Redevelopment plans for a 2-room Khrushchev house. Methods for remodeling a two-room apartment

Small rooms, a cramped combined bathroom, a tiny kitchen and a narrow hallway - this is familiar to many. But even despite all the shortcomings of a two-room Khrushchev house, it can be transformed beyond recognition, made stylish and original, which will be distinguished by exquisite design ideas.

There are many options for redevelopment of Khrushchev buildings, which are impossible to implement in such an apartment, but if you get down to business wisely and apply modern technologies, you can implement any of the options and achieve functionality and comfort for all residents.

Redevelopment options for a 2-room Khrushchev house, photo

Before you start work, you should carefully consider what you want it to look like, as well as what additional areas should be created as a result of the completion of the work. The most common option for creating additional space is remodeling the apartment.

To work out adjacent or separate redevelopment options, it is best to contact a specialist, since only an experienced designer will be able to correctly use every meter in a small Khrushchev-era building.

Advice! It is best to use the services of an apartment design specialist. With its help, you can take into account all the needs and desires of the people living in the apartment.

But the owners of such apartments should not despair: the advantage of Khrushchev apartments is that the partitions between the rooms are not load-bearing, and thanks to this, the walls can be demolished.

Redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment, photo

The design of a standard two-room apartment in houses built by Khrushchev will contain many different tricks that can increase the space, for example, creating structures from plasterboard. And by expanding window and door openings, you can get visually additional volumes.

Redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev house, photo

If you use niches, columns, mirrored walls or doors in the process of remodeling a two-room Khrushchev house, you can not only expand the volume of the room, but also create an unusual and original interior.

Important! It is worth remembering that light colors can visually expand the room, but dark colors will narrow it.

The ceiling may appear higher if you use mirror materials to decorate it. And, of course, properly selected lighting will play an important role.

Redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev house, photo

Methods of redevelopment and zoning of space

When thinking through the design of an apartment, you should take into account the personal spatial zone for each family member. Thanks to space zoning, you can even divide one small room into several functional zones.

Let's consider the redevelopment of the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and hallway (the living room, as a rule, does not undergo any special changes).


The most problematic room is the kitchen. Its area is small in such apartments, so it is best to create a kitchen studio.

The kitchen is usually divided into a work area and a dining area. If we consider that any housewife spends a significant part of her free time here, then the kitchen can also be divided into a dining room and a living room.

Zones are easily separated from each other by ceilings or screens, but not by solid partitions: they reduce the space. You can use a bar counter, a sofa or an arch-shaped structure: not only will they not overload the design of the room, but they will also help to highlight the recreation area.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia next to the kitchen, which happens quite often, then it can be used to increase the usable area and expand the space.

Many apartment owners, when remodeling a 2-room Khrushchev-era apartment building, use it as a food pantry. If the loggia is insulated, then in this place you can move a refrigerator, several cabinets and shelves for storing various kitchen utensils.

When remodeling a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, designers very often remove the wall between the kitchen and the balcony, expanding the kitchen by several square meters, creating a dining area in this place.

This option is becoming more common when the kitchen area is expanded due to the balcony: thus, the owners transfer communications from the kitchen to the balcony area, equip the hostess’s work area, incl. a sink, a refrigerator, a work surface (if square meters allow, a compact set is installed), and a dining area is installed in the former kitchen.

A soft kitchen corner or a sofa, a table for eating, a TV on the wall - such a spacious dining room will allow you to receive and calmly accommodate more guests and gather in the family circle.

Legal aspect of redevelopment: a project should be developed in advance and approved by legal authorities. Often, collecting a package of documents and obtaining the actual dismantling permit becomes a protracted and troublesome task.

Possible two options for combining kitchen and balcony:

  1. Dismantling the window and door opening while completely preserving the wall. In this case, the window sill can be used as a bar counter, tabletop, etc. Permission for redevelopment in this case is not needed, since it does not exist as such. However, if the need arises to sell the apartment, you will have to return both the door and the window to their original place. If desired, you can get rid of the window sill without going beyond the vertical contours of the window.
  2. Dismantling a balcony opening while preserving the window sill involves complete dismantling of the wall between the balcony and the kitchen. This cannot be done without approval. In most cases, such permission is not given: the wall is considered load-bearing, which means it is responsible for the strength of the entire building.

Important! The thickness of load-bearing walls for panel houses is 120–140 mm, for monolithic ones - over 200 mm, for brick ones - 380 mm.

We invite you to look at a small photo selection with options for combining a kitchen and a balcony:


Often, when designing, specialists expand the living room by moving the partition deeper into a smaller room, usually a bedroom. This is done until the bedroom is small in size and can only accommodate a bed and a couple of bedside tables.

It is also necessary to take into account that in order to turn around and move freely in such a small room, you need to leave several square meters unoccupied by furniture.

This radical technique is best used if the whole family spends most of its time in the living room, since the room may be left without natural light - a window. But even such a bedroom, with the right design, can turn out nice and cozy.

In small bedrooms, it is worth installing beds without high legs on a small podium, which can be decorated with lighting: such a design technique will add coziness, and visually the room will no longer seem small.

If the bedroom has a window, then it is decorated with Austrian, Japanese or Roman curtains.

Another redevelopment option is to demolish the partition between the hall/living room and the bedroom. The wall is replaced with decorative columns, and the sleeping area is decorated with heavy curtains. This option would be appropriate only if it is not intended to increase the volume of the living room.


During the redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev apartment, work in the bathroom, as a rule, is always a separate issue. In Khrushchev-era buildings, the bathroom is initially made adjacent to the bathroom. Thanks to the possibilities of redevelopment, the bathroom can become more functional for residents.

Instead of a bathtub, you need to install a shower stall, and the door needs to be moved to a new wall. Due to such redevelopment, additional space will be freed up for equipment, in particular, a boiler and a washing machine, in addition, it will be possible to install shelves for storing things.

We offer a selection with useful recommendations for choosing style, color, and furniture for arranging a comfortable home.

Read about how to design a romantic bedroom for two.

Ideas for renovating a one-room apartment and decorating it to your taste are described at:

During renovation work in the bathroom, you will also have to install new sewer pipes and finish the surfaces. The end result is a well-finished and well-equipped bathroom.


Narrow and long corridors, which were the norm in the 90s of the last century, are increasingly becoming obsolete. They are being replaced by spacious and bright hallway rooms. Thanks to the redevelopment of an apartment in Khrushchev, you can create such a more spacious room.

In two-room Khrushchev houses, as a rule, niches are designed. During the work, designers remove the wall between the niche and the hallway. This option provides additional free space.

