Emigration and emigrants. What words should be said before going to bed to wake up in a good mood? Workout - training

It was often possible to notice that before some important business, old people whispered something, uttered some words. Why did they do it? Yes, just wishing good luck and good. And now, even from a scientific point of view, this is explained quite simply by saying kind words, a person programs his actions. And there is no black magic here, but there is an impact of the word, sound on our life.

A variety of conspiracies, whispers can be read not only by healers, but also by you. Often, short conspiracies were uttered so that there would be money in the house, there would be prosperity, to attract good luck, and there would be success and prosperity in work. A person can come up with these conspiracies himself to adapt to any life situation.

Getting out of bed and touching the floor with your foot, you can say the following whisper:

“I get up, I go towards my happiness!”

You can remember the reminder of grandmothers that when leaving home, and especially if you have to return from the road, you need to look in the mirror.

Mirrors are generally credited with magical great power. A lot of guesswork and beliefs are associated with them. And don't be skeptical about it. Simply, try not to dismiss the age-old tradition and say, looking at your reflection in the mirror:

“Let my reflection be a good luck reflection!”

And be sure to smile sincerely.

Almost everyone starts their day by washing or showering. These obligatory actions can be used to attract good luck and good mood. Try saying a simple whisper while washing your face:

“I wash myself with clean water, I gain strength!”

Tune in a good mood and say what you want to wish yourself on this day. As experts explain, it does not matter what words you utter, it is important that they bring light and goodness so that they do not bring trouble to anyone. Then such wishes, uttered with hope and confidence, will surely be fulfilled, will bring you good luck.

The main thing is to be sure of it. Let many now call it self-hypnosis. What difference does it make what you call your actions, the main task of these words is luck!

Evening whispers

In the evening, before going to bed, many also wash or take a shower. During the day, you can pick up a lot of negativity, pick up a bad, someone's negative impact, so it will be good if you say such a whisper:

“I wash away the negative, I erase the insults, I wash away the longing.”

Often grandmothers advised their granddaughters to say these words when they go to bed:

“The blanket and sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything I plant for her will come true!”

Closing your eyes, it’s good to wish yourself for the coming dream:

“Let it be in a dream and in reality, it will be the way I want!”.

Whispers for different occasions in life

When you leave home, and ahead of you is a very important matter or a meeting on which much depends, you can read different conspiracies, among which there is a simple but effective one:

“The Lord gave me the way, and the evil spirit gave me anxiety. The Lord will conquer evil and free from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen".

Often, old people before an important matter, in order to attract good luck to their side, said that they should call their Guardian Angel. You can do this with these words:

“My angel, Guardian, come to me and never leave me, wherever I go (went). Amen".

Try to have time to pronounce these same words when a responsible and anxious moment in life comes and trouble will not happen to you.

If you don’t get along at work and the boss often gets angry and angry with you, then, looking at his door, whisper softly:

“I’m on this side, you’re on that side, you shouldn’t scream in front of me, be silent. All are equal before the Lord. Amen".

Such words help a person gain honor and respect at work, especially if you say them before entering the office of the authorities:

“I’m going to court, they carry the coffin in front of me. As that dead man is silent, he won’t say a word against me, the servant of God (name), so that (name of the boss) was silent, he didn’t say a word against me. Angels in front of me, angels behind me, angels on top, angels on the sides. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to keep unwanted people away from home?

Some people notice that after visiting their house by some people, everything starts to fall out of hand, it doesn’t go well, quarrels and quarrels begin in the family, in order to drive such people away from home and again attract good luck, after they leave, you need to brush the threshold of the house with a broom and read whisper:

“I escorted you away, I warded off trouble. Truly."

Conspiracies to keep money and luck in the house

So that the money is always in the house and not transferred, it is recommended that when you have a rather large amount with you, say these words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money. I hold my hands tightly. I carry not for strangers, but for my own. Amen!".

If you are in need and you do not have enough money, then you should drink holy water and say this whisper:

“Holy water, and I, Thy servant, O Lord, am rich. Help in need, amen! To increase your income on the day of the new moon, you need to pour water into a bucket (its size does not matter), throw a coin into it and splash some water on the threshold, saying: “Water with water, money with a river. Amen!".

