Country house wallpaper. Rustic style in the interior: from Provence to country

The design of a house in a rustic style was formed under the influence of national traditions, the local climate and has many different directions, sometimes significantly different from each other. But they are all united by an incredibly cozy atmosphere, imbued with family traditions and the long history of the region, closeness to nature and a sweet, unpretentious way of village life. The house presented in these photographs has combined all the best from several directions in its design. The ceilings throughout the house are covered with natural boards and decorated. Only one of the bedrooms and bathrooms used wood painted white. When finishing ceiling surface used false ceiling technology. It differs from the frame one only in that instead of metal frame They use wooden lathing, which is fixed directly to the floor slabs. However, a false ceiling allows you to hide the wiring and place spotlights in the distance between the base surface and the board. Several were used to decorate the walls. various types wood: roughly processed boards and painted, artificially aged. The walls in the living room are decorated in an interesting way. A wooden board was fastened transversely to the roughly plastered walls at some distance from each other. A very unusual version of wall decoration and a high stone fireplace gives the room an aura of some primitive, almost wild dwelling, which is immediately extinguished by decorative items. Classic musical instruments, a very elegant chandelier in the form of delicate tree branches, upholstered furniture more likely to belong to the retro style - such eclecticism in the interior created a complex but incredibly cozy atmosphere. Almost the entire house was used as flooring. Only in the narrow space of the guest bathroom it was replaced by a hexagonal marble mosaic. The floor on the open terraces is paved with polished wild stone.

Light wooden panels in the bedroom interior and large panoramic windows made this room sunny and cozy.

Rustic bedroom interior made in a darker color scheme, but just like in the previous room, only natural materials were used.

The color combination of green, burgundy and brown is not often used in modern interiors, but in such styles as chalet, rural, country it has already become classic. These colors, the primary ones found in nature, are most suitable for such interiors.

Rustic kitchen interior can be designed in several directions - it can be a cowboy ranch, a cozy Alpine chalet or an exquisite French Provence. Often, kitchen design is carried out in the general style of the house.

Climatic wine cabinet, a modern analogue of a wine cellar can be present in a rustic interior and not stand out from the stylistic design if it is “disguised” a little, as was done in this interior.

Often, old restored furniture is used to design rustic interiors. But if there is none or there is not enough of it, you can make custom-made furniture in the desired style.

Modern appliances can easily coexist with rustic-style furniture and matching decor.

To recreate a rural interior, only natural materials are used - stone, wood.

Despite the dark decoration, the living room does not look dull and is generously filled with natural sunlight. Due to the absence of a ceiling between floors in this part of the house, additional windows and an additional source of lighting appeared in the interior.

Spacious entrance hall with wood trim and rustic-style furniture as a business card of the house speaks about the chosen interior.

This rustic house modern construction, but it retains the principles of building rural estates.

Due to the slope land plot The house design was chosen on several levels. This also influenced the decoration of the house; if the upper floor is covered with wood, then the basement row was made according to the principle of building an Alpine chalet.

In addition to the house itself and outbuildings, an orchard and its own small park with numerous flower beds, an artificial pond and alpine lawns were laid out on the vast garden area.

The walls and ceiling of the bathroom are covered with wood wall panels white. The skylights made this narrow bathroom feel brighter and more spacious.

The house has two bathrooms. Both are made in the same style with minor differences.

6 196 0 Date: 05/01/2016

Country style in a country house - 3 design options

Rustic style is a common phenomenon in country houses. It is important to approach the design of the room correctly, to choose the style in which you would like to see your home. Of the many existing ones, there are three main ones: Russian, French and English village. Each direction has its own characteristics, which should not be mixed abundantly and create a mix. You can combine elements a little to create a unique design, but approach this wisely and carefully. How to implement rustic style in the interior country house, we'll find out right now.


It is possible and appropriate to use a rustic style in the interior of a house. He appeared in late XIX century. It can combine trends of the past and present. Each country has its own characteristics, which we will consider below.

However, there are also common features:

  • rustic style shows the cultural traditions of the country;
  • a direct proximity is created not only to history, but also to nature, since wood is very often used in the design of the house;
  • finishing is carried out using natural products;
  • accessories are used self made and antiques, simple-shaped furniture, natural colors;
  • a large number of textile items: curtains, pillows, tablecloths, towels, etc.

