Get a loan from Sberbank IP. Collateral lending programs for individual entrepreneurs

Sberbank of Russia is one of the financial institutions that are considered loyal in matters of lending to individual entrepreneurs. It offers entrepreneurs a line of products aimed at both individuals raising borrowed funds for personal needs, and commercial entities that require money for business development. To its clients, whose accounts regularly receive salaries and pensions, the bank itself offers credit cards and consumer loans for pre-approved amounts and at a preferential interest rate. But entrepreneurs who do not have accounts with them also have a chance for a positive consideration of their loan application.

Terms of lending to individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank

An individual entrepreneur can take advantage of two types of loan products offered by Sberbank.

  • These include:
  • targeted at ordinary clients - individuals, including entrepreneurs;

designed exclusively for specific business needs.

Loans for personal needs of individual entrepreneurs

  • In 2018, Sberbank offers individuals, including entrepreneurs, the following loan products:
  • consumer “Credit for any purpose”;
  • refinancing of previously taken out loans, including mortgages;
  • loans to individuals running personal subsidiary plots (LPH);
  • credit cards;

various mortgage programs.

Consumer lending to individuals at Sberbank

  • Sberbank provides “loan for any purpose” with or without guarantee on the following conditions:
  • the borrower must be over 21 years old, and at the time of repayment of the loan - no more than 75 years old; if there is a guarantor, the lower age limit is reduced to 18 years;
  • if the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, his work experience in this capacity must be at least six months; when combining entrepreneurial activity with hired work and transferring salary to a Sberbank card, the requirement for work experience at such a place of work is reduced to three months;
  • maximum loan amount - 5 million rubles;
  • the loan is provided for a period of up to five years;

Loan calculator for the product “Loan for any purpose” on the Sberbank website

Refinancing loans from other banks for individuals

As part of the refinancing program, Sberbank offers its clients to refinance loans previously taken from other financial institutions on more favorable terms. For these purposes, it offers loans of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to five years at a fixed rate of 13.5%.

The meaning of loan refinancing is that, due to the loan received, one or more loans previously taken out from another bank at a higher interest rate are repaid ahead of schedule, and the debt is returned to Sberbank, but on the terms of a lower monthly payment and with a smaller overpayment.

Explanation of the mechanism of the loan refinancing program on the Sberbank website

Using the program offered by the bank, you can refinance the following loan products from third-party banks:

  • consumer loans;
  • car loans;
  • loans to individuals running personal subsidiary plots (LPH);
  • allowed overdraft on debit cards.

If a client refinances at least one loan from a third-party bank, at the same time he has the right to include in the program a car loan and a consumer loan previously taken out on less favorable terms from Sberbank itself.

There are additional restrictions regarding the loans included in the program:

  • no arrears over the last year;
  • validity period from 180 days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement;
  • at least 90 days before the end of the loan agreement;
  • lack of restructuring.

Loan restructuring is a change in the terms of the loan agreement to make it more feasible for the borrower. Most often, this means reducing the monthly payment while simultaneously increasing the term of loan payments or recalculating the amount of debt from one currency to another - usually from a foreign currency to rubles. The need for restructuring arises when the amount of the monthly payment becomes unbearable for the borrower after a decrease in his income due to the loss of a job or an additional source of income, health problems, complete or partial disability, etc.

Credit cards

A Sberbank credit card is a bank card that allows the client to use the bank’s money within the credit limit assigned to it, which is determined individually based on data on the borrower’s solvency.

However, if you use the card correctly, you don’t have to pay interest. To do this, you do not need to withdraw cash, and the amount of each card payment must be reimbursed during the interest-free grace period, which for Sberbank cards is 50 days.

Depending on the client’s solvency, the bank can offer him cards from the international Visa and MasterCard systems, from standard to premium Gold and Platinum cards with a more generous credit limit and benefits. It is also possible to obtain a credit card from the Aeroflot Bonus program. For the money spent on it, bonus miles are awarded - one for 60 rubles on the classic card and one and a half on the Gold card, which can subsequently be exchanged for air tickets as a sufficient number is accumulated.

This is what the classic Sberbank Aeroflot Visa card looks like

If the client, unable to resist the temptation, has used up the entire credit limit or the lion's share of it, he is required to make a minimum payment every month. The bulk of this payment, after deducting service fees and interest, becomes available again. And there is a temptation to spend it again.

German financial consultant Bodo Schäfer recommends that those in debt “throw away their credit cards.” He himself explains that a person does not part with cash as easily as with an intangible credit card limit. But this statement can be understood in another way - simply do not spend money from a credit card until the debt on it is fully repaid.

American financial literacy guru Robert Kiyosaki advises having no more than two credit cards, never withdrawing cash from them, and spending only amounts that you can painlessly repay from your next income.

