Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko: latest news about divorce. Dima Dmitrenko made peace with Olga Rapunzel

A few days ago it became known that the stars of the television project Dom-2 Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko were going to divorce. The reason for the possible divorce was Dima's infidelities and his beating of his wife. We'll tell you last news from the personal life of a star couple.

In a live broadcast that the girl conducted on her Instagram account, Olga Rapunzel shared terrible news with fans - she and her husband had a serious conflict, which is why she is temporarily staying in a hotel. Olya is afraid to return home because her newlywed husband threatened her with physical harm. Rapunzel is afraid not only for herself, but also for her child. A few days ago Olya confirmed information about her pregnancy.

On Instagram, the girl said that Dima repeatedly raised his hand to her. Moreover, he flirted with other women. It is known from unverified sources that Dmitrenko’s potential lovers are underage girls.

Olga Rapunzel discovered more than one correspondence of an erotic nature on her husband’s phone. It is unknown whether one of Dmitry’s correspondence turned into real communication.

According to Olga. She decided to calmly discuss the current situation with her husband. However, Dmitry began to claim that these were not his photographs. Although Olya showed her husband his page of correspondence. It’s unlikely that anyone could take Dmitrenko’s phone to correspond with girls, except himself.

Olya Rapunzel is extremely outraged by the current situation. She is not ready to tolerate such behavior from her husband, even for the sake of the child. The girl believes that she and her husband need to get a divorce. Otherwise she will not be able to bear the child. Olya is very worried about her health and the health of the baby.

Fans of the couple are perplexed. Will Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko really get divorced or is this just another PR move? Time will show.

Why did Olga Rapunzel go to the police?

After Olga’s statement and possible imminent divorce, the conversations around the couple did not subside. The day after the live broadcast, it became known that Olya filed a police report against her husband.

The girl has already mentioned on air that she is in a hotel because she is afraid to live with her legal husband. Olga said that Dima repeatedly raised his hand to her and promised to continue physical violence against her in the near future. Dmitrenko not only beat his wife, but also strangled her, and also intimidated her in every possible way. During the time that the couple lived outside the television set, the girl did not report anything about conflicts in the family, even to her relatives. Until the last moment, Olya hoped that her husband would improve.

This Monday, a conflict occurred again in the Rapunzel-Dmitrenko family. Dmitry decided to act in a way that was already familiar to him - to force his wife to “silence” with his fists.

Olga told the police that this time it was not only her who got it, but also her mother. A woman came from Vladivostok to support her pregnant daughter. She did not immediately find out how Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko actually lived after they left the project

Police officers who arrived at the “scene” recorded Olga’s appeal. After some time, Rapunzel's photo statement fell into the hands of journalists. Now the girl’s fans can already find him in groups in in social networks, dedicated to the life of Olga Rapunzel, as well as on Instagram accounts covering the lives of former and current participants in the television set.

Dmitry Dmitrienko, surprisingly, calmly reacted to the police officers who came to the call. He behaved very restrained and did not insult either his wife or law enforcement officials. Olga, in turn, behaved emotionally. The girl was crying and scared.

Some time ago, Dmitry Dmitrenko stated that he did not know the reason for Olga’s constant hysterics. The man himself believes that their relationship is absolutely normal.

Olya Rapunzel admitted that they were in a hurry with the wedding. Perhaps the couple needed to get to know each other better. Such situations did not arise then, neither now nor in the future.

What else did Olga talk about live?

Another reason for the celebrity couple’s divorce is Dima’s lack of desire to look for work. Olga said live that her husband can lie on the couch all day and do nothing. It’s hard for a girl to carry her family alone. Moreover, soon she will not be able to provide for herself. She will need to care for a newborn baby.

Olga Rapunzel believes that even if she divorces Dmitry Dmitrienko, she will be able to partially provide for the child herself. Her parents will help her with the rest. Mom told Olga to give birth anyway. She is ready to help her daughter cope with the child without the help of Dmitry Dmitrienko.

Olya also said that she decided the issue of rented housing in Moscow herself. Dmitry did not participate in the search for housing. During the time the couple was in the capital, they had to change several apartments.

It is known from unverified sources that Olga found the current apartment where the newlyweds live thanks to her friends. Dmitry refused to participate in the search for housing.

Olga Rapunzel believes that in every family the man should be in charge. It is on his shoulders that the need to financially provide for his family and find housing falls. A woman can help her lover in solving certain problems.

