Garden paths. Materials, designs and purpose

Once upon a time, V.I. Dahl presented several interpretations of the word “path”: trail, path, path; a narrow and long carpet rug laid along the aisle. If we move away from the literal reading

second meaning, then the image of a homespun rug is very suitable for a special type of walking paths - step-by-step paths. This type of garden paving is fundamentally different from the pragmatic, primary roads and paths constrained by strict technological frameworks. Functionally, step-by-step paths are not the main connecting elements with maximum loads; rather, they serve as decoration for the garden and a place for a leisurely walk. The task of such “doormats” is to keep the pedestrian’s attention on the details. Each tile of such a path is a vantage point and allows you to admire the beautiful garden decorations. At the same time, this is the point of application of skillful hands, inexhaustible imagination and original taste of passionate gardeners.

Step by step path

Step-by-step paths are loved by owners for many reasons. First of all, easy installation and low cost, the ability to create in accordance with the tastes and style of the family. When paving, different materials can be used: stone and tree cuts, concrete slabs and crushed stone, brick and sleepers. It is not difficult to create such a path on the ground or lawn if you follow a certain technological sequence:

- Marking. Walk along an imaginary path and mark your trajectory. For straight paths, use a rope; for curved paths, use a hose. Use pegs to mark the location for laying the slabs. The distance between the centers of the slabs should not exceed 60 cm - the average step length of an adult;

- Base. Using a shovel, cut out the soil in the turf to match the outline of a slab or stone, and in the resulting hole, first lay a layer of crushed stone, at least 5 - 8 cm and compact it thoroughly, then a layer of sand;

- Laying. If you use natural or artificial stone, make sure that the top surface is smooth but rough (to prevent slipping), the thickness of the stone should be at least 4-5 cm. On the lawn, the tiles should be laid flush with the ground so as not to complicate the work of the lawn mower. If wood cuts are used for installation, then treat the bottom and sides with coating waterproofing, the top with Pinotex or any impregnation. The diameter of the cuts is at least 40 cm. It is important to remember that wood becomes slippery in wet weather, so some experts recommend sprinkling it with sand or wrapping it with fine-mesh metal mesh;

- Ending. Fill the gaps between the tiles (cuts) and the lawn with soil or sand and compact them.

Self-made slabs of various configurations can be used as blocks for step paths. Plastic forms or wooden frames serve as formwork. Some crafty craftsmen even use silicone baking molds. A mixture consisting of one part M400 cement and three parts sifted sand is poured into a suitable container. Sometimes a special additive for flexibility is added - a plasticizer and dyes, and multi-colored pebbles and pebbles are embedded. The block is placed for 2 days in a shady place until completely hardened. Laying can be done after 2 weeks.

The modules cast in the form of huge leaves, human and animal tracks look interesting. The main thing is that these creations do not stand out from the general style of the garden.

The fashion for herbs has led to the creation of fragrant step-by-step paths, when ground cover plants that are insensitive to trampling are planted in the gaps between stones: sedums, thymes, acenas. Walking along such trails involves all five senses, allowing you to fully combine business with pleasure. Thus, by creating unique paths - paths, you give your garden a new depth of perception and a unique charm of handicraft.


They, like arteries, connect different corners of the site. Concrete, gravel, crushed bark - which option is best for your garden?

A walking track is a simple and practical solution for moving around the lawn. After all, sometimes the emerald carpet is “lined” in places where it is simply impossible not to walk, and as a result, over time, unattractive paths and bald patches appear on it.

Tip: the slabs should lie flush with the ground - then they will not interfere with the operation of the lawn mower.

The main paths, say, leading from the gate to the front door, must be paved with durable and reliable materials, such as paving stones or concrete slabs. In this case, the considerable investment of time, effort and money is completely justified.

But for less popular areas, there is a simpler and cheaper alternative: walking paths and “light projects” made of gravel or crushed bark.

They have plenty of advantages: firstly, they are laid without the use of cement-sand mortar and an expensive base, and the purchase of materials will not hit your pocket hard, and secondly, such paths look more natural and comfortable.

When choosing a coating, you should also think about the right energy. The fact is that there are donor materials (pebbles, gravel, paving slabs, oak, birch wood), ideal for active recreation areas, and materials that absorb negative energy (sandstone, brick, bark, aspen) - they are indispensable for corners intended for recreation.

Whatever type of garden path you choose, you should lay durable non-woven material under the backfill: it will inhibit the growth of rhizomatous weeds.

Over time, humus accumulates on this litter, which is why uninvited green guests can settle even between the stones.