As you can see, any conspiracy to have money is a wish for prosperity for yourself. It will attract money and prosperity to you, and such a whisper:

“Just as there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always enough. Amen".

In order for the money to be for a planned purchase, you should say to your wallet when you leave the house:

“Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to repeat this 7 times. And in order to attract money into the house, there are words that are pronounced on a broom. It is necessary to get up before the first rays of the sun appear, take a new broom, which has not been done before, and, sweeping the crossroads on foot, say:

Purse conspiracy

“Like dust follows a broom, so let big money follow me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are special whispers, conspiracies that are pronounced near the temple in order to have money. After the service, when people leave their church, they must cross themselves and say quietly:

"God! How many people here prayed to you, So much money would cling to me (name). Amen".

It is clear that it is advisable to do conspiracies on major holidays, when there are especially many people in the temple.

For whispers to work, the following rules must be observed:

Conspiracy in the temple

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, although it is possible and quite quietly;
  • believe sincerely what you say;
  • invest your energy and strength in words.

Only in this case, the words that you utter will help you, wishing yourself happiness, health, good luck, family warmth and all the best. When reading conspiracies to attract good luck and money, think about the good, do not wish harm to anyone, do not compare, do not envy. It is important that you remain neutral. Just speak the words.

And also remember that conspiracies, whispers are effective when you don’t tell everyone about them and boast about them. This is all done quietly, imperceptibly, pronouncing these words, try not to attract too much attention, do not boast later that money or something else good is thus attracted to yourself. No wonder old people uttered conspiracies in public quietly or in private, when no one was around. Then money, and love, and prosperity, and good luck will be in the house.

The season for treadmills, ellipticals and dumbbells is open again. Surely your trainer has already advised you to turn the gym into a habit and not skip workouts even when traveling abroad. In order to communicate freely with foreigners about sports, SM recommends learning at least these basic words and expressions.

1. Barbell - barbell

You bought a card for the gym and immediately got yourself a new instagram, because, as gossip photographers say, “Not filmed means it wasn’t.” In the gym, the first thing you did was take a picture with a barbell and posted a picture with this caption: “ I use a 45 pound barbell when I bench press(“I use a 20.5kg barbell when I bench press.”) And it doesn’t matter at all how much the “pancakes” actually weigh. It's hard to see in the photo.

2. To feel the burn - feel a burning sensation in the muscles

You were unexpectedly given both a vacation and a bonus (which just doesn’t happen!). You decide to spend money on a new bathing suit, but the light in the fitting room of the store has been merciless to you. Not knowing that the light there is arranged in such a way that it adds blues even to supermodels, you rushed to the gym to pump the press. Working out a certain muscle to pain in English is called feeling the burn(burning sensation). I added some extra weight to really feel the burn(“I added weights to make the muscles really burn”).

3. Spare tire - "spare tire" or "lifebuoy" at the waist

While you were adding weights in the gym, a friend texted you and asked if you would like to take a walk to a new Georgian restaurant in the evening. You love khinkali very much, but you courageously decided not to go: it seems to you that your fat fold on your stomach looks like spare tire(spare wheel). We’ll add on our own that it probably seems to you, but in English you can laugh it off from a friend like this: “ I am trying to get rid of my spare tire("I'm trying to get rid of my 'lifeline'").

4. Dumbbells - dumbbells

On vacation, you, as a modern person, took a minimum of luggage with you - two pairs of jeans, three T-shirts and small sports equipment. Just not to stop training even on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur (why not) thinned by tourists. In general, put dumbbells ( dumbbell, read [ˈdʌmbel]) into a suitcase and went to the airport. There, the customs officer asked why you need it. And you are like this, in the tone of a self-confident athlete: “ I usually work out my arms with dumbbells("I usually train my arms with dumbbells").

5. Sit ups / to sit up - exercises for the press / pump the press

You wanted to buy a gym card, but, unfortunately, going on vacation made a huge hole in your budget. Now the gym is not available to you for some time, but you do not lose heart and train every morning on the sports ground near the house. An expat neighbor walks by and asks what are you doing here, so tanned and ruddy. Proudly speak English: I'm trying to make a sit ups"("I'm trying to pump the press").

