How to make wall columns from foam plastic with your own hands? Decorative columns made of polystyrene foam How to make a round or square decorative column.

Humanity has been familiar with columns for a very long time - at least several thousand years, if not tens of thousands of years. Previously, they were used exclusively as supporting structures for the vault, but today their task has changed somewhat - such a thing as decorative columns has appeared, which have become a popular decoration for human homes.

Along with its popularity, this decorative element has also acquired a very low cost - the production of just one decorative column can cost a decent amount. You can make it cheaper, but this can only really be done at the cost of deteriorating quality. There is another option, from which the quality of the column does not suffer at all, but, on the contrary, benefits - this option involves the independent production of such a decorative element, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the Dream House website, we will consider in detail the options that will allow you to make decorative columns with your own hands, if not simply, then at least not very difficult.

DIY decorative columns photo

Decorative columns: types and their manufacturing features

Almost all decorative columns that a person uses in one way or another to decorate his living space can be divided into types according to three criteria.

And the third characteristic by which decorative columns for the interior can be classified is the material from which they are made. It’s worth talking about this in more detail, since both the characteristics of the product and the technology for its manufacture depend entirely on the material.

What to make a decorative column with your own hands: materials and their features

The choice of material should be taken responsibly - as mentioned above, the service life of the columns and the difficulty of making them yourself depend on it. Among the most common materials from which decorative columns are made today are the following types.

  1. Decorative column made of polystyrene foam. We can say that this is the cheapest option, but you can’t count on fully producing columns from it. You will have to purchase polystyrene foam for the columns. This is a kind of permanent formwork in the form of cylinders cut lengthwise. They are installed in the right place, after which their internal cavity is filled with concrete - a kind of molds that are not removed after the concrete has dried. The technology for making such columns with your own hands seems to be simple, but as far as finishing and operation are concerned, there are several pitfalls here. Plastering polystyrene foam is very difficult - this time. And the second drawback is that it is soft (this material is great for finishing with stone or mosaic, but not for plastering or painting).

    Decorative foam columns photo

  2. Decorative wooden columns. This is an excellent option, especially if you plan to use a lot of wood in the interior of the room. Making high-quality columns from wood is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - at least, ordinary household tools are not enough. At a minimum, you need a lathe on which the column is turned in parts, and they are already assembled into a solid product by installing anchors.

    Decorative wooden columns photo

  3. Decorative columns made of plaster. To make them, molds are required - today this is not a problem at all. Gypsum columns are made by casting, which is very easy to do at home. This is an undoubted advantage of this material, but besides it there are also disadvantages. First of all, this is a complex and painstaking technology for finishing the columns, as they say, to condition - the gypsum product is puttied with a very thin layer in order to eliminate various types of cavities formed during the casting process. After this, it is cleaned and only then mounted and painted. This process itself is not complicated, you just need to be patient, especially if we are talking about columns of complex configurations, decorated with bas-reliefs. By the way, columns can be cast from concrete in almost the same way.

    Decorative gypsum columns photo

  4. Columns made of decorative stone. This material is notable for the fact that columns made from it do not require finishing. One of the disadvantages is the fact that they are not suitable for every interior. In most cases, they look massive and only look good in large rooms. We can say that columns made of decorative stone are in some way similar to columns made of foam plastic - both materials are used as permanent formwork. That is, first a cylindrical formwork is constructed from stone, similar to brickwork, which is subsequently filled with concrete. If the core of the column is reinforced with metal, then it can also perform load-bearing functions. Polystyrene foam columns can be reinforced in the same way.

Drywall. Here is another material that you can use to make decorative columns with your own hands. This method of making columns should be discussed separately - oddly enough, it is most often used in home repairs.

Columns made of decorative stone photo

How to make decorative columns from plasterboard with your own hands

Despite the fact that almost anything can be made from plasterboard, problems still arise with columns of the classic cylindrical shape - it is very difficult to make them, although it is possible. They are done gradually - in the sense that first a multifaceted structure is made with many small planes, which are subsequently smoothed out with putty. This is by no means a job for home craftsmen - this is serious work that requires extensive theoretical and practical skills. It should also be noted here that in many respects the complexity of making a cylindrical column from plasterboard depends on its diameter - the thicker the support column, the easier it is to give it smooth outlines.

Another thing is rectangular columns or some other angular configuration. They are very easy to make, and they are installed according to the principle of making boxes, which are used to mask pipelines and other communications. If we are talking about decorative columns of this cross-section, then there is no better material for their manufacture than plasterboard.

