A message about lost civilizations. The most ancient civilizations that disappeared from the face of the earth for mysterious reasons

Believe it or not, a single nation can completely disappear in a few years. And this will not be the first time an entire civilization has disappeared. This has happened before, and was caused by wars, climate change, disease, and volcanic eruptions. But basically, all the reasons are big assumptions. Here are 10 mysteriously disappeared civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago.

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Period: 13000 BC
Location: North America

We know little about Clovis culture. Scientists believe this prehistoric Native American culture existed in North America. Its name comes from an archaeological site that took place near the city of Clovis, New Mexico. Artifacts found at these excavations in the 1920s were mostly stone blades and bones.

It is believed that these people came to Alaska during the last ice age from Siberia through the Bering Strait. It is unknown whether this was the first culture in North America or whether there were even earlier ones. The Clovis culture disappeared fairly quickly. Is it because they got too carried away with hunting and destroyed their own food source? Or is it due to climate change, disease or predators? Or did members of this culture simply disperse and join other Indian tribes? Or was the reason for their disappearance due to the fall of a meteorite? The answers are still unknown.

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Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization

Period: between 5500 and 2750 BC
Location: Ukraine, Romania, Moldova

The largest Neolithic communities in Europe were located in Cucuteni-Trypillia, in what is now Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. The Cucuteni-Trypillia civilization, which numbered about 15 thousand people - a huge number for that time, mysteriously disappeared from the surface of the Earth.

The mysterious Cucuteni-Trypillia culture is famous for its ceramics. They also had a strange habit of burning their villages every 60-80 years, and then building new settlements on the ashes of the old ones. To date, about 3,000 archaeological sites of this matriarchal society worshiping the mother goddess have been found. The disappearance of the Trypillians may be due to sudden climate change, which led to the worst droughts in European history. Other theories suggest that the people of this culture simply merged with other tribes.

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Harappan civilization

Period: 3300-1300 BC
Location: Pakistan

This huge lost civilization was located in the Indus River Valley in what is now Pakistan and West Side India. This is a fairly important ancient civilization. But there is very little reliable information about these people, partly because the language has not yet been deciphered. It is known that they built at least a hundred cities and villages, including such large ones as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Each city had its own sewers and indoor amenities. It seems that this civilization had no class division and did without an army; they achieved success in astronomy and agriculture. This is the first civilization where the production of cotton clothing began.

The Harappan civilization disappeared 4,500 years ago, and it was not known that it existed at all until its remains were discovered in the 1920s. Several theories try to explain its disappearance, such as changes in their environment, the drying up of the Ghaggar Hakra River, significant cooling and lack of rain. An alternative theory suggests that the region was visited around 1500 BC. e. The Aryans invaded, which led to the decline of the Harappan or Indus civilization.

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Period: 3000-630 BC
Location: Crete

The fact that the Minoan civilization once existed was not known until the beginning of the 20th century, but since then quite a lot of artifacts of this amazing civilization have been found. It turns out that it lasted for about 7,000 years and reached its peak around 1600 BC.
Archaeological finds indicate that over time, the cities and palaces that were the main focus of this culture and civilization became increasingly complex - for example, the palaces of Knossos or the labyrinth associated with the legend of King Minos. Currently, these places are major archaeological centers.

The first Minoans spoke a language called Linear A, which later evolved into Linear B. Both languages ​​are based on pictograms and have not yet been fully deciphered. Scientists believe that the Minoans were destroyed as a result of a volcanic eruption on the island of Thera (present-day Santorini). It is also believed that the Minoans could well have survived if the eruption had not destroyed all living plants, which caused famine. And the damage to the ships gradually led to an economic recession. Another hypothesis says that the Minoans were captured by the Mycenaeans. The Minoan civilization is considered one of the largest extinct civilizations that has ever existed on Earth.

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Period: 2600 BC - 1520 AD
Location: Central America

The Mayan civilization is a classic example of a civilization that mysteriously disappeared. Its great monuments, its cities and roads were swallowed up by the jungles of Central America, and its people scattered into small villages. The languages ​​and traditions of the Mayan people have survived to this day, but the peak of development of this civilization occurred in the first millennium AD, when their greatest architectural monuments were built.