However, she should not take on this responsibility completely. A man will get used to this and subsequently refuse to make important decisions himself and strive to improve the standard of living of his family. Actually, this is what happened in the pair of Olga and Dmitry.

Olga Rapunzel and pregnancy: latest news

For a long time, TV star Olga Rapunzel refused to comment on her interesting situation. At the same time, the girl daily posted compromising photos on social networks, in which her enlarged belly was clearly visible. Olga's fans were divided into 2 camps. Some congratulated the girl on the upcoming addition to the family, others were indignant, being sure of Rapunzel’s “next” deception.

Fans were interested in the question of whether Rapunzel was really pregnant or whether these pictures were an attempt to stir up interest in herself.

Less than a week ago, on her Instagram account, Olga published a photo of herself with a rounded belly, in the comments to which she told users in detail about her pregnancy. The girl wrote that she was very upset to read that she had a fake belly. Olga says that she has never been as happy as she is now. Future mom I'm glad that God gave her a baby. And she will try to provide the child with everything necessary for life.

According to Olga, she has become more tolerant and calmer. She needs to keep her emotional state under control so as not to endanger the child’s health.

The girl registered at a private clinic, using the help of someone she knew. Rapunzel chose to remain silent about the duration of her pregnancy. The girl wrote that it is a secret for now. She doesn't know the gender of the baby yet.

Prerequisites for an interesting situation

The topic of Olga Rapunzel's pregnancy was repeatedly discussed in the press even before the first photographs of the girl and her rounded belly began to appear. At the end of June this year, Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko, almost immediately after the wedding, told readers of the Dom-2 website about their attitude towards children. At that time, Dima dreamed of a baby.

The newly made husband and wife wanted to have a girl, but if a son was born, they, of course, would be glad to have him too. Olga said that she dreamed about her pregnancy. In an interview, the girl shared a “little” secret with her fans - she and her husband want two children: a boy and a girl. It is possible that Olga was already in an interesting position at that time. Many believe that it was because of pregnancy that Rapunzel suddenly left the project.

Olga also said that she and her husband are working hard to expand their family. The girl was upset that Dima’s mother categorically did not recognize her as a member of the family.

Rapunzel believes that the birth of a child cannot change the attitude of her husband’s mother towards her. But Olga is one hundred percent confident in her family.

Let us recall that the prerequisites for Olga Rapunzel’s interesting situation appeared at the end of June this year. The girl publicly announced her pregnancy only at the end of September. From unverified sources, the period is known to be 14-16 weeks. It just coincides with June, when the celebrity shared with fans her vision of the future - an imminent pregnancy.

Who is the father of Rapunzel's baby?

Not all fans are ready to share with Olya a happy time for her - pregnancy. Evil tongues say that the father of the child may not be Dmitry Dmitrienko, but someone from the outside. Moreover, several times on live broadcasts Dima denied rumors about his wife’s pregnancy.

In the comments to Olya’s photos, users write that they are 100% sure of the discord between Olya and Dima, which, in their opinion, happened a long time ago. During this time, Olga could easily “walk” the child. The girl prefers not to comment on such statements.

Why did Olya and Dima leave the project?

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko left the project a few months ago. However, the couple still appears in the latest news from the world of television production.

Initially, Olya wanted to give birth on the project, and then take a few months of rest and return to the perimeter again. For fans of the couple, the departure of Dima and Olga came as a complete surprise. TV viewers were sure that Rapunzel would return to the clearing in a few weeks at most. So far this has not happened. Now the girl assures everyone that she will not return to Dom-2, either alone or with her husband (if the couple does not divorce).

Olga Rapunzel blames the presenters and participants of the TV set for their departure from the project. It's no secret that the Rapunzel-Dmitrenko couple was repeatedly subjected to ridicule and provocation.

Young people could not remain indifferent to this attitude. Those participants with whom Olya and Dima communicated well on the project believe that the couple lasted a long time. Others would have given up long ago and left House-2 a year ago.

In comments to the press, Olya says that no normal person would have endured what she and Dima had to endure. For Rapunzel, a real shock was the appearance of Nikolai Dolzhansky on the project. The girl just “washed herself off” from the dirty story, and here he is again.

The former participant of House-2 does not blame the project leaders for the fact that she and Dima were constantly “harassed” here. The girl is sure that this is the work of “pawns”. Olya believes that the other participants only wanted to assert themselves at the expense of her and Dima, choosing them as a “scapegoat.”