How to make a decorative column with your own hands photo

Decorative columns: finishing options

As you understand, not every material from which modern decorative columns are made can boast of the absence of the need for finishing. And those who have this dignity have an appearance that can please all people. In general, one way or another, the finishing of these interior elements has its place and cannot be done without it. There are not so many finishing technologies, and all of them can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

      1. Painting. The simplest and most inexpensive option for decorating columns. Suitable for almost any type of material - concrete, plaster, wood, and, of course, plasterboard columns are painted. Only columns made of decorative stone and similar materials cannot be painted.
      2. Decorative plaster. This option for finishing columns is attractive because it allows you to give the product a look that is almost one hundred percent similar to the appearance of natural polished stone - for example, marble, the surface of which is obtained using. For independent implementation, this is a very difficult type of finishing, although not hopeless - if desired, this technology can be easily mastered.
      3. Mosaic. Despite the fact that this is a good way to decorate columns, it still has one significant drawback - it is not suitable for every room. In principle, in some way this point depends on the type - if it is a small natural pebble, then it is quite possible to use such material for decorating columns in halls and other similar rooms in an apartment or house.

There are other materials for finishing clones - designers, in an attempt to outshine each other, offer to use a variety of non-standard materials. For example, in their opinion, a column can be decorated with almost any floor covering; with the same success, this element of the interior can be draped with fabric. In general, everything here is without restrictions.

And to conclude the topic about decorative columns, there is only one thing left to add: to say that making columns yourself is a very labor-intensive process that will not guarantee that you will really like the end result. If you have already decided that such decor should be in your home, then it is better to contact professionals about its production. Alternatively, columns can be purchased ready-made - the most popular in this regard are polyurethane decorative columns, which do not require final finishing.

It was the 25th day of August, summer was coming to an end, and autumn still did not want to come later to the already cloudy St. Petersburg. Along with autumn, depression came with a proud gait

To which we say: “Not today!” and we begin to decorate our rented apartment (where, in fact, there is a complete “Pe” in terms of renovation). Naturally, I’m still a Jew, and my soul is not at all generous, so there will be maximum savings, trash and hardcore in the style of Tarantino.
Let's go, guys. Since no one is interested in gluing wallpaper, I will skip this point. And let's start making a fucking COLUMN!

(backlight for effect, usually turned off (from LED strip))

Let's start with the most unpleasant thing: we'll go outside, or rather to a hardware store, to do some shopping. I stocked up in several stores, so I won’t recommend a specific one, unless it’s Leroy and that’s because it’s cheap.
[Note!] If you don’t have a car, it’s better to lure your boyfriend or girlfriend with something, or call a taxi (but this is an extra expense, so a friend is the best, he will help you later if he wants)
I’ll warn you right away that I don’t really know much about construction, etc. So, ardent masters of this business, forgive me for the fact that your eyes will bleed.
How to get warm: Let's go!

Ingredients for our dish:

Liquid nails – 1 piece –

100r gun for him.

Decorative polystyrene profile, long. 2m, 35x35mm (ceiling plinth and material closely similar to foam plastic) – 12 pcs – cost

Ceiling plate (without pictures) – 1 piece –

Double-sided tape – 1 piece –

Stenoflex 400 (take the largest one) – 1 piece –

Base for Pilaster – 3 pcs –

1800r – Yes, yes, here my Jew also rebelled, but this figure can be avoided if you put the column in the corner, you will need one thing there. I decided to go hardcore and put the column in the middle of the wall, so that the rest of the wall could be used as a workplace with a table and all sorts of nonsense.

You can also put a column in the middle of the room, but then you will need as many as 4 of these bases and 2-3 more baseboards.

We need a construction knife with replaceable blades just in case, so we’ll add another 150 rubles.

My total was: 2,520 rubles + 160 rubles for shawarma in pita bread from a gourmet chef.

Let's begin.
I didn’t think to take photos at the initial stage, sorry :(

First, we measure the height of our Bases to the Pilasters and make a mark on the wall with a pencil.
Take our Stenoflex

DIY decorative column
Let's do it together #1: Do-it-yourself column for pennies

How to make decorative columns with your own hands

When thinking through the interior of his living space (decorating a house or apartment), even a person far from design art often uses various options for additional techniques and architectural elements. The decoration of its interior space with columns gives the room a special majestic atmosphere. Do-it-yourself decorative columns can be made from many modern materials, for example, polystyrene foam.

Step-by-step instructions for making columns

Thanks to such interesting details, made, for example, in antique style, you can create a delightful classic interior. Naturally, such a direction in decorating a room can be entrusted to a professional experienced in this field, but not everyone can afford this option. Those who decide to turn their imagination into reality on their own will come to the aid of accessible and inexpensive material (foam) and the following instructions.

