Types of exercise equipment in the gym with pictures. Aerobic Pedal Exerciser for Legs and Arms Aerob New Folding Exerciser for Arms and Legs

Day by day, the reflection in the mirror confuses you more and more: folds at the waist, plump shoulders, plump legs, gelatinous hips. You become more and more depressed, so you eat more and more, trying to cheer yourself up. Then a turning point comes, and you understand: without a home exercise machine there is no life, with basic exercises on the floor you will never bring your body to the ideal! But the question is: where to store it later, this simulator? You can’t put it in the closet!

Of course, you can't push a regular simulator. And here aerobic pedal exerciser for legs and arms - quite! Is your printer stored in the bottom drawer of your desk? That's pedal leg exerciser It will fit there, it is no larger!

Despite its portability, this exercise machine is multifunctional. You will be able to burn calories every day, “melting” your fat, and tone the muscles of your entire body, as well as your arms and legs. Do you think your body, unaccustomed to effort, will not be able to cope with the load? Not at all! Set the resistance switch to the lowest level and get started!

In short, then

mini exercise bike for home = beautiful body + healthy heart

And now more details.

The pedal exerciser works out and leads to excellent tone:

  • all leg muscles, including quadriceps;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • rectus abdominis muscle (abs);
  • back muscles;
  • shoulder muscles;
  • biceps and triceps.

strengthens the cardiovascular system;

helps you burn calories quickly and efficiently;

allows flexible adjustment of the resistance level;

Suitable for both beginners and those whose muscles are already in great shape;

allows you to rapidly progress in training;

harmoniously reduces your body fat percentage;

the skin will not sag when losing weight;

The mini exercise machine can be used at home, in the country and even in the office;

very compact - fits in the bottom compartment of the cabinet;

Quite light and portable - easy to carry and transport;

comfortable non-slip pedal straps;

durable, high-quality, stable body;

reliable mechanism;

A very inexpensive mini exercise bike.

Aerobic pedal exerciser for legs and arms: training features

  1. get ready for a comfortable workout;
  2. wear comfortable clothes;
  3. ensure the room is ventilated;
  4. set the resistance level on the body and pedals;
  5. place a mini exercise bike on the floor to train your legs and buttocks, on the table to train your arms and shoulders;
  6. The optimal duration of aerobic training is 30 minutes.

Do not exercise if you have:

  1. severe cardiovascular diseases;
  2. diabetes;
  3. there are tumor neoplasms.

The mini bike trainer for home has a built-in computer with a large and bright LCD display. The computer painstakingly measures :

  • total duration of training;
  • duration of training at the selected difficulty level;
  • distance covered;
  • calories burned.

The exercise machine is made of metal, rubber and plastic.

Its weight is 4.3 kg.

Dimensions: 41*35*32 cm.

Pedal exerciser for legs and arms: equipment

  • simulator body;
  • 2 plastic anti-slip stabilizers, front and rear;
  • 2 pedals with their own resistance regulation;
  • 4 screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • 1 battery for LCD display;
  • instructions.

We think you understand how unique the mini exercise bike is on display in this showcase of ours? Undoubtedly, you can look through all the products in our catalog, but you will never find such a combination of functionality and compactness! Call to order both for yourself and as a gift!

Replacing a worn-out joint is sometimes the only alternative to disability. The lower limbs bear a huge load, so there are many risks for injury. Incorrect weight distribution, a sharp jump, a blow to the knee area are the main risks of impaired blood flow to the tissues. Result: development of pathological processes, aseptic necrosis, need for surgery.

Indications, contraindications and types of replacement

Surgery is an aggression for the body, so it is resorted to only as a last resort. If the therapy does not have a therapeutic effect, the situation cannot be stabilized, and in order to relieve pain, it is necessary to increase the dose of medications; it is recommended to remove the damaged cartilage and replace it with artificial one.


