The name Robert is the meaning of the name for the child. All about the male name Robert


The meaning of the name Robert

Glorious, magnificent. "Fadeless Glory" (germ.) In the family, Robert is usually the first-born, outwardly the boy looks like a mother, and she does not have a soul in him. Robert inherited stubbornness and perseverance from his father. Already in childhood, Robert goes in for sports and often devotes his life to him, becoming a professional athlete. Robert is very specific in his aspirations and desires, he clearly understands what he wants. However, striving to go to the goal by the shortest path, he fills himself with bumps and fails. Pride does not allow him to admit that he was wrong, he will suffer in silence, experiencing everything inside himself, and then start all over again. The Roberts are witty, lively and generous - no wonder they have no shortage of friends. Among the men bearing this name, you can meet people of various professions: artists and doctors, sports coaches and cooks, artists and investigators, but they all have one invaluable advantage - the ability to be happy under any life circumstances. If required, they can be unassuming and content with little. "Winter" - jealous, hard going through female deceit and, afraid to make a mistake, do not get married for a long time. However, the one on whom Robert chooses will be happy with him. He is a good son and an equally good father. His house is always open to guests. Those born in December become high-class athletes. "Winter" Robert is usually a handsome man who attracts the attention of women. There is something of a harsh nature in him, but his heart is sympathetic. This is a reliable person who does not attach of great importance external signs of success in life, for him the main thing is to find stability and feel happy. "Summer" - a slightly different plan: it seems that the violent nature itself added a few bright strokes to their portrait. These are people of a broad nature, not loving and not able to count money, generous and sympathetic. They are always drawn to feats, for which they often receive clicks instead of awards. They are restless and do not like loneliness. Robert is not sentimental, he is rather strict, but there is a lot of warmth in him - and this is well known to his relatives and friends.

Numerology Of The Name Robert

Soul Number: 8.
For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 4


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Robert as a phrase

Oh He (Oh Oh)
B Buki
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
T Firmly

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Robert

O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to single it out from the hustle and bustle of existence.
B - sincere romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to secure one's life financially.
E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.

"bright glory"

origin of the name Robert

Germanic, from the roots "genus" - "glory" and "beraht" - "bright"

Characteristics of the name Robert

Characteristics of the name: usually Robert is a stubborn, persistent boy, physically strong, rarely sick. Outwardly, he looks like his mother, but his character is like his father. Robert can be psychologically unstable, easily irritated, proud, proud. An introvert by nature. Purposeful, clearly knows what he needs, never retreats in the face of difficulties. Witty, resourceful, hardy, has a strong will, loves sports. Has many friends, is popular with girls. He treats his parents with warmth. "Summer" Robert is usually considered lucky. He easily converges with children, finishes school perfectly and without much effort, receives higher education able to find its place in professional activity. AT personal life he is also happy. "Spring" Robert is more jealous and irritable, often overestimating his abilities, but, like all Roberts, he is a devoted and grateful friend.

Famous people: Robert Burns (1759-1796) - poet, Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) - English romantic writer, Robert Scott (1868-1912) - English polar explorer.

The common Western name Robert is becoming more and more popular in Russia today. Below we will talk about what it means and what fate portends to its owner.

The name Robert: origin and meaning

The roots of this name go back to the ancient Germanic tribes. It is based on two roots that denote lordship and glory, which ultimately gives us the concept of unfading glory - this is the meaning of the name Robert. Male in origin, it also has a female version - Robertina. The latter, however, is little known in Russia and is not included in the subject of our review.

Characteristic in childhood

Robert, the meaning of whose name is reduced to the concept of fame, from childhood shows signs of the influence of the name on his character. In general, this is a kind, peaceful child, distinguished by cordiality and friendliness. A little closed, modest, well-mannered, polite. Appearance most often more like a mother, but the father manifests itself in character through such qualities as love for work, perseverance and fortitude. A lot of friends, as well as interest from peers, are characteristic of a boy who bears the name Robert. The meaning of the name for the child is also expressed in the fact that he manifests himself as a generous hospitable person, always ready to help. Therefore, crowds of friends and girlfriends always curl around the boy. Humor, wit and love of life are also integral features of those who bear the name Robert. The meaning of the name is also revealed in the authority that the boy earns among his peers. At the same time, he is far from being a leader in the managerial sense: leading others is not for him. But thanks to his optimism and innate wisdom, Robert becomes an unspoken authority, a benchmark to follow. It is he who sets the atmosphere for the meeting, although he does not dominate anyone.

