Composition of autumn leaves, pencil drawing. How to draw a maple leaf

Autumn is a time of beauty right under your feet. I just can’t get past the beautiful leaves, which you can find in incredible quantities in autumn. Each leaf is individual, a real work, and never repeated. Recently, while going to work, I managed to collect a dozen unique autumn leaves (details here), and it was they who inspired me to create today’s master class.

20 minutes

about 50 rub.



To create a winter composition we will need:

1. A4 size watercolor paper
2. Watercolors
3. Synthetic brush No. 18
4. Palette
5. Template for autumn leaves(template in PDF format can be downloaded here)
6. Eraser
7. Simple pencil
8. Jar of water

The very first thing we do at the very beginning is prepare a template for autumn leaves (the template can be downloaded here) and put it on A4 watercolor paper. We outline with a pencil all the silhouettes of the leaves.
When all the leaf silhouettes are ready. We begin to paint over the inside of the leaves with watercolors using the alla prima technique (from Italian it translates as “in one sitting”). We apply colors inside the leaf that can be found on autumn leaves, it can be orange, carmine, red, green, yellow, brown. Add water to the watercolor and then one color will blend smoothly with the other. We include creativity and imagination. For example, this leaf shown in the photo, we begin to apply watercolor on it from the middle, for this we mix ocher with orange, and then take red which we mix with big amount carmine color and apply from the middle to the very edge. Then we dip it in grass-green paint and apply it to the base of the leaf, where the leaf stalk is located.
In this way we fill in all the silhouettes of various autumn leaves. The first leaf was a linden leaf. This photo shows a maple leaf. The next one is an oak leaf.

When we are completely finished painting our autumn leaves. You can play with your child the game “Guess the autumn leaf by its silhouette” (the necessary information can be downloaded here).

How to draw autumn leaves for children step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.

Creation of educational or creative (competition, exhibition) work
Learn techniques for infusing color into color
Develop imagination and the ability to arrange objects of different sizes on a sheet of paper (in particular, leaves)
Improve practical brush skills
Cultivate artistic taste
The target audience:
preschoolers and junior schoolchildren
Paper, dried leaves, glue stick, wax crayons, watercolor (24 or 36 colors)
brushes No. 1, 3 (pony, squirrel or kolinsky)
Preliminary work:
Introduction to watercolor techniques
There are several watercolor techniques. This is glazing (multi-layer painting, when each layer is applied to the previous one only after complete drying), a la prima (in Italian Allaprima) - painting in the wet. They reveal the possibilities of watercolor in different ways, as do additional materials (salt, shaving foam, soap).

These are the beautiful stains that appear when color is poured into color.
When the paint hits the wet surface of the paper, it spreads over it in a unique way, making the painting light, airy, transparent, and breathable. By combining various color combinations with a variety of tonal solutions, you can achieve amazing play and transitions between the finest shades. The a la prima method, since it does not involve multiple recordings, allows you to maintain maximum freshness and richness of colorful sounds.
In addition, an additional advantage of this technique will be a certain time saving. As a rule, the work is written “in one go,” although, if necessary, you can additionally wet the paper during the creative process. This method is indispensable for quick sketches from life and sketches.
It is difficult for preschoolers to independently and realistically depict the casting of maple or oak. Therefore, we resort to the help of such technology as PHYTO PRINTING. By getting a real "photograph" or even an "X-ray" of the leaves, we can cut down on painting time and focus on working in color.

After creating a sufficiently large collection of dried leaves, you can leave some of it for creating applications, and use some for drawing.

To work, we will need to glue the dried leaves in advance in a certain order onto an A4 (landscape) sheet, or (optional) onto an A3 sheet. But the A3 format will be too big for preschoolers. Even if you use large oak and maple leaves. And you will need too many birch leaves to fill the space. Therefore, we will focus on the landscape format.
Children try to independently select and distribute the leaves of various tree species in random order. The teacher gives the following instructions:
1 - Take leaves of different sizes, different tree species (you can take several small leaves)
2 - Use a small amount of material, do not clutter the space, leave “empty spaces”
3 - Some leaves overlap each other
4 – Do not place the leaves as in a herbarium, rotate them.
5 - Choose the format of the picture as desired (vertical or horizontal)
6 – Do not overload the middle of the sheet, but do not push against the edges.