This is one of the largest Mesoamerican lost civilizations. The Mayans had their own written language, used mathematics, developed a calendar and were excellent engineers, which allowed them to build their pyramids and hanging gardens. The reason for the disappearance of this very advanced civilization is one of the main archaeological debates. It is believed that civil strife combined with climate change in the Yucatan around 900 to reduce crop yields and create famine, causing residents to flee the cities.

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Period: 1600-1100 BC
Location: Greece

Unlike the Minoan civilization, the Mycenaean civilization flourished not only through trade, but also through the seizure of land, until their empire covered almost the entire territory of Greece. The Mycenaean civilization experienced five centuries of dominance before disappearing around 1100 BC. e. Several Greek myths are associated with the Mycenaeans, for example, about the legendary king Agamemnon, who led the Greek army during the Trojan War. The Mycenaean civilization was rich culturally and economically and left behind many artifacts. It is still not clear why they disappeared: either an earthquake, or an infection, or perhaps peasant riots could have caused the destruction of an entire civilization!

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Period: 1400 BC
Location: Mexico

The first mention of the great pre-Columbian Olmec civilization dates back to 1400 BC. San Lorenzo is one of the three main Olmec centers along with Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo.

The Olmecs were good architects. In the territories of former Olmec settlements, remains of giant stone heads were found. This civilization laid the foundation for all subsequent cultures of Mesoamerica. The Olmecs are believed to have been the first to develop a writing system and were also likely the civilization that invented the compass and calendar. They knew that bloodletting leads to human casualties and invented the concept of the number zero. This civilization was discovered by historians only in mid-19th century. Climate change caused by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and possibly poor agricultural practices led to the decline of the Olmecs.

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Period: 600 BC
Location: Jordan

The Nabatean civilization flourished in what is now Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia from the 6th century BC. The Nabateans, a group of Semitic tribes, built the amazing city of Petra, carved into sandstone cliffs. It is also known that the city was equipped with a complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs, which allowed the inhabitants of this desert region not to need water.

Not a single written record has survived about this culture, and we know almost nothing about it. However, thanks to its geographical location, it was a prosperous civilization, they created a whole system of exchange of spices, silk, precious metals and stones, ivory, incense, perfumes, sugar and medicines. Unlike other civilizations of the time, the Nabateans were not aware of slavery and each resident contributed to the development of the city.

In the 4th century BC, the Nabataeans abandoned Petra, and to this day no one knows why. Archaeological research shows that their departure was not hasty, suggesting that they were not fleeing invaders. It is believed that the inhabitants of Petra migrated north because they wanted to find Better conditions for work.

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Period: 100 AD
Location: Ethiopia
The Aksumite kingdom began to establish itself in the first century AD. in the territory of modern Ethiopia. According to legend, the Queen of Sheba was born here. Aksum was a significant trading center from which exported Ivory, various raw materials and agricultural products and gold to the Roman Empire and India. It was a wealthy African community that was the first in Africa to issue its own currency, a sign of a great power in those days.

The most characteristic monuments of this civilization are the steles of Aksum - giant carved obelisks that act as funeral terminals for kings and nobles. At first, many gods were worshiped in Aksum, the main of which was Astar. Then, in 324, King Ezana was converted to Christianity, which he began to forcibly spread in Axum. According to local legend, a Jewish queen named Judith conquered the Aksumite Empire and burned the temples and books. Other theories explain the destruction of this crop by climate change and overuse of soil, which led to famine.

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Period: 1000-1400 AD
Location: Cambodia

The Khmer Empire was one of the most powerful empires, and it is the largest of the lost civilizations. This civilization was located in Southeast Asia in the territory of modern Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia. Angkor, the capital of the Khmers, has become one of the most popular archaeological sites in Cambodia.

This empire, which numbered up to a million people, flourished during the 1st millennium AD. e. The Khmers preached Hinduism and Buddhism and built temples, towers and other complex structures such as Angkor Wat, a temple dedicated to the god Vishnu. The fall of the Khmer Empire was due to a combination of factors. Although most scientists believe that they were captured thanks to the roads built by the Khmers themselves to facilitate the transportation of goods and the movement of troops throughout the empire.

