Waite's Universal Tarot: card meanings and gallery. Nikolay ZhuravlevWaite Tarot

For many centuries, esotericists and enlightened people have used Tarot cards as a tool to unravel the secrets of the future and correct fate. Many masters made decks on their own, trying to recreate the most correct and working elements that could help in mystical work. Many different decks have survived to this day. And one of the most popular can be called the Rider Waite Tarot cards.

History of creation

The creator of the famous deck of Tarot cards lived in America in the nineteenth century. At one time, he collected a whole library of occult and esoteric books. His attitude to the occult was similar to scientific research: he not only wrote down all the information he personally collected, but also systematized it. As for the Tarot, he put all the information about these cards in a book called “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.” The artist Polema Colman Smith helped him create this work. It was she who developed the design of the famous Rider Waite Tarot deck.

It is worth noting that Waite was not only a writer, but also a scientist in the field of mysticism. He is familiar with Freemasonry and Kabbalah. It was thanks to his achievements that he was able to significantly improve his knowledge of fortune telling on cards. All interpretations under his leadership were changed and became more detailed and clear. On this moment and the original drawings also changed, but still retained the symbols of freemasons and other details that were not present in the classical Tarot before the appearance of these cards.

Difference between decks

According to mysticism lovers, Rider Waite Tarot cards are radically different from classic decks. Firstly, until Rider’s book was published, there were simply no illustrations for the minor arcana. Only after the book was published, the drawings on these cards, their serial numbers and location in the deck changed. Many lovers of mysticism are sure that after the creation of this deck, all subsequent ones only copy it.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana Fool

The symbolism of the first card in the deck, also called the Jester, is about intuition and beginning. The card symbolizes a free and independent person, capable of starting any business from scratch. If the Waite Tarot layout is based on a situation, then the card means freedom of choice. A person must cast aside all doubts and listen to his intuition: The Fool advises to do as the heart tells you, without doubts or worries. The Jester also talks about upcoming unexpected circumstances that could change the situation. The fortuneteller can make any decision and do whatever he wants, his fate is in his hands.

If the Fool appears in an inverted position, then the interpretation of the Waite Tarot indicates hesitation of the person for whom the alignment is being made. He doubts himself and actively does not want change. Very often the Jester warns about a distorted perception of the situation, as well as about the cowardice and stupidity of the fortuneteller. If there is another inverted lasso next to the Fool in the scenario, then it should be interpreted as making a wrong decision in the future, which could lead to serious consequences.

Interpretation of Tarot card The Wizard

The main meaning of the card is strength, control of the situation and achievement of a high level. It is also interpreted as an indicator of wisdom, a symbol of making the right decisions, and having power over people. When dropped together with unfavorable cards, the Magician is interpreted as a call to action. The situation that is bothering the fortuneteller can now be resolved. The wizard speaks of the ability to conduct business, to feel well the intentions and actions of others. Any business started will bring profit to fortune tellers. Having appeared in a reading, this lasso portends progress, success in business and good luck.

In an inverted position, this card indicates that the person for whom the alignment is being made is not confident in himself, is stressed and depressed, he is afraid of losing, taking any step and letting go of the remnants of the past. The meaning of the Waite Tarot cards - the Wizard in an inverted position and the High Priestess - in the layout for a man is as follows: the fortuneteller is dependent on a strong and powerful woman.

High Priestess

In readings, this card signifies common sense and self-confidence. If you need to make a decision, then this lasso communicates that the person is wise and intelligent enough, which means he can safely make a choice. In a reading for a woman, he speaks of her authority and excellent mental abilities. For a man, it means that there is a good companion next to him, perhaps a girlfriend or lover who supports him. This is how the Waite Tarot explains the interpretation and meaning of the cards.

In the reversed position, the Priestess falls out if there is unfounded arrogance and wrong decisions are made. The card warns that you should control your emotions and actions. It indicates a person with high self-esteem and can also mean passion.


The Empress appearing in the reading is interpreted as harmony and well-being in all areas of the fortuneteller’s life. In some situations, she prophesies marriage or the birth of a child in the family. This lasso can also be regarded as a symbol of a confident woman striving to obtain a high position in society. In rare cases, the card indicates the mother. For a man it means marriage, for a woman it means a confident position and independence.

If an inverted Empress appears, it means that the fortuneteller is not persistent enough towards the goal, and is not listening to his intuition. In some readings, the card is interpreted as a depressed state, loss of self, fatigue.