Not all children immediately come up with an interesting composition. The teacher can give hints, but not interfere with the exciting creative process.
This stage can be done with children in advance, or during the process of creating applications.

After the teacher sees and approves the placement of the leaves, they can be glued. To do this you need to use a glue stick. It is better to coat the paper rather than the sheet, lifting the sheet and roughly, “by eye,” marking the place where the glue will be applied. Dried leaves are fragile. When placing them in the designated places, place a clean sheet of paper on top and lightly smooth them, pressing the sheets against each other.
We take a brown wax crayon and begin to go over the entire sheet, lightly touching the paper. When the outlines of the leaves appear, you need to press the chalk a little harder so that the veins and edges of the leaves become more clearly visible.

We remove the bottom sheet with the dried leaves glued to it (we may need it more than once) and take out the watercolor.
It is best to work on two drawings at once. This is necessary so that the watercolor from the leaves does not flow onto the background and does not merge with it (despite the fact that the wax chalk holds back the paint, such drips are quite possible for preschoolers). We will draw leaves falling on the grass and leaves falling on the water. You can use the same composition, create two different ones, or simply change with your neighbors.
We draw a brush with some color along the outline of the leaf.
You can first moisten the leaves with water, and only then put paint on the brush, but it is difficult for preschoolers to follow the colorless line, so we start with color. Then you can fill the outline of the sheet with water and pour paint into the outline. You don’t have to do this, but simply use more water and less paint on the brush.

We begin to fill the leaf in random order with autumn, warm colors: (cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow medium, yellow ocher, natural sienna, golden ocher).

We work quickly before the paint dries.

Using a thin brush, we draw several veins along the damp surface of the leaf. Brem for this is dark green.

We begin to color the second maple leaf without first drawing the entire contour line.

We continue to use the entire autumn palette, but in different proportions and combinations

Draw the veins in dark brown.

Each small leaf has its own palette: one is yellow-green, another is dark red, with a drop of yellow, the third is almost entirely written in ocher.

We finish the veins and leave the sheet to dry.

2 Take the second sheet and start working with small birch leaves

We draw veins with ocher

We write two maple leaves mainly in scarlet and red (kraplak, carmine),

Here are both drawings prepared. All that remains is to add the background.

Let's start with the grass. We use all ready-made green colors (yellow-green, emerald green), mixing them with other paints and different amounts of water, brightening, intensifying, chaotically pouring into each other, carefully avoiding the contours of the leaves.

Rotate the sheet in the way that suits you best.

Once again we clarify and draw the veins

Select the final format (vertical) and draw blades of grass with a thin brush.

We depict water on the second sheet by pouring in various shades (blue, violet, blue, turquoise)

Adding small waves (ripples on the water)

Summary: DIY autumn crafts for children. Autumn drawings. How to draw autumn. Autumn leaves. Drawings autumn trees. Paintings on the theme of autumn.

What is the most remarkable thing in autumn? Of course, autumn leaves! In autumn, the leaves are not green, like in summer, but bright, multi-colored. Leaves on trees, bushes, fallen and lying on roads, on paths, on grass... Yellow, red, orange... At this time of year, even if you are not a photographer or an artist, you just want to pick up a camera or a brush with colors to capture this wonderful time of year in all its glory. We will help you with this. In the second part of the article “Autumn Crafts for Kids: How to Draw Autumn,” we will teach you how to draw autumn leaves in different ways.

Autumn drawings. Drawing autumn

Under a sheet of regular printer paper, place the sheet with the veins facing up, then shade it with a wax crayon placed flat. You will see how the design of a leaf with all the smallest veins appears on the paper.

To add a little magic, you just need to take a white crayon and run it over the white paper, and then let your child paint the paper with a sponge. See link >>>>

By the way, there is an interesting way of coloring using colored corrugated paper. You must first draw leaves on paper in exactly the same way with white wax crayon. After this, tear corrugated paper of autumn colors (red, yellow, orange, brown) into small pieces and, thoroughly wetting each piece in water, stick them onto the drawing. Make sure that there are no two pieces of paper of the same color next to each other. Let the paper dry a little (but not completely!), and then remove it from the drawing. You will get a wonderful multi-colored background. Leave the work to dry completely, then put it under the press.

