How to prepare a facade for painting. How to paint a facade made of stone-like materials, finishing a wooden house and alternative cladding methods

If you purchased a house and it has already been plastered, then the question arises of how to paint the outside of a plastered house and how to do it correctly. But the main thing you should know is that the facade must be completely dry. If the house is new and plaster is applied to it, then it dries within 1 - 2 months. During this period, all external work must be postponed.

Priming a plastered house

Before you learn how and with what to paint a plastered house on the outside, you should be familiar with the preparatory work. Presumably, our house has already gone through the sanding process and the next step is to prime it. This is done with a special primer, which is applied to the surface using a brush, roller or spray gun.

The primer will help protect the surface from moisture penetrating deep into the walls, and will also allow steam to escape freely. In addition, it will strengthen dusty areas, help the paint adhere better to the surface and significantly reduce its consumption.

Paint and primer should be purchased at the same time. Or rather, the primer should be the same as the paint chosen. Look at the specifications on the paint can and decide what kind of primer you need.

To improve quality appearance buildings, some tint the primer to match the paint. Special dry paints or pastes are sold for this. But this is not necessary, you can simply open the surface with impregnation. Sometimes, instead of a layer of primer, facade paint is used, half diluted with water.

As we have already reported, the primer is applied to the wall surface in the same way as paint. The wall covered with it should dry thoroughly. The drying time is indicated in the characteristics of the paint, usually from 24 hours.

Painting a plastered house outside

When the question arises of how to paint the outside of a plastered house, you can answer it like this. If the house has already been painted before and needs to be updated, then the paint should be purchased with the same composition as it was applied before. When the house is new and its surface is being treated for the first time, acrylic water-dispersion paint for building facades is suitable. This coating is durable, provides excellent weather protection and has a long service life. In addition, this paint can be washed many times.

The last stage of processing a plastered house is painting it. This can be done with a brush, roller or spray gun, you decide on this yourself. Most often, a roller is used for such work, and a brush is used only to touch up hard-to-reach areas. The choice of roller will determine the surface texture pattern. A foam roller will create bubbles on the surface, so the best option would be a velor, natural or artificial fur roller.

The spray gun can also be used for exterior painting of walls, and it has its advantages. The paint consumption is less than when painting with a roller or brush, the paint is evenly distributed over the surface, and walls can be painted of any structure and configuration. But only a professional can properly paint the surface of the walls with a spray gun. If high-viscosity paint is applied to the facade of a building, a spatula is also used.

All painting work must be carried out at the temperature specified in the paint specifications. It is best if it is a warm, windless day without strong sun. Depending on the paint purchased, work should be done in a protective suit and, if necessary, in a respirator.

Now you know how to paint the outside of a plastered house, but to do it correctly, we will recommend you a few tips.

In general, façade paints dry within 24 hours.

The second layer of paint can be applied without waiting for the first to dry; it is enough for it to dry a little, such information is available on the paint packaging.

Depending on the paint knitting, the painting tool is selected.

It is more convenient to paint over raised areas with a brush with large bristles. Such a surface can also be painted over using a spray gun.

To paint the facade, it is better to use scaffolding; an ordinary stepladder will not work.

Painting the wall canvas should be done in one approach, without interruptions.

The facades of the house are painted not only for aesthetic reasons, but also in order to protect the structure, which can not only spoil its appearance, but also lead to destruction. Negative factors include precipitation, high humidity, sunlight, temperature changes and mechanical damage.
Painting the facade of a house must be approached with all responsibility, since unsuccessful coating can cause hidden defects. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base and use only high-quality materials.
Paint for painting the facade of a house must be weather-resistant, durable, heat-resistant, have high vapor permeability and moisture-repellent characteristics, be elastic and resistant to contamination.
For exterior painting, you can use organic or inorganic paints, among which are solvent-based acrylic, alkyd and water-dispersion latex.
Acrylic paint is used for painting cement, concrete and plaster surfaces and can interact with any materials. After painting, the surface is covered with a light- and light-resistant film. The coating becomes resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress.

Alkyd paint is used when painting concrete surfaces. It is resistant to precipitation and has good throughput and quickly sets to the surface.
To paint the base and surfaces exposed to precipitation, it is recommended to use water-dispersed latex paint with silicone resin in the composition.
Inorganic paint consists of lime, cement or liquid glass and can be calcareous or silicate. A film does not form after it dries. Inorganic paint is used for plastered surfaces or lime bases.