When this Tarot card appears in a reading, the fortuneteller is exposed to a fairly strong male influence from the outside, or the influence of the person himself on society. The lasso indicates the presence of stability, organization, and discipline. In career scenarios, it speaks of promotion.

In the reversed position of the Rider Waite Tarot, the meaning of the cards speaks of uncertainty: the fortuneteller relies too much on the opinions of other people. If the card falls to a man, this means that he has a low status in society, as well as a not very pleasant character.

Hierophant, or High Priest

This Tarot card is interpreted in two ways. In the first case, the fortuneteller seeks to receive advice or can give it himself. The card symbolizes a mentor, teacher. In the second case, the lasso advises observing principles, keeping promises and behaving thoughtfully, avoiding hasty decisions - then all things will go smoothly.

In an inverted position, the card may mean the need to change the path, since now all methods of solving issues have already completely exhausted themselves. In some cases, the lasso prophesies the appearance of a strong enemy.


The card symbolizes an intimate relationship. It is interpreted as a harbinger of the appearance of a very close spiritual person. Advises you to follow the chosen path. If the layout also contains good cards, the lasso can mean a quick marriage or a happy union. If the Lovers appear in an inverted position, this is primarily a warning that the fortuneteller is about to make the wrong decision. In a love scenario, the card means separation, disappointment in a partner. Also, its meaning boils down to a warning: a person is inconsistent and rushes between two extremes.


The main symbol and interpretation of the Waite Tarot cards are high stakes, the emergence of unexpected and rapid events in life. The fortuneteller will find long-awaited success, and there will finally be success in business. In some cases, the Chariot also promises a successful journey. Falling out in an inverted position, the card warns of losses and failures. Perhaps someone from the fortuneteller’s environment has a negative influence on him. The lasso also speaks of unnecessary fuss, thoughtless decisions and possible problems with the law. If the person for whom the alignment is being made pays a lot of attention to traditions, perhaps he should loosen his grip, because they take up extra time and interfere with looking at things soberly.


What should you prepare for if this lasso appears in the reading? The meaning of the Waite Tarot is as follows: the fortuneteller’s position is currently quite favorable, and luck is on his side. The card speaks of an imminent victory. If a Priest or Emperor appears nearby, it can be interpreted as a sign of help from an influential person in the future. In health scenarios, the card promises a positive improvement in the patient’s condition and a successful resolution of all problems. If the card falls in an inverted position, then its interpretation is a manifestation of base feelings; a person follows his desires, directing energy in the wrong direction. Perhaps the fortuneteller behaves unrestrainedly, is not confident in himself and is in a nervous state. This is precisely the interpretation and meaning of the cards in this case by the Waite Tarot.


This lasso, appearing in readings, is a warning sign: the fortuneteller should retire, perhaps even leave, to look at the situation from the outside. The card speaks of the need to understand exactly what goals should be set and what a person needs. This requires serious reflection, distraction from everyday life, perhaps even solitude. If the card is upside down, then its interpretation is the refusal of help, the arrogance of the fortuneteller. Perhaps he is too strict towards close people, and his suspiciousness is greater than the situation requires.

Wheel of Fortune

What is Waita talking about? The interpretation and meaning of the card is as follows: good luck awaits the fortuneteller, but you should not hesitate, but use the opportunities that arise, because they will soon disappear. The lasso can mean the onset of a bright streak, a new positive cycle life path. At the same time, in an inverted meaning, it warns of the beginning of a recession, a negative period, imminent failures and defeats. Moreover, a person will not be able to influence this: fate has decreed this, and any attempts to improve the situation will be in vain or will only lead to worse consequences. If the Wheel appears upside down in a reading, you should cancel trips and other risky activities in the near future.


Waite Tarot cards are very bright, filled with symbols that are not always clear. So, as for Justice, there are several meanings of this lasso. Firstly, it indicates that the fortuneteller is making thoughtful decisions, perhaps he will receive a promotion, his financial situation will improve soon. If there are cases ahead in court, then they will definitely be resolved in favor of the person for whom the alignment is being made. Secondly, the card may speak to the need to remember to keep an open mind and balance before making a big decision. In an inverted position, the lasso promises quarrels, divorce, litigation and other problems that will be extremely difficult to solve. If there are cards nearby upright position, which means that the problem can be solved, but only by carefully thinking through all the ways and options. This is how the major arcana is interpreted in the Waite Tarot. The interpretation and meaning of the cards may differ from the classic version.


