

Boil for another five minutes and the lecho can be placed in sterile jars. The water from the jars must be poured out.

The lids must be boiled and used to cover the jars with the snack.

Turn the jars upside down and place them on the floor. We wrap them in a blanket and wait for tomorrow. In the morning, we remove the blanket and put the jars with the divine snack in a cool place.

There is no need to put them in the refrigerator; they will have enough space in the pantry. Take out the lecho in winter and treat your guests to a wonderful and tasty appetizer of tomatoes with bell peppers, which goes perfectly with boiled potatoes.

Spicy lecho in Georgian

In the process of preparing a variety of delicious preserves for the winter, bell peppers are especially popular. Peppers, pickled, salted, pickled, various snacks and salads made from pepper or with the addition of it...

You won’t see so many recipes for preparing this wonderful vegetable on the culinary pages! One of the most popular bell pepper dishes is lecho.

And again, even this dish can be prepared in dozens different ways. Today we will share with you a wonderful recipe for Georgian pepper lecho.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • bell pepper – 3 kg;
  • carrots – 1.5 kg;
  • onions – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • vinegar – 1 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 50 g;
  • salt.

Lecho in Georgian for the winter - the most correct recipe with photos:

Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut into small pieces. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the tomatoes until you obtain a puree.

Pour the resulting mass into a large saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil.

Peel the carrots and onions, wash and dry. Grate the carrots, cut the onions into half rings, feathers or cubes.

Place carrots and onions in boiling tomato puree, stir and, stirring occasionally, cook over low heat for 40 minutes.

Wash the sweet peppers, remove stems and seeds. Cut each vegetable into 4-6 pieces (depending on the size of the peppers).

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, as in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

10-15 minutes before it’s ready, put the prepared pepper in a pan with boiling vegetable mixture, add vinegar, sugar, sunflower oil and salt to taste. Mix the lecho thoroughly.

Place the hot vegetable mass into prepared (sterilized) jars, cover with lids and roll up.
Turn the jars with the preparation upside down, wrap them well and leave until completely cool.

You can store jars of canned lecho in Georgian style in the refrigerator, pantry or cellar.

We all know that Caucasian cuisine cannot do without products such as red hot peppers and herbs. Therefore, you can safely use these ingredients to give the dish a richer taste.

Add to the dish a little finely chopped parsley or cilantro and a pod of hot pepper (if desired, you can adjust the amount of this product up or down). Spicy spiciness will make the dish more original. In addition, you can emphasize the taste of the food with the help of garlic and/or spices (coriander, nutmeg, cloves, etc.).

Georgian lecho can be served as an independent snack or as an excellent addition to various meat dishes, boiled potatoes, porridge. In addition, this lecho can be used to prepare soups and gravies.

Bell pepper lecho for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers”

In winter, without prepared pickled tomatoes, zucchini and salads, it is difficult to feed a large family, especially men. A simple recipe for winter lecho made from bell peppers “You'll lick your fingers” will help you cope with this difficult task.

Don’t despair if you don’t have time to prepare lecho during the tomato harvest; in the fall, natural tomato juice will do instead – even the kind sold in the store. This lecho recipe is the fastest and most delicious, without any grinding or straining.

Ingredients for winter lecho:

  • red tomatoes (preferably overripe) – 2 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp;
  • vinegar 70% – 1 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 150 ml.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into large pieces.
  2. Twist through a meat grinder.
  3. Place the tomato puree in a large aluminum or non-stick pan or saucepan.
  4. Add granulated sugar, salt, butter. Mix.
  5. After this, bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for 40 minutes at low boil.
  6. Cut the peeled carrots into strips, and the seedless peppers into large longitudinal strips.
  7. Add the carrots and pepper slices to the tomatoes and simmer the whole mass for another 20 minutes. If desired, carrots can be fried in a separate bowl and then combined with the rest of the mixture.
  8. Remove the lecho with bell pepper from the stove, pour vinegar, knead and put the vegetable mixture into sterilized jars.
  9. We roll up the metal lids and put the inverted jars under a warm blanket until they cool.

All! Delicious lecho for the winter is ready! You can use it as a dressing for borscht or soup in winter. Try adding porridge or pasta to this vegetable stew and you will be pleasantly surprised by the completely new taste sensations of already familiar dishes.

Zucchini and eggplant lecho


  • 1 kg of eggplants;
  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg pepper;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • for the sauce: 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 0.5 cups 6% vinegar;
  • 300 g each of sunflower oil and sugar;
  • a third of a glass of salt;
  • 5 peas each of black and allspice;
  • 2 sheets of bay leaf;
  • 1 tsp. coriander.

A simple recipe with a photo of delicious lecho made from zucchini and eggplant with bell pepper:

Innovative plant growth stimulator!

Increases seed germination by 50% in just one application. Customer reviews: Svetlana, 52 years old. Simply incredible fertilizer. We heard a lot about it, but when we tried it, we surprised ourselves and our neighbors. The tomato bushes grew from 90 to 140 tomatoes. There is no need to talk about zucchini and cucumbers: the harvest was collected in wheelbarrows. We have been dachaing all our lives, and we have never had such a harvest....

