How to write plus on the keyboard. How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

No computer or laptop user can do without alphabetic characters on the keyboard, entered using the appropriate keys. Almost every key has 2 letters - English at the top and Russian at the bottom, i.e. there are 26 letters on the keyboard English alphabet and 33 letters of Russian. Moreover, these can be both lowercase and uppercase letters, which are typed using the Shift key.

There are punctuation marks in both English and Russian layouts, although they are located in different places on the keyboard. It is convenient when working with Russian text that a period and a comma are the same key, which is located in the bottom row of the most recent letter keys. Only the comma is typed in combination with the Shift key. And in the English layout, a dot is a key with the Russian letter Y, and a comma is B. So, to enter these punctuation marks, you do not need to switch from one font to another.

We use digital signs or numbers not only for calculations, but also in text to indicate various numerical data. In this case, you can use both the upper numeric row of the keyboard and the additional numeric pad (small numeric keypad) located on the right side of the keyboard.

The basic signs of arithmetic operations (plus “+”, minus “-”, multiplication “*”, division “/”), located on the small numeric keypad by analogy with a familiar calculator, so they are convenient to use when making calculations. But if you just need to print the equal sign “=”, and not find out the result of the calculations, then you will not find such a sign there. It is located in the top number row after the number 0, one key later.

What frequently used characters are on the keyboard?

If you look closely at the keyboard, you can see that many characters are hidden in the number row and on the right side of the letter rows, the last keys. To enter characters instead of letters or numbers when printing, you need to switch to upper case using the Shift key.

If you go in order, starting with the number 1, then in this way when printing Russian texts you enter:

1) exclamation point “!”;
2) opening and closing quotation marks at the beginning and end of the phrase “...”;
3) then, if necessary, the number sign “No”;
4) semicolon “;”;
5) "%";
6) colon “:”;
7) question mark “?”;
8) the asterisk “*”, which is also used as a multiplication sign in computer calculations;
9) round opening “(”;
10) round closing bracket “)” on the key with the number 0;
11) a hyphen and a “-” sign – in the computer version they look the same. The dash character (longer) appears automatically using spaces before and after this character in text programs or is entered using a special code.
12) the = sign and the + sign in upper case, i.e. in combination with the Shift key.

It is noteworthy that the exclamation point, %, *, parentheses are found in both Russian and English keyboard layouts on the same keys.

But some characters exist only in the English layout. For example, square […] and curly (…) brackets, which are located on keys with the Russian letters X (opening) and Ъ (closing), “>” (key with the Russian letter Yu) and less “Rarely used characters on the keyboard

IN Everyday life an ordinary user rarely has to use characters that exist only in the English layout: different versions of quotation marks “…”, ‘…’, `…`, dash “|”, forward “/” and backslash “\”, tilde “~”. But the paragraph sign “§” or the degree “°” would be nice , but they are not on the keyboard. You have to enter some characters into the text in a different way.

Often, when first getting acquainted with a personal computer, the user has a question about what characters are on the keyboard and how to enter them. Within the framework of this article, each group of keys will be described in detail, indicating its purpose. A method for entering non-standard characters using ASCII codes will also be outlined. This material is of greatest interest to those who work with a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or another similar application (OpenOffice Writer).

Functional set

Let's start with There are 12 of them on the keyboard. They are located in the top row. Their purpose depends on the open application at the current time. Usually a hint is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and these are the most frequently performed operations in this program (for example, creating a directory in Norton Commander is “F7”).

Keys and register

A special group of keys are keys. They control the operation mode of another part of the keyboard. The first one is "Caps Lock". It changes the case of letters. By default, lowercase characters are entered. If we press this key once, then when we press the keys, they will appear. This is the simplest and most convenient way to put characters on the keyboard with different case. The second key is "Num Lock". It is used to toggle the numeric keypad. When it is turned off, it can be used for navigation. But when turned on, it works like a regular calculator. The last key in this group is “Scroll Lock”. It is used in table processors. When it is inactive, it moves through the cells, and when it is turned on, the sheet scrolls.