In readings, this card is interpreted as a sign of the fortuneteller’s uncertainty; many of the decisions made were thoughtless, and now it is worth making new ones to resolve the situation. If Death appears nearby in the scenario, then higher powers warn of the need urgent action. In fortune telling about relationships, the card means the need for self-sacrifice; this is the only way the fortuneteller can achieve the goal. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of denial of reality, detachment from problems, and reluctance to solve them.


Change is the main interpretation of the Death lasso in the Waite Tarot deck. The interpretation and meaning of the cards is the need to let go of the past and begin new life from scratch. But what exactly is coming ahead will be told by the arcana coming immediately after this card. In any case, renouncing the past, you will have to let go of something from your life, otherwise there will be no room for the new. If it falls in an inverted position, it means that the person is afraid of change. At the moment he is in a state of stagnation. You can get out of it only by accepting the new rules of the game and letting go of the old ones.


The meaning of the fourteenth card of the Waite Tarot lies in the renewal of strength, both mental and physical. The appearance of this lasso in the reading speaks of the need to achieve harmony, learn humility and patience. In fortune telling about a situation, it means the need for privacy. If Temperance is reversed, it means that the fortuneteller makes rash decisions, does not follow his words, and behaves too nervously and unrestrained.


The meaning of the card is interpreted as debauchery; a person’s priority is the material side of life, he does not control desires, he is dependent on something. In some layouts, the Devil indicates that the fortuneteller has negative impact another man. This lasso denotes a lack of strength to solve a problem, a trap from which it is impossible to get out on your own. The meaning of the Waite Tarot located nearby will tell you how to solve the problem. If an inverted card comes up, it means that the person for whom the layout is being made is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She also talks about addiction or habit, which determines the most negative aspects of a person’s personality.

Tower of Destruction

This card indicates obstacles, unfulfilled hopes and ruined plans. In any scenario, the lasso speaks of a sharp change in circumstances in a negative direction. In an inverted position, the card speaks of a test that awaits the fortuneteller. It will not be possible to change circumstances for the better; the main thing here is to learn an important lesson for spiritual development.


A positive card, meaning the justification of hopes. Everything will come true, and even more than a person expects. The strength to implement will appear creative projects, new ideas and plans. Your health will improve and your outlook on the world will become more positive. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of an unwillingness to see the world as it is. The fortuneteller will also be disappointed: his hopes will not come true. The card can also indicate a pessimistic view of things.


The card means distrust of the environment. When this card appears in a reading, the fortuneteller should take into account that now it is better to push sanity into the background and trust your intuition. There are many unforeseen obstacles ahead and the betrayal of a loved one. So rationality in resolving issues may not help. In an inverted position, the Moon indicates that someone is hiding the truth from the fortuneteller. He was betrayed or dragged into some kind of scam. If the alignment is made for a woman, there is a chance that she will soon have gynecological health problems.


Speaks of material prosperity, personal success and life satisfaction. A person has a goal and he strives to achieve it, and once he succeeds, he will receive recognition. The Sun is a card associated with new beginnings and family building. If it falls in an inverted position, this means that the fortuneteller is prone to creating problems out of nothing. It is difficult for him to communicate with people, he has problems with his personal environment, he sees the world distortedly, which is why all his actions do not bring the desired results.


This card speaks of improvements in health. If it appears in the reading, it means that the fortuneteller has entered a period of rebirth, when it is possible to take measures to change life for the better. Sometimes it is interpreted as a symbol of the fulfillment of a long-standing desire. This lasso speaks of the long-awaited achievement of a goal. In an inverted position, it promises delays, procrastination, regrets about the past, about imperfect actions. In a relationship scenario, he talks about separation.


This is the last card of the major arcana that the Waite Tarot contains. The deck also has the minor arcana. This is a card of change, signifying the end of a period of life and the successful beginning of a new one. The card foreshadows growth, both material and intellectual. Most likely, the inhibiting factors will no longer hinder the person. Arkan says that a period of freedom and tranquility has arrived. In some cases, it is interpreted as an upcoming trip abroad. If this card falls in an inverted position, you should expect changes for the worse. There will be chaos in all areas of life. The card advises you to rethink your plans and intentions. Perhaps the fortuneteller will have a quarrel with a friend, or he will be disappointed in his soulmate.


Almost all classic layouts are suitable for the Waite Tarot. The interpretation and meaning of the cards, special layouts - they are all collected in the author's book. To familiarize yourself in detail with the meaning of the minor arcana, learn more about the major cards and understand exactly how to use them, it is worth getting acquainted with the works of this author. Despite the fact that the information is quite old, and since then many mystics have worked to improve fortune telling, the Waite Tarot is still the most popular and in demand. The book contains the interpretation and meaning of the cards in full, and to study them all will require a lot of time and attention.

