The most vitamin fruits. The healthiest fruit in the world

Healthy fruits

Kiwi is a small fruit. But despite this, he has significant beneficial properties. Unpeeled, this fruit is somewhat reminiscent of potatoes. It contains about 75 milligrams of vitamin C, 2.5 grams of fiber, 4 milligrams of sodium and about 11 grams of carbohydrates. The most beneficial benefit is its ability to effectively remove bad cholesterol from the human body. It is indicated for use by people who suffer from increased blood clots.

Useful properties of this fruit:

  • The peel of kiwi contains many times more antioxidants than the pulp. The peel prevents the spread of pathological bacteria in the stomach and has antiseptic properties;
  • prevents early appearance of gray hair;
  • increases fat burning in the body;
  • promotes proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Potassium contained in the fruit normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape;
  • profiles the development of cancer;
  • the special substances included in the composition help the body recover after increased stress;
  • The iron contained in kiwi helps with various blood diseases.

This fruit is also common in cosmetology. It is used to make various masks, shampoos, lotions and scrubs.

Persimmon is a fruit known throughout the world from the East. In our country, it mainly appears in winter. Based on the research results, it became clear that this fruit contains all the beneficial elements necessary for the human body throughout the year. In terms of vitamin C content, persimmons are far behind black currants, and they contain much more iron than apples. In terms of potassium content, persimmons are ahead of apricots.

A quarter of persimmon consists of fructose and glucose, and after full ripening it contains 0.85 percent fat and 1.5 percent protein. Several fruits effectively remove hunger, while it has a rather interesting sweetish taste.

It is most useful for people who have diseases of cardio-vascular system. Glucose and fructose are used in the body as energy fuel, which increases endurance. And the high potassium content in this fruit compensates for the loss of this microelement associated with cardiac problems.

If for several months a patient with vascular or heart pathology eats two or three fruits a day, the results of treatment will noticeably improve. In addition, persimmon has diuretic properties, and not only fresh fruits are suitable for treatment, but also dried ones. It is especially effective when urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that persimmon is rich in magnesium, which significantly reduces the likelihood of stone formation in the body, removes sodium salts and, as a result, relieves the load on the kidneys. For diabetics, dried persimmon is a delicacy that perfectly replaces many sweets.

Pineapple is the real king of fruits not only because of its appearance, but also because of the huge content of useful microelements. The pulp of this fruit is rich in a special substance - bromelain, which actively breaks down protein and occupies an important place in metabolism.

Pineapple has the following beneficial properties:

  • high content of vitamin C and organic acid;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dulling of hunger;
  • gain protective functions body.

Pineapple has a mild diuretic effect and, as a result, swelling is prevented and the formation of “bags” under the eyes is prevented. This is why dried pineapple pulp is included in most weight loss teas or homeopathic remedies.

Pineapple is also effectively used in the cosmetology industry for the production of masks, lotions, creams and shower gels. During holidays or when there is a large meal, it is advisable to arrange fasting days on pineapple - this fruit is considered to be a low-calorie food.

An apple is a fruit that effectively combines beneficial macroelements and vitamins. That is why the British generally believe that if you eat one apple every day, you can forget about visiting the clinic.

Apples have the following beneficial properties:

  • high content of vitamin C;
  • profiling of cardiovascular diseases;
  • contain pectin and special ferrous compounds, which have ballast properties and therefore bind together excess waste and quickly remove them from the body;
  • due to the high pectin content in fruits, hunger is quickly satisfied, so they are indispensable during a diet;
  • powerful antioxidants that are part of the fruit neutralize substances harmful to the human body;
  • activate digestive system. The acid included in the composition not only speeds up metabolism, but also helps cope with stomach disorders;
  • have good diuretic properties;
  • reduce the formation of uric acid;
  • increases immunity resistance to various colds and viral infections. That is why, in the absence of contraindications, freshly squeezed juice or fresh fruits are recommended for regularly ill people.

Grapes are not only tasty, but also healthy fruit. Grape pulp contains large quantities of bioflavonoids - these are special substances that effectively fight cancer cells and prevent blood clots.