Separately, it is worth considering the control keys. First of all, these are arrows. They move the cursor one position left, right, up and down. There is also page navigation: “PgUp” (page up) and “PgDn” (page down). To go to the beginning of the line use “Home”, to the end - “End”. The control keys include “Shift”, “Alt” and “Ctrl”. Their combination switches the keyboard layout (this depends on the operating system settings).

While holding “Shift”, the case of the entered characters changes and it becomes possible to enter auxiliary characters. For example, let's find out how to type characters from this set on the keyboard. Let's enter "%". To do this, hold down “Shift” and “5”. The set of auxiliary characters depends on the active keyboard layout at the current time. That is, some characters are available in the English layout, and others are available in the Russian layout.

We pay attention to the symbols that are on the keyboard. Deleting a character on the left is "Backspace" and on the right is "Del". “Enter” - goes to a new line. Another special key is “Tab”. In a table, it provides a transition to the next cell, and at the end adds a new line. For text, pressing it causes an “increased” indentation between characters to appear. And in the file manager, pressing it leads to a transition to another panel.

Basic set

The main set depends on the active layout at the current time. It can be Russian or English. Switching between them is carried out using the combinations “Alt” + “Shift” on the left or “Ctrl” + “Shift”. The selected combination is determined in the operating system settings. You can find out the active combination by selection. That is, click the first of them and look at the state of the language bar (located in the lower right corner of the screen). If a language change has occurred, it means that this is the combination we need (for example, from “En” to “Ru” or vice versa). The first one is installed by default.

The alphabetic characters on the keyboard are located in its central part and are divided into three rows. The more often a symbol is used, the closer it is to the center, the less often it is used, the further away it is from it. That is, the letters are distributed not alphabetically, but according to At first, it is difficult to get used to this principle of organizing the distribution of characters, but the more you work, the more you get used to it and understand that it is really convenient. One more nuance that needs to be taken into account. For short-term switching between uppercase and lowercase letters, it is better to use “Shift”, and for long-term typing - “Caps Lock”.

Numeric keypad

Another required component of such input devices is a numeric keypad. It is located on the right side of it. It has two modes of operation: input and navigation. In the first case, characters are typed on the keyboard (these are numbers and basic mathematical operations). This is convenient when working with large A; in the second option, the keys for moving the cursor and page navigation are duplicated. That is, arrows for moving the marker, “PgUp”, “PgDn”, “Home” and “End” - all this is present here.

Switching between them is done using the “Num Lock” key. When it is turned off (the LED is inactive), navigation works, and when turned on, digital dialing works. If necessary, you can set the desired operating mode after loading personal computer in the BIOS (this is best done by advanced users, since beginners may have problems with this operation).

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks on the keyboard are concentrated for the most part next to the right "Shift" key. This is a period and a comma. Also in the English version of the layout, the remaining symbols (colon, question and exclamation marks) are located on the main numeric keypad, which is located immediately below the function keys. To enter them, briefly hold down “Shift” and together with it the corresponding button.

About what doesn't exist

But what about the characters that are not on the keyboard? Is there any way to get them? The answer to this question is yes. There are two ways to type such characters. The first of these involves using the Word text editor. After launching it, go to the “Insert” toolbar and select “Symbol” there. In the list that opens, select “Others”. Then a special input window will open. Here, using the navigation keys, find the desired symbol and press “Enter”.

Additional characters on the keyboard can be typed in another way - using ASCII codes. This works in all Windows applications - a major plus. The downside is that it uses a lot of code that you need to remember. First, we find out the digital code of the sign we need on the official website of Microsoft Corporation or in any other source where there is a corresponding table, and remember it. Then we go to the application we need.

Be sure to turn on “Num Lock”, hold down “Alt” and on the numeric keypad on the right, sequentially type the code found in the previous step. At the end, you need to release “Alt” and after that the desired symbol must appear. For example, to enter “ ”, use the combination “Alt” + “9829”. This is convenient to use for non-standard

Design of text messages in chat or pages in in social networks. After all, it is much more convenient to remember a non-standard record than a regular one. And this decision just contributes to this.