  • progressive necrosis;
  • presence of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • consequences of unsuccessful knee surgeries;
  • inactivity (complete immobility) of the joint;
  • tuberculosis or bone cancer.


  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory organs;
  • inflammatory process in the acute stage;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • underdevelopment of the musculoskeletal system.

For selection best technique, which will show the most effective result, a diagnostic examination is carried out: x-ray, ultrasound (with Doppler), laboratory tests.

Depending on the percentage of damaged surface, one of the types of prosthetics is prescribed:

  • unicondylar (partial) – up to 50-65% affected. Only one of the sections changes (anterior, middle). A more gentle procedure, but if there is a pathological disease (arthritis), then there is a possibility of a repeat operation;
  • total (complete) – damage above 70%. The implant is installed on the femoral and large tibia. Prosthetic cups are attached to them, and the joint is replaced with a metal-plastic component.

Progress in medical technologies has made minimally invasive intervention possible, which reduces possible surgical and postoperative complications: blood loss, swelling, re-dislocation. Successful replacement is part of the treatment; 50% of the effectiveness and trouble-free functioning depends on the rehabilitation program.

High-quality restoration

After the operation, painful symptoms will appear for several days. Don't worry - this is how the body adapts to new conditions. Swelling, redness, and fever are possible.

Rehabilitation takes place in several periods:

stage deadlines target
Postoperative 1-14 days Preventing possible risks, relieving pain, getting used to walking with crutches
Early 1-6 months Development of kinematics, mastering walking up/down stairs, strengthening muscle mass lower limbs
Remote 6-12 months Complete restoration of movement, preparation for active life

Why is proper rehabilitation needed? According to statistics, in patients who comply with the regimen, the recommendations of a specialist who use healthy food, recovery is 90% more successful.

Rehabilitation procedures prevent:

  • contracture (limitation of kinematics up to complete immobility);
  • bacterial infections and the development of pathologies. With inactivity and hyperactivity, natural blood circulation is disrupted, the implant does not receive adequate nutrition, and thinning may develop. Bottom line: 60-70% chance of re-dislocation or fracture;
  • synovitis Excess fluid accumulates in the synovial bursa if you do not take prescribed medications and allow hypothermia.

Postoperative stage

It begins immediately after leaving anesthesia, when the patient begins to feel his legs. You can move a limb, try to lift it or bend it only under the supervision of staff. Conventionally, the postoperative period is divided into: initial (up to 3 days), secondary (up to 3 weeks) and final (up to 6 months). At this time, regular examinations by an orthopedist are recommended.

Complications at an early stage after endoprosthetics do not have pronounced signs. We attribute mild fever, crunching or stiffness to fatigue. In 80% of cases, these symptoms signal complex pathologies that are easier to treat immediately than to risk your health and allow progression. The doctor will adjust the rehabilitation procedures and, if necessary, recommend recovery in a sanatorium.

The first exercises are prescribed by a physical therapy methodologist, and they are performed under his supervision:

  • flexion/extension of the toes on both legs simultaneously and alternately, 10-15 times;
  • pulling the foot towards you 3-5 times, preventing pain from appearing;
  • bending the knee at a slight angle, then straightening. Performed slowly, under supervision;
  • tension and relaxation of the gluteal muscles.

During the postoperative period it is necessary to learn:

  • get out of bed and go to bed independently;
  • walk again, for now with the help of support devices;
  • sit on a chair and use the toilet;
  • prepare for the start of exercise therapy.

First, the movements are performed lying down, then (after the permission of the attending doctor) from a sitting position. Depending on the complexity of the operation, you can start walking on days 2-4 using improvised means. Crutches with support under the elbow are best so as not to overload the sore limb.

Until the ligaments and tendons become stronger, it is better to rest with a bolster or pillow placed between the knees. It is recommended to roll over only on your healthy side.

