English for children theme is my home. Apartment, rooms and furniture in English

My House

Let's go to my house.
Let's go today.
I"ll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.
Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.
Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.

Outline of an open lesson in English

on this topic: " My house »

Grammar subtopics : phrase there is, there are, prepositions of place,tohavegot.

The purpose of the lesson: systematization of students’ knowledge on the topic “Myhouse”, and also repeat the theme “Myfamily».


1. Educational:

    intensifying the use of vocabulary on the topic;

    activation of the construction there is/are, prepositions of place,tohavegot;

    training in group work skills;

    development of monologue speech skills;

2. Educational:

    carry out aesthetic education;

    cultivate interest in foreign language speech activity.

3. Developmental:

    development of oral speech skills;

    development of attention and perception, thinking and imagination.

Equipment : laptop, cards.

Lesson type : formation and consolidation of knowledge.

Methods : visual, verbal, individual, group, independent work.

Technologies used in the lesson : playful, reflective, activity-based, health-saving.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Good morning boys and girls. I'm glad to see you today. Sit down, please.

T: How are you?

T: What the weather is today?

T: Do you like the weather?

T: Thank you for your answers.

Today we have a lesson on the topic “My house”. We are going to revise the words on the topic, grammar construction “there is\ are”, prepositions of place and many other things. There will be lots of interesting activities in our lesson today. Are you ready to start?

II. Poem

My House
Let's go to my house.
Let's go today.
I"ll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.
Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.
Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.

III . Phonetic warm-up

Exercise. Read the words and choose the extra word.

[ɔ:l] - tall, wall, vase, ball

[ɔ:] - door, floor, flower, short

[u] - book, bookcase, wood, door

IV. You know many words on our theme. Let`s review them and play a little.

I have prepared several riddles for you.Listen to me and say what is it?


Dinner is ready at Mrs. Able's

The guests are served a round……table

I'm sitting on it straight

So that your neck doesn't hurt.

It has a comfortable back

And it’s called………….chair

Don't oversleep for class

We start for the night…………..clock

It's not hard to wash it

Covered with linoleum……………..floor

There is din and noise here all the time:

This is my brother and I…………….room

4. Song " This is my house ».

5. Repetition of words on the topic “ My house » according to the picture.

6. Introduction of new grammatical material « Thereis| are», « tohavegot».

7. Dialogue speech using new grammatical phenomena. (Teacher - children)

Questions :

    Have you got a brother or a sister?

    What is his\her name?

    How old is he\she?

    Have you got a children’s room?

    Is there a computer in your room?

    Is there a bed in the room?

    Are there 4 chairs in the kitchen?

8. Physical education minute .

Let's do some physical exercises, have some rest.

Stand up, sit down ( let's get up , let's sit down )

Clap, clap, clap.(clap our hands)

Point to the window,(point finger at the window)

Point to the door,(point finger at the door)

Point to the board,(point finger at the board)

Point to the floor.(point finger at p ol)

Stand up, sit down( let's get up , let's sit down )

Clap, clap, clap.(clap our hands)

9. Work in groups. (Two teams – “ Red » and « Green »)

Exercise. Fit to data English sentences correct translation.

10. Repetition of prepositions. (Two tasks)

    On the board, the teacher asks the children to answer the picture on this question using prepositions of place.

    Children do the exercise independently in their groups.

11. Summing up. Homework

Teacher: Kurokhtina Yulia Nikolaevna

Lesson topic: « Myhouse/My house"

Lesson objectives:

Educational - consolidate developed lexical and grammatical skills, speaking and listening skills on the topic “My Home”

Developmental - develop speech skills in monologue and dialogical speech on the topic of the lesson.

Educational - create a high level of cognitive interest in the subject; cultivate hard work, a sense of tact, polite behavior skills, and a desire to help parents.

Lesson type: securing the ZUN.

Lesson methods: visual, practical, verbal.

