Sample monitoring program for gold deposits. Modern problems of science and education


In the last decade, the idea of ​​the existence of mutual influence of healthy environment and sustainable economic development. At the same time, the world was undergoing major political, social and economic changes as many countries began programs to radically restructure their economies. Thus, the study of the impact of general economic measures on the environment has become an urgent problem of serious importance and requiring an urgent solution. Economic development Russia is largely dependent on the hydrocarbon-based fuel and energy sector. Adopted by the Russian government in 2009, the “Energy Strategy of Russia until 2030” provides for maintaining in the medium term the level of production and transportation for export of crude oil in the current volumes and a certain increase in natural gas production. In the process of developing oil and gas fields, the most active impact on the natural environment is carried out within the territories of the fields themselves, the routes of linear structures (primarily main pipelines), in the nearest populated areas(cities, towns). Such disturbances, even being temporary, lead to shifts in the thermal and moisture regimes of the soil mass and to a significant change in its general condition, which causes the active, often irreversible development of exogenous geological processes. Oil and gas production also leads to changes in the deep-lying horizons of the geological environment. Environmental disturbances caused by changes in the engineering and geological situation during oil and gas production occur essentially everywhere and always. Avoid them completely when modern methods mastery is impossible. That's why the main task is to minimize undesirable consequences by rationally using natural conditions.

environmental risks

arctic shelf


associated petroleum gas

geological environment


hydrocarbon raw materials


fuel and energy sector

1. Bogoyavlensky V.I., Laverov N.P. Strategy for the development of offshore oil and gas fields in the Arctic // Morskoysbornik. M.: VMF, 2012. No. 6. P. 50–58.

2. Bogoyavlensky V.I. Oil and gas production in the World Ocean and the potential of the Russian shelf. Fuel and energy complex development strategies. M., 2012. No. 6. pp. 44–52.

3. Bogoyavlensky V.I. Hydrocarbon riches of the Arctic and the Russian geophysical fleet: status and prospects // Marine collection. M.: VMF, 2010. No. 9. P. 53–62.

4. Vorobyov Yu.L., Akimov V.A., Sokolov Yu.I. Prevention and response to emergency spills of oil and petroleum products. M.: In-octavo, 2005. 368 p.

5. Laverov N.P., Dmitrievsky A.N., Bogoyavlensky V.I. Fundamental aspects of the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian Arctic shelf // Arctic: ecology and economics. 2011. No. 1. P. 26–37.

6. Makogon Yu.F. Natural gas hydrates: distribution, formation models, resources // Russian Chemical Journal. 2003. T. 47. No. 3. P. 70–79.

7. Theory and methodology of managing the competitiveness of business systems: Monograph – (“Scientific Thought-Management”) / Baronin S.A., Semerkova L.N. and others. M.: Infra-M, 2014. 329 p.


About 6% of the world's proven oil reserves and 24% of natural gas are concentrated in the country.

To date, the extensive exploitation of oil and gas fields has caused enormous damage to the Russian environment (including pollution due to oil spills and the flaring of associated petroleum gases), in places of traditional production (primarily in Western Siberia) and poses new risks and threats due to development of offshore projects.

The subject of the study is the impact of oil and gas pollution on the environment.

The purpose of the study is to study the interaction and impact of oil and gas fields on the environment.

Material and research methods

Despite the fact that in recent years the number of major accidents in Russia has decreased, the total number emergency situations and breakthroughs, primarily on field pipelines, number in the thousands, the country’s oil and gas industry is a world leader in the volume of flaring of associated petroleum gas (APG), and new projects today are being developed in particularly difficult natural and climatic conditions (permafrost, Arctic shelf), which significantly increases environmental risks.

Particular attention should be paid to possible irreversible deformations of the earth's surface as a result of the extraction of oil, gas and groundwater from the subsoil that maintain reservoir pressure. There are enough examples in world practice showing how significant the subsidence of the earth's surface can be during long-term exploitation of deposits. Movements of the earth's surface caused by pumping water, oil and gas from the depths can be significantly greater than with tectonic movements earth's crust.

Uneven subsidence of the earth's surface often leads to the destruction of water pipelines, cables, railways and highways, power lines, bridges and other structures. Subsidence can cause landslides and flooding of low-lying areas. In some cases, if there are voids in the depths, sudden deep subsidence may occur, which, in terms of the nature of the course and the effect caused, can hardly be distinguished from earthquakes.

The commencement of exploration and production activities in the Arctic increases the likelihood of oil spills from offshore oil production platforms, pipelines, petroleum product storage tanks, and oil loading operations. At the same time, in the Arctic, new navigation routes are opening up as a result of changes in sea ice conditions. For today's shipping routes, this means denser ship traffic over a longer navigation period. New sea ​​routes will create shipping risks and associated oil spill risks.

Most of the technologies proposed for oil spill response in the Arctic are adaptations of those typically used in temperate regions of the Arctic. open water and drier, and they must be tested in practice before a decision is made on their use.

The natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic are an obvious factor in reducing the effectiveness of most oil spill response technologies. Typical Arctic conditions affecting spill response operations include the presence of various types sea ​​ice, extreme low temperatures, limited visibility, strong seas and wind. These conditions significantly reduce the effectiveness of spill response technologies and systems.

Any development natural resources in the Arctic over the coming decades will be carried out in a situation of significant risks. Although reduced sea ice will make the area more accessible in the long term, unpredictable short-term changes will pose significant challenges to developing contingency plans.

It is not only the Arctic seas that receive special attention from oil companies. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is one of the richest aquatic biological resources and provides 60% of Russia's fisheries volume. However, areas of high biological productivity and traditional fisheries often coincide with areas of high oil and gas potential on the sea shelf.

Active development of hydrocarbon reserves is currently underway on the Sakhalin shelf. Rosneft plans to begin developing oil and gas fields on the Magadan shelf, and Gazprom - on the West Kamchatka shelf. The estimated resources amount to only a few percent of Russia's total oil reserves, and their development will jeopardize the future of an entire third of the country's fish wealth, that is, the country's food security. There is a threat that fish products from Kamchatka will no longer be considered environmentally friendly, their displacement from markets will accelerate, and the investment attractiveness of the fishing industry and tourism will decrease.

Thus, further implementation of new projects should be postponed until the time when new technologies will allow the development of deposits without causing damage to unique natural resources and the creation of zones closed to oil production and transportation.

Gas production and processing enterprises pollute the atmosphere with hydrocarbons, mainly during the exploration period (during well drilling). Sometimes these enterprises, despite the fact that gas is an environmentally friendly fuel, pollute open water bodies, as well as the soil.

Natural gas from individual fields may contain very toxic substances, which requires appropriate consideration during exploration work, operation of wells and linear structures. Thus, in particular, the content of sulfur compounds in the gas of the lower Volga is so high that the cost of sulfur as a commercial product obtained from gas pays for the costs of its purification. This is an example of the obvious economic efficiency of implementing environmental technology.

In areas with disturbed vegetation, in particular along roads, gas pipelines and in populated areas, the depth of soil thawing increases, concentrated temporary flows are formed and erosion processes develop. They are very active, especially in areas of sandy and sandy loam soils. The growth rate of ravines in the tundra and forest-tundra in these soils reaches 15-20 m per year. As a result of their formation, engineering structures suffer (violation of the stability of buildings, ruptures of pipelines), the relief and the entire landscape appearance of the territory irreversibly changes.

The condition of soils changes no less significantly with increasing freezing. The development of this process is accompanied by the formation of abyss relief forms. The rate of heaving during the new formation of permafrost reaches 10-15 cm per year. In this case, dangerous deformations of ground structures and rupture of gas pipelines occur, which often leads to the death of vegetation cover over large areas.

Pollution of the ground layer of the atmosphere during oil and gas production also occurs during accidents, mainly with natural gas, oil evaporation products, ammonia, acetone, ethylene, and combustion products. Unlike middle zone, air pollution in the Far North, all other things being equal, has a stronger impact on nature due to its reduced regenerative abilities.

In the process of developing oil and gas-bearing northern regions, damage is also caused to the animal world (in particular, wild and domestic deer). As a result of the development of erosion and cryogenic processes, mechanical damage to vegetation, as well as pollution of the atmosphere, soil, etc., there is a reduction in pasture areas.

Among the most pressing and pressing problems in Russia, along with oil spills from pipeline systems, is APG flaring.

The whole world is impressed by the volumes of APG flaring in our country and their negative impact on the environment and energy waste. According to various estimates, 20-35 billion cubic meters of gas are burned annually, which is comparable to the energy consumption of the entire Moscow. The largest volumes are burned in the “oil and gas breadbasket” - the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Eastern Siberia has already almost caught up with it, indicators are worsening in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Since 2009, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia has been leading a public campaign to stop APG flaring. Data from oil companies on APG production and use volumes for previous years clearly show leaders and outsiders in APG use.

Table 1

Dynamics of growth in APG production volumes in 2006-2011. in oil and gas companies operating in Russia, billion m3 (based on data provided by companies, as well as taken from public reporting)


APG production volume, billion, m 3

Level of rational use of APG, %



Gazprom Neft





* Data provided by companies as requested.