When opening the door, guests immediately find themselves in the hallway room, so designers prefer to surprise them by decorating the room with great taste and originality.

Hallway redevelopment: removing the wall between the hallway, living room and kitchen

Visually, you can hide imperfections in the hallway through properly selected finishing materials. It is best to choose light colors for the ceiling. For example, prefer a classic white color, which can visually increase the area of ​​the room and make the ceiling much higher.

Important! During finishing work in the hallway of a Khrushchev building, you should not use plastic or wooden panels, relief plaster or artificial stone - these materials will visually make the room smaller. It is best to use embossed wallpaper, photo wallpaper or light-colored paint.

Redevelopment of the hallway: removing the wall between the niche and the hallway

As for furniture, for such a room you should limit yourself to the minimum. Even if a family of three or more lives in an apartment, this is not a reason to clutter the hallway with massive furniture. It is worth limiting yourself to installing a wardrobe or a small furniture set for such rooms.

An important design element that needs to be used is a mirror or mirrored cabinet doors. A mirror will visually enlarge the hallway and also give it coziness and style.

Despite the fact that remodeling and renovating an apartment is a very troublesome task, the result is worth it. After completion of the work, you will receive a comfortable and multifunctional apartment with sufficient usable space that you can use as you wish.

It’s quite simple to explain the limited living space of the “Khrushchev” buildings. In those days, the main task was to provide each family with separate living space, so small-sized “Khrushchev” apartments were a salvation. Of course, no one thought about convenience and comfort. However, redevelopment of the Khrushchev 2 room, which has a number of its own features, disadvantages and undeniable advantages, will solve the problem with convenience.

The main reason why most owners of small Khrushchev-era apartments decide to refurbish them is a feeling of discomfort from inconveniently located rooms and limited living space associated with the small area of ​​​​the premises.

Benefits of refurbishment

  • All rooms expand and become spacious, making the interior seem as residential and warm as possible;
  • Most wall partitions are not load-bearing, and therefore the redevelopment of 2-room apartments is carried out quite quickly;
  • Thanks to the improved, updated layout, owners can fully express their imagination in arrangement and design, ultimately obtaining the most comfortable and stylish home.

The disadvantages of redevelopment manipulations are:

  • complex repair and design work is required related to the dismantling of old partitions, the relocation of doorways and the construction of new partitions within the apartment;
  • the space of one of the adjacent rooms is reduced due to separation;
  • refurbishment of a Khrushchev building requires considerable material costs for dismantling and design manipulations. However, when carrying out the work on your own, you will be able to save money;
  • Long-term construction work is expected, accompanied by an increased degree of pollution with debris and dust formations.

The placement of rooms in old Khrushchev-era apartments can have several options, and therefore the methods for redevelopment of Khrushchev-era 2 rooms can be completely different. To choose the most suitable option, you need to understand the features of the original home:

  1. “Book” is a type of layout in which the area of ​​the apartment is 41 square meters. meter, adjacent rooms. Perhaps the worst option;
  2. "Tram" - area 48 sq. meters, again adjacent rooms, but they are separated much more painlessly;
  3. “Mini-improved” - got its name because of the almost identical layout with apartments in 9-story buildings. Its area is 44.6 square meters. meters, the rooms are isolated, the only thing that confuses us is the small size of the kitchen space, which can be increased to 8 square meters if desired;
  4. “Vest” is a rather rare type of layout with an area of ​​46 square meters. meters Here two rooms are located symmetrically, their sizes are quite large. The disadvantage of the layout is that if you increase the kitchen area, you will have to invade the room.

Coordination of redevelopment manipulations

Planning a two-room apartment in a “Khrushchev” is quite a fascinating and interesting process. However, it is worth thinking in advance about how to coordinate all future work with relevant authorities and obtain the necessary permits. The main thing is to make sure that repair manipulations do not relate to the concept of reconstruction, which implies the installation, replacement, relocation of utility networks, electrical, sanitary and other types of equipment. TO redevelopment The work includes changes to the configuration of living space. Any alterations should be included in the technical passport of the residential premises. If you don't do this, you may get a fine, and in the worst case scenario, you will also have to return everything to its place.

The redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment is good because almost all the walls here are not load-bearing. That is why any manipulations with them are classified as “simple redevelopment”, therefore, adding all planned changes to the floor plan, which is taken from the BTI, will be sufficient.

Options for refurbishment of Khrushchev

Regardless of the type of upcoming manipulations of the redevelopment of the “Khrushchev” 2 rooms, three functional areas should be designated in any apartment:

  • kitchen;
  • sleeping;
  • guest.

Demolition of all walls

The most radical option is to demolish all wall partitions that are not load-bearing (except for the bathroom and toilet). The result is a studio apartment in which the zoning of areas is carried out using various design techniques and partitions.

We separate adjacent rooms of the Khrushchev building

Adjacent rooms cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners. However, there is a way out. These rooms are divided, reducing the usable area of ​​one. There may be several options here:

  • The rooms are placed one after another - in this case, the space of the passage room is most often expanded by moving the partition deeper into the smallest area. Afterwards, a sleeping place with a bed, bedside tables and a small wardrobe is arranged in the reduced room. By using some simple design tips, even such a small area can make a very cozy and warm room. And in the resulting large living room it will be convenient for groups to gather for a pleasant pastime;
  • The rooms are located along each other - here it is better to simply demolish the partition between the rooms, replacing it with columns, an arch or a screen. This type of layout is suitable for modern young couples. But for families with children, it is better to leave the partition in place, blocking the doorway. Then the smaller wall is moved deeper, thereby reducing the area of ​​the two rooms. On the resulting wall, doorways are cut into each room. The result will be separate rooms with an extended corridor.

We combine the living room with the kitchen area

When remodeling a 2-room apartment in a Khrushchev building, the living room is often combined with a kitchen area, where it is simply impossible to place all the necessary furniture and household items. By removing the wall, it is possible to free up several squares of usable space. And using methods of visual expansion of space and competent zoning techniques in the design, you will be able to create a truly convenient and functional design.

This type of redevelopment has undeniable advantages:

  • when combining this type, areas for cooking, relaxation and dining can be easily allocated. These zones are delimited by finishing wall, floor and ceiling surfaces. It is possible to design mobile shelves, screens or curtains of various types;
  • the home turns out to be as functional as possible;
  • Such combined zones have high aesthetic values ​​and are a modern trend in designer fashion.

