How to grow pineapple at home? Planting pineapple at home: basic methods and useful tips How to plant pineapples.

Pineapple has a pleasant taste and is rich in many valuable properties. It is believed that this fruit includes all minerals and vitamins. Therefore, many people want to grow it at home. But not everyone can decide to experiment, since the fruit is of tropical origin. If you really want to do this, you should familiarize yourself with how to grow a pineapple from the top of the house. Read more about this in the article.

Will it be possible to grow it?

Pineapple is called a herbaceous perennial, part of the bromeliad family. It grows in the equatorial and tropical parts. It is grown in the Philippines, Thailand, USA, and Latin American countries. There are 9 types of culture. The most common is the large-crested one.

Many people are interested in how pineapple grows in nature? The plant is presented in the form of a small bush with long leaves. The fruits are at the top, as if someone placed them there. How does a pineapple grow in nature if it is grown for sale? These are entire fields completely covered with fruits.

How to grow pineapple at home? It turns out to be a wonderful plant, the main thing is that there are greenhouse conditions. This does not require a special room; an apartment is suitable. Fruits grown in this way are only slightly smaller in size than fruits that are brought to stores from other countries. But the taste and aroma are the same. The main thing is to know how to grow a pineapple.

Tools and materials

How to grow pineapple? To do this you will need:

  • pineapple;
  • water;
  • glasses;
  • manganese potassium;
  • soil;
  • knife;
  • expanded clay;
  • a pot with a diameter of 15-20 cm or more;
  • polyethylene film.

How to grow pineapple? There are several growing methods. But the best is to use the top. All details on this method are presented in the article.

Fruit selection

How to grow pineapple from the top of the house? It is important to choose the right fruit. To eliminate errors, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. You should pay attention to the leaves. If the pineapple is of good quality, they are green and firm. You should not buy a fruit that has yellow or brown leaves.
  2. It is important that the color of the peel is golden yellow.
  3. A healthy fruit should have moderate elasticity. Don't choose hard pineapple. And if it is very loose, then this is considered a sign of low quality.
  4. It is better to buy pineapple at the end of August or early September. If you purchase fruit in winter, you need to make sure that it is not frozen. It will not produce a healthy plant.
  5. It is important that there are no gray spots on the peel.

Only when choosing a high-quality fruit will growing a pineapple at home from a tuft be successful. But you will also need proper care.

Priming. Important nuances of choice

What kind of soil is needed for pineapple? You will need a mixture of coarse river sand, peat and leaf or turf soil. Some people replace sand with perlite. There are several soil compositions for pineapple:

  1. Peat and river sand are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. Combine turf and leaf soil, peat, birch sawdust, coarse sand in a ratio of 3:2:2:2:1.
  3. Leaf humus is mixed with turf soil, sand and peat (2:1:1:1).

A ready-made mixture for bromeliad plants is also suitable. You should not choose soil that is intended for other plants. 2 days before planting the fruit, the substrate should be poured with boiling water to disinfect and moisturize.

Top preparation

How to plant the top of a pineapple? The preparation is done like this:

  1. You need to grab the top with your hand and carefully turn it out. It is important that the inner stem separates with the leaves.
  2. If the pineapple is unripe, difficulties arise during this procedure. Then you need to use a knife to remove the leaves and root. When cutting, you must maintain an angle of 45 degrees. Do not place the knife horizontally.
  3. The pulp on the stem must be removed, in otherwise planting material rots. From this place the pineapple root system develops.
  4. You need to retreat 3 cm from the tuft and cut off the top with leaves. The result is a cutting with a crown. The lower leaves are also cut off. The main thing is that the kidneys are not damaged.
  5. Then you need to perform preliminary germination. Settled water at room temperature is poured into a glass and the cutting is lowered into it. It is important that it is immersed by 3-4 cm.
  6. The glass must be placed in a warm, well-lit place. The water should be changed after 2-3 days.
  7. After 3 weeks, roots form at the top, and then it is transplanted into the ground.

There are also Alternative option processing. The cutting should be hung on a rope in a vertical position with the crown down. The plant dries within 2-3 weeks. After this procedure, the top takes root well. The cuttings are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to prevent rotting.


How to grow pineapple in a pot? The procedure is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The pot should be prepared. It is important that it is not inferior in size to the cut of the pineapple at the tuft. Since the plant is replanted as it grows, you can choose a container with a diameter of 30-35 cm. But if this is not possible, at this stage you can choose a container with a size of 15 cm. A drainage hole is required to prevent moisture stagnation. It is better to plant pineapple in a container with small sides, but with a large diameter. This is due to the root system, which is located in the top layer of soil.
  2. A 2-3 cm layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot.
  3. The pot is filled with soil.
  4. In the middle of the container you should create a hole 3 cm deep, place the top with the roots and fill it with soil up to the leaves.
  5. Use your fingers to compact the soil.
  6. The plant needs to be watered a little. It is important that the soil is slightly moist.
  7. The container is placed in a warm place that is well lit. If planting was done in cold weather, the seedling is covered with plastic film, which provides the desired microclimate.
  8. How to root the top of a pineapple? In addition to following the above rules, you need to observe some nuances. The room temperature should be 25-27 degrees. This procedure lasts 1.5-2 months. Do not leave pineapple in direct sunlight.
  9. When the first sheets appear, the film must be removed.

These are all the tips on how to grow a pineapple. In addition, proper care must be taken. All the nuances proper cultivation, ensuring the normal development of the plant, are presented below.


In order for the plant to develop properly, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. The room where the pineapple grows should have a temperature of 22-25 degrees.
  2. In winter it should stay within 16-18 degrees.
  3. If the temperature does not meet the required parameters and the room is very cool, you need to turn on the heating devices.
  4. If the plant is located on a windowsill, it is protected from drafts and frostbite.
  5. In cold weather, it is advisable to move the crop to a warm part of the apartment.