It would seem that it is enough to combine all these moments in the interior and you will get a rustic style. What's special about this? However, now there are three main directions: Russian village, English and French. In addition, there are such trends as Italian pastoral, Scandinavian approach, American ranch. All types of interiors have their own characteristic features.

Russian style

It is distinguished by its simplicity and harmony. The material used is mainly wood. Often the walls and ceiling are covered with this material: either logs or wooden panels. The furniture used for the home is simple. Often a wicker rocking chair and a chest are placed in the rooms.

You can also see the beams and rafters, as in the old Russian huts they were open. They usually lay on the floors wooden boards, it is better to use old ones that have been used, but brought to a usable condition.

You should definitely use the stove in the interior. This attribute was present in any Russian hut. Of course, in modern house not everyone will want to build a bulky whitewashed stove, but something like this, stylized, needs to be installed. You can hang at least a three-dimensional panel that will imitate this stove. It's also a good idea to add for general view a pile of logs, a poker and a dustpan.

The furniture in such houses is soft, light, without unnecessary chic. Lamps with shades or kerosene burners are used for lighting. There should be no plastic elements among the dishes, mainly only glass and porcelain. Clay figurines are used as accessories: birds, whistles, etc.

French style

It is characterized by bright colors, pastel and blue shades. A marine atmosphere is created. The interior is also characterized by the use of red color in decorative elements. Textiles are dominated by pastel colors.

As in the Russian style, ceilings can be visible in a rustic French interior. The walls of the house are decorated with stone. This creates the feeling that this is not a village house, but a castle. As in any castle, there should be a place for a fireplace in the room. Moreover, you can install both gas and electric, whichever is convenient for the residents.

Furniture should have the appearance of antiquity, so you need to create the appropriate look for it using artificial means. Wood types such as oak, chestnut and walnut can be used as material. For lighting, kerosene lanterns and lamps are best suited to create coziness in the home.

Nobility of English style

To create such an atmosphere, light wood is used. It is also very important to have a fireplace (gas or electric). Be sure to install a chair with a high back and armrests or a sofa next to it.

It is necessary to think about window connectors. They should be large, and the glass in the windows should be divided into segments, the frames should be thin. It is best to hang curtains in the English style, that is, in a checkered pattern. The same check is used for furniture upholstery.

The walls of the house can be covered with wallpaper with vegetation patterns or simply painted. Very often the main color of the walls is green, red or brown. The furniture should create the impression of antiquity; the interior contains porcelain, lamps, and antique paintings.

Other directions

There are also less popular design options, which, however, may appeal to many.

Italian rustic style highlights Tuscan life. This is a rather rough design of the house: stone walls, massive furniture. Often there is a huge sofa, a large table, and heavy oak beds.

Scandinavian style shows the naturalness of nature. In countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, wood is used abundantly in rustic interiors and colors such as blue and white are combined. An indispensable element of the room is an old chest.

American ranch It especially attracts attention with its abundance of dark wood. An indispensable part of the interior will be a large sofa with striped pillows, and there must also be a huge refrigerator. All furniture is made of wood. Blue is often used in the color scheme.

Old fashioned vintage charm Great for a country house. Pillows with ruffles or roses, white wicker furniture, and accessories with patina only complement the style. Pink occupies a key position in fabrics and dishes.

Tip: Try to choose one rustic style in advance rather than trying to combine everything, otherwise it will turn out bulky and tasteless.

Materials and accessories

To summarize, let's look at the general trends when choosing materials, colors and accessories. For a country house in a rustic style, materials such as stone, wood, ceramics, leather, cotton and linen are mainly used. Walls are often made of wood; you can hand-carve patterns on them, which will add a special coziness to the room. The floor can also be made of wood or have a stone finish.

For a country house, you often want to choose colors that bring the inhabitants closer to nature, so natural shades and light colors are used. Ornate designs reminiscent of plants may predominate.

You can add style and diversify the decor with the help of textiles: red and blue pillows, checkered curtains, polka dot bedspread. Anything will do, but it’s important not to overdo it with a variety of approaches.

To gracefully decorate a room, you can use fresh flowers in a vase, stylish covers on the sofa, or a retro-style refrigerator. You can place various clay figurines, an old watering can, wooden garden furniture, and bookcases. All elements that create the impression of antiquity will do.

