Dream interpretation of why you dream about a fire. Where was the fire burning? Opinions of different nationalities about the fire

One of the most striking images that appears in a dream is the fire element in all its manifestations. The meaning of a dream about a fire also differs depending on various circumstances.

The meaning of the image of a fire in a dream

More than one generation of researchers has been deciphering the images that come to a person during sleep. And if in ancient times visions were considered exclusively as an esoteric phenomenon, today another way of interpreting dreams has appeared - psychoanalytic. According to this point of view, all dream symbols are a subconscious reflection of real emotions experienced by the dreamer the day before. Esotericism considers dreams as signals from the subtle worlds, warning about the future.

The image of a fire belongs to somnological symbols, which researchers call dual. This means that this symbol can have many meanings, and they are not exclusively positive or negative.

In any case, for the most accurate interpretation of the image of fire or a bonfire in a dream, one should rely on the plot data of the dream, namely:

  • Human actions in relation to the fire;
  • Fire location;
  • The identity of the person having the dream.

Let us consider separately each of the above nuances of the dream plot.

Depending on human actions

The nature of the interpretation of the dream, both positive and negative, depends on a person’s actions in relation to fire in a dream. Thus:

  • Light a big fire, from which black smoke appears, means that in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation or an annoying misunderstanding will occur in your life;
  • Lighting a fire in the oven in a dream means that soon the dreamer will feel the strength to accomplish many things. Such a dream portends success in all endeavors;
  • See a fire burning in the distance and walk towards the light of the fire indicates that there is a problem in the dreamer’s life that requires an immediate solution;
  • Jump and dance around the bright fire in a dream means that bad thoughts are ripening in your head. Try to get rid of them completely;
  • Seeing strange people mythical creatures dancing in the flames, according to Vanga's dream book, a bad sign. Perhaps an unscrupulous person is trying to spoil you;
  • Putting out the fire dreams, according to Freud’s dream book, of the end of a passionate romance with the person you still love. Trying to put out the fire in the hearth is not a good idea to start new things, as they will end in failure. If you believe the interpretations of Longo’s dream book, if you put out the fire in a fire with your own hands, you will face failure in one matter on which great hopes are pinned. However, you should not worry about this, since all difficulties are temporary. Sooner or later you will be able to get out of trouble;
  • If you dream that you trying to light a fire without much success, then in the near future you will be completely consumed by chores and household chores. However, in this case, you should not put all your responsibilities on your loved ones;
  • See other people sitting around the fire– to heated debates that will not lead to compromise;
  • Burn some things at the stake in a dream means that in reality a person will abandon his own principles and will pay for it;
  • If you succeed ignite a flame whose tongues rise to the sky, scattering sparks, in reality you are overcome by bad premonitions. However, if you cook your food on this fire, the dream promises prosperity in the house.

An extinguished fire that cannot be rekindled, according to Longo’s dream book, it will symbolize the collapse of all hopes. If the extinguished flame emits a ghostly light, your hopes will be in vain.

Depending on the location of the fire

The location of the fire in a dream also has great importance to interpret the image. Thus, if in a dream a fire is lit in the forest, night dreams are deciphered depending on the details of the plot:

  • The dream in which you make a fire in the thicket of the forest, dreams of an upcoming hike in the company of friends (according to the Dream Book of the 21st century);
  • If in a dream you happened to make a fire in the forest in the presence of a loved one, it means your feelings are filled with sincerity and mutual respect. You have complete mutual understanding, common interests, and also have excellent prospects for the future (according to Freud's dream book);
  • Watch the burning flame and seeing ashes falling on the coals means that you are nostalgic for a time that will never be returned;
  • Collect firewood in the forest in order to start a fire, dreams of an upcoming quarrel or disagreement with a loved one;
  • Go to the forest to prepare firewood for the winter, in a dream means that you will have to try very hard to achieve your goal.