To fix the artificial joint and prevent complications, be sure to wear a fixing bandage. Usually the doctor recommends compression stockings with a certain degree of compression. In addition to preventing implant instability, such knitwear minimizes the development of:

  • trophic ulcer due to a malfunction in the circulatory system and improper blood flow to the operated area;
  • deep vein thrombosis. The growth of a blood clot in a stationary limb is life-threatening: when it reaches a certain size, it blocks the entire cavity of the vein;
  • thrombophlebitis. 25% of blood stagnation and poor circulation ends in the formation of blood clots in the saphenous veins. Without prevention there is a threat to health;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. A detached blood clot in the veins of an immobile leg can be fatal.

Early stage

Continue to do the prescribed complex at home. Many patients, finding themselves in a familiar environment, relax and violate medical recommendations. There are often angry comments on specialized forums:

“I had surgery six months ago, but the pain did not go away, although I actively trained and developed the joint!”

Don't rush to blame the surgeon! Painful symptoms may persist due to anatomical features. In case of high physical activity, the endoprosthesis does not take root well because the load is increased. Extreme sports and intense training have the same level of danger as inactivity. Amateur activities and self-medication do not lead to a positive result - only strict adherence to the instructions guarantees a full recovery.

To feel comfortable, take care of your home environment in advance. Provide supports to make it easy to move around. In the bathroom, items must be within reach. If possible, use the bathroom and toilet without bending your knee too much.

Gymnastics is performed most often from a sitting position:

  • simultaneous flexion/extension of fingers and toes;
  • rotation of the feet - simultaneously, alternately;
  • straight rise lower limb at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • "dangling" legs in the air;
  • straightening the limbs from a position lying on the stomach and with a bolster under the ankle;
  • roll from toe to heel.

During this period, you can put aside the crutches and switch to a cane. Don’t forget: overexertion, overheating, hypothermia are the enemies of proper rehabilitation. Monitor your body so as not to miss possible complications.

More details

Learning how to walk up and down stairs correctly. Reflexes tell you that going up and down stairs is easy, but it's memory that tells you. The body needs help during the rehabilitation period. When climbing, stand on the step first healthy leg, then gently pull the patient up, only then transfer the crutch.

When descending, the procedure is performed in reverse: a support is placed on the lower flight, then the injured limb is placed, and a healthy one is placed.

Recovery in a rehabilitation center

To avoid the temptation to relax, it is better to undergo rehabilitation at a rehabilitation center. If you are not confident in self-discipline, do not risk your health. The cost of rehabilitation procedures in specialized institutions is high, but they will select an individual complex of physical therapy for you, prescribe physical procedures, and electrophoresis under the supervision of a specialist.

It will not be possible to “skip” a workout or lesson: strict monitoring is carried out, indicators are taken daily to adjust the treatment regimen. The rehabilitation center has installed devices for passive exercises to develop knee joint after endoprosthetics. Water aerobics is also performed here to prevent complications and the appearance of excess weight.

How to undergo rehabilitation at the center? The orthopedist recommends one of the institutions according to your characteristics. The choice of where to continue your recovery is your decision. If you are sure that you will continue to recover at home, then no one will force you to go to a rehabilitation center.

Remote stage

After 4-6 months, the person returns to his usual lifestyle, but rehabilitation lasts up to a year (sometimes longer). Twice during this time you need to undergo a full examination with an X-ray of the knee joint.

This stage is a step towards real freedom of movement across any terrain. Gradually increase the load on the limb, visit gyms, and restore the natural range of motion. There are no special restrictions, just remember to take a gentle approach to the operated leg.

Full recovery after knee replacement

How quickly the desired freedom from stiffness comes depends only on the effort expended, patience and qualifications of the doctor. An experienced doctor will tell you what to do to develop the knee joint after endoprosthetics, and will draw up a medication regimen taking into account the characteristics and needs of the body.

