Are they already ripe? When to pick vegetables. How do you know if a pumpkin is ripe and when to harvest it? Deadlines, proper harvesting and storage of the fruit! When do watermelons ripen in Astrakhan?

Knowing how to determine the ripeness of your buds is one of the most important aspects of growing cannabis. What do we mean by maturity? This is a state at which you can begin to cut off the inflorescences (cones).

We don't think twice about determining the ripeness of the fruits we eat, but how can we tell when our cannabis is ripe?

Just like fruits, hemp buds have several stages of maturity. The degree of maturity is indicated by the transparency and color of the trichomes (glands that cover the surface of flowers and leaves), the color of the leaves and the color of the hairs on the buds themselves.

Let's start with your personal tastes. Just as not everyone likes bananas with brown spots on the skin and cloying semi-liquid flesh, although this is probably their peak ripeness, you may also like the buds that have not reached peak ripeness better. In hemp, the period when it is best to cut inflorescences is usually extended over two weeks. At the beginning of this period it is already possible to harvest, at the end - it is simply necessary.

It is best to follow a simple rule: if a seed or clone seller says that a given variety will mature in, for example, 9 weeks, you need to add at least a week. The fact is that the last week is very important, since it is this week that ensures significant weight gain. Sometimes we are talking about an extra 20-30 percent. During this extra week, the trichome heads will increase in size and approximately 10% of them will turn amber. This can only be truly seen with the help of a microscope, which should be in every grower's arsenal. The appearance of an amber color in the trichomes indicates the beginning of an important stage in the maturation process. Immature trichomes are clear, then due to the abundance of THC they become cloudy, and finally amber appears.

If you are looking for maximum THC levels, cut your buds early in the ripeness period. If you want to get a bit of the “sofa” along with the “uplifting” effect, then you should wait for 15-20% of the trichomes to turn amber, since this will turn part of the THC into another cannabinoid - CBN, which enhances the hypnotic effect of cannabis.

It's worth experimenting with different stages of maturity and finding the one you like best. Cut off the bud for testing within the time specified by the seller, and the rest within the next two weeks. Do not forget to cure the buds in the most correct way - that is, in glass jars.

When growing any long-blooming sativa, you can get multiple harvests from the plant. Start at the top, where the buds ripen fastest, then wait for the buds on the next tier to fill and reach maturity, and then the ones at the bottom.

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Each apple variety has a different ripening period: some are harvested in the fall, others can be harvested at the end of summer. It is important not to allow the crop to become overripe, otherwise it will not last long.

You cannot remove unripe fruits, because they have not had time to accumulate a sufficient amount of sugar and they become sour. In order not to make a mistake, you need to know not only what time a particular variety ripens, but also be able to visually determine when the harvest is ready.

How to tell if apples are ripe

First of all, you should pay attention to the padanka. If among the fruits lying on the ground there are many large and beautiful ones, then it is time to harvest.

You can determine the ripeness of apples by the following signs:

  1. If pressing on the fruit does not form a dent, then it is not yet ripe, the skin has burst - it is overripe and not suitable for long-term storage. These apples will make delicious preparations: jam or jam.
  2. If, when you press on the fruit, a dent forms and does not level out, it means that it is fully ripe and you can safely begin harvesting.
  3. Ripe apples have whitish or creamy flesh.
  4. External signs indicate maturity: the fruit has reached the desired size (it is different for each variety), there are no wormholes on the surface, red color or with the presence of a yellow tint. The apple tastes sweet and sour or sweet (depending on the variety). The seeds of ripe fruit are brown.

There is a very interesting method for determining the degree of ripeness of apples. To do this, you will need 1 liter of distilled water, 4 g of potassium iodide and 1 g of iodine are placed in it. When the composition is ready, half the fruit is dipped into it. Unripe fruits contain a lot of starch, which will begin to turn blue in solution. After 2 minutes the pulp will change color. Based on the acquired color, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • the apple has turned blue at the core and around the edges - it’s too early to harvest;
  • the blue color did not appear - the fruits were already ripe;
  • a blue color has formed around the edges, and the center has turned yellow - the apples are ripe, you can start picking.

Garden stores sell special kits consisting of chemical ingredients, from which a solution is made and dripped onto the cut fruit. The degree of maturity is determined using the table attached to each product.

When to start harvesting?

You need to start harvesting apples in a timely manner, because the degree of readiness for winter storage depends on this. According to the time of ripening, varieties are divided into 3 types:

  1. Summer. They are not suitable for winter storage; the fruits can be collected as early as the 2nd half of August, but they will last no more than a month, so they are either immediately eaten or prepared.
  2. The harvest period for autumn varieties begins at the end of August and ends at the beginning of autumn. The apples will last 3-4 months.
  3. Winter varieties. They are best suited for long-term storage. The fruits are well preserved until March. The harvest season begins at the end of September and ends in mid-October.