If you don’t want to constantly weed the paths, renew the backfill and non-woven material every few years (this primarily applies to bark coverings).

If there is no clear boundary between the path and the plantings, bark and stones eventually begin to migrate into the adjacent flower beds. To avoid this, dig boulders or bricks into the boundary.

Along the edge of the flower bed, plant spreading plants, such as mantle or geranium - they will cover the edge. By the way, bark and gravel can also be used to mulch flower beds.

Tip: Always leave a supply of material to add if necessary.

The crushed bark decomposes over time and turns into nutritious humus. This path is very environmentally friendly, however, the non-woven material laid under the bark cannot completely suppress the growth of weeds - they will still have to be removed periodically. As a rule, you need to add new bark once a year.

Walking path on the lawn

Opt for slabs made of durable material (in our example, porphyry), the required thickness is at least 4 cm. Pay special attention to the surface: it must be rough, because polished material becomes incredibly slippery after rain. So, let's move on to the actual work of laying the slabs. First, set the boundaries and shape of the future path.

It is much easier to make a path from gravel than from paving stones. For work, it is better to use angular pebbles, small and medium-sized (photo above right), because walking on large ones is not very pleasant. And of course, don’t forget to lay non-woven material under the backfill (photo on the right), otherwise weeds will quickly ruin the look of the path.

Do-it-yourself walking track on the lawn - progress of work

1. Then lay the slabs directly on the grass. The distance from the center of the slab to the center of the next slab should be no more than 60-65 cm.

2. Then use a shovel to “outline” the outline of each tile. After this, they can be put aside. In those places where your path will lie, remove the turf and part of the earth - the depth of the holes should be several centimeters greater than the thickness of the slabs, so that later on the “cushion” of sand the slabs will lie flush with the ground.

3. Using a tamper, compact the soil at the bottom of the excavation. This is necessary so that the slabs do not settle later.

4. Pour 3-5 cm thick sand onto the bottom and level it. Then lay down the slabs. As an alternative, fine crushed stone can be used instead of sand.

5. Using a level, check whether the slabs lie level. Make sure they are level with the ground. If not, remove the slab and add/remove sand.

6. Now hammer each slab with a rubber hammer so that it sits more tightly on the sand “cushion”.

7. Fill the gaps between the slabs and the lawn with soil and press it down well. After this, sweep away the remaining soil from the slabs with a broom.

8. To make the slabs and the lawn visually become one, sow lawn grass at the joints. In the first weeks before and after germination, make sure that the soil does not dry out.

To prevent the lawn from being trampled over time, it is necessary to lay the lawn along the most basic directions of movement around the site. They try to plan them so that they are the shortest and most convenient passages, and there is no desire to cut off a section of the path along the grass or flowerbed. Paths in the garden are both a functional and decorative element of the site, zoning it, correcting minor deficiencies in the landscape and design, therefore they must be attractive in appearance, but at the same time strong and durable.

Appearance of paths on the lawn

Of course, it is more convenient to make straight passages for cars, but pedestrian paths can be planned with smooth bends. This will visually expand the territory of small areas.

The dimensions of the tracks must correspond to their functions. If this is a central path or even a driveway to a house, then they should allow several people to pass freely or. For pedestrian paths, a meter width is sufficient.

Exclusively functional passages between individual green spaces or their groups, made for ease of plant care, can be very narrow - 40-50 cm wide.

Materials for paths

Paths made of wooden elements look attractive, but in conditions of regularly watered areas they turn out to be impractical, because... quickly become infected with fungus and become damp. An alternative to natural wood is wood-look tiles that are not susceptible to mold and rot.

Paths made of natural stone have a long service life, but at the same time they are expensive. Therefore, often instead of natural stone, they use artificial stone, which has an even greater variety of textures and colors, but is much cheaper.

But perhaps the most popular material for paths on lawns is different types. For an original design of paths in your country house, you can choose tiles of non-standard shapes and sizes, or combine the most common square and rectangular elements in the form of geometric shapes or patterns, combine parts of different colors, etc. These materials in the design of paths combine well with sand, crushed stone and pebble backfill, especially colored ones.

sidewalk tile

Step track device

Slabs of passages in the garden can be laid at intervals so that grass grows freely in the spaces between them - this will create the effect of maximum proximity of the landscape to nature. As the name implies, step tracks provide for the arrangement of individual elements along the width of the step.

Such a path looks less cumbersome, moreover, it is much easier to lay it on an existing lawn with minimal losses for it. In addition to their visual appeal, these paths also save time on installation. Much less water stagnates on them after rain or watering. And if one of the coating elements is damaged, then it is easy to replace it, because there is no need to dismantle adjacent track parts.