All grape varieties have similar beneficial properties - high glucose and fructose content, which contributes to the proper functioning of the heart.

Regular consumption of grape fruits effectively reduces drowsiness and irritability, and increases tone.

Dried grapes or raisins have no less useful elements - manganese, boron, magnesium, iron and potassium. Raisins have beneficial properties for the nervous system, lungs, bones and heart. But do not forget that dried grapes contain eight times more sugar than fresh ones.

Grape seeds contain a high amount of active substances that help protect cells from aging. Bones effectively help in the fight against allergies. They are used in the manufacture medicines And food additives, various cosmetic products: masks, shampoos, creams, oils and balms.

Lemon is the most common fruit of the citrus family. The zest of this fruit contains large reserves of vitamin C, which increases the resistance of protective functions and immunity.

Lemon has the following beneficial properties:

  • B vitamins – contribute to better functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps cope with high mental stress;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • the special substances this fruit contains are excellent at removing heavy metals from the body;
  • potassium, which is part of the fruit, ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the kidneys;
  • citrine, when combined with vitamin C, has a positive effect on metabolism, redox processes, strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • restores digestive processes, improves the removal of slag accumulations from the intestines;
  • relieves migraines and headaches;
  • helps speed up the resolution of various rashes and boils, helps with oral hygiene;
  • reduces high acidity;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • used to relieve fever;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • perfectly helps to cope with various putrefactive lesions.

Widely known in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology in the production of toothpaste, masks, shampoos, lotions, varnishes and much more.

Banana - this fruit contains a huge amount of useful elements for muscle and heart function.

Beneficial properties of banana:

  • high content of vitamin C and group B ensures good performance muscle tissue and nervous system;
  • ephedrine has a tonic effect, slightly increases blood pressure, stimulates the nervous system and slightly increases blood sugar, has an antispasmodic effect on bronchopulmonary spasms;
  • help increase muscle mass;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • effective for kidney and liver diseases, as well as for urolithiasis, stomatitis and dialysis bleeding;
  • effective as a mild laxative;
  • used during the treatment of impotence;
  • widely used in various areas of medicine;
  • has anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effects;
  • catecholamines have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Not only the fruit itself, but also the peel, juice and stems have medicinal properties. Daily intake of this fruit is strictly permitted with the permission of a specialist, since banana is a fairly heavy, long-digesting food that contributes to the accumulation of gases and obstruction of the outflow of bile.

Pear - this fruit has been known since ancient times. Its fruits are rich in glucose, fructose and sucrose, pectin and tannins, fiber and organic acids.

Useful properties of pear:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes the proper functioning of the pancreas;
  • most varieties contain a lot of iodine;
  • essential oils contained in the fruit stimulate and relieve tension;
  • helps normalize heart rate;
  • has a tonic effect, helps relieve mental and physical fatigue;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • pear decoction reduces fever;
  • has an effective diuretic property, perfectly removes not only sand, but also stones from the kidneys;
  • helps in the treatment of such an insidious disease as prostatitis.

Pear is also effectively used in cosmetology as a base for various masks and scrubs.

We are all familiar with spring vitamin deficiency firsthand. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps to quickly restore strength after a long winter.

In today's top ten we included the healthiest fruits. They can be eaten throughout the day between main meals, or served as a dessert. Fruits rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids should certainly be present on every table.

10. Banana

This fruit is useful for people suffering from excess stomach acidity and high blood pressure, and thanks to its potassium content, it is good for preventing heart disease. A hearty banana is good as a snack; it can easily replace an afternoon snack. Dried bananas are also useful, as they retain the same amount of potassium as fresh fruits.

9. Grapefruit

The fruit helps improve digestion and speed up metabolic processes. Thanks to these properties, grapefruit is an important element in the menu for those who want to lose weight easily.

8. Apricot

This fruit contains beta-carotene, which is beneficial for vision and also in the fight against skin aging. The apricot season is quite short, and at other times of the year it can be successfully replaced by dried apricots.

7. Mango

One mango fruit contains a daily dose of vitamin C. Mango strengthens the immune system, fights joint diseases, and accelerates tissue regeneration processes. Another advantage is the high beta-carotene content.