Cut eggplants and zucchini into slices, pepper into rings, grate carrots, chop greens

For the sauce, twist the tomatoes, grate the garlic, add vinegar, oil, salt and sugar. mix everything

Pour the prepared sauce over the vegetables, add spices and simmer over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Place the vegetables in jars, roll them up, turn them upside down and cover with something warm. Leave for a couple of days at room temperature. Store in a cool place.

Zucchini lecho for the winter with tomato paste


  • 2 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 400 g tomato paste;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 300 g vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp ground red pepper;
  • 70 g 9% vinegar.


Mix tomato paste, water and spices, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place chopped zucchini and pepper into the boiling marinade and simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar. Roll up and wrap until cool. Delicious winter zucchini lecho with tomato paste is ready! Fast and easy!

Video: a simple recipe for winter lecho

Eggplant lecho for the winter

Recipe Ingredients:

  • eggplants - 4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • hot pepper (optional) - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • onions - 8-10 heads;
  • refined oil - 2 cups;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • vinegar 9% - half a glass;
  • salt (not iodized) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 glass.

How to prepare lecho from eggplants and peppers with carrots:

Wash the jars thoroughly. Sterilize lids and jars in any way.

Wash the eggplants. Cut off the stem. Cut into small cubes. There is no need to clean or soak them. Peel and wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Wash the tomatoes and hot peppers and pass through a meat grinder.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings. Wash the sweet bell pepper, remove seeds, cut into large strips or cubes.

Place all ingredients in a large container (bowl or enamel bucket), including vinegar and oil. Cook eggplant lecho for 1 hour.

Immediately place the lecho into sterile jars and seal with a seaming wrench. Turn over and cover the eggplant lecho with a warm blanket until it cools completely. Eggplant lecho is ready for the winter.

Lecho from cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

Incredibly tasty preparation!


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 300 g;
  • cucumbers – 2.5 kg;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • vegetable oil and granulated sugar, half a standard glass;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • chili pepper – 2 pods;
  • vinegar 9% – 100 ml;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon.


We pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, preferably cutting off the hard places where the stalk is attached. We also grind the bitter chili and garlic.
Now take the red bell pepper and cut it into thin strips with a knife. Coarsely grate the carrots.

It's time for the cucumbers. We will first cut the cucumbers along the entire length into four parts, and then into several more parts. The size of sliced ​​cucumbers should be no more than 5 centimeters. Cucumbers should not be bitter; if the skin of the cucumbers is bitter, peel the cucumber from it.

Then lightly fry the carrots and peppers over low heat in a frying pan for about 10 minutes.
Then take a fairly large saucepan with a thick bottom, pour twisted tomatoes into it, add peppers and carrots and add cucumbers. Salt, add sugar and mix well. Pour oil and put on fire.

When the winter salad boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for about thirty minutes, stirring the salad from time to time. 5-10 minutes before readiness, pour vinegar.
Pour the finished salad into sterilized jars, roll it up and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Lecho made from cucumbers and tomato paste


  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 100 ml each. vegetable oil and water;
  • 500 g tomato paste;
  • black or red ground pepper - to taste;
  • 100 g 9% vinegar.


Mix all ingredients except cucumbers and simmer for 10 minutes. Add finely chopped cucumbers and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Place hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

Lecho with tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

Many people enjoy eating lecho. The dish, which has long been known to everyone, attracts with its relative ease of preparation, a bouquet of flavors and aromas, and a wealth of vitamins and minerals.

Some people prefer spicier preparations, so housewives roll up jars of vinegar and generously sprinkle everything with black pepper and spices. Lovers healthy image lives that do not want to put the body at risk at all prefer to do a gentle treatment.

It is worth remembering the recipe for lecho without vinegar if you decide to make the preparation spicy, but completely safe. When you roll up jars without vinegar, in the future this dietary treatment can be given even to children.


  • tomatoes (5 kg),
  • peppers (3 kg) of different colors,
  • spices and herbs.
  • You will also need cloves, black peppercorns, and you can supplement everything with a few cloves of garlic.
  • Now it's time to prepare the tomatoes and peppers for pickling. It is necessary to remove the centers from the tomatoes, remove the seeds and green stalks from the peppers. It’s great if there are no seeds in your lecho. Use only tomato pulp so that the lecho has the perfect taste, without the seeds bothering you.

    Peppers and tomatoes need to be cut into fairly large pieces. The best option is to cut the tomatoes into large cubes and cut the peppers lengthwise into long, wide strips. Mix and boil for 10 minutes. Add salt (2-3 tablespoons) and sugar (1.5 cups) to taste. It is advisable to pour in a spoon olive oil. Add citric acid. For two liters of lecho you will need a teaspoon of acid.

    Prepare the jars. They need to be thoroughly sterilized; they can be processed in a pan of boiling water.
    Place your spices and herbs at the bottom of the jars; you can also add garlic cloves, cloves and peppercorns.

    Some housewives also use onions cut into rings. It adds piquancy to the treatment.

    Pour the lecho into jars and roll up.
    Remember one nuance: you should fill the jars to the very edges so that there is practically no air left there.
    Lecho without vinegar is ready for the winter!

    Video: Classic recipe for lecho for the winter