The Bank of Russia plans to introduce new banknotes into circulation. The largest banknote denominations 1 million ruble banknote

A banknote of five thousand rubles is currently the largest denomination banknote in the country. The images on it are dedicated to the city of Khabarovsk. On the front side, in the foreground, you can see a monument to Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky, a figure of the 19th century who did a lot for Eastern Siberia, and a drawing of the Khabarovsk embankment. The reverse shows the famous bridge across the Amur in this city.

Now you can find 2 types of banknotes with a denomination of 5,000 rubles: a banknote developed in 1997 (in free circulation since 2006), and a later modification in 2010 (issued since 2011). Five thousand banknotes are considered to be the most “long-lived” - on average, one banknote is used for more than four years.

Weight of banknotes in denomination of five thousand rubles

There is no information on the weight of a 5,000 ruble bill on the website. Central Bank, nor on other official portals. But nevertheless, enthusiasts carried out the necessary measurements and it turned out that the weight of a 5000 ruble banknote is only 1.02 grams. Moreover, in Russia this is one of the heaviest banknotes. For comparison: a 10-ruble banknote weighs 0.94 grams, a 50-ruble banknote weighs 97 grams, a 100-ruble banknote weighs 93 grams, and a 500-ruble banknote weighs 0.97 grams. The only things heavier than 5,000 rubles are coins and a 1,000-ruble banknote—it weighs 1.04 grams. Of course, there are even heavier banknotes in the world - for example, a 500 euro banknote weighs 1.12 grams.

It is worth mentioning other parameters of the five thousandth banknote:

  • its length is 157 millimeters;
  • width - 69 millimeters;
  • thickness - from 0.10 to 0.13 millimeters.

The later version of the five-thousandth bill differs from the 1997 banknote with the same denomination both in design and in the presence of micro-perforations and moire stripes. In addition to this, on the new banknote certain elements are created using inkless embossing technology, and the coat of arms is covered with a special paint that changes color when viewed from different angles. At the same time, its weight and dimensions remained virtually the same.

How much does a pack of 5,000 ruble bills weigh and how much does a million and a billion rubles weigh in 5,000 ruble bills?

First of all, you need to understand the very concept of “pack”. Some people mistakenly believe that a pack is a hundred bills. In reality, a hundred banknotes in banking are a stub, and a pack is made up of 10 stubs. That is, there are a thousand bills in one pack.

Therefore, the spine of five thousand bills will weigh 102 grams, and a pack of 1020 grams. To obtain a more accurate result, you should add to this weight the possible mass of bank tapes that are traditionally used to tie the pack. The thickness of such a bank pack will be 120-130 millimeters.

It is not so difficult to calculate how much a million rubles weigh in 5000 banknotes. To collect 1 million, you need 200 banknotes of this denomination. And, accordingly, they will weigh 204 grams. And a billion rubles in 5,000 banknotes weighs 204,000 grams, that is, 204 kilograms - this is already a very impressive mass. This is more than, for example, the weight of many motorcycles!

A million dollars in 5000 ruble bills

You can also calculate the weight of a billion dollars in 5 thousand ruble banknotes. To do this, you just need to take into account the dollar exchange rate. Today it is equal to 59.28 rubles. The result is the following: 204x59.28 = 12093.12 kilograms. That is more than 12 tons of money. Interestingly, a billion dollars in dollar bills will also weigh quite a lot. The fact is that the largest banknote in free circulation is 100 US dollars. And the weight of this bill is 1 gram. So, to raise a billion dollars, you need 10 tons of hundred dollar bills.

Of course, in all cases we are talking about freshly printed banknotes. Banknotes that have already been in circulation may have a different weight, since a variety of and sometimes unexpected “impurities” can accumulate on them. One study by US scientists found that 90 percent of dollars circulating in the States contain snuff residue. The substance appears on banknotes presumably either during a drug transaction (when, say, banknotes may be counted nearby with the powder), or during drug consumption through a banknote wrapped in a tube. And when this money is in circulation, it spreads traces of drugs to all other banknotes in bank counting machines.

On April 12, the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, announced the decision of the bank’s board of directors to issue banknotes in denominations of 2,000 and 200 rubles. According to representatives of the Central Bank, this will make it easier for citizens to pay for goods and services. The Central Bank intends to begin introducing new banknotes into circulation in 2017.

The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, said that the Central Bank studied not only numerous requests for the issue of new banknotes, but also the economic feasibility of this step. The analysis shows that the issue of banknotes in denominations of 2,000 and 200 rubles is justified when inflation is 4–6%. At the same time, the Central Bank's inflation target in 2017 is 4%.