Within the framework of this material, all the characters on the keyboard that exist today were described. The purpose of all keys is indicated and practical examples of operation are given. It also shows a working methodology that allows you to go beyond the usual set of characters using ASCII codes. All this together will help the novice user to thoroughly understand the operation of the keyboard and understand the basic principles of the functioning of a personal computer.


conjunction and clause member

1. Conjunction (coordinating). Same as "and". Punctuation marks are placed in accordance with the rules of punctuation for coordinating conjunctions: no punctuation mark is placed before a single coordinating conjunction “plus” connecting homogeneous members of a sentence.

Grandma goes to the store as much as mom gets dressed plus dad brushes his teeth. V. Dragunsky, Deniska's stories.Two plus two is four.

If the conjunction “plus” is used in an adjunctive sense (the same as “in addition”, “besides”), then a comma is placed before it.

Even Banderas never dreamed of such a situation: a whole floor above, plus attic and two apartments below, and the elevator to the top floor does not go to outsiders, the button does not work, and they go up to the apartment, bypassing iron door with intercom and television camera. L. Petrushevskaya, Zapadnya.

2. Member of the sentence. Does not require punctuation.

Why is it placed? plus ? Plus they put it so that you don’t think that you were wronged in vain. N. Nosov, Merry Family. Laughter came as a deliverance in the darkness, but the main thing was that, laughing, he foresaw something that was inaccessible to the ordinary mind (this was the whole secret and the whole plus ).Yu. Mamleev, American stories. Charlie. I thought that minus by minus gives plus . D. Granin, Nina.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .



See what “plus” is in other dictionaries:

    plus- a plus, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    plus- plus/ … Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    PLUS- The process of mastering scientific terms in a common language is convenient to observe in the history of the word plus. In all dictionaries of the Russian language before Ushakov’s dictionary, the word plus (Latin plus) is interpreted as a mathematical term, as an addition sign (+), the opposite... ... History of words

    plus- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? plus, what? plus, (I see) what? plus what? plus, what about? about the plus; pl. What? pros, (no) what? advantages, what? on the plus side, (I see) what? advantages, what? pros, what about? about pluses 1. In mathematics, plus (+) ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    PLUS Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PLUS- (1) PLUS (1) plus, m. [Latin. plus more]. 1. The sign (+), indicating addition (if it is placed between two numbers or quantities) or the positivity of a quantity (if it stands in front of it; mat.). Add a plus. Write a plus. 2. Usage How… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PLUS- PLUS, ah, husband. 1. The cross sign (+), which represents addition or a positive quantity in mathematics. Under the sign p. (translated: about someone or something, evaluated positively; colloquial). 2. uncl. In meaning conjunction “and”: adding, adding. Two p. three equals... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PLUS- (lat. plus more). In mathematics: the addition sign is indicated by the + sign; positive quantity, remainder. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PLUS Calico smooth. Puisov. colors, kumach Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    plus- A; m. [from lat. plus more] 1. Math. The sign (+) to indicate the action of addition or to indicate a positive value (opposite: minus). Putting item Minus by minus gives item 2. unchanged. Razg. Indicates that the second is added to the first.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Plus 12- Album Cafe ... Wikipedia

    plus- cross, sign, strength, positive moment, benefit, yes, advantage, perfection, virtue, dignity Dictionary of Russian synonyms. plus see dignity Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Synonym dictionary


  • Plus, Minus and Timosha, Efimov Igor Markovich. Student 3 "B" class Timosha, on a streamlined and unsinkable ship, suddenly found himself on a sandy skeleton in a mathematical land. The incorruptible, omnipresent, unloved Doctor Minus forced him...

There are many more existing symbols - and these are not only letters, numbers, mathematical and punctuation signs, and many others - than there are keys on a computer keyboard. Microsoft employees who developed the Windows system solved this problem by assigning each character a unique code, which is entered using the Alt key.

To view the list of all existing symbols, go to the Start menu and then:
All programs -> Accessories -> Utilities -> Symbol table
As a result, a table of characters in Unicode will open.