Stylish and original is the way to delimit functional areas with a bar counter. If the kitchen has a balcony, then it is advisable to use it as additional useful space. To do this, you should insulate the balcony, decorate it with high-quality materials, after which you can use it either as a separate workplace, or place household appliances and dining utensils there.

We combine the bathroom area with the toilet

For each, the redevelopment of a 2-room “Khrushchev” apartment is selected individually. However, the opinion of experts should still be taken into account. You can increase the bathroom space by combining it with a toilet. This refurbishment looks quite original, and it is also practical.

Thanks to this combination, it will be possible to gain a few meters of space on which you can place a washing machine and a laundry basket. At the same time, the load-bearing partitions remain in place, which is important when remodeling a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev building.

It will not be possible to place a huge bathtub in the resulting room, but if you replace it with a compact corner model or shower stall, there will be enough free space for movement.

Space zoning techniques

To achieve maximum comfort and style in your new apartment, you should use simple design zoning techniques.

First, you should choose suitable furniture for your living space. It is better to give preference to compact furniture items in the form of folding tables, transformable sofa beds, and wardrobes.

Secondly, finishing materials are carefully chosen. Light colors in the decoration allow you to visually expand the boundaries. The difference in textures will highlight functional areas. Accent colors will highlight your assets and highlight important items in the interior composition.

“Khrushchevka” for many is a very inconvenient small-sized dwelling. However, even such an apartment can be converted into modern multifunctional apartments, which will become a very warm and comfortable place to live.

The times when apartments were given away for free are irrevocably gone. And not so long ago, when the country began to recover after the war, in the era of large-panel housing construction, starting in 1955, they tried to provide housing, if not for everyone, then for many. Of course, these apartments, which the common people casually call “Khrushchev”, are far from perfect: the walls are too thin and uneven, low ceilings, inconvenient layout, sound and heat insulation are not at the proper level. But they built quickly, and the Khrushchevs completed their task in full.

In just 9 years, a quarter of the country's population was provided with housing. And to this day, Khrushchev buildings make up a significant part of the housing stock. They give way to new houses only in the central districts of the capital and other large cities, while in the provinces Khrushchev buildings will remain for a long time. Their service life, previously 50 years, was revised and increased to 150 years, subject to major repairs. So, of course, there is a point in thinking through the design of the Khrushchev-era building and making major repairs to it.

Yes, in Soviet times they were happy with such apartments: even if it was housing with only 1 room, and it was small, but it was their own. Living space standards were calculated not for reasons of comfort, but taking into account only the necessary minimum for human physiology. Now, when the needs have changed, the owners of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings want to somehow transform their housing in order to achieve comfort and functionality.

There are actually quite a few design options for a Khrushchev-era apartment, especially if they involve redevelopment, for example, dividing one uncomfortable room into 2 rooms that perform different tasks, or expanding narrow and small rooms due to passage areas. Some options are more successful, some less so, but one thing is true for sure, even an apartment of such a small area with low ceilings can become a modern home.


Perhaps, an interesting design in a Khrushchev building can only be created if competent redevelopment is carried out. The apartments do not have a large area, but their significant drawback is that the rooms are often narrow, uncomfortable, with a walk-through area and non-functional corridors. This problem can only be eradicated by resorting to redevelopment.

Khrushchev buildings were built according to designs of several standard series. They differ quite slightly from each other, but they have one thing in common - a small area:

  • One-room apartments – 29–33 m2,
  • Two-room apartments – 30–46 m2,
  • Three-room apartments – 55–58 m2.

When drawing up a redevelopment project, you will need to solve a number of problems. One of the problems will be related to the legalization of redevelopment, since not every design “flight of fancy” can be implemented legally. First you need to get permission for redevelopment.

The first difficulty may arise with the determination of load-bearing walls. Fortunately, in almost all Khrushchev-era apartment partitions, interior partitions do not perform a load-bearing function, but only divide the apartment space into rooms, so they can be easily demolished when making major repairs. However, there are exceptions; in panel Khrushchev buildings you can also find load-bearing walls inside the apartment. Just in case, we need to talk about how to determine the load-bearing wall in an apartment:

  • According to the apartment plan. You can obtain this kind of document from the BTI. You will be provided with a standard apartment plan with the designation of load-bearing walls and partitions.
  • Visually:
    • The load-bearing wall will be thicker than the partition. In Khrushchev-era buildings, the thickness of the load-bearing wall will be at least 12 cm without finishing.
    • Interfloor ceilings will always rest on load-bearing walls.

If the wall is still load-bearing, then the opening will need to be strengthened with metal or wooden supports. Redevelopment, which involves partial dismantling of the load-bearing wall, can only be carried out with the permission of the housing inspectorate, strictly observing the approved project.

Even if load-bearing walls are not involved in the redevelopment, a number of other problems may arise. For example, if the redevelopment is associated with the expansion of the “wet zone”. According to the law, the bathroom and toilet can only be expanded at the expense of non-residential premises, i.e. hallway, kitchen or pantry. The only exception is for residents of the first floors, where these restrictions do not apply.

Khrushchev-era apartment buildings often have a small, ineffective corridor connecting the hallway and the kitchen, which would be convenient to expand the bathroom. Here it is in the diagram:

In fact, this is a corridor, but on the plans this area is designated as a residential zone, so you can either put up with this or act in two stages: first, separate this area with a partition and formalize the redevelopment of the living space into a corridor, then obtain permission for another redevelopment - expansion bathroom and fill out all the documents again according to all the rules. Those. You will first have to arrange a redevelopment of this type:

By the way, enlarging the bathroom due to the passage will require additional waterproofing.

If you plan to combine the kitchen and living room to create a spacious living-dining area, then you may encounter another limitation: combining the living space with the kitchen in the presence of a gas stove is not allowed. There are two options: change the stove to an electric one, or install a light movable partition (after the commission arrives, it can be dismantled).

It is worth thinking about solving a number of other issues, which are discussed below.

Insulation. Since the insulation in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings is insufficient - it is hot in summer, cold in winter, the walls in corner apartments often freeze - the thermal insulation of the walls should be strengthened. Moreover, internal insulation in Khrushchev-era buildings is not applicable, since the implementation of this method leads to a shift in the dew point inside the walls. As a result, the walls begin to collapse, especially brick ones. Insulation is available by cladding the external walls with polystyrene slabs or by using sheathing and mineral wool on the first floors of the building.