You can make an interesting autumn craft if you place the leaf under thin foil. The foil should be placed with the shiny side up. After this, you need to carefully smooth the foil with your fingertips so that the design appears. Next you need to cover it with a layer of black paint (this can be gouache, ink, tempera). Once the paint is dry, very gently scrub the painting with a steel wool pad. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can paste the resulting relief onto a sheet of colored cardboard.

Autumn leaves. How to draw autumn

A very simple and at the same time effective technique is to print leaves on paper, onto which paint is first applied. You can use any paint, just apply it to the side of the leaves where the veins appear.

Here are prints of rowan leaves. And any kid can draw rowan berries - they are made using a cotton swab with red paint.

You can create a beautiful autumn design if you print leaves with white paint on a sheet of dark-colored cardboard. When the paint dries, you need to color the leaves with colored pencils. It will turn out beautiful if some leaves are left white.

The background can be left as is, or made colorful by painting with paints using a sponge. In this case, you need to leave a small unpainted space around the leaves.

If you decide to make the background colored, then the leaves themselves can be left white.

How to draw autumn leaves. Autumn crafts

To add volume to your drawings, you can use the following interesting technique. You will need thin wrapping paper or corrugated paper white.

1. Tear it into irregularly shaped pieces and stick it on a thick sheet of paper using PVA glue. Try to get more “folds” and “wrinkles”; they will later give the drawing texture and volume.

2. When the glue dries, using a stencil, draw and cut out three maple leaves (large, medium and small) from this paper.

3. Paint them with colors in autumn colors, then stick them on a sheet of black cardboard.

More detailed instructions with photos see the link >>>>

DIY autumn crafts

Another original autumn pattern, made in warm and cold colors. The leaves themselves are drawn in warm colors (yellow, red, orange), the background is in cold colors (green, blue, purple). To do this job you will need a compass.

1. Draw several leaves of different shapes on paper. 2. Now, using a compass, draw a circle of small radius in the lower left corner of the piece of paper. Next, adding about 1 cm at a time, draw circles of larger and larger radius, as far as the compass allows. 3. Now do the same in the upper right corner. 4. Finally, color the autumn leaves with felt-tip pens or pencils in warm colors (the colors should alternate sequentially), and the background in cool colors.

Maple Leaf. Maple leaf drawing

Help your child draw a maple leaf on a piece of paper. Divide it into sectors with veins. Let the child paint each sector of the leaf with some special pattern.

You can combine two methods.

Autumn crafts for children

Another unusual autumn pattern.

1. Draw leaves of different shapes on paper. They should occupy the entire sheet of paper, but not touch each other. Some of the leaves should start from the borders of the sheet of paper. Draw only the outlines of the leaves, without veins. 2. Now, using a simple pencil and a ruler, draw two lines from left to right and two from top to bottom. The lines should cross the leaves, dividing them into sectors. 3. Choose two colors for the background and two colors for the leaves. Color them in the chosen colors as in the picture. 4. When the paint has dried, trace the outlines of the leaves and the drawn lines with a gold marker.

Drawings on the theme of autumn

To make this fall craft, you will need regular newspaper and paints (including white paint).

1. Draw a maple leaf on a piece of newspaper.

2. Paint it and, after the paint has dried, cut it out.

3. Take another sheet of newspaper and use white paint to draw and color a large square on it.

4. Place your sheet over the paint and wait for it to dry completely.

5. This is what you should get in the end!

DIY autumn crafts

Method 10.

Autumn drawings. Drawing autumn

Method 11.

In the article “Do it yourself Easter cards” we talked about an interesting drawing technique using wax crayons. See link >>>>

This method can also be used to draw autumn leaves.

And here, in a similar way, autumn leaves are painted with colors.

Concluding our review article on the topic “How to draw autumn leaves,” we’ll tell you about two more methods.

Autumn crafts for children

Method 12.

Lay the leaves on the paper, then use an old toothbrush or flower sprayer to spray paint. In order not to stain everything around, you can do the above procedure in the bath.

How to draw autumn leaves

Method 13.

