Mildronate after training. Mildronate in bodybuilding

Mildronate is medicinal product which improves metabolism. The medication is successfully used not only in the treatment of diseases of internal organs, but also in bodybuilding.

Despite the fact that the drug is a doping, it is used to increase the endurance of athletes and improve their professional results.

Description of the drug

Mildronate is medicine non-steroidal type, which is used for the treatment of pathologies in the field of cardiology and ophthalmology.

The medication improves metabolism in the body, improves the supply of energy to tissues. Mildronate is sold in pharmacies with a prescription.

The drug restores normal cell function after oxygen starvation and insufficient blood supply. The medicine is available in capsules, syrup solution, injection solution and tablets.

Indications for use

In sports, the medicine is prescribed for effective muscle recovery after injuries, during the period after surgery or during rehabilitation, in a state of overtraining, as well as to increase resistance to stress in sports competitions.

The product can improve attention and memory, and make positive changes in physical fitness. Another indication is increased fatigue, weakness after physical or mental stress.

Mildronate is taken for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, impaired blood circulation, fatigue of a chronic or temporary nature, muscle strain, chronic alcoholism, asthmatic conditions and pathologies in the field of ophthalmology.

Below is the effect of mildronate in bodybuilding:

  1. Prevents the accumulation of active forms of non-oxidized fatty acids in the cell area.
  2. Normalizes the balance of oxygen supply to cellular tissues and oxygen consumption by cells.
  3. Activation of glycolysis, which occurs without increased use of oxygen.
  4. Improved nutrition muscle tissue.
  5. Reducing fatigue and increasing the effectiveness of sports activities.
  6. Protecting the heart muscle, increasing the degree of myocardial contractility.

Contraindications for use

The use of the product has the following restrictions:

  1. Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  2. Damage to the central nervous system.
  3. Tumor of intracranial type.
  4. Increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Minor age.
  6. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  7. Hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.
  8. Mildronate should be taken with caution in the presence of tachycardia (the drug tends to slightly increase the heartbeat).

How to take meldonium

The drug is taken daily, the order of use is determined by the treating specialist. During therapy, the patient should feel a surge of strength, vigor, and his well-being changes for the better.

If you notice pain in the head area, increased heart rate, general feeling weakness, allergic reactions, stop taking the pills immediately and consult a doctor: he will change the dose or prescribe another medicine.

The drug is combined with caution with medications that lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Mildronate should not be taken simultaneously with nitroglycerin and other medications with similar effects.

Tablets, capsules or syrup should be taken thirty minutes before meals, in the morning or lunchtime. If repeated use is necessary, the last dose should be no later than five o'clock in the evening, at otherwise Overexcitation of the nervous system and sleep problems are possible.


The dosage is calculated according to the athlete’s weight category. The solution can be administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. The product, released in capsules or syrup form, is taken orally.

For athletes, 15-20 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight is sufficient. The drug is taken an hour before the start of training. The duration of the course varies from 45 to 90 days. After this, you need to take a break of 30 days.

Please note: if a bodybuilder takes the drug constantly, his body will quickly get used to it, as a result of which the therapeutic effect will decrease. Since 2016, mildronate has been banned and equated to doping agents!

That is why it is prohibited to use it in sports competitions under threat of disqualification. On this moment Several famous athletes have already been suspended from competitions for using this medication.

Meldonium in bodybuilding helps athletes who live in unfavorable climates, with heavily polluted air and big amount oxygen in it.

As a result of its intake during high physical activity, cells do not experience oxygen deficiency, so a bodybuilder can exercise even in extreme conditions.

Storage of the drug

The drug is stored in a place that is not accessible to children.

Thus, mildronate is a medication that is used in cardiology and ophthalmology. The drug is used in bodybuilding to improve physical endurance and prevent oxygen starvation.

Or Meldonium is a drug that has managed to cause many scandals in professional sports and bodybuilding. And yet, it remains popular among professional and amateur pain builders. What is hidden in Mildronate, which is used to treat the heart and is used in the treatment of alcohol dependence?

Mildronate in sports

The action of Meldonium is that it improves metabolic processes in cells. Since 2016, the drug has been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Promotes the rapid removal of metabolic products from cells, therefore, cell resources are restored faster.

For a bodybuilder, this means faster recovery after exercise. And this effect extends to strength loads and endurance exercises. In addition, it has been noted that Mildronate perfectly protects against the effects of stress and increases the endurance of the nervous system.