Following the recommendations of an orthopedist is a movement towards recovery. If you have any doubts about the qualifications of a local doctor, changing the hospital and doctor is your right. Mental comfort is important for proper rehabilitation, and mistrust in treatment methods slows down the process.

One of the factors of a positive attitude is communication. On forums and groups dedicated to joint diseases and methods of treating them, you will find not only real reviews and moral assistance, but also articles from professionals, photos and videos of operations, people’s lives “before and after” endoprosthetics. Knowing that someone has already returned to active life makes it easier to move towards recovery.

Where should the operation be performed? Depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Implantation is performed with a high level of efficiency in many countries. Foreign hospitalization does not affect discharge sick leave. To simplify the observation scheme, in all clinics around the world, the condition is diagnosed according to ICD 10. The information is coded and understandable only to a highly specialized specialist, regardless of nationality and language of communication.

How do exercises affect the rehabilitation process?

There are advantages and disadvantages to knee replacement surgery. The return of full kinematics, the opportunity to do what you love without outside help and without pain are undoubted advantages. Minuses - high price operations and risks of complications, which are negligible - no more than 1.2%. The effectiveness of surgery depends on the surgeon and your level of preparation for the procedure.

Treatment of joints

How to develop an artificial joint and quickly return to normal life? Depends on following the doctor’s recommendations and lifestyle. Reduce (or better yet, avoid) consumption of alcohol, nicotine and high-calorie foods. Eat foods rich in natural " building materials" - amino acids. Be active and don’t overexert yourself, then the results will not keep you waiting.

What should not be done after endoprosthetics? You will have to forget about extreme and strength sports forever. Although medicine knows of cases where a professional athlete, after knee arthroscopy and 2-3 months of rehabilitation, returned to professional sports and won awards. However, it is not worth the risk, especially if the body is not accustomed to constant increased loads - there is a risk of repeated dislocation or fracture. And this is a step towards revision replacement - a more complex operation.

Also, you should not go to a bathhouse or sauna in the first months. Overheating increases the risk of thrombosis.

Is it possible to run? If you have mastered fast walking, running is even recommended for recovery. Just remember: you cannot overload, overcool or overheat your leg. Fitness classes are not prohibited: they will help you avoid gaining weight. excess weight and maintain optimal muscle balance.

Endoprosthetics does not put an end to intimate life. The attending physician will tell you how to have sex after surgery, as well as any restrictions in positions. Don’t be shy to ask questions: the answers will determine how productive your future life will be. Most likely, many positions from the Kama Sutra will be contraindicated, but there are enough options with unbent or slightly bent legs to make the sexual experience varied.

What restrictions does a prosthesis impose instead of a joint? Inactivity and sitting in front of computer toys are contraindicated; parachute jumping is also cancelled. Most pleasures remain available. Watch yourself so as not to miss the symptoms of complications that may appear years after the installation of the endoprosthesis. According to reviews from patients who underwent endoprosthetics, life not only did not worsen, but began to sparkle with new colors, since the pain and immobility of the lower limb disappeared.

Meniscal cyst of the knee joint: how to treat?

The meniscus of the knee is a crescent-shaped cartilage formation. There are medial meniscus of the knee joint, also known as internal, and lateral, or external. Both perform the function of a shock absorber, limit joints from unnecessary mobility, and reduce their friction.

  • general characteristics
  • Symptoms of diseases
  • Damage and illness
  • Diagnostics
  • Meniscus treatment
  • Surgical intervention
  • Meniscus treatment folk remedies. Rehabilitation

general characteristics

During leg movements, the menisci change shape depending on the directions in which they move, with the inner one being much more mobile than the outer one.

Blood flows to the menisci from arteries located in the joint capsule. Their inner part does not have access to blood, but the zone closest to the capsule is best supplied with it. When damaged, this part is best treated, unlike the inner part, which heals the worst after a rupture. This plays a significant role in how the treatment will take place.