So, at the very beginning, you should make sure that you have all the building materials and tools necessary for the construction of columns. You will need:

  1. putty,
  2. putty knife,
  3. bag of tile adhesive,
  4. Styrofoam,
  5. blade for cutting wood or metal,
  6. plaster corner for finishing work,
  7. building level.

At the very beginning of the work, you should decide on the exact location of future columns, their thickness and number.

If your room has high ceilings and a large spatial area, then you need foam No. 5 for the columns. Do-it-yourself decorative columns from this building material are wide, thick and very reminiscent of antique columns. Using the building level readings, make all the necessary markings on the wall surface.

After applying the markings, you should begin the direct preparation of the polystyrene foam layers. It is advisable to measure the selected number of polystyrene foam as accurately as possible, carefully mark the middle in it and mark it as a cut line. That is, the layers of material must be cut into two halves lengthwise. It is best to cut foam plastic with a special blade designed for cutting wood or metal.

On one side, each half of the foam sheet must be greased with tile adhesive. Let it soak in. This may take up to 10 minutes. After this time, the sheets should be carefully glued along the marking line. When gluing foam plastic, try not to put too much pressure on it, since this material is particularly fragile. Lay out the entire column on the wall in this way.

After gluing all parts of the column to the surface, care should be taken to ensure that they have a base and a beginning. There is no need to buy special separate elements for these purposes, since it is quite possible to use leftover foam.

Having completed the basis of the entire structure, start adjusting it. In order for decorative foam columns to have even corners, it is necessary to use a plaster corner for finishing. This corner needs to be pasted over both corners of the column. And only after the corners have completely dried should you begin puttying work. The putty is applied in such a way that its first layer is thin and strengthens the structure of the entire part, tightening it. To do this, it is enough to use a special mesh for plaster. After the first layer has dried, the second layer is applied.

The finished column just needs to be painted.

Decorative columns can also be erected from other modern materials. Polyurethane stucco is quite suitable for this work. The advantages of this material include durability, strength and low cost.

In any case, we can say that columns in a house made of any available building material will enrich the atmosphere and give it a significant amount of seriousness and solemnity.

DIY gypsum columns
Do-it-yourself gypsum columns How to make decorative columns with your own hands Thinking through the interior of your living space (decorating a house or apartment) even far from design art

Until recently, columns in interiors served as load-bearing supports. Now, in most cases, these elements play a decorative role in the design. False columns have become an integral part of both classical and modern stylistic trends. They can be square, rectangular or round in shape; triangular ones are less common. In addition to its main function - interior decoration, a column can serve as a decorative box for communications or the basis for a furniture structure, as well as a zoner for a fairly spacious room or a decoration for arches. How to make such an interior element with your own hands? Let's look at a simple example.

DIY plasterboard column: preparatory stage

Any plasterboard structure requires a detailed drawing that will help determine its design and calculate the materials. For a proper project, you need to know the diameter of the future structure, its shape and height. Another important step is preparing the necessary tools.


  • Drywall knife or jigsaw,
  • Metal scissors or grinder,
  • Ladder,
  • Square and tape measure,
  • Ruler and pencil,
  • Plumb and level
  • Screwdriver, electric drill and hammer drill,
  • Spatulas and construction mixer,
  • Roller,
  • Compass (in the case of a round product).

The arsenal of materials includes a metal profile, plasterboard sheets, fasteners, primer, serpyanka and putty. If you are planning a column with external corners, you will need a perforated corner to decorate them.

How to make a column from plasterboard: installing the frame

The frame is the supporting structure of the entire product. It sets the shape of the future interior element, so installation begins with its assembly. When the location of the future column has already been determined, a project has been drawn up and the surface for work has been prepared, installation can begin.

Installation of the sheathing in stages:

  1. An outline of the column section is drawn on the ceiling, then using a laser level or a plumb line and a pencil, the image is transferred to the floor. At this stage, special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the markings. Otherwise, the entire repair can be ruined.
  2. Next, corners are made from a metal profile and attached to the floor and ceiling with dowels along the contour of the marking. They will serve to attach the racks. It is very important to fasten the elements clearly opposite each other so that the structure is level.
  3. A rack profile is taken and cut into vertical sheathing elements, according to the drawing parameters. The number of racks is determined by the weight of the material and the functional load of the column.
  4. The racks are attached to the corners using self-tapping screws.
  5. To strengthen the frame, jumpers are mounted horizontally and diagonally between the racks.

If the column serves as a box to hide water pipes, it is better to lay soundproofing material inside the frame.

Covering a column with plasterboard

This stage may differ in the specifics of installing drywall and preparing the necessary elements. For example, in the case of a round column, the material will need to be bent according to the diameter of the structure. A rectangular or square column is simpler in this regard, however, there are some nuances.