The volume of money in circulation will be maintained through the withdrawal of old banknotes. The volume of issue of banknotes of new denominations has not yet been determined.

What will be shown on the new banknotes?

Currently, ruble banknotes feature symbols Russian regions. According to Ms. Nabiullina, the Central Bank would like to preserve this tradition, but at the same time start a new trend and involve the public in the creation of banknote designs.

In the coming months, together with one of the federal television channels, the Central Bank plans to hold a vote, based on the results of which it will be decided what to depict on the new banknotes.

Let us recall that in 2014, winemakers of Crimea proposed to issue a 200 ruble banknote with a view of Mount Ayu-Dag, and in 2015, an initiative group proposed to the Central Bank to issue a 2,000 ruble banknote with an image of Vladivostok.

How modern money has changed

After the collapse of the USSR, Soviet money continued to circulate in Russia until 1993 - ruble, 3-ruble, 5-ruble, 10-ruble, 25-ruble, 50-ruble and 100-ruble bills.

In October 1991, banknotes in denominations of 200 rubles were issued, and at the end of the year - 500 rubles. In February 1992, a 1,000 ruble banknote appeared, the last one with the image of Lenin. In July, 5,000 ruble bills appeared, and in December - 10,000 rubles. This was already the first Russian money.

On July 26, 1993, a monetary reform took place in Russia, which replaced USSR State Bank notes with Russian currency. Old money was replaced with new ones with a limit on the amount of exchange. According to the original plan, old money was exchanged for new ones in savings banks at 30,000 rubles per person. On July 26, by presidential decree, the terms of the exchange were changed. The limit for the free exchange of money of the 1961–1992 model for Russian citizens was increased to 100,000 rubles, excluding the free exchange of banknotes of the 1992 model in denominations of 10,000 rubles. The exchange period has been extended from three to five weeks.

In 1993, a 50,000 ruble banknote appeared, in 1995 - 100,000 rubles. In the same year, the Bank of Russia abandoned the minting of the ruble in coins, expressing it only in bank notes. In 1997, a 500,000 ruble banknote was introduced.

On January 1, 1998, a denomination was carried out according to the principle of 1000:1 without limiting the amounts. From the same day, the Bank of Russia introduced new banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 rubles, metal coins of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5 rubles. The largest banknote was the 500 ruble banknote. Banknotes could be changed within five years after the reform.

In 2001, banknotes with a face value of 1,000 rubles were introduced, in 2006 - 5,000 rubles, and in 2009 - coins with a face value of 10 rubles. Since the end of 2012, the Central Bank has stopped issuing one-kopeck and five-kopeck coins.

Egeniy Fedunenko, Evgeniy Kozichev, Dmitry Shelkovnikov

This is not a self-praise post. This is a real question, and I have few options.

Thank you, people, for putting up with my articles about iPhones, sofas and razors. The other day I quietly passed >5,000 articles. And thanks to your rabid readings I have accumulated 1 million rubles.

So I looked at them and realized that it was necessary act. I don’t know anything about finance other than basic things, so I decided to speculate publicly. Maybe you can give me some advice.

In short, here are my thoughts on where to invest this million.

You can take out a mortgage and rent it out (for a long time)

Typical rough renovation in a new building

I looked at different options in Voronezh. Well, in Moscow. Alas, in the capital you can’t get anything normal for a million. Perhaps only outside the Moscow Ring Road or in general in some Ryazan.

So in reality there is only one option in real estate - a mortgage. And then the financial genius in me turns on.

Here's an idea: throw in a million as a down payment, get the keys - and move tenants in there. Pay the mortgage by renting out the apartment, and sometimes pay it off to pay it off quickly.

As a result, I will have a completely (or almost completely) own apartment in which I can live or continue to rent out, making a profit.

The trouble is that if I lose my job, I face a lot of problems. Damage to credit history at a minimum. And there may not always be people willing to rent my mortgaged house. Then you will have an unnecessary apartment hanging on your shoulders, for which you owe the bank quite a bit. As a result, I will lose a million and there will be no apartment.

The payback is long and tedious, so oh well.

Become a huckster at the start of iPhone sales ($$$)

I've been wanting to do this for a very long time. Wait for some iPhone 8, buy a large batch and sell it on Gorbushka with a good profit in the first days. I saw with my own eyes how it works.

Fact: every iPhone 8 will turn out in the first 2 weeks sell for about 20-70% more expensive, price varies depending on the date. We're talking only about Moscow. The later I sell, the cheaper it is, so you will need to act quickly (and in advance).