Glazing replacement. It is advisable to replace old wooden windows with new plastic ones. Here you will have to face some difficulties. Firstly, some Khrushchev (panel) buildings do not have window sills, and secondly, the window opening is most likely to be uneven. If you contact an experienced company, there will be no problems with window installation, since they have accumulated experience in replacing windows in Khrushchev-era buildings. Some things to think about carefully:

  • how wide will the window sill be,
  • how to insulate a window.

Usually they try to make the window sill wider so that there is room for indoor plants. In Khrushchev-era buildings, where there were initially no window sills, this should be avoided. On the one hand, the support area for a wide window sill is insufficient, which means that the structure will be very unstable, on the other hand, a wide window sill will cause a disruption in heat transfer. By the way, the plaster slopes must be completely dismantled.

Redevelopment ideas

So, the main problems of redevelopment and repair in Khrushchev are identified. Now about specific redevelopment ideas.

One-room Khrushchev apartments

It would seem, what can you come up with, having as initial data a one-room Khrushchev house? It turns out that you can enlarge the bathroom and make a separate bedroom; at least, making the redevelopment more convenient is quite possible.

The typical layout of a one-room apartment in Khrushchev is a corridor leading to the kitchen and an “arch” to the living room. In some episodes, the “arch” was built up, and the passage to the room was located directly opposite the front door. Sometimes the project included a storage room. In the corner apartments there was another window on the long wall of the living room.

Redevelopment option Description of the redevelopment

This is a redevelopment option where the “arch” is built up and turns into an ordinary doorway; the functionality of the living room in this case increases, since, for example, a sofa can be placed along the wall that has increased in length. The door to the toilet has also been moved; due to the rounding of the space, the hallway becomes more spacious. Now a corner cabinet can fit comfortably here. The kitchen remains unchanged.

Here you can see that all interior partitions, including bathroom partitions, have been completely demolished. The space is being completely rebuilt. The bathroom is expanding due to the hallway; now there is enough space to install a washing machine. The sink, by the way, is moved to the opposite wall, which will require a sewer line. The partition between the living room and the kitchen is dismantled, the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen is lengthened by building up the old doorway: a full-fledged kitchen unit can be placed. The disadvantage of the redevelopment is that the area of ​​the hallway is reduced, but it is now convenient to place a wardrobe in the living room, especially since there is space for a hanger and a shelf for shoes in the hallway.

Another option for transforming space through a passage. In this case, the orientation of the bathroom changes - it increases slightly in area, but the main emphasis is on increasing the kitchen area. It is partially combined with the living room due to a wide opening in which sliding partitions can be installed.

Here, a lot of attention is paid to storage space, and there is also room for a double bed; it is in no way separated from the living room area, but is located in a cozy nook. The kitchen is combined with the living room, and there is a separate niche for the refrigerator. You can beat the kitchen, living and sleeping areas with the help of design. Pay attention to the bathroom. The entrance to it is moved from the hallway to the passage, due to which the door is removed from the narrow hallway. Replacing a bathtub with a shower cabin allows you to free up space and install a washing machine.

In this option, by moving the doorway into the kitchen, the bathroom, or rather the bathtub area, is expanded, part of the wall is beveled, resulting in a full-fledged doorway into the living room. The kitchen space is not significantly optimized.

Here the partition between the hallway and the living room has been demolished. There is a closet in this place. The partition between the living room and kitchen is partially missing. The bar counter serves as a space divider. By moving the dining area from the kitchen to the living room, the kitchen has become much more spacious. The kitchen set in this version is located in the letter “L” and occupies not only a long wall, but also a wall with a window. Perhaps we should note the lack of storage space and the small bathroom, which is not being rebuilt, but instead of a bathtub a shower and a washing machine are installed.

Even such a small apartment as a one-room Khrushchev can be converted into a two-room apartment if necessary. For example, in this plan you can see that a bed and a bedside table have been placed in the far corner of the living room. The bedroom area is separated by a partial partition to allow access to natural light, since the bedroom has no window. The kitchen and dining area are united by a single countertop. Zoning was carried out using flooring. There are storage spaces both in the hallway and in the living room.

In corner Khrushchev houses, where there are two windows in the room, there are more options for redevelopment; more precisely, from one room you can make two full-fledged bright rooms with natural light. This plan shows that the partition between the kitchen and living room has been demolished, but a new partition has been erected, which now divides the room into two parts. The result is an excellent apartment with separate rooms: a living-dining room and a bedroom. The redevelopment does not affect the bathroom area.

This redevelopment option is similar to the previous one, but the entrance to the bedroom is from the living room. But you can order a large wardrobe for the bedroom, which will solve the problem of storage space.

Two-room Khrushchev apartments

The typical layout of a two-room Khrushchev apartment provides more design opportunities, especially if all the walls in the apartment are not load-bearing.

In a typical two-room Khrushchev house, you can significantly expand the bathroom due to the passage, and organize a spacious dining-living room. In addition, you can actually make a “three ruble” out of a two-room apartment. There are three common standard layouts of two-room apartments in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, which are popularly given loving names: “book”, “tram”, “mini-improved”.

Redevelopment option Description of the redevelopment

The partition between the room and the living room is simply demolished. The space of the former passage is now divided between three rooms: hallway, bathroom and kitchen. There is a wardrobe in the hallway, a washing machine in the bathroom, and a niche for a refrigerator in the kitchen. The doorway to the storage room is closed. It turned into a dressing room with an entrance from the bedroom. The kitchen is combined with the living room.

Similar option. The difference is that in the hallway there is no niche for a closet, but in the living room, opposite the front door, there is a workplace. The entrance to the wardrobe is not from the bedroom, but from the living room, next to the workplace.

Here the redevelopment mainly affected the kitchen and living room. The wall between the living room and kitchen was demolished and replaced by an island kitchen sink. The dining area is now in the living room: the dining table is adjacent to the sofa. Behind the sliding partition there is a double bed, which we managed to fit in thanks to the extension of the wall between the hallway and the living room. From the bedroom area you can enter a spacious dressing room hidden behind a sliding door. The bedroom became a nursery for two children.

The disadvantage of this redevelopment is immediately visible - it is too long and narrow a corridor, but, nevertheless, this option has a right to exist. After all, it allows you to make separate rooms, expand the bathroom through the corridor, and highlight a storage area. Both the bedroom and the living-dining room are separated by partial partitions, which serve as space zoning and highlight a relaxation area.

In this option, at the passage site there is a niche for a refrigerator or wardrobe. The partition between the kitchen and living room is only partially removed, only to make a new entrance. The living room turned out to be dark; light comes in only thanks to transparent inserts in the partitions. But the new bedroom turned out to be very bright and with a balcony.