Fastening drywall using the example of a square-shaped product:

  • The necessary elements are marked on the gypsum board sheets and the material is cut using a construction knife or jigsaw.
  • The sheathing parts are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. The distance between the fastening points should not exceed 15 - 20 cm. The screw heads should be slightly recessed into the drywall.

At this stage, when screwing in the screws, it is important not to push through the drywall itself. Proceed with caution. When the entire frame is hidden under drywall, the column is finished.

Rough and decorative finishing of the column

The finishing stage includes sealing seams, processing corners and leveling the surface. The joints are cut with a milling cutter, sealed with putty and sealed with sickle tape. While the putty hardens, you can begin to work on the outer corners of the structure. A perforated corner is cut along the height of the column and attached to the outer corners with putty. This element will serve as a kind of beacons when leveling the surface. Next, the ceiling plinth is attached. When the putty on the joints and corners has hardened, you can begin leveling the entire surface of the column.

When selecting materials, you can opt for universal putty. It is applied in one layer and is quite suitable for further decorative finishing.

When the surface is completely dry, you can begin decorating the column. There are enough design options to make the right choice. The column can be finished with decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper, painted with acrylic paint, decorated with tiles or stone. The only thing you need to take into account is that the floor plinth is already attached after the decorative finishing is completed.

In order for a plasterboard column to have a finished look and fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room, it is important to follow two design rules: the column can merge with the overall design or be a bright accent in the interior. Therefore, it is important to choose the right cladding.

Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard columns: 3 stages of installation
Plasterboard columns are a decorative element of the interior that can complement an arch or zoning partition. Read more about making columns with your own hands.

Columns in the interior - 90 photos of the best ideas for elegant design and decor

The usual associations with columns in the interior are classic style, luxury and sophistication. However, modern trends make it possible to use them in rooms decorated in a wide variety of styles - from high-tech to modern. They are becoming increasingly widespread, remaining the embodiment of luxury and rich decoration. Photos of columns in interiors allow you to see how organically this element can fit into everyday reality.

Brief contents of the article:

Columns in modern rooms

In ancient times, columns served as supporting structures, and only later began to play a decorative role in the interior. The classic column consists of three parts:

  • base - or base (lower part),
  • trunk (central part),
  • capitals (top part).

The bottom and top parts may sometimes be missing. The capital is the most decorative element of the column, decorated with elegant ornaments and regal bas-reliefs.

Modern columns can have the following design options:

  • colonnades,
  • paired columns (or united by one arch),
  • semi-columns.

Paired columns are a classic option. They are usually located on both sides of the fireplace, window or staircase. Installation to opposite walls makes it possible to delimit the space, dividing it into functional zones. If they are united by an arch, this effect is enhanced.

Most often, paired columns have only a decorative function, participating in the design as an element that unites the space into a single zone, emphasizing the overall style.

Colonnades. This type of column is a great way to unobtrusively zone a space. If their location is determined at the construction stage, they can become a supporting structure, also carrying a functional load.

Half-columns - imitate columns protruding from the walls. The role in the interior is actually the same - creating a visual accent, zoning the room. It is very easy to frame a fireplace or window with them, fixing them against the wall, since they do not carry any functional load. They look no less expressive in the interior than traditional ones.

Interior design using columns can dramatically transform a room. With their help, it is easy to make a spectacular accent where it is needed.

Keep in mind that the shapes and sizes of columns significantly affect the perception of space. Tall, thin designs bring more grace to the interior, visually expand the space and increase the height of the room.

Thick ones, on the contrary, can visually make the room smaller. However, they give it fundamentality and create a feeling of strength and reliability.

Types of materials for manufacturing

Natural materials used since ancient times are stone, granite, metal or marble. Experts recommend giving preference to them if the columns will bear the load as supporting structures. Considering the high cost of this kind of materials, for decorative purposes it is better to limit ourselves to artificial ones.

Gypsum (plasterboard). A popular material for making columns. Its big advantage is that it is easy to carry out restoration, restoring the structure, adding decorative elements, decorating it in a new way.

Architects enjoy working with gypsum structures. You can easily make columns in the interior with your own hands from plasterboard. The disadvantage of the materials is the impossibility of using them in outdoor work and decorating rooms with high humidity.

Polyurethane. Due to the ease of working with polyurethane and its affordable prices, it is used very often. The material allows you to decorate decorative columns with the smallest details of fancy shapes, as well as paint them in any color with ordinary acrylic paint.

Finished polyurethane products can be purchased in specialized stores or made to order - according to your own sketch. They weigh little and are easy to install. For these reasons, they are considered the best option for decorating apartments.