My friend, who has lived in the USA for many years, missed his return plane on his next visit to his homeland. He squandered all the money he took with him. But thanks to the credit card that I kept just in case, without spending my credit limit, I was able to buy a new ticket and return home. I myself appreciated Bodo Schaefer’s advice in action, even without knowing about it. Many years ago, I maxed out the credit limit on my first credit card and spent what was left on it after making the minimum payment. This continued until it expired. After this, the bank sent me a new card, which required activation before use. Realizing that after activation I would start spending the money remaining on it again, I destroyed the card, and made the minimum payments to the account linked to it non-cash from my salary card at the same bank. And so on until I paid in full, after which I did not reissue the credit card.

Loan to owners of personal subsidiary plots

If a potential borrower has an officially registered personal subsidiary plot, he can take out a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 30 thousand to 1.5 million rubles for a period of three months to five years at 17% per annum.

A prerequisite will be the presence of private household plots, confirmed by an extract from the household register. Household books are kept by rural administrations at the location of such farms.

In this case, the borrower may have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Mortgages for individuals from Sberbank

In 2018, Sberbank offers its clients the following mortgage programs:

  • for the purchase of finished housing;
  • for the purchase of housing under construction;
  • for the purchase of country houses;
  • for individual construction;
  • for the purchase of a country house;
  • mortgage with state support for families with children;
  • mortgage with maternity capital;
  • non-targeted loans secured by existing housing;
  • refinancing mortgages in other banks.

A city apartment on the secondary market, that is, ready-made housing, can be purchased under the following conditions:

  • rate from 8.6% per annum (preferential promotion for young families; under a mortgage program with state support for families with children, rates start from 6%);
  • down payment of 15% of the cost of housing;
  • term - from one year to thirty years;
  • from 300 thousand rubles to 85% of the cost of the purchased housing.

Mortgage calculator on the Sberbank website

Necessary documents for obtaining an individual entrepreneur loan for personal needs at Sberbank

The minimum set of documents for individual entrepreneurs when applying for Sberbank loan products for individuals includes:

  • IP passport;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay, if applicable;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • tax return for the last reporting period and documents confirming its acceptance by the Federal Tax Service.

Depending on the requested loan product, additional documents are required: an extract from the household register, if a loan is taken for the owner of a private household plot, documents for the housing being loaned or pledged when applying for a mortgage, optionally an international passport, military ID, SNILS, identification card of a military personnel or federal employee authority for a mortgage, the guarantor’s passport and confirmation of his employment and income, etc.

Business loans

In 2018, Sberbank offers the following loan products to small businesses:

  • non-targeted loans with and without collateral;
  • replenishment of working capital;
  • acquisition of real estate, transport and equipment;
  • loan refinancing;
  • leasing;
  • bank guarantees;
  • loans to participants in tenders and government contracts;
  • factoring services.

List of loan products for small businesses on the Sberbank website

Non-targeted loans from Sberbank to small businesses (table)

Parameters/Loan product.Sum.Term.Bid.Requirements for the borrower.Security.Additionally.
"Confidence".From 100 thousand to 3 million rubles.From six months to three years.18.5%, for repeat borrowers from 17%.
  • age from 23 to 65 (at the date of repayment) years;
  • registration of place of residence or stay for a period of six months as of the date of application;
  • IP status;
  • running a business for at least a year;
  • no losses for the last year;
  • absence of arrears in taxes and contributions to funds.
For individual entrepreneurs - a guarantee from an individual.
"Business Trust" without collateral.From 80 thousand to 3 million rubles.From three months to two years for borrowers without a credit history and up to three years for borrowers with a good history.From 15.9%.
  • from two years of doing business;
  • no negative credit history.
At least one surety.Deferment of principal payment for up to three months.
"Business trust" with collateral.From 0.5 million rubles to 50–90% of the value of the collateral:
  • 60% for housing;
  • 50% for commercial real estate;
  • up to 90% for bills and certificates of deposit of Sberbank.
From three months to three years.From 12.9%.From a year of economic activity when pledging real estate and from three months when pledging Sberbank securities.
  • at least one surety;
  • collateral in the form of residential, commercial or industrial real estate or Sberbank securities.
The geography of operation of credit cities is limited. A complete list of cities in which loans are provided is given in its description on the Sberbank website.
"Express on bail."From 300 thousand to 5 million rubles.From six months to four years.16–19%:
  • 16–17% for repeat borrowers;
  • 17–19% for those taking a loan for the first time.
  • age 23–65 years;
  • IP status;
  • annual revenue up to 60 million rubles;
  • from one year of economic activity;
  • a current account in the service area of ​​the branch to which the borrower applied for a loan (can be opened directly when submitting an application).
Pledge of real estate or equipment.