P. Oleksenko. India - the cradle of humanity or a transit point in the development of civilizations? (Genetic studies confirm the ancient age of people and the renewal of humanity 75 thousand years ago)(in 4 parts with a foreword by A. Koltypin)
I recommend it to anyone interested in reading it. ancient history, the age and origin of humanity, the work of P. Oleksenko “India - the cradle of humanity or a transit point in the development of civilizations? (Genetic studies confirm the ancient age of people and the renewal of humanity 75 thousand years ago).” It systematizes the study of the genes of people living all over the globe. The results of genetic studies conducted by leading geneticists until the end of 2010 are reviewed and compared. Based on these studies, it was concluded that the center of settlement of ancient people around the world was Hindustan. A stream of settlers rushed from there to Western Asia, Europe, Southeast Asia, Oceania and Australia 70-60 thousand years ago. 80-70 thousand years ago was the time of a large genetic break, which the English geneticist S. Oppenheimer called the period of mass extinction of people()

P. Oleksenko. N. Skripkin. Rama Bridge - an amazing creation of nature or an ancient megalith (in 4 parts)
We are already slowly getting used to the fact that behind legends and myths reality and long-overturned pages of the Earth’s past are often hidden. And yet, the images released by NASA several years ago surprised even the residents of India and Sri Lanka. Of course, they show a real bridge between the continent and the island of Ceylon!After the release of the NASA images, the Indian newspaper Hindustan Times reported that the NASA images provide evidence of the reality of Indian legends, and that the events told in the Ramayana, including the construction of the Rama Bridge, actually took place ()

M. Builders "What is the real age of Göbekli Tepe"?

The results of the authors' study of Göbekli Tepe using chronostratigraphy methods and structural orientation of megaliths showed that the age of Göbekli Tepe ranges from 100,000 to 375,000 years. Its structures were built over a long period of time, and the T-shaped megaliths are oriented towards different geographic poles. None of them are oriented towards the modern geographic pole, which suggests that the construction of Göbekli Tepe was completed 70,000 years ago ()

C. Hapgood. Lost Civilizations (in 2 parts)
This fragment represents the eighth and final chapter of the book by professor of history and anthropology Charles Hapgood, “Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,” which analyzes the amazing maps of Piri Reis, Orontius Phineus, Hadji Ahmed, Mercator and other cartographers and navigators. Based on a careful analysis of these maps and their comparison with modern geographical maps Charles Hapgood makes several important conclusions: about the existence 20 thousand years ago or more of a highly developed civilization that had excellent knowledge of mathematics and cartography; about the destruction of this civilization itself (how our civilization is capable of destroying itself nuclear weapons); about the rapid displacement of the poles over a long distance as a result of a catastrophe; and also that it is possible to discover evidence of the existence of a disappeared highly developed civilization only at the intersection of different sciences, believing in the possibility of its existence ()

G. Wilkins. Light coming from the jungle
(in 3 parts)
Now, plunging into the mysterious ancient world South America, let's look again at the “runic” letters - as the venerable canon of Bailly erroneously called them. In 1750, the Bandeiristas discovered them engraved on flat slabs, weathered by time and climate. As we know, even with tools and weapons at their disposal, they could not lift the edge of these slabs even an inch; and yet they believed that these slabs were unusual shrines, or protected access to treasures. And here again it is worth citing these bizarre and incredibly ancient signs, dating back at least 30,000, and perhaps as many as 50,000 years. South American civilization could have been so stunningly ancient ()

By examining ancient records, historians and archaeologists find historical facts that reveal the secret of the existence of ancient civilizations on Earth. Huge temples lost in the jungle, or giant caves full of treasures, all this points to a highly developed culture that disappeared over the centuries for reasons unknown to us. Why did people abandon these prosperous cities, agricultural centers, and trade routes? Often the answer is unknown. Here are ten great civilizations whose disappearance remains a mystery.

1. Maya

A classic example of a civilization, much of whose heritage has been irretrievably lost. The amazingly beautiful palaces and entire cities of the once powerful people who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula (the territory of modern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala) are now practically destroyed or swallowed up by the jungle.

The Mayan civilization flourished in the first millennium AD: they created a complex calendar, invented writing and mathematical formulas, and developed engineering structures that allowed them to build huge pyramids and multi-stage irrigation systems for agricultural land.

The gradual decline of civilization began around the year 900, that is, long before the visit of Christopher Columbus to the American continent. Historians still do not know exactly what caused the loss of their former power and the death of the Mayans, however, according to some versions, internecine wars and climate deterioration were to blame, as a result of which famine began and the Mayans were forced to leave their cities.

2. Indus civilization

One of the greatest civilizations of antiquity is also called Harappan (the city of Harappa was one of its centers). The number of inhabitants of the Indus River valley during the heyday of civilization reached 5 million people - about 10% of general population peace at that time.