Fans of the couple supported them in their decision to leave Dom-2. Unfortunately, none of them, including Olga and Dima, thought that life without cameras would further aggravate the current situation. Outside the perimeter, young people continued to live in constant tension. The participants of House-2 were no longer able to “establish their order” as a couple. Olya provoked Dima into scandals and vice versa. The girl herself later admits that she and her husband were caught up in “everyday life.” Young couples often encounter it.

How it all began?

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko took a long time to get married. This summer, photos from the celebration appeared online. Dima and Olya celebrated their wedding in a restaurant in the capital, and then flew off to rest for the entire honeymoon.

Internet users discussed Olga's dress for a long time. Fans expected to see something more stylish than what Ole was wearing. Especially after Rapunzel announced the cost of the outfit.

Participant name: Dmitry Dmitrenko

Age (birthday): 17.06.1988

City: Vladivostok, Moscow

Family: married to Olga Rapunzel

Height and weight: 183 cm, 70 kg

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Read with this article:

Dmitry Dmitrenko was born in Vladivostok on June 17, 1988, he graduated from school there, and in 2006 he entered the Far Eastern State Academy of Arts, majoring in drama theater and cinema.

At the end of 2015, Dmitry came to the project for his beloved Olga Rapunzel

Two years before the project, he was in a relationship, but at the time he met him, he was single.

Rapunzel was on vacation in her native Vladivostok, where she met Dima and invited him with her to a television production.

According to many participants, Dmitrenko came to the House 2 project for self-PR, like most of the participants, with the goal of getting as much exposure as possible on television, and then continuing his “star” career.

No one really believes in the sincerity of the relationship between the Rapunzel Dmitrenko couple.

In his relationship with Olga, he showed himself positive hero: modest, kind, calm, romantic. He confessed his love to his chosen one in person and on social networks. Gave him a diamond ring to seal reconciliation after a quarrel.

However, the girl’s character does not allow the relationship to develop smoothly and scandals regularly break out between them.

She finds fault with her boyfriend and demands that he constantly demonstrate his feelings and prove them with beautiful actions.

Due to Rapunzel's dubious past and her reputation as a frivolous and frivolous girl, the participants and her boyfriend are treated without due respect.

The team laughs at the couple and does not miss the opportunity, prick Dmitrenko pointing out his unseemly role as a henpecked man.

One day the guy couldn’t stand it and tried to voice his complaints to Rapunzel.

But the girl did not pay special attention to these demands, but twisted the situation in such a way that Dima should be grateful to her for being on this project.

One day Dima discovered Olga’s correspondence with other men, and made her a scene of jealousy.

They broke up several times, during these periods Olga began new relationships with other participants, and Dima courted the girls in the clearing.

However, after reconciliation, the guys are back together, despite the condemning remarks directed at them.

In June 2017, Olga and Dmitry got married. But already in the fall, Olga announced that everything was bad in their relationship and she suspected Dmitry of treason. Also in the fall, Olga announced that she was pregnant and returned to the television project House 2.

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Posted by (@dmitry_dmitrenko) Feb 26, 2019 at 9:03 PST

Since becoming parents, the couple has experienced ups and downs in their relationship. However, many note that in the family, it is Dmitry who is sincerely happy to raise his daughter Vasilisa, even on the project. Unexpectedly for many, Dima turned out to be a caring and very attentive father.

Photo by Dmitry

Dima runs Instagram, where he posts photos from the project, often in frames with Olga.

A husband is trying to reunite with his pregnant wife. Dima Dmitrenko gave Olga Rapunzel a luxurious bouquet of flowers. The long-haired participant in the television project was pleased with her husband’s beautiful gesture, but she is not yet going to forgive him completely.

Dima Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel
​Photo: Instagram

Dima Dmitrenko does not give up trying to make peace with Olga Rapunzel. He tried to sever all ties with former project participant Masha Kokhno, purchased a crib and stroller for the unborn child, declared his undimmed feelings for his wife and decided to make a gorgeous surprise for her. Dmitrenko gave a pregnant girl a luxurious bouquet Red roses- Rapunzel's favorite flowers.

“Olya, did you like it? I see that I’m happy,” Dima said.

The couple went out to the city together, went to an ultrasound together, took several surprise shots and confused the public - will they make up or not? Residents of Polyana are confident that Dmitrenko will soon appear on the perimeter and will build love with his legal wife. And the guys will safely take the application for divorce, which the offended Rapunzel has already written, together. However, neither Olga nor Dima comment on these rumors.