A suitable temperature can ensure beautiful flowering and fruiting. It greatly affects the general condition of the plant.


Pineapple should not be watered too much. In nature, it lives in tropical climates, where the plant does not receive water for several months. Watering should be done 2 times a week. In winter, this should be done once every 7 days.

It is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil and the plant. If the soil is dry or the leaves begin to wilt, this is a sign that the pineapple needs moisture. Watering should be done into the outlet, which is filled to 2/3 of the volume.

You only need settled or filtered water at room temperature. It is allowed to add to the liquid lemon juice(a few drops). A large amount of moisture leads to rotting of the plant.


Pineapple is a light-loving crop. But direct ultraviolet rays are undesirable for it. It is best to place the plant on the east or west side. You should not place it on a south window.

The plant should not be rotated. Pineapple develops normally if there is one-sided lighting. Late autumn and in winter additional light is required. Place next to the plant fluorescent lamp at a distance of 20 cm. Pineapple should be illuminated for 8-10 hours a day.

Top dressing

At the end of February, the growing season begins, which lasts until September. During this period, the pineapple is systematically fed. Fertilize should be done every 10-15 days. This procedure has several features:

  1. Fertilizing can be done with horse or cow manure. You should prepare a bucket, which is 1/3 filled with organic fertilizer. The remaining volume should be supplemented with warm water.
  2. The mixture is stirred periodically for 3-5 days.
  3. Then the solution should stand for a week.
  4. Then it is diluted with water (1:10). For 1 liter of soil you need 50 ml of fertilizer.
  5. Pineapple should be sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate 1-2 times a month (1 g of product per 1 liter of water).

You should not feed the pineapple with alkaline fertilizers; for example, wood ash or lime are not suitable. You won't be able to grow a healthy plant with them.


The first transplant is performed after 2 months. By this time, the pineapple has already taken root and can well receive nutrients and moisture from the soil. Then the transplant is performed annually.

It is important to ensure that the root system does not overgrow. When replanting, you need to choose a new pot, which is 2-3 liters larger than the previous one. The plant moves with the earthen clod. The procedure is performed in the same sequence as planting. The same soil is used.

Stimulation of flowering

Pineapple blooms after 3-4 years. If this is not the case, you need to use one of the recommendations:

  1. Calcium carbide (1 tsp) is dissolved in water (500 ml). The product is infused for a day. Then the liquid must be drained, leaving behind impurities and sediment. You need to pour 50 ml into the middle of the socket every day for a week. After 1-1.5 months, the pineapple can bloom.
  2. The plant must be covered with a plastic bag. Place several smoking coals near the pot. The plant will bloom in 2-2.5 months. But this procedure should be performed 2-3 times with a break of a week. After the coals have finished smoking, they are removed and the bag is removed from the pineapple.
  3. The pot must be placed in a large bag. Tomatoes or apples (3-4 pcs.) are also placed there. When the fruits spoil, they are replaced with new ones.

Such rules are a great help at home, since tropical conditions are much different from those at home. These methods allow you to ensure excellent flowering. Such a plant will also be an excellent decoration for your home.


The harvest appears 6-7 months after flowering. Pineapples will weigh 0.3-1.5 kg. The ripeness of the fruit is indicated by a sweetish smell. Do not use at this time mineral fertilizers, fertilizing can only be done organic substances.

When fruiting is completed, new shoots appear on the pineapple over the course of 2-3 years. Then the plant dies. The children are usually planted again in the same way as the top. After this, you need to follow the same care rules as indicated above.

Pineapple can grow well at home. If you follow the above rules, then after a few years tasty and aromatic fruits grown independently will appear. If desired, you can grow several trees to reap a richer harvest.

This is not only a tasty fruit, but also an excellent plant for home growing. It can not only please you with the harvest, but also has decorative value. How to grow pineapple at home will be discussed in this article.

How to grow pineapple at home

This plant belongs to the Bromeliad family. On sale there are fruits from 1 to 2 kg. However, when grown on plantations, the weight of one of them can reach 5 kg.

Flowers and fruits

The appearance of the plant depends on its growing conditions. In Brazil, the height of some pineapple varieties can reach one and a half meters. However, some of its varieties have much more compact sizes.

For your information! Plantations where this plant is grown are located almost all over the world. The largest of them are in Hawaii, the Philippines, Mexico and China.

When grown at home, the height of the palm tree reaches no more than half a meter. The pineapple has a rosette of long leaves from which the fruit grows. It is the only edible plant in the Bromeliad family.

If you carry out home cultivation according to all the rules, you can not only see the pineapple bloom, but also get the fruits.

For this purpose, it is customary to use the following types of pineapple:

  • A. Comosus is known for its narrow, elongated leaves and good fruiting;
  • A. Comosus Variegatus has striped leaves. They are wider and shorter in comparison with other varieties. This plant looks beautiful and is widely used to solve design problems, but it bears little fruit;
  • A. Bracteatus Striatus is larger in size. His characteristic feature is the presence of green-yellow leaves.

Note! Growing pineapples is no more difficult than planting berries.

How to grow a pineapple at home from the top step by step

To start growing pineapple at home, you just need to purchase a suitable fruit. It is necessary that it has a rosette of leaves on top. In the future, this top will need to be disconnected and rooted.

How to root a pineapple at home

The first step in growing is acquiring a suitable fruit. When examining, you need to make sure that it has a full rosette of leaves in the upper part along with its center.

It is important that this fruit is healthy, otherwise problems may arise if it is grown. You want the top to not start to turn brown. The tip of the flower sprout should emerge from the rosette. Only if it is available in further plant will bloom.

Once acquired, the next step is to take root.