Quite often, people who are just beginning their acquaintance with tarot cards and layouts do not know where to start. What prediction schemes to use and how to interpret them correctly. How to understand the relationship of cards and trace the chain of development of the situation. To do this, let's look at the simplest and most universal layouts that can be used for fortune telling.

They can be used for any situation or issue, as well as for any area of ​​a person's life. First, you should learn to interpret simple layouts with a maximum of 5 cards. You should not chase the number of cards used in fortune telling.

On the one hand, it may seem that the more cards in the layout, the easier it is to answer the question, on the other hand, this is not so. Extensive layouts contain a large amount of information intended for analysis, and most often in large types of divination there is complex circuit the relationship or influence of one card on another.

Before you begin the layouts, you need to choose a deck. The Rider-Waite tarot deck is considered a classic. Study its images and get acquainted with the interpretation of each card.

After this, you can study the existing layouts, write them out with a decoding of positions and rules for laying out cards. At first, before making a prediction, you can write down the position and position number of the card on a blank sheet of paper; on the contrary, write down the dropped card. It is better to always write down the result of fortune-telling - this helps to track the trend of the situation when you return.


This is a classic for 3 cards

1 – description of the past.

2 – characteristic of the present.

3 – forecast for the future.

Option 2, 1, 3 can be used to view the pros and cons of the current situation, to choose one option out of two, to view the right and wrong decisions. Where position 1 is either a choice or a situation. 2 and 3 – pros and cons, options to choose from.

For this situation, a specific question is asked. Also, for this position of the cards, you can choose a suitable interpretation of the cards, adapted to the situation or question. The most common topics are personal relationships, relationships in couples and the relationship of one partner to another. Using this layout, you can help choose a profession or make a choice between two options.

For example, there is a couple. She wants to know how the relationship with Him will develop in the next 3 months. She asks the question: “What kind of relationship awaits us over the course of 3 months?”

The layout is according to the scheme 1,2,3, where 1 is a description of the relationship in the first month, 2 is the development of the relationship in the second month, 3 is a summary of what awaits the relationship in the third month. Let's say the following cards come out:

  • - 1- 10 of Swords – 1 month, possible separation, termination of the relationship in the form in which it was, the departure of something better.
  • - 2 – Inverted Magician – 2nd month – you shouldn’t expect anything new from the relationship, perhaps the relationship will end within the first month.
  • - 3 – 6 of Pentacles Reversed – 3 month – one of the partners is not interested in the relationship, there is no contribution to the relationship, there is no support.

If we look at this prediction simply at the current situation, with the same cards drawn, then the result will be the following.

1,2,3 – 1 – present, 2 – past, 3 – future.

1 – 10 of Swords – the fortuneteller is no longer able to change the situation that has developed. Perhaps your enemies are to blame for this. In this situation, all that remains is to muster up the courage and endure all the blows of fate with your head held high. You just have to learn a lesson from the current situation.

2 – Magician Reversed – your selfishness and self-confidence prevent you from making the right decisions. You may have made a mistake. You are not able to contain the situation; it is beyond your control due to your lack of self-confidence in this issue. Find inner balance, learn to live in harmony with yourself.

3 – 6 Pentacles reversed – you just have to wait until the difficult period passes. The future promises you spending money, thoughtlessly and excessively. Learn to be careful with money and plan your expenses. Be careful not to fall into financial scams.

If we consider this fortune-telling in relation to financial condition, then it can be concluded that the person suffered some kind of financial loss or a difficult situation occurred that required unnecessary expenses. The Inverted Magician also reports that in the past a person did not have stability in financially. To summarize - you need to learn how to handle money, otherwise everything will be very bad.


It consists of 4 cards. This layout can be used to obtain information about relationships, health, financial situation, professional activity. The layout can be performed both on the Major Arcana and on the minor ones. You can also use a full deck of 78 cards.

1 – description of what is happening, the current situation, deciphering the question.

2 – what you shouldn’t do.

3 – ways to solve the situation.

4 – development of the situation, if you use the recommendations of the cards.

Let's consider the interpretation of the “Cross” layout for various situations.

For example: situation - relationships. She wants to know how her relationship with Him is. Fortune telling is done using the Major Arcana. Cards drawn:

1 – Justice.

2 – Hanged Man.

3 – Emperor.


1 – description of the relationship – this is either an already registered marriage, or everything is heading towards this. Seriousness of relationships and intentions. It is always worth remembering that everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. Relationships can be more complicated than they seem at first glance.