Preparing the façade of a house for painting includes cleaning, priming, greasing, and sanding.

Before you begin painting the house facade inspected for its mechanical strength. To do this, run a spatula along the walls, and if the coating peels off or crumbles, it must be removed to the base.

If a façade that was previously coated with paint is being painted, it is necessary to find out what type of paint and varnish composition was used. Inorganic paint is less susceptible to fading than organic paint, and this can be seen when inspecting the walls. But inorganic paint wears out more than organic paint.
After the type of material used previously has been determined, it is necessary to treat the old paint with an alkaline washing solution and clean off all flaking pieces. It is possible to paint areas previously covered with inorganic paint with an organic composition, but, on the contrary, it is not worth doing.

The surface must also be cleaned of mold, the deposited layer must be removed, and the fungus must be removed. The sanded surface is treated with an acrylic primer, which can be diluted with water in the ratio and 1:2.
Defects found on the surface are puttied. If two layers of putty are applied, you need to wait for each layer to dry completely, sand it with sandpaper and cover it with primer. When planning to use acrylic paint, it is necessary to use a water-based putty, not an oil-based one.
Painting the facade of the house is carried out after completion of construction and installation work.

The lime-cement mortar must harden, and this takes time, on average about 1-2 months. Painting is carried out on a dry basis, subject to stable weather and at an air temperature of at least +10 “C. It is not recommended to paint in strong winds, during rain, or in bright sunlight.
To ensure that the paint applies evenly, rollers, brushes, and spray guns are used.

Painter's advice

To prime the façade, it is recommended to use acrylic primer rather than drying oil. This composition is especially good when painting walls with a high absorbency rate. Without pre-treatment with an acrylic primer, the surface will absorb all the moisture from the paint, which will begin to crumble. In order to check the absorbency of the surface, it is doused with water. If moisture is quickly absorbed, then the surface must be thoroughly primed.

Painting with a roller

The paint is applied with a roller in different directions - vertically, horizontally, obliquely. To achieve maximum uniformity of layers, it is allowed for layers of paint to overlap one another.
Painting with a spray gun. Before using the spray gun, you need to check the thickness of the paint. This is usually stated in the instructions for the color scheme. The gun cannot be used with formulations that are too thick.

Facade paints are applied in two layers, and lime ones - in three. You must wait for each layer of paint to dry completely. Typically, the paint packaging indicates how long it will take to dry - on average, this time is 2-3 hours.

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One of the final stages of construction or redecoration of a private household is painting the facades of a residential building and outbuildings on the site.

Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of this work, since painting facades, in addition to improving the appearance, protective functions, helping improve durability exterior finishing and the supporting structure of the house, protecting it from exposure to atmospheric factors, the occurrence and development of mold, rodents and insect pests.

Decorative finishing of facades

Continuing this topic, this article will cover in detail the painting of the facade of a house using modern paints and varnishes.

In addition, the reader will be presented with detailed instructions, which will describe what paint is best to paint the facade of the house to give it elegant exterior materials.

Paint selection

One of the most important tasks that needs to be given special attention is the selection of paint for the facade of the house, because the quality of the final result and the protective properties of the decorative coating will largely depend on the correct choice.

Among the large number of modern paints and varnishes, it is worth highlighting some groups of compositions that can be used as a protective and decorative coating for facades.

To choose the right paint to paint the facade of a house, you need to take into account the operating conditions, as well as the type of exterior finishing material.

  1. Acrylic water-based paints suitable for most building materials (brick, wood, plaster, etc.). Good resistance to atmospheric factors, high performance qualities and the ability to select almost any color of paint for house facades make them the most popular types of finishing materials.
  2. Latex acrylic paints have increased resistance to moisture, so they are well suited for use on shadow side at home or in poorly ventilated areas.

  1. Paint and varnish compositions based on silicone resins, after drying, form a strong elastic film on the surface, which has increased moisture resistance and the ability to repel various contaminants, therefore they are well suited for processing. A negative quality is the rather high price compared to other materials.
  2. For external treatment of log cabins or facades covered with clapboard, it is best to use transparent glazing compounds (impregnation, mastic, protective oil), which penetrate between the wood fibers and do not leave any film on its surface. They leave the natural structure of the wood visible, while allowing you to give it any desired shade. In addition, thanks to deep penetration and antiseptic additives, they significantly increase the durability of wood, and the absence of a film-forming substance in them ensures natural drying of the material.