To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Necessary in the right way separate the socket. The top part is cut off so as to leave 2 cm of pulp. This piece of fruit must be peeled. The result should be a slightly rounded heel shape.
  2. Then you need to carefully cut off the remaining pulp, leaving the fibrous part intact. If the removal is not carried out completely with a poor-quality cut, then the remains will begin to rot. You can see white dots on the cut. They must be handled with care; these are root nodules that must remain intact.
  3. You need to tear off some of the leaves from the cut rosette. It is recommended to do this in such a way as to clear the lower 2 cm of the trunk. The leaves are torn off using a movement that is performed in a direction perpendicular to the trunk. After removing the leaves, in some cases you can see sprouted roots.

Note! After the roots are 2 cm long, they are removed from the water and placed on paper to dry. You need to wait 2-3 hours until the root system is completely dry. After this, the plant is ready to be planted in the ground.

Ornamental plant

Soil for pineapple

To grow pineapple, you can purchase soil from a specialty store that is used for palm trees or citrus fruits. It is important that after planting the soil retains light moisture. It should not be too wet or completely dry.

When a pineapple is planted in the ground, it is necessary that not only the roots are covered, but also the part of the trunk that was previously cleared of leaves.

How long does a pineapple grow?

Flowers are formed one and a half to two years after planting in the ground. At proper care After flowering ends, fruits appear in their place. After they ripen, the plant dies, but it can be grown again using a rosette of leaves.

How does pineapple grow in nature?

This plant is native to South America. It is found here in the wild. Local residents actively grow pineapples and use them for food.

What do pineapples grow on and what does a pineapple tree look like?

Pineapple is a thorny bush. The flower, and then the fruit, are located in its upper part, above a rosette of large green leaves. The roots are slightly developed. The stem is short.

The surface of the fruit appears covered with scales. A small sprout grows on the top of its head.

Important! Moisture can accumulate on the leaves, which the plant can use to maintain its strength during dry times. The height of the bush depends on the growing conditions. Usually it is in the range from 60 cm to one and a half meters.

The rosette of an adult plant is formed from 30 hard elongated leaves. Their length is 20-100 cm. Some varieties of pineapples have spines along the edges of their leaves; they are sharp and curved.

Fetal education

Where do pineapples grow, in which countries?

This plant was the first among Europeans to be discovered by H. Columbus. He learned about the existence of pineapple during a stop on the island. Guadeloupe. At this time, it was grown in Central and most of South America.

For your information! The name comes from "nanas", which means "magnificent fruit" in the Aboriginal language.

Brazil and Paraguay are considered the birthplace of this plant. Subsequently, pineapple cultivation spread almost throughout the world.

How does a pineapple bloom?

Flowers are formed 1.5-2.5 years after the start of growth. The inflorescence is shaped like a spike, in which there are many flowers; they are bisexual.

The peduncle is formed from the growing point of the leaves. The plant is self-pollinating. Flowering ends in 14-20 days. The flowers are often red.

Pineapple plantations

This plant is grown on plantations in Africa, Southeast Asia, India and China. Pineapple is well adapted to hot climates. It is able to store water to survive dry periods.

This plant grows well in climates that are suitable for citrus fruits.

The largest plantations for its cultivation are in Thailand, the Philippines, Hawaii, Mexico, Australia and Guinea. Pineapple is also actively grown in Ghana, India, Australia, and China.

Note! In Russia, this plant can only ripen in greenhouses.

Indoor pineapple or pineapple in a pot

Growing at home is not particularly difficult. But following the rules of how to care is mandatory.

Decorative pineapple

This plant, when grown at home, does not always bear fruit. To obtain such a result, you need to carefully care for it. But it can be grown for decorative purposes. The way a pineapple looks can decorate your home. The rules for growing for decorative purposes are the same as in cases where you want to get fruit from a plant.


How to care for pineapple in a pot at home

For growing, you need to choose the right pot. It is believed that its volume should be such that at least 2 cm remains from the plant to the edge. In most cases, these are chosen for growing. So that their diameter is 12-14 cm.

A good sign is the appearance of new leaves in the rosette of the pineapple tree. In this case, you can be sure that rooting was successful.

For your information! This plant is mostly a herb rather than a fruit.

In order for the plant to grow well, it needs to be replanted every year. It is preferable to perform this procedure at the beginning of the summer.

What do pineapples grow well on? They grow well in a variety of soil types. However, it is better for him to purchase soil in which palm trees are usually grown from a specialized store. It is acceptable to use universal primer.

When planting, it is necessary to add a drainage layer to the bottom of the pot, reducing the likelihood of excessive moisture and protecting the pineapple from root rot. Exot does not need to fertilize.

The plant will not bloom immediately. This usually happens 1.5-2 years after planting in the ground. If the pineapple is provided with abundant light, then fruits can develop from the flowers.

When growing, it is advisable to provide a temperature of 25°C for this heat-loving plant. It is most comfortable for pineapple during spring, summer and autumn. In winter, a temperature of 20°C is best.

Pineapple does not require a lot of moisture. In summer, it is enough to water 2-3 times a week. At the same time, you need to make sure that there is no waterlogging. In winter, it is enough to supply the plant with moisture weekly.

Note! When watering, pour a little moisture into the outlet. Spraying can be done. When used for this purpose tap water you need to let it settle first.

Developmental disorders

If the leaves of a pineapple are pale in color, this indicates a lack of lighting. If this problem is eliminated, the plant will continue to grow.

When the pineapple grows, but flowers do not form, do the following. The usual time for their formation is 18-30 months. If nothing happens at this time, then the plant can be given appropriate assistance. One way to solve the problem could be to treat pineapple with ethylene gas. You can get it at home using apples. The fruits are cut into two halves, one is placed next to the pineapple with the cut facing the soil, the other is placed on the rosette in the same position. The plant in this form is covered with a plastic bag and left for 3-4 weeks. Apples will produce ethylene, which will have a stimulating effect on the plant. When flowers can be seen emerging, the bag is removed and the remaining apple is removed.