By the way, a few days ago, the ex-participant of “DOM-2” already appeared on the TV set, but so far only as a guest. He presented gifts for the unborn child and had a heartfelt conversation with Rapunzel. But the girl, apparently, was dissatisfied with the meeting, because she accused her husband of hypocrisy. According to Rapunzel, she wants serious action from Dmitrenko, but for now she only hears words. It seems that Dima understood Olga’s hints and began to show himself in beautiful actions.

Dmitrenko intends to reunite with his wife
​Photo: Instagram

“He said: “I love you, I’m sorry,” he came to the clinic and wanted to go to the ultrasound with me to look at our daughter. Thank you for your attention and the beautiful bouquet of flowers! We are pleased. But we girls love and respect ourselves, and we won’t melt quickly! In general, the meeting went well,” Rapunzel wrote on Instagram.

Olga Rapunzel (nee Grigorievskaya; married Dmitrenko). Born on April 4, 1987 in Vladivostok. Russian media personality, participant of “Dom-2”.

Olga Grigorievskaya, who became known as Olga Rapunzel, was born on April 4, 1987 in the Primorsky Territory - in Vladivostok.

Mother - Tatyana Vladimirovna Grigorievskaya, worked as a salesperson in a grocery store.

Her parents separated when she was still little and her mother raised Olga alone.

As Olga admitted, she always wanted to be the center of attention, dreamed of becoming famous and recognizable. She actively participated in school competitions and often won prizes. She loved going to pioneer camps, where she enjoyed singing, dancing, and demonstrating her other artistic abilities.

WITH early years she was sociable and self-confident - which was facilitated by spectacular external data.

I studied well at school. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, I entered the institute at the Faculty of Economics. Completed specialized courses foreign language, speaks perfect English.

After graduating from university, she worked for some time as an economist and accountant. Also gave lessons in English, worked as a tutor.

In the end, fate brought Olga to the scandalous show “Dom-2”.

Olga Rapunzel in "House-2"

In the show "Dom-2" Rapunzel (she received her nickname for her long hair) appeared on June 12, 2015. She came to build a relationship with Oleg Volk, saying that she considered him a very interesting and sensible young man. In addition, she stated that the Wolf looks very similar to her ex-boyfriend, which is why she already has trust and sympathy for him on a subconscious level. At Lobnoye Mesto, the girl even dared to kiss the Wolf, which earned her a standing ovation from the participants.

But Olga’s relationship with Oleg did not work out - the girl herself arranged the first date, which ended unsuccessfully.

However, at the end of June 2015, a loud scandal broke out: providing intimate services on the Internet. She hid this fact from everyone. As it turned out, the girl made money by undressing in front of a webcam; this was watched by online clients who had pre-paid for the service.

They even wanted to kick Olga out of the project, but in the end they allowed her to stay.

The sex scandal even benefited her: she instantly became widely known, and those walking on the Internet fueled interest in this Dom-2 participant.

Olya herself, of course, assumed an air of offended innocence and philosophically remarked: “The mistakes I have made are lessons for me, and many situations make me stronger. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, and each of us can choose our own fairy tale of life.”

Later she talked about this income, which lasted for nine whole years. Olga earned $200 an hour and allowed herself to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and also helped her mother financially.

Olga Rapunzel about her participation in the show "Dom-2"

“I became a person, became more relaxed, and gained self-confidence. For example, before I was afraid to express my opinion, I was more closed. Now I’m used to it, this is my second home. Here I have realized myself, I can defend my point of view. I now have my own position, and if before I often heard from the guys that I was a follower, now they don’t tell me that. “I try not to pay attention to the opinions of others,” she said after the first year spent at Dom-2.

Then in the Seychelles (allegedly unexpectedly for herself) she married the main freak of the reality show - Nikolai Dolzhansky. He allegedly arranged a “surprise” wedding for the girl, to which Rapunzel reacted with tears and hysterics.

“When I was with Nikolai Dolzhansky, I had nervous breakdowns, I packed my bags and wanted to leave the project. But then, realizing who made me make such decisions, I stayed. In general, this whole story with Dolzhansky... It was as if it wasn’t me,” she commented.