Damage to the meniscus can be either individual or combined with each other. Statistics show that the most damage occurs to the internal meniscus. Problems with the external are less common. The rarest cases involve dysfunction and disease of both menisci at the same time. The cause of the problem that all athletes fear - a tear of the internal meniscus of the knee joint - can be a sharp bending of the legs during a jump or an unsuccessful movement.

Symptoms of diseases

The first symptoms of meniscus damage are similar to the symptoms of any other joint diseases. If a meniscus tear occurs, then such a problem can be identified only 2 weeks after the injury. Symptoms of rupture are:

  • severe pain spreading over the surface of the knee outside or inside;
  • decrease in the level of cellular nutrition of muscles;
  • pain during sports;
  • increased temperature in the damaged area;
  • joint enlargement;
  • clicking sound when bending.

Because many of these symptoms of knee meniscus occur with other knee problems, it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo a complete examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. The internal meniscus is most often torn (longitudinally or transversely), torn from the capsule, or compressed. The outer meniscus, due to its mobility, is only compressed. Therefore, the symptoms of damage to the medial meniscus from damage to the lateral meniscus can be radically different.

Symptoms of damage to the medial meniscus:

  • pain concentrated in inner honor joint;
  • special sensitivity over the area of ​​​​the junction of the meniscus and ligament;
  • pain when bending the legs too much;
  • sudden lumbago when exerting yourself.

Symptoms of damage to the lateral meniscus:

  • pain in the fibular ligament;
  • pain in the area of ​​the collateral ligament with strong bending of the legs;
  • weakening of the muscles of the front of the thigh;
  • synovitis

Damage and illness

Damage to the external and internal meniscus of the knee joint has different classifications. From an anatomical point of view, tears can be flap, degenerative, radial, horizontal, etc. From the point of view of injury localization, ruptures occur:

  • in the red-red zone – the meniscus is disconnected from the capsular attachment;
  • in the red-white zone – damage in the paracapsular area;
  • in the white-white zone - damage in an area devoid of blood vessels.

Meniscus injuries often occur as a result of direct trauma, for example, when the joint hits a hard object. But repeated injuries can lead to chronic pathology, and in the worst case, a meniscus tear. The meniscus can degenerate due to rheumatism or gout. If various injuries occur simultaneously, this can cause defects in other parts of the joint: ligaments, capsule, cartilage.

One of the most common diseases associated with the joint is a meniscal cyst of the knee joint. A cyst is the formation of fluid inside its cavity. Most often it appears in middle-aged people. In addition, there is a high chance of developing meniscus cysts in young people. With the appearance of a cyst, the chance of meniscal rupture increases several times. The main symptom is swelling in the area of ​​the anterolateral surface, which increases during knee flexion. An external meniscus cyst can lead to degenerative bone tissue and arthrosis.

Deforming arthrosis in tibia called the Rauber-Tkachenko symptom - it can only be determined using x-rays. If the cyst forms in the medial meniscus, then swelling can be found in the inner part of the knee joint. The cyst is determined by magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound examination.


Before treating knee meniscus, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis. Diagnostics involves collecting anamnesis, examining the patient, and various instrumental examination methods. Since the menisci are invisible to x-rays, they are used to exclude the possibility of other injuries. Using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), both the meniscus and other intra-articular structures can be visualized, after which, based on the information received, the doctor makes a diagnosis. In addition to MRI, methods such as ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics) and CT (computed tomography) are used.

Using MRI, you can clearly say what kind of damage the meniscus received. The tomogram clearly shows whether it is pinched, torn or torn. The information obtained is important; it gives insight into the future course of treatment.

Diagnosing recent meniscus problems can be challenging. Instead of a correct diagnosis, doctors may refer the patient for treatment of a sprain or ordinary bruise. After initial treatment, the pain and clicking go away, but with repeated injury, the disease becomes chronic. This may cause symptoms that were not previously apparent.