When choosing coating compositions for external treatment of facades, it is important to take into account such an indicator as the vapor permeability of the paint film after drying. This quality characterizes the ability to remove excess moisture through the walls from the room to the outside and has a positive effect on the thermal insulation properties of the facade, and also increases its durability.

Oil paints and enamels based on organic solvents should not be used for finishing facades.
Such compositions clog pores and, after drying, form a vapor-proof coating that cannot provide natural circulation air.

Wooden façade finishing

The quality of application and durability of any coating largely depends on how correctly the surface preparation was carried out, therefore, before painting the facade of the house, it is necessary to perform some preparatory work.

  1. The wooden walls of a new house must be thoroughly sanded, protruding knots must be cut off, and potholes and other defects must be filled with wood putty.
  2. Be sure to check everything wooden structures for the presence of mold, insect pests and other damage.
  3. Treat the surface with a special antiseptic composition, and then cover with a layer of transparent primer.

Painting can be done with your own hands using a narrow and wide paint brush or mechanically using a spray gun.

  1. Before starting work, you should immediately purchase a quantity of paint that will be sufficient to cover the entire area of ​​the walls, veranda and gables.
  2. You need to start work from the top of the building, first of all, processing the corners, roof junctions and other hard-to-reach places.
  3. The coating must be applied in several layers, paying attention to careful processing of the joints and ends of boards and logs.
  4. The brush movements should be parallel to the direction of the wood grain, and to avoid smudges, apply the paint along the boards or logs.
  5. After applying each layer, you must allow it to dry completely, and only then proceed to further work.
  6. When using transparent compounds, you must wait until the previous layer is completely absorbed.
  7. It should also be remembered that raw wood appears darker in appearance, and after drying its color will become slightly lighter.

Before painting the facade of a house made from old boards or logs, it must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and moss, and damaged or rotten areas must be cut out and replaced with new material.

Painting plastered or brick facades

When decorating facades made of mineral materials (brick, concrete, plaster), in general, you should adhere to the same rules as when painting wooden surfaces.

In addition to the above, we can give some more recommendations that relate to the finishing of brick and plastered facades.

  1. Mineral materials are not subject to rotting, so antiseptic treatment is required only if there are clear signs of mold damage.
  2. To obtain an even, uniform color, it is necessary to process the entire surface of the wall at a time, avoiding long breaks in work.
  3. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to apply the paint in three layers. The first layer lies parallel to the ground, the second perpendicular to it, and the third again parallel to the first.
  4. It is most convenient to treat surfaces with a large area using a paint roller with an extended handle.
  5. Non-dried acrylic paint for house facades can be easily washed off hands and tools using plain water and a small amount of detergent.


From everything written we can conclude that such a simple, but very useful work How decorative finishing facades can be completed independently for a short time and a large selection modern materials allows you to reliably protect your home and opens up wide scope for creativity

Additional information on this issue can be obtained by watching the video in this article or reading similar materials on our website.

The easiest way to update external walls home and make them unique - this is painting. To do this, you don’t even need to hire a professional team, but you can do it yourself.

But here many people have a question: how to paint the facade of a house with your own hands? To do this, it is enough to have the necessary equipment, suitable paint (according to the material from which the walls are made) and a small amount of knowledge. Now let's talk about everything in order.

In order to paint the facade with high quality, the following equipment is needed:

  • brushes of different sizes or rollers;
  • paint trough;
  • spray gun;
  • primer;
  • film, with which you need to protect areas that are not subject to painting;
  • stepladder or scaffolding;
  • Protective clothing and goggles are advisable.

Brushes are suitable for painting small details or making a rosary and a beautiful outline. Large-scale painting of the facade of a house with your own hands is faster and better done using a roller or spray gun.

Clothing and glasses will protect against contact of coloring solutions with the skin or mucous membranes. You need to cover well with film those places where you don’t need to paint. During the process, material may run off or drip from the tool.

Selecting a coloring material

When choosing facade paint, you need to remember that low-quality material will not fit well on the base and after a while you will have to redo everything. Therefore, there are several criteria that such a finishing material for facade:

  1. Resistant to sunlight and high humidity.
  2. A high level of vapor permeability will allow the walls to breathe and not accumulate moisture inside the house.
  3. Good elasticity, helps the layer to stretch if the base is exposed to high temperature is expanding.