It is better not to eat winter varieties of apples immediately after picking, as the fruits will still be slightly sour. After lying for a while, they will become more tasty and sugar will accumulate in them (the longer, the sweeter they will be).

How can you accurately determine that a watermelon is ripe and tastes sweet? Dmitry

Summer means a huge assortment of berries, fruits and vegetables that can be eaten fresh straight from the garden. Watermelon is one of the brightest and favorite berries of the summer season, because adults and children love the juicy sugar pulp of watermelon. Watermelon juice is perfectly refreshing on a hot summer day, quenches thirst and is a storehouse of vitamins: pectin and fiber, potassium and magnesium, folic acid and iron.

Most often, watermelons are consumed fresh, but today there are many recipes for successfully pickling and fermenting them in tubs. Watermelon rind becomes the basis for making candied fruits, and some craftsmen make honey from its juice. It is much easier to choose a ripe sugar watermelon in the garden than on the store counter. This article will discuss how to accurately determine the ripeness of a watermelon in the garden and in the store.

A fully ripened watermelon has the shape of a slightly elongated ball. If we talk about the weight of the finished product, the berry should not be light and at the same time too heavy. The optimal weight of a ripe fruit is from 8 to 12 kg. Small watermelons will often be under-ripe. But when buying at the market, refrain from purchasing a watermelon that weighs more than 12 kg, since often such specimens are obtained as a result of abundant fertilizer, which is not beneficial for humans. If we consider the ripening period of the berry, then mid-August is the very point when the likelihood of buying a magnificent sugar watermelon is highest. When choosing a ripe berry, you must be guided by several basic visual indicators:

  • spot on the side;
  • “butt” of watermelon;
  • appearance of the crust;
  • condition of the tail;
  • sound resonance.

A small yellowish spot on the barrel of the berry is formed due to contact with the ground. Its presence is confirmed by the fact that the watermelon ripened in the garden, and was not picked unripe for “comfortable” transportation. The color of the spot should be from yellow to dark orange, but a white or green tint indicates that the fruit is not ripe.

Watermelon is a bisexual berry, and therefore the gender of the watermelon matters. According to many consumers, a female fruit will be sweeter and will have fewer seeds than a “boy” fruit. Externally, a “girl” has a flatter lower part and a wide circle, while “boys” are characterized by a more inward lower part and a very small circle.

Determined by the crust

Let's look at how to accurately determine the ripeness of a watermelon by its “clothing,” i.e., its peel. The watermelon rind should not have cracks, stains or dents, and the rind should be very hard to the touch. The fact is that as soon as a ripe fruit comes off the branch on its own, the flow of moisture to it stops and the peel quickly hardens. If the watermelon is really “ready”, then you definitely won’t be able to pierce it with your fingernail, but you can remove the thin top layer very easily. Another sign of ripeness is the absence of a waxy coating on the peel, which shines magnificently in the sun.

Pay attention to the contrast of colors, how clearly the black-green stripes of the berry are visible. During the growth process, like most plants, it needs nutrients. Some are introduced by man, while others are given to the growing “organism” by nature itself. Chlorophyll is what makes the berry bark green and produces glucose. Once the fruit is ripe, chlorophyll production stops and the color slowly changes to yellow. Therefore, if the “combat” color of the berry is bright and contrasting, it means that during the growth process there was a lot of sun and heat, which is what the plant needs for comfortable development.

Video “Determination for sweetness and ripeness”

We distinguish ripeness by the tail

The ripeness of a watermelon can be determined by its tail. When the fruit reaches maturity, the stalk (tail) and its junction with the fruit begin to dry out. A dry tail and dry edges of the stalk circle are a sure sign of a ripe watermelon. But very often melons are harvested unripe to make it easier to transport, especially over long distances. However, the tail should be moderately dry, since an overdried version indicates that the melon was harvested many weeks ago. The absence of a stalk, as a result of the seller’s activities, indicates that the watermelon is definitely not ripe.

How to understand by sound

As you can see, it is not difficult to buy a ripe fruit if you carry out a careful visual inspection and “spank” it a little. Juicy berries will be a wonderful dessert on a summer day and will only benefit you and your household.