6. Bench press / to bench - bench press / bench press

A month has passed, you saved up for the gym again and even hired a personal trainer (in English - personal trainer). He showed you an exercise in which you lie on your back on a bench that holds the barbell, grab the barbell with both hands and lower it to your chest, and then straighten your arms to lift the weight.

To English-speaking acquaintances who are not at all in the subject of sports, you can say: “ To build strength I bench press every time I work out"(“To build strength, I bench press every workout.”) Well, for those who go to the gym every day, this will sound too obvious.

7. To max out - give your best

In training, you decide to surpass yourself and lift the maximum weight. In English, this can be called " to max out”, and those who take pictures of themselves on a smartphone in the process are called fitness bloggers. There is nothing wrong with either. The main thing is to do the bench press under the supervision of a trainer and make sure that the battery does not run out on the gadget. Sometimes I will max out on the bench press to impress my Instagram followers(“Sometimes I want to go all out on the bench press to impress my Instagram followers.”)

8. Free weights - free weights (weights)

You have decided to engage in popular English-language video blogs and improve not only your body, but also your vocabulary. So you learned that the term free weights can mean both dumbbells, and barbells, and “pancakes” for a barbell - that is, any sports equipment that is used in weight lifting exercises and is not a simulator. Now, when people ask you how your workouts go, you answer like this: "I prefer the free weights over the nautilus machines"("I prefer "free weights" to machines.")

9. To pump iron - do weightlifting, “pump iron”

A few weeks of training, megabytes of bodybuilding video tutorials, proper nutrition and a new clothing size - and that's all, now you are not interested in Friday parties. Friends call you to invite you to a rave, and you reply that you don't care about trifles and that you'd better do strength training on Friday night. "Sorry but this Friday I'm busy, I'm going to the gym to pump some iron"("I'm sorry, but I'm busy this Friday - I'm going to the "pump iron" gym").

10. Workout - training

So in English is called any series of exercises that can improve a person's physical health. Therefore, you safely call workout as exercises on a treadmill ( treadmill) or exercise bike ( stationary bicycle), and the cat’s chest press lying down: firstly, the cat weighs eight kilograms, and secondly, he doesn’t mind. I had a great workout yesterday. I was exhausted when I got home(“I had a great workout yesterday. I felt exhausted when I got home.”)

11. Six-pack abs - "cubes"

As a cunning person, you bought tickets to the warm New Year's sea back in May. And they began to swing at the same time, in order to apply a useful sports idiom to themselves for a trip to the beach: "I have six-pack abs"(literally "a press that looks like a pack of six cans"). This expression describes a press whose shape resembles the silhouette of a six-pack of soft drinks. That is, with clearly distinguishable "cubes". Just a dream, not a press.

12. To get in shape - get in shape

At the Halloween party, you are determined to be the coolest and show that you have reached your ideal weight and physical shape. Therefore, the costumes of Count Dracula, Frankenstein and Homer Simpson were dismissed as banal and not corresponding to the brief. You want to appear as the coolest jock of all time, so you talk about your new costume like this: "I am going on Halloween"s party and I want to get in shape to fit in Rocky Balboa's costume!"("I'm going to a Halloween party so I want to get in shape so I can fit into a Rocky Balboa costume!").

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Everyone at least a few times in their life doubted how to pronounce the word correctly, where to put the stress, because the Russian language is one of the most difficult languages.
Difficulties arise for several reasons.

In Russian, there is no general rule for preserving stress, it can be in any part of a word, unlike, for example, French, where the stress is always placed on the last syllable.

Emphasis plays a semantic role. Depending on the stress, the meaning of the word changes, this can be observed in homonym words, or rather, in homographs (words that are spelled the same, but sound differently): a rit and steam and th, a tlas and atl a s, cr e dit and credit and t.

Our language has a lot of foreign words borrowed from other languages. This, on the one hand, enriches the language, and, on the other hand, creates difficulties in pronunciation and writing. Especially often, difficulties arise with the letter “e”: it is written “e”, and pronounced “e” (parterre, sex, dash).

There are many territorial varieties of the Russian language - dialects - which also affect pronunciation. So, in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, meat cooked on a spit will be called differently: shawarma and shawarma.