Sberbank loans to replenish working capital of small businesses (table)

Parameters/Loan product.Sum.Term.Bid.Requirements for the borrower.Security.Additionally.
"Business Turnover".From 0.5 to 3 million rubles, for agricultural producers from 150 thousand rubles.From one month to four years.From 11%.
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation;
  • age up to 70 years;
  • running a business from three months for trade, from a year to seasonal business and from six months for other types of activities.
  • pledge of real estate, transport, equipment or goods;
  • business owner guarantee;
Deferment of repayment of the principal amount for up to six months.
"Express Overdraft".From 50 thousand to 2.5 million rubles, but not more than 50% of credit proceeds to the account.Up to 360 days.15,5%.
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • 23–65 years old at the loan repayment date;
  • up to 60 million rubles of annual revenue;
  • up to 100 employees;
  • from the year of commercial activity;
  • bank account opened six months ago;
  • regular receipts to the account from counterparties and buyers.
No need.You cannot finance using an overdraft:
  • payments on bank loans;
  • loans to third parties and repayment of own debts to them;
  • acquisition of securities and redemption of bills;
  • acquisition of shares in an LLC;
  • return of funds previously transferred to the borrower;
  • transfer of money to other accounts of the borrower, except for amounts intended for salary payments.
"Business Overdraft".From 300 thousand to 17 million rubles. For agricultural producers from 100 thousand rubles.Up to a year.From 12%.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old on the date of loan repayment;
  • annual revenue up to 400 million rubles;
  • economic activity from year.
A guarantee from the business owner or his partner.For opening an overdraft limit, a commission of 1.2% of its amount is charged, but ranging from 8.5 to 60 thousand rubles.

Sberbank loans to small businesses for the purchase of real estate, transport and equipment (table)

Parameters/Loan product.Sum.Term.Bid.Requirements for the borrower.Security.Additionally.
"Express Mortgage"Up to 7 million rubles, for individual cities up to 7 or 10 million.From six months to 10 years.15,5%.
  • IP status;
  • age 23–60 years;
  • revenue up to 60 million rubles per year;
  • running a business for over a year;
  • current account in the area of ​​responsibility of the lending branch of the bank (can be opened when submitting an application).

compulsory insurance of the purchased object.
Allocated for the purchase of commercial real estate, including the land on which it is located.
"Business Asset".From 150 thousand rubles.Up to seven years old.From 11%.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old;
  • annual revenue up to 400 million rubles;
  • running a business for a year.
  • guarantee of an individual or legal entity;
  • pledge of purchased equipment;
  • guarantee of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.
The loan is allocated for new or used, except for the first and second depreciation groups, industrial equipment. May cover the cost of its additional kits, commissioning and insurance policy for the first year of operation.
It is possible to defer the principal debt for up to six months.
First payment:
  • 25% for new equipment;
  • 45% for used equipment;
  • for agricultural producers: 20% for new equipment and 40% for used equipment.
"Business Auto".From 500 thousand rubles, for agricultural producers - from 150 thousand rubles.Up to eight years old.From 11%.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old;
  • annual revenue up to 400 million rubles;
  • pledge of purchased equipment;
  • guarantee of an individual or legal entity;
  • guarantee of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.
The loan is allocated for the purchase of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, special equipment, trailers and semi-trailers and other vehicles.
You can buy several cars with one loan.
Deferment of the principal debt for up to six months.
First payment:
  • 15% on new equipment;
  • 25% for used;
  • for agricultural producers 10% on new machines and 20% on used ones.
"Business Real Estate".From 0.5 to 5 million rubles. For agricultural producers up to 150 thousand rubles.From a month to 10 years.From 11%.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old;
  • running a business from six months, for seasonal activities - from a year.
  • pledge of purchased real estate;
  • pledge of property rights under a share participation agreement in construction;
  • pledge of existing property for the construction period;
  • pledge of existing real estate;
  • guarantee of an individual or legal entity;
  • guarantee from the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • compulsory insurance of the collateral.
Allocated for the purchase of real estate.
Deferment of principal payment for up to a year.
Down payment: from 25%, for agricultural producers from 20%.
"Business Invest"From 0.5 million rubles. For agricultural producers - from 150 thousand. For refinancing loans - from 3 million. The upper limit is not limited, it depends on the solvency of the borrower.From a month to 10 years.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old;
  • revenue up to 400 million rubles per year;
  • conducting business from six months, in trade - from three months, in seasonal activities - from a year.
  • pledge of existing property;
  • guarantee of an individual or legal entity;
  • guarantees of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.
Allocated for the acquisition of property, repair or construction, modernization, refinancing of loans and leasing agreements with third-party financial organizations.

Refinancing business loans

Entrepreneurs can refinance previously taken business loans from other banks using the following Sberbank products:

  • "Business Turnover";
  • "Business Invest";
  • "Business real estate";
  • "Confidence".

Leasing for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank

Entrepreneurs can use leasing programs from Sberbank to purchase:

  • passenger cars;
  • commercial vehicles;
  • trucks;
  • special equipment.