In addition to these criteria, you should also pay attention to what the walls of the house are built from. In order for the paint to last well and for a long time, it must be suitable for this particular material.

Water-based materials are well suited for brick or plaster walls. This is the most budget option. But it won’t last long; in a couple of years the coating will need to be renewed. The oil version works well on wooden and plastered surfaces. This surface can last up to 10 years.

If the question arises: what paint to paint a concrete facade? Alkyd materials are a great option here. They adhere perfectly to the surface and resist negative factors.

Most a good option- These are acrylic paints with synthetic resin components. You can paint any surface without fear. The applied layer will be elastic and will last up to 7 years.

How to calculate the amount of materials

If you paint the facade with your own hands, then you will have to calculate how much paint you need yourself. You should calculate the total area of ​​the walls that you plan to paint, subtracting window and door openings. With this data we go to the store and select the desired composition.

We carefully study the jar or packaging and find the numbers that show paint consumption per 1 m2. After this, we multiply the area of ​​the walls by the amount indicated on the container and get the result. Do not forget that any paint must be applied in 2 or even 3 layers. This will make for a denser and more durable coating. Therefore, the resulting figure must be multiplied by 2 or three.

To speed up the purchasing process, you can contact a consultant with your data.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of what material the carriers are made of, for high-quality coverage facade paint the base needs to be well prepared.

  1. You need to delete the old layer, if there was one.
  2. All dirt, grease stains, traces of mold or fungi must be removed.
  3. All holes and cracks are carefully sealed.
  4. Irregularities are sanded down.
  5. The prepared surface is coated with a deep penetration primer.

Only after the primer has completely dried can you begin to apply facade paint to the walls of the house.

Brick facade

By applying several layers to the brick you can easily hide minor defects. But we must remember that Brick wall in its original form it will last much longer than painted. As mentioned earlier, the paint needs to be reapplied after a few years.

Therefore if there is Alternative option, then it is better to resort to them. But if this is not found, this is also a good option. Apply from the top of the wall using a wide brush. In order to reach the most high points You should build scaffolding or use a stepladder.

The width of the brush should match the width of the brick. A thinner brush should be used for masonry seams; they can be highlighted with more contrasting paint, thus preserving the pattern of the brick wall.

It is better to apply paint to the brick in two or three layers to create a strong barrier against the penetration of moisture from the external environment. The seams should be treated after the base layer has completely dried.

Plastered walls

Most often, in order to prepare the facades of houses for painting, they are plastered.

This helps to insulate and level the walls, making the surface smooth. The paint will adhere well to the plaster if you follow the following rules:

  1. Do not start painting on a damp surface. The applied and sanded layer of plaster should dry completely within 4-5 days.
  2. After this, you need to apply several layers of primer, which in turn must also dry. The packaging indicates the exact time for complete drying.
  3. Now you can apply paint. For a plastered surface, use a roller. Dip the roller into the paint and squeeze out the excess onto the grooved surface of the paint trough. You need to move it in different directions (horizontally, vertically, at an angle) so that the paint applies evenly and there are no bald spots left.

The coloring composition is applied in several layers, allowing each of them to dry thoroughly.

Wooden facade

Owners wooden buildings People often wonder how to properly paint the facade of a house so that the paint lasts as long as possible? There are some nuances here, if you miss them the result will not be the same.

Coloring wooden walls you need to start with sanding. To do this, use a special machine that removes the old layer of paint or varnish, as well as a small layer of wood, approximately 1 mm. This is necessary so that the painted walls have a renewed look for much longer.

The old finish may swell under the influence of substances included in the new dye. Thus, the new coating will lose its presentable appearance. After sanding, the wood should be coated with a primer solution containing antifungal components. Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting.

It all starts at the top of the wall. At the joints it is better to use an angled brush; it will work well on the recesses. A wide brush is suitable for the main surface. When the paint begins to be absorbed, do not apply an additional layer in certain areas.

It is better to wait until the first layer has dried well and then apply another one to the entire surface. Then the layer will be as uniform and attractive as possible.

The facade is the calling card of any building, allowing you to form the right impression of its owner, be it an individual or an organization. Its finishing is done different ways and building materials and to the question whether it is possible to paint the facade, we can confidently say yes.

Painting facades is one of the most economical finishing methods, which performs two main functions: aesthetics and preventing the destruction of walls under the influence of external factors. If painted correctly, the facade will last a long time without visible damage or loss of appearance.