6. Lemon

This fruit strengthens the body's defenses, gives vitality and promotes fat burning. Unfortunately, lemon is contraindicated for peptic ulcers, as well as for increased acidity of gastric juice.

5. Papaya

This fruit contains beta-carotene and vitamin C 15 times higher than an orange. Papaya helps lower cholesterol. An important condition is the freshness and ripeness of the fruit, so buying the “correct” papaya in Russia is not at all easy.

4. Kiwi

The fruit is very rich in vitamin C. It is noted that kiwi is less likely to cause allergic reactions than oranges and lemons. By the way. The skin of kiwi is edible, so the fruit does not need to be peeled, but washed thoroughly.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is considered the main fruit for those who want to lose weight. The natural enzyme bromelain really accelerates the breakdown of fats and their removal from the body. In addition, pineapple is known for its anti-cancer effects.

2. Avocado

Many people classify this healthy fruit as a vegetable. Meanwhile, avocado is a fruit. The main advantage of avocados is that they are rich in fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels. This fruit is indispensable for maintaining healthy blood vessels and the heart.

1. Apple

The healthiest fruit contains iron, flavonoids, and fiber. Pectin and a lot of vitamins. In addition, apple is the most hypoallergenic fruit. Which can be given to even the smallest children. By eating an apple, we reduce the risk of developing diabetes, asthma, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Almost every person on earth loves fruits. But rarely does anyone know which fruit is the healthiest. With the help of specially conducted research, scientists were able to discover the most useful fruits - after all, not all of them are rich in a large complex useful substances, which perfectly replace a whole range of synthetic drugs in various forms. Today the most useful are: kiwi, pineapple, persimmon, apple.

Healthy fruits

Kiwi is a small fruit. But despite this, it has significant beneficial properties. Unpeeled, this fruit is somewhat reminiscent of potatoes. It contains about 75 milligrams of vitamin C, 2.5 grams of fiber, 4 milligrams of sodium and about 11 grams of carbohydrates. The most beneficial benefit is its ability to effectively remove bad cholesterol from the human body. It is indicated for use by people who suffer from increased blood clots.

Useful properties of this fruit:

  • The peel of kiwi contains many times more antioxidants than the pulp. The peel prevents the spread of pathological bacteria in the stomach and has antiseptic properties;
  • prevents early appearance of gray hair;
  • increases fat burning in the body;
  • promotes proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Potassium contained in the fruit normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape;
  • profiles the development of cancer;
  • the special substances included in the composition help the body recover after increased stress;
  • The iron contained in kiwi helps with various blood diseases.

This fruit is also common in cosmetology. It is used to make various masks, shampoos, lotions and scrubs.

Persimmon is a fruit known throughout the world from the East. In our country, it mainly appears in winter. Based on the research results, it became clear that this fruit contains all the beneficial elements necessary for the human body throughout the year. In terms of vitamin C content, persimmons are far behind black currants, and they contain much more iron than apples. In terms of potassium content, persimmons are ahead of apricots.

A quarter of persimmon consists of fructose and glucose, and after full ripening it contains 0.85 percent fat and 1.5 percent protein. Several fruits effectively remove hunger, while it has a rather interesting sweetish taste.

It is most useful for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Glucose and fructose are used in the body as energy fuel, which increases endurance. And the high potassium content in this fruit compensates for the loss of this microelement associated with cardiac problems.

If for several months a patient with vascular or heart pathology eats two or three fruits a day, the results of treatment will noticeably improve. In addition, persimmon has diuretic properties, and not only fresh fruits are suitable for treatment, but also dried ones. It is especially effective for urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that persimmon is rich in magnesium, which significantly reduces the likelihood of stone formation in the body, removes sodium salts and, as a result, relieves the load on the kidneys. For diabetics, dried persimmon is a delicacy that perfectly replaces many sweets.

Pineapple is the real king of fruits, not only because of its appearance, but also because of its huge content of beneficial microelements. The pulp of this fruit is rich in a special substance - bromelain, which actively breaks down protein and occupies an important place in metabolism.