Then her supposedly legal husband, Nikolai Baranovsky, appeared on the show. He began to be indignant that his wife was unfaithful to him and demanded a return to the family. Olga disowned Baranovsky and called her mother for help. The latter came to the Seychelles and attacked her daughter’s opponents with her fists. Both my mother and Baranovsky were expelled from the island.

"Santa Barbara" performed by Rapunzel continued with her attempts to build a relationship with another freak - Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. Rapunzel diligently began teaching Wentz the basics of love and communication with the weaker sex. But she also couldn’t complete her plan.

In 2016, Rapunzel received the Burdock of the Year award based on the results of audience voting. At the ceremony for awarding the “burdock”, Olya stated that she was not worthy of this title.

But in “Dom-2” she still managed to find a mate: Dmitry Dmitrienko became her chosen one, who stated that the main thing is not Olya’s past, but their joint present. Dmitrenko eventually became her husband.

In July 2017, at the request of Dmitry Dmitrenko’s husband, Dmitry decided that this would be better for their young family. “I’m coming for you: you are my husband, you said everything...” Rapunzel resigned herself.

On her Instagram, she emotionally commented on her departure from the project: “I’m tired of this circus, ridicule, provocation (they seem to have confused us, they take us for the wrong people, they make us out to be someone we don’t understand, that’s enough, I’m tired. The performance is over. A normal, adequate person will understand we will do the same. You must always remain human and be real, sincere, honest, kind - this is the Strength! But never let yourself be offended! My husband and I have never been afraid to go against the team, against lies, and We have always stood up for ourselves and each other and We are always for Love and for truth!”

In the fall of 2017, after a quarrel with Dmitry, Dmitrenko returned to Dom-2.

Olga Rapunzel after leaving "Dom-2"

Olga Rapunzel's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Olga Rapunzel:

On June 17, 2017, she married Dmitry Dmitrenko. The wedding ceremony took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. After the painting, the newlyweds had a festive party in one of the capital's restaurants, where they invited family and friends. After marriage, she took her husband's surname.

In August 2017 it became known that.

In the fall of 2017, while pregnant, Olga announced her intention to divorce Dmitry Dmitrenko. However, later she managed to restore relations with her husband.

Olga carefully looks after herself, maintaining the natural beauty of her face and body.

She said: “I try to take care of myself. For my face, for example, I always use both day cream and night cream. I definitely do masks twice a week. In general, nature has endowed me with natural beauty: I have my own hair, I have my own eyelashes. I make sure to moisturize my body both day and night; the skin should be velvety, like a baby’s. I take self-care very seriously.”

She takes special care of her luxurious hair.

“Shampoo, conditioner, oil on ends and along the entire length, and a mask for nutrition and shine. I don't wash my hair every day, but three times a week. I definitely style my hair, because it’s almost impossible to dry it naturally!” she shared.

“House 2” participant Dmitry Dmitrenko is known to viewers as the ex-fiancé of the “brand” of the scandalous television project. Due to the fact that during his stay on the show the man was recommended as a weak participant who did not have a clear position, the team often rudely attacked the lovers, calling their couple a fictitious union.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dmitrenko was born on June 17, 1988 in the port city of Vladivostok, located on Far East Russia. It so happened that there is very little information on the network regarding the biography of the participants in “House 2”, and Dmitrenko was no exception. What is known is that Dima is an actor by training.

In 2009, he graduated from the Far Eastern Academy of Arts, and after receiving his diploma, he starred in the low-budget film “GroZa”. The ambitious guy hoped that filming this project would be the starting point in his brilliant film career, but it didn’t work out.

Realizing that no one had noticed his acting talent, the young man got a job at the regional philharmonic as an assistant sound engineer, where he worked during the day. In the evenings, Dmitrenko went to a local karaoke bar, where the former TV show participant worked as a host for a short time.

Wanting to receive more income, Dima went into business. True, things didn’t work out for the unfortunate businessman here either. The guy wanted to receive millions with minimal investment, and, as you know, this only happens in fairy tales. Having failed in the financial sphere, the man decided to take a closer look at his personal life. It was at that time that the girlfriend of the ex-participant of “House 2” introduced him to the long-haired brunette Olga Rapunzel, who by the time of their first meeting had already acquired a bad reputation on the show.

"House 2"

Dmitrenko came to “House 2” on December 30, 2015. It is worth noting that the young man did not undergo preliminary castings. The guy entered the gates of the TV set arm in arm with Olga Rapunzel, who told the presenter at the front that Dima was her new boyfriend.