For reference: Unicode is a character encoding standard that allows you to represent the characters of almost all written languages. Unicode was originally created to eliminate encoding errors.

To convert the table into an encoding convenient for you, you need to check the box next to “Additional viewing options” and use the drop-down menu to select the required character set (“Cyrillic” for the Russian language).

Alt codes
To dial an Alt code, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the indicated numbers of the code one by one, after which the Alt key is released. The symbol will appear after releasing the key.

HTML mnemonics
In addition to Alt codes, the table contains HTML mnemonics.

A mnemonic is a coded representation of a character in HTML that begins with an ampersand "&" and ends with a semicolon ";".

Accordingly, in HTML, for example, the “greater than” symbol can be written in two ways:
> - like a regular symbol
> - as a mnemonic code;

A symbol can only be displayed if it is presented in the font being used. IN otherwise, you will see a rectangle, a question mark, and something else indicating that there is no image for the specified symbol.
Now this problem is successfully solved thanks to plug-in fonts.

Keyboard special characters table

Symbol Alt+ Mnemonics Name/purpose
Most useful symbols
- 151 em dash (m-dash), for Russian the only correct spelling
« 171 « opening quote "herringbone"
» 187 » closing quotation mark "herringbone"
160 non-breaking space (words separated by such a space are always on the same line)
133 ellipsis
132 double bottom quote
147 double left quote
148 double right quote
130 single lower quote
145 single left quote
146 single right quote
© 169 copyright (copyright protection symbol)
153 trademark
® 174 ® trademark protection sign
150 - mid dash (n-dash)
" 34 " programmer double quote
< 60 < less sign
> 62 > "more" sign
39 " regular single quote (located to the left of the Enter key)
& 38 & ampersand
° 248 (176) ° degree sign
252 (185) number sign (Shift+3 in Russian layout)
251 Square root
· 250 (183) · interpunct (point for dividing words in Latin writing)
¤ 253 (164) ¤ currency sign
0136 (0128) Euro symbol
¥ 165 ¥ yen symbol
¢ 162 ¢ cent symbol (American)
£ 163 £ pound symbol (British)
× 215 × multiplication sign
÷ 247 ÷ division sign
- minus sign (correct, not the same as minus hyphen)
+ 43 + plus sign
± 177 ± plus or minus
¹ 185 ¹ superscript "1"
² 178 ² superscript "2"
³ 179 ³ superscript "3"
137 ppm
173 - “soft” hyphenation (means that in a given place the browser, at its discretion, can hyphenate part of the word)
16 right
17 left
30 up
31 down
18 up down
29 left-right
24 up
25 down
26 right
27 left
20(182) paragraph symbol
§ 21(167) § paragraph symbol
` 96 - typewritten back apostrophe (to the left of key 1, above Tab)
Other symbols
1 - smiley
2 - inverted smiley
3 hearts (heart)
4 diamonds
5 clubs (crosses)
6 peaks
7(149) . bullet for list
11 - designation of the male gender (symbol of the planet Mars)
12 - designation of the female gender (mirror of Venus)
ƒ 131 ƒ Latin f with a tail
134 cross
135 double cross
¡ 161 ¡ inverted exclamation point
¦ 166 ¦ "ragged" vertical line
¬ 172 ¬ negative sign
µ 181 µ symbol "micro" (used in the SI system to indicate the corresponding prefix)
Greek lowercase letters
α - α alpha
β - β beta
γ - γ gamma
δ - δ delta
ε - ε epsilon
ζ - ζ zeta
η - η this
θ - θ theta
ι - ι iota
κ - κ kappa
λ - λ lambda
μ - μ mu
ν - ν nude
ξ - ξ xi
ο - ο omicron
π - π pi
ρ - ρ ro
σ - σ sigma
τ - τ tau
υ - υ upsilon
φ - φ fi
χ - χ hee
ψ - ψ psi
ω - ω omega
Greek capital letters
Α - Α alpha
Β - Β beta
Γ - Γ gamma
Δ - Δ delta
Ε - Ε epsilon
Ζ - Ζ zeta
Η - Η this
Θ - Θ theta
Ι - Ι iota
Κ - Κ kappa
Λ - Λ lambda
Μ - Μ mu
Ν - Ν nude
Ξ - Ξ xi
Ο - Ο omicron
Π - Π pi
Ρ - Ρ ro
Σ - Σ sigma
Τ - Τ tau
Υ - Υ upsilon
Φ - Φ fi
Χ - Χ hee
Ψ - Ψ psi
Ω - Ω omega
½ 189 ½ fraction "one half"
- fraction "one third"
¼ 188 ¼ fraction "one quarter"
fraction "one fifth"
- fraction "one sixth"
- fraction "one eighth"
- fraction "two thirds"
- fraction "two fifths"
¾ 190 ¾ fraction "three-quarters"
- fraction "three fifths"
- fraction "three-eighths"
- fraction "four fifths"
- fraction "five-sixths"
- fraction "five-eighths"
- fraction "seven-eighths"