Other disturbances in plant development are also possible:

  • Sometimes you can see the lower leaves dry out and curl. Most probable cause- placing the pineapple in a draft. It is necessary to move the plant to a new place where it will not be in such danger;
  • if there is dust on the leaves, you need to wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • if the plant has wrinkled and drying leaves and has recently fruited, then this is not a cause for concern. The pineapple dies after the fruit has formed, but its rosette can be used again to grow the plant;
  • if a pineapple has slow development, this indicates a deficiency useful substances and microelements. In this case, it is recommended to purchase and use fertilizer for flowering plants;
  • Although pineapple is a heat-loving plant, it does not tolerate excessive heat. In this case, its leaves may dry out and fall off. In this situation, it is necessary to take care of creating comfortable temperature conditions for it and additional watering.

Note! The plant may be attacked by scale insects. As a result, clearly visible brown spots appear on the bottom of the leaves. To get rid of pests, just wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in a soap solution.

How does a pineapple reproduce?

For growing, it is most convenient to use a rosette of leaves. However, it is possible to grow the pineapple fruit using its seeds. This process is more labor-intensive compared to growing from a rosette.

You can also use propagation by root cuttings.

How to grow pineapple from seeds at home

When planning how to plant pineapple at home, you need to take the following into account. It is possible to grow a pineapple using its seeds only if you use those purchased in a specialized store. You cannot plant those that you obtained yourself. If you buy a pineapple for food, then either there will be no seeds in it at all, or they will remain unformed.

The seeds that are suitable for growing are as follows:

  • they are flat and semicircular in shape;
  • the color is brown or has a reddish tint;
  • length 3-4 mm.

They need to be germinated before planting. To do this, they are placed between two wet wipes and left in a warm place for 18-24 hours.

They are planted in a peat-sand mixture. In this case, the seeds are buried no more than one and a half centimeters. Containers for germination are covered with cellophane film or glass and placed in a warm place. If germination is carried out at room temperature, then it makes sense to expect the first shoots after a period of three weeks to one and a half months. If you keep the containers at 30-32°C, the seedlings will appear within 2-3 weeks.

When sprouting, you need to regularly water the sprouts and feed them every 2-3 weeks.

After 2-3 leaves appear, the plants are planted (planted in separate pots). They need soil consisting of equal parts of peat, humus, garden soil and sand. To make the soil structure more loose, 5% crushed charcoal is added to it.

Important! Instead of part of the sand, you can use an equal amount of perlite.

Pineapple on the plantation

How does pineapple reproduce in nature?

How does pineapple grow in nature? It occurs as single plants. Its fruits are often firmer, smaller in size and sweeter than cultivated varieties.

After flowering is completed, a fruit forms in this place. Since in most cases the plant is bisexual, it is self-pollinating. However, it happens that the flowers are only male or only female. In this case, it can reproduce with the help of insects.

Wild fruits contain many seeds, which birds and animals love to feast on, carrying them to places where they will fall into the ground and grow.

Growing pineapple at home is not particularly difficult. With minimal care effort, you can count on not only tasty fruits, but also a beautiful ornamental plant.

Pineapple not only has a pleasant taste, but also a significant amount useful properties. There is an opinion that this fruit contains all the minerals and vitamins. It is not surprising that many people want to grow it themselves. But not everyone decides to undertake such an experiment due to the tropical origin of the fruit. If you still decide to grow a pineapple from the top of the house, then read the planting rules and care recommendations.

Is it possible to grow pineapple at home?

Growing pineapple at home is a troublesome task, but the results are worth it

Pineapple is a herbaceous perennial plant, a member of the Bromeliaceae (bromeliad) family. Grows in equatorial and tropical areas. The leaders in cultivation are the Philippines, Thailand, the USA and Latin American countries. Today there are 9 varieties of this culture. The most common is the large-tufted pineapple (Ananas comosus).

It is possible to grow the plant in Europe only if greenhouse conditions are created. You don’t need a special room for this; an ordinary apartment will do. The fruits of the plant obtained in this way are slightly smaller in size than the fruits that are transported from tropical zones. But this does not affect the aroma and taste of pineapple.

Required tools and materials

To grow this exotic fruit, prepare:

  • a pineapple;
  • water;
  • cup;
  • manganese potassium;
  • priming;
  • expanded clay;
  • a pot with a diameter of 15-20 cm or more;
  • plastic film.

Step-by-step instructions for growing a pineapple from the top

Pineapple is grown in several ways. The most effective of these is to use a top.

Selection of planting material

Choosing a healthy pineapple for propagation is the key to success

One of the conditions for successfully growing pineapple is the correct choice of fruit. To avoid mistakes, follow these rules:

  1. Pay attention to the leaves. In high-quality pineapple, they have a rich green color and a firm structure. If you find a fruit with yellow or brown leaves, you should not purchase it.
  2. The color of the peel should be golden yellow.
  3. A healthy fruit has moderate elasticity. Don't choose a pineapple that is too hard. But if the fruit is too loose, then this is also an indicator of its low quality.
  4. It is recommended to purchase pineapple for home cultivation in late August or early September. If you buy fruit in winter time, make sure that it is not frozen. It will not be possible to obtain a healthy plant from such planting material.
  5. The presence of gray spots on the peel is unacceptable.

Top preparation

1. Grasp the top with your hand and turn it out with a slow, gentle movement. The inner stem should separate along with the leaves.

You can unscrew the top by hand or with a knife.

2. If the fruit is not ripe, difficulties may arise during this procedure. Then use a knife and use it to remove the leaves and root. When cutting, maintain a 45° angle. Do not place the knife horizontally.