This is the 21st century, however, neither the development of technology, nor the Internet, nor the constantly emerging innovative materials have discouraged people from the desire for home comfort, a family hearth, nature, simplicity and naturalness. The embodiment of all this in the interior, without a doubt, is the so-called rustic style. However, when it comes to practical aspects, it turns out that despite the common features: an abundance of natural wood, floral patterns and a little naive, rustic decor, there are quite a lot of varieties of rustic style. We invite you to consider the most characteristics, distinguishing American and English country from Provence or Russian rustic style, in order to choose the option that is best suited for you.

Ceramic dishes and vases will fit seamlessly into any rustic interior, Pottery Barn

The emergence and characteristics of rustic interior style

Any country-style interior is an attempt to recreate the cozy country house of your grandparents, the decoration of which will vary greatly depending on which country. we're talking about. Interest in this kind of decor arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when, purchasing country mansions and dachas, many people around the world began to strive to recreate the comfort they knew from childhood, to become simpler and closer to nature.

A nursery in a rustic style is suitable for children of different genders and ages, Minacciolo

Most often, this style is used for the design of a country house, but it may also be appropriate in a city apartment. The main thing is to immediately decide which country’s rustic style is closest to you. All rooms are usually decorated in the same style, but the country style is especially popular in the decor of kitchens, where it seems especially homely and inviting.

Open Chest of Drawers and Rustic Dinnerware, Pottery Barn

General characteristics of country style interiors:

  • simple, sometimes a little rough decoration of walls and floors
  • use only natural materials: wood, stone, natural fabrics. Plastic, chrome, sparkling metal and synthetic fabrics will be completely inappropriate
  • Forged furniture, aged brass and copper are acceptable in the decor
  • natural color scheme without bright color spots
  • furniture is usually made of solid wood, simple outlines without excessive decoration
  • attention to textiles: numerous curtains, tablecloths, rugs, blankets and napkins will be appropriate in any version of the country style
  • characterized by small floral patterns, checkered patterns and small polka dots
  • love of handmade items, crafts and unique, non-factory accessories

English country

The most austere and restrained variety of rustic style is the English country style. English style suggests a rich color scheme predominantly in dark colors, with a predominance of shades of dark green, red and brown. The furniture in an English country house is massive, solid, made of natural wood in dark tones, such as cherry or mahogany. A solid leather sofa, and a Scottish check in the form of a pattern of blankets, curtains, tablecloths and small floral patterns would be appropriate here. In general, English country pays close attention to textiles, from furniture upholstery to fabric wallpaper with appropriate ornaments. At the same time, simple painted walls are not typical for this style.

Living room with fireplace in English country style, designer Suzanne Kasler

As accessories for an English country interior, you can choose lamps and dishes made of aged brass, porcelain, paintings with hunting scenes and landscapes, and a variety of antiques. This interior does not imply minimalism and ideal order, so an abundance of cute souvenirs, slightly worn leather upholstery, a lot of paintings and photographs on the walls will only give it an atmosphere of coziness, because your comfort is at the forefront here.

Kitchen with a stylized gas stove and a collection of antique metal cookware, designer Suzanne Kasler

American country

The American country-style interior is also distinguished by its solid solidity, but is devoid of any decoration or pretentiousness; it is, rather, not an elegant cottage in the outback, but a solid forest hunter's ranch. Along with natural wood, such wood is characterized by the use of rough, textured stone in the decoration of walls and fireplaces, which are an almost obligatory element of an American country interior. Another characteristic element such an interior - wooden ceiling beams, which can serve only a decorative role.

Fireplace with rough cladding natural stone and hunting trophies will help recreate the American country style

The color scheme of the American version of country is much lighter and calmer; soft natural shades predominate. The walls are usually covered with plain paint in light colors or covered with wooden panels with a distinctly rough texture.

Traditional patchwork quilt

Textile design, in this case, is not given such close attention, although you can find animal skins as bedspreads or rugs or fabrics with traditional Indian patterns. Accessories include hammered brass, copper and bronze pieces, thick vintage glass, handcrafted items such as a patchwork quilt and American flag motifs. Open slats with hooks for dishes, towels and any other items, decorative birdcages, and hearts with the effect of artificial aging would also be appropriate.