** Information is absent.

Assessing the dynamics of APG production by the largest oil and gas companies in Russia, it should be noted its steady growth throughout recent years. The indicator of rational use of APG has not yet improved and remains within 75%.

This dynamics is caused by the following main factors:

1. Oil production continues to grow due to field development Eastern Siberia that do not have the necessary infrastructure for the rational use and transportation of APG;

2. There is an increase in the gas factor in Russian oil fields, including in Western Siberia - the largest oil-producing region, providing about 60% of the total oil production in the country (over six years, the gas factor increased in Russia by 9%, in Western Siberia - by 11 ,2%));

3. The active phase of oil production has begun at the largest developing field in Eastern Siberia - the Vankor field.

At the moment, the solution to the problem of flaring associated petroleum gas is limited by a number of factors, including:

  • imperfection of the regulatory framework;
  • lack of transparency and reliability of data;
  • low level of equipment of flare installations with measuring instruments.

In 2012, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the specifics of calculating fees for emissions of pollutants generated during flaring and (or) dispersion of associated petroleum gas” set a target flaring rate of no more than 5%, but only a few companies and regions improved their indicator use of APG.

The lack of consistency and unity in the actions of government bodies to solve the problem also has a negative impact on the ability to concentrate financial resources state support for solving this important problem of the oil industry in the field of energy efficiency and air pollution.

Another important problem in the country is the lack of objective information about the scale of flaring, including the low level of equipment at the fields with measuring equipment. WWF Russia, together with the ScanEx center, carried out a pilot project for two regions - the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Krasnoyarsk Territory - to develop a methodology for using Earth remote sensing (ERS) methods to decipher flares. This work should be continued with the support of federal and regional environmental authorities in order to become an additional tool for monitoring APG flaring in the near future.

For widespread and reliable accounting of APG, it is advisable to use economic incentives for organizing accounting and control. At the same time, control over the reliability of accounting, the correctness of the balance sheet, and the calculation and payment of taxes should be exercised by the tax authorities, and not by Rostechnadzor, as is the case now.

In area international cooperation There has been a surge in applications submitted for the competition for the selection of joint implementation projects, but Russia’s refusal to participate in the second period of the Kyoto Protocol will lead to the termination of this source of funding in the existing format.

More efficient use land deposits is possible due to the large-scale development of gas chemistry (cessation of APG flaring, etc.). This requires an integrated approach to create conditions for the implementation of such investment projects as equipping oil fields with the necessary measuring equipment, building production facilities for processing, storing and transporting APG.


The problems of the oil and gas industry can be solved by changing the policy in the field of government support. Instead of providing tax breaks and other privileges to new, extremely risky offshore projects in the Arctic (Gazprom's Prirazlomnoye project in the Pechora Sea or the Rosneft and Exxon project in the Kara Sea), it is probably advisable to provide government support for improving the efficiency of existing ones deposits.

Environmental and economic risks and costs from the development of the Arctic shelf are so high today that it is necessary to achieve a change in the vector of priority development of the oil and gas industry in Russia for the next 10-15 years.

In addition to the natural and natural-technogenic problems of developing hydrocarbon resources on the Russian Arctic shelf, there are serious anthropogenic dangers. For example, numerous burial sites of radioactive waste in the western part of the Kara Sea and others.

In conclusion, we note that research in the above areas is extremely important not only for the development of fundamental knowledge about the processes of modern sediment accumulation, thermokarst and other processes of their transformation, but also for organizing the environmentally safe functioning of offshore oil and gas fields and their infrastructure at sea and adjacent land. In addition, episodic or permanent degassing of bottom sediments poses a great danger to navigation, since it disrupts the density of water, which can lead to the death of ships. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen geological and geophysical research in the Arctic waters with mapping objects of various nature that pose a danger to the location of oil and gas fields and their infrastructure (deposits of free gases and gas hydrates in bottom sediments, the distribution of paleo- and modern permafrost, pingo, etc.).


Baronin S.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lecturer in the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management, PSUAS, Penza.

Lomov S.P., Doctor of Geology, Professor, Lecturer at the Department of Real Estate Cadastre and Law, PSUAS, Penza.

Bibliographic link

Porshakova A.N., Starostin S.V., Kotelnikov G.A. ECOLOGICAL MONITORING OF OIL AND GAS FIELDS AREAS: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2014. – No. 3.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


Source: Magazine "PROneft"

The Iraqi Badra field is located in a tectonically active region of the Zagros foothills and is characterized by a complex geological structure with high variability in the reservoir properties of carbonate formations. Production wells tap up to five productive formations in the depth range of 4400–4850 m. The permeability of formations according to hydrodynamic testing of wells (well testing) varies within the range (3-15)⋅10 -3 µm 2, according to core data - (1-250)⋅ 10 -3 µm 2, oil-saturated thicknesses reach 120 m.

The characteristics of the field necessitated the development of a special program of hydrodynamic and flow metric studies of wells both at the exploration stage in order to compile reliable petrophysical and filtration models of the deposit, and at the stage of field operation to optimize well stimulation during development, monitoring and regulation of the deposit development system.

Exploration well work program

The productive layers of the Mauddud formation, as a single development object of the Badra field, are characterized by significant heterogeneity across the section. Taking into account the fact that obtaining inflow during well development without acid treatments is unlikely for most layers, well development design and testing were carried out in an interval manner in order to reliably study the parameters of each layer, the nature of the inflow and fluid properties. Interval development and testing of exploration wells was carried out using a temporary well completion (DST) assembly according to the following methodology:

Lowering the DST assembly with pipe-mounted perforators and autonomous thermomanometers;

Perforation and injection of acid into the test object using multi-stage acid systems and acid flow diverters (diverters) to level injectivity profiles;

Cleaning the well from reaction products and testing at various fittings with subsequent recording of the pressure recovery curve (PRC);

Extracting the temporary layout, isolating the object with a plug and repeating the procedure for the overlying interval.

Upon completion of testing of the last object, the installed cement plugs were drilled out, and the final completion assembly was lowered with the installation of permanent packers. A final hydrochloric acid treatment (HAT) of all tested objects was carried out, followed by well cleaning and recording of downhole flow rate, pressure and temperature with a PLT device. The data obtained made it possible to determine the interval filtration-capacitance properties (FPP) of the formation, inflow intervals during joint and separate operation, formation and bottomhole pressures under various well operation modes.

At the stage of field exploration in 2010–2014. Along with 3D seismic exploration, geophysical well surveys (GIS), core and fluid analysis, a complex of hydrodynamic (HDD) and field geophysical (PG) studies of two exploration wells were carried out, in which 3–6 intervals of the Mauddud, Rumaila and Mishrif.

Let's look at the results of hydrodynamic testing using the example of one of the exploration wells. The study used the technology of recording the curve of stabilization and recovery of bottomhole pressure using a downhole pressure gauge of the DST configuration. Quantitative interpretation of pressure sensor records together with data on changes in well flow rate was carried out using software package Saphir by Kappa Engineering. Figure 1 shows the results of well testing of the lower and upper objects of the Mauddud formation.

The results of interpretation of hydrodynamic testing data confirmed the forecast from well logging: permeability of the upper object - 3.9⋅10 -3 µm 2, conductivity 140⋅10-3 µm 2 ⋅m, skin factor - −3.8, while the average flow rate was 830 m 3 /day at a depression of 20 MPa, permeability of the lower object - 0.8⋅10 -3 µm 2, conductivity 8.5⋅10 -3 µm 2 ⋅m, skin factor - −4.5, average flow rate - 170 m 3 /day at a depression of 30 MPa.

The next stage of the research was a joint test of two formations with repeated MOT and a logging complex. The results obtained made it possible to determine the integral parameters of a multilayer system: the average permeability of two layers is 3.5⋅10 -3 µm 2 , conductivity - 160.1⋅10 -3 µm 2 ⋅m, skin factor - −4.5, flow rate - 1170 m 3 /day at a depression of 20 MPa. High reservoir pressure (about 50 MPa) provided a drawdown of about 20 MPa without reducing the bottomhole pressure below the saturation pressure. A high flow rate indicates the high information content of standard methods for assessing inflow - composition (including mechanical flow metering). A tablet with the results of interpretation of PLT data is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of flow rate and pressure, as well as pressure in logarithmic coordinates a, b - lower and upper layer, respectively

Flow metering and thermometry in the example under consideration complement each other. Above layer 2 (see Fig. 2), the flow rate is so high that the temperature gradient between layers is close to zero. In this area, thermometry (see Fig. 2, window VI) is not informative for estimating flow rate, but a flow meter is effective (see Fig. 2, windows IX-XI). Within layers 6 and 7, the flow velocity in the wellbore is so low that it is not recorded by a flow meter, but can be estimated from the results of thermometry. The results of quantitative assessment of flow rate using a set of methods are presented in windows VI and XII in Fig. 2.

Results of stimulation of wells after their development

All layers of both the considered well and other wells achieved significant negative values ​​of the skin factor, ranging from −3.8 to −5.5, which makes it possible to achieve high well productivity factors, despite the relatively low filtration parameters of the formations.