2 – what you shouldn’t do – don’t sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. A girl needs to find inner freedom.

3 – how the situation develops, what happens in the relationship – He is very significant for Her, influential, and can serve as a patron. Stabilization of relations. You shouldn't push away such a person. It's time to create something more.

4 – relationships develop and have their logical continuation.

The result that can be seen from the layout: despite the presence of one negative card (The Hanged Man), the trend in the relationship is positive, there is development for the better, and there is stability in the situation.

For example: the situation of professional activity, how things are going at work. Fortune telling on the Major Arcana, the cards drawn are the same.

1 – description of the situation (Justice) – you need to put your affairs in order, bring all documents into appropriate condition. Your professionalism, ability to negotiate and find a compromise with colleagues and partners, your responsibility and desire to do everything according to the rules can bring you a promotion. You are valued as a good employee.

2 – what you shouldn’t do (The Hanged Man) – you shouldn’t put up with the circumstances, if you want to get a promotion or increase in salary – you should act.

3 – how to solve the problem (Emperor) – it is necessary to move forward, you may have to show firmness and authority.

4 – how everything will be resolved (Court) – you will find a way out of a difficult situation, you will get what you are seeking. The main thing is to make an effort and not sit still.


There are some layouts that are used differently for women and men. This type of fortune telling includes the “Pyramid” prediction. For women, this is a layout for viewing your soulmate, viewing the likelihood of pregnancy or marriage. For men, such a diagram will tell about work, career and his professional activities in general.

That is, the same cards drawn for a man and a woman will be interpreted differently. For a woman in terms of relationships, for a man regarding work. The layout involves 10 cards, which must be laid out according to the following scheme:

1 – description of the current state of affairs, what is currently happening in a person’s life.

2 – how events can develop.

3 – hints – what was hidden, missed, forgotten, not taken into account. All this can have a positive impact on the situation.

4 – sphere of thoughts, what a person thinks about both the current situation and the general thoughts that come to mind.

5 – sphere of physical condition.

6 – sphere of emotional state.

Positions 4, 5,6 are factors that can influence the situation.

7 and 8 - give advice on what to do, what actions to take in order to eliminate mistakes and misunderstandings.

9 and 10 - what you should avoid - these are your enemies and the negative component of the alignment.

A simpler version of the “Pyramid” layout, consisting of 4 cards. It can be used for any situation. Fortune telling is mainly used to view personal relationships, or the relationships of two people (girlfriends, colleagues), or to view relationships in a couple. Prediction can be carried out both on the selected Arcana and on the full deck.

1 – general condition of the fortuneteller, manners and behavior.

2 – behavioral features. The attitude of the fortuneteller to the fortuneteller.

3 – the true state of the relationship. Comparison for compliance. This is what the fortuneteller wants, or the relationship has taken an unplanned path.

4 – the prospect of relationships, what their future is.

Example of interpretation of the layout, dropped cards:

1 – Jester (Fool).

2 – Knight of Cups.

3 – Empress.

4 – Justice.

1 – the state of the fortuneteller and his behavior – imprudence, committing stupid things, rash actions. Committing actions or saying phrases that the fortuneteller will later regret. Inconsistency of behavior with an adult and adequate person, childishness, not taking what is happening seriously. A person can destroy an existing relationship with his own hands. You should not assign more responsibility to your partner than he can give, and more than you assign to yourself. You should not provoke your partner. Don't expect maturity and wisdom from your partner when you yourself are unable to give it. You should not demand seriousness if you are not ready for it or behave inappropriately.

2 – next to such a partner you must always be on alert and in good shape. Your partner may have desires to go to the left, so you should attract him to your side, constantly interest him in something and attract him like a magnet, you should have a riddle that he needs to solve. But, despite this, perhaps your partner behaves towards you more worthy than you allow yourself. Why do you think that he can’t flirt, but you can? You shouldn’t allow yourself more than your partner. Learn to be in equal positions.

3 – description of a woman as a good housewife, mother and wife. A woman who is able to maintain a home, support and inspire her partner. But the romance is quietly leaving. But in this place comes balanced feelings, love, stability. All this is more reliable and holds stronger than outbursts of emotions and violent manifestations of feelings. Perhaps the partner expects maternal care and guardianship from his significant other, depending on the home environment.

4 – restoration of justice and the search for who is right and who is wrong does not always end in peace. Perhaps all this can lead to collapse and division of property. This card suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems. Everything should be approached with rationality and prudence. You shouldn’t overdo it, you should always look for that edge and that moment at which you need to stop, so that later you don’t have to clear away the rubble.