French Provence

The style of the French province was called “Provence” in honor of one of the regions in the south of France. Also being a popular variety of rustic style, it is quite different from the considered English and American options with greater grace, tenderness and femininity.

Provence is characterized by a light color scheme in pastel colors with accents of lavender, mint, and sand shades. The walls are usually decorated decorative plaster or wallpaper with small flowers, and the floors are light parquet with a pronounced wood texture.

Painted furniture with the effect of artificial aging and scuffs is a characteristic detail of the Provence style

Painted wooden furniture, artificial aging of almost any surface, elegant porcelain and fabrics with small floral patterns are characteristic features of the French variety of rustic style, more about which you can read in additional material on our website.

Russian version of rustic style

The domestic version of the country style also has its own characteristic features. Its main difference is its love for natural wood, because it recreates the atmosphere of an original Russian log hut. It, like American country, is distinguished by its massiveness and roughness, but instead of a fireplace in such an interior there will be a whitewashed or tiled stove, and patchwork and Indian ornaments will replace lace tablecloths and napkins. The ideal option for decorating the walls would be wooden panels or imitation of real logs; a simple whitewash option is possible.

As accessories, do not forget to use porcelain service, chintz curtains, a real samovar, a fluffy knitted blanket, painted Zhostovo trays and other items familiar from childhood that are associated with a cozy grandmother’s house.

What would a Russian village house be without a samovar?

Whatever version of the rustic style you choose, in any case, it will be distinguished by the atmosphere home comfort and simplicity, allowing you to escape from the bustle of the city outside the window. One of the main advantages of such decor is also its relatively cheapness, because the furniture can be very simple and not at all new, and many decorative items can either be made with your own hands or found at the nearest flea market.

Oct 22, 2016 Sergey

The dominance of innovation and technology in the 21st century increasingly evokes the desire to plunge into the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. And what if not a carefully crafted rustic style in the interior of a country house (aka country style) will help you forget about boring everyday worries and just relax? Today I want to talk about best ideas decorating a “village house” offered in different countries peace.

Basic rules for creating country design

Housing outside the city is the dream of a good half of humanity. A home where there is no place for fuss, and where time seems to stop, giving comfort and peace. If you are the happy owner of such a home, please accept my congratulations.

The interior of a do-it-yourself village house is subject to several rules, the same for any country. I'll look at them in more detail.

Design type Features of application
1. Finishing materials When decorating a country house, you should use only natural materials:
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • lightweight fabrics.

No metal or plastic, they kill the feeling of unity with nature and will simply look out of place.

2. Finish style When decorating a country house, you shouldn’t try to be a perfectionist. What I mean is that slight roughness on some surfaces or a rough finish will look much more authentic than perfectly smooth walls with no gaps.
3. Furniture The furniture is welcome, simple and without frills: only straight lines and a minimum of decoration. Decorative items made from aged brass or wood will not be superfluous.
4. Color scheme Everything is very clear here. You are in nature, so it is best to use natural, discreet shades, without overly bright spots that distract attention.
5. Textiles Textiles in the design of a country house should be given special attention.

Let your home be decorated with numerous:

  • tablecloths;
  • curtains;
  • napkins;
  • blankets;
  • small rugs.

It is better to choose colors with floral patterns; a cage or playful polka dots will also look great.

6. Decorative elements Country style cannot exist without cute handmade items. Unique elements will fill the house with a unique atmosphere.

This small instruction contains the main points that are important when decorating a country house in a rustic style.

Features of rustic style in different countries of the world

Despite the fact that a country or country house decorated in country style is subject to certain rules, it looks different in different countries. Let's say, French Provence will differ from Russian rustic style, since American will not be similar to British design.

I want to talk about the peculiarities of decorating a country house in these countries. In addition to the sections described below, I recommend that you watch the video in this article. I am sure you will find a lot of useful information there.


Having received its name in honor of one of the southern regions of France, Provence has gained incredible recognition around the world. This concentration of warmth and comfort is very popular among us.

If you decide to decorate your home in Provence style, then consider several features.