Communication with Slavic "brothers" has a huge impact on the native speakers of the Russian language. Even TV announcers began to pronounce many words in the Ukrainian manner, thereby making speech errors. Most often I hear such errors in the stress of verbs: n a chala instead of beginnings a, P about nyala instead understood a etc.

But despite the many factors that negatively affect the language, one must strive to speak correctly, since speech is the hallmark of every person. By the way a person pronounces words, you can tell a lot about his origin, upbringing, education. And if the native speakers, those for whom Russian is their native language, do not treat it with care, then who will save the language?

Let's talk right!

With this article, I open a series of texts on correct pronunciation.

For starters, here's a set of words that cause difficulty in stress.

One of the most common mistakes is the stress in past tense verbs of the feminine gender (I wrote about this already above, but I will repeat it):

Wrong: began, understood, took, took, created.
Correctly: began BUT, understood BUT, took BUT, took BUT etc. But in the masculine: n BUT chal, p O nyal, with O building

It is considered bad manners to say they are calling, calling. Correct: call And th, ringing And t, ringing I t.

You can buy wed E dstva and enjoy wed E by means, but not by means.

Child in childhood need balls BUT th.

Ukrainian is spoken in Kiev And nsky language.

The confectionery sells t O mouths, and the data is entered into the catalog O G.

And what the key is hung on is called keychain, not a key fob.

And 40 more words:

apostrophe aristocracy bows genesis
denim dispensary contract slumber
enviably CONSPIRACY moldy cork up
jagged Spark quarter whooping cough
flint more beautiful kitchen chunk
scrap in a glimpse (in a glimpse) garbage chute naked (naked)
intention security ease wholesale
funeral (at a funeral) reward force plum
in-depth dead phenomenon (phenomenon) cotton bathrobe
hosts scoop scarves sorrel

Tell us about the words that cause you difficulty in pronunciation. Maybe some words once or now surprised you with their stress?

Throughout life, each person has to face different difficulties. It can be minor troubles at work, a quarrel with a loved one, illness or the loss of someone close. And in these difficult circumstances, it is so important to know that there is someone nearby who will not regret warm words of support. After all, one spoken word can heal a bleeding wound or, conversely, cause even more harm. Published on the web portal

Today, unfortunately, people underestimate the importance of spoken words. But it is in them that a huge power is hidden, which is capable of both giving life to a person and taking it away. The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat of its fruit.” Prov.18:22 As you can see, the tongue has power, and despite the fact that it is a small member, but it is he who controls everything.

Why is it so important to express words of support in difficult times?

The fact is that when a person is supported and told that together they will cope with any problem, that there are those who love him and will help him next to him, then by doing this they strengthen the one who is in a difficult situation and give him strength. However, the lack of understanding and support can kill even the slightest hope that everything will be fine.

Words of support to the sick

Unfortunately, in life it also happens that illnesses come into our lives. Some of them are easily cured, others have more serious consequences, and still others lead to death. And when we learn about the illness of a person close to us, it plunges us into shock and bewilderment. However, what does the patient himself feel at this moment? Of course, he suffers more than others. Different thoughts may arise in his head, and it is at this moment that words of support to the patient can help him feel that he is not alone, and that there is still hope.

Faced with such a circumstance, everyone understands that something needs to be said, but most often people cannot find the right words, but begin to show pity. This is the last thing the patient needs. Our participation and a kind word is what the patient needs. This is what will help him not worry so much, knowing that he is still loved.

What words of support can be spoken to the patient?

  1. You need to tell your loved one that you love him and no matter what happens, you will always be there.
  2. Speak compliments, praise for some merit, even the most insignificant. For the patient, this merit can be a real feat.
  3. You don’t need to talk about the disease itself and how shocking the news has become for you, it’s better to distract the patient with some good news or, in extreme cases, a funny anecdote.

Any sick person needs words of support and attention. This will help him recover faster and recover faster.

Condolence support words

The loss of a loved one is perhaps the greatest test for everyone. And in this difficult period, a person needs to be given help and attention so that he can go through this path and begin to live a full life again. In this case, instead of words of support, words of condolence would be appropriate. However, condolences can be different. For example, let's compare two options.