If fire or I dream about a fire near the house, the meanings of the dream can be as follows:

  • If you dreamed fire burning near the house, in accordance with Miller’s dream book, in the near future you should expect guests whom the owners will be extremely happy about;
  • Watch the flames burn in the garden near the house- such a dream means that all the work and efforts of the dreamer will soon pay off, and he will receive considerable profit;
  • For a farmer, the image of a fire near his house portends a rich harvest, which he will be able to sell at a favorable price;
  • House fire, according to Miller’s dream book, dreams of absolute happiness or good luck. However, if you extinguish it, you will destroy your happiness with your own hands;
  • If you dream that you are putting out a fire near your home, Miller's dream book warns that temporary setbacks will soon occur in business.

You should also pay attention to other possible bonfire locations in a dream:

  • Lighting a fire on the river bank means that perhaps soon there will be a real fire in the sleeping person’s house;
  • Look at in a dream a flame that is kindled in nature, portends a natural disaster;
  • See a fire floating on the water, means that an unscrupulous person is plotting against the sleeping person;
  • Watch for bright flames in a cave dreams of a prediction in reality, which will certainly come true.

Seeing will-o'-the-wisps in a cemetery- such a dream can symbolize betrayal and betrayal on the part of people close to you.

Depending on the personality of the dreamer

The meaning of a dream about a bonfire or fire also depends on the gender of the dreamer. Women are much more receptive than men on a spiritual level. Therefore, their dreams are more colorful and imaginative, and the very interpretation of fire in a dream may differ. Representatives of the fair sex should give preference to interpretations Women's dream book, according to which:

  • If A young girl dreams of a fire near the house- this is a sign that she will soon meet a young man who will become her betrothed;
  • If a woman collects dry branches for the fire, she is dissatisfied with her sex life and wants changes;
  • Kindling the flame with an unknown young man- for a girl, a sign of a fateful meeting with her future husband. Moreover, if the flame is high and bright, the marriage will be successful; if there is thick smoke and the fire is almost invisible, the husband will turn out to be a bad person;
  • If in a dream there is a woman cook fish on the fire, in the near future she will gain material well-being;
  • Fill a flame with water in a dream for the fair sex it means prolonged loneliness and melancholy.

Special for both a man and a woman, according to Freud’s dream book, is a dream in which he or she sees a member of the opposite sex burning at the stake. According to the famous psychoanalyst, a married man who dreams of burning a woman is eager to have a mistress. A woman who has such a dream, in turn, secretly dreams of a threesome.

The meaning of a fire in a dream according to various dream books

The fire is an unusually vivid image. What could he be dreaming about? Such a vision from the dream book may indicate the tense emotional state of the sleeper. For example, a person experiences strong excitement on the eve of a significant event in life, or is experiencing a whirlwind love affair. To find out a more precise meaning, let’s turn to the collection of interpretations.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book describes a vision that you had to be around a fire. The seer is sure that it foretells a meeting with good friends, a pleasant time together and surprises that will be joyful for you. There is a great danger that you will find yourself in a conflict situation, become a participant in a quarrel, even a scandal, this is why you dream about lighting a fire. Well, if you extinguish it in a dream, then you will be able to get along, find a common language with the most difficult person. By the way, the dream book recommends, if possible, remembering the place of the fireplace that you dreamed about.

About the power of intuition

Did you dream of a small fire near the walls of yours? Don’t be alarmed, according to the dream book, this is just the likelihood of receiving news that will amaze you. If several lights were burning at once, then this is advice - if necessary, be guided by your inner feelings, listen to your own intuition - it will not let you down.

There is no need to panic if you dream that a fire is burning in your home. This is a sign that you will become stronger. Be more confident, and things will go uphill. Did you notice a fireplace in the forest while you were sleeping? So, when you wake up, think: are there any unresolved problems that have been shelved? If there are any, resolve them immediately.

Life, love

Why might you dream that you lit a fire in a field? If you believe the dream book, then this is an alarming signal that predicts natural disasters and catastrophes on a global scale.

If in a dream you unsuccessfully tried to make a fire, then be prepared for the fact that much of what you planned in reality, alas, will not come true. In addition, the dream book also promises a lot of urgent, everyday troubles.