  1. Almost all decorative elements in the Provence style bear the stamp of time. Grandma’s antique furniture or her textiles would be appropriate here. If there is nothing like this in the attic, the items are artificially aged.
  2. Provence involves the use of light pastel colors, creating the atmosphere of a sunny seashore. Lots of white, pink and blue tones will fill the room with light and space.
  3. Lighting should be given special attention. A lot of lanterns or kerosene lamps will create a special atmosphere in the house.


Simplicity and no frills are the main features of country in the Russian style. A wooden hut can serve as a real fortress, protecting its owners from vanity and minor adversities.

The following points are typical for the domestic version of country music:

  1. Decorating your home exclusively with wood. It is thanks to wooden beams, ceilings or walls that the feeling of a primordially Russian hut is created, where it is always warm and cozy.
  2. The stove is another unique element that simply cannot be ignored in the process of decorating a country house. The design of a country house with a stove looks impressive if you decorate it with beautiful ornaments.
  3. The main accessories of Russian country music: porcelain dishes, light chintz curtains, a warm knitted blanket and a samovar - everything that is associated with grandma’s house.


American country music evokes associations with the ranch of a seasoned hunter hidden in the forest. Pretentiousness is inappropriate here; preference should be given to simplicity and thoroughness. The skillful combination of wooden beams with stone inserts is welcome; it can achieve a stunning effect.

Just as a Russian hut is incomplete without a stove, so an American ranch cannot be imagined without a fireplace. Therefore, if you have chosen an Americanized interior, be prepared for the fact that you will have to build it.

I still advise you to use a real fireplace, even if the price is higher. But in the end you will get the most Western house.

Unlike the styles I described above, American country is not characterized by increased attention to textiles. Here, instead of cute rugs, animal skins are used, and the bed is covered with a blanket with Indian patterns. As accessories you can use hand-forged items made of copper, brass, bronze.


English country music is all about rigor and restraint. Here, you'll want to avoid bright shades and instead opt for dark tones that include dark greens, browns, or reds. You need to create a solid interior, simply imbued with the spirit of aristocracy and sublimity.

When decorating a home in British style, keep the following things in mind:

  1. Furniture should be chosen from dark wood. Mahogany or cherry are great options.
  2. A massive sofa and chairs with high backs located near the fireplace will always be appropriate here.(unlike American decor, it can be gas or electric).
  3. Use textiles everywhere. Let Scottish checks and floral patterns decorate your curtains, napkins, upholstery and tablecloths.
  4. British cuisine simply must contain porcelain service, from which it will be so pleasant to drink that very “five o’clock tea”.

Despite its primness, English decor does not imply minimalism.
Therefore, do not be afraid to decorate the interior with original aged accessories, paintings or antiques.

Instead of results

Country style is the ideal solution for those who value the warmth and comfort of their own home above all else. With its help, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere, plunging into which you can forget about everything in the world.

June 7, 2016

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This is the 21st century, however, neither the development of technology, nor the Internet, nor the constantly emerging innovative materials have discouraged people from the desire for home comfort, a family hearth, nature, simplicity and naturalness. The embodiment of all this in the interior, without a doubt, is the so-called rustic style. However, when it comes to practical aspects, it turns out that despite the common features: an abundance of natural wood, floral patterns and a little naive, rustic decor, there are quite a lot of varieties of rustic style. We invite you to consider the most characteristic features that distinguish American and English country from Provence or Russian rustic style in order to choose the option that is best suited for you.

Ceramic dishes and vases will fit seamlessly into any rustic interior, Pottery Barn

The emergence and characteristics of rustic interior style

Any interior in a country style is an attempt to recreate the cozy country house of your grandparents, the decoration of which will vary greatly depending on which country we are talking about. Interest in this kind of decor arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when, purchasing country mansions and dachas, many people around the world began to strive to recreate the comfort they knew from childhood, to become simpler and closer to nature.

A nursery in a rustic style is suitable for children of different genders and ages, Minacciolo

Most often, this style is used for the design of a country house, but it may also be appropriate in a city apartment. The main thing is to immediately decide which country’s rustic style is closest to you. All rooms are usually decorated in the same style, but the country style is especially popular in the decor of kitchens, where it seems especially homely and inviting.