Not only small winding paths, but also wide pedestrian passages on the site are decorated in this style. Since an adult’s leg should fit comfortably on the slabs, elements of at least 30-40 cm in length and width are used. Although paving stones of this size are also made, asymmetrical slabs made of natural stone or its artificial analogue look much better in a step-by-step path.

Whatever material and design is chosen for the paths on the lawn, so that they look good at night, and it is safe to move along them, it is also worth thinking about lighting in the form of free-standing lanterns or lamps mounted directly into the covering of the paths.

If you want to arrange on your lawn step by step path, first you need to take care of the base, which is made for each individual tile. The first step is to place all the tiles along this path, so that the distance between the centers of the side tiles is approximately 60 cm. Then you need to walk along the path to check whether it is convenient for movement. The next step is to adjust the position of the tiles, and only then can you mark the contours of each tile by making deep cuts in the soil around the tile with something sharp - a knife or a small spatula. After this, you need to remove the layer of soil where you are going to lay the tiles and carefully but carefully remove it to a depth of about 20-25 cm. Do not forget to put the excess soil in a bag or wheelbarrow - this will preserve the pleasant appearance of your lawn. When the hole has already been prepared, fill it with layers of crushed stone, then fine gravel and then sand, on which we lay stone tiles. There are cases, especially on sandy soils, when you can lay slabs directly on top of the sand and do without any gravel cushion.

If you are just starting work on your site and don’t have a lawn, then step by step path They do this: you need to remove the soil along the entire length of the path. Then put geotextiles, pour crushed stone and compact them. Then sand. Sprinkle with water and compact again. The next stage is laying out the tiles. Between the tiles we either fill in soil for planting ground cover, or gravel or fine pebbles.

What are the ways to make tiles for a step path?

Wooden tiles can be made from boards. Measure boards 30-40 cm long. Fasten three boards. It is necessary to sand each board. Treat with an anti-rot agent, then, if desired, stain or paint with bright paint. The finished wooden tile should be at least 30*30 cm in size. Just do not forget to strengthen it in the ground (lawn).

Tablet tiles easy to make. A solution of cement, sand and water is poured into a plastic container, in the middle of which you can put a piece of mesh for adhesion. And at the bottom of the container (it will be the top of the tile) there are various items for decoration. Such tiles can be made one piece, for example, as an accent on a path.

Leaf tiles. Take a burdock or rhubarb leaf (several dense leaves are fine) of a suitable size, place it on the ground and dig a hole in the soil according to its shape. Fill the prepared hole with gravel and top it with sand. Mix cement sand and water. The paste should be thick. Place the prepared concrete mixture in a hole with gravel and sand and use your hands to shape it into a sheet. In this case, it is necessary to lay the concrete as densely as possible. Don't forget about the metal mesh, it will add strength. Then we apply the sheet and press it, leaving an imprint. Then manually using a stick, for example, draw the veins of a leaf. Upon completion of work, cover the garden path element with burlap soaked in water and leave it there for a week to dry. Wet the burlap regularly to prevent cracks. Unfortunately, in the photo the leaves are not laid flush with the ground, there is a possibility that you could easily trip, but I am all about safety! Therefore, outline the outline of the leaf and remove a little layer of soil, laying the leaf flat.

Tiles with pebbles. As usual, cement + water + sand in a container or mold. Place pebbles in any pattern on the bottom of the mold, or you can cover the entire bottom. Place a mesh in the middle. And pour the mixture. Or you can put pebbles on top. The container can be of any shape. With the help of pebbles, not only step-by-step paths are laid, but ordinary paths of such beauty, as if

Really interesting ideas, don’t you think?

So bright and beautiful!

And of course, you shouldn’t forget about the paths made from saw cuts. How to perform installation is described

Look at this interesting option for paving tiles! Any child will love this idea!

Important: The tiles must be level with the lawn (ground, backfill). The photo below clearly shows the difference in height. We don't need injuries!

In stores you can find molds for pouring the solution.

Even from such small molds for paving slabs you can make a step-by-step path.

It is better to plant ground cover or lawn between such small molds (elements) of the path. The roots will secure the path elements.

Garden paths are so different! There are a lot of materials to create them - natural and artificial stone, wood, cement, pebbles, gravel... Step-by-step paths are economical, because they will require less material than a solid one (if you don’t fill them with pebbles, of course)!

Well, in conclusion: when choosing material for a path or making slabs, remember that the foot of any family member should fit on one slab or stone.

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That's all! I wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Regards, Tatiana !