Pineapple has the following beneficial properties:

  • high content of vitamin C and organic acid;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dulling of hunger;
  • strengthening the body's protective functions.

Pineapple has a mild diuretic effect and, as a result, swelling is prevented and the formation of “bags” under the eyes is prevented. This is why dried pineapple pulp is included in most weight loss teas or homeopathic remedies.

Pineapple is also effectively used in the cosmetology industry for the production of masks, lotions, creams and shower gels. During the holidays or when you have a plentiful diet, it is advisable to have fasting days on pineapple - this fruit is considered to be a low-calorie food.

An apple is a fruit that effectively combines beneficial macroelements and vitamins. That is why the British generally believe that if you eat one apple every day, you can forget about visiting the clinic.

Apples have the following beneficial properties:

  • high content of vitamin C;
  • profiling of cardiovascular diseases;
  • contain pectin and special ferrous compounds, which have ballast properties and therefore bind together excess waste and quickly remove them from the body;
  • due to the high pectin content in fruits, hunger is quickly satisfied, so they are indispensable during a diet;
  • powerful antioxidants that are part of the fruit neutralize substances harmful to the human body;
  • activate the digestive system. The acid included in the composition not only speeds up metabolism, but also helps cope with stomach disorders;
  • have good diuretic properties;
  • reduce the formation of uric acid;
  • increases immunity resistance to various colds and viral infections. That is why, in the absence of contraindications, freshly squeezed juice or fresh fruits are recommended for regularly ill people.

Grapes are not only tasty, but also healthy fruit. Grape pulp contains large quantities of bioflavonoids - these are special substances that effectively fight cancer cells and prevent blood clots.

All grape varieties have similar beneficial properties - high glucose and fructose content, which contributes to the proper functioning of the heart.

Regular consumption of grape fruits effectively reduces drowsiness and irritability, and increases tone.

Dried grapes or raisins have no less useful elements - manganese, boron, magnesium, iron and potassium. Raisins have beneficial properties for the nervous system, lungs, bones and heart. But do not forget that dried grapes contain eight times more sugar than fresh ones.

Grape seeds contain a high amount of active substances that help protect cells from aging. Bones effectively help in the fight against allergies. They are used in the manufacture of medicines and food additives, various cosmetic products: masks, shampoos, creams, oils and balms.

Lemon is the most common fruit of the citrus family. The zest of this fruit contains large reserves of vitamin C, which increases the resistance of protective functions and immunity.

Lemon has the following beneficial properties:

  • B vitamins – contribute to better functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps cope with high mental stress;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • the special substances this fruit contains are excellent at removing heavy metals from the body;
  • potassium, which is part of the fruit, ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the kidneys;
  • citrine, when combined with vitamin C, has a positive effect on metabolism, redox processes, strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • restores digestive processes, improves the removal of slag accumulations from the intestines;
  • relieves migraines and headaches;
  • helps speed up the resolution of various rashes and boils, helps with oral hygiene;
  • reduces high acidity;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • used to relieve fever;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • perfectly helps to cope with various putrefactive lesions.

Widely known in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology in the production of toothpaste, masks, shampoos, lotions, varnishes and much more.

Banana - this fruit contains a huge amount of useful elements for muscle and heart function.

Beneficial properties of banana:

  • high content of vitamin C and group B ensures good performance of muscle tissue and the nervous system;
  • ephedrine has a tonic effect, slightly increases blood pressure, stimulates the nervous system and slightly increases blood sugar, has an antispasmodic effect on bronchopulmonary spasms;
  • help increase muscle mass;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • effective for kidney and liver diseases, as well as for urolithiasis, stomatitis and dialysis bleeding;
  • effective as a mild laxative;
  • used during the treatment of impotence;
  • widely used in various areas of medicine;
  • has anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effects;
  • catecholamines have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Not only the fruit itself, but also the peel, juice and stems have medicinal properties. Daily intake of this fruit is strictly permitted with the permission of a specialist, since banana is a fairly heavy, long-digesting food that contributes to the accumulation of gases and obstruction of the outflow of bile.