  1. "My condolences! Everything will be fine!" - such support seems completely indifferent and sounds more like a formality. How can everything be good if everything is very bad?
  2. Or: “Accept my sincere condolences! Know that you can always count on my help. If you need something, I'm always there!" - from such words it really becomes warmer in the soul. After all, knowing that there are people who are ready to help in any situation helps to cope with many difficulties.

So, what are the words to speak in difficult circumstances?

  • First of all, these should be thoughtful words. What we say can change a person's life for better or worse. After all, every word we say will surely bear fruit.
  • If a person himself is in a difficult situation, then there is no need to dwell on his condition and constantly tell everyone how bad everything is. After all, these words will bear fruit. Difficulties will be encountered more than once on our path, so we must learn to extract something positive and good even from the worst. And that's exactly what to talk about.

The Bible says, “I said, I will watch my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth as long as the wicked is before me. Ps.38:2

Our unbridled words can be a blessing or a curse to someone. Therefore, even expressing words of support to someone in difficult times, it is worth controlling yourself. Unfortunately, very often it turns out that you wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Therefore, sometimes it is better to keep silent than to say some stupidity that hurts a person to the core.

Words of faith in difficult times

There are circumstances in which words of unbelief cannot be spoken. Understand that what we say in our life is what we have.

Jesus did just that.

One day a man approached Him, the head of the synagogue, whose daughter was dying. Imagine his grief. The girl he raised with love lies with a disease for which this man had no cure. He turned to God.

22 And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue, named Jairus, comes, and, seeing him, falls at his feet 23 and earnestly asks him, saying: My daughter is at death; come and lay hands on her that she may be well and live. 24 Jesus went with him. A multitude of people followed Him and pressed Him.

The Lord God always answers the need of man. Jesus went after the leader of the synagogue. But an event happened on the road that made Jesus stop. Time is very precious. The daughter is dying, the head of the synagogue is terribly worried. And Jesus at this time is talking to a woman who was healed by touching Him.

35 While he was still speaking these things, they come from the ruler of the synagogue and say, Your daughter is dead; What else do you trouble the Teacher? 36 But when Jesus heard these words, he immediately said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be afraid, only believe. 37 And he did not allow anyone to follow him, except Peter, James and John, the brother of James.

See how important words are. The man still believed. But they came from home and said that their daughter had died. Jesus' first reaction was to say, "Don't be afraid, only believe." And the ruler of the synagogue obeyed. He did not utter a single word of disbelief in the most difficult circumstances. He did not fight in hysterics, did not shout at subordinates and did not get angry. He gave the situation to Jesus. And when Jesus said to him the words "Do not be afraid, only believe" - ​​he did it. He did not give in to fear. He submitted to faith.

38 He comes to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and sees confusion and weeping and crying loudly. 39 And he went in and said to them, Why are you troubled and weeping? the girl is not dead, but asleep. 40 And they laughed at him. But having sent them all away, He takes with Him the father and mother of the maiden and those who were with Him, and enters where the maiden was lying. 41 And taking the maiden by the hand, he said to her: “talifa kumi,” which means: maiden, I tell you, get up. 42 And the maiden immediately got up and began to walk, for she was about twelve years old. Those who saw it were astonished. 43 And He ordered them severely that no one should know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.

There are some amazing things in this story.

The way Jesus behaved.

In the East there is a profession - a mourner. At mournful events, such people are invited. But Jesus sent them out despite being laughed at. And then Jesus spoke words filled with faith and what He proclaimed happened. He didn't ask his daughter to get up. He proclaimed it "girl, I tell you, get up." And it happened.

But most of all I want to draw your attention to this man.

Indeed, the situation is terrible. A beloved child dies. Nothing can be done. Since he is the head of the synagogue, he is not a poor man, and he has tried everything he can. But nothing helped.

But notice his behavior near the Lord.

In all that time, he only spoke the words once. And they were words of faith. "come and lay hands on her so that she may be well and live." He spoke words of faith when he came to Jesus. And when it was very difficult, he just kept silent. But during all this time he never uttered a word of disbelief, a word of fear or doubt. HE did not lament: “Aaaaa, Jesus, my daughter is already dead, lying in the house. How am I going to live now? But you didn't come."