School age

Having entered school age, he manifests himself as a good, capable student. However, Robert does not have a particular desire for knowledge at this age, and if you do not look after him, he may start studying.

The meaning of the name Robert for a boy is also manifested in a special love for sports. The boy loves outdoor activities and training, which he devotes a lot of time to. Sports competition and the spirit of excitement are what he really likes, and therefore many of the Roberts become professional athletes.

Robert, the meaning of the name, whose character and temperament acquire new pronounced features over the years, matures quite quickly. In his work, he shows perseverance and purposefulness. He goes the most direct way to achieve his desires, which he always clearly formulates and realizes. Moreover, going ahead, he often makes mistakes and fills bumps - this is the whole Robert. The meaning of the name, however, allows him to quite easily turn failures to his advantage, and natural ambition rarely allows situations in which Robert has to state his defeat or wrong. Because of this, he is respected by the people around him.

On the other hand, Robert, whose name means “fading glory”, is very dependent on the opinions of others and therefore often plays to the public. This is his weakness. Often, malicious personalities surrounding Robert play on this and easily get the guy into trouble, creating problems either with the law or with loved ones. But sooner or later a young man grows up, matures and most often finds a middle ground between pleasing the public and his own principles.

Robert is also characterized as a total skeptic who does not trust anything and tries to try everything on the tooth, to test for strength. Over time, his spontaneity in the manifestation of emotions also disappears, and the young man becomes more withdrawn and distrustful in this respect, and therefore somewhat secretive.

Of particular note are Robert's intellectual qualities, which have great potential and, with due attention, can make a brilliant scientist out of a young man. Analytical abilities and developed concentration, coupled with his determination and perseverance, make Robert a strong, self-confident and self-aware man. In addition, the young man knows how to remain calm, cool-headed and reasonable even in the most panic situations, which allows him to always keep the situation under control and control what is happening. In addition, Roberts often look older than their years, however, they are ahead of their peers in their development.

Personal life

Robert, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which make the boy a confident businessman who can achieve everything he wants, in terms of personal relationships fails over and over again. And it's not because he's unattractive. On the contrary, many girls from Robert's entourage are crazy about him and often make contact themselves. It's just that a young man has such a high opinion of himself that he is looking for a girl for a serious relationship to match himself. But his demands are so high that none of the candidates end up passing this exam, and Robert experiences one disappointment after another. But his life is marked by many fleeting novels and a series of spectacular partners, whom he changes one for another with the same ease as seasonal clothes. As a result, Robert, who is not accustomed to wooing the ladies, goes to the call of one of his fans, with whom he stays, if by that time he has worked up enough.

A family

When Robert starts a family, he manifests himself as a leader in it. This means that he shows both some rigor and exactingness. Appreciates coziness and domestic comfort. And so much so that, again, he makes excessive demands on his wife, which not every girl can meet. In addition, Robert vitally needs a personal space in which he could retire and be alone with himself, his thoughts and his favorite things. As for the offspring, the children are kept in an atmosphere of strict obedience. Often they are somewhat afraid of their father and therefore do not risk disobeying or going against the grain.


In this element, Robert feels at ease due to his natural qualities. If he is interested in business, he is able to devote a huge amount of time and effort to work: both physical and emotional. Purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals make him a successful employee who shines with great achievements in whatever he chooses. The name Robert origin and its meaning, as we remember, leads from the ancient Germanic language, in which it denotes glory. And this means that Robert is greedy for the appreciation of others and in every possible way achieves fame. Together with love exercise this promises him a brilliant career in sports. But he is able to prove himself in other areas. True, Robert prioritizes single player. In other words, he does not like to work in a team and share responsibility, he prefers to cope with everything himself and reap the fruits of his own individual efforts.


Of the famous bearers of this name, it should be noted, of course, the American actor and film figure Robert De Niro, whose filmography includes more than a hundred paintings. In addition, he is a nominee for almost a hundred prestigious film awards, of which he has won more than forty cases. Among other things, he is the owner of the Golden Globe and Oscar. Among other actors with this name also distinguished Robert John Downey Jr., who played Sherlock Holmes, Robert Pattinson, who played the role of vampire Edward Cullen in the film "Twilight". Of the business figures and writers, it is worth mentioning such a famous person and best-selling author as Robert Kiyosaki.

Name Variations

Of the other variants of the name Robert, the most common variant is Robin. The Rupert form is also popular. Of the abbreviated versions, among others, such as Robbie, Bobby, Bob are used.