If you use a knife, make sure it is at a 45 degree angle

3. Remove the pulp that remains on the stem, otherwise the planting material will begin to rot. From here the pineapple root system will develop.
4. Step back 3 cm from the tuft and cut off the top along with the leaves. The result should be a cutting with a crown. We also remove the lower leaves. Make sure your kidneys are not damaged.
5. The next stage of preparation is preliminary germination. Pour settled water at room temperature into a glass and lower the cutting into it. It should sink 3-4 cm.
6. Place the glass in a warm, well-lit place with a stable temperature. Change the water every 2-3 days.

Sprout the top and plant in a pot

7. After 3 weeks, roots will appear on the top, after which it can be transplanted into the ground.

There is also an alternative preparatory treatment option. The cuttings are suspended on a rope in a vertical position with the crown down. The plant dries out over the course of 2-3 weeks. It is believed that after this procedure the tip takes root better.

Important! Treat the cutting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this will help prevent it from rotting.

Video: method of preparing the top


General scheme for planting pineapple

1. Prepare the pot. In size it should not be inferior to the cut of a pineapple at the tuft. Since the plant will have to be transplanted into a larger space as it grows, you can immediately use a pot with a diameter of 30-35 cm. But if this is not possible, at this stage a container with a size of 15 cm will do. It is mandatory to have a drainage hole to avoid stagnation of excess moisture. It is recommended to plant pineapple in a pot with low sides, but with a large diameter. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the root system, which is located in the upper layer of soil.

2. Place a layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm thick on the bottom of the container.

3. Fill the pot with soil. The soil can be purchased at flower shops or prepared yourself. 2 days before planting, it must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. There are several options for soil composition for pineapple:

  • mix peat and river sand in equal proportions;
  • combine turf and leaf soil, peat, birch sawdust and coarse sand in a ratio of 3:2:2:2:1;
  • mix leaf humus, turf soil, sand and peat (2:1:1:1).

4. In the middle of the container, make a hole 3 cm deep, place the top with the roots down and fill it with soil to the level of the leaves.

5. Use your fingers to compact the soil slightly.

6. Water the plant with a small amount of water. The soil should be slightly moist.

7. Place the pot in a warm place with sufficient lighting. If you start planting in cold weather, cover the seedling with plastic film, this will create the necessary microclimate.

8. For the plant to take root, the room temperature should be 25-27°C. This process takes 1.5-2 months. Do not leave the pineapple in direct sunlight.

9. When the first leaves appear, remove the film.

Aftercare of the plant

In order for the plant to fully develop, it is necessary to provide it with a certain level of temperature, regular watering, fertilizing and lighting.


  1. In the room where the pineapple grows, maintain the temperature at 22-25°C.
  2. In winter, lower it to 16-18°C.
  3. If the temperature does not meet the required level and the room is too cool, use heating devices.
  4. If the plant is on a windowsill, it must be protected from drafts and frostbite.
  5. In the cold season, it is better to move the crop to a warmer area of ​​the apartment.


The culture does not tolerate excess moisture

Pineapple should not be watered too much. Its natural habitat is tropical climates, where the plant does not receive water for several months. Twice a week will be enough; in winter, reduce the frequency of watering to once every 7 days.

Focus on the condition of the soil and plant. If the soil has dried out or the leaves begin to wilt, this indicates that the pineapple needs moisture. You need to water it into the rosette of leaves, which is filled to 2/3 of the volume. Use only settled or filtered water at room temperature. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the liquid.

Important! Excessive amounts of moisture will cause the plant to rot.


Pineapple is a light-loving crop. But exposure to direct ultraviolet rays is extremely undesirable. Most suitable place for it there will be an east or west side. It is not recommended to place the plant on a south window.

There is no need to turn it. Pineapple develops well under one-sided lighting. In late autumn and winter, the plant needs an additional light source. Place a fluorescent lamp next to it at a distance of 20 cm. Illuminate the pineapple for 8-10 hours a day.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season

The growing season begins at the end of February and lasts until September. At this time, the pineapple needs to be systematically fed. Fertilizers are applied every 10-15 days. The process itself has the following features:

  1. Pineapple is fed with horse or cow manure. Prepare a bucket and fill it 1/3 with organic fertilizer, add the remaining volume with warm water.
  2. Stir the mixture periodically for 3-5 days.
  3. After this, the solution should infuse for a week.
  4. Then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. For 1 liter of soil, 50 ml of fertilizer is required.
  5. Spray the pineapple with a solution of iron sulfate 1-2 times a month (1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water).

Important! Do not feed your pineapple with alkaline fertilizers such as wood ash or lime.


The first transplant is carried out after 2 months. By this time, the pineapple will be well rooted and will be able to actively consume nutrients and moisture from the soil. In the future, it is replanted every year.

The root system should not be allowed to overgrow. For each new transplant, use a pot that is 2-3 liters larger in volume than the previous container. Move the plant along with a lump of earth. The procedure is carried out in the same sequence as planting. A similar soil composition is used.

Video: pineapple replanting process

Stimulation of flowering

Flowering can be stimulated in several ways, for example, using calcium carbide

When grown at home, pineapple begins to bloom after 3-4 years. If this does not happen, try one of the following tips:

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium carbide in 500 ml of water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then drain the liquid, leaving behind impurities and sediment. Pour 50 ml of this composition into the middle of the outlet every day for a week. After 1-1.5 months, flowering will begin.
  2. Cover the plant with a plastic bag. Place some smoking coals near the pot. The pineapple will bloom after 2-2.5 months. But this procedure needs to be carried out 2-3 times with a week break. When the coals stop smoking, remove them and remove the plastic from the pineapple.
  3. Place the pot in a large bag and add 3-4 tomatoes or apples. When the fruits begin to deteriorate, replace them with new ones.