Painting the walls and facade of a building is necessary for several reasons:

  • for aesthetic reasons - the facade of the house should be its decoration, looking at which a good impression is created, and if it concerns an organization, then it should reflect stability and confidence in this company;
  • to prevent damage to the building surface caused by external factors such as rain, wind, frost. Unfinished walls absorb moisture well, which over time will lead to their destruction;
  • to protect the walls of the house from mold and mildew, which are a real problem, as they spoil the appearance and quickly spread over the entire surface.

Signs that painting the facade of houses is necessary, photos of which are presented below:

  • if the walls are unfinished for one reason or another, for example, upon completion of construction of a new house;
  • loss of appearance of the finishing material, its tarnishing or fading;
  • if the old paint or any other finishing material has become unusable;
  • the first signs of mold appear.

Having discovered at least one of the above signs, you need to immediately begin painting the facade surface.

Photos of painting house facades are presented below.

Types and characteristics of paints

Resins based on acrylic, vinyl, silicone or silicates are used as a binder in paint and varnish compositions. There are also paints based on cement or lime, but they are used very rarely due to their low efficiency.


  • Vinyl paint has low performance characteristics, which is why you need to pay attention to its compatibility with the paint base. This coating has a large number of disadvantages, including:
  • low vapor permeability;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • instability to chemical influences and the appearance of fungus or mold;

low wear resistance.

Among the advantages of the material, one can note its affordable price.


The main advantage of acrylic paints is their rich, durable colors, low water permeability and excellent resistance to sunlight. Thanks to this, the painted facade of the house will delight you with its beauty for many years.

Latex compositions belong to a type of acrylic paints. They contain artificial rubber based on acrylic resin. This composition has good wear resistance, elasticity, and tightness.


This group includes compounds based on silicon, silane, and siloxane. The advantages of this coating include:

  • good moisture resistance, protecting the facade from getting wet and thereby extending the life of wall building materials;
  • fairly good vapor permeability;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • has good adhesion to the base of the facade.

The disadvantages include low wear resistance. By combining the two bases, acrylic-silicone paint is obtained, which has high vapor permeability, allowing the walls to “breathe”. The disadvantages include good moisture absorption ability, which leads to walls becoming wet and dirty.


Silicate paint has many advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • mold and mildew do not spread on the surface;
  • has good adhesion properties.

The disadvantages of silicate dyes include:

  • in case of replacement of the coating, the previous one is difficult to remove;
  • fades in sunlight;
  • small selection of color palette.

Other types

In addition to the main ones, there are some other types of paints that are used infrequently:

  • polysilicon - this group includes compounds based on polysilicate. The main advantage of this group of paints is the possibility of applying it to a recently plastered facade or to a painted surface. The coating repels moisture and allows steam to pass through;
  • cement dyes are of mineral origin. Very similar to the lime group of paints, only more resistant to various external factors. This paint is rare, so it is not used often;
  • lime - the preparation of this group of paints is based on slaked lime. Their advantages include the fact that they allow air to pass through well and have an antiseptic effect, preventing the appearance of fungus or mold. As for the disadvantages, among them is that they have a high degree of moisture absorption, the surface becomes quickly soiled, and there is a small selection of colors, mostly pastel colors.



Rules for choosing paint

In order for the coating to live up to all the hopes placed on it, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of paint, the huge variety of which can mislead not only ordinary people, but also specialists. Therefore, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • increased resistance to changes in the external environment. This could be temperature changes, snow, rain;
  • resistance to solar radiation, under the influence of which the paint not only fades, but also swells or cracks, which will subsequently lead to its peeling;
  • environmental friendliness of the material - when exposed to external factors and heating the paint in the sun, it should not emit harmful fumes;
  • moisture-repellent and vapor-permeable properties. With good vapor permeability, condensation does not accumulate, which has a detrimental effect on wall materials. Water permeability should be as low as possible, since when the surface becomes damp, mold, mildew, and cracks appear;
  • have an appropriate chemical composition, which, when interacting with the main building materials will not react. It is also necessary to take into account the composition of the previous layer; the choice must be made with a similar composition;
  • the elasticity of the paint after it dries.

The main criteria when choosing a coloring composition are excellent protective functions, long service life and pleasant appearance.