The Harappans could boast of developed metallurgy, monumental architecture, sculpture, painting and a unique writing system, which, by the way, has not yet been deciphered. The Indus people actively traded with Mesopotamia, Sumer, Arabia and the states of Central Asia.

The high level of culture and industry did not save the Harappan civilization from destruction: approximately 3.5 thousand years ago, most of the population of the valley moved to the southeast, leaving huge cities with wide avenues, multi-storey buildings and plumbing system.

The most likely reason for the departure of the Harappans from their homes is considered to be deterioration natural conditions. Over the course of several centuries, the settlers lost almost all the achievements of their ancestors, and the last bearers of the Harappan culture were destroyed by the Aryan invasion.

3. Easter Island

The settlement of the island began, according to some sources, around 300 AD; the first inhabitants arrived from Eastern Polynesia on huge boats that made it possible to overcome enormous distances.

Before the arrival of Europeans on Rapa Nui (the local name of the island), two tribes lived here: the “long-ears”, who created the famous moai sculptures, and the “short-ears”, who were actually in the position of slaves. In the 16th century, the “short-eared” rebelled, as a result of which almost all representatives of the dominant people were destroyed, and their culture and writing quickly fell into decay.

Now practically nothing is known about the civilization of the ancient Rapanui people. According to scientists, its heyday was very short-lived and ended with deforestation around the year 1200, after which the island’s population began to decline - most moved to other islands, and the rest were finished off by the “short-eared”.

4. Catalhöyük

Çatalhöyük is one of the most ancient cities in the world: its history began more than 9.5 thousand years ago. The city was part of a fairly developed Neolithic civilization that existed on the territory of modern Turkey.

Çatalhöyük is distinguished from most other settlements of that period by its unique architecture: the city had no streets in the modern sense of the word, houses were built close to each other, and they were entered through the roof. Residents were engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, grew wheat and legumes, and collected nuts and fruits. They made most of the tools from obsidian, and they also provided other settlements with them.

Çatalhöyük was a real metropolis for its time - its population numbered about ten thousand people, and archaeological finds indicate the complex socio-political structure of the city and developed culture. It is unknown what forced the residents to leave the city with more than 2,000 years of history.

5. Cahokia

Located in the American state of Illinois, the Cahokia mounds are all that remains of the Indian civilization that existed here long before the arrival of Europeans. Cahokia has long been the largest city in North America, its area was more than 15 km2, and its population reached 40 thousand people.

The 109 mounds that have survived to this day are part of a ceremonial complex where various religious celebrations were held. In the center of the complex is the famous four-tiered Monk's Mound, the dimensions of which are truly grandiose - 28 meters in height and 290 meters in length.

Some archaeological finds indicate that the Indians from the banks of the Mississippi were excellent artists, sculptors and architects. They created jewelry from copper and shells, decorated the walls of temples with elaborate designs and images of gods, and even developed a sophisticated irrigation system that used water from the Mississippi and Illinois rivers.

Around 1200, residents began to leave the city, according to some scientists, due to the appalling sanitary situation, which caused numerous epidemics and famine.

6. Gobekli Tepe

The Gobekli Tepe temple complex was probably built around ten thousand years BC. This is one of the most mysterious structures of ancient eras - almost nothing is known about it.

“Bellied Hill” (this is how the name of the archaeological site is translated) is located in the southeast of modern Turkey. No traces of a settlement have been found around the "Hill", so historians believe that it served as the main religious building for local nomadic tribes. Most likely, several clergy constantly lived in the temple, and nomads came here to perform rites and rituals.

The temple was built in the shape of concentric circles, the surface of its columns is decorated with relief images of animals and people. Currently, only about 5% of the complex’s territory has been studied, so archaeologists have yet to answer many questions, the main ones of which are what people created it and who they prayed to in this temple.

7. Angkor

Angkor Wat is one of Cambodia's most famous landmarks, but not everyone knows that the temple complex was once part of the huge city of Angkor, the capital of the Khmer Empire. Angkor's heyday was between 1000 and 1200 AD, and its population was estimated to be as high as one million - probably the largest city in the world at one time.

There are different versions as to why the city fell into disrepair - from war to natural disaster. Most of the ruins, which are remarkable examples of Hindu architecture, are overgrown with jungle, making them difficult to explore.