Mildronate ban and doping control

French doctors have found that meldonium can persist in the human body for up to 4 months. Therefore, at the end of 2015, it was decided to ban this drug starting next year. The initiative to ban Mildronate came from the International Anti-Doping Agency.

Such an incident caused a backlash - namely, an increase in interest in it among bodybuilders. He increased the demand for the medicine several dozen times.

About positive doping tests in athletes

During 2014 – 2016 Several Russian athletes have already been suspended from competitive sports due to the use of Mildronate. These are famous Olympic champions and athletes - world and Russian champions.

Later, in April 2015, all cases of disqualification of athletes remain in force if, before March 1, 2016, the concentration of meldonium in the blood was less than 15 micrograms. If the sample was taken after this date, the concentration of the specified substance must be less than 1 microgram. This is a possible justification for athletes who previously used Mildronate.

Indications for use

Mildronate is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Heart problems, including heart failure and cardiomyopathy caused by hormonal imbalance, as well as myocardial infarction and angina.
  2. Decreased performance.
  3. Overexertion in bodybuilders.
  4. Bronchial asthma of infectious-allergic origin.
  5. Chronic bronchitis of a non-obstructive nature (in such cases it is prescribed as an immunomodulator as part of complex treatment).
  6. Chronic withdrawal caused by alcoholism.
  7. Retinal blood supply disorders (central vein thrombosis).
  8. Strokes.

Mildronate in bodybuilding

For bodybuilders, Mildronate is indicated in the following cases:

  • to prevent the accumulation of metabolic products in cells;
  • in order to restore ATP synthesis and oxygen transport processes into cells and tissues;
  • in order to activate the processes of glucose breakdown;
  • in bodybuilding, powerlifting to improve muscle nutrition;
  • in order to increase the effectiveness of sports training;
  • to reduce fatigue during bodybuilding exercise and increase the contractility of the heart muscle.

Directions for use and doses

The dosage and use of Mildronate (including bodybuilding) depends on each specific case:

  1. For heart pain and dyshormonal disorders, meldonium is taken twice a day, 0.25 g (for 12 days).
  2. For cardiovascular pathologies, 0.5–1 g of meldonium is prescribed (up to 6 months).
  3. For acute and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders, 0.5 g of meldonium is indicated in courses twice a day for up to 6 weeks.
  4. Bodybuilders are recommended to take Mildronate before training. It is advisable to take it 0.5 - 1 gram twice a day.


Among the contraindications of Meldonium, it is necessary to note chronic disorders of the functioning of the kidneys, as well as in case of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Video: mexidol and meldonium

Mildronate - pharmacy pharmacy

Mildronate review: action, reasons for the ban

Mildronate is a drug that can improve metabolism and energy supply to tissues, it is sold by prescription, the main component is meldronnium, which was created in the 70s of the last century, its original purpose was a stimulating effect to control the growth of plants and animals, poultry. Mildronate is considered a metabolic modulator similar to insulin. According to the results of the study, this drug can improve the performance of athletes, can protect against stress and increase the activity of the central nervous system. Since 2016, the drug has been considered a doping drug and is prohibited for use during competitions and between them.

Doping scandal as an advertising campaign for Meldonium

Pharma Mildronate is the most popular drug among reporting athletes. It can accumulate and remain in the body for up to 120 days. In 2015, it was decided to include the drug on the monitoring list; the drug became prohibited on January 1, 2016, but the doping scandal broke out in March. Information appeared in news feeds that Mildronate became prohibited at the initiative of the US Anti-Doping Agency, which began researching it back in 2014. In the fall of 2014, US AA specialists received doping samples from athletes from former USSR, meldonium was found in them. A study was carried out on 8,300 samples, of which 182 drugs had it, and as a result, it was included in the list of prohibited drugs.

In April, a resolution was issued that the decision on disqualification would be made by the country's federation. If the concentration of the drug is detected in a sample that was taken before the ban, its amount is from 1 to 15 mcg, or in a sample taken in March, less than 1 mcg. Thus, almost all athletes in our country will be acquitted.

The effectiveness of mildronate and its role in bodybuilding

For bodybuilders, Mildronate has a significant effect, since the following effect is observed when taking it:

  • The drug becomes an obstacle to the accumulation of activated forms of fatty acids in the body's cells.
  • Training efficiency increases and fatigue decreases.
  • Glycolysis is activated and proceeds without additional oxygen.
  • Improves muscle nutrition.
  • It is able to protect the heart and increase myocardial contractions.