Under the passenger car leasing program, an individual entrepreneur can purchase a car worth up to 24 million rubles by paying 10% of its total cost. The contract is concluded for a period of 12 to 37 months.

With the help of Sberbank, special equipment can be purchased on credit or under a leasing program

Leasing differs from a loan in that throughout the entire term of the contract, the acquired asset remains the property of the lessor, and the lessee pays him the cost of leasing the asset. However, these payments are also counted as redemption for the asset, and at the end of the contract it becomes the property of the lessee. In Russia, it is common to lease vehicles to individual entrepreneurs and organizations, but leasing of other assets, including real estate, is also practiced around the world, including for individuals.

Bank guarantees for small businesses from Sberbank

A bank guarantee is a loan product under the terms of which the bank undertakes to make payments for the client in a situation where he does not have his own funds to do so.

In 2018, Sberbank offers small businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, two types of such a product:

  • “Bank guarantee in one day”;
  • "Bank guarantee".

Main characteristics of bank guarantees for small businesses (table)

Parameters/Loan product.Sum.Term.Reward.The rate when using bank funds.Requirements.Additionally.
"Business guarantee in one day"From 50 thousand to 15 million rubles.Up to two years without security.
Up to three years when pledging Sberbank securities for the entire guarantee amount.
0.49% of the guarantee amount, but not less than four thousand rubles.From 10.6%.
  • revenue up to 400 million rubles over the last year;
  • running a business for at least six months, backed by Sberbank securities - for at least three months.
Collateral is not required, but promissory notes and Sberbank certificates of deposit can be used for this purpose.
Possibility to purchase a warranty within one day.
"Business Guarantee".From 50 thousand rubles, the upper limit is unlimited.From one month to two years without security.
Up to three years if fully secured by Sberbank securities, economic activity for at least two years, or with a stable financial position.
From 2.66% of the guarantee amount.From 11.73%.
  • resident of the Russian Federation;
  • up to 70 years old;
  • revenue up to 400 million rubles per year;
  • from six months of doing business, in seasonal industries - from a year.
As collateral, you can use bills and certificates of deposit of Sberbank, existing property and guarantees of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Sberbank loan products for participants in tenders and government contracts

Sberbank offers “Business Guarantee” and “Business Contract” products to individual entrepreneurs participating in competitions to select executors of government orders and to the winners of such competitions.

Under the terms of the “Business Contract” product, an individual entrepreneur can attract up to 600 million rubles for a period of up to three years at a rate of 11.8% per annum.

The requirements for borrowers are the same as for the “Business Guarantee” product, only the minimum period for conducting business is three months for individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade, and a year for all other areas of activity.

Factoring for small businesses

Factoring is a financial service, as a result of which a third party - a factoring company, or factor - becomes a participant in transactions between two commercial entities. Its meaning is that the supplier receives money for the shipped goods or services provided from the factoring company, and the buyer then settles with it and owes it, and not the supplier.

This scheme helps small businesses avoid cash gaps on more favorable terms than using an overdraft, since the commission for factor services is lower than the interest rate on bank lending.

In 2018, Sberbank provides this financial service in two options:

  • express;
  • standard.

Factoring products for small businesses from Sberbank (table)

Amount of financing.100% of the delivery amount.100% of the delivery amount.
Initial funding limit.10 million rubles.50 million rubles.
Payment deferment.Up to 180 days.Up to 200 days.
List of buyers.Approved by the bank.No limits.
Product.Factoring without recourse. This is the name of the option when the factoring company takes on the risks of the buyer’s failure to fulfill his obligations, for which he charges the seller an insurance premium, the amount of which in the Russian market reaches 10% of the delivery amount. Thus, the supplier receives 90% of the delivery cost.No limits.
Assessment of the supplier's financial condition.Express analysis of payment discipline.Analysis of financial condition.
Method of providing documents for payment of financing.Electronic document management.No limits.
Deadline for making a decision on the transaction.Up to three days.Up to 10 days.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank: procedure

An entrepreneur obtaining a loan from Sberbank involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Select the loan product you are interested in.
  2. Carefully study its description: requirements for the borrower, package of necessary documents, loan conditions, etc.
  3. If you have any questions, call the bank’s call center or visit the nearest branch and get advice. If a loan is taken for business needs, not just any branch will be suitable, but one that provides loans to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Specialists working in a department where such a service is not provided will not help, as they are incompetent.
  4. Prepare a package of documents in accordance with the description of the product of interest and the recommendations of bank specialists. For an application for a loan for personal needs from a bank client, they may not be needed: for certain loan products, the application is submitted through the Sberbank Online system, and a decision on it is made on the basis of information already available about the client. If the loan is taken for business needs, you will need to bring to the bank documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur and his official income:
  5. Submit your application in the most convenient way available. For personal loans, this means filling out a form on the bank’s website and visiting a branch. If a loan is taken for business needs, you will need to find the nearest branch that provides loans to business clients and visit it.
  6. Wait for a decision on your application. Bank employees will call to inform the client or send an SMS.
  7. If approved, if necessary, visit the bank branch again to complete all formalities. Whether it is necessary to visit the bank again or act in a different manner, its employees themselves will tell you when reporting the decision on the application.