He was silent. And believed.

Sometimes faith is expressed in words. But there are times when it's hard to even say. But shut up and keep believing. And this faith materializes in the fact that you will see the result of faith.

Famous clairvoyant, Vedic astrologer Arina Evdokimova about ten words that must not be spoken.

“Life can be better” - this thought visits many people quite often, but does not become a call to action. Although the path to positive change is worth starting right now and doing it with an analysis of your vocabulary.

To do this, you need to remember which words with a negative connotation you use in speech most often. The fact is that such words not only have a deep meaning, but also have the power to attract negative energy.

This means that they limit your opportunities, slow down the dynamics of development. And actually, why is this happening? Because thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes destiny.

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In addition, negative words manage life in an insidious way: they reduce motivation, turn into a negative experience, gradually change the outlook on life and even affect the physical condition - they weaken the immune system, lead to stress and, as a result, depression. So it turns out that seemingly harmless at first sight words are the real "kings" of life's dramas.

There are a lot of such words in our language and vocabulary of each person. But we will try to consider only ten that are used most often. At the same time, I want to give advice: take a sheet of clean paper and write on it the negative words that go with you through life, look at them very carefully, think about the content and try to replace them with positive vocabulary.

If, nevertheless, some negative word slips into speech and cannot be avoided, remember the magic of the word “BUT”, if, of course, it begins a positive and life-affirming phrase in every sense. After all, there are words that sound like good optimistic commands to action and like resistance to all life's troubles. So manage your life with positive words.


Such a characterization of another person and oneself has tremendous destructive power: it hurts! Our ancestors tried not to pronounce this word, because they believed that in this way they offend both their own and someone else's guardian angel. And if for some reason the word flew out, they immediately spat over the left shoulder to drive away troubles and hardships. Therefore, this word should not be spoken primarily to children.

Try a little experiment with the help of your friends. Stand up straight and spread your arms. Ask one friend to say that you are a bad person, and the other to try to put your hands down. You will see, even if you try very hard to keep your arms outstretched, he will lower them easily. Then you raise your hands again. Let them tell you now that you are a good person.

You will notice that it will be very difficult to lower your arms now. The body responds to the command to protect or not to protect. Bad - no protection, no strength, good - accordingly, the energy of the information field is enhanced, as a result, protection is enhanced.

I can not

This is one of the most restrictive words that can be called the “barrier word”.

As soon as you allow this word in your vocabulary, as soon as you hear it from other people more than three times, you begin to adopt someone else's model of behavior, and at the same time someone else's fate. Saying the word “I can’t”, you lower the barrier in front of you and lose the opportunity to act.

Unconsciously, you start doing everything so that nothing works out for you. As you pronounce this word, your idea of ​​​​your further development towards success changes, which means that the previously planned result of success itself also changes.


You should never, under any circumstances, use this word. The more often it sounds, the less energy you have left. "Tired" in the lexicon has the effect of an energy boa with an invisible whip. And for your consciousness the command “finish” sounds. Together with this word, you get a signal: there is nowhere to hurry: doom, hopelessness, impossibility. This is how many destructive-depressive forms one word “tired” imposes on a person’s consciousness.

No matter how the circumstances develop, one should strive to avoid this word, since it is one of the key points in the mind of every person. Try to pronounce this word aloud several times, and a depressive pose of a person with lowered hands will immediately appear in your memory, and you yourself will take a destructive-depressive pose. And this is natural, because each of you at least once observed the state of a tired person.

The word "tired", pronounced by you often, can lead to insomnia, as the subconscious mind is instructed to look for reserves in the body for action. You, without noticing it, begin to get excited and angry for no reason. Every time a state of fatigue occurs, try modifying the words, for example: I did a good job, I worked hard. As bonuses, you will receive miracles of fate.

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It is dangerous to remember in vain, and even more so to invoke evil spirits. Believe me, she charges a lot for this.

Our ancestors were very attentive to this issue. They diligently avoided the words "hell", "devil", "demon". It was believed: to pronounce means to call. If you do not just occasionally pronounce such words, but enter them into your everyday speech, then a signal of belonging to the dark forces appears in your energy field, which over time can attract what is called damage and the evil eye in the common people.