When making your choice, focus on your budget, because natural materials are much more expensive than their analogues. Consider the functionality and overall style of the room. If they require the use of materials with greater strength, it is better to choose basalt or concrete.

First you need to decide on the style in which the room will be decorated. Depending on the direction, a different approach to decoration is required. Let's look at the nuances of the design of columns in the interiors of the most common styles.

A style that combines features of baroque and antiquity, sometimes modern. The shape of the columns must be strict and the lines must be clear.

In the upper and lower parts they can be decorated with gypsum stucco (gypsum will successfully replace polyurethane). If we talk about color, white, the classic version, is preferable.

Decorating the columns with gold paint or marble would look great here. This will make the interior luxurious. Venetian plaster imitating stone is perfect.

In this case, the finish will be rough, not luxurious. It can be natural stone or imitation, aged wood.

Provence, country

Practical style. An excellent solution would be to use flexible tiles that can be fixed to any surface, including drywall. Traditionally, wood, stone or its imitation are used.

East style

Decorating columns with mosaics is one of the best options for this style. Imitation stone will fit perfectly into the decor.

This style requires unexpected and original ideas. For example, futuristic ones: illuminated glass columns that are filled with liquid with air bubbles moving upward.

Clear square and rectangular shapes would be appropriate here. Imitation of brickwork and concrete, rough plaster are suitable for decoration.

In order for the column to successfully blend into the setting, becoming part of the whole picture, sometimes creative solutions are needed

  • current technique is a combination of rough stone finishing with soft materials,
  • columns installed nearby can easily be converted into a homemade shelving unit,
  • using columns, you can create a niche to place a TV or music center,
  • with properly equipped lighting, you can highlight a decorative niche inside where a painting, antique dishes or sculpture will be located,
  • You can delimit the space even more effectively by placing a cabinet or rack between the columns.

Use your imagination to use this interior detail as profitably as possible. Modern possibilities allow you to decorate your home based on any taste preferences.

Columns in the interior - 90 photos of the best ideas for elegant design and decor
To beautifully decorate the columns in the interior, we suggest looking at photos of ready-made solutions on the website. Detailed instructions for choosing materials and do-it-yourself installation.

Columns in a house have always been considered a sign of wealth and grandeur. This is a decorative item that has two purposes at the same time: functional (to support some parts of the building) and decorative. Only very strong concrete columns, which are now practically never built in residential buildings, can be functional. But it’s quite possible to make decorative columns with your own hands. And ordinary polystyrene foam will come to the rescue here.

Columns in a house have always been and are considered a sign of wealth and grandeur.

It should not be surprising that foam plastic was chosen for the work. Firstly, due to the fact that the material will eventually be completely sealed, it will not harm health and will perfectly retain its shape. And secondly, it is extremely easy and pleasant to work with due to the fact that it weighs little.

Preparation of tools and materials

Polystyrene foam is an inexpensive material that can be used to construct almost any element quite easily and cheaply. This is a fairly durable material that can be used both indoors and outdoors. Let's consider one of the many options for how to make such columns yourself. For this you will need the following materials:

Polystyrene foam is an inexpensive material with which you can easily and cheaply construct almost any element.

  • façade putty;
  • construction knife;
  • plaster corner;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • plaster mesh;
  • putty knife;
  • paint and brush for it;
  • soft cloth;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • adhesive for installing tiles;
  • polystyrene foam (depending on the size of the proposed columns, fine- or coarse-grained material is selected).

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Marking and preparing foam plastic

Let's consider the option of constructing and installing foam columns on the walls. As a rule, this is appropriate both in the house and in the apartment. This will look especially good in the living room, where relatives and friends always gather. This will visually enlarge the room and greatly decorate it.

First, you need to make markings on the walls in order to clearly know where the columns will be located, how many of them are needed and how thick they should be. Marking is done using a pencil and tape measure. In this case, it is also advisable to use a plumb line and a level, so as not to end up installing the column crookedly.

Possible types of columns for doing it yourself.

Now move on to working directly with the foam. It is important to take into account the fact that the width of the column should not be greater than the width of the foam sheet. This is the only way the decorative element will turn out to be of high quality and durable. Based on this, we measure the foam, draw a line and cut half of its width from the sheet. This must be done very carefully in order to maintain the correctness of the line along the entire length, not only along the edge, but also in the depths of the sheet itself.

Now the prepared halves of the foam sheets need to be adjusted in height. As a result, the output should be the required number of strips, the height of which is equal to the height of the columns; accordingly, the width should also be selected.

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Installation of column and additional supports

After this, you need to stir the tile adhesive and apply it to the inside of the column using a spatula, and then immediately press it in the intended place against the wall. In this case, it is advisable to work together to press the column in several places at the same time.