8. Firuzkuh

The magnificent Jam Minaret is the only surviving building of the city of Firuzkukh (“Turquoise Mountain”), the capital of the Ghurid Empire, which included the territories of modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.

The minaret was built at the end of the 12th century in honor of the victory of Sultan Ghiyaz ad-Din over the Ghaznavids and was one of the main religious buildings of the city, but just a few decades later the army of Genghis Khan wiped Firuzkukh from the face of the earth, and the minaret was forgotten for a long time.

Unfortunately, due to the inaccessibility of the monument and the unstable situation in Afghanistan, archaeologists still cannot begin full-fledged excavations in this area. Recently, experts sounded the alarm: floods and earthquakes could destroy the minaret, so a system of measures to strengthen and restore it is being urgently developed, because this is a one-of-a-kind example of medieval Ghurid culture.

9. Nya

More than 1.5 thousand years ago, Niya was a blooming oasis where caravans traveling along the Great Silk Road stopped to rest, although it is difficult to guess - now there is a desert, in the middle of which is the small village of Niya, which is part of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region China.

The desert reliably hid the ruins wooden houses, temples and palaces, so for a long time no one suspected the existence of a huge city here. Niya has become a real treasury for archaeologists: traces of many cultures and peoples connected by the Silk Road have been found here. Merchants, scientists, pilgrims and all kinds of adventurers arrived in the city in the thousands, which turned it into a boiling cauldron in which the civilizations of China, Europe, Africa and Central Asia were “cooked”.

Gradually, the Silk Road lost its importance: traders increasingly preferred sea travel, so Niya fell into decay. Now the remains of this unique cultural and historical formation are being carefully studied by archaeologists.

10. Settlement on Nabta Playa

It’s hard to believe, but on the territory of modern Sahara there once lived a people with a highly developed culture and science - this is evidenced by the remains of an ancient observatory, which was allegedly built 7-6.5 thousand years BC.

Residents of the settlement on the shores of Lake Nabta Playa knew how to burn and paint ceramics, and were engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture.

An astronomical structure that is a thousand years older than Stonehenge allowed the inhabitants of these places to determine the day summer solstice, which was followed every year by a flood of the lake - this is how they learned that it was time to move to “winter apartments.” Like many other ancient cities, the settlement on Lake Nabta Playa was destroyed by the climate - it gradually became more and more arid, and, in the end, people left these places.


Throughout its history, humanity has lost many civilizations. Explorers discover huge temples and giant treasure pits that were once grand palaces.

Why did people abandon once prosperous cities, centers and trade routes? Often there is no answer to these questions.

Here are 10 civilizations whose disappearance still remains a mystery.

1. Maya

The Mayan civilization is a classic example of a civilization that was completely lost. Its monuments, cities and roads were swallowed up by the jungles of Central America, and its inhabitants were scattered among small villages.

Although the Mayan language and traditions survive to this day, the peak of civilization occurred in the first millennium AD, when magnificent architectural structures and large-scale agricultural projects covered most Yucatan. Today this territory extends from Mexico to Guatemala and Belize. The Mayans made extensive use of writing, mathematics, intricate calendars, and sophisticated engineering to build pyramids and terraced fields.

It is believed that the mysterious decline of the Mayan civilization began around the year 900, and there are several speculations about this. Among them there is evidence that climate change in Yucatan and civil wars led to famine and abandonment city ​​centers.

2. Indus civilization

The Indus or, as it is also called, the Harappan civilization is one of the greatest civilizations ancient world. Until thousands of years ago, it stretched across India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and boasted 5 million inhabitants, about 10 percent of the world's total population.

Its trade routes are massive multi-story houses were abandoned more than 3000 years ago. There are several assumptions about the decline of the Indus civilization. According to the latest version, like Maya, this ancient civilization suffered from gradual changes in rainfall levels, making it difficult to grow enough food for the huge population.

3. Easter Island

The Easter Islanders are another classic "lost" civilization, made famous by the mysterious, huge statues of human heads that line the island's coastline.

How did a thriving Polynesian civilization disappear after centuries of building ancient monuments there, sailing hundreds of kilometers across the ocean from one island to another?

According to one hypothesis, the Rapanui people, the inhabitants of Easter Island, were very developed and intelligent, but their methods were not rational. At the time they settled on Easter Island between 700 and 1200 AD, they used all the trees and agricultural resources of the island, and they had to move.