The drug activates the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body, this is very effective if there is a lack of oxygen in the cells. It is able to protect transport systems that carry ATP, because it is the main source of energy for the body. What is very important: the drug is able to reduce fatigue and increase the body’s endurance, as a result – improving the effectiveness of training.

The effectiveness of Mildronate is observed in the case of ultra-intense training or severe physical overload, that is, when the body does not have time to recover. Even if in this situation you eat and sleep normally, there is too little time for recovery processes. The most effective is injection use, it is in this case that the effect is noticeable. It is important to remember that the drug helps recovery, but is not able to replace proteins and carbohydrates.

The main advantages of Mildronate include:

  • Improving metabolism at the cellular level. In other words, the drug promotes the rapid removal of breakdown products from cells, as a result - the acceleration of restoration processes in cells. When this benefit is applied to muscle tissue, the muscle will be able to recover faster after intense training.
  • What is important is the ability to recover not only after strength training, but also after endurance exercises. This is what makes Mildronate very popular among bodybuilders. The faster the recovery, the better the results can be shown.

Reasons for use, doses and methods of application

Indications for the use of Mildronate are:

  • Decreased performance and physical overstrain, including among athletes.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Infectious asthma and chronic bronchitis of a non-obstructive nature.
  • Chronic alcoholism and withdrawal syndrome.
  • Chronic disorders of the blood supply to the brain, including the retina.

Meldonium is used in the following cases:

  • Mental and physical stress (including bodybuilding and powerlifting).
  • Heart diseases.
  • Infectious-allergic bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain.

For overload (mental and physical), adults should consume 15-20 mg per 1 kg of weight. Should be taken once a day 30 minutes before exercise. The course should not exceed three months, the minimum period is six weeks. After the end of the intake cycle, you need to take a break for a month to avoid oversaturation.

For heart diseases:

  • Stable angina pectoris - 0.25 mg 3 times a day, period of administration 3-4 days, then 2 times a week, 3 doses per day. Duration of treatment is from 1 to 1.5 months. Long-term treatment leads to combination with long-acting nitrates.
  • Unstable exertional angina or heart attack - dose 0.5-1 g intravenously. Next, the drug is prescribed orally according to the same regimen as in the previous case.
  • Acute coronary circulatory failure. Dose – 0.25 g 2 times a day for 3-4 days.
  • Cardialgia 0.25 g orally 2 times a day. Reception - morning and evening, the course of treatment is 12 days.

For asthma, the drug is taken internally at a dose of 0.25 g for 3 weeks. It must be combined with bronchodilators. For alcoholism that has entered the chronic phase, 0.5 g is prescribed 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

The drug is produced in tablet form and in the form of injections. The latter is twice as effective as it enters the bloodstream faster. General recommendations for admission:

  • Mildronate is taken in the first half of the day.
  • It is advisable to take before meals, but no changes were found when taken after meals.


Mildronate causes moderate tachycardia and reduces blood pressure. It is important to be careful when combining it with nitroglycerin, alpha-blockers, and peripheral vasodilators.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects are rare, which explains its widespread use among athletes. But still side effects possible, among them:

  • Skin itching.
  • Dispersion.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Excitation of the nervous system.
  • Changes in blood pressure.

Mildronate should not be used by people with organic damage to the central nervous system or with kidney and liver diseases. It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A contraindication to taking Meldonium is increased intracranial pressure (impaired venous outflow and intracranial tumors). There is no official approval yet for taking the drug in children under 12 years of age, but there are examples of successful use.

Other names for mildronate

  • Mildrocard,
  • Mildronate,
  • Cardionate,
  • Midolat,

The drug, marketed under the trade names Mildronate, Mildrocard, THP, Midolat or Meldonium, is a drug that improves metabolism and provides energy to tissues. It was invented to control plant growth. In the nineties, the medicine began to be actively used by athletes. Meldonium was taken as a legal light doping.

In 2015, the whole world started talking about Meldonia because of the scandal. The World Anti-Doping Agency has added this prescription drug to its prohibited list. This led to the fact that more than seventeen percent of athletes from Russia were suspended from participation in competitions of international importance.

Bodybuilders take Meldonium because the medicinal drug has the following positive effects:

  • reduces fatigue;
  • increases strength indicators;
  • improves productivity;
  • protects the heart muscle and myocardium;
  • prevents the accumulation of fatty acids in cells;
  • activates glycolysis.