Meniscus treatment

To the question of how to treat knee meniscus, you can find many answers, the main thing is to find an effective one. Depending on the severity of the meniscus injury, as well as age and many other factors relating to the patient, the doctor chooses one of two treatment methods: surgical or conservative. Regardless of further treatment, during first aid the victim is given a cold compress, which is tied with a bandage. With elementary displacement of the meniscus experienced doctor can quickly identify and fix the problem. First, for a period of up to 3 weeks, the patient is given a plaster cast, and after it is removed, the treatment process ends with restorative therapy.

Conservative treatment involves puncture of the knee joint. After removing some blood, the blockage in the joint is eliminated. Next, a set of physiotherapy procedures is prescribed, which will be discussed below. This technique is suitable for patients suffering from meniscus tears that are localized in the area of ​​the blood supply.

To return cartilage tissue to its normal state, chondroprotectors are taken. Taking this drug helps only early stages diseases, since the chondroprotector is not able to completely restore completely destroyed cartilage. Do not forget that the course of treatment is far from quick - its average duration reaches one and a half years. Sometimes the period of taking the medicine is extended to 3 years. To determine the daily dose of the drug, you should consult your doctor.
Chondroprotectors do not cause side effects, but since they contain high levels of glucose, patients with diabetes should take the drug with extreme caution. The medicine is contraindicated in young children, pregnant women and people who have allergic reactions to this drug. Among the most common are the following chondroprotectors:

  • "Arthra" - in the form of tablets (USA);
  • “Dona” – in powder form (Italy);
  • "Teraflex" - a complex drug (USA);
  • "Chondrolon" - in the form of an ampoule solution (Russia);
  • "Structum" - in the form of capsules (France).

Drug treatment also involves rubbing the joints with ointments such as Alezan, Dolgit, Ketoral or Voltaren. If possible, bee venom should be used. For pain concentrated in the joint capsule, Ostenil is administered by injection. After the first administration of the drug, an improvement may occur, but it is better to repeat the procedure up to 5 times.

Treatment of the meniscus also involves physiotherapy. The patient is prescribed a course of therapeutic exercises, various physical procedures and massage. Myostimulation is used to relax and strengthen the thigh muscles. Thanks to magnetic therapy, you can improve your metabolism muscle tissue. One of the simple but effective exercises that you can do at home is walking on all fours.

Surgical intervention

Surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint is necessary if:

  • the meniscus is crushed;
  • the meniscus is torn and displaced;
  • hemorrhage occurred in the joint cavity;
  • There was an absolute tear of the meniscus.

The most common meniscus surgery is arthroscopy. Even with the most complex disorders, arthroscopic surgery is performed with minimal surgical intervention. During the operation, an endoscopic installation is used, consisting of: a monitor, a stable light source and a video camera. A fluid blower is also used. During the procedure, the joint cavity is constantly washed with saline solution.

Among the advantages of arthroscopy it is worth highlighting:

  • small incision sizes;
  • there is no need to fix the leg with a plaster cast;
  • rehabilitation after surgery is quite fast;
  • the stay in hospital treatment does not last long;
  • possibility of outpatient surgery.

Thanks to the arthroscopic technique, the joint tissues remain intact. In this case, only the injured fragment is eliminated, and the defective edges are leveled. It should be noted that the subsequent progression of changes in the joint depends on the amount of preserved meniscus. For example, removal of the entire meniscus leads to arthrosis.

Due to minor surgery, the postoperative stage in the hospital lasts about three days. During the first month it is advisable to avoid any physical activity. Sometimes you need to use crutches when walking. Full recovery of the body occurs at the end of the 6th week of treatment.
The price of treatment for knee meniscus depends on the degree of complexity of the damage, as well as on the method of treatment chosen. In Russia, the cost of a course of treatment along with surgery can range from 15,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub.