It’s good when, in your night dreams, you make a fire with. Such a plot confirms that in reality your relationship is sincere, full of tenderness, mutual understanding, and responsibility.

The machinations of evil forces

Did you dream that you were sitting by the fire and watching the flickering flames in fascination? In this case, the dream book suggests that you live quietly and peacefully. Not wanting any change.

But if in a dream you were jumping around a fire in a wild dance, then keep in mind that bad thoughts and intentions are ripening in your head in reality. Try to abandon them, switch your attention to something else.

Why could you dream of strange creatures jumping around? Such a vision indicates that someone could have cast a spell on you, or you have succumbed to temptation, doubt, and taken the wrong step.

Sitting by the fire with friends, on the contrary, is a very good omen, judging by which all plans will come true.

Hopes and passions

Did you put out a fire in a dream? It is possible that you will have to face difficulties, experience failures and disappointments. However, this plot has a different interpretation - the dreamer will be able to get rid of bad habits or vicious desires.

Remember your friends!

Did you dream that in the bitter cold you warmed yourself up by the fire with other people? Then it’s time to remember old comrades with whom you haven’t called or met for a long time. If you meet them or just chat, you will learn a lot of new things and be satisfied.

Are you cold in a dream and are you looking for a fire to warm yourself up? Then find strength and opportunities for sports and active recreation. This will give you energy and give you a powerful impulse. In addition, you will enjoy the activities and new people you will meet, for example, on the court, in the gym. A Shade of Fire

The interpretation of the vision according to the dream book largely depends on the color of the fire. This helps determine the state of health and well-being of the dreamer. For example, a red flame is dreamed when the sleeper has problems with the condition of the skin and bones, yellow signals problems in the digestive system, orange - the liver, green suggests that there is a reason to see a doctor and check the heart and lungs, and blue - the throat. Frequent headaches, this is what blue fire means in dreams, and purple fire speaks of nervous overstrain and mental disorders.

Fire is something that people can look at for a long time. It fascinates and makes you think about what is important. But this is all in reality, but what does it mean to see a fire in a dream? This is what we will discuss in our article today. But, before you begin the interpretation, know that a fire in a dream can appear in different images:

  • You just see it, watch the flame.
  • You light a fire, put it out.
  • You see a fire in the forest or indoors, etc.

See, observe

Those who dream of a fire can be absolutely sure of the correctness of the chosen path. But this does not mean that you can relax and not worry about anything. Think over your every step very carefully, watch your words and actions, remain calm, not allowing panic to take over you. Thanks to composure, concentration and endurance, you can achieve even more than you originally planned.

The dream book interprets a dream in which you dreamed of a fire with food on it as a herald of an approaching noisy event. Its ending promises to be unpredictable: both positive and negative. If you clearly highlight how you cooked over the fire, try to avoid conflict situations at the party and smooth them out as much as possible. Otherwise, scandals and possibly fights cannot be avoided.

It is also interesting to know why you dream about the fire or that you see in the distance in. Such a dream suggests that at this stage of your life you have a certain problem, the solution to which cannot be ignored. Otherwise, if not resolved, it will take on a much larger scale. Dreaming of basking by the flame of a fire means that the quarrel between you and your friend will finally be put to an end. The initiator of reconciliation will be your friend.

When you dreamed of a fire not in the forest, but indoors, for example, in, then in the near future you will make peace with your family and find a common language with those of them with whom you could not communicate normally before. If you saw how a fire destroyed the premises completely or partially, disagreements and scandals are brewing in the family. Show more patience with your loved ones, thus avoiding sharp corners, because our strength is in our family.

Kindle and extinguish

Now let's find out why you dream of a fire lit by you personally. This means that now you have some problems or obstacles standing in the way of achieving your goal, and you are trying to get around them by choosing the shortest path. But this tactic will not live up to your expectations, no matter which way you go, problems need to be solved, not avoided. Take this point into account and find another way out of the situation.