Pear - this fruit has been known since ancient times. Its fruits are rich in glucose, fructose and sucrose, pectin and tannins, fiber and organic acids.

Useful properties of pear:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes the proper functioning of the pancreas;
  • most varieties contain a lot of iodine;
  • essential oils contained in the fruit stimulate and relieve tension;
  • helps normalize heart rate;
  • has a tonic effect, helps relieve mental and physical fatigue;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • pear decoction reduces fever;
  • has an effective diuretic property, perfectly removes not only sand, but also stones from the kidneys;
  • helps in the treatment of such an insidious disease as prostatitis.

Pear is also effectively used in cosmetology as a base for various masks and scrubs.

Grapefruit - This fruit is obtained by crossing an orange and a pomelo. Contains an incredibly large amount of various mineral salts, trace elements, organic acids, vitamins and essential oils.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

  • prevents fat deposition and regulates fluid content in the body;
  • promotes proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • essential oils effectively relieve nervous tension, increase concentration, efficiency, and mental activity;
  • lowers cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases.

It is actively used for cosmetic purposes in the form of additives in masks, shampoos, lotions and much more.

Apple is a low-calorie fruit that provides tangible benefits to the body and immune system generally. The pulp and peel of the apple tree are saturated with a number of rejuvenating and tonic substances that supply the body with vital energy. The main benefit of the fruit is its ability to lower blood cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and heart attack. It is recommended to consume apples in their peels, since the outer shell is saturated with the largest amount of pure vitamin.

Banana is an exotic, nourishing berry, recommended for replenishing strength and a healthy snack. Surprisingly, bananas do not grow on trees, but on 35cm of grass. The abundance of varietal banana varieties provides for the growth of striped, orange, red, green and even blue peel colors. 100g of banana pulp is regarded as 70-100g of kcal and that is why it is so widely used for the purpose of gaining muscle mass. The health-improving function of the protein fruit is to eliminate heartburn, fight ulcerative processes in the body and even cardiovascular diseases.

Orange is an antiviral dietary fruit, cleanses the blood, rejuvenates and stabilizes the functioning of the body. This fruit is an integral component of fruit diets, as it has a diuretic function, speeds up metabolism and is low in calories. When consumed correctly, the orange fruit can have a positive effect on pregnancy, improving male potency and passing healthy genes to the unborn child. It has been proven that women benefit the most from orange juice.

Grapes are the oldest fruit, available in more than 5 thousand varieties. This culture has a tremendous effect on the human heart by reducing heart pressure and stabilizing heart contractions. Nutmeg fruit, like orange, prevents cancer and even helps with insomnia. Grapes perfectly fight inflammatory processes in the body and are recommended for use specifically in fresh when the berries have just reached the peak of their growing season.

Pear – widespread throughout middle zone a fruit that stabilizes the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Like other most useful fruits in the world, pear enriches the immune system and energizes. The main benefit of this fruit is to improve digestion and reduce blood sugar levels. The aromatic pear pulp contains large amounts of iodine and folic acid. Since the concentration of beneficial substances disappears from the fruit over time, neither pear juice nor jam is recommended for use, but fresh pear from the garden.

Apricot is a Chinese fruit containing a lot of vitamins and minerals. The benefits of apricot are its cosmetic and health benefits. The use of this fruit, due to the presence of beta-carotene, improves vision, brain performance, heart function and even skin quality. After consuming apricot, the digestive and nervous system will significantly improve its functioning, and your appearance will take on a more lively and energetic appearance. Active consumption of fruit reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and cancer.

Lemon is the healthiest fruit in the world against colds. The benefits of lemon extend not only to immunity, but also to a person’s weight. None active dietary food You can’t do without citric acid, since it is endowed with fat-burning and appetite-reducing properties. High concentration of vitamin C and ascorbic acid in one lemon it can not only bring a person into an awake state, but literally rejuvenate him. Since anything in excess is not healthy, the juice of such a fruit without dilution should be consumed in large quantities Not recommended.