A rather rare name distinguishes young Robert in society, often putting him in the spotlight. The boy himself does not like this - the main features of his character are some isolation and poise. From a very early age, the boy grows calm and reasonable, and in response to excessive attention, he shows unusual restraint, believing that he does not stand out in anything special.

At school, the boy studies well, doing well in all subjects. But calling him a nerd and a "nerd" is a mistake. Young Robert has remarkable abilities in the exact and humanities, in the study foreign language he shows truly outstanding success. His diary, textbooks, notebooks are a role model.

Young Robert's health cannot be called strong. He often gets sick, misses school lessons, but does not lag behind in any subject, trying to study during his illness on his own or with the help of a friend. He is obedient in the family, but in everything he has his own opinion, which he agrees to change only if he is presented with reasoned, convincing evidence of his wrongness.

As a teenager, Robert seeks to leave the unnecessarily close circle of loneliness. He becomes more sociable, showing an extraordinary mind and a polished sense of humor. Still in the spotlight, but ceases to be burdened by this and finds pleasant consequences in this position, such as the increased interest of girls in their person.

Begins to be interested in the opposite sex, but does not show it. He is always ready to help his school or university comrades, he can voluntarily replace a sick person in doing some important but boring things, he helps with his studies.

Comrades willingly share with him their sorrows, joys and problems, knowing full well that he knows how to listen and give good advice, will never make the secret entrusted to him public. Participates in the public life of a school or university only when necessary, without achieving significant results. But he studies well, attends additional lectures, conducts interesting and significant research.

Everything is done with concentration, accuracy and utmost conscientiousness. Realizing that further neglect of his health could end badly, he begins to play sports. At first, this is a simple easy run without a specific system, visiting the pool. Later he comes to the club and trains hard under the guidance of a coach, not striving to achieve sports results.

Having matured, Robert tries to choose a calm profession that is not associated with extreme conditions or frequent long movements. Judgment, balance of judgments allow Robert to become a good leader. And in the team, this man is everyone's favorite.

Robert can become a good biologist or historian, a researcher in a research institution, a laboratory assistant, an art critic - almost all professions are available to him, in which you need to show perseverance and concentration, and sometimes the ability to brainstorm.

Friends set this man as an example, causing his inner protest, which he tries not to show. Not always willing to make contact, does not get close to new people. He has few real friends, but remains true to childhood friendship for many years.

Robert is an obvious phlegmatic. His character is characterized by the absence of heightened pride and adequate self-esteem, and therefore he is rarely offended, but he can stand up for himself. Not prone to conflicts and disputes, can evaluate and accept the opinion of the opponent.

Forms of the name Robert

Short form of the name Robert. Robertushka, Rob, Rob, Bert, Bertik, Roban, Slave, Robik, Rubin. Synonyms for Robert. Rupert, Robin, Robertus, Raibert, Rauber, Arruber.

Name Robert in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 羅伯特· (Luóbótè·). Japanese: ロバート (Robāto). Marathi: रॉबर्ट (Rŏbarṭa). Yiddish: ראבערט (Rʼbʻrt). Ukrainian: Robert. Kannada: ರಾಬರ್ಟ್ (Rābarṭ). English: Robert (Robert).

origin of the name Robert

patron planet- Pluto.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- aventurine, fire opal, carnelian.

Talisman-color- purple, blue, orange-red.

Mascot Plant- alpine rose.

Animal Mascot- electric ramp, electric eel

most successful day- Wednesday Saturday.

predisposition to traits such as- optimism, kindness, generosity.

Numerology Of The Name Robert

For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, shiny, neon, purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric ramp, electric eel.

The name Robert as a phrase

Oh He (Oh Oh)
B Buki
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
T Firmly

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Robert

O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to single it out from the hustle and bustle of existence.
B - sincere romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to secure one's life financially.
E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.

The sexual meaning of the name Robert

Robert is charming, well built, hugely popular with women and knows it. He changes his girlfriends quite often, loves tall women with beautiful breasts.

In Robert's life, love and sex play an important role, for him they are not only a source of sensual pleasure, but also a way to achieve peace of mind, to develop as a person. He expects from intimacy with a woman not just the removal of sexual tension, but also more sublime feelings - a feeling of spiritual intimacy, love intoxication. However, Robert is not always able to balance the requirements for himself with the requirements for his partner, often his claims to her are too great, and this can cause conflicts between them.

Robert is constantly in search: having found a girlfriend who seems to him the only one with whom he would like to connect his life, Robert is at first crazy about her, cannot imagine life without her, but, not meeting a reciprocal feeling, droops, his attraction fades and may be replaced by sexual apathy. Robert is not a fighter, he would rather follow the one who leads than seek the love of an inaccessible woman.