A dream where you had to burn a fire, throwing various unnecessary things and objects into it, means that the time has come to get rid of all junk in reality. Moreover, this applies not only to garbage and everything unnecessary. We can also talk about people who take advantage of your kindness and dependability.

If you have to kindle the fire again and again, most likely, you will encounter a sufficient amount of troubles on your way that you cannot shift onto the shoulders of others, but will have to deal with on your own. But they are all insignificant and you can easily get rid of them.

According to some dream books, dreaming of burning in a fire usually means that your love affair has come to an end. And this fact will bring you more relief than emotional distress. Because you were not happy in them and did not even experience great feelings.

Making a big fire in the forest while in a dream is a sign that some people's opinion of you will change dramatically for the worse. And this will happen thanks to your careless statements, which you will greatly regret in the future. Watch your words and emotions, then you will be able to avoid such unpleasant situations.

And finally, as the dream book suggests, the fire that you burned in the forest, watching its flames, indicates that everything in your life is going calmly and measuredly.

1. Bonfire- (Modern dream book)
A dream about a fire is a warning for you: if you continue to not pay attention to the opinions of others, you will face serious problems and will not be able to implement your plans. If you saw how some people built and lit a fire, keep your opinion to yourself, otherwise a profitable business will not bring the expected profit. Burn something at the stake - you will abandon your principles and will be punished for it. Seeing a huge fire - because of your harsh, thoughtless statements, the attitude of those around you will change for the worse and subsequently you will deeply repent of your incontinence.
2. Bonfire- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The fire is a symbol of direct sexual intercourse, since the flames symbolize the male genitals, and the firewood symbolizes the female genitals. If you cook something over a fire, then you live a very rich, varied and vibrant sex life. If you are sitting by the fire in a company of people, then you are dreaming about group sex. If you sit by the fire alone, then the relationship with your loved one is in complete harmony. If you light a fire, then complications are possible in your sex life: for men with health, and for women with partners. If a woman sees a man being burned at the stake, then she wants to have sex with at least two men. If a woman sees a woman being burned at the stake, then she strives for a passionate lesbian relationship. If a man sees a woman being burned at the stake, then he dreams of being a sultan and strives to have as many mistresses as possible. If a man sees a woman being burned at the stake, then he wants to have sexual contacts like two men - one woman. If you are burned at the stake, then you replace your sexual fantasies with self-satisfaction. If a man collects firewood and brushwood for a fire, then he prefers to engage in self-satisfaction. If a woman collects firewood and brushwood for a fire, then she dreams of a rich and vibrant sex life. See Fire.
3. Bonfire- (Esoteric dream book)
It is necessary to consciously destroy old trash both inside and outside: unnecessary connections, attachments, knowledge, things, papers. Otherwise, you can burn out both literally and figuratively.
4. Bonfire- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
To see a fire burning somewhere in the distance in a dream and walk into the light of this fire - a problem is brewing in your life, the solution of which must under no circumstances be postponed. If you dreamed that in a dream you lit a fire, trying to keep warm, this means that in real life you too often follow the path of great resistance, not being afraid of difficulties and not giving in to failures. However, the dream also suggests that your courage and willingness to take risks are not always justified; in some cases, you can get by with much smaller sacrifices. If you try unsuccessfully to light a fire, you will soon be overwhelmed by household chores and household chores. There is no need to get upset or try to blame these difficulties on someone in your family - this, as they say, is a forbidden technique. Putting out a fire in a dream is a harbinger of temporary setbacks in business, a failure in a business on which you place a lot of hope.

Why do you dream about a fire? Dream books recommend that you first remember the entire dream down to the smallest detail and collect them into a single image so that you can draw some final conclusions. Remember the place, the size of the fire itself, the company with whom you sat in front of the fire and other details.