When interpreting cards, it is necessary to look at their meaning for a specific situation so that the forecast is more adequate and relates only to the question asked.

There are many different tarot decks. Each deck has its own individual design, its own history, and origin. Behind each deck is its creator, who put his experience, feelings, knowledge and faith into the image of each card.

Rider–Waite deck of cards- this is the work of several people at once. As the name of the deck suggests, it owes its origins to Arthur Edward Waite and William Ryder.

Actually this is not true. There was also a third person who took part in the creation of the deck of cards, and an important and significant one at that.

Description of the deck

The Rider-Waite deck of cards is still very popular among both professionals and beginning tarot readers. The deck owes its origin to Order of the Golden Dawn, which existed in Great Britain throughout the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Arthur Edward Waite occupied a high position in the order, he was an explorer and mystical scientist, and had extensive knowledge of Freemasonry. In 1910, he had the idea to create his own deck of Tarot cards, each card of which would be a kind of key to knowledge.

Under his leadership, artist Pamela Colman-Smith began designing the deck, and William Ryder became the first publisher of new Tarot cards. The author himself called his deck “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.”

Despite the fact that the deck was relatively close to the classic Tarot deck, it has its own important features. For example, Cards numbered eleven and eight are swapped. Waite considered it more correct to assign Strength number eight, and Justice takes its place in the deck at number eleven.

The creator did not comment on this peculiar rearrangement; he only clarified that he made such a decision based on important and reliable sources. The changes also affected the major lasso “Lovers”. Traditionally, it was customary to depict this card as a certain choice that a young man must make when he is between two girls. One girl personified the mind, the other - feelings.

Waite changed not only the image on the map, but also its entire meaning. From now on, the card had nothing to do with the choice and looked like an illustration of a biblical story. The card shows naked Adam and Eve in Paradise. The card was interpreted as feelings, love, passion and nothing more.

To this day, even those who preferred the Rider-Waite deck to the others can interpret the Lovers lasso in the old fashioned way, as a fateful choice that needs to be made.

Important changes also affected the minor arcana. Now each card of all four suits also depicted simple plots, based on which the meaning of the card could be easily interpreted. Accompanying your deck Waite published a book. It contained Full description decks, interpretation of each card, layouts and other information regarding the deck.

Characteristics of Tarot-Waite

The deck begins with the major arcana. Let's look at all the major arcana:

Interpretation and description of the minor arcana

Interpretation of the minor arcana not as diverse as in the case of the major arcana. Most often, the minor arcana gives only one meaning or is adjusted by neighboring cards and is understood quite simply.

In order to interpret the minor arcana from the Rider-Waite deck, you will have to learn to understand the image on the card.

For example, ace of swords depicted as a sword raised upward, at the tip of which a golden crown floats. The card predicts victory, achievement, success. The Ten of Swords depicts a man with ten swords stuck into him. The card may indicate betrayal, great losses, or a heavy blow.

The Two of Cups depicts a woman and a man. They stand opposite each other with cups in their hands, ready to drink to good luck, love and prosperity. This is exactly the interpretation the card should have.


The fastest schedule is daily schedule, month, year. It is enough to pull out just one card from the deck to understand what awaits you in the future indicated at the beginning of the layout. The same layout can be used for YES/NO fortune telling. For more experienced tarot readers good option from quick layouts it will be fortune telling with three cards.

This layout is also universal. It can be used when fortune telling about a situation, and when telling fortunes about the future, and when telling fortunes about love. The first card signifies the past or where it all began, the second card signifies the present and what you need to pay attention to now, and the third card will give you a glimpse into the future.

A more complex but universal layout is Celtic cross. This layout is very popular and has a lot of different options. A more complete layout consists of ten cards laid out in a specific order (depending on which version of the Celtic cross you chose). The layout gives a complete and clear answer to any question asked.

In addition to universal layouts, there are also those that are intended for fortune telling exclusively on one thing, for example, love relationships or health.

IN modern world purchasing a deck of tarot cards is not difficult. After all, you can buy this mysterious thing not only in specialized stores of magical attributes, but also in almost any bookstore. But before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of Tarot and choose the deck that will be convenient to work with.

Waite Tarot - the most popular and practical deck

The most practical and popular is the Waite Tarot deck. A characteristic feature of the attribute is that there are drawings with the plot on both the Minor and Major Arcana. For this reason, the Rider Waite Tarot is used as the basis for Tarot training courses.