The effectiveness of well stimulation with hydrochloric acid compositions with flow diverting agents is primarily due to high pressures (up to 52 MPa at the wellhead), close to hydraulic fracturing pressure (95–100 MPa), flow rate (9–15 barrels/min) and injection volume of 15% hydrochloric acid. acids (3.5–5 m 3 / m thickness). Characteristic signs of acid fracturing have not been reliably identified, however, such treatment modes contribute to the formation of heterogeneous dissolution channels that go deep into the formation up to 150 m.

Rice. 2. Tablet with the results of interpretation of logging data: I - depth column; II - jointly opened layers; III - well design with a diagram of fluid movement along the wellbore; IV - gamma method (GM) diagram; V - coupling locator diagram (LM); VI - thermometry diagram (TG - conditional geothermogram; A, B, C - intervals outside the working formations, selected to estimate flow rates based on thermometry results); VII, VIII - density of the hole filler, respectively, in an active and shut-in well according to barometry; IX, X - flow velocity, respectively, in an operating and shut-in well according to flow metering; XI, XII - distribution of flow rates by objects according to flow metering;

Features of the productive formations of the Badra field are a large oil-bearing level (up to 450 m) and deterioration in permeability from the center of the formation to the top and bottom. In this regard, the first experience, simultaneously with the development of acid treatment of the productive formation in a well completed with an open hole with a slotted liner, showed its low efficiency along the section. Subsequent depth flow metering made it possible to determine the reasons, and also, based on modeling the deviation in the StimPro program, to understand the mechanism of acid penetration along the section and depth of the formation. The main disadvantage of this treatment is that the injected acid reacts only with the upper part of the formation, without reaching the lower part even with an increase in its volume. Despite the use of flow diverters, acid enters predominantly only into the upper part, in which the skin factor decreased first. When carrying out subsequent MOT operations, similar experience was taken into account and interval acid baths were used using flexible tubing, installed mainly in the lower part of the formation to level the absorption profile. Next, a full-scale multi-stage mechanical treatment was carried out with 15% HCl with a specific volume of 5 m 3 /m of perforation. This approach made it possible to increase the productivity of wells after development. After putting the well into operation, downhole flow metering was performed using a PLT device in dynamic and static modes to determine interval characteristics. The results showed an improvement in the quality of processing and closeness to the results obtained with selective operations. Currently, three production wells have been processed in this way, the skin factor values ​​for the formations are 4.2–4.7, the planned flow rates have been exceeded by 10–15% and are equal to 8–12 thousand barrels/day.

In an effort to improve the results obtained without increasing the cost and time of development, and to obtain a high degree of recovery of reservoir reserves in different areas of the Badra field, the specialists analyzed the technologies available in the Iraqi market for interval-by-interval well completion using an assembly designed for well completion. It is planned to use a two-packer installation for temporary isolation of the processed interval. The advantage of such a system is that each interval is treated with acid regardless of the injectivity of other intervals, and all intervals can be sequentially treated in one trip, which saves rig time used to run a two-packer set.

Complex of studies in production wells

Since the initial information about interval testing of productive formations was obtained in exploration wells and the main productive formation intervals were identified, due to the high duration and cost of interval testing, productive formations in production wells are examined as one object after running the assembly for completion of the well. Thus, a set of studies is planned for all new and annually operating wells, which includes simultaneous hydrodynamic testing and logging in one tripping operation. At the same time, the research time is reduced from 8.5 to 1.5 days without reducing the quality of the research. The well exploration diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Results of a complex of hydrodynamic testing and logging in production wells (pressure buildup - pressure recovery curve)

Monitoring development and forecasting well performance indicators

Field geophysical monitoring of both production and exploration wells allows for accurate production forecasts for each well. Field geophysical development control makes it possible to monitor the energy state of the formation, identify the presence of well interference, evaluate the dynamics of the skin factor, etc. Such information is also basic for selecting optimal technological parameters for well operation and planning geological and technical measures (GTM).

Since the wells of the Badra field are operated by the flowing method, testing them in various modes made it possible to adjust the flow model in the fluid wellbore and recalculate wellhead pressures into bottomhole pressures in a range of flow velocities and bottomhole pressures sufficient for field use. Repeated studies carried out in wells a year after the start of operation showed a discrepancy between the calculated and measured bottomhole pressure values ​​of less than 1.5%.

In wells that were put into operation in 2015, a repeated set of hydrodynamic testing and logging was performed, which made it possible to assess changes in reservoir pressure and skin factor. A clear illustration of the reliability of forecasts based on such detailed studies, despite the presence of uncertainty in the properties of remote zones of formations, can be a comparison of the predicted and actual performance indicators of wells (Fig. 4), put into operation more than a year ago, the choke and modes of which have not changed, except for short-term ones stops for routine maintenance. The deviation of flow rates and bottomhole pressures does not exceed ± 3%.

Rice. 4. Comparison of the forecast flow rate for 2015 with the actual flow rate for the well. BD5 (a) and BD4 (b) (P10, P50, P90 - development scenarios)


Thus, based on detailed studies carried out in exploration wells, an optimal set of production, hydrodynamic and field geophysical studies of production wells in the Badra field has been proposed, which, along with constant monitoring of well operating parameters, allows:

Obtain reliable data for designing geological and technical measures in wells;

Perform an assessment of the effectiveness of the initial and repeated standard deviations of each reservoir interval;

Constantly maintain high efficiency of the hydrodynamic model;

Perform reliable forecasting of well performance indicators when planning field production, including assessment of optimal technological modes of their operation.

Authors of the article: S.I. Melnikov, D.N. Gulyaev, A.A. Borodkin (Scientific and Technical Center "Gazprom Neft" (LLC "Gazpromneft STC")), N.A. Shevko, R.A. Khuzin (Gazpromneft-Badra B.V.)

The tasks, classes, programs and monitoring projects are considered, as well as the main factors that determine its structure and content.

Of all kinds economic activity The mining industry has the most significant technogenic impact on the geological environment, as a result of which the organization of monitoring in the areas of development of this production is a relevant and important task. To properly organize monitoring of the geological environment in such areas, it is necessary to take into account the various features of mining enterprises, which determine the characteristic features of their technogenic impact. Mining enterprises are usually a complex of structures, which include:

  • zone of concentration of mining developments (mines, quarries) or production wells;
  • area of ​​waste management and auxiliary structures;
  • area for the location of raw material processing facilities (concentration plants, settling tanks, finished product warehouses);
  • transport facilities within the mining allotment;
  • reservoirs;
  • external product pipelines (oil and gas pipelines).

Monitoring of deposits of solid minerals - monitoring the state of the subsoil and other environmental components associated with them within the boundaries of technogenic influence in the process of geological study and development of these deposits, as well as the liquidation and conservation of mining enterprises.

Monitoring of solid mineral deposits is a subsystem of state monitoring of the state of the subsoil (geological environment) and represents the object level of monitoring.

The purpose of monitoring is to provide information to management bodies of the state subsoil fund and subsoil users during the geological study and development of mineral deposits.

Monitoring tasks:

  • assessment of the current state of the geological environment at the field, including the zone of significant influence of its operation, as well as other components of the natural environment associated with it, and compliance of this state with the requirements of regulations, standards and conditions of licenses for the use of subsoil for geological study of subsoil and mining;
  • drawing up current, operational and long-term forecasts of changes in the state of the geological environment at the field and in the zone of significant influence of its development;
  • economic assessment of damage with determination of costs to prevent the negative impact of field development on the environment (implementation of environmental protection measures and compensation payments).

Monitoring classes

Class I monitoring is carried out at solid mineral deposits characterized by simple hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geocryological, mining-geological and other development conditions. Mining of minerals in such deposits does not have a significant impact on the environment.

Class II monitoring is carried out at deposits, the development of which can have a significant impact on environmental components. Class II monitoring, in addition to standard observable objects, may include special observable objects.

Class III monitoring is carried out in deposits where a combination of complicating factors poses a threat of major accidents (flooding, explosions, etc.) at the mining enterprise or leads to severe environmental consequences in the area adjacent to it.

Monitoring programs and projects

It is advisable to create monitoring of complex deposits (classes II and III) in stages on the basis of specially developed programs.

Stage 1. Development of a program for creating and maintaining monitoring. The program for creating and maintaining field monitoring is developed in accordance with the monitoring requirements established by the licenses.

Stage 2. Drawing up a project for creating and maintaining monitoring. Unlike a program, a project for creating and maintaining field monitoring is drawn up for a certain period (from 1 year to 3-5 years).

Stage 3. Creation of a network of observation points, equipping them with measuring devices, conducting observations, organizing a database.

Stage 4. Conducting observations, maintaining a data bank, assessing the state of the geological environment of the field and the adjacent territory and predicting its changes, if necessary, adjusting the structure of the observation network and the composition of the observed indicators.