In pharmacology, Meldonium is often called a metabolic modulator, the effect of which is comparable to insulin. It has been proven that the drug can have the following effects on the human body:

  • accelerate recovery processes after training and competitions;
  • increase endurance indicators;
  • protect from negative impact stressful situations;
  • stimulate the active central nervous system.

These properties of the drug certainly help the athlete become more productive.

The drug is available in two forms - capsules and injections. Meldonium is sold in almost every pharmacy in the country of Eastern Europe. The exact dosage for athletes involved in disciplines such as bodybuilding and powerlifting is calculated based on the athlete’s own weight. Basic recommendation for daily norm is that it should not be more than 5000 micrograms.

Drink meldonium half an hour before training and wash it down with plenty of water. Take it only once a day. The dosage is calculated based on the fact that for every kilogram of body weight there should be 20 micrograms. The minimum course duration is 42, and the maximum allowed is 90 days. Next, be sure to take a break of at least a month.

Doctors advise those people who have impaired central nervous system function or liver or kidney disease not to take Meldonium, since it can not only aggravate these ailments, but also provoke the development of new ones.

  • tachycardia;
  • skin court;
  • low blood pressure;
  • increased excitability;
  • dyspeptic pressure;
  • nosebleeds;
  • headaches and dizziness.

To exclude the possibility of developing these side effects, it is necessary not only to comply with the dosage, make sure that there is no individual intolerance, but also store the drug correctly. It should be kept at room temperature, away from sources of moisture. Do not put the medication in the refrigerator.

Reviews about mildronate

An international scandal that occurred in 2015 made the drug known only in narrow circles. The reaction was completely opposite, because, instead of avoiding taking this medication, the demand for it began and continues to grow. But Mildronate is popular mainly among Russian and Eastern European athletes.

There are no clear reviews about the effect of this drug on the bodybuilder’s body. Most write about him in a rather restrained form. In addition, there is no “fresh” scientific evidence proving its true effectiveness today, and the existing ones are outdated.

In Western Europe, the drug was practically never used before, but its inclusion in the list of prohibited drugs served as an excellent advertisement for Mildronate. However, having tried the medication, athletes in most cases remain dissatisfied, since they do not feel any significant effect.

Athletes and older people have been familiar with a drug such as Mildronate (or Meldonium) for many years. However, most Russians became interested in the properties of the drug only now, in connection with the sensational investigations of a number of anti-doping agencies in the media. Initially, Mildronate was intended to combat heart problems that arise against the background of increased energy costs or wear and tear of the body. Today the drug is often used by healthy people, athletes and those who want to get rid of excess weight.

How does Mildronate work?

Today Mildronate is available in three dosage forms:

  • Gelatin capsules in two sizes.
  • Injection.
  • Pills.

In all cases, meldonium is the main active ingredient. It is an analogue of a component that is part of every cell of the human body. Taking Mildronate leads to the launch of many chemical reactions and the following results:

  • Improving the body's performance indicators, increasing efficiency.
  • Increasing humoral (carried out through liquids) and tissue immunity.
  • Dulling of the reaction to psychological and physiological stress.
  • Cardioactivity protection.

Thanks to these properties, the drug can be used in young, mature and elderly people to improve heart function. The medicine is also useful for athletes and people forced to experience severe physical and emotional stress.

What are the benefits of using the drug?

The therapeutic properties of Mildronate appear depending on the purpose for which it is planned to be used.
The main effects that can be expected during drug treatment are as follows:

  • In case of heart failure, the strength of contractions of the heart muscle increases, thus reducing the risk of an angina attack; in addition, meldonium increases the body’s resistance to physical activity.
  • If there is damage to the myocardium, the rate of formation of areas with signs of necrosis decreases and, accordingly, the rehabilitation period is shortened. At the same time, blood circulation in the damaged, ischemic area significantly improves.
  • If a person experiences increased physical activity, Mildronate restores the normal supply of oxygen to cells, prevents the accumulation of toxins and waste products of cellular metabolism, increases the stability of cells and their structures, and prevents their excessive destruction. As a result, the speed of metabolic processes increases and the body recovers faster.

The majority of reviews about the use of the drug based on meldonium are positive. But the required result of therapy is possible only with the correct dosage, which is prescribed individually. Before taking Mildronate, you should be examined by a cardiologist and agree with him on the specifics of taking the drug.

  • Mildronate also has a tonic effect on the central autonomic nervous system. This is often used to eliminate disorders that have arisen against the background of withdrawal syndrome (due to chronic alcoholism).
  • The drug is also used in ophthalmology. It helps improve visual acuity by positive influence on small vessels supplying the retina with blood.