The origin story of the Waite Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite was not only a researcher and translator, but also the creator of several dozen books about the occult. He also wrote biographies of famous mystics and magicians. And in 1909, esotericist Edward Waite created his own unique deck of Tarot cards. The name of the deck comes from the name of the ideological instigator Arthur Edward Waite, the publisher Williams Ryder and the American artist Pamela Colman Smith.

It is worth noting that Pamela Colman Smith was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a talented artist and a woman with magical abilities.

In 1991, the equally talented artist Mary Hanson-Roberts made her own adjustments to Pamela Colman's drawings. After modification, the deck began to bear the name “Universal Tarot Cards.”

On the front of the box there is an image of a boy releasing a dove, and on the back there is an image of the Queen of Pentacles.

Tarot cards are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana

The minor arcana are divided into suits:

  • Swords suit;
  • Cups suit;
  • suit of Pentacles;
  • suit of Wands.

Major Arcana

When doing fortune telling, the major arcana of the Waite Tarot give a description of significant events and serious turns in the fate of the person for whom the alignment is being made. Moreover, they reveal the very essence and causes of circumstances.

By getting to the root cause of events, a person can influence what is happening and prevent some unpleasant moments.

For this reason, if the client wants to find out about serious events in life, then the fortuneteller uses a shortened deck during fortune telling, consisting only of the major arcana.

List of Major Arcana

Fool, buffoon. Mag. Priestess. Empress. Emperor. Priest. Lovers. Chariot. Force. Hermit. Wheel of Fortune. Justice. Hanged. Death. Moderation. Devil. Tower. Star. Moon. Sun. Court. World. Suit of Swords


Swords are the most dangerous and powerful suit of all that exist. It symbolizes power that is directed for one's own benefit. It also reflects evil and self-interest.

Swords - Minor Arcana, reminding that there can be no victory without defeat

Even during fortune telling, the suit of Swords symbolizes our plans and can warn of approaching dangers, scandals, quarrels and defeat in business. It is worth noting that this suit not only describes our thoughts, but also fully reveals their essence. Also, the minor arcana indicate decisive action and victory, but also remind us that there cannot be victory without defeat. And what is a victory for one is a defeat for another.

The swords include two groups of amrahs with 7 cards in one group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. Two of Swords “Ready to fight.”
  3. Three of Swords “Heart Wound”.
  4. Four of Swords "Calm".
  5. Five of Swords “Defeat”.
  6. Six of Swords “Difficulties are behind us.”
  7. Seven of Swords “Cunning”.

Group two:

  1. Eight of Swords “Powerlessness”.
  2. Nine of Swords "Suffering".
  3. Ten of Swords “Loss”.
  4. Page of Swords “Dangerous Encounters.”
  5. Knight of Swords "Ally".
  6. Queen of Swords “High Patronage.”
  7. King of Swords "Power".

Cups suit


The meaning of the cards in the suit of cups is a symbol of strong experiences and other human feelings. Cups denote not only love feelings, but also such strong emotions as:

  • excitement;
  • happiness;
  • disappointment;
  • anger;
  • sincerity;
  • jealousy;
  • oppression.

The suit of Cups is also called Cups. In regular cards, Cups represent the suit Hearts.

The cups include amrahs which are also divided into two groups, with 7 cards in each group

Group one:

  1. Ace of Cups “Ideal Feelings.”
  2. Two of Cups “Mutual Love”.
  3. Three of Cups "Holiday".
  4. Four of Cups “Satiation”.
  5. Five of Cups “Regret”.
  6. Six of Cups “Sincerity”.
  7. Seven of Cups “Temptations and Dreams.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Cups “Searching for a new path.”
  2. Nine of Cups “Fulfillment of desires.”
  3. Ten of Cups “Family Happiness”.
  4. Page of Cups “Imagination and Dreams.”
  5. Knight of Cups “Power of Feelings.”
  6. Queen of Cups "Harmony of the Soul".
  7. King of Cups “Stability of feelings.”

Suit of Pentacles


In Waite's tarot card layouts, Pentacles indicate financial needs and feelings. The description also suggests that the person has everything under control: both relationships and career. But do not forget that the range of meanings of the cards of Pentacles is large. In addition, the Pentacles cards symbolize:

Pentacles cards can talk about sexual relationships

  • poverty, wealth;
  • intimate relationships;
  • family and Children;
  • career growth.

The suit of Pentacles also has another name - Denarii. In the deck playing cards matches the suit of Diamonds.