Robert is affectionate and gentle, and these feelings, as a rule, always resonate in a woman's heart, they relieve a woman of some prejudices regarding sexual behavior, make her sensitive to her partner, responding to all his desires.

Robert's sexual experience is usually great, but he is quite careful with a less experienced partner: trying not to frighten her, he "tames" her gradually. If he has minor setbacks, he treats them philosophically, with the exception of "summer" Robert, who immediately panics.

Characteristics of the name Robert according to B. Higir

Translated from ancient German - "unfading glory". As a child, Robert is a stubborn and independent boy, persistent and taciturn. Even in childhood, he begins to play sports and often makes it his profession. Adult Robert always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Striving for the goal, Robert takes the shortest path, often hitting bumps at the same time, failures do not stop him. He is proud, and therefore does not ask for help and often does not admit his wrong, preferring to suffer silently and alone, and then start all over again.

Robert is witty, generous and cheerful, he has many friends. This man knows how to be happy under any circumstances, he can be content with only the most necessary and not be oppressed and unhappy at the same time. Robert's abilities are manifested in various areas of human activity, he performs any work easily, and always professionally. In relations with women, Robert is not sentimental, but rather strict, but he has a lot of warmth that does not manifest itself in relation to strangers.

But among his own, Robert, as a rule, is rather soft and gentle. Winter Robert is jealous. He is experiencing hard failures on the personal front, for a long time he cannot make a choice of a life partner because of fear of making a mistake, but the woman who has connected her life with him will be happy. This man is hospitable, open and friendly. often becomes a good sportsman. As a rule, this is a handsome, courageous and stern person, but a sympathetic heart is often hidden behind his external coldness.

He does not strive for easy success and temporary well-being, but tries to achieve a stable and lasting position and financially provide for his family. Robert, who was born in the summer, has a broad soul, he does not know how to count money, he is generous and sympathetic. As a rule, in early youth, he is drawn to exploits, but nothing good comes of this. But later, Robert becomes more calm and prudent. He is restless and does not like loneliness and monotony. This Robert always has many friends and good acquaintances. He travels a lot, often choosing work related to communication and business trips.

Positive traits of the name

Seriousness, perseverance, high intelligence, ability for long concentration and analytical activity. Robert's opposite qualities of character are wonderfully balanced. He knows how to control himself, never says too much, so he looks older than his age.

Negative traits of the name

Arrogance, a gloomy outlook on life, captiousness, isolation. Robert does not immediately win people over. He can scare away with his severity and lack of emotions.

Choosing a profession by name

Robert's outward calm does not mean that he is passive in his work. Robert has a unique capacity for work. He sets himself a goal and achieves it in the field of exact or philosophical sciences, in literature, music and "painting, in archeology, geology. Robert can gladly drop everything and go on a long-term business trip, business trip, research expedition.

The impact of the name on business

Perhaps Robert will make money on the basis of unusual new developments, and it is better if he works alone.

The impact of the name on health

Robert is not touchy and does not hold a grudge for long. Therefore, he has a healthy psyche, nervous system. If Robert works hard, then he is threatened with chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Name psychology

Do not test the patience and pride of Robert. Do not doubt that he can stand up for himself. But Robert does not like conflicts and tries to avoid them in any way. Serious and wise Robert is attracted, oddly enough, by cheerful people, adventurers, reckless drivers.