noun, m., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? plus, what? plus, (see) what? plus, how? plus, about what? about the plus; pl. What? pros, (no) what? advantages, what? pluses, (see) what? pros, how? pluses, about what? about the advantages

1. In mathematics plus(+) denote the operation of addition or indicating the positive value of a number.

Add a plus. | Two negatives make an affirmative. | Four plus two is six.

2. In the school points system plus indicate an additional degree of assessment of the student’s knowledge.

Get a C+ for dictation. | The answer doesn’t qualify for an A; the teacher gave it a B plus.

3. In a word plus for brevity they mean a combination, a combination of something with something.

Text plus picture. | We are you plus me. | The line consists of 12 words containing 61 letters plus 11 spaces between words.

4. In a word plus denote an addition to something basic, known.

Payment for train tickets plus travel allowances. | The product is insured for an amount equal to its cost plus 10%.

5. Expression plus or minus means allowing for possible fluctuations in quality, degree, quantity, etc. in one direction or another from the reference point.

The calculation error is plus or minus five percent.

6. Expressions plus or plus everything are used when we are talking about something reported in addition to what has already been said.

7. Word plus indicates positive air and water temperatures.

It's plus twenty outside. | It's windy and the temperature is plus one.

Above zero

8. If someone notes pros from someone, something, then this means that this person pays attention to the favorable properties, qualities of something, someone.

Considerable advantages. | Highlight the advantages of the dissertation. | It has many advantages. | Weigh and evaluate all the pros and cons. | A number of technical difficulties can negate all the advantages.

Dignity, positive side

9. If something has its advantages, then this means that it has some merit.

Each approach has its advantages.

10. If anyone puts anything to anyone in plus, then this means that this person evaluates someone else's actions in a favorable way.

positive adj.

Plus temperature. | Plus mark. | Pros of the project.

Option: positive

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev.



See what “plus” is in other dictionaries:

    plus- a plus, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    plus- plus/ … Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    D. V. Dmitriev.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (1) PLUS (1) plus, m. [Latin. plus more]. 1. The sign (+), indicating addition (if it is placed between two numbers or quantities) or the positivity of a quantity (if it stands in front of it; mat.). Add a plus. Write a plus. 2. Usage How… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    2003. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (lat. plus more). In mathematics: the addition sign is indicated by the + sign; positive quantity, remainder. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PLUS Calico smooth. Puisov. colors, kumach Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The process of mastering scientific terms in a common language can be conveniently observed in the history of the word plus. In all dictionaries of the Russian language before Ushakov’s dictionary, the word plus (lat. plus) is interpreted as a mathematical term, as an addition sign (+), the opposite... ... History of words encyclopedic Dictionary

    PLUS, ah, husband. 1. The cross sign (+), which represents addition or a positive quantity in mathematics. Under the sign p. (translated: about someone or something, evaluated positively; colloquial). 2. uncl. In meaning conjunction “and”: adding, adding. Two p. three equals... ...

    A; m. [from lat. plus more] 1. Math. The sign (+) to indicate the action of addition or to indicate a positive value (opposite: minus). Putting item Minus by minus gives item 2. unchanged. Razg. Indicates that the second is added to the first.... ... Synonym dictionary