This redevelopment option is also possible. Part of the pantry and bedroom become a common space with the living room, the partition between the living room and hallway is moved deeper into the room, and the kitchen partition is dismantled. It turns out a very spacious living-dining room, a small bedroom and a full-fledged dressing room.

The kitchen and living room are not combined here, as in most previous options, but the bathroom is also expanded due to the passage. A partition in the bedroom divides the room into two bedrooms - one with a window, the other without it. The wall is made in a zigzag shape to leave space in both rooms for deep built-in wardrobes.

This option is similar to the previous one. The bedroom here is also rebuilt in such a way that it becomes two separate rooms, but the bathroom is not rebuilt; in the passage there is now a dressing room and space for a built-in wardrobe in the hallway. The partition between the living room and the hallway is moved further - a comfortable workplace is organized.

An interesting option is diagonal redevelopment, as, for example, seen in this plan. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to fit a corner bath into the bathroom and combine a washbasin and washing machine under a common countertop. The kitchen is not expanding, but its design is changing significantly. First, the partition is demolished. The table is replaced by a bar counter. Secondly, the sink is moved to the side of the wall with the window. The partition between the bedroom and living room is moved to install built-in furniture. The highlight of the project is the dressing room, on the sides of which you can place corner cabinets.

There is also a diagonal hallway here. But the bedroom is significantly expanded at the expense of the living room. In fact, it turns out to be a three-room apartment, but the living room is small and separated from the kitchen by a low partition.

A similar project, but the hallway is a little larger. There is a niche for a closet. The bathroom has been enlarged.

Two-room Khrushchev house on two sides. The rooms here are adjacent. And the main task is to make them separate. The door to the bathroom is moved from the narrow hallway, and by reducing the area of ​​the living room, it is possible to allocate space for a pantry or dressing room. The bedroom is divided by a through shelving, thanks to which the illumination is not significantly reduced, but the space is zoned into a bedroom and a living room. Instead of the former living room there is now a children's room.

Three bedroom apartment

In a three-room Khrushchev house, the redevelopment tasks also come down to solving the problem of adjacent rooms and their small area.

The typical layout of a three-room apartment involves a small kitchen and a walk-through living room, from which there is an entrance to the bedroom, one bedroom is separate. This could be a book-type layout:

Or the “tram” layout:

Redevelopment options Description of the redevelopment

This plan shows that the entrance to the bathroom was moved and made at the junction of the walls, the partitions of the kitchen and hallway were dismantled. The pantry has been converted into a walk-in closet and has been slightly expanded to include a passage.

In this option, there is no partition between the living room and the living room. The bathroom is combined. The partition between the living room and kitchen is partially removed, but remains opposite the bathroom. The entrances to one of the bedrooms and the wardrobe are located in the form of a semicircle.

There is a large and comfortable dressing room, which is entered from the bedroom. In the living room there is a special round niche for the TV, which has become the central element. The living room also has a dining area.

Photos of redevelopments

Video: remodeling a bathroom in Khrushchev

Video: combining kitchen and living room

Hallway design

The hallway in Khrushchev has several disadvantages:

  • miniature;
  • long and narrow corridor;
  • inconvenient layout in the shape of the letter "G".

To avoid lack of space, the hallway can be expanded to include a bathroom or living room, at least to install a wardrobe. The fact is that even a narrow closet in such a hallway will be inappropriate, because often the situation is aggravated by the bathroom door opening into the hallway. If you do not plan to enlarge the room, then you will have to resort to various design tricks to prevent the hallway from feeling cluttered.

Design techniques that will make the interior as uncluttered as possible:

  • Minimalist furniture. This applies not only to the design of furniture, but also to its quantity. The hallway should contain only the essentials. These are, for example, places for shoes and clothes. Moreover, you should avoid open hangers, since even a couple of sets of winter clothes on it will create the effect of chaos. Still, you need to try to allocate space for the closet. This could be a small corner cabinet with a mirrored door. Nearby you can hang a small shelf for small things that should be at hand. In general, corner structures and mirrors should be used in the hallway of a Khrushchev building. But hanging a mirror opposite the door is not recommended according to Feng Shui.
  • Will help expand the space competent selection of interior colors. It is known that light colors visually make the interior more spacious. This is also true for the hallway. However, if you follow this advice, choose materials that can be washed. For example, for walls it could be paint, for floors it could be tiles or ceramic tiles. Avoid materials with a porous texture; in a cramped hallway they can easily get dirty, but it will be difficult to return to their original appearance. Color accents will distract from the cramped hallway, but don’t overdo it – there shouldn’t be too many of them. As for the ceilings, they must certainly be light, no experiments with dark shades on the ceiling, otherwise the ceiling will feel very low.
  • Lighting. Of course, the design of the corridor should include carefully thought out lighting. In a hallway, which is a priori deprived of a natural light source, this is extremely important. The best option would be a glossy stretch ceiling with spotlights. Their number should be sufficient. For example, lamps are often placed along the entire ceiling along the center line or along the perimeter of the walls in two rows. Additional wall lights can be provided. The switch must be positioned so that it can be reached from the threshold. It is completely inconvenient when it is located in the center of the hallway. You have to cross part of the hallway in the dark in dirty shoes, coming from the street, just to turn on the light. By the way, if the corridor is long, then it is advisable to install a pass-through switch, with which you can control the lighting from different ends of the corridor.
  • Zoning. In a miniature hallway, zoning will probably be inappropriate, which cannot be said about a long corridor. Some designers advise dividing the space of such a corridor into two, maximum three zones using arches; you can also use color schemes.

Photos of hallway interiors

Living room design

When designing a living room, you will have to face the same problems as in the hallway: low ceilings, little light. In addition, the living room is often a passageway, which is why a significant part of it cannot be fully used. Some problems can be solved with the help of redevelopment, as mentioned above; some can be solved by using competent design ideas.

  • laconic design, absence of protruding decorative elements;
  • minimum amount of furniture,
  • neutral colors, it is possible to use contrasting colors to transform the perception of space, but a professional approach is required.

Most likely, you will have to order furniture according to your measurements, since it will be difficult to choose something ready-made.

The best move would be to replace heavy curtains with light curtains that will allow maximum natural light into the room. In the evening, good artificial lighting should be provided. These can be the same spotlights in combination with a glossy light stretch ceiling, a plasterboard ceiling with niches that are well lit around the perimeter, or a so-called floating ceiling, implemented using LED backlighting.