Equipment: demonstration material for phonetic exercises, a picture of the main character of the lesson - a monkey, prepared parts of the “My Home” project, glue, album sheets.

Move lesson

1. Organizational moment .

Good morning, dear children! I'm happy to see you again. Let's start the lesson!Sit down please!

How are you?

Children: I"m fine, thank you. I"m OK, thank you.

What’s the date today? Children:

What season is it now? Children:

Do you like this season?Children:

2.Message of the topic of the lesson. Introduction to the lesson plot.

Guys! Today we have a difficult lesson; the monkey Chiki came to our lesson today. But our beloved monkey hid from us? She wants to see how you and I will work in class. In the meantime, we will review everything we have learned on the topic “My Home” and play. And maybe then the monkey will see how well we work and respond and will come.

3. Speech charger .

- Where is Monkey?

Monkeyis in the house.

Monkeyis in the kitchen

Monkeyis in the bedroom

Monkeyis in the living room

(children are shown pictures of rooms)

Our monkey will watch us throughout the lesson, and at the end of the lesson he will definitely show himself to us if we work well and answer, and maybe even bring us treats.

4. Game “ A Monkey

Let's turn into funny monkeys - we will depict the movement that a monkey can do, and we will guess our movements (jump, run, swim, dance, flyIcanjump, run, swim, dance, fly...)

5. Physical exercise

Children depict a house.

6.The main stage of the lesson.

Let's, guys, repeat the words on the topic of our lesson. (Slides).

7 . Creative work.

7.1 -What did we talk about today?

About the house

We have prepared the parts of the house, all that remains is to build it - glue it. We are preparing the details of the house, a landscape sheet. Start gluing the parts (students on sheets a 4 make an applique of the house). In the meantime, while you are building a house, I would like to hear what kind of houses you have. Tell me. (My house is green. My house is big. My house is nice.) Show off your houses.

7. 2 - Game “Arrange the objects”

Place objects around the room and say what the object is.

(There is a picture of a house on the board) the children take objects and stick them in the house. (Lamp, chair, bed, table, sofa, wardrobe)

7.3 - And now, guys, you and I will take our notebooks and work in them. We will paint our room.

8. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Oops!!! Look who showed up our monkey, we found the monkey. You answered well, and our monkey decided to come out to us. Well done! What did they repeat? What new did you learn? What did you like? (children stick stickers in the shape of a house on the board and share their impressions). Monkey, did you bring treats for our children? (The monkey hands out candy to the children).

The lesson is over. Good-bye kids! See you soon.

Answerschildren: Good-bye, dear teacher!

Learning English is difficult without the right materials at hand. But don't panic!Today we have a new addition to our collection - a series of educational cards “My Home”. Download for free and learn the names of rooms in English.
Sets of educational cards are very popular among children's teachers. Teachers use them to attract the child's attention, learn new vocabulary and diversify the lesson. In addition, bright cards perfectly develop memory, logic and creative thinking.
Today we are giving you a series of educational materials on the topic “My Home” 🏡. You can download the cards for free.

How to work with cards: teaching objects and rooms in the house with your baby

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat

This is the simplest exercise. The child remembers English words through frequent repetition. It's simple:
- Show the card to the baby and say the word.
- Ask him to repeat it.
The task can be varied with the help of emotions. Say the words happy, sad, surprised, loudly or in a whisper. Your child will definitely enjoy copying you in different voices. First, name the word evenly and clearly, then start playing, changing the intonation. This way, repeating the same thing over and over again will turn from a monotonous activity into a fun game.

Exercise 2. “Label your home”

Use the cards as labels for all items around the house. Attach the “bed” card to the bed, place the “table” card on the dining table, and put the “mirror” card on the mirror. Do this with your child, naming all the words in turn. Every time the child sees the cards in front of him, he will repeat the words and remember their spelling.

Exercise 3. Find the mistake

When the child gets used to the “labels” in the house, swap a few of them.

Invite your child to find the labels that are mixed up.