All of the above coloring compositions have their own structure and different chemical composition. When choosing the most suitable composition, you also need to take into account the following nuances:

  • painting concrete walls or brickwork is better performed by a mineral composition;
  • silicone paint will help strengthen the old facade;
  • the facade can be painted acrylic paint, since it is suitable for most surfaces and is the best option among a wide variety of paints;
  • Resin-based paint is most suitable for wooden and metal structures.

Facade preparation

Painting the facade of a house begins with preparing the working surface. To do this, the following work is carried out:

  • It is necessary to remove old, flaking paint. Check the walls for integrity of the plaster. By tapping the walls with a wooden hammer, all places with internal cracks and fungus will immediately be revealed. Sometimes, during such a procedure, large areas fall off, which need to be re-plastered or sealed with a solution of clay or cement;

Removing old paint from the facade
  • If there is fungus, mold or other contaminants on the surface, such areas must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with antifungal agents. Cleaning is done with a wire brush or small spatula. For minor stains, it is enough to wash them off with water;
  • removing rust stains - if left, they may later appear on the surface to be painted;
  • if the façade of the house was originally whitewashed, it needs to be treated with an acrylic primer;

Surface primer
  • upon completion of construction or repair work you need to level the surface of the facade; to do this, it needs to be plastered with a special solution. When choosing a solution, you need to consider what kind of paint will be used. So, when using water-dispersion paints, the putty must be water-based;
  • After finishing plastering the walls, let them dry thoroughly. The time spent on this depends on the layer of plaster, but not less than one week;
  • after drying, clean the surface;
  • in case of wooden houses, the surface must be sanded;
  • impregnate with an antifungal composition;
  • cover the surface with a primer, which not only helps to apply the paint evenly, but also increases the wear resistance of paints and varnishes;
  • in order to paint a wooden facade, the primer must be applied several times, since wood absorbs the solution well. The next coat of primer should be applied after the previous one has dried.

Roller painting

If even minor defects are found on the surface of the walls, they must be eliminated, since after painting they will be very noticeable.

The photograph demonstrates how to paint the plastered facade of a house.

Methods of applying facade paints

What makes painting difficult?

  • In order to paint the facade of a private house or other building and obtain the desired result, it is necessary to comply with technological standards and sequential implementation of the painting stages. There are some factors that complicate the work: season, weather
  • . So, in winter, or during rain, the result obtained will not be what was expected;
  • lack of storm drainage. The facades of houses to be painted must be equipped with storm drainage, since water has destructive properties that will reduce the service life of any coloring agent; insufficiently prepared surface. Many craftsmen miss the point that depending on the regions where the house is located, and rains can have different levels of acidity, which accelerates the destruction of the façade surface. To prevent this, you need to choose the most suitable paint and primer.

The better the preparation of the façade surface, the better the final result.

If you do not adhere to the painting technology, the paint may peel off over time.

Features of facade painting work

Each type construction work has its own characteristics and painting the facade is no exception. Taking them into account and following some recommendations from experts, painting the facade will not be difficult and will be done in the best quality:

  • It is better to carry out external painting work in dry, windless weather, with above-zero air temperatures;
  • the surface should not be strongly heated by the sun's rays; for this it is recommended to work in the morning;
  • You cannot paint a damp surface (after rain), you need to let it dry completely;
  • before painting wooden surface facade, you need to properly treat it with an antiseptic. It must be applied along the wood fibers, from edge to edge;
  • during the painting process, the paint composition must be constantly stirred to obtain a uniform consistency throughout the entire painting period;
  • when painting the facade of private wooden houses, we must not forget about its ends, which in the process also need to be treated with a primer layer;
  • the final color will be known only after the walls have completely dried, so in order for the result not to be a surprise, you need to carry out test stains and select the most suitable option. In the case of mixing paints, this procedure should be performed once, to avoid the appearance of different shades during the painting process;
  • The quality of painting is also affected by the choice of a good brush or roller.

When choosing a paint color, it is important to remember that it may look a little darker on the façade.

To summarize, it becomes clear that painting the facade is a serious undertaking and requires a responsible approach. The quality of the final result is mainly influenced by the properly prepared surface and the choice of suitable paint, the varieties of which are very diverse. The main criteria when choosing it are their resistance to moisture, good vapor permeability and wear resistance. With the right choice of materials and following the recommendations of specialists, the final result will be at the highest level.


The video demonstrates how to properly paint a facade.

Photos of painted facades

We invite you to look at photographs of houses whose facades are painted using various types paints.