Profit calculation (dangerous, numbers):

1. One iPhone 8 in Europe costs 699 euros or 41,940 rubles.

2. For 1,000,000 rubles. you can buy 24 pcs. iPhone 8.

3. One iPhone 8 in Moscow can be sold for 80,000 rubles.

4. 80,000 rub. multiply by 24 pcs. iPhone 8 = RUB 1,920,000!

This is exactly the “naked” profit (without force majeure) of 920,000 rubles, that is, almost double earnings in just 7-10 days.

Alas, I could lose up to 30% of the amount if Apple gives an early start to sales in Russia at a similar price. It is almost impossible to take out 24 iPhones on your own, but help costs money, which deprives you of part of the profit. iPhone supplies may be reduced, and the Chinese and Arabs will buy everything in advance - then the plan will fail.

I have long wanted to try the life of a real “huckster” for myself, but something tells me that it is not as easy as it seems from the outside. I will think and understand the risks.

Start a business (risky)

Also a business.

It looks like a normal option. Go and open your own business, stop working for your uncle, that’s all. Ideas are wagons, all now more or less profitable, if you have a head on your shoulders: from a vape shop, a pub with craft beer, that’s all. Well, opening a shawarma kiosk is absolutely sacred!

For 1 million, it is quite possible to take a “ready-made” small business and start without the dreary first steps. It’s not for nothing that I put “readiness” in quotation marks: a normally operating business with an adequate income will never be sold to you for “lame”!

Ideally, I will be able to achieve payback in 2 years, but in general there are prospects for multiplying the million.

That's just the same 1 million will burn out 50 times faster on a bad idea or wrong decisions, which will bring the same amount into your pocket. At the same time, it will burn in agony, lost nerves and time - both yours and your employees. I'll still be in debt.

In short, it’s stupid to go into your own business with a pitiful (by his standards) 1 million without a rigidly written idea and a reinforced concrete business plan with the calculation of all the nuances and therefore an unsinkable income. There is no such idea, so I will refuse for now and continue to work on website.

Play on the stock market or invest (simply not)

LIVE: how I play the euro/dollar pair

Against the backdrop of fresh and immortal stories about investment companies, stock market games and other “cunning” methods of making money - in firebox this idea.

NO NEED play on the stock exchange for 1 million rubles or invest it “somewhere” until you know 100% what you are doing and where (in whom) you are investing. The risk is such that it is easier to find 500 rubles on the street than to earn money by blindly jumping into the securities market.

You can play on the stock exchange for a maximum of 100 bucks, lose it, smile and never touch it again. Because the system is working against you. You are never safe from the “kitchen” and bots.

And investing, buying shares without a good expert at hand or in the absence of proper education, experience and understanding of market conditions is the same as rolling up this million and burn.

Put it in the bank - that is, open a deposit (norm)

How many times have I thought about this, and always returned to this option as the safest. No, judge for yourself. All you need to do is deposit money and then pick it up within the specified period.

Bank guarantees accrual of interest, actually covering inflation and increasing rubles. And what they actually do with your money has nothing to do with you. This is the main advantage -

nothing needs to be done. I put it down and took it away.

As a result, you have 100% safety of your money + approximately 10% to it every year.

It also turns out that no risks, if I choose a normal bank and good conditions. Here it is really important not to make a mistake, not to buy into too high a return and to invest in a bank where the Deposit Insurance System operates (naturally, up to 1.4 million rubles).

I have found normal deposit conditions so far in Rocketbank. Information for skeptics and those who shout that the bank will be closed tomorrow. They won't close it - it's the same one that belongs to the bank "Opening", occupying 6th place in the ranking of the largest banks in Russia.

Just store at home (in case they sprout)

Alas, the most pitiful option. Only old people and alarmists waiting for a repeat of 1997 will approve of it. Money under the pillow is the easiest thing to steal; you just want to spend it, and you definitely won’t have any more of it.

I did this until recently, now I chose something else. I think you can guess What.

Which option do you think is better?

Quickly click on what you think is the best option for spending one million rubles:

What would you do with 1 million rubles? And if he was, then how already did it - and do you regret it?

Large denomination banknotes have been encountered quite often throughout the paper monetary history of mankind, which cannot be said about large denomination coins. One of the reasons for this was the cheapness of making banknotes, since it is easier to print a bunch of million-dollar bills, often not backed by hard currency, than to mint a bunch of million-dollar coins that have intrinsic value.

Largest banknote denomination in the world

The anti-record holder for the level of inflation - because of which, in fact, the uncontrolled issue of banknotes begins - in 1945-1946. became Hungary. The monetary unit of the pengyo state in a matter of post-war months depreciated to 128,000 state units per dollar. The first millions were released, which also failed to stop the accelerating inflation. The introduction of surrogate money for intrabank circulation - adopengo - somewhat stabilized the situation, but... not for long.