The main factors determining the structure and content of field monitoring:

  • nature of occurrence rocks, the degree of variability of their composition and properties, features of the tectonic structure, the presence of fracturing and karst formation;
  • the presence within the mining area of ​​mineral deposits of potentially unstable, easily deformable rock masses predisposed to the development of exogenous geological processes;
  • the nature of occurrence and conditions of distribution of aquifers, variability in the thickness and filtration properties of water-bearing rocks, the amount of water inflow into mine workings;
  • depth and nature of mineral deposits;
  • the complexity of the hydrochemical situation, the presence of highly mineralized and carbonated groundwater involved in the watering of the field;
  • the presence or absence of a permanent source of water entering the mine workings;
  • the presence and nature of occurrence of permafrost;
  • technological scheme of opening, system and technology of deposit development, speed of mining operations and their development in area and depth;
  • the need (or lack thereof) to use special methods for excavating mine workings and special schemes for combating groundwater;
  • the presence of groundwater intakes within the area affected by the drainage of solid mineral deposits;
  • availability of facilities for storage, processing and transportation of minerals and mining waste;
  • the need to carry out special measures for engineering protection from hazardous geological processes.


  • Bocharov V.L. Monitoring of natural and technical systems. - Voronezh: Origins, 2000.-226 p.
  • Talovskaya A.V. Geoecological monitoring. - Tomsk: Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business, 2005.-39 p.
  • Environmental monitoring (EM) is an effective tool for assessing the existing sanitary and ecological state of the controlled territory, as well as forecasting possible changes in the directions of natural processes affected by technogenic (anthropogenic) factors. It is necessary to justify management decisions to ensure environmental safety personnel working in oil fields, as well as to maintain the safe condition of the safety environment.

    The functioning of the departmental EM system should take place at four levels: object - local level, enterprise - territorial level, region, industry.

    When developing measures to improve the sanitary and environmental situation in oil production areas, it is necessary to take into account the latent (hidden) nature of the action of many oil field sources of pollution, especially in the initial period of their operation. Such sources are characterized by a certain inertia of action. Elimination of point, focal and linear sources of oil field pollution affects the improvement of the sanitary and ecological condition of soils, vegetation, surface and groundwater after a certain period of time. The duration of the inertial period (for example, for groundwater) depends on the geofiltration properties of the cover and other sediments that make up the aeration zone, as well as on the hydrogeological conditions of the aquifers.

    The latter circumstance should determine the duration of operation of the geo environmental monitoring(or part of it) after the liquidation of polluting oil field facilities or the oil field as a whole.

    The experience of leading enterprises producing hydrocarbon raw materials (OJSC Gazprom, LUKOIL, etc.), as well as the development of the Unified State EM System, allows us to formulate the basic concept of organizing departmental, or industrial, environmental monitoring (IEM). This concept is based on the principles:

    The system must have a hierarchical structure and reflect the staged life cycle of objects;

    Processing of FEM data at all stages - from primary observations to decision support - should be carried out using a unified information technology that widely uses the apparatus of geographic information systems (GIS), as well as interactive technologies in a unified computing environment;

    The information-measuring network must cover the entire set of OS components, i.e. have a conjugate nature;

    The network structure must be mobile and adequate to the dynamics of the security system of the controlled territory;

    Algorithms for processing measured data should be based on a combination of point observations and remote sensing information, allowing areal extrapolation of observations;

    The system should not only monitor the current state of the security system, but also make it possible to conduct a retrospective analysis and build a forecast based on mathematical modeling;

    The system must apply data processing methods based on the interconnectedness of processes in ecosystems;

    The system must be able to quickly exchange information and present it in a convenient form.

    Research carried out within the framework of a unified concept for organizing EEM differs from routine observations in the following ways:

    EMP is characterized by purposefulness (the presence of a target program with access to the ultimate goal - quality management of the environmental protection system);

    FEMs are observations that are complex in nature, they cover objects, goals, and when they are carried out, a combination of different methods is used;

    FEM is based on the principles of systematicity with the identification of the impacts of production on OS components based on the identification of direct and feedback links existing in natural and technical systems;

    FEM is an information system that adapts to the constant updating and addition of various types of data based on the widespread use of GIS creation methods.

    It is fundamentally important to distinguish in the PEM the stages of operation of oil production facilities - this is the background stage of construction, operation, liquidation and the post-operational stage. Each of these stages has its own specific observations and methods of conducting them.

    In the practice of managing EM, there are two fundamental approaches. This is actually environmental monitoring as a system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environmental protection system and monitoring of sources of impact on it. The need for the second approach is due to the fact that, without knowing the dynamics of the impact of sources, it is impossible to assess the response of environmental components to these impacts. In accordance with system principles, one should also take into account feedbacks, i.e. environmental impact on engineering objects. Failure to comply with this provision by many mining enterprises leads to the fact that during the organization and operation of a departmental EM, only emissions, discharges and the formation of solid waste are monitored, but not changes in the environmental pollution caused by their action.

    Another typical drawback is associated with the existence of many types of environmental monitoring (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil, etc.), which are carried out as required by regulatory authorities. Often such studies are not interconnected in space and time, have different methodological bases, include a limited number of parameters using uncertified instruments, uncertified methods and with the involvement of unaccredited environmental analytical laboratories. The value of the results of research conducted with this approach is low, since they can be officially challenged in any instance.

    Let's consider the experience of creating geoecological monitoring of geotechnological systems, developed by Nadymgazprom employees, with some changes for better adaptation to the activities of oil production facilities. The general structure of monitoring of oil and gas producing enterprises can be presented in the form of the following diagram (Fig. 7.1).

    Fig.7.1. General structure of the EM organization of an oil and gas producing enterprise (by )

    As mentioned above, EM is a system and works only when it is the object of management of the enterprise’s activities. The ultimate goal of EM is to achieve standard values ​​of impact on the hazardous environment, which is realized by eliminating critical situations in production processes. Taking into account the need for prompt decision-making, 5 blocks of the EM schematic diagram are distinguished (Fig. 7.2).

    Fig.7.2. Schematic diagram of environmental monitoring

    However, the implementation of this seemingly simple scheme is a rather complex process that requires significant intellectual work and material investments. The organization of the FEM system is most effective with the simultaneous creation of enterprise geographic information systems, which can be understood as a complex of software and hardware that allows maintaining a connection between the mathematical description of the territory with its inherent characteristics. natural features and layers of technogenic load.

    To make effective decisions on the management of oil and gas production enterprises, it is necessary to have complete and reliable information:

    For all technological complexes of production, collection, preparation, transportation and processing of extracted oil and gas;

    According to the EM of sources of technogenic impact and components of environmental protection in the zone of influence of enterprises;

    According to the current state of the equipment used, utilities and construction projects.

    The creation of quality management systems for environmental protection systems in accordance with current legislation and ISO 14000 series standards should be based, in addition to the listed information flows, on a clear methodological approach in the chain “collection of information - implementation of management decisions.” One of these approaches (by ) is presented in Fig. 7.3.

    Fig.7.3. Methodological approach to performing geoecological monitoring to ensure environmental safety of gas production facilities

    Following the proposed technology for conducting geoecological monitoring and using its results, information about the state of environmental protection and engineering structures is collected on the basis of a ground-based observation network and remote methods. Next, data is accumulated and processed separately for each component of the OPS in order to diagnose the state of the geotechnological system (GTS). Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of the following indicators characterizing anthropogenic changes:

    The degree of contamination of hazardous pollutants by individual components and on the basis of integral indicators using the values ​​of concentrations of chemical elements in associated environments - both migratory and accumulating;

    The degree of disturbance of soil and vegetation cover and the dynamics of its restoration;

    The nature of changes in the conditions of natural (surface and underground) runoff;

    Damage to the territory by exogenous geological processes;

    The nature of changes in the geological environment (including permafrost), radiation and geodynamic conditions;

    Identification of the state of the components of the environmental protection system by categories of conditions (environmental norm, risk, crisis, disaster) and the interconnection of ecological and geological conditions based on the estimated parameters of the state of the substation;

    Assessment of the state of engineering objects and their interaction with substation components.

    Thus, an assessment is made of the current environmental situation within the entire GTS. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

    Determination of compliance of actual violations of the substation with the design (standard) levels of impacts;

    Detection of excess impacts;

    Identification of potential hazardous elements of engineering structures;

    Identification of environmental risk zones in which the degree of PS transformation exceeds critical values ​​and limits of ecosystem stability;

    Forecasting trends in negative changes in environmental protection components and degradation of engineering structures.

    To determine the degree of sustainability of ecosystems, scoring with the participation of experts is most often used. Expert assessments are based on the form: Object + Impact - Change. Based on them, a matrix is ​​compiled in which objects (components of the environmental protection system) are indicated horizontally, and types of impacts are indicated vertically. The cells at the intersection indicate changes occurring in natural components. At the same time, the assessment of the entire variety of technogenic impacts on ecosystems comes down to assessments of mechanical impacts (disturbance of soil structure, microrelief, changes in vegetation, hydrogeological conditions, etc.) during construction and drilling operations. Geochemical impact is assessed based on monitoring data from impact sources and the content of elements in the media. In each ecosystem, a set of leading factors is determined, which are assigned a qualitative or quantitative indicator based on a joint analysis of the entire group of factors with a weighted assessment of their role. HTS can be classified into one of the stability classes - from extremely unstable to stable. One of the approaches to assessing stability based on landscape-facial indicators is outlined in. The proposed methodology is adapted to the specific impact of oil and gas production and has been tested in a number of fields in Western Siberia.