This is how all the columns are gradually attached. If the ceilings in the room are too high, then the column is assembled from parts. In this case, it is extremely important to join these parts well so that the joints are not visible later. To do this, coat the edges of the joints with glue.

Supports for a foam plastic column will not provide any functionality, but will act solely as a decorative element of the column.

Now is the time to start decorating the column. First, it is advisable to arrange visual supports. In this case, they will not provide any functionality, but will act exclusively as a decorative element of the column. We will install supports along the top and bottom of the column. In this case, you need to mount them perpendicular to the column itself in a circle so that they envelop it. To do this, pieces of the desired width are cut out of foam plastic and glued to the bottom and top parts. This will preserve the feeling that the entire ceiling is supported by this column, since the simplest support is very reminiscent of a ceiling plinth.

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Leveling, puttying and grouting

But even though the column is mounted, it doesn’t look very presentable. Therefore, you will have to work a little more on its appearance to make it look truly expensive. First you need to correctly design all the corners with visible defects. And here a plastering corner for finishing work will come to your aid. In those places where the corners of the foam are uneven or damaged, you just need to glue such corners of certain sizes. They are glued with the same tile adhesive, but you can use regular wood glue. While working, make sure that the glue does not dry out on the front parts of the foam, otherwise subsequent decoration will not be perfect.

To make the column look natural, all defects are puttied after its installation.

Next we move on to the process of applying putty. It is applied in 2 main layers. The 1st layer will be the base layer, and the 2nd layer will be the final layer, determining the very degree of smoothness of the surface. This two-level processing will provide better adhesion to the material and maximum smoothness.

First you need to apply the thinnest plaster mesh to the column, and then apply the first putty layer. This layer should be such that the mesh only adheres to the surface and is not completely invisible under the putty layer. This is how the column is finished over its entire area, including visual supports.

When the 1st layer is dry, you can begin the 2nd. The 2nd layer must be applied especially carefully. Please note that the putty layer itself should also be thin. But at the same time, in the end, it must hide behind itself all the defects, irregularities and finishing materials on top (mesh and plaster corners). So, after the putty dries, a smooth white surface with no visible defects should form.

Now that the putty has completely dried, you need to lightly grout the surface of the column. To do this, use fine-grained sandpaper. Only during work you don’t need to get too carried away, since this grouting is done for preventive purposes in order to remove very small imperfections. Finally, use a dry cloth to wipe off any dust from the columns.

Stucco is considered an antique architectural tradition that gained popularity back in Ancient Greece. Despite the variety of existing styles for interior design, the desire to equip their own home with similar decor has not disappeared among its modern residents.

Let's talk about how to decorate a wall surface with stucco with your own hands, using inexpensive materials.

What is stucco made from?

Once upon a time, the drawing on the wall surface was created manually. A specially prepared solution was applied by specialists to the plaster and transformed into original patterns, hence the name - stucco. When molding was invented in production, stucco became an accessible method of wall decoration.

Metal forms allow you to create a variety of ornamental elements without additional finishing. Without loss of high quality, all forms can withstand at least 2000 excellent pours.

In the process of creating stucco, a positive result depends on the quality of the materials used, which include:


Ecological, maximum resistant to temperature changes. During hardening, the gypsum mass becomes larger and even has the ability to penetrate small cracks. The plasticity of this material facilitates the workflow associated with plaster decoration.

Gypsum is not difficult to process, which is why it is not difficult to give the finished product the required size. When working with stucco from this material, you can mask surface defects, as well as various damage to elements that often appear during transportation.

When creating gypsum stucco molding in a workshop at home, it is important to shake the mold that is filled with mass to eliminate air bubbles.

Gypsum cladding also has its disadvantages: considerable weight, which negatively affects the durability of the finish. Also, gypsum does not repel moisture, but attracts it, which leads to the formation of fungus on the surface.

You can get rid of this drawback by applying a special protective agent to the stucco molding.


This type of stucco in the interior has an acceptable cost, but cannot boast of exclusivity. The decoration is very fragile and requires careful handling, which is why it is mainly used for finishing the ceiling surface and the upper part of the wall.

Polystyrene production is carried out automatically. High quality elements are obtained by extrusion from a pre-melted composition.

Their texture does not have the distinctly contoured granules found in polystyrene foam, which is produced by foaming. Because of this grain, the stucco molding loses the clarity of the ornament.

Certain forms produce extruded foam, which has a high degree of density, the durability of which is comparable to polyurethane and solid wood.


It is obtained by combining the necessary components to produce a gas formation reaction, resulting in the creation of foamed plastic. This material has a high degree of resistance to temperature changes.