Can you tell by the sound whether the seller is offering you to buy a ripe watermelon? Of course, it is possible if you conduct a small experiment that is accessible to every buyer. It should resonate due to empty micro pockets in the sugar pulp of the fruit. To check whether the specimen chosen for you resonates, place the berry in the palm of your left hand, and slap the fruit on the barrels with your right palm. So, a ripe berry transmits sound, and you will feel the impact of your cotton in your left hand.

Video “How to determine ripeness”

To find out whether this crop is ripe in your garden, we recommend watching the video we prepared especially for you.

Many varieties of pumpkin allow you to grow this healthy vegetable from Arkhangelsk to Crimea and from the Far East to the western borders of the country. The unpretentiousness of agricultural technology and the size of the resulting nutrient mass make pumpkin desirable on any garden plot of land. But how can an inexperienced vegetable grower determine the maturity of a pumpkin in the garden without being late with harvesting?

How to properly care for a pumpkin before harvesting?

Regardless of the size of the fruit and the timing of harvesting, there are rules that will help protect the fruit in the garden from rotting and pests. Lying constantly on its side, in contact with the ground, in wet weather a huge berry can rot and become unusable. Those who try to process a pumpkin with a rotten side are doing it wrong. Before the fruit receives visible damage, changes have already occurred in the core, and it should not be eaten.

The pumpkin should be placed on a hillock or a specially constructed mound, a wooden or plywood board should be placed down, and covered with film on top during autumn rains. In the last month, when the pumpkin gains sweetness, you need to stop. The length of the roots, which go down to a depth of three meters, is enough to provide the required amount of water.

Indicates that the pumpkin harvest time has arrived, the first cold snap, since even a slight frost makes the fruit unsuitable for storage. You can also keep the fruit in the garden in dry weather, protecting it from cool nights.

When can you pick a pumpkin?

You can get a fully ripened pumpkin from the field only in hot regions, when the fruits naturally ripen in the field for more than 4 months. But the good thing about pumpkin is that in addition to its long shelf life of several months, it still continues to ripen.

Therefore, you can find out whether the pumpkin is ripe and how long it can lie on the ridge by knowing the main signs that the vegetable is ready for harvesting:

  1. The leaves of the bush withered, changed their color to yellow, and dried out. If before this there were no signs of anthracosis disease, then the natural death of healthy foliage serves as a sure sign of the end of the growing season.
  2. The stalk becomes rigid, the top layer becomes corked, and it becomes woody simultaneously with the stem supplying food. It is no longer possible to rearrange the pumpkin in any other way without compromising the integrity of the liner.
  3. The color of the pumpkin, whatever it is, from gray to yellow, becomes brighter, the pattern is more noticeable.
  4. There should be no traces left on the crust from scratching it with a fingernail. The cover hardens and does not spring back when pressed with fingers. A ripe pumpkin responds to cotton with a ringing sound. A ripe pumpkin becomes covered with a matte coating, the stalk is easily separated.

When harvesting a pumpkin, you need to treat it with care, trying not to scratch it. If trouble occurs, seal the damaged area with a bactericidal plaster or do not leave the damaged vegetable for storage.

Picked pumpkin can ripen for about a month in a dark, cool, dry place. You can store the fruit in such conditions for a long time, allowing you to use a fresh, healthy product during the winter.

It is very important in different regions to use zoned varieties with different periods of reaching biological ripeness. But even the most mature ones take about 4 months. Therefore, in regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method of cultivation is used. A new method in the northern regions is to use mini-greenhouses with biological heating, leaving the root system constantly warm, and releasing the vines into fresh air during the short summer.

Early ripening varieties are harvested at the end of August and grown as seedlings. These varieties include the common Gribovskaya bush, Vesnushka, Golosemyannaya. They have a thin crust and can be stored for up to a month.

Medium-ripening pumpkin varieties - Ulybka, Lechebnaya, Rossiyanka - will ripen in 4 months. Harvest in September, but before the first frost. Frozen fruits are not suitable for storage. Varieties of these pumpkins last up to two months after ripeness.

The most valuable fruits are late-ripening varieties grown under the southern sun. These include, Muscat, Pearl. These pumpkins have a thick, hard rind and sweet flesh that is added raw to salads. Late varieties can be stored in a cool room for up to six months. They are harvested late, but even in the south ripeness occurs in a month or two.

The ripening times indicated on the seed packet are based on ideal conditions. The weather makes its own adjustments. Therefore, you need to navigate when to harvest a pumpkin based on the weather, the condition of the plant and the biological maturation of the variety.

When storing any pumpkin, it is important that the integrity of the fit of the tail to the womb is not compromised. If there is a gap in this place, an infection will set in and the fruit will rot.