Esotericists and representatives of the church, based on their own experience of communicating with people, state that in everyday speech, remembering the devil, people immediately attract representatives of the dark forces and instantly fall into fussy and helpless life events. In my practice, there was a case when the word "damn" constantly and for no reason was the lexicon of one successful businessman. When, avoiding obscene language, he replaced all the words with the word “hell”, he insulted with this word negligent, in his opinion, employees, in anger he called his children and wife that. Even in the affectionate encouragement of a woman in his mouth it sounded like “well, you damn thing!”. He called business partners nothing more than "devils". When there were problems with the law, he was sure that his partners ordered him, his mistress did a love spell or spoiled him.

Everything turned out to be simpler: the Universe plunged him into a "damn" vanity, since on the energy plane it is the vanity of energies and the unpredictability of events that arise around the person who produces this word. Even the aura photographically looks like a dark brown spot after a person has cursed several times.


Everyone knows the saying: “Never say never.” But one should think about the fact that this word has a powerful potential to put obstacles in the development of life. Never means nowhere, under no circumstances.

No matter how positively you pronounce, for example, as cheerful as ever, your fate hears a challenge in this combination of words. Even the ancient Indians said: “Do not say the word “never” either in anger, or in despair, or in joy. Fate stands at the threshold and immediately gives what you have just renounced.

Saying this phrase, you unconsciously turn on the program of fears of something and turn off the opposition to negativity. External circumstances accept your challenge and all sorts of unpleasant and provocative circumstances are created around you.

That's why it's so important to be careful with your never. When you pronounce this word, you must understand that you are entering into a dispute with the Creator. And with God, everything is always possible.

Fool, fool

Despite the fact that in Russia this word was not an offensive curse for a long time, did not emphasize the negative characteristics of a person and was often found in fairy tales as a description of the image of the handsome Ivan the Fool, it should be avoided.

In its meaning lies not only such meanings as “stupid, insane”, but also another meaning: simple, rootless. If you often hear this word addressed to you, then a certain addiction occurs, followed by confidence in your own inferiority. However, the one who pronounces it destroys himself and projects this word onto his personality. The very word "fool" is in the genetic perception of the individual as offensive and degrading.

Consequently, it occupies the lowest rung on the social and, in general, on the evaluative human ladder. Automatically reproducing the word "fool" in his address or someone else, a person begins to behave contrary to social behavioral norms and justifies the behavior of a poor buffoon, which in Russia was considered a fool.


A stigma word that is difficult to deduce if it is for them to evaluate their achievements in all areas of life - from personal to professional. It becomes an obstacle on the way, because the statement of the fact that fortune has turned away and there is no luck and happiness in life reduces all efforts to disbelief that the implementation of plans and happiness in general is more than possible.


People often say the phrase: "Hope dies last." Therefore, this word, uttered with a great emotional message, rejects even a small hope, and a person is left without this faithful companion. Medical scientists have scientifically confirmed that the word "unlucky" affects vision and hearing. The person, addressed to whom this word was spoken for some time, as if voluntarily gave his body a command: not to see or hear those who say it. And, as a result, the whole world with all its pleasant surprises.


Mental anguish and anxiety, sadness and despondency - this is what longing that has settled in life means. And if you say this word over and over again, thinking or talking about your life, it means that you will drive yourself into a sad state even deeper and hang a negative label on your life. As you know, longing is a harbinger of many diseases. It is not for nothing that the words "depression" and "melancholy" are synonymous with melancholy.

Curse! I curse!

This word, which is the strongest in its power, can often be heard in a variety of situations, for example, when you have to stand in traffic jams for many kilometers or something does not work out, which is very annoying.

It is even more dangerous to curse other people. At the moment of pronouncing such words, the strongest negative program is launched. It turns out that a person seems to curse himself, dooming him to illness, tragedy, misfortune, dislike. No matter how angry you are with someone, don't curse.

Almost every day I face the consequences of this terrible energy program. It is capable of depriving several generations of happiness, born of a cursed person. The one who cursed also suffers. Having uttered such a terrible word once, be prepared for the fact that your life can change for the worse.