Notable people named Robert

Robert Koldewey ((1855 - 1925) a German architect and archaeologist who identified the site and, with the help of excavations that lasted (1898/99 - 1917), confirmed the existence of biblical Babylon)
Robert Hooke ((1635 - 1703) English scientist, he can be called one of the fathers of physics; his few discoveries are a spiral spring for regulating the clock, a spirit level, many different mechanisms, in particular for constructing various geometric curves (ellipses, parabolas). He proposed a prototype of heat engines, invented an optical telegraph, a minima thermometer, an improved barometer, a hygrometer, an anemometer registering a rain gauge; he made observations in order to determine the effect of the Earth's rotation on the fall of bodies and dealt with many physical questions, for example, about the effects of hairiness, cohesion, air weighing, about specific gravity ice, invented a special hydrometer to determine the degree of freshness of river water. In 1666, Hooke presented to the Royal Society a model of the helical gears he had invented.)
Robert Fischer (11th World Chess Champion)
Robert Koch ((1843 - 1910) German physician and microbiologist, discovered anthrax bacillus, vibrio cholerae and tubercle bacillus; awarded for tuberculosis research Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905)
Robert Scott ((1868 - 1912) English explorer of Antarctica, one of the discoverers of the South Pole, national hero of Great Britain)
Robert Lynn Asprin (American science fiction writer)
Robert Boyle ((1627 - 1691) English physicist, chemist and philosopher)
Robert Oppenheimer (American physicist, creator of the American atomic bomb)
Robert Burns ((1759 - 1796) Scottish poet)
Robert Schumann ((1810 - 1856) German composer, pianist, music critic)
Robert Rauschenberg (American artist)
Robert Bunsen ((1811 - 1899) famous German experimental chemist. The most important and remarkable discovery of Bunsen (made by him in community with his friend Kirchhoff (in 1860)) is a spectral analysis, with the help of which, both Bunsen himself and other chemists have discovered quite a few new rare elements found in nature only in very small quantities (rubidium, cesium, etc.) Mankind owes Bunsen the discovery of an antidote (hydrous iron oxide) for arsenic (arsenic acid) poisoning. geological and chemical studies, which are very important for understanding volcanic phenomena.In chemical and physical practice, many devices invented by Bunsen and bearing his name are in great use, for example: the Bunsen burner, the Bunsen water pump and regulator, the Bunsen battery, the Bunsen absorptiometer, etc.)
Robert Rozhdestvensky ((1932 - 1994) modern Russian poet)
Robert De Niro ((born 1943) American film actor)
Robert Falk ((1886 - 1958) Soviet painter, who originally combined the paths of Russian modern and avant-garde in his work; one of the most famous artists of the Jewish theater in Yiddish)
Robert Wood (American physicist, inventor of optical instruments (1868–1955))
Robert Louis Stevenson ((1850 - 1894) Scottish writer and poet, author of world-famous adventure novels and short stories, the largest representative of English neo-romanticism)
Robert Kinasoshvili (designer involved in the creation of many Soviet aircraft engines (1899–1964))
Robert Nirenberg (engineer, inventor of underwater sound communication devices (1877–1939))
Robert Downey Jr. (American actor, producer and musician)
Robert Pattinson (pronounced Pattinson) is an English actor, model and musician best known for Twilight, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Transitional age"(born 1986))
Robert Cayo ((born 1947), together with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, invented the World Wide Web technology)
Robert Duncan ((1919 - 1988) American poet, traditionally considered by critics to be beat, new American poetry and Black Mountain poets; one of the key figures in the poetry of post-war North America)
Robert Jerz (Slovak footballer)
Robert Englund (American actor, whose most famous role is that of the fictional serial killer Freddy Krueger in the horror film series A Nightmare on Elm Street)
Robert III d'Artois ((1287 - 1342) French feudal lord, contributed to the unleashing of the Hundred Years War; one of the main characters of M. Druon's epic "Cursed Kings")
Robert Andersson ((1886 - 1972) Swedish water polo player, swimmer and diver, winner of the Summer Olympic Games)
Robert "Bobby" Baer (also known as Baer, ​​author, former CIA officer)
Robert Green ((c.1558 - 1592) English playwright, poet and pamphleteer, one of Shakespeare's predecessors)
Robert Zaleman ((1813 - 1874) Russian sculptor)
Robert Dahl ((born 1915) Doctor of Political Science, Senior Fellow in Sociology, Professor at Yale University in the USA, one of the most prominent political scientists of our time)
Robert Svyatopolk-Mirsky (Russian writer and screenwriter (born 1939))
Robert Zebelyan (Russian and Armenian footballer)
Robert the Bruce ((1274 - 1329) the national hero of Scotland, who raised the uprising of the Scots against the British)

Great and famous bearers of the name: Robert the Bruce - Scottish king; Robert Burns - Scottish poet; Robert Green - English playwright, predecessor of Shakespeare; Charles Robert Darwin - English naturalist; Robert Scott - English explorer of Antarctica; Robert Boyle - English chemist and physicist; Robert Owen - English utopian socialist; Robert Louis Stevenson - English writer; Robert Koch - German microbiologist; Robert Schumann - great German composer; Robert Fischer - American chess player; Robert Falk - Russian painter, member of the "Jack of Diamonds"; Robert Sturua - Russian director; Robert Rozhdestvensky is a Russian poet.

Robert's name day

Robert celebrates his name day on March 27, April 17, April 25, April 29, April 30, June 7, June 8, September 17.

Robert name compatibility

Robert name incompatibility