It is known that at the time Dmitrenko appeared on the project, he and Olya had known each other for only two weeks, so it is not surprising that the team did not believe in the sincerity new couple.

Among other things, the household immediately began to tell Dima about the past of his chosen one (before the project, Rapunzel allegedly conducted intimate online broadcasts, showing off her figure to everyone for a fee, and also participated in candid photo shoots), but, to the disappointment of the participants, the guy knew about all the sins beloved and accepted the young lady with her dark past.

In the project relationship, Rapunzel assigned Dmitry the role of henpecked. The actor got used to the character quickly and organically. Olga was undoubtedly lucky with her partner on the set. For the time being, Dmitry endured the young lady’s hysterics and even endured her beatings.

Dmitry Dmitrenko in the show "Dom-2"

It is worth noting that not only Rapunzel allowed herself to raise her hand against Dmitrenko. It is known that a couple of times he suffered seriously from the house boys, who, sensing the weakness of Rapunzel’s boyfriend, humiliated him both morally and physically. During his time on the project, the guy managed to fight with Ilya Yabbarov, and with, and with, and even with a freak.

At the end of January 2016, Olga Rapunzel left for the Seychelles, and Dmitry remained in Polyana, as he had difficulties with paperwork. While on the island of love, the long-haired brunette gave her chosen one a test and began to communicate closely with the guy who came to her for the project -.

The organizers of the show, to add fuel to the fire, at a time when Dima was in the hospital with a broken arm, sent Kostya to the islands. As a result, having returned to his native walls of “House 2” and learning about the producers’ decision, Dmitrenko said that if Rapunzel flirts with Ivanov, he will put an end to their relationship.

Olya, who does not like boundaries and restrictions, began to go on dates with Kostya, cook dinners for him, and after a couple of days she began to arrange scenes of jealousy for the gentleman. Realizing that Olya was not the heroine of his novel, Ivanov abandoned his sympathy, turning his attention to, who had her eye on the handsome man on the day of his arrival.

Olya wanted to return to Dmitrenko, but he, in order to keep up with his flighty chosen one, flirted with all his might with the young ladies present in the clearing. It is known that for his frivolous behavior and jokes below the belt, the man even received a scolding from the guy, Fyodor Strelkov.

The next brawl ended more disastrously for Rapunzel's boyfriend. Dmitrenko's jaw was broken, after which the guy was taken to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. Dmitry's offender, Sirge Lavindami, was kicked out of the gate, and Dima, having regained his health, went to Olga in the Seychelles. True, the chosen one met a guy with cuffs. Rapunzel hit Dmitrenko in the recently operated jaw because photos of Dima with an unknown young blonde appeared on the Internet.

Despite the difficulties in amorous communication, Dmitrenko and Rapunzel periodically started talking about marriage. Olga wanted to get married quickly, but Dmitry was in no hurry to propose marriage to his friend, because his mother did not want to see such a daughter-in-law with her beloved son.

As a result, after five months of relationship, the couple broke up, and Dmitrenko flew to the clearing to Olga Raiskaya. For a couple of weeks, the guy courted the girl, after which sex occurred between them. Olya, having learned about the betrayal, hastily returned to Moscow to return Dima.

In order for her former boyfriend to return to her arms again, the brunette collected conspiracies against her rival, repeatedly talked to her one-on-one and even threatened the homewrecker with expulsion from the project. Seeing Olya’s emotions, Dima realized that she had strong feelings for him, and decided to give the young lady a second chance.

In June 2017, and in July of the same year, the couple, tired of ridicule and provocations, left the project.

Personal life

In September 2017, a rumor appeared on the Internet that Rapunzel and Dmitrenko, despite the fact that they were getting a divorce. In a live broadcast that the girl conducted on her Instagram account, Olya shared with fans the news that she and her husband had a serious conflict, because of which she even had to move to a hotel.

The fact is that Olya, having found intimate correspondence with other young ladies in Dima’s phone, caused a scandal for her husband. The same one, in his justification, stated that for two years she had exposed him in an unsightly light, and now it was his turn to repay her in kind.

In conversations with media representatives, the brunette said that Dima threatened her with physical harm and even broke the lip of his mother-in-law, who, after Olya’s call, came to her daughter’s aid. Dmitrenko denied everything, claiming that Olya inflated the situation with the correspondence to incredible proportions only in order to return to “House 2”, where she was well paid for constant provocations.