Depending on the loan requested, the nominal time frame for reviewing an application at Sberbank ranges from two hours to eight days. But there is no guarantee that the bank will meet them. Its employees themselves explain that they have the right to extend the period for consideration of any application if they deem it necessary.

An anonymous user of the website from the Voronezh region writes that he applied for a Sberbank consumer loan on November 1, 2017. He did not receive a decision on it until the end of 2017. And the representative of the Sberbank customer care service, Maria Alexandrova, answered him on January 2, 2018 that she regretted such a long wait for the client, but such are the rules at the bank: he has the right to increase the period for consideration of the application.

Response from a Sberbank representative to a website user to a complaint about delays in considering a loan application

Consideration of a loan application

The bank employee with whom the individual entrepreneur communicates when applying for a loan acts only as an intermediary. Its functions include only collecting information and documents and transferring them to colleagues from a special unit. And their responsibilities include checking and evaluating the information provided to them, and based on the result, making a decision to approve or refuse.

When considering a loan application, they take into account the following factors:

  1. Client history of a potential borrower at the bank.
  2. His credit history with Sberbank, if he has one. It’s best when it’s there and it’s positive; if it’s not, it’s not so good, but it’s also not bad: everyone needs to start at some point, and bank employees understand this. But with baggage in the form of problem loans from Sberbank in the past, the chances of approval are minimal.
  3. General credit history. When considering an application for a pre-approved loan product from a client with regular payments to a bank account or card, it may not be taken into account: in these cases, the solvency and reliability of the borrower are assessed using a special methodology. But in other cases it is decisive. And the more problems, “blind spots” and other undesirable elements it contains, the less chance of approval.
  4. The financial situation of the borrower: the size and regularity of his income, their legality. Receipts from official sources, confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate or a tax return, are preferred. “Gray” or completely unofficial income is considered an additional risk factor.
  5. Completeness and accuracy of the information that the borrower provided about himself. Here, any lie or forgetfulness, even in small things, when filling out a form or answering questions from the employee of the department through whom the application was submitted, can be harmful. In particular, concealing information about existing loans from other banks and payments on them, which will definitely be checked against the credit history, is a “minus in karma”, fraught with refusal.

Such points are also taken into account, such as, for example, living outside the place of registration, working in a different region where registered, applying to a branch other than the one closest to your home or office, although this is formally permitted, the client’s marital status, whether he has dependents. But with other risk factors, these circumstances are assessed as an additional point fraught with problems. However, in themselves they are not critical.

From personal experience of interacting with Sberbank, I can say that it easily issues credit cards to its clients with regular deposits into their accounts. After receiving an SMS about the availability of a special offer, I was given such a card immediately upon contacting the bank branch. Then, on average, once a year I received an SMS from the bank with an offer to increase the credit limit on it and instructions on what to do if I didn’t need it. But with regard to other credit products it is more strict. Several acquaintances who applied for a consumer loan with a pre-approved limit after persistent offers from Sberbank in the form of SMS and even phone calls with an invitation to visit the branch and submit an application were refused, despite a positive credit history.

For what reasons may Sberbank refuse to issue a loan to an individual entrepreneur?

Sberbank, like other credit institutions, does not explain the reasons for refusing to issue loans and, by law, has the right to do so. But we can cite the main factors that form the basis of such decisions:

  1. The client is asking for too much money for an insufficient period of time.
  2. The confirmed income of the potential borrower is regarded as insufficient. A situation is considered acceptable for a bank when no more than 30–50% of its regular income is spent on monthly loan payments.
  3. Client's debt. When determining the share of loan payments in a client’s income, the bank takes into account not only the loan that the client is requesting, but also all of his costs for existing loans.
  4. Lack of proof of income.
  5. Providing false information about your income and its sources, loans, mandatory expenses, etc.
  6. A large set of risk factors, including those that are not critical individually.

If the client has a chance of getting the loan approved, but not on the terms for which the application was submitted, the bank usually puts forward a counter-offer: with a smaller amount, a longer term, with a different collateral, etc.

Sberbank offers such loan products to individual entrepreneurs in 2018. However, before applying for any of them, it is worth carefully assessing your options and considering whether there is any way to avoid borrowing funds.

Additional funds are often needed to develop entrepreneurship. Most large companies take out loans constantly. These are always new opportunities that can be used to expand activities, maintain the current situation or overcome the crisis.