    Based on the assessments of current environmental situations, a set of special measures is being developed aimed at stabilizing the substations and ensuring the normal operation of engineering structures. In this case, management decisions are reduced to the following general conditions:

    Optimization of the existing environmental management system;

    Adjustment of the existing set of environmental measures;

    Development of special engineering measures to protect fire safety equipment;

    Changes in existing technological schemes, technical solutions and design features of operated facilities.

    The considered approach to creating environmental monitoring of hydraulic structures in the permafrost zone was formed on the basis of the experience of more than 20 years of exploitation of the Medvezhye gas field. As a result, its reconstruction and technical re-equipment were carried out.

    The observational network of environmental monitoring in the process of increasing technogenic load, if necessary, can be expanded or compacted depending on specific circumstances. Its adjustment is carried out in agreement with environmental and other regulatory authorities. It should be based on materials from an integrated and comprehensive analysis of data obtained in the process of monitoring and conducting the SEIC.

    The local network monitoring includes subsystems of observations and primary data processing, a subsystem of generalization, scientific and information analysis and transfer of received data to the subject of environmental management and regulatory regional departments responsible for the protection of subsoil. It also includes a subsystem for planning environmental activities and ensuring the functioning of environmental monitoring. This corresponds to the concept of constructing the Unified State System of Economics.

    The developer of oil fields is obliged at the end of each year to submit to the regulatory authorities an information report on the environmental state of protected exploited natural objects, containing a reasonable assessment of the changes that have occurred, as well as a forecast of the sanitary and environmental condition of the territory under its jurisdiction for the near future. The results of annual summaries of environmental observation materials and testing of water points are the basis for assessing the effectiveness of monitoring, the need to extend it and adjust the program of upcoming research and activities to improve the environmental situation.



    First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Russian Federation


    « 04 »_______________2000



    Moscow, 2000

    Requirements for monitoring of solid mineral deposits, M., MPR of Russia, 2000, 30 pp.

    The document sets out the principles of organizing and conducting monitoring of solid mineral deposits, defines its goals and objectives, and formulates requirements for the composition of information.

    The requirements are intended for management bodies of the state subsoil fund and should be used when issuing licenses for the use of subsoil areas for the extraction of solid minerals and ensuring the maintenance of object-level monitoring at these deposits.

    Requirements for monitoring deposits of solid minerals were developed by the Hydrogeoecological Research, Production and Design Company "GIDEK".

    Compiled by: Kashkovsky V. P., Yazvin L. S.


    “Requirements for monitoring of solid mineral deposits” have been approved by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

    © Ministry of Natural Resources
    Russian Federation, 2000

    2. Basic concepts

    These Requirements use the following basic concepts:

    Geological environment- part of the subsoil within which processes occur that influence human life and other biological communities. The geological environment includes the rocks below the soil layer, the groundwater circulating in them, and the physical fields and geological processes associated with the rocks and groundwater;

    Monitoring the state of the subsoil (geological environment)– a system of regular observations, collection, accumulation, processing and analysis of information, assessment of the state of the geological environment and forecast of its changes under the influence of natural factors, subsoil use and other anthropogenic activities;

    Solid mineral deposit- a natural accumulation of solid mineral matter, which in quantitative and qualitative relations may be the subject of industrial development given the state of technology and technology for its extraction and processing and in given economic conditions;

    Monitoring of solid mineral deposits–monitoring the state of the subsoil (geological environment) and related other components of the natural environment within the boundaries of technogenic influence in the process of geological study and development of these deposits, as well as the liquidation and conservation of mining enterprises;

    Subsoil use license– a state permit certifying the right to use a subsoil plot within certain boundaries in accordance with a specified purpose for a period deadline subject to pre-agreed conditions;

    Components of the natural environment– components of ecosystems. These include: air, surface and underground waters, subsoil, soil, flora and fauna.


    2.1. These requirements have been developed taking into account the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” (as amended. Federal laws dated 01/01/2001", dated 01/01/2001, dated 01/01/2001), Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” dated 12/19/No. 000-1, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 11/24/93 No. 000 “ About creating a single state system environmental monitoring”, Concepts and Regulations on State Monitoring of the Geological Environment of Russia, approved by Order of Roskomnedra No. 000 of July 11, 1994 and other legal and regulatory documents.

    2.2. Monitoring of solid mineral deposits (MSMD) is a subsystem for monitoring the state of the subsoil (geological environment) and represents an object level of monitoring.

    2.3. The development of solid mineral deposits can only be carried out on the basis of a license for the use of subsoil. The terms of the license, in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities of Russia, must establish the basic requirements for field monitoring, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for license holders.

    Conducting MMTPI, as an object-level monitoring of the geological environment, in accordance with the terms of the license for the use of subsoil, is the responsibility of business entities - owners of licenses for the use of subsoil for geological study of subsoil and mining.

    2.4. The purpose of maintaining MMTPI is to provide information to management bodies of the state subsoil fund and subsoil users during the geological study and development of mineral deposits.

    2.5. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are solved in the MMTPI system:

    – assessment of the current state of the geological environment at the field, including the zone of significant influence of its operation, as well as other components of the natural environment associated with it, and the compliance of this state with the requirements of regulations, standards and conditions of licenses for the use of subsoil for geological study of subsoil and mineral extraction;

    – drawing up current, operational and long-term forecasts of changes in the state of the geological environment at the field and in the zone of significant influence of its development;

    – economic assessment of damage, with determination of costs for preventing the negative impact of field development on the environment (implementation of environmental protection measures and compensation payments);

    – development of measures to rationalize methods of mining minerals, prevent emergency situations and mitigate the negative consequences of operational work on rock masses, groundwater, associated physical fields, geological processes and other components of the natural environment;

    – provision to the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and others government agencies the authority of information on the state of the geological environment at a mineral deposit and in the zone of significant influence of its mining, as well as the components of the natural environment interconnected with it;

    – provision of MMTPI data to territorial bodies managing the state subsoil fund for inclusion in the system of state monitoring of the state of subsoil;

    – control and assessment of the effectiveness of measures for a rational method of extracting minerals, ensuring, other things being equal, the completeness of its extraction and the reduction of irrational losses.

    Specific monitoring tasks may be specified by the terms of licenses for the use of subsoil and geological assignments for the performance of work.

    2.6. The developed mineral deposit and other objects of economic activity associated with its development represent a complex natural-technogenic system containing, as a rule, a number of sources anthropogenic impact on the surrounding (including geological) environment. This impact is the subject of several types of monitoring. Therefore, MMTPI, in addition to monitoring the geological environment, may include monitoring of surface water bodies, the atmosphere, soils, and vegetation.

    2.7. When setting up and maintaining MMTPI as a subsystem for monitoring the state of the subsoil, it is necessary to distinguish between the types and sources of anthropogenic impact associated directly with the opening and development of a deposit (mineral extraction), and sources of anthropogenic impact associated with the infrastructure of the mining enterprise accompanying the extraction, incl. with the storage, transportation and processing of extracted minerals and ore-bearing rocks, as well as the discharge and disposal of groundwater extracted during the drainage of the deposit.

    2.7.1. Sources of anthropogenic impact associated with mineral extraction, i.e. directly with subsoil use, include:

    a) open (quarries, cuts, cut trenches) and underground mine workings (shafts, adits, etc.), mined-out cavities, as well as technological wells in the development of solid mineral deposits using the in-situ leaching method;

    b) construction of mine or quarry drainage (systems of water-reducing and drainage wells, underground mine workings);

    c) structures for pumping underground water extracted during mining into the subsoil; mine water disposal systems;

    d) filtration curtains associated with the injection of special solutions into the subsurface;

    e) gas-aerosol and dust emissions;

    f) structures for engineering protection of mine workings from negative impact hazardous geological processes;

    g) autonomous groundwater intakes located on the field area and used for the extraction of groundwater for the purpose of domestic drinking or technical water supply.

    These types of sources of anthropogenic impact primarily affect the state of the subsoil (geological environment), but can also lead to changes in other components of the natural environment (surface water, atmosphere, state of vegetation, state of the earth's surface).

    2.7.2. Sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment (including the geological) environment, not directly related to the process of mining solid minerals, include:

    a) rock dumps, hydraulic dumps, mineral deposits, sludge and tailings dumps of mining and processing plants and factories, settling ponds, storage tanks Wastewater;

    b) canals and pipelines for the drainage of rivers and streams, technical waters and wastewater;

    c) discharges of drainage and waste water into surface watercourses and reservoirs;

    d) technological and household communications;

    e) land reclamation areas:

    f) hazardous engineering-geological processes formed under the influence of anthropogenic activities;

    g) structures for engineering protection of infrastructure facilities from the negative impact of hazardous geological processes.

    These sources of anthropogenic impact influence both the geological environment, thanks mainly to leaks from water-carrying communications, as well as from hydraulic dumps, sludge and tailings dumps, from the sites of industrial enterprises, and on other components of the surrounding natural environment.