Polyurethane stucco molding is durable, lightweight, easy to paint, moisture-resistant, has a huge range of products, and does not absorb specific aromas.

In texture and density it is similar to natural solid wood, but unlike it, it does not change shape and does not crack even after a long period of time.

Varieties of stucco elements

From the materials discussed above, a wide variety of products are created, as in the photo of stucco moldings on wall surfaces in the presented catalogue.

Festoons and medallions

Festoons or garlands imitate original plant decor and are placed in the upper part of the wall surface. Medallions are panels with a pattern of colors.

Niches. They are installed on wall surfaces; frames for niches can be purchased separately. Often the bottom of overhead niches is made of frosted snow-white organic glass, which makes it possible to organize high-quality lighting.

For these purposes, a dim lighting device is installed under the glass surface, which, effectively illuminating the details arranged in a niche, emphasizes their incredible attractiveness, giving exclusivity to the palette.

Pilasters and columns

Includes several parts. The trunks are decorated with grooves to give elegance to the elements. Stucco columns are created in various styles. As a rule, columns made of polyurethane are intended exclusively for the successful design of walls and do not carry any load.

However, if necessary, hollow elements can be equipped as load-bearing elements. For these purposes, a metal stand is placed in the cavity of such a column, which will bear the load.

In such cases, columns made of gypsum must be reinforced. Columns made of stucco often hide various risers located along the walls in the apartment in a visible place.

Brackets, pedestals

As for the first elements, they are reliable supports for shelves with books and window sills. Can be installed at the junctions of wall and ceiling surfaces in the form of corner parts.

Pedestals are considered supports for decorative accessories. Such stucco can withstand a load of no more than 50 kilograms. Ordinary details placed on a pedestal look exclusive and meaningful.

Both pedestals and brackets add a certain zest and solemnity to the style of the room, ennoble the architecture, and also successfully divide the area into functional space.

When installing such parts, it is important not to forget about their proportionality in relation to the size of the room. Massive stucco molding on the wall surface will visually narrow the room, and on the contrary, small stucco molding can easily get lost in a large space.


Used as ceiling decoration in the Empire style. You can create a painting on the dome by hanging a chandelier inside, which will be a rather original solution.

Remember, well-chosen decor will transform any room. And if you decorate an ordinary wall surface with stucco, you can get cozy, extravagant apartments, where many emotions reign - from severity to solemn pomp.

Photo of stucco on the walls

The interior of an apartment often includes elements of classics. This allows you to make your home extraordinary, giving it a certain spirit of romanticism and grace. If the setting contains objects that are not of purely practical value, but decorative, then it no longer looks boring and monotonous, but as something creative and alive. Architectural elements such as columns and arches have long been used as load-bearing structures and at the same time decorated the facades of buildings and the interior space of the room.

Arches and columns are often used in classic interior design

Decorative decoration of arches in your apartment

Columns and arches in an apartment today serve mainly not a supporting, but a decorative function.

An exception is the deliberate use of columns as supports in a large room.

An arch has long been considered the covering of curved openings in the wall, spans between columns and supports

Arches were used not only in the architecture of buildings, but also in the construction of bridges, and as engineering structures they were strictly symmetrical and calculated using strength of strength formulas.

Each part of the arch has its own name. Eg:

  • The cross section of the top is called the keystone
  • Section near the support - with a heel stone, fifth arch or impost
  • External fornix – extradosome
  • Internal vault - intradosome

Types of arches

Arches can be of the following types:

  • Triangular
  • Round or semicircular
  • Flat
  • Oblique
  • Lancet
  • Horseshoe
  • Plane elliptic parabolic
  • Concave etc

An arch in a blind opening in a wall is called a blind arch.

These types of arches are distinguished by style:

Arches can be different in both shape and style

Today the fashion trend is asymmetrical arches.

Purpose of arches

Arches are used when they want to emphasize the organic nature of the design and the dominant smoothness of the lines.

This technique is used for:

  • Design of the building facade and fencing
  • Combining two zones into one
  • Divisions into zones
  • Design of internal interior elements:
    niches, windows, doors, mirrors, etc.

Two zones are merged into one when interior doors are removed:

Arches are used to divide a room into zones
  • The living room is combined with a corridor or kitchen
  • Kitchen space - with loggia

At the same time, the arch visually expands the space, creating perspective. At the same time, the premises remain separate units.

Arches diversify the design of a long corridor and at the same time also divide it.

Original arched corridor design

A rectangular opening in a wall is also considered an arch.

Materials for arches

Different materials are used to design arches.