An important role is played by the place where the dream actions take place. This is where the general image of the dream begins to take shape:

  • A fire on the river bank, which you light with your own hands, marks a real fire. You should be extremely careful with fire and electrical appliances in your home;
  • Lighting a fire near your home is a sign of failure. For some time, everything will not work out for you, no matter what you undertake. You just need to survive this dark streak and, if possible, correct all the mistakes that were made during a given period of time;
  • Burning a fire in the forest in a dream means going on a hike in reality. Perhaps a simple task will appear for you at work, but its implementation will be difficult;
  • If a fire is burning right in your apartment, this is good sign. Such a dream signifies good luck in all matters;
  • Many dream books believe that a fire in a field means natural disasters or even war.


  • Seeing a fire in a dream with your significant other is a sign of a strong love affair. Your relationship will be full of happy moments, mutual understanding and promising plans;
  • Making a fire with a large group of friends - you are surrounded by only the most faithful people. All joint plans will be feasible.


  • Just watch the fire - you will have quiet life. The dreamer's family will not be visited by big problems. Also, such a dream comes to people before they receive good news about work;
  • If in a dream you are dancing around a fire, then you need to stop being angry with the people around you. It is necessary to let go of all insidious thoughts and gloating;
  • In a dream, putting out a fire - the dreamer subconsciously wants to stop communicating with certain people, give up bad habits, start fighting his passions, and more. Such a dream literally represents personal war;
  • Warming by the fire in extreme cold is a sign of an imminent meeting with old friends;
  • But looking for a fire to warm up symbolizes the search for oneself in the world. Fatigue and overwork play a role in this. Try changing your field of activity or vacationing abroad;
  • Frying food means moving to another city or country;
  • Burning at the stake is not a very pleasant feeling, even in a dream. Such a dream comes when a person is very emotional in reality. But to burn someone - you will need to give up some principles and beliefs, no matter how hard it is to do this;
  • If in a dream you try to light a fire, but fail, in reality this marks unsuccessful endeavors. Your new ventures will not be successful. You will also be faced with a lot of household chores.

Fire color

The color of the fire in a fire plays a big role in the interpretation of dreams. Many dream books symbolize the color of fire with diseases that the dreamer will have to face:

  • Yellow color - to diseases of the digestive system;
  • The red color of fire signifies diseases of the skin and bones;
  • Orange - you may soon experience liver problems;
  • Diseases of the heart and lungs await the dreamer who sees the green color of the flame in a dream;
  • If you see Blue colour, then your throat will start to hurt;
  • Purple - to mental illness;
  • Blue color represents diseases of the nervous system.

State of the fire

  • A dying fire symbolizes a short love affair;
  • The fire is smoldering - you have been trying to suppress passionate desires for a long time;
  • A huge fireplace is a symbol of mutual and strong love.

Why do you dream about a fire - interpretation according to famous dream books

Miller's interpretation

  • Seeing a fire is a sign of pleasant gatherings with friends. Also possible pleasant surprises from loved ones;
  • Lighting a fire in a dream leads to an unpleasant meeting in reality. Perhaps you will meet your enemy who will try to harm your good name. In addition, such a dream is a symbol of a quarrel. For some time it is necessary to be more courteous and compliant with your loved ones;
  • Putting out a fire - you can easily find a common language with any person. This quality will help you easily avoid quarrels and scandals.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • The Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that a small fire in a dream marks a big fire in reality. Such a fire can cause great damage to property or even take the lives of the dreamer’s loved ones;
  • A fire that emits an unpleasant smell is a symbol that your enemies will go on the offensive. You must be extremely careful not to let their dirty plans come true;
  • If the dreamer warms himself near a fire, he is happy in real life. You need to appreciate your loved ones and every moment spent with them.

Interpretation of a dream according to Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that the temperature and size of a fire flame in a dream directly depend on the strength of people’s love relationships. The larger the fire in the dream, the greater the passion and desire of the person in love in reality. If the fire has almost burned out, then, like a fire, love will soon burn out.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A fire in a dream represents that in reality the dreamer will not be able to achieve his plans and goals. If at the same time he received a burn from fire, then the one who saw such a dream will have a bad reputation. In any case, fire in a dream will not bring anything good real life. To prevent this, you need to exercise personal caution and plan your actions better.

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