4. Catalhöyük

Çatalhöyük, often called the most ancient city in the world, was part of a major urban development and agricultural civilization that flourished between 9,000 and 7,000 years ago in what is now central Turkey.

Catalhöyük had a unique structure, unlike other cities. There were no roads here, and instead the inhabitants built something similar to a beehive, where houses were built on top of each other, and the entrance was located on the roof. It is believed that outside the walls people grew everything they could, from almonds to wheat. Residents decorated the entrance to the house with bull skulls, and buried the bodies of deceased people underground on the floor.

The civilization existed before the Iron Age and before the advent of literacy, but there is still evidence that it was a very advanced society, including art and rituals. Why did people leave the city? There is no answer to this question yet.

5. Cahokia

Long before Europeans arrived in North America, the so-called Mississippians built a large city surrounded by huge earthen pyramids - mounds and structures made of wood, similar to Stonehenge, in order to monitor the movements of the stars.

The heyday of civilization occurred between 600-1400 AD., and the city extended over 15 square meters. km with hundreds of mounds and a huge square in the center. Its population was about 40,000 people, many of whom were skilled artists, architects, and farmers who created amazing objects of art from shells, copper and stone. It is not entirely clear what caused people to leave the city, but some archaeologists believe that perhaps disease and hunger began in the city, and people went to more favorable places.

6. Gobekli Tepe

One of the most mysterious structures discovered was the Gobekli Tepe complex, built around 10,000 BC. and located in modern southern Turkey.

The complex consists of a series of round, nested structures decorated with carvings in the form of animals, which is probably served as a temple for nomadic tribes in this area. It was not a permanent residence, although perhaps a few priests lived here year-round. It is the first permanent structure built by humans to be discovered, and it likely represents the pinnacle of indigenous Mesopotamian civilization of the era.

What did people worship? Where did they come to this place from? What else were they doing? Archaeologists are currently working hard to answer these questions.

7. Angkor

Many people have heard about the outstanding temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. But this is just a small part of that huge civilization during the Khmer Empire, which was called Angkor. The city flourished during the late Middle Ages in 1000-1200 AD and was supported by approximately a million people.

Eat many reasons why Angkor fell, ranging from wars to natural disasters. Now most of civilization is buried in the jungle. It is still not clear how many people actually lived in the city, which was distinguished by its amazing architecture and Hindu culture. Some archaeologists believe that, given all the roads and canals connecting many of its regions, it can be assumed that this is it was the largest city in the world at its height.

8. Turquoise Mountain

While not all destroyed monuments represent lost civilizations, the Jam Minaret is just such a structure. It's majestic architectural structure, built in 1100, was part of a city in Afghanistan. Archaeological excavations indicate that it was a multi-ethnic territory, where many religions coexisted, including Jewish, Christian and Muslim, whose representatives lived harmoniously here for hundreds of years.

Perhaps the unique minaret was part of the lost ancient capital of Afghanistan which is called Turquoise Mountain.

9. Nya

Now an abandoned site in the Taklamakan Desert in western China, as recently as 1,600 years ago Niya was a thriving city located on the famous Silk Road. Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have discovered countless treasures in the dusty and ruined remains of what was once a majestic city with wooden houses and temples.

In a way, Nia is relic of the lost civilization of the Silk Road, which connected China with central Asia, Africa and Europe. Many people traveled along the Silk Road, including wealthy merchants, pilgrims, and scholars, who exchanged ideas and created a sophisticated, enlightened culture wherever the Silk Road passed. The ancient route underwent many changes, but its importance as a trade route declined during the reign of the Mongol Empire and it fell into decline in the 1300s.

10. Nabta Playa

Around 7000 – 6500 BC. In what is now the Egyptian part of the Sahara, an incredible urban community arose.

The people living here domesticated livestock, farmed, made pottery, and left behind stone structures indicating the study of astronomy. Archaeologists believe that the inhabitants of Nabta Playa were the forerunners of the civilization that reigned in major cities Nila, which appeared in Egypt thousands of years ago.

Although the Nabta civilization is now located in an arid region, it arose during a time when rainfall levels were different, filling the area with a lake that allowed the culture to flourish.

Modern science knows several examples of ancient civilizations that disappeared from the face of the Earth without a trace.

Prosperous civilizations possessing advanced technologies for their time ceased to exist

Indus Valley Civilization, Pakistan

Home to one of the greatest man-made wonders of the world, the Indus Valley Civilization (known at the height of its influence as the Harappan Civilization) was home to one of the oldest urban settlements on Earth.