Harvesting rules

Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, after the lashes have dried well from the morning moisture. If bad weather strikes, you will have to harvest the crop in wet weather; such fruits need to be dried well. At the same time, separate damaged specimens. In dry, warm weather, root crops cut off from the main stem can still be kept in the melon patch, under the rays of the sun.

Everything that is said concerns pumpkin as a food product. There are many other varieties in cultivation. Loofah pumpkin provides us with excellent washcloths and serves as a filler in the furniture industry. This type of pumpkin is left to grow after frost until the skin becomes thin.

Decorative pumpkins are used for crafts in folk art. Therefore, light freezing does not affect the condition of the rind, and the pulp from these fruits is almost never used. Therefore, decorative fruits lie in the garden or hang longer than food varieties.

There are certain deadlines that gardeners focus on when harvesting. For the southern regions, Crimea, pumpkin harvesting time is the end of September and the beginning of October, with possible ripening of late varieties indoors. These are mainly nutmeg pumpkins, very tasty.

In the Moscow region, harvesting should end before mid-September. In this case, you should take into account the weather forecast and avoid delaying the removal of pumpkins when it gets colder.

Siberia is large and here, as in the Far East, the time when you can pick a pumpkin depends on regional climatic conditions.

Video about growing pumpkin

I poured soil into the cells 2/3 full and moistened them with water. Before this, I soaked the seeds in water at 25 degrees for 12 hours. The grains swell, and this speeds up germination.

She put the grains in the ground, sprinkled them with earth, poured them with a spray bottle, covered them first with film, and on top with a transparent lid and placed them on the windowsill of their future neighbors in the garden: petunias, strawberries, basil, ageratum and balsam.)

It remains to wait for germination in 2 weeks.

It seems that the early spring also affected the corn.) It sprouted not after two weeks, as usual, but after 5 days!!! And it grows very quickly. In two days it has grown by 3-4 cm. So, large, strong plants will have to be planted in the ground. Let's see what happens.

Corn harvest

It's easy and simple to do! Each stalk of corn should produce at least one ear of corn, which is ready to eat 20 days after you see the first sign of an ear emerging. But The main sign that corn is ripe is dry and darkened fibers on the cob.

In order to pick it, you just need to grab the cob, twist it and pull it down. After this, it is quite possible that another corn will grow on the plant, but it will ripen at a later date.

It is best to collect cobs early in the morning and only as much as you can eat in a day. I do this: I put water on the stove and only then go for the corn. It seems to me that the less time between harvesting and cooking, the more tender and aromatic the grains.

The best way to store fresh corn is in the refrigerator, where it can last up to a week. If you have a large harvest, it is better to freeze it.

Once the entire crop is harvested, the stems can be left for greens, trimmed and discarded, but it is better to chop them up and put them in the compost bin.

By the way, corn not only has tasty grains, but also very healthy fibers, corn silks that grow on the cobs. They are brewed as tea for problems with the gallbladder and liver. There is also information that corn silk infusion promotes weight loss.

Why does corn have no kernels?

Sometimes it happens that magnificent, large cobs have grown, but upon closer examination they have no grains at all. Why? It's simple: no pollination, no grains! In other words, each female grain must be fertilized with pollen from the male part of the plant - the tassel at the top of the plant.

If you have not planted enough plants for cross-pollination, the weather has been calm for a long time, or you have few insects and bees on your site, then you need to help the plant in the pollination process.

We take a painting brush in our hand and go pollinate! To do this, you need to run it over the male flower and then touch the corn silk (the female organ).

Unfortunately, in the countryside, you can’t grow as much corn as in the field, so hand pollination is almost a necessity.

The ideal time for hand pollination is between 9:00 and 11:00 am, after the morning dew has dried. There is no need to do this in cloudy or rainy weather.

How to cook corn?

  • Remove the green shell from the cobs.
  • Place them in salted boiling water.

If the corn is milky and fresh, just cook it for 5 minutes. If picked a few days ago, 10 minutes. Overripe corn (when the grain is pierced the milk juice is not visible) takes longer to cook, up to 30 minutes. You can cook corn in a steamer, oven and pressure cooker in the same way.

Important: Remember that the most delicious corn is freshly picked. With each subsequent day of storage, the amount of sugar in the grains decreases and the amount of starch increases.

I like it best Grilled corn. You need to bend the green leaves a little. Don't tear it off at all. Remove the fibers, pour in vegetable oil, cover the cob back with leaves and secure them with aluminum foil. Place corn on hot grill and turn occasionally until slightly charred. This usually takes about 15 minutes. Then let the cob cool slightly and remove the leaves. The grilled corn is ready.