The harvest will appear 6-7 months after flowering. When grown at home, pineapple reaches a weight of 0.3-1.5 kg. Ripe fruits can be identified by their sweetish smell. During this period, it is not recommended to use mineral fertilizers; feed the plant only with organic substances.

After the end of fruiting, new shoots will appear on the pineapple within 2-3 years. Then the plant dies. The children can be re-seated. They are planted in the same way as the top.

Pineapple can be successfully grown at home. If you follow the above recommendations, in a few years you will taste the fruits grown on our own. And if you wish, you can organize an entire plantation. Good luck!

Exotic lovers often experiment with planting tropical plants at home. Growing is popular among plant growers. This culture is capricious, but with a lot of desire and armed with knowledge, you can become the owner of a beautiful exotic plant. How to plant a pineapple, what care does it need, and when can you collect the first fruits?

Is it possible to grow pineapple at home?

Homemade pineapple is smaller in size than the one that grows in the tropics. If you managed to grow the fruit itself at home, it will not be the same as the store-bought one, it will be a little smaller and will taste different from a real tropical fruit. Growing pineapple at home using seeds or tops consists of several stages, for which you will need:

  • fruit or seeds;
  • planting material;
  • soil and its preparation;
  • top germination;
  • rooting of the tuft;
  • care.

Growing a pineapple will take a lot of time, but in the end you will end up with a beautiful and unusual home plant that will bear fruit and delight you with its tasty, small fruits.

How to grow pineapple from seeds at home

Pineapple seeds can be extracted from ripe fruit or purchased at a flower shop. Externally, they have a dark brown color and are about 3–4 mm in size. To plant them you need to prepare:

  1. Rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry;
  2. Place in a humid environment for a day: sponge, napkin.
  3. Wait for the first roots.
  4. Prepare the pot and soil.
  5. After planting the plant, a greenhouse effect is created - the soil is covered with film or polyethylene.

It will take about 3 weeks for pineapple seeds to germinate, provided that they are stored at a temperature of 30 ° C. Growing with seeds is quite an exciting activity, especially when the first rosettes and petals sprout from the soil.

How to grow a pineapple from the top at home

More popular and in an accessible way Planting the top of a pineapple is considered. This option is the simplest. What should be done:

  1. Remove the top with leaves from the base.
  2. Strip off 2-3 cm.
  3. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal.
  4. The seedlings are left to dry at room temperature for 1 week. They can be hung with the cut part up. This will help speed up root growth.
  5. A week later, the seedling is immersed in water and waits for the first roots.
  6. It is recommended to keep the top for planting in a dark and warm place. It is important to exclude the seedling from being in a draft or where there are temperature changes.
  7. When shoots appear, planting is carried out.

Rooting takes on average 6 – 8 weeks. During this period, the pineapple petals begin to dry out, so it is better to cut them off. New greenery will grow in place of the cut petals, this indicates that the houseplant has taken root well.

Before planting a pineapple tail, you need to prepare the soil, a pot, and create everything in advance. the necessary conditions for normal plant rooting. If any process is disrupted, the houseplant may die.

Buying fruit

Amateur flower growers believe that homemade pineapple can be planted and grown from any fruit. But experts assure that for planting you need to buy pineapple not in winter, but in summer or autumn. The fruit should have a pleasant fruity aroma and should not be rotten or stained. Pineapple stems are green with slightly yellowish leaves.

Particular attention should be paid to the upper crown, which will be used for planting at home. There should be no signs of rot on it.

If the fruit is too hard, there is no pleasant smell, and most likely it will not be suitable for planting. You should also avoid fruits with dry leaves.

As a rule, moderately ripe fruit is planted. You can check it by holding it in your hand. If the exotic is overripe, it will be too soft, and if it is hard, it means it is not yet ripe. You can determine normal ripeness by looking at the pineapple’s scales, which should spring back when pressed. A hollow sound when tapped is also a good indicator of ripeness.


Planting material is placed in water if grown from the top, or in a humid environment if pineapple seeds are used. The first roots may appear within 2 weeks.

When the roots appear, the homemade pineapple seedling needs to be pulled out of the water, placed on a paper towel, wait 2 hours, and only after that the seedlings can be planted in the ground. Bury the entire stem with roots, but without leaves, into the soil.

Pot and soil for the plant

After the roots have sprouted, the houseplant can be planted in the ground. You will need a small pot (0.5 l), but as the plant grows, its size should increase. A drainage made of pebbles or expanded clay must be installed at the very bottom. It will help protect the roots from rotting. The pot itself must have a hole at the bottom so that excess liquid can be removed from it. If there is no such hole, the roots will rot.

For the soil itself, it is best to take a universal mixture that does not require fertilizer and is great for indoor palm trees and tropical plants. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected using hot water. Then the soil is dried and only then the seedling is planted.

How to root correctly

To root and germinate roots, prepare the tail of the pineapple. To begin with, cut off the leaves of the upper part, leaving 1-2 cm of the fruit near the outlet. It is important to remove the pulp from the fruit as it will cause rotting.

When the top is ready, it needs to be placed in water for the roots to germinate. It is impossible for a houseplant to be in a draft. When the first roots of medium length appear from the top, they can be planted in the ground. To protect the roots of your homemade pineapple, you need to add several crushed activated carbon tablets into the soil when planting the plant. It will help prevent the proliferation of microbes and purulent processes.

How to care for pineapple at home

In order for a home plant to successfully take root and the first fruits to appear, care is important for it, which consists of choosing soil, soil, observing temperature indicators and quality of lighting.


A pineapple - exotic plant, so he likes warmth. For exotic to grow well, the optimal temperature should be between +22+23 oC.


Water the pineapple with moderately warm, settled water, which can be acidified with lemon juice. Water is poured directly into the outlet. In summer, the flowerpot is watered 2 - 3 times a week, and in winter - 1 time. The interval between watering will help the soil dry out and the roots not to rot.