Sberbank offers a number of loan products that are perfect for individual entrepreneurs. They can also be provided to private individuals, but this organization distinguishes them among others as the most convenient and profitable for individual entrepreneurs.

Conditions for obtaining loans for individual entrepreneurs

Since Sberbank has several offers suitable for loans to individual entrepreneurs, then There are no general conditions for all individual entrepreneurs. Each loan product has its own requirements.

Loan products for individual entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur who needs funds for business can take them from Sberbank. Wherein he can choose the most favorable conditions himself, because there are several offers at once.

If the likelihood of approval is low, you can choose one of two:

  1. Submit one “general” application, just for business lending. This can be done online or through a bank branch. Then Sberbank itself will offer its own loan option.
  2. Submit applications for several loan products of interest instead of one to increase the likelihood of a positive response.

But even after one application for a certain loan product, managers most likely will contact the individual entrepreneur to offer available options. The methods described above are just a safety net. to increase chances of approval.

There are a lot of lending options for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank. The most popular ones are presented below.

Loan "Express secured"

Loan "Trust"

Loan "Business Turnover"

Credit "Business Overdraft"

Business Guarantee Loan

In addition to the above lending programs, the bank has the opportunity to obtain a car on credit or lease, including special vehicles. Commercial real estate programs are also available. For these cases, extended payment terms are provided - up to 10 years or more. It also implies the issuance of large sums, for example, for transport - up to 24 million rubles Applications for such loans are processed very quickly, often no more than two days. In this case, a mandatory down payment is required, which can be 15-25% of the price of the purchased property.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank?

Applying for a loan for individual entrepreneurs is available in several ways. You can request a call back: The bank manager will call you back and enter all the data into the application. Also An individual entrepreneur can submit an application online on the website. And the third option - independent visit to the department. There will be no significant differences in the results, this is just an opportunity to choose the most convenient method for the client.

Required documents for application

Since Sberbank has a lot of loan products, as well as their varieties suitable for individual entrepreneurs, it the package of documents for each case may be different. At the same time, there is a common exemplary a list of papers that must be provided to all entrepreneurs.

  1. Borrower questionnaire. Filled out on the website if you plan to send data via the Internet (online application). When visiting Sberbank in person you need to either print and fill it out in advance, or ask the bank employees on the spot.
  2. Registration and constituent documents of individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Documents on economic activities.
  4. Financial statements.

In addition to the above, in the department may request additional documents. Since every individual entrepreneur the situation, income, required amounts and collateral possibilities are very different, then the decision is made individually. This applies not only to the response to the application, but also to the interest rate, terms, funds issued, and so on. That's why you need to be prepared, among other things, to request additional documents.

Requirements for borrowers can also vary greatly, depending on what kind of loan the entrepreneur is interested in. In most cases ( but not always) it is necessary that:

  • the company was a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • the period of its existence and activities was at least 6-12 months;
  • the borrower's age was at least 21-23 years old.

There may also be annual turnover requirements, usually in the context of " no more N million rubles per year", collateral and surety.

What factors increase the likelihood of an application being approved?

If any loan is not approved by Sberbank, you can try to apply for another. But to increase the likelihood of approval, it is best to adhere to the following rules:

Loans from Sberbank are available to most individual entrepreneurs. The bank is more loyal to businesses than to private clients. Even if the individual entrepreneur’s finances are not easy, the collateral in many credit programs may be commercial property, including goods. Therefore, if you need to receive funds, it makes sense to at least submit an application. After all, it is Sberbank provides the most favorable conditions for borrowers.

Those who want to receive more than 10 million rubles should familiarize themselves with Lending incentive program, accessible to medium and small businesses. Some people can use it to take money on more favorable terms.

We received a question on our website: Please tell me what documents are needed to apply for a loan from Sberbank for an individual entrepreneur? Recently registered as an individual entrepreneur, I decided to take out funds for business development. I was told that the interest rates here are favorable, although I don’t know yet whether this is true in reality or just in words.

We answer: For small businesses, Sberbank of Russia offers a wide range of loans that are designed for different purposes:

  • part is for replenishing working capital, with a separate overdraft facility. Favorable conditions - interest from 12.73%, the loan is calculated individually, not less than 170 thousand,
  • others are for the purchase of commercial vehicles, equipment or real estate. There are 5 different programs here, where the minimum payout is 150 thousand rubles. for a period of up to 128 months with a starting rate of 14.28% per year,
  • There are also loans with the provision of funds for any purpose, the interest rate starts from 16% per annum. Amount up to 5 million rubles, lending period - from 6 to 36 months,
  • leasing offers are a separate category. Amount - up to 24 million, contract duration - from 12 months, advance payment from 15%,
  • The service for refinancing existing debts is also included in a separate section. You are provided with a loan at an individual interest rate of 14.28% per annum,
  • bank guarantees are provided in just 1 day without collateral or guarantee.