A person's home is his true fortress. For a huge number of people, their own home is not just some reinforced concrete walls or rough brick structures, but an ideal place where they want to return every day. Therefore, it is also recommended to know English words on topics related to home and your own home. Without this, it is impossible to imagine the process of learning such a language.

Why is it worth knowing English words on the topic “Home”?

For many people, especially when they go on vacation or on their own business abroad, it is very useful to know English words on such topics as home and everyday life. Using them you can always tell new friends about your own cozy nest. In any situation, lexicon on this topic will definitely be useful to every traveler who wants to explain to the administrator what the room should be like and what wishes they have for its arrangement. Initially, it is worth including words related to the description of furniture, home comfort and the situation itself.

Words in English from the “Home” series can be quite difficult to remember, or quite easy. In any situation they are presented in huge quantities. Therefore, to study them you will have to spend a certain amount of your own time. Naturally, it will be much easier if classes are conducted with a qualified tutor. He will select all the required materials and tell you all the nuances of quickly learning English.

When first learning words, many people are often surprised by their simplicity. But with each subsequent time they begin to understand that in reality not everything is so simple. Therefore, you will have to study and study again. And such a topic as “Home” does not please many people with words that are too easy to learn. After all, the topic is considered not so easy. Regardless of this, knowing at least basic words is definitely recommended for every traveler.

Naturally, no one will claim that English words will be learned very quickly and 100 percent. But elementary vocabulary is considered the real basis, which is absolutely necessary to know. But in the future everything depends on the personal preferences of each person. If he decides to continue studying English, then he can safely begin to make his own dreams come true.

Word in English Transcription Translation
house house
flat apartment
apartment [əˈpɑːrtmənt] apartments
staircase [ˈsterkeɪs] ladder
brick brick
roof roof
ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] ceiling
table [ˈteɪbl] table
garage [ɡəˈrɑːʒ] garage
closet [ˈklɑːzət] closet, pantry
door door
drapes [ˈdreɪps] curtains
floor floor
furniture [ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər] furniture
window [ˈwɪndoʊ] window
bathroom [ˈbæθruːm] bathroom
mirror [ˈmɪrər] mirror
bath bath
towel [ˈtaʊəl] towel
bast washcloth
shower [ˈʃaʊər] shower
shampoo [ʃæmˈpuː] shampoo
soup soap
toothpaste [ˈtuːθpeɪst] toothpaste
kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn] kitchen
tap tap
fridge fridge
freezer [ˈtaʊəl] freezer
knife knife
spoon tablespoon
teaspoon [ˈtiːspuːn] tea spoon
fork fork
kettle [ˈketl] kettle
cup cup
oven [ˈʌvn] oven
living-room [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm] living room
sofa [ˈsoʊfə] sofa
wallpaper [ˈwɔːlpeɪpə] wallpaper
carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] carpet
bookcase [ˈbʊkkeɪs] bookshelf
- arm-chair [ˈɑːrmˌtʃer] armchair
lamp lamp
curtain [ˈkəːt(ə)n] curtain
shelf [ʃelf] shelf

We learn new words on the topic "Home". This set contains 24 cards with new English words. With the help of these cards, you will learn how to correctly name all the rooms in an apartment in English, how to correctly name a village house, a city high-rise building, an ordinary house...

The cards have all the necessary terms - wall, floor, ceiling, staircase, door, window...

No one argues what is best to study foreign language with an experienced teacher. Or at least sign up for language classes smapse.ru/catalog/program-32/ .

But for additional activities and for learning new words, it is best to use flashcards.

These cards come in two halves. To begin, the student simply takes a card from the stack, looks at the picture (and the word in Russian), reads English word with the help of transcription, tries to remember. He puts it aside and takes the next card...

When the student can name a word simply by seeing a picture, you can bend the cards in half so that the picture and text are on opposite sides of the card. The halves must be carefully glued together. Now the cards will become denser and will last longer.

The next stage is to name the word simply from the picture.

Download: (downloads: 1115)

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