The suit of Pentacles includes two groups of amrahs of 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Pentacles “At the pinnacle of success.”
  2. Two of Pentacles "Dexterity".
  3. Three of Pentacles “Mastery”.
  4. Four of Pentacles "Possession".
  5. Five of Pentacles "Loss".
  6. Six of Pentacles "Generosity".
  7. Seven of Pentacles "Waiting".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Pentacles “Labor”.
  2. Nine of Pentacles “Security”.
  3. Ten of Pentacles “Prosperity and Stability.”
  4. Page of Pentacles "Acquisition".
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Master of the situation."
  6. Queen of Pentacles "Wealth".
  7. King of Pentacles “The Power of Money.”

Suit of Wands


In Rider White tarot layouts, the suit is called “Wands”, the description suggests that amrakh is a symbol of everyday affairs, and also denotes work or study, business, responsibilities. The implementation of conceived plans, the advancement of affairs, obstacles, the defense of one’s own opinion - all such areas of activity are symbolized by the Wands.

The suit of Wands is also called “Maces” and “Staves”. In a deck of regular playing cards, Wands are identical to Clubs.

The suit of Wands includes two groups of amrahs, 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Wands "Success".
  2. Two of Wands “Plans and Prospects.”
  3. Three of Wands “The beginning of a new stage.”
  4. Four of Wands “First Fruits”.
  5. Five of Wands “Rivalry”.
  6. Six of Wands "Triumph".
  7. Seven of Wands “Guarding your interests.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Wands “Movement without obstacles.”
  2. Nine of Wands “Readiness for anything.”
  3. Ten of Wands “Heavy Burden.”
  4. Page of Wands “Business Connections”.
  5. Knight of Wands “Professionalism”.
  6. Queen of Wands "High patronage."
  7. King of Wands “Career and Power.”

What are the Waite Tarot spreads?

The Rider Tarot layouts, the Waite Tarot, the interpretation of which is quite simple for beginners, are the third type in the history of tarot cards in chronological order. Thanks to the efforts of Arthur Waite and artist Pamela Smith, a unique deck was created that has been valued for a century. According to tarologists, although a large number of cards have been published by other authors, the universal Waite tarot has no analogues.

Waite's Universal Tarot - a deck that has no analogues

The peculiarity of the deck is that during fortune telling, the fortuneteller penetrates the client’s subconscious and intuitively, with the help of the layout and his own feelings, reveals the meaning of the questions of interest. And to reveal small events and other details, not only the major arcana were needed, but also the minor ones. For this reason, a complete set of cards with illustrations, called “Classic Tarot Cards,” has become a real find for fortune tellers, as well as for experienced fortune-tellers and beginners.

Description of the Waite Tarot cards

The tarot card gallery consists of 78 units. The meaning of each of them is purely individual. A big role is played by the position in which the card fell - upright or upside down. When reading the Waite Tarot, you can ask a wide variety of questions, to which you can actually get answers in the smallest detail.

But before you lay out the cards and try to correctly interpret their meaning, you need a lot of preparation. I will tell you how to carry it out based on my own experience, because I began to guess professionally and correctly interpret the meaning of the layout 8 years later, after the Tarot deck was in my hands.

Should you trust inexperienced predictors?

Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible process. After all, without having skills in this matter, it is not recommended to seriously evaluate the alignment. Let me give you an example of what a false interpretation can lead to. You have probably all heard that we ourselves attract certain events into our lives.

If an inexperienced fortune teller or, God forbid, a charlatan, “sees” something in her own way and tells a woman that her husband has a mistress and will soon leave his family, then you can roughly guess what will happen. The wife will become a real “detective”. She will carefully check her husband’s phone and pockets, will monitor his behavior, and if the unfortunate man stays at work for an extra hour, then the wife will have a verdict in her head: “he is with his mistress.”

As a result, his wife will still pester him with her jealousy, causing him to pack his bags and head in an unknown direction. For this reason, you should not trust a fortune teller about whom you know nothing. You shouldn’t try to tell fortunes yourself if this is your first time holding a deck in your hands.

Preparing for Tarot reading

It is required to study in detail the interpretation of the Waite tarot cards using a textbook for beginners, which is called the “classic Waite tarot.”

The above points must be completed. After all, this is required for the correct execution of the ritual. The main thing is that there must be a special desire to use the power of thought to find the desired amrah and interpret it correctly. If a person does not believe the cards, then this will only get in the way. Therefore, this ceremony must be taken seriously.

It is very important to reflect and imagine what incident might fit the scenario. Therefore, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also your own feelings. In other words, the “sixth sense” must be well developed.