Open Chest of Drawers and Rustic Dinnerware, Pottery Barn

General characteristics of country style interiors:

  • simple, sometimes a little rough decoration of walls and floors
  • using only natural materials: wood, stone, natural fabrics. Plastic, chrome, sparkling metal and synthetic fabrics will be completely inappropriate
  • Forged furniture, aged brass and copper are acceptable in the decor
  • natural color scheme without bright color spots
  • furniture is usually made of solid wood, simple outlines without excessive decoration
  • attention to textiles: numerous curtains, tablecloths, rugs, blankets and napkins will be appropriate in any version of the country style
  • characterized by small floral patterns, checkered patterns and small polka dots
  • love of handmade items, crafts and unique, non-factory accessories

English country

The most austere and restrained variety of rustic style is the English country style. The English style assumes a rich color scheme, predominantly in dark colors, with a predominance of shades of dark green, red and brown. The furniture in an English country house is massive, solid, made of natural wood in dark tones, such as cherry or mahogany. A solid leather sofa, and a Scottish check in the form of a pattern of blankets, curtains, tablecloths and small floral patterns would be appropriate here. In general, English country pays close attention to textiles, from furniture upholstery to fabric wallpaper with appropriate ornaments. At the same time, simple painted walls are not typical for this style.

Living room with fireplace in English country style, designer Suzanne Kasler

As accessories for an English country interior, you can choose lamps and dishes made of aged brass, porcelain, paintings with hunting scenes and landscapes, and a variety of antiques. This interior does not imply minimalism and ideal order, so an abundance of cute souvenirs, slightly worn leather upholstery, a lot of paintings and photographs on the walls will only give it an atmosphere of coziness, because your comfort is at the forefront here.

Kitchen with a stylized gas stove and a collection of antique metal cookware, designer Suzanne Kasler

American country

The American country-style interior is also distinguished by its solid solidity, but is devoid of any decoration or pretentiousness; it is, rather, not an elegant cottage in the outback, but a solid forest hunter's ranch. Along with natural wood, such wood is characterized by the use of rough, textured stone in the decoration of walls and fireplaces, which are an almost obligatory element of an American country interior. Another characteristic element of such an interior is wooden ceiling beams, which can serve only a decorative role.

A fireplace clad in rough natural stone and hunting trophies will help recreate the American country style

The color scheme of the American version of country is much lighter and calmer; soft natural shades predominate. The walls are usually covered with plain paint in light colors or covered with wooden panels with a distinctly rough texture.

Traditional patchwork quilt

Textile design, in this case, is not given such close attention, although you can find animal skins as bedspreads or rugs or fabrics with traditional Indian patterns. Accessories include hammered brass, copper and bronze pieces, thick vintage glass, handcrafted items such as a patchwork quilt and American flag motifs. Open slats with hooks for dishes, towels and any other items, decorative birdcages, and hearts with the effect of artificial aging would also be appropriate.

The style of the French province was called “Provence” in honor of one of the regions in the south of France. Also being a popular variety of rustic style, it is quite different from the considered English and American options with greater grace, tenderness and femininity.

Provence is characterized by a light color scheme in pastel colors with accents of lavender, mint, and sand shades. The walls are usually decorated with decorative plaster or wallpaper with small flowers, and the floors are decorated with light parquet with a pronounced wood texture.

Painted furniture with the effect of artificial aging and scuffs is a characteristic detail of the Provence style

Russian version of rustic style

The domestic version of the country style also has its own characteristic features. Its main difference is its love for natural wood, because it recreates the atmosphere of an original Russian log hut. It, like American country, is distinguished by its massiveness and roughness, but instead of a fireplace in such an interior there will be a whitewashed or tiled stove, and patchwork and Indian ornaments will replace lace tablecloths and napkins. The ideal option for decorating the walls would be wooden panels or imitation of real logs; a simple whitewash option is possible.

As accessories, do not forget to use porcelain service, chintz curtains, a real samovar, a fluffy knitted blanket, painted Zhostovo trays and other items familiar from childhood that are associated with a cozy grandmother’s house.

What would a Russian village house be without a samovar?

Whatever version of the rustic style you choose, in any case, it will be distinguished by an atmosphere of home comfort and simplicity, allowing you to escape from the bustle of the city outside the window. One of the main advantages of such decor is also its relatively cheapness, because the furniture can be very simple and not at all new, and many decorative items can either be made with your own hands or found at the nearest flea market.