And finally - stamps of leaves using a roll of toilet paper. This is a great way to make gift wrapping with your kids.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Drawing a maple leaf is very easy! Watch the first step-by-step lesson in drawing a maple leaf for beginners and you will see that there is nothing complicated. It is better to draw a glue sheet with a pencil in order to be able to remove the auxiliary lines at the final stage. Then you can of course trace and color with anything/

If you need to draw other leaves or download autumn leaf templates and stencils, check out the post

An easy way to draw a maple leaf step by step

Draw a triangle with a curved base

On top of the triangle, draw zigzag lines that will look like a crown.

Draw more zigzag lines on the left and right sides of the triangle.

Draw a long U-shape at the bottom of the triangle.

Maple leaf can be painted

An advanced way to draw a maple leaf

Draw a cross.
The lines don't have to be completely straight.
Place a horizontal line just below the center.

Draw two slanted lines connected to the center of the cross.

Draw more slanted lines connected to your previous lines.
These will be the veins of your leaf.

Outline your leaf with curves and zigzag lines.

Finish your drawing and remove unnecessary lines.

Can be colored

Maple leaf template for cutting

Need a template for printing and cutting out a maple leaf? Just open the image in a new tab and print. Pictures adapted to A4

maple leaves

Diverse, colorful, different shapes, maple leaves are a real symbol of autumn. Admire the riot of colors of this natural wonder. Drawings, photos and pictures of maple leaves

Maple leaf in autumn

Common maple leaf

Red and yellow maple leaf

Pencil drawing of a cool leaf

Maple branch with colorful leaves

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost all children, without exception, love to draw, but many parents, because of their own laziness and excuses like “he’ll get dirty himself and smear everything around him,” “I don’t know how to draw to show an example of how to do it,” “he’s too small, he’ll still get full.” these colors” they don’t give brushes and paints to kids, which is a pity... We hope that our marathon of children’s drawings on an autumn theme will inspire creativity for everyone without exception. There are plenty to choose from, dear Creators!

We tried to collect for you the most interesting drawing ideas in order to organize your child’s leisure time more interestingly when it’s time for rain, “dull charm” and sitting at home. Read on for ideas on what you can do at home with your child in bad weather.

Idea No. 1

You need to put the dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint over the sheet with solid strokes using soft colored pencils or crayons. A sheet with all the veins will appear on the white paper. Using this method, you can create compositions: a bouquet in a vase, autumn landscape and etc.

Idea No. 2

A similar method, only you need to rub the leaves with wax (a candle or white wax crayon), and then cover a sheet of paper with watercolors. It is convenient to paint large surfaces with a wide squirrel brush or a foam sponge.

Idea No. 3

Paint is applied to the sheet from the vein side. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and an imprint is made. The effect will be different depending on what paint you use.

You can come up with many compositional solutions: the imprint of a large leaf can become the crown of a tree if you complete the trunk; A few prints are already a whole forest!

Prints made with white paint on a colored background look impressive. You can combine several techniques and complete the images with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Idea No. 4

By blowing paint through a straw you can paint fancy trees. This method gives you endless possibilities for experimentation! You can, for example, draw trees using a previously prepared background.

Idea No. 5

Fill your child with the background yourself or offer him some colored cardboard. Let him draw the crown of a tree and fallen leaves, dipping his finger in the paint.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminous if you make it clear of colored pencils. Apply glue precisely to the desired places and sprinkle with small shavings. The trunk and branches can be blown through a tube or drawn in any other way.

Idea No. 7

It is convenient (and completely non-marking) to draw the crown with a cotton swab. In the same way you can depict a bunch of rowan berries, a sprig of currants or other berries.

Idea #8

A very unusual picture can be made using foil. Place the dried leaf (or several) on a sheet of cardboard, veins up. Cover it with thin foil and carefully, so as not to tear it, smooth it with your fingers so that the design appears. Cover the foil with dark paint (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let it dry well. Rub the painting very gently with a stiff dishwashing sponge. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can frame your work!

Idea No. 9

Those who love textures will surely enjoy filling different silhouettes with patterns. Draw or trace an autumn leaf according to the template, divide it into small planes, like a stained glass window. Have your child fill in each piece with a different pattern. You can do this with a gel pen or felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be performed using the scratching technique. Paint a sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard with paints and rub it with wax (candle). You can use wax crayons to create a background. Cover the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea No. 11

Using a stiff bristle brush or toothbrush, splatter paint. This method is suitable for drawing tree crowns and creating compositions based on plant imprints.