Located in what is now Pakistan, the Indus Valley Civilization flourished 4,500 years ago but was forgotten. Its memory remained only in local legends until the discovery of city ruins in 1920.

Developed and technologically advanced, this civilization, which includes the famous Mozhenjo-Daro complex, created a developed sewage system. They also have evidence of complex mathematics, engineering and even dentistry.

By 1500 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization had almost completely disappeared, possibly due to invasion by Indo-European tribes or due to agricultural collapse due to climate change.

Khmer Empire, Cambodia

One of the most powerful states in Southeast Asia, which was located on the territory of modern Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia, is now known thanks to its capital - Angkor.

The age of this empire dates back to 800 AD.
Unfortunately, no written sources have survived other than stone inscriptions, so knowledge about this civilization is pieced together from archaeological excavations, relief inscriptions on walls and reports of foreign travelers (particularly Chinese).

The Khmers professed two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, and built intricate temples and towers, one of which, Angkor Wat, is dedicated to the god Vishnu.

Attacks by enemies, plague, problems with water supply that affected the rice harvest, as well as conflicts between royal families over power - here probable reasons the disappearance of this great civilization in 1400 AD. The remnants of this civilization are represented by the indigenous population of Thailand.

Anasazi, New Mexico, USA

“Anasazi” is the modern name for the ancient “Pueblo” peoples who inhabited the so-called “Four Corners” region at the junction of the modern states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

This civilization arose in the 12th century BC and is famous for its stone and clay structures built on the cliffs, including the Rock Palace in national park Mesa Verde, White House Ruins and Rueblo Bonito at the northern end of Chaco Canyon. These structures are multi-story buildings that could only be accessed by a rope or ladder.

It is believed that the ancient civilization of the Pueblo people did not disappear, but simply left their habitat somewhere between the 12th and 13th centuries AD.

Many experts, as well as the modern ancestors of the Pueblo people, argue that this was caused by internal conflicts and wars that caused this ancient civilization to “dissolve” among modern peoples.

Olmec Civilization, Mexico

What are now known as Veracruz and Tabasco in tropical central and southern Mexico were home to a great pre-Columbian civilization that built incredible monuments in the form of giants' heads and practiced human sacrifice. This civilization essentially set the concept for all subsequent Mesoamerican peoples.

The Olmec civilization may have been the first civilization in the Western Hemisphere to invent writing, the compass, and the Mesoamerican calendar. Originating in the 15th century BC, the Olmec civilization was unknown to scientists until the mid-19th century.

The disappearance of this civilization was probably caused by environmental reasons, earthquakes or agricultural problems that led to extinction.

Aksumite Empire, Ethiopia

One of the main participants in trade with the Roman Empire was the Aksumite Empire, also known as the Kingdom of Aksum or simply Aksum.

The Aksum Empire occupied what is now northeast Africa, including Ethiopia, beginning in the 4th century BC. It is believed that it was the homeland of the Queen of Sheba and originated on the African continent, growing to occupy the territory of modern Eritrea, northern Ethiopia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, southern and northern Sudan.
This civilization had its own alphabet, it erected such structures as the obelisk of Akusma, which has survived to this day.

It was one of the first empires to convert to Christianity. The collapse of Aksum has been attributed to the expansion of the Islamic empire and subsequent economic isolation, constant attacks, or climate changes that significantly altered the course of the Nile.

Minoan Empire, Crete

Named after the mythical king Minos, this ancient civilization was unknown until the early 20th century. Since then, much evidence has been discovered of this great empire, which existed over 7,000 years ago and reached its peak around 1600 BC.

As civilization developed, many palaces and buildings were built, which had to be rebuilt after natural disasters, one of which was probably the eruption of the Fira volcano (Santorini island)

One of the palaces, known as the Palace of Knossos, is associated with the famous “labyrinth” of ancient Greek myths and is now one of the main archaeological sites and the main attraction of Crete.

But one day, around 1450 BC, the destruction was so severe that the Minoans were unable to restore the empire and the civilization gradually disappeared from the face of the Earth. It is believed that the remnants of the Minoan Empire mixed with the Mycenaean culture.

Interesting fact: One of the Minoan manuscripts, known as Linear A, remains undeciphered to this day.