  • Arches made of stone, concrete, brick look monumental
  • Wooden arches are more decorative and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
    Both stone and wood are universal materials used for both exterior and interior decoration.
  • For interior decoration you can also use plasterboard, fiberboard, PVC, chipboard

These types of materials are not used for finishing external arches.

How to make an arch with your own hands

It seems that such a curvilinear structure as an arch is extremely difficult to make with your own hands.

It's actually very easy to make, especially from plasterboard..

For this you will need:

  • U-shaped metal profile
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels
  • Drywall sheet
  • Drill, jigsaw


  1. Marking the position of the arch
  2. We attach a metal profile to the wall, ceiling and floor
  3. We strengthen the frame with cross members so that the drywall does not bend
  4. We cut a piece of the profile for the vault every 2 cm, bend it and screw it to the frame
  5. We cut out the drywall and cover the frame with it on both sides
  6. We cut out the upper part for the arch using a jigsaw
  7. We putty surfaces and seams

Video: Simple do-it-yourself arch

Columns in the interior of a modern apartment

As we have already said, columns in a city apartment today are used mainly for decorative purposes.

Columns in the interior can be both decorative elements and supporting structures

However, in a loft-style room and wherever there are no partitions, the column can also carry the load.

The upper part of the column is called the capital, the lower part is called the base. The capital can also be a decorative decoration of the ceiling

Columns are made today from the following types of materials:

  • Marble, granite
  • Brick, concrete
  • Drywall
  • Polyurethane

Today, decorating columns and arches with artificial stone or polymer concrete is also popular.

Do-it-yourself finishing of columns with plasterboard

Dry method of bending a plasterboard sheet

Marble and granite are certainly expensive materials, and they have to look for alternatives

Columns made of lightweight plasterboard look like real ones. It won’t even immediately occur to you that these are dummies, that is, hollow objects (false columns)

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of such columns is the frame.

The column can be rectangular or round. There is also another variety - pilasters. They relate to columns conditionally. This is actually half a column protruding from the wall.

Let's first consider how to make a rectangular column from plasterboard.

  1. Two bases are made from a metal profile (upper and lower)
  2. The contours of the base are compared using plumb lines
  3. The bases are attached to the ceiling and floor with dowels
  4. Profile posts are attached to the corners of the bases
  5. All sides of the frame are reinforced with cross members
  6. Then sheathing with plasterboard and final finishing with a finishing plaster mixture is carried out.

Video: DIY column finishing

How to make round columns

Round columns made of plasterboard are made according to the same principle. They are also easy to make with your own hands. But the manufacturing process is more labor-intensive:

  1. First, circles are drawn on the ceiling and floor, also using plumb lines.
  2. Cuts are made on the profile for the bases at a distance of 5 cm
  3. The profiles are combined with circles and secured using dowels
  4. A sheet of drywall on one side is cut along its entire length, also at a distance of 5 cm between cuts
  5. The finished sheet is bent around the frame, the cuts are sealed with a plaster mixture and left to dry.
  6. Then attach the sheet to the guide profile
  7. They do the final finishing, adding stucco as necessary.

Polymer concrete in the interior of apartments

Column sprayed with liquid polymer concrete

What if drywall and stucco are not your favorite type of finishing, and you prefer an interior that is more close to a natural style?
Then columns not made of plasterboard will suit you, but, for example, polymer concrete or artificial stone

The texture of these materials is similar to the texture of natural stone - granite.

Polymer concrete (plastic cement) – a combination of concrete, epoxy resin and filler (quartz sand, granite chips, etc.)

Polymer concrete is much more expensive than conventional concrete.

Finishing the column with polymer concrete

It is easier and cheaper to first make a column from ordinary concrete, and then apply a top layer of liquid lightweight polymer concrete.

You can do it something like this:

  • We assemble the bases and frame in the same way as when making a plasterboard column
    (We make additional crossbars in the bases for fastening the reinforcement)
  • We insert the reinforcement into the frame and cover it with pieces of plywood (we leave a hole in one of the pieces for pouring concrete)
  • We pour concrete
  • After hardening and drying, remove the plywood
  • We spray polymer concrete on top of the column using a plaster gun

You can also apply a layer of polymer concrete, for example, on a countertop, on the outer wall of a fireplace, etc.

  • You can also make interior items from polymer concrete by pouring them into a mold that needs to be pre-designed.

However, this method is expensive and requires equipment.

What complements the interior in a classic style

Columns and arches in the interior of the apartment are not the only elements in the classic style.

The interior can be complemented by:

  • Bas-reliefs and frescoes made of decorative plaster
  • Vintage style items:
    • antique candlesticks and vases
    • Venetian furniture, etc.

Video: Lightweight polymer concrete