The simultaneous collapse of ersatz money and state currency led to the addition of several more zeros to banknotes. To reduce the number of zeros on banknotes, the standard million pengyo was called milpengyo. Now they printed money in denominations from 10,000 milpengo to 1 billion milpengo. But prices continued to rise: every day they rose 5 times, so milpengo soon became an insufficiently large unit, and a new one was introduced - bilpengo (B-pengo, billion pengo or 1∙10 12). The next hyperinflationary money had a denomination from 10 thousand bilpengo to 100 million bilpengo. In the vaults of the state bank there was already a bill of sextillion pengyos (1∙10 21 pengyos) prepared for issue, which was not destined to go into circulation, but was destined to become the largest banknote in the world at face value.

With the introduction of the forint (new monetary unit), the exchange rate for which was 4∙10 29 pengo to 1 forint, managed to overcome the catastrophic hyperinflation in the entire history of mankind. In memory of her, amazing banknotes for digital calculation remained.

Large Hungarian banknotes

(1. The world's largest banknote worth a billion trillion or sextillion, or 1∙10 21 pengyō, or 1 billion bilpengyō; 2. 100 million trillion pengyo or 100 million bilpengyo; 3. 1 billion milpengyo; 4. 10 million adopengyo )

Other large banknote denominations

During the Second World War Greece experienced a period of hyperinflation, in which prices doubled every 28 hours. In 1944, inflation reached its peak. It was then that banknotes with the highest denomination for the country were issued - 100 billion (in Russia trillion) drachmas. Soon a denomination was carried out in the state.

Banknotes of large denominations of Greece (the first is the largest at 100 trillion drachmas (Greek: disekatommýrio - billion, ekatommýrio - million))

No less large-scale hyperinflation was experienced Germany in the 1920s. It all started with the release in post-war period paper money of 5 million marks. In 1923, a banknote with a face value of 100 trillion came into circulation. marks (current price about $3,000). In 1924 the mark was replaced by the Reichsmark.

Examples of German hyperbanknotes (the first is the largest at 100 trillion marks, the next one is 1 billion marks, the third is 100 billion marks)

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe at the beginning of the 21st century became the reason for the appearance on the state market of banknotes with a huge number of zeros, for example, 100 trillion. dollars. Having concluded that it was no longer possible to stop the depreciation of the national currency (according to unofficial statistics at the end of 2008, Zimbabwean inflation amounted to 6.5∙10108% (quinquatrigintillion)), the country's government banned the circulation of the Zimbabwean dollar in 2009.

Had a slightly smaller number of zeros on banknotes Yugoslavia. Hyperinflation, caused by internal instability in the country and constant hostilities after the collapse of the SFRY, caused the issue of money (bonds) in denominations from 100,000 to 500 billion dinars in 1993. The “new dinar”, which somewhat slowed down inflation, was introduced in 1994. From now on, banknotes were printed in smaller denominations.

Banknotes of Yugoslavia (the first - the largest banknote of the country)

At one time they could boast of large denominations on paper money Peru(1 and 5 million inti), Belarus(5 million Belarusian rubles), Ukraine(1 million karbovanets), Argentina(1 million pesos), Poland(1 million zlotys) and some other countries.

Large banknotes various countries(2 banknotes of Peru, banknotes of Belarus, Ukraine, Argentina, Poland (from left to right))

The largest banknotes of the current time by purchasing power

In 2000, the Bank of Thailand issued 500,000 Thai baht, which is today the government currency. Circulation 1998 pcs.

Despite the significant depreciation of $10,000 USA have one of the most significant purchasing powers in the world. Now this banknote is subject to confiscation. There are just over a hundred copies of it left in the world. Ceased production in 1944.

The largest banknote of Tsarist Russia in terms of purchasing power and denomination

Paper money was not held in high esteem under tsarism. The state monetary system was built on the circulation of metallic money. Nevertheless, on the territory of the monarchy, first banknotes, credit notes, and later stamps and rubles, which were made for ease of use and transportation, were still circulated. The 500 rubles of 1898/1912 had the greatest purchasing power among all the variety of royal money. They were provided with 387.1 grams of gold. The size of the 1912 banknote is 275×126 mm. The popular name is “petenka”.

The largest banknotes in the USSR by face value

The Transcaucasian SFSR became the anti-record holder for inflation among the countries of the USSR. Banknotes of the socialist republic in 1924 contained 6-9 zeros. The largest denomination is 10 billion rubles.

The largest denomination in Russia

The largest denominations of the Russian ruble are 100,000, 500,000 rubles of the 1995 model. After 2 years, all denominations were reduced a thousand times, but the drawings remained the same.