Lending to legal entities will really differ its requirements from loans provided to individuals. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to bring the following list of documents:

  1. Questionnaire;
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  3. Military ID for men under 27 years old,
  4. In the absence of permanent registration, a certificate of temporary registration;
  5. Certificate of registration in the Unified State Register for individual entrepreneurs;
  6. Certificate from the Federal Tax Service of Russia on tax registration;
  7. permission to engage in certain types of activities, certificate of admission to certain works;
  8. Documents for the right to use the occupied premises involved in the business;
  9. Financial statements as of the last reporting date with a note from the tax authority confirming their acceptance for registration;
  10. Documents confirming tax payment.

In the event that you involve a guarantor, then he also needs to bring a passport, a certificate of income, a military ID and a certificate of registration with the tax authority, if available.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then go through

A fairly extensive list of loans for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank involves short-term or long-term lending, and also makes it possible to get a cash loan to start a business. Each loan package has different conditions for registration and use.


Sberbank offers loans for individual entrepreneurs under the following most popular programs:

  • "Business car". Allows you to purchase any type of transport necessary for business development and sale of finished products. A loan amount of 150,000 rubles can be obtained for a period of up to 8 years. Loan rate from 14.5%.
  • "Business trust". Suitable for those who need additional financing to cover current expenses. The individual entrepreneur will not need to confirm the intended use of funds. Amount – up to 3 million rubles for a period from 3 months to 4 years. Rate from 19.98%.
  • "Business Invest" Provides an opportunity to obtain funds for necessary repairs or construction, as well as for refinancing current debts to other lending and leasing companies. The loan term does not exceed 10 years. An amount of up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 14.82% is issued only against collateral.
  • "Business real estate". It is possible to purchase real estate through credit financing on favorable terms. The loan amount is set at 150,000 rubles. The financing period is no more than 10 years at a rate of 14.74%. Providing and obtaining insurance for the collateral property is required.
  • "Business turnover". Using this loan program, you can replenish working capital, pay current expenses, and implement business development plans. Loan term – 4 years. The rate is 14.8%. A loan of 150,000 rubles is issued against collateral.
  • "Confidence". Financial support without security for any purpose, for a period of 3 years. Rate – from 19%. Amount – up to 3 million rubles.
  • "Express Bail". Receiving financial support secured by real estate or equipment for a period from 6 months to 4 years. The rate ranges from 16 to 23%. Amount – from 300,000 to 5 million rubles.
  • "Express Mortgage" Providing a quick loan for the purchase of residential or commercial real estate. Duration – up to 10 years. Rate – from 16.5%. Amount – up to 7 million rubles.

According to the standard procedure, Sberbank considers an application for a loan to an individual entrepreneur in no more than three days.

Criteria for the borrower

To receive financial support, the borrower must meet the following requirements:

  1. Own your own business for at least two years in the field of trade and for at least six months in other areas of business.
  2. Have annual revenue of up to 60 million rubles.
  3. Have permanent registration in the Russian Federation or temporary registration, the expiration date of which must be at least six months at the time of filing the application.
  4. Age 23-60 years.

Loan documents

Loans for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank are issued subject to the required package of documents:

  1. Application form.
  2. Passport of an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Registration documents.
  4. Papers related to business activities.
  5. Applications for obtaining a guarantee (if required by loan conditions).

Depending on the chosen loan program, the bank may require the provision of additional documents.

Consideration of the application

The package of papers submitted by the applicant is submitted for consideration to the bank’s credit committee.

When studying documents, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Individual entrepreneur credit history. The chances of loan approval decrease if the entrepreneur has debts with Sberbank or other credit institutions.
  2. Revenue amount.
  3. Availability of property.
  4. What potential does the business have, is there a well-designed project and business plan.

The credit committee can take into account circumstances that do not depend on the will of the entrepreneur.

What are the reasons for refusals?

The most common reasons for loan refusals are the following:

  • The entrepreneur did not inspire confidence in the credit committee.
  • An incomplete package of documents was submitted.
  • There are insufficient arguments given in favor of business liquidity.
  • The business plan does not contain the necessary information from which it would be possible to trace the real development of the business.

Sberbank may refuse a loan to an individual entrepreneur even if they use a simplified taxation system or UTII.

If the loan was still refused, the entrepreneur can try to take out a consumer loan. The disadvantage of such a loan will be higher interest rates than for business loans. But the requirements for borrowers and the required package of documents are more flexible.

Getting a loan from a bank - what you need to pay attention to: Video

Technically, obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur is similar to obtaining a non-targeted loan for consumer purposes. First, the owner of his own business will need to familiarize himself with the range of Sberbank offers aimed at lending to small business owners. Next, the businessman selects a suitable program and follows the algorithm below:

  1. Collection of documentation required to be submitted to the bank when applying for a loan;
  2. Filling out the borrower’s application to receive money and submitting it along with the documents;
  3. Waiting for the application to be reviewed - if the decision is positive, the next step takes place;
  4. Familiarization of the businessman with the terms of the loan agreement and signing of the document;
  5. Receiving funds in the chosen method - cash or non-cash.