Of course, you can make a separate bedroom in a Khrushchev-era building, but if you don’t want to sacrifice free space for the sake of placing a double bed, which will be a “dead weight,” you can choose transformable furniture as a solution. Now on sale there is not only a bed that transforms into a small sofa, you can buy corner sofas in combination with living rooms that turn into full-fledged beds at night.

As for style, with a skillful approach, you can decorate the living room in almost any style direction, at least you can use individual style elements. Here, for example, are living rooms in shabby chic and high-tech styles:

Bedroom design in Khrushchev

Bedrooms in such layouts as “book” and “tram” are narrow and long. In terms of area, they seem to be not so small, but this does not add functionality to them. If redevelopment is not carried out in the bedroom, then you should strive to bring the shape of the bedroom closer to a square with the help of furniture. This is easy to do if the layout is “book”. You can make a spacious dressing room or a spacious wardrobe. With the “tram” it is more difficult, but there is also a way out. As you can see above, with the help of redevelopment you can combine a living room and a bedroom in one room.

As for lighting, choice of furniture and colors, all the recommendations that were given for the living room and hallway apply to the bedroom. It is worth mentioning separately that in bedroom design it is better to avoid using cold, saturated shades in large quantities; however, bright contrasting shades in large quantities are also inappropriate here. The bedroom should be conducive to rest and peace. Use finishing materials and textiles in the bedroom mainly in light pastel shades, combining colors. You can even choose white as the main color, creating something in the Scandinavian style.

There are specially designed color schemes for interior design that can be successfully used when choosing the color of furniture, trim and accessories.

Do not use complex decorative elements with elaborate curved lines. If there is very little space, limit yourself to one bed. A mirror will be functional in the bedroom, especially if there is room for a small dressing table and a dressing room next to it. A chandelier is often hung in the bedroom. It’s better to give it up and limit yourself to spot lighting, but if you really want to, then choose flat models.

Kitchen in Khrushchev

There is too little space in the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era apartment, it’s literally impossible to turn around. You either need to do a redevelopment or try to transform the space so that it becomes functional and comfortable.

The main move is custom-made furniture. A minor point, but two or three centimeters here and there sometimes decide the “outcome of the battle.” Having carefully thought through the placement of the kitchen unit, or rather all the sections, drawers and household appliances, you can literally implement a European-quality renovation in a Khrushchev-era kitchen. Built-in appliances will serve well: microwave, oven, hob, dishwasher, which can be small. Even refrigerators can now be purchased built under the countertop: it seemed like a cabinet; but no, if you open it, it’s a refrigerator.

It has now become fashionable to move the kitchen sink to the window, so you can place a tall refrigerator in the corner. You'll have to tinker with the sewer system, but it's a worthwhile solution.

You don’t have to move the sink if you don’t see the need for it, but simply use the window sill as a countertop. Some people connect the work area and the bar counter with a single tabletop, which makes the interior more seamless.

As for textiles, choose short, light curtains for the kitchen, or better yet, horizontal blinds located directly on the sashes of plastic windows - very convenient.

The sewer and gas pipes in the kitchens are not very conveniently located in the Khrushchev-era apartments. Gas pipes can be moved if desired by contacting the appropriate authorities. Or you can disguise them with furniture or a plastic box, or assemble a box from plasterboard.

We hope that our advice will help you independently develop the redevelopment and design of your beloved and dear Khrushchev. And finally, we suggest you look at a selection of photographs of the design of Khrushchev buildings.

Design of Khrushchev buildings photo

When they talk about “Khrushchev”, they mean cramped rooms and inconvenient layout. But the housing program launched on the initiative of N.S. Khrushchev allowed many Soviet families to receive apartments in a short time. The children and grandchildren of these lucky people still live in them.

Panel and brick high-rise buildings were erected in a matter of months, and along with them - shops, schools, gardens, and playgrounds. Nowadays people have become more selective. They are no longer satisfied with the cramped walls of tiny apartments. It's time for redevelopment.

Layout features

Before changing Khrushchev, you need to understand what it is. In almost all standard projects, 2-room apartments have adjacent rooms. Their total area is 40-45 sq. m., living area is 26-31 sq. m., ceiling height is 250 cm, the thickness of external walls is 30-40 cm. Due to the thin walls, heat and sound insulation is weak. In such apartments, bathrooms can be combined or separate.

The small area, the presence of walk-through rooms, low ceilings, and the lack of elevators in the buildings make this housing not the most attractive, so residents are turning to redevelopment.

The main problem of the upcoming changes is registration with the BTI. Faced with difficulties in obtaining documents, residents try not to advertise the alterations to their living space. And in vain, since an apartment with an illegal layout cannot be sold, donated, or carried out any other legal actions.

The positive aspects include the opportunity to remove the walls inside the premises (since there are no load-bearing walls in Khrushchev-era buildings) and begin implementing a new project with any fantasies. Most often the kitchen and hallway are rebuilt. Many people share a bathroom. In its original form, the bathroom contained a sink and a bathtub itself (there was no room for a washing machine). When combining a bathroom, the toilet is left in place, but the sewer riser cannot be moved. The bathroom is turned towards another wall or a shower stall is installed.

A washing machine is placed in the resulting area. Minimal pieces of furniture are possible. The corridor becomes larger due to the storage room. A built-in wardrobe will completely replace it. Rooms are often combined into one. And by connecting them with the kitchen and hallway, you can get a studio. In this option, you will have to replace the gas stove with an electric one or build a partition like a wardrobe.

In gas supply conditions, the kitchen must be isolated from living quarters.

In a Khrushchev-era building, it is possible to dismantle storerooms, mezzanines, niches and any utility rooms. You can move doorways or make them in the form of arches. It is also possible to install a second entrance door.

It is allowed to combine living space with a balcony, provided it is insulated. In this case, part of the load-bearing wall under the window is dismantled. But general heating radiators must remain in place. A bar counter is made above them. When remodeling a two-room apartment, other features should be taken into account, or rather, what should not be done:

  • touch load-bearing walls (for example, make an additional window). They may be allowed to make a door if an extension is planned;
  • move radiators to loggias and balconies;
  • dismantle or brick up ventilation ducts;

  • expand the bathroom, bathroom at the expense of the living room or kitchen. This can be done by disassembling the pantry or reducing the hallway;
  • apartments located on different floors cannot be combined by installing interfloor ceilings;
  • the kitchen cannot be moved to the living room or bathroom, but can only be expanded;
  • in the same way, you cannot move a bathroom or bathroom into the living space. This is due not only to the complexities of the general sewer system, but also to leaks that can occur in the living rooms of the neighbors below;

  • the transfer of gas pipes is prohibited;
  • dismantling the sewer riser;
  • balconies and other structures cannot be added without permission;
  • these conditions must be followed to avoid causing damage to the home. Failure to comply with them is punishable by fines.