Treatment of meniscus with folk remedies. Rehabilitation

Common the folk way Treatment of meniscus is considered to be a warm compress, the basis of which is honey and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The compress should lie on the sore spot for 2 hours. The pain should disappear after a month of such daily procedures. Other effective remedy– two grated onions, mixed with a teaspoon of sugar: heat the mixture and then apply it in a closed bandage to the injured knee overnight. As with honey, this procedure must be repeated throughout the month.

IN folk medicine When treating meniscus, burdock leaves or compresses with medicinal bile are also used, but if these remedies do not help, you should consult a doctor. The above-mentioned remedies are cheaper than drug interventions, but only help in mild cases of the disease.

In order to acquire a fit and slender body, aerobic exercise is necessary. This simulator gives them exactly that. Together with health and longevity! It develops not only the endurance of the muscles of the arms and legs, but also the heart and respiratory system.
It is simply necessary to combat physical inactivity, for rehabilitation after operations and injuries, for the elderly, as well as for those who need moderate physical activity.

Thanks to its compactness, you don’t have to think about it cluttering up the room, unlike bulky exercise equipment that has difficulty finding a place in an ordinary apartment. Working out on such a simulator is not only easy and convenient, but also extremely effective. In addition, you don’t need to run somewhere, especially in the cold season, and it’s easy to save money on a gym membership with such a machine.

How to use?

  1. Adjust the pedal strap of the exercise machine to the size of your foot or palm. It is advisable to conduct classes in sports shoes.
  2. Depending on the desired exercise, lie on the floor or sit on a chair in front of the machine.
  3. Place your feet/arms into the straps, lean on the pedals and start exercising.
  4. The pedal exerciser for arms and legs can operate in both normal and reverse (backward movement) mode.
  5. It is recommended to use the machine while sitting, lying down or lying down with emphasis on your hands.

What muscle groups does he train?

  • Hips and buttocks;
  • Back and shoulders;
  • Biceps and triceps.
The pedal exerciser for legs and arms is suitable for everyone, and special attention should be paid to the elderly, people with limited mobility and patients during the rehabilitation period. This is important, since the simulator helps to “develop” your feet, knees, and hips.


  • Improves the quality of work of the heart muscle and lungs;
  • Increases aerobic capacity - endurance of important body systems;
  • Increases blood circulation so that cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • Makes your body fit, healthier;
  • Gives strength, increases the duration and quality of life;
  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Rubberized feet do not allow the device to slide on the surface;
  • Helps people who have suffered injuries, since you can exercise with this simulator even while sitting in a chair.


  • Main material: metal;
  • Add. material: polyvinyl chloride.
  • 1 x Trainer;
  • 1 x Instructions.
  • Leg exercise bike DFC SC-W002- is a system of pedals, a flywheel, a tensioned belt and a control unit. By adjusting the belt tension, you reduce or increase the load. The flywheel unwinds gradually and then rotates by inertia. The technique is convenient because it has a compact size and unlimited freedom of movement. You can pedal while you watch TV, do homework with your child, or sew.
  • Hand development model MATRIX KRANKCYCLE- our store offers you to buy this exercise bike to achieve the ideal shape of your forearms! The rotation of the flywheel occurs due to the handles located at the top. Built-in magnets make the move smooth. At the same time, up to 85% of the muscles of the whole body are tensed, because you need to maintain balance and control the load yourself.
Benefit from the purchase

You should buy this equipment for a small apartment. After working out, you will put the exercise machine on the balcony or utility room so that there is plenty of space in the room.

If you are not striving for professional results and are ready to devote 30 minutes 1-2 times a week to exercise, buy this exercise bike. What muscles work on it? In the case of DFC, these are calves, Matrix develops the abs, tightens the buttocks and removes sagging skin on the forearms. Our consultants recommend the latest simulator for those who have recently broken their hands. By practicing for 10-12 minutes every day, you will quickly adapt your wrists and elbows to normal life.

Contact the Sport2000 online store, buy mini exercise bikes and use them for your health!