Pineapple loves good light, so it should be in the sun for at least 6 hours a day. In summer, the flowerpot can be kept in the garden or on the balcony, and in winter, when the days are short, homemade exotic plants are warmed with fluorescent lamps.

Top dressing

Cow or horse manure is ideal for fertilizer. Treat the plant with it once every 14 days. This type of fertilizer can be replaced organic fertilizers. They should not contain alkali, otherwise the plant may die.

You can spray homemade pineapple with a solution of vitriol. Dilute it 1:1 with water. Frequency of use: 1 time per month.


Pineapple is a rather finicky houseplant, so it requires frequent replanting, at least once a year. For an adult flowerpot, a capacity of 5 liters is sufficient. The process uses a transshipment method. It must be carried out very carefully, without disturbing the lump of earth. It is better to replant the flowerpot at the beginning of summer.

Pineapple blossom

With proper care, you can expect the first flowering after 2 years. By that time, the leaves reach a size of up to 90 cm, with a diameter of up to 10 cm. A sign of inflorescence is the appearance of a bud at the top. Flowering duration is 2 weeks, then the fruit begins to form.
If there is no pineapple flowering for a long time, it can be stimulated. There are several ways to do this. The most affordable is the use of carbide. You will need 15 g of carbide; it is dipped in 1 liter of water. Water the rosette of the plant with the prepared solution. You need to repeat watering after a day. 2 months after this treatment, the pineapple will definitely bloom. It is better to carry out such manipulations in spring or summer.


On the lateral shoots of an adult palm tree there are often shoots that can be planted. The process can be carried out in a similar way as for the top.
If a grower has the desire and ability to grow pineapple, then good fruiting and planting of the plant will help to become the owner of an entire pineapple plantation.
When flowering ends, the formation of a fruit appears, the weight of which can reach from 300 g to 1.5 kg. At this time, you can fertilize the plant with organic matter and minerals.

The fact that the pineapple is ripe is indicated by the sweetish aroma of the fruit and rich yellow color.

Diseases and their symptoms

  • Drying leaves.
  • Pale color of the plant.
  • The top of the leaves are brown in color.
  • Slow growth and lack of flowering.
  • Leaves curl.
  • Rot at the base.

The causes of such symptoms are not only pests, but also poor plant care. If the first signs of the disease appear, you should contact a flower shop, where they will find a remedy to save the plant.

Growing a pineapple at home is not easy, but if you follow all the rules, you can end up with a beautiful tropical representative at home and even try its fruits.

Pineapple is a delicious exotic fruit that can be bought in any supermarket. In nature and on plantations, it grows for several years, and not on trees, as many people think, but directly on the ground in the form of a bush. The given recommendations and expert advice will help you grow pineapple from the top at home and even harvest from it. However, you should be patient - the fruits can only be obtained after several years.

The culture belongs to herbaceous perennials growing in tropical climates, and is classified by scientists as belonging to the Bromeliaceae family (lat. Bromeliaceae). The pineapple bush has interesting feature, which allows it to survive during dry periods - the fleshy leaves at the top of the fruit are collected in a funnel into which morning dew flows.

Being in such a container, it is gradually absorbed through the surface of the leaves.

This feature, inherent in succulent plant species (cacti, etc.), suggested scientists a way to reproduce pineapples. Gardeners in the 19th century began growing these fragrant fruits in pots in greenhouses. noble estates, which was considered prestigious and fashionable.

Selection rules

When starting to plant a pineapple at home, you should prepare the following materials:

  • pineapple fruit;
  • clay pot with a volume of 3-4 liters - the size is selected according to the diameter of the cut of the “sultan” (top) of the fruit and is at least 15 cm, a drainage hole is required;
  • soil mixture;
  • covering material (plastic film).

When deciding how to plant a pineapple from the top, you must first choose the right fruit. It should be fresh and ripe, but not overripe. You can determine ripeness by the color of the peel - it should be golden yellow, and the fruit itself should feel elastic and slightly loose to the touch. When the fruit is already ripe, it squats a little if you press on it.

The appearance of the top of the pineapple should be juicy and fresh. If the water is dry or stained, this may indicate pest infestation. You should choose a “sultan” of rich, bright green color. If a small green sprout is visible in the rosette, this will guarantee possible flowering in the future.

The optimal time for choosing pineapples is August-September, the time of arrival of fresh fruit. Experts advise buying several copies at once in different stores, then the likelihood of successful rooting of plants will increase.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the smell of the fruit - a sweet aroma indicates the freshness of the fruit, and a sour one indicates overripeness.

Preparing the tops

To separate the tail, or “sultan,” from the pineapple fruit, 2 methods are used:

  • gently twisting the top (the action is similar to unscrewing the cap from a bottle and is done by clasping the leaves with your hand);
  • cutting off a green rosette with the upper part of the fruit pulp (1-2 cm), which must be immediately removed with a knife to prevent rotting of the planting material.

On the resulting top, white dots are visible at the base, which are the rudiments of the future root system. The lower part of the rosette must be cleared of 1-2 cm of leaves (torn off perpendicular to the stem), the sections should be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, Epin or crushed charcoal powder. Then the top should be dried for 3-7 days, hanging it in the air so that the rosette does not touch anything.

Now you need to sprout roots on the seedling. To do this, pour warm, settled water into a glass container (preferably dark glass or cover with black paper) and place the cutting there, immersing it 3-4 cm (to the middle of the level of torn leaves).

The seedling is placed in a warm, illuminated place, the water needs to be changed every 2-3 days. Within 1-2 weeks, roots sprout from the top. When they grow 2-4 cm long, the seedling should be transferred to a paper towel and dried for 2-3 hours. Now you can plant the pineapple in the prepared container with soil.