Taking into account all the prohibitions and possibilities, a redevelopment project is drawn up for submission to the housing commission. But it should be remembered that emergency housing is not allowed to be rebuilt.

How to visually expand the space?

It will be possible to expand the square footage of the apartment in a trivial way - remove all the walls. This is allowed in two-room apartments. For example, in a corner apartment after such changes there will be two windows in the room, which will make the room brighter. You can “play” with the size, but there are many other tricks with which you can deceive the eye without resorting to destruction.

White color expands the space, and dark color makes it deep. By choosing the right color scheme for the walls, you can get additional volume. The ceiling can be mirrored. This will take the eye into another space. If you are not ready for radical solutions, a glossy stretch ceiling will help. Moreover, a dark color will reflect more.

You can create dark plasterboard structures along the edges of the finish, and white gloss in the central part. This technique increases the ceiling well.

Self-leveling flooring with a deep pattern, longitudinally oriented floorboards, light glossy tiles in non-residential areas - everything will help to visually enlarge the territory. In a small room there is no need to accent furniture. Let it blend into the general background of the room. There shouldn't be a lot of it. Multifunctional transformers will suit any small space.

A properly designed window will also work. It is better to refuse complex and newfangled design. The window should be simple and bright. If flowing curtains lie on the floor, the ceiling will appear higher.

For the kitchen - maximum blinds or thin curtains. Lighting will complement the work on expanding the space. It is better to refuse the central chandelier. Spot lighting is more suitable located along the walls. You can highlight glass furniture or walls with accents on paintings and mirrors. Living rooms can be kept separate if you work with the space correctly.

Beautiful layout options

Fashionable projects of the Khrushchev era do not compare well with the needs of modern residents. The walk-through rooms are so small that living in them is uncomfortable even for one person, not to mention a family, so all alterations and any design should only work to increase the territory.

When starting work on redevelopment, you need to clearly know how and for whom the rebuilt premises will serve. It is better to sketch a picture of future changes. But no matter how exciting the flight of fancy, there should always be three zones in the apartment: kitchen, bedroom, place of relaxation and communication. The presence of a bathroom and a bathroom goes without saying.

There may be some difficulties in redevelopment of corner housing. It has a larger wall area facing the street than in interior apartments. Consequently, they are more able to absorb cold and sound, and this should be taken into account when starting construction work. There are different options for improving living space, for example:

  • adjacent rooms are separated by a small corridor;
  • the living room is combined with the kitchen (do not forget that the kitchen work area should be covered with at least a movable partition);
  • bathroom and toilet are combined;
  • you can use the studio option - when all partitions in the living space are removed;
  • You can increase the area by adding a balcony or loggia. In this option, it is worth remembering the integrity of the heating system. By destroying the dividing window, the radiator can be covered with a bedside table or bar counter;

There are many options for Khrushchev’s two-room apartments and they will have to be rebuilt individually, so one project will not do for everyone. Let's try to consider the options:

  • for "vest" characterized by a symmetrical arrangement of rooms. The doors of each of them open onto the corridor from different sides. The layout is not bad; alterations in such apartments are often associated with enlarging the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. As an option, it is proposed to connect the bathroom with the toilet, and the kitchen with one of the rooms;

  • tram option unsuitable for living if there are more than two people in the family. When one room leads to another, someone has to live on the passage. In such cases, the corridor is lengthened and the rooms are made separate. And the end of the corridor will be used with a spacious wardrobe;

Even in the old Soviet times, the Khrushchev-built buildings were used to solve the acute housing problem, but today they are simply perceived as cheap housing that requires transformation. Small rooms and low ceilings look depressing. But this does not scare many, since modern technologies make it possible to create a high-quality design of a Khrushchev house (2 rooms), both with the help of a layout and without it, thanks to design tricks.

Before you improve your home, you need to start with the most basic question: how many people will live in the apartment, and who?

  1. Family without children.
  2. One man.
  3. Family with one child.
  4. Family with 2 or more children.

The complete reconstruction and design of a 2-room apartment in Khrushchev-era building depends on the choice of the desired model:

  • If you have a child, then you can definitely create a children’s bedroom-living room layout.
  • For a family without a child, you can use only two functional areas: a living room and a sleeping area.

What kind of old-style apartments are there?

Before we begin to design the design of a Khrushchev-era 2-room apartment, we will consider in detail all the existing layouts and what exactly will have to be improved.

This is the most common project since 1958. People call the layout a book; the apartment has an area of ​​41 m2.
This is the very first project from a series of old plans, planned on the basis of French five-story houses. Popularly, such layouts are called “trams”. The rooms are adjacent, the total area of ​​2-room apartments is 48 m2.
This layout is somewhat similar to 9-story projects. The kitchen area is small and the rooms are isolated. The total area is 44.6 m2 and the external walls are 350 mm thick.
The area of ​​the apartment is 46 sq.m and is popularly called a butterfly. The rooms are isolated and have a decent area.

How to make a design without redevelopment and maintain its original appearance?

Before making a design project for a 2-room Khrushchev house, let’s consider how outdated projects can be characterized in detail.

Features of the old layout:

  1. The rooms are adjacent to each other, which is very inconvenient.
  2. Small kitchen area, around 6m2.
  3. Small corridor.
  4. A small area of ​​the toilet and bathroom, combined with each other.
  5. You can’t boast about the area of ​​the room, no more than 46 square meters.
  6. The ceiling is low, no more than 2.60 meters.
  7. Most of the layouts have a small balcony.
  8. The thickness of the partitions is 70-90 mm.
  9. Internal walls, 320 mm thick.

Taking into account new technologies, the owners have a great desire to design projects for a 2-room Khrushchev house. Such options are possible in several interpretations of changing the apartment to expand and improve the space.

Radical restructuring

This option involves demolishing all the walls and creating a single space. At the finish line we get a studio apartment by demolishing all the internal partitions.

This is a complex path that involves the need to coordinate planning with the relevant authorities.

Partial redevelopment

In this case, only partitions or closets are removed. Here you can simply combine several rooms, for example, a kitchen-living room or a corridor-room.

Note. Design projects of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be reproduced without reconstruction, based on modern styles and clever zoning options.

How to find the optimal solution without demolishing partitions?

If demolition of walls is impossible for some reason, then you can use a visual expansion of the space. Here are some tips on this matter.