Persimmon – translated from ancient Greek as “fruit of the Gods”, was first discovered in China. This fruit has a lot of vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants, which together bring an immense amount of benefits to the entire body. A person who actively consumes persimmon will, over time, optimize his nutritional needs and is guaranteed to cleanse the body of toxins. According to practical information from consumers, persimmon effectively improves the functioning of the urinary and excretory system.

Fruits are very tasty - this alone makes them healthy, because tasty, juicy food helps improve your mood. A sufficient amount of fruit in a person’s diet helps prevent heart disease and stroke, protect against cancer, normalize blood pressure, and preserve vision. Vitamins and microelements contained in berries and fruits help strengthen the immune system.

Health authorities in many countries around the world recommend that people eat 5-7 different fruits and berries. Portions may not be large at all, the main thing is variety. If it is difficult to eat a lot of fruit, you can drink freshly squeezed juice or make fruit purees, cold berry soups and smoothies.

What fruits should you include in your diet? We offer a list of the healthiest fruits and berries that you should definitely eat - whole, in juice or puree.

The healthiest fruits and berries: TOP 15

1. Apple

100 g contains 40-50 kcal. One medium apple contains approximately 75 kcal.

Add to list "The healthiest fruits" the apple almost always hits the mark, no matter which doctor made the top list. An English proverb says: " Eat an apple before bed and doctors will be out of work" Apples contain iron, so they are especially recommended for children, teenagers and pregnant women. Apples contain flavonoids that reduce the likelihood of developing asthma and diabetes.

2. Avocado

100 g of avocado contains approximately 160 kcal. One medium avocado has approximately 230 kcal. Avocados are rich in vitamin E and folic acid.

The value of avocados is enormous: read about this in more detail in our article “”. The main advantage of avocado is that it contains monounsaturated acids, which lower cholesterol levels. The blood vessels and heart remain young and healthy.

3. Banana

100 g of banana contains approximately 80 kcal. One large banana can contain 160 kcal. Banana is rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Bananas always end up in list of the healthiest fruits. They have a lot of fiber necessary for the intestines. A lot of vitamin C. Bananas contain a huge amount of potassium, which gives energy and strength. Potassium helps lower blood pressure and improve muscle condition.

4. Blueberries

100 g of blueberries contain only 40 kcal. Blueberries are most valued because they are rich in antioxidants that prevent aging of the body.

Antioxidants contained in large quantities in blueberries reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the older a person is, the more often he needs to eat blueberries. Contrary to popular belief, blueberries do not cure eye diseases. It is only useful as prevention of vision impairment, since the substances it contains help improve blood circulation in the retina. In general, blueberries are rich in essential vitamins A, B and C, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, including vision.

Blueberries keep well in the freezer. Fresh blueberries should be washed with lukewarm water, dried with a towel, placed in containers and put in the freezer. Frozen blueberries can be eaten all winter long. After taking it out of the freezer, you need to leave it at room temperature for a while - it will quickly defrost. When defrosted, the berry will give juice, which can be added to your morning fresh juice or sauce. The berry itself can be added to porridge, yogurt, salads, or used to make creams and fillings for sweet desserts.

5. Cherry

100 g of cherries contain 55 kcal. Cherries are rich in antioxidants.

Cherries contain antioxidants anthocyanins, which can reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, cherries contain a lot of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, which makes cherries beneficial for immunity and psychological well-being.

6. Cranberry

100 g of cranberries contain only about 20-30 kcal.

For the peoples of the north, cranberries have always been the healthiest berry, helping to recover from many diseases. It is also good because it can be stored fresh, without special preparation - you just need to pour fresh cranberries into a wooden box or cardboard box and refrigerate.

Cranberry has an antibacterial effect - it serves as protection against infections, and also helps to heal from infectious diseases. This is especially true for cranberries if we're talking about about urinary tract infections.

Cranberries are also believed to prevent kidney stones.

Oral baths with slightly diluted cranberry juice are effective for periodontitis - the gums are strengthened and the general condition of the oral cavity is improved. And since cranberry juice kills bacteria, such baths are also...

7. Grapes

100 g of grapes contain approximately 70-80 kcal. Grapes are a source of antioxidants and manganese.