These positive effects reach their maximum severity when using the injection solution. Tablets can show up to 78% of its effectiveness. Regardless of what form of medication is used, its breakdown products will be excreted by the kidneys. They do not have any toxic load and do not harm the excretory organs.

Who should take Mildronate?

The drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The effect of meldonium on a woman’s body during pregnancy and lactation has not been fully studied; its use during these periods should be avoided.

Mildronate tablets and capsules are prescribed in the following cases:

  • ischemic disease, as part of complex therapy;
  • vascular diseases, in particular, the periphery of the arteries;
  • physical, mental and emotional stress;
  • the need to speed up the rehabilitation process after surgery or long-term treatment;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • chronic pain in the heart in the absence of obvious pathology;
  • obstructive pulmonary conditions (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema) of a chronic type;
  • rehabilitation after stroke;
  • chronic alcohol addiction, in complex treatment.

The injection solution can be used for all of the above conditions. Apart from this, it is additionally used in the following cases:

  • hemophthalmos (blood entering the vitreous body of the eye) of total, subtotal and partial type;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • damage to the eyeball, dilation of blood vessels on its surface;
  • the formation of blood clots, leading to impaired vascular patency as a result of pathological processes in the central branch of the retina.

Even if one of these diagnoses was made by a specialized specialist, you do not need to independently prescribe Mildronate in any of its forms. It is necessary to agree on the dosage and frequency of administration with the doctor, to make sure that there are no contraindications to specific therapy.

Meldonium is often prescribed in combination with other medications to enhance their therapeutic properties. Most often they are accompanied by diuretics, bronchodilators, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your condition and inform your doctor about any reactions from the body.

Application of Mildronate in sports and dietetics

Today, Mildronate is increasingly being taken by healthy people, but even in this case, you must first consult a doctor. Professional and amateur athletes show particular interest in the drug. At some point, their body stops coping with physical stress. To maintain his strength, medications based on meldonium are ideal.

  • Mildronate expands the capabilities of the body, improves its performance, and increases results. This applies to both static and dynamic activity.
  • The effectiveness of sports training increases because the drug stimulates the nutrition of muscles, including the heart, useful substances. At the same time, fatigue is relieved, which allows you to increase the duration of approaches.
  • Despite the fact that heart function improves, Mildronate is not a doping in its direct sense. Taking it does not increase the athlete's muscle mass, the endurance necessary to gain it correctly simply appears.
  • The body's energy reserves are restored much faster than usual. This occurs due to the fact that metabolic products are removed from the cells much more actively.
  • The effectiveness of Mildronate is obvious both during strength and cardio exercises that train endurance.

In addition, meldonium is often used in a set of measures aimed at losing excess weight. In no case should meldonium be considered as an independent means for losing weight. The substance accelerates metabolic and recovery processes, reduces cholesterol levels, and this allows the body to more actively adapt to the physical activity necessary for weight loss. Thus, the combination of Mildronate and sports can be optimal for achieving an ideal body.

Correct use of Mildronate

The rules for taking the drug for men and women are the same and are determined by the characteristics of the drug.

  • The therapy schedule should be designed so that Mildronate is taken before 17.00. The components of the composition increase the excitability of the body, which can negatively affect the mode of work and rest.
  • WITH therapeutic purpose the drug is prescribed 500-1000 mg 2 times a day. The duration of the course depends on the type of pathological condition and is usually maintained within 12 days or 4-6 weeks.
  • Amateur athletes are recommended to take Meldonium 500 mg per day. Course duration – 2 weeks. Then a break is taken for 2-3 weeks, and the course is repeated. For professionals, the single dose and frequency of administration can be doubled.

It is important to understand that continuous use of Mildronate may lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. Therefore, you should not chase quick results; you should strictly adhere to the regimen recommended by your doctor.

Side effects of Mildronate

Like any medication, meldonium-based drugs have their drawbacks. These include a fairly long list of side effects, although they rarely occur if the rules of administration are followed.

  • Allergies in the form of skin itching, swelling, rash. Most often it happens when the solution is administered intramuscularly.
  • Dyspeptic disorders in the form of belching, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach.
  • Tachycardia against the background of emotional excitement.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who have:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver up to chronic failure.
  • Increased intracranial pressure, including due to tumors.
  • Edema of unknown nature.

Mildronate is available without a prescription. When purchasing the drug, you need to pay attention to its dosage (250 or 500 mg) to avoid overdose.