Organize useful space using additional decorative elements:

  1. Shelves.
  2. Shelving.
  3. Niches.

If you enlarge the door and window panels with the help of arches, you can “visually” expand the space by almost a quarter of the area.

When forming a design, a 2-room Khrushchev apartment provides for the use of sliding doors between the passage rooms.

Attracting mirror decoration to the interior will also allow you to refine and increase the volume of a small area and create a beautiful interior.

In some cases, the design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be completed with a simple renovation and the idea of ​​redevelopment can be discarded. Let's consider some points:

Using a color palette for walls and furniture. It's no secret that dark colors absorb space, while light colors visually enlarge it.

A simple tip: do a thorough cleaning during the renovation and get rid of all unnecessary things.

Use of built-in niches and storage cells. Built-in storage rooms are quite suitable for conversion and the ability to store seasonal items.

The design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be designed based on interesting projects of Asian designers and you can choose some interesting ideas, for example, beds and furniture built into the walls.

Tricky Design Tricks

A huge, one might say, major role in creating a light interior of a small apartment is played by harmonious combinations:

  • color palette;
  • drawings;
  • materials.

The design of a Khrushchev 2-room apartment is generally based on the tricks that designers use to create an interior.

They create a high-quality visual effect, while bright, intense, saturated colors give a compressed feel to the room.
The design of a Khrushchev room (2 rooms) involves the use of a small floral pattern or ornament.
The height of the ceilings in a light palette increases the volume. If possible, it is recommended to use light glossy stretch ceiling structures.
The effect of heights of different levels and properly selected lighting fixtures enhance the effect of magnification and give the room a special atmosphere.
The floor should be light or colored; it is important that they coincide with the overall concept of the interior of the room.
A minimum set of furniture is provided. It is advisable to select folding, but multifunctional models.
They are back in fashion and give the room an airy and warm atmosphere.
They should be light and airy and complete the composition.

Redevelopment option, breaking down walls

Before choosing the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment, the apartment can be redesigned based on several interesting ideas.

The first and most common method is to demolish the partition separating the room and the kitchen. Here we get two full-fledged large areas in the form of a kitchen-living-dining room and a sleeping area.

Photo examples with a similar layout:

The second, no less common idea is to remove the wall between rooms.

In this case, you can zone the space by separating the bedroom with a screen.

A technique for increasing usable space using a balcony.

The redevelopment also affected the plumbing unit. The bathroom is connected (there are layouts where it is separate) or we increase the area due to the corridor.

You can demolish all the partitions and get a huge studio apartment and a magnificent design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment for one person or a family without children.

An example of the “apartment-office” model

This layout involves combining the room with the hallway and kitchen. The small room increases in width and will include a sleeping area and a dressing room.

The main highlight is the small office. Transparent sliding doors will help isolate you from working.

Features of such planning:

  • At the finish line, you get an apartment of 3 rooms, which includes a bedroom, an office, a dressing room, a dining room, a bathroom and an entrance hall.
  • This project is suitable for a young couple or one person, for those who work a lot from home and perceive the apartment as a workplace to some extent.
  • The most important advantage is the common space with a living room and 3 functional rooms, there is even space for a dressing room.

A few tips regarding this layout:

  • It is best to place a sofa or sofa group in the center of the room. Then the living room will become a great place to relax.
  • For the sleeping area, it is best to forget about horizontal surfaces intended for storing things, and use them as a shelf-box behind the bed.

Layout for three

In this case, the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment immediately solves the problem of the adjacent room. One becomes a guest area.

We divide the small room into a bedroom and a nursery, the wardrobe remains where it was, we make another wardrobe in the corridor. The bathroom is combined, it includes a small bathtub, toilet, washing machine and washbasin.

The main thing in the layout is to increase the kitchen area.

You can make some changes to the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment and separate the kitchen from the living room with a transparent sliding partition. If desired, the kitchen and living room will become a combined space.

In the living room you need to place a sofa, armchairs and it is advisable to leave a place for playing with a small child.

A few additions to this layout:

  1. Bottlenecks can be visually expanded by playing with the color palette of the walls.
  2. You can use more glass and mirrors. For example, transparent sliding doors, a glass coffee table and other additions.

Apartments design. Khrushchev 2 room for a large family

This layout provides separate rooms. The corridor becomes long and narrow and takes away the footage of the rooms.

You can place one entrance at an angle of 45 degrees, for example, to a children's room, so that the interior seems a little more fun.

Design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment with sleeping places for children

The kitchen area is small in size with a work area and a dining table. The bathroom is combined with all accessories and a large shower.

If possible and there is a small storage room or free nook, it is best to use it for a small built-in wardrobe or a small dressing room.

How can you transform the design of an apartment in a 2-room Khrushchev building to correct the inconveniences:

  1. A long corridor can be refined with a mirror and installed along a long wall.
  2. The nursery can be divided into 2 zones by selecting individual furniture for each child. Even if the pieces of furniture are different, it will look very stylish.

Each bed can be decorated in an interesting way, creating your own personal space.

Redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev house 40.4 m2 for father and son

A young father and son intended to create an interior with a strong personality in their apartment. The redevelopment greatly changed the space, getting rid of unnecessary partitions.

Thanks to the dismantling, the bathroom turned out to be larger; it accommodated all the plumbing, a washing machine and a water heater.

Sand-colored tiles imitating torn stone and illuminated niches make a simple bathroom more elegant and at the same time modern.

A huge built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors is now located in the hallway, of which only one name remains, since the hallway now offers a view of almost the entire space of the apartment.

A snow-white sofa, and at night a sleeping place for the father, and a bar counter are visible from the entrance. The snow-white kitchen set is emphasized by a red apron, which echoes the bar stools and pillows on the sofa of the same color.

Photo wallpaper with an airplane in black and white adds even more dynamism to the interior. And the lamps on the ceiling resemble spotlights on a runway. The topic has developed quite well.

The teenage boy's room was designed very simply. A spacious bed, a work space, a nightstand and a couple of shelves are all that is needed at this age. There was no need to be tricky with the color either.

Light, like shabby wallpaper, light wood on the wall above the head of the bed and white furniture are a simple masculine option that won’t get boring for a long time.

A high-quality and well-thought-out design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can ennoble any, even the most drab, home and transform the room beyond recognition. The listed examples are proof that you can adapt even to very complex options. The video in this article will help you choose the best option for yourself.

  1. Read further about technologies and demolition of walls: “Design of Khrushchev 2 rooms: special technologies with redevelopment (part 2)”
  2. Read about design and style trends in the next part: “