Place and soil

When choosing a pot, keep in mind that pineapple has an underdeveloped root system, so the container should not be too deep. At the bottom you need to put drainage from a layer of pebbles or expanded clay 3-4 cm thick.

A store-bought universal or special (for tropical or palm plants) soil mixture is suitable as soil.

It should be light and loose, permeable to moisture and air. You can prepare it yourself by mixing river sand and peat in equal proportions. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected by watering it with boiling water or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting stages (step by step)

Planting pineapple at home is carried out in the following sequence:

  • in the prepared soil, make a hole 3-5 cm deep, which corresponds to the diameter of the base of the cutting;
  • plant the seedling so as not to damage the young roots, and cover it with soil to the level of the leaves;
  • press down with your fingers and compact the soil, pour in a little water so that the soil is slightly moist;
  • place the pot with the cutting in a warm place with good lighting; when planting in the cold season, it is recommended to cover the seedling with polyethylene to create a microclimate;
  • the optimal temperature for rooting is +25…+27°C;
  • It is not recommended to place the plant in direct sunlight.

If you follow all the planting rules and expert advice on how to grow a pineapple at home from the top step by step, after 1.5-2 months the young seedling will begin to form fresh green shoots. After they appear, the film must be removed

Plant care rules

For the normal development of a seedling, it is necessary to maintain the correct temperature conditions, regular watering and fertilizing, as well as providing good lighting.


The optimal temperature for pineapple growth depends on the season:

  • in the warm season it should be +22…+25°С;
  • in the winter months - +16...+18°С;
  • at lower temperatures, it is recommended to turn on heating devices;
  • when growing on a windowsill, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts and possible frostbite in winter, so in the cold months it is recommended to move the pineapple pot to a warmer place in the apartment.

Features of watering

When growing pineapple at home, you should water the plant twice a week (the soil should be slightly moist). Too much watering is not allowed due to possible rotting.

In the winter months, when the plant is in a dormant period, water once a week.

When watering, you need to monitor the condition of the soil: if it begins to dry out and the leaves fade slightly, then the plant needs moisture. For irrigation you need water at room temperature, filtered or settled. Experts advise adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice to it, and directing the stream into the outlet, filling it 2/3 of the volume. Some gardeners advise spraying the plant with warm water.

Lighting requirements

Pineapple is a light-loving crop, so it loves illuminated sunny places, but it should be placed under open beams Ultraviolet exposure is not recommended. The optimal location is a western or eastern window; a southern window is absolutely not suitable.

The development of the bush does not require turning it, because Pineapple grows well in one-way lighting. However, in late autumn and winter the plant needs additional lighting. To do this, you can install a fluorescent lamp at a distance of 20 cm from the bush, which should be turned on for 8-10 hours during the day.

Pineapple feeding

The vegetative period of the plant begins at the end of winter and continues until the beginning of autumn. During that period, it needs systematic feeding, which is recommended every 10-15 days.

Features of the use of fertilizers:

  • organic fertilizing with a solution of horse or cow manure (add warm water to 1/3 of the volume of the bucket with organic matter, leave for 3-5 days, periodically stirring the solution, then leave for another 7 days) - before processing, the solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of soil;
  • spraying with a solution of copper sulfate (1 g per liter of water) - 1-2 times a month.

Transfer rules

2 months after planting the seedling, when the pineapple bush has already taken root well and has begun to actively develop, you can carry out the first transplant. However, in the future it is recommended to transplant it into another pot once a year; the optimal time for this is the beginning of summer.

The main rule when growing a seedling is to prevent the roots from growing. You need to know how to transplant correctly: it is recommended to take a slightly larger pot (2-3 liters) and transfer the plant along with the earthen ball. The procedure is carried out similarly to the actions during landing.

Growth problems and pests

In the process of growing a pineapple bush, problems are possible that require correction during the care process:

Problem Causes Recommendations from experts
The leaves begin to turn pale Lack of light Move the pot with the plant to a brighter place
Slow bush growth Lack of necessary substances Fertilize with complex fertilizer for flowering plants
All the leaves dry up The room is too hot The plant should be watered and placed in a cooler place.
Drying and curling of the lower leaves The pot is in a draft Move the bush to a place protected from air currents
The appearance of yellow-brown spots on the leaves Scale insect attack Remove pests using a cotton swab or ear swab moistened with soapy water

Flowering and fruiting

A pineapple bush grown in a pot has an average height of 50 cm, forming a rosette with leaves that are arranged in a spiral. The first flower stalks may appear only 1.5-2 years after planting, and for some varieties - only in the third year of life.

In this case, a rosette with leaves grows and root buds form (they can then be used to produce seedlings). Over the course of several months, a peduncle with many blue-violet flowers is formed, each of which opens alternately for 1 day. Flowering lasts about 14 days, and after it ends, dried leaves must be removed. The fruit ripening stage lasts 4-7 months, depending on the variety and care conditions.

In some cases, flowering does not occur for a long time and then it needs to be stimulated. It is recommended to use fumigation of the plant or treatment with an aqueous solution of acetylene.

Another method is based on the possibility of obtaining ethylene gas from apples. To do this, the fruits must be cut into 2 equal parts: one half of the apple should be placed cut side down on the ground in a pot with pineapple, the other half should be placed on a leaf rosette, and the plant should be covered with polyethylene for 2-4 weeks. The gas released goes to the roots and starts the process of flowers appearing. After flowering begins, the halves must be removed and the bag removed.


Many amateur gardeners doubt whether it is possible to grow a pineapple in an apartment and get a harvest from it. However, many years of practice show that if all the rules of care are followed, the plant develops normally and pleases its owner with the appearance and ripening of an exotic fruit on the windowsill.

You should know that after harvesting, the pineapple bush dies, releasing small side shoots on the sides, suitable for propagation. They can be planted in pots, creating a small plantation to produce several tasty and aromatic fruits.