Cucuteni-Trypillia, Ukraine, Romania

The largest settlement of Neolithic Europe was built by the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture, located in the territory of modern Ukraine, Romania and Moldova.

This mysterious civilization, which flourished between 5500 BC and 2750 BC, is interesting for its unique painted pottery and the strange custom of burning its own villages to the ground every 60-80 years.

The villages were rebuilt right on top of the old ashes. About 3,000 excavation sites of this culture have been discovered, many of the finds are the oldest evidence of human folk crafts.

Like many other civilizations, the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture may have been influenced by climate change. Other theories say that its representatives mixed with other peoples until their own culture was forgotten.

Nabataean Kingdom, Jordan

The ancient Nabatean civilization was located in southern Jordan, Canaan and northern Arabia. A striking example of this culture's heritage is the spectacular city of Petra, carved into the sandy cliffs of the Jordanian mountains.

This civilization was highly skilled in engineering, with the help of which its inhabitants controlled water flows, creating a complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs that helped it develop and prosper in this arid desert region.

Little is known about this culture, since no written sources have survived.
They were captured by the Romans in 65 BC and renamed the Kingdom of Arabia Petri. Sometime around the 4th century AD, the Nabataeans abandoned Petri for unknown reasons.
It is believed that over centuries of foreign domination, a great civilization turned into disparate groups of peasants who spoke Greek and eventually converted to Christianity. After which these sandbanks were captured by Arab tribes.

Cahokia, Illinois USA

Few Americans know that in the USA it is also fashionable to find the remains of an ancient civilization very close by, in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River, not far from the St. Louis station.

The historic Cahokia Mounds are all that remains of an ancient culture that existed around 600 AD. As far as is known, the inhabitants of Cahokia did not keep written records, but amazing man-made grass-covered mounds, pottery and other artifacts remain in memory of this civilization.

Cahokia was once the largest urban settlement north of the great Mesoamerican cities of Mexico and was home to 40,000 people, more than the population of London in 1250 AD.

This civilization disappeared about 100 years before the first Europeans arrived in North America. This happened, apparently, due to climate change or due to the invasion of hostile tribes.

Mycenaean civilization, Greece

Unlike the Minoans, the Mycenaeans were not only engaged in trade, they tried to conquer as much land as possible and achieved considerable success, capturing most of Greece.

Reaching its peak around the time of the disappearance of the Minoan civilization, the Mycenaean civilization dominated its region for five centuries until its decline in 1100 BC. Greek legend says that it was the Mycenaeans who captured the mythical Troy. Artifacts of this culture have been discovered even in distant Ireland. This advanced civilization in every sense left behind a huge number of architectural masterpieces, works of art and artifacts.

What happened to the Mycenaeans? Some researchers believe that natural disasters and natural disasters may be to blame, but most likely it was due to internal conflicts and attacks by invaders.

Moche Civilization, Peru

The Moche civilization, an agriculturally oriented society with palaces, pyramids, and complex irrigation canals, developed on the northern coast of Peru between approximately 100 and 800 AD.

Although they did not have a predominant written language, the representatives of this civilization were distinguished by amazing creativity, which left behind very beautiful examples of ceramics and monumental architecture. In 2006, caves containing human remains that were used for sacrifices were discovered. There are many theories as to why the Moche disappeared.

This was most likely due to the strong influence of the temperature anomaly now known as El Niño, which leads to sharp fluctuations in temperature and climate. This may also be an explanation for the blood sacrifices that were used by the Moche to appease the gods.

Culture Clovis, North America

Very little is known about this culture. The Clovis culture is a prehistoric Paleo-Indian people believed to be one of the first inhabitants of North America.

Archaeologists have discovered artifacts near the town of Clovis, New Mexico, which are 13,500 years old (according to radiocarbon dating). Although it is generally accepted that determining an age of more than 10 thousand years is unreliable.

Artifacts, bones and stone blades are what little we have to prove the existence of this culture, which is not technically a civilization. Over the past 30 years, much evidence of older human activity has been discovered that casts doubt on the status of the Clovis find. However, whether this culture was the first or not, it disappeared rather suddenly.

Some believe that ancient people simply lost their source of food, having cleared the entire habitat through hunting; perhaps climate, disease or wild predators did their job. Others believe that Clovis did not disappear completely, but simply dispersed among the early Indian tribes.

Valery Kachmarik

Nov 15, 2016 Galinka