    2.8. Taking into account the above, MMTPI includes:

    – regular observations of elements of the geological environment, mine workings and other structures, as well as individual components of the natural environment within the zone of influence on ecosystems of both the actual development of mineral reserves and other economic activities of the mining enterprise (clause 2.7.1 . and 2.7.2.); registration of observed indicators and processing of the information received;

    – creation and maintenance of factual and cartographic information databases, which include the entire set of retrospective and current geological and technological information (and, if necessary, a permanent model of the field), allowing for:

    – assessment of spatiotemporal changes in the state of the geological environment and associated components of the natural environment based on data obtained during the monitoring process;

    – accounting for the movement of mineral reserves and losses during their extraction and processing;

    – accounting of extracted (displaced) rocks;

    – forecasting changes in the state of mining objects and associated environmental components under the influence of mineral extraction, drainage measures and other anthropogenic factors (clauses 2.7.1. and 2.7.2.);

    – warnings about possible negative changes in the state of the geological environment and the necessary adjustments to the technology for extracting mineral reserves;

    Thus, MMTPI is carried out in the area of ​​both the mineral deposit itself and man-made mining facilities, and in the zone of significant influence of subsoil use on the state of the subsoil and other components of the natural environment, changes in which are associated with changes in the geological environment under the influence of the opening and development of a mineral deposit and other economic activities of the mining enterprise.

    2.9. Based on the information obtained during the MMTPI process, decisions are made to ensure management processes for the extraction of mineral raw materials, assessment natural indicators to assign the amount of compensation payments, ensure conditions for the complete extraction of mineral reserves, prevent emergency situations, reduce the negative consequences of operational work on the environment, as well as monitor compliance with the requirements established when providing subsoil for use (requirements of the terms of licenses for the use of subsoil).


    3.1. In accordance with the provisions of Section 2, the MMTPI must cover both the immediate area of ​​mining operations and the zone of significant influence of deposit development and accompanying processes on the state of the subsoil and other components of the natural environment.

    Therefore, in the general case, 3 zones can be distinguished in the MMTPI area:

    Zone I is the zone of direct mining operations and placement of other technological facilities that affect changes in the state of the subsoil within the boundaries of the mining allotment;

    Zone II – zone of significant influence of field development on various components of the geological environment;

    Zone III is a peripheral zone adjacent to the zone of significant influence of field development (background monitoring zone).

    3.1.1. The boundaries of the mining area (zone I) are determined by natural geological and technical and economic factors. In all cases, the upper boundary of the deposit is the surface of the earth, and the lower boundary is the base of the balance reserves of the mineral. Typically, the boundaries of zone I are the boundaries of the mining allotment zone.

    3.1.2. The size of the zone of significant influence of the development of a deposit of solid minerals (zone II) is established by the distribution of areas (areas) of activation of dangerous geological processes under the influence of mineral extraction and a significant disruption of the hydrodynamic regime and structure of groundwater flows within the depression cone.

    According to existing ideas, the zone of significant technogenic influence of an engineering-geological nature should be taken to be an area an order of magnitude larger than the area where production activities are carried out during field development. The largest sizes of territories affected by field development are associated with the development of groundwater depression cones during water reduction and drainage measures. They are determined by hydrogeological conditions and features of the groundwater extraction system, as well as the presence or absence of a drainage water reinjection system. The depression cone expands over time and can reach very significant sizes, especially in pressure strata that have a wide area distribution. At the same time, the radii of the zone of significant influence, where the level decrease is about 10-20% of the decrease in the center of the depression, usually do not exceed 10-20 km in confined formations and a few kilometers in unconfined formations. These figures should be used as a guide when determining the size of the zone of significant development influence.

    When developing small deposits with shallow mineral deposits, in closed hydrogeological structures, as well as when developing deposits above the groundwater level, the zone of significant impact may be limited by mining and land allotment.

    3.1.3. The boundaries of zone III and its area are adopted in such a way that during the monitoring process it is possible to trace background changes in the state of the geological environment, compare them with its changes in zone II and highlight those that are associated with the development of the field and those that are determined by other factors. Therefore, the area of ​​zone III should cover areas with geological and hydrogeological conditions and landscapes developed in zone P.

    3.1.4. In cases where, during the development of a deposit of solid minerals, accompanied by drainage, a hydrodynamic mutual influence of the deposit in question occurs on other deposits of solid minerals and exploited groundwater deposits, the formation of common area influence of a group of fields and water intakes. In these cases, the boundaries of the zone of significant influence of each deposit are taken within a radius of 10-15 km from the mining site and (or) water intake, and the groundwater level is monitored in the remaining area of ​​influence of the entire group of deposits.

    3.1.5. Due to the fact that the zone of significant influence expands over time, the size of the territory controlled during the MMTPI process should be clarified based on the results of monitoring.

    3.1.6. In accordance with the current legislation on subsoil, the organization and conduct of monitoring within zones I and II is carried out by the subsoil user.

    The need and procedure for organizing and conducting monitoring in zone III should be determined by an agreement between the subsoil user and the management body of the state subsoil fund.

    For large mining enterprises, it is advisable for the subsoil user to conduct special observations of changes in the state of the geological environment in zone III, since the information obtained will minimize payments for environmental pollution and will contribute to the rational conduct of mining and related work.

    In other cases, observations in zone III are carried out by the territorial monitoring service.

    3.2. One of the most important tasks of the MMTPI is to assess changes in the state of the geological environment under the influence of changes in hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions associated with the opening and development of a deposit, as well as with other accompanying economic activities.

    3.2.1. Changes in hydrogeological conditions during the opening and development of deposits occur in the following main directions:

    a) Changes in the structure of groundwater flow, the conditions of their supply and discharge due to their selection by water-reducing and drainage systems and a decrease in the groundwater level under the influence of water withdrawal.

    Changes in the conditions of recharge and discharge of groundwater cause a change in the ratio of incoming and outgoing elements of the balance, which is reflected in the regime of groundwater, including the position of their level surfaces. During the process of opening and developing a deposit, the following occurs:

    – a decrease in groundwater levels (pressures), which can be observed both in exploited formations and, with certain mining systems, in adjacent aquifers;

    – reduction or complete cessation of groundwater discharge into rivers and through evaporation from the level groundwater;

    – reduction in flow or complete disappearance of springs;

    – reduction of costs of existing water intakes;

    – reduction of operational groundwater reserves.

    b) Changes in groundwater quality.

    Changes in the quality of groundwater are associated with an increase in water-reducing and drainage systems highly mineralized or substandard water from deep aquifers, contamination of groundwater during mining operations, entry into aquifers of contaminated surface water and pollutants from anthropogenic sources of pollution on the surface. When groundwater interacts with rocks in the mining area (formation of acidic waters with a high content of toxic components), a special chemical composition of mine (drainage) waters is formed.

    3.2.2. Changes in hydrogeological conditions under the influence of anthropogenic sources not directly related to the extraction of minerals (clause 2.7.2.) also occur in the areas listed above - changes in the regime and balance of groundwater and changes in their quality. Changes in the regime and balance of groundwater are associated with leaks from hydraulic dumps, sludge and tailings ponds, settling ponds, wastewater storage tanks, water-carrying communications, etc.

    The penetration of contaminated surface water from these structures, as well as atmospheric water that becomes polluted during movement through rock dumps and industrial enterprise sites, leads to contamination of groundwater, primarily the first aquifer from the surface.

    3.2.3. Changes in engineering-geological and geotectonic conditions, including the occurrence of hazardous geological processes, occur in the following main directions:

    a) Development of deformations in the rock mass and on the earth's surface due to changes in the stress state, fracturing and physical and mechanical properties of rocks, as well as as a result of the displacement of rocks over the mined-out space and the formation of subsidence troughs.

    b) Deformation of rock masses and soils in the edge and edge parts of quarries, waste heap slopes and dump slopes, activation of natural and occurrence of man-made exogenous geological processes in adjacent territories due to the violation of the static position of rocks.

    c) Subsidence of the earth's surface as a result of compaction of rocks during their secondary consolidation in the process of water reduction and drainage.

    d) The emergence or activation of karst-suffosion processes due to an increase in the flow filtration gradient, intensified dissolution of carbonate rocks and the removal of loose filler from open cavities.

    e) uplift (deformation) of the soil or the bottom of mine workings as a result of stress relief during mining of the overlying rock mass and as a result of swelling when moistened.

    f) Activation of endogenous processes (man-made earthquakes, rock bursts).

    3.2.4. Changes in geocryological conditions are expressed in changes in the temperature regime of permafrost rocks in underground mine workings, in quarries, in the area where engineering and technical facilities are located, and the associated processes of permafrost thawing, the manifestation of thermokarst, heaving, etc.

    3.2.5. Changes in mining-geological, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions during the development of solid mineral deposits are interrelated, which must be taken into account when setting up and conducting monitoring.