If you plan to apply for a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank against collateral, the borrower will additionally be required to collect documents on the collateral and evaluate it. If the selected collateral is approved by the bank, the amount of money will be paid against the security of the object itself or documents for it.

After the loan funds are received, the entrepreneur is obliged to repay the debt promptly and in full. To do this, you need to use an individual payment schedule - it is issued by the lender after concluding a lending transaction. There are many ways to pay off debts.

Conditions for individual entrepreneur lending

The terms of loans for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank depend on what specific lending program the individual entrepreneur chooses. Today, the company provides secured loans and credit to small business owners. Please keep in mind that this bank does not provide money to beginner entrepreneurs who do not yet have income or work experience. To start, it would be better to apply for a consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank.

Briefly, the loan offers available to individual entrepreneurs can be described as follows:

  • "Confidence". Non-targeted loan that can be spent on business. Term up to 3 years, up to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • "Business Trust". Unsecured loan for individual entrepreneurs with a repayment period of up to 3 years and at an interest rate of 12% per annum;
  • "Business Overdraft". Money to pay for expenses. Up to 12 months, amount up to 17,000,000 rubles;
  • "Business Turnover". Loan to replenish working capital. Up to 48 months, amount from 150,000 rubles.

Entrepreneurs can also receive an investment loan under the Business Invest program. This loan is given for business development. Term – up to 10 years inclusive, amount from 150,000 rubles.


The bank in question offers entrepreneurs and businessmen a lot of profitable leasing programs. Within their framework, you can purchase freight and passenger vehicles on lease, as well as commercial vehicles and a number of special equipment. To use leasing, you must submit an application and receive approval. After this, the entrepreneur enters into a leasing agreement, makes an advance payment and receives the equipment for rent.

On bail

If you need to get a large loan at a low rate on a business loan for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank, you should choose the “Express Secured” program. As part of the loan offer under consideration, a businessman is provided with a loan in the amount of 300,000 to 5,000,000 rubles secured by real estate or equipment. The debt must be repaid within a period of 6 months to 3 years inclusive. Rate from 15.5% to 17.5% per year.

Loan interest rates

Loan interest rates

  • "Confidence". From 16% per annum;
  • "Business trust". From 12% per annum;
  • "Express on bail." From 15.5% to 17.5% per annum;
  • "Business Overdraft". From 12% per annum;
  • "Business Turnover". From 11% per annum.

The specific interest rate on a business loan for an entrepreneur is selected individually. The rate depends on many factors, including the loan amount, debt repayment period, and the presence of collateral.

What documents are needed to apply for an individual entrepreneur loan?

Before you take out a loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank, keep in mind that you can apply for such a loan only with a personal visit to the organization’s office. Online registration, which is available to individuals, is closed to small business owners. Make sure there is a branch of the bank you need nearby.

  • Passport details of the business manager and part-time potential borrower;
  • Financial documentation on the company’s activities – financial and accounting reports;
  • Information about the activity codes of an individual entrepreneur according to the OKVED classification.

Additional individual entrepreneur documents for a loan from Sberbank are needed if you plan to issue a secured loan. In this case, you will need to attach to the documentation already listed above papers that confirm the borrower’s right to own and legally dispose of the collateral.

Why don’t they give a loan to an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank?

There are many reasons why the most popular banking organization in Russia does not provide loans to individual entrepreneurs. Understanding the reasons why a bank refuses to issue a loan can greatly help a businessman - he will reconsider his own shortcomings and eliminate factors that prevent him from receiving money. The next registration attempt will probably be successful. The main reasons for IP failure:

  • The lender had doubts about the authenticity of the individual entrepreneur’s documents. Before providing a businessman with a cash loan, Sberbank studies in detail the documentation provided by the entrepreneur. If inconsistencies and other suspicious aspects are found in it, the issuance of money will be refused;
  • The potential borrower's business has been operating for less than 6 months. Many banks, including Sberbank, require individual entrepreneurs to have their company operating for at least 6 months at the time of applying for a loan. If you don’t have such experience yet, the probability of refusal is high;
  • Insufficient indicator of the client's solvency. When an entrepreneur’s personal income or the profit of his company does not reach the bank’s minimum requirements, one cannot count on receiving a loan. However, you can improve the situation by providing the bank with property as collateral.

Getting Sberbank loans for individual entrepreneurs is not so easy, but it is possible. Knowing this fact is enough to not give up after the first refusal, and to reapply when it is allowed again. If a small business needs financial support, feel free to contact Sberbank.