Not all nutritionists include grapes in list “The healthiest fruits and berries”, because grapes make you fat. It is quite high in calories and also promotes the absorption of fats. However, you need to observe moderation in everything - if you eat only a few grapes at a time, then they will only bring benefits.

Grape skin contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which reduces the risk of blood clots and helps lower blood pressure. This means it protects the heart from wear and tear and disease. In addition, resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Studies on rats have shown that resveratrol prevents the development of cancer (skin and gastrointestinal tract).

8. Grapefruit

100 g of grapefruit contains about 40 kcal. Grapefruit is especially rich in vitamin B.

Pink grapefruit contains flavonoids and lycopene - these substances are useful in protecting the body from cancer. Grapefruit contains pectin, which protects against aging (including skin, for which grapefruit is especially valued by women) and helps reduce cholesterol levels.

9. Kiwi

100 g of kiwi contains about 50 kcal. One medium kiwi without skin contains approximately 40 kcal. Kiwi is rich in vitamins C and E, as well as magnesium and potassium.

Kiwi is very rich in vitamin C, which means it helps improve immunity. Kiwi is good for bones, teeth, gums, and cartilage. Frequent consumption of kiwi is believed to help lower triglyceride levels (high triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart disease).

Kiwis are usually peeled from the skin, but this is not necessary - you can simply wash the kiwi and cut it into rings directly with the skin. Kiwi skin is edible.

10. Orange

100 g of orange contains about 40 kcal. Orange is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium.

Orange is a good source of folic acid, especially necessary for pregnant women and those who are just preparing to conceive. Orange is good for everyone: it contains vitamins necessary for good immunity, and substances that reduce triglycerides and cholesterol.

11. Pineapple

100 g of pineapple contains 50-55 kcal.

Pineapple contains the natural enzyme bromelain, which breaks down fats and proteins. This helps improve metabolism. Pineapple activates digestion. Bromelain helps you lose weight. In addition, bromelain prevents the formation of blood clots, inhibits the growth of malignant cells, and increases the rate of wound healing.

12. Pomegranate

100 g of pomegranate contains 50-60 kcal. One average pomegranate contains approximately 105 kcal. Rich in vitamin C, a number of minerals and trace elements.

Pomegranate is rich in tannins that protect the heart - regular use pomegranate reduces the risk of heart attacks. Pomegranate contains anthocyanins, which are useful for quick recovery from inflammatory diseases. Pomegranate juice is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia(pomegranate contains iron).

13. Raspberry

100 g of raspberries contain about 50 kcal. Raspberries are a source of folic acid and magnesium.

Raspberries are not often included in list of the healthiest fruits and berries– it is often considered a pleasant seasonal delicacy. However, raspberries are rich in ellagic acid, which helps prevent cervical cancer. Raspberries contain antioxidants that protect the body from premature aging. Folic acid and magnesium are essential for everyone. Moreover, it has been established that 8-9 out of 10 people suffer from magnesium deficiency. And magnesium is vital - for example, calcium cannot be absorbed without it. Raspberries are also useful for anemia.

Raspberries are very high in calories and contain a lot of sugar. Overweight people and diabetes mellitus raspberries are shown in very limited quantities! Raspberries can cause food allergies!

14. Pear

100 g of pear contains approximately 55 kcal. One fairly large pear contains 95-100 kcal. Pear is rich in fiber.

15. Watermelon

100 g of watermelon contains only about 30 kcal. Watermelon is rich in vitamin B.

Watermelon is 92% water. It gives a feeling of fullness, while the person receives very few calories. This means that watermelon allows you to lose excess weight. Watermelon is a diuretic, it relieves swelling. You can eat watermelon very often, but not in huge portions - 2-3 slices of watermelon a day will be enough.

Helpful information

Free radicals are harmful molecules that are formed naturally in the body during chemical reactions. But the formation of free radicals is especially promoted by smoking, bad air, pesticides, and radiation. Free radicals damage the body's cells. This leads to premature aging, as well as heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants– natural or synthetic substances that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Fresh fruits and berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices, are richest in antioxidants. The healthiest fruits and berries listed in this article contain sufficient amounts of antioxidants to keep the body young and healthy for a long time.