    3.3. The opening and development of deposits of solid minerals, as well as other accompanying economic activities, in addition to changes in hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions, can also lead to changes in other components of the natural environment caused by these changes in the geological environment. The main possible changes in other components of the natural environment are as follows:

    a) Reduction or even periodic cessation of river flow in certain areas by reducing the natural discharge of groundwater into rivers and attracting river water into mine workings.

    b) An increase in river flow in other areas due to the discharge of mine and quarry waters.

    c) Changes in natural landscapes associated with changes in the groundwater level in the first aquifer from the surface, subsidence of the earth's surface, and changes in the hydrographic network. These processes can lead to suppression or death of vegetation, over-drainage of agricultural lands, drainage of swamps, or, conversely, to swamping of the territory.

    d) Pollution of atmospheric air, soil and ground with chemical and mineral substances during dust and gas emissions, as well as the impact of this pollution on flora and fauna.

    e) Pollution of surface waters as a result of the discharge of mine or quarry waters, wastewater from associated industries, filtration through tailings and sludge storage dams, discharge of contaminated groundwater into rivers, etc.

    3.4. Due to the different nature of the manifestation of processes of change in the state of the geological environment at developed deposits of solid minerals, and associated processes of change in other components of the natural environment, the structure and content of monitoring at each specific site will be largely determined by the complexity of geological, hydrogeological, engineering, geological, geocryological conditions of the deposit and the conditions for its development (system of deposit development and system of protection of mine workings from groundwater).

    The main factors determining the structure and content of field monitoring are:

    – the nature of the occurrence of rocks, the degree of variability of their composition and properties, features of the tectonic structure, the presence of fracturing and karst formation;

    – the presence within the mining area of ​​mineral deposits of potentially unstable, easily deformable rock masses that are prone to the development of exogenous geological processes;

    – the nature of occurrence and conditions of distribution of aquifers, variability in the thickness and filtration properties of water-bearing rocks, the amount of water inflow into mine workings;

    – depth and nature of mineral deposits;

    – the complexity of the hydrochemical situation, the presence of highly mineralized and carbonated groundwater involved in the watering of the field;

    – the presence or absence of a permanent source of water entering the mine workings (a river, a flooded highly permeable aquifer overlying the mineral resource being mined);

    – presence and nature of occurrence of permafrost;

    – the nature of the variability of the physical, mechanical and water-physical properties of rocks, which determine the stability of the sides of quarries and underground mine workings, the activation or occurrence of exogenous geological processes;

    – technological scheme of opening, system and technology of deposit development, speed of mining operations and their development in area and depth;

    – the nature and intensity of the impact of deposit development on landscape conditions, surface waters and other components of the natural environment;

    – the need (or lack thereof) to use special methods for excavating mine workings and special schemes for combating groundwater (filtration curtains, production water injection systems, etc.);

    – the presence of groundwater intakes within the area influenced by the drainage of solid mineral deposits;

    – availability of facilities for storage, processing and transportation of minerals and mining waste;

    – the need to carry out special measures for engineering protection from hazardous geological processes.

    It is these factors that must be taken into account when designing and monitoring solid mineral deposits.


    4.1. The MMTPI system generally includes two interconnected subsystems:

    a) a subsystem for conducting and documenting observations and collecting information;

    4.1.1. The subsystem for conducting and documenting observations and collecting information includes observations of the objects listed in Section 3. In addition, in some cases, other components of the environment, including meteorological conditions, may be additional objects of observation.

    The main source of information about the state of the geological environment and other components of the natural environment are observation networks consisting of observation points, which can be capital and operational mine workings, water wells, special structures for monitoring groundwater, rocks, geological processes, surface waters, landscapes, etc. (observation wells, springs, benchmarks, hydrometric sections, special observation platforms, etc.). If the area of ​​significant influence is large, when developing deposits of solid minerals or when monitoring a group of deposits, materials obtained using remote sensing can be used as an additional source of information about the state of the geological environment and other components of the natural environment.

    The number and layout of observation points, the frequency and methodology of observations are determined by many geological, technological and natural factors and must be established individually in each specific case. At the same time, some general principles, the main of which include:

    a) The formation of observation networks should begin in the process of geological exploration, mainly at the “field exploration” stage, especially in those fields, the exploration of which is carried out by mining using experimental dewatering. In developed fields, networks must be expanded and transformed in accordance with the development of mining operations and increased water withdrawal. Further transformation of networks should be related to the provision of observations during the transition from open-pit to underground mining, as well as after conservation or liquidation of mining operations.

    b) The observation network should be formed taking into account the peculiarities of mining-geological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological, geocryological conditions of the MTPI, the adopted system for its opening and development, the system for placing structures for the storage, processing and transportation of minerals and mining waste and provide information for forecasting and management decision making. If necessary, the information obtained should ensure the development of geofiltration, geomigration and geomechanical models. In particular, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:

    – with a multi-layered structure of the water-bearing environment, it is necessary to create tiered nodes of observation points, equipped for different aquifers or for different intervals of occurrence of a powerful aquifer, and in some cases - also for low-permeability separating sediments;

    – if there are groundwater intakes and reinjection systems on the field area and in the zone of significant influence of its development, observation wells should be located throughout the entire area of ​​hydrodynamic disturbance, while some observation points should be located between the water extraction and injection systems;

    – when deposits are confined to hydrodynamically limited (closed) formations, observation wells should be located on both sides of the formation boundary;

    – observation points in mine workings (geological engineering sites, benchmarks, wells, sensors) should be located in places of identified and potentially possible deformation of workings; manifestations of rock bursts caused by rock outbursts and increased voltages; development of fracturing, thawing of permafrost;

    – if there are sludge and tailings ponds, settling ponds, wastewater storage tanks, and other structures in the study area, the operation of which can lead to changes in the balance and quality of groundwater, observation points, mainly on the first aquifer from the surface, should be equipped in the area active impact of these objects on the environment.

    c) Observation points for hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological indicators and observations at these points must be interconnected. In addition, when placing observation wells to study aquifers, it is necessary to take into account the possibility and feasibility of connecting these points with observation points equipped for surface water bodies, vegetation, etc.

    d) All observation points must be protected from unauthorized access and have an instrumental reference in plan and altitude. The marks from which water levels are measured must have an instrumental altitude reference, the level of which must be periodically checked. All observations of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the state of the geological and other components of the surrounding natural environment carried out in the monitoring system of solid mineral deposits can be divided into two groups: standard (mandatory), carried out at all or most deposits, and special (additional) – carried out at individual deposits and requiring special, in some cases non-standard, equipment and the organization of special observations.

    Typical observable indicators include:

    – data on the increase in mineral reserves;

    – quantity and quality of minerals extracted from the subsoil;

    – volume of rocks extracted from the subsoil;

    – progress in the development of mining operations and the condition of mine workings;

    – the amount of withdrawal of mine and drainage waters from external and internal water intake systems;

    – the amount of discharge of pumped and waste water into various elements of the drainage system, including the volume (flow rate) of pumped water in reinjection systems;

    – leaks from settling ponds, wastewater storage tanks and other similar structures;

    – groundwater levels of all aquifers involved in the flooding of mine workings and experiencing the impact of economic activities;

    physical properties, chemical composition and temperature of underground and mine waters;

    – physical properties, chemical composition and temperature of all types of wastewater discharged into surface water bodies, as well as the quality of surface waters above and below the discharge points.

    Observable specific indicators may include:

    – expenses of springs;

    – groundwater levels in the horizons adjacent to those involved in the watering of mine workings and in the first groundwater horizon from the surface (in cases where it is not directly involved in the watering of mine workings);

    – surface water flows and levels; drying out and freezing, ice runoff;

    – condition of mine workings and their fastening;

    – condition of wellheads, filters and casing pipes of water intake and observation wells, condition of pumping equipment;

    – physical and mechanical properties and fracturing of rocks;

    – the number and size of karst sinkholes, changes in their sizes;

    – plan-vertical deformations of the day surface to assess the subsidence of undermined areas;

    – data from geodetic and mine surveying observations of deformations of slopes and sides of quarries to assess the development of landslide processes;

    – changes in the state of swamps, species composition and habit of vegetation;

    – air pollution;

    – man-made earthquakes and rock bursts;

    – temperature of permafrost rocks, as well as their physical, mechanical and thermophysical properties.

    In specific conditions, the list of observed special indicators can be specified. Documentation of observations must include logs of observations of the indicators listed in clause as well as accounting for groundwater extracted from the subsoil and injected into the subsoil.

    The forms of observation logs are agreed upon with the territorial bodies managing the subsoil fund. The main requirement for the forms of observation logs is their machine-oriented nature.

    In cases where the field has organized automated collection of all or part of the information obtained during MMTPI and maintains a computer database, direct data entry from memory may be provided measuring instruments to the computer. In cases where observations of other components of the environment (surface water, weather conditions, state of vegetation, etc.) are carried out by other organizations in the area of ​​the field and (or) the zone of significant influence of its operation, the collection of materials from these observations must be organized.

    4.1.2. Information processing and forecasting subsystem. A mandatory element of the information processing and forecasting subsystem is a database containing data on both constant (conditionally constant) and variable (observable) indicators. The database can be maintained either automatically or manually, depending on the number of observed points and the amount of information received. It is used for information services to subsoil users and management bodies of the state subsoil fund. For deposits located in difficult mining-geological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions, a special automated information and forecasting system (AIPS) can be created, which includes an automated data bank (database) and a permanent mathematical model of the deposit.

    In certain conditions, for example, in the presence of a number of hydrodynamically interacting MTPIs and groundwater intakes or when there are different mineral resources located on the floors (fresh groundwater, solid minerals, thermal power and industrial waters, oil and gas), in addition to the AIPS, a separate MTPI should be created AIPS of the mining region. Such an AIPS is created either by a separate mining company, if all developed mineral deposits and groundwater intakes are under its jurisdiction, or by a territorial subsoil condition monitoring service, when several subsoil users are located in the area under consideration. Processing of MMTPI data consists of preparing materials for analyzing observations of the studied indicators of the state of the subsoil and other components of the natural environment. It consists of constructing the necessary maps and sections, graphs and tables, statistical processing of observational data, including the use of statistical methods for time series analysis, as well as correlation analysis. Forecasting the state of the subsoil and other components of the natural environment can be carried out various methods– hydrodynamic, including mathematical modeling on a computer; hydraulic, probabilistic-statistical, formally logical, methods of analogy, methods of expert assessments. The choice of method is determined by the complexity of mining, hydrogeoecological conditions, forecasting tasks, knowledge of the deposit and physical mechanisms ongoing processes, the specific weight of regime-forming factors.

    Forecasting carried out in the field monitoring system can be divided into three types: current, operational and long-term. Current forecasting is carried out for a very short subsequent period of operation (up to several months) in connection with the development of mining operations and changes in their technology, as well as changes in water management and climatic conditions.

    Operational forecasting is carried out systematically based on the results of annual operation for a short-term (1–3 years) period.

    4.2. Specific requirements for the MMTPI program are determined by the terms of the license, recommendations of the State Reserves Committee (GKZ) or RKZ and the project for the development of a mineral deposit.

    4.3. Depending on the complexity of mining-geological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions, the adopted system of opening and development of MTPI, the composition of observed indicators, the content and structure of monitoring can vary significantly. In this regard, several classes of MMTPI can be identified, and the factors listed in Section 3.4 can serve as the basis for identifying individual classes.

    Since in real conditions the complicating factors that determine the complexity of deposit development are often interrelated, for practical purposes the following three classes of monitoring of solid mineral deposits can be distinguished.

    4.3.1. ClassI.

    Class I monitoring is carried out at solid mineral deposits characterized by simple hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geocryological, mining-geological and other development conditions. Mining of minerals in such deposits does not have a significant impact on the environment.

    All issues related to forecasting the development conditions of these deposits can be reliably resolved during their exploration. At the field, it is enough to conduct standard observations related to payments for the extraction of main and associated minerals and compensation payments for environmental damage.

    The processing system usually includes a database implemented on personal computer, which is used to assess the condition of the field and predict its changes.

    4.2.2. ClassII.

    Class II monitoring is carried out in fields, the development of which, unlike fields where class I monitoring is carried out, can have a significant impact on environmental components (rock masses, surface water bodies, existing groundwater intakes, landscape conditions, activation of exogenous processes and others ).

    Class II monitoring, in addition to standard observed objects, may include special observed objects (rock masses, surface water bodies, landscape conditions, exogenous geological processes, earth's surface and others).

    The composition of standard observations is similar to Class I monitoring.

    The data processing system is also basically similar to the class I system. In complex cases, AIPS can be created.

    4.3.3. ClassIII.

    Class III monitoring is carried out in deposits where a combination of complicating factors poses a threat of major accidents (flooding, explosions, etc.) at the mining enterprise or leads to severe environmental consequences in the adjacent territory.

    Monitoring of the third class should also include monitoring of MTPI, if deposits of other minerals are being developed within the study area, or if there are several interacting MTPI and groundwater intakes.

    The composition of class III monitoring is justified by programs that should be developed with the involvement of specialized organizations.

    4.3.4. Assignment of monitoring of a specific solid mineral deposit to a particular class should be carried out based on the results of exploration work at the deposit and analysis of the experience of its operation. In cases where the available materials do not allow us to confidently identify a monitoring class, it is advisable to assign it to a lower class with subsequent clarification based on observational data for the first period of operation.

    4.4. If there are several interacting deposits in any area belonging to different subsoil users, in addition to the object monitoring carried out by specific subsoil users within the boundaries of the deposit and the zone of its significant influence, territorial monitoring of the zone of influence of all interacting mining enterprises is carried out, as already indicated.


    5.1. The organization of the MMTPI system and its implementation is an integral part of field development. Funding for organizing and maintaining monitoring is provided by:

    – own funds of the subsoil user who has received a license to use the subsoil for geological study and (or) mining;

    – part of the deductions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base, left at the disposal of the subsoil user for carrying out geological exploration work.

    5.2. The basic requirements for monitoring simple deposits of solid minerals are formulated in licenses.

    5.3. It is advisable to create monitoring of complex deposits (class II and III) in stages on the basis of specially developed programs.

    5.3.1. Stage 1. Development of a program for creating and maintaining MMTPI.

    The program for creating and maintaining field monitoring is developed in accordance with the monitoring requirements established in the license and must contain the following sections:

    – purpose and specific tasks of monitoring;

    – justification for the monitoring class;

    – identification of main and additional objects of observation and the composition of observed indicators;

    – establishing the composition and location of points of the observed network;

    – justification of the designs of observation points and their equipment with special means of measuring and recording various indicators of the state of the rock mass, its individual blocks, groundwater and associated geophysical fields and exogenous geological processes;

    – observation methodology;

    – observation data documentation system;

    – the feasibility of creating an automated system for recording the collection and processing of information;

    – the structure and composition of the database, the range of computer equipment and other technical means, the composition of the software necessary for their maintenance;

    – data processing and forecasting;

    – composition, form and timing of data transfer to the subsoil fund management body;

    – automation of the monitoring system;

    – stages of creation of monitoring;

    – consolidated estimated financial indicators.

    The developed Program is coordinated with the territorial body for managing the subsoil fund and state mining supervision. To prepare the Program, the first stage includes two auxiliary substages. Substage 1. Collection, systematization and analysis of documentation for the mining enterprise (field exploration materials, copies of protocols for approving reserves of main and associated minerals, and others necessary materials), basic design decisions for mining the deposit, assessing the impact of mining and processing production on the environment. Substage 2. Survey of the condition of the deposit, including the condition of mine workings, drainage wells, identified and potential manifestations of exogenous geological processes, etc. The survey is organized and financed by the subsoil user at its own expense. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is drawn up.

    5.3.2. Stage 2. Drawing up a project for the creation and maintenance of MMTPI.

    Unlike a program, a work project for the creation and maintenance of field monitoring is drawn up for a certain period (from 1 year to 3-5 years).

    1) Characteristics of general natural conditions, analysis of exploration and development conditions of the deposit.

    2) Structure of field monitoring (goals and objectives, justification for the monitoring class and selection of observation objects, the principle of placement and equipment of observation points, the structure and composition of the database and the system for their development).

    3) Justification of the layout and equipment of the observation network, methods and technology of observations (for each observation object).

    4) Justification of the composition of the database and software for its maintenance.

    5) A system for processing data and solving forecast problems (if necessary, justification of AIPS and PDM).

    6) The composition of information transmitted to the management bodies of the state subsoil fund.

    7) Stages of organizing monitoring and deadlines for their implementation.

    8) Cost of work on creating and maintaining monitoring.

    Depending on complexity geological structure, geological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions, intensity of field development, its national economic significance, etc., the content of individual sections of the project may change, and some sections may not be included in the project.

    The MMTPI project, carried out at the expense of contributions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base, must undergo examination by the Federal body for managing the state subsoil fund or its territorial body.

    5.3.3. Stage 3. Creation of a network of observation points, equipping them with measuring devices, conducting observations, organizing a database, developing (if necessary) AIPS.

    5.3.4. Stage 4. Conducting observations, maintaining a data bank, assessing the state of the geological environment of the field and the adjacent territory and predicting its changes, if necessary, adjusting the structure of the observation network and the composition of observed indicators.

    5.4. To carry out work on creating monitoring (including developing a project) or on its individual elements, it is advisable to involve specialized organizations.

    5.5. The development of programs, projects and maintenance of MMTPI should be carried out in a single information space, providing for the use of common: regulatory and methodological framework, forms and formats for presenting information, classifier systems used in the system of state monitoring of the geological environment.


    6.1. The procedure for conservation and liquidation of production facilities for the use of subsoil is regulated by the “Instruction on the procedure for deregistration of enterprises engaged in the extraction of mineral resources”, approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on July 18, 1997 and the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia on September 17, 1997, and by the Instruction on the procedure for conducting work on liquidation and conservation hazardous production facilities associated with the use of subsoil”, approved by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia on June 2, 1999 No. 33 and registered by the Ministry of Justice on June 25, 1999 No. 000.

    According to the noted “Instructions...”, all work on the liquidation of mine workings can be carried out only after the issues regarding the balance sheet ownership of mineral reserves have been resolved in the prescribed manner.

    The mothballing or liquidation of a mining enterprise is carried out according to the project in compliance with the requirements of industrial safety, protection of subsoil and the environment. As part of a project for the conservation or liquidation of an object related to the use of subsoil, monitoring observations are justified.

    6.2. The purpose of monitoring a deposit during the conservation or liquidation of a mining enterprise is to provide information to the management bodies of the state subsoil fund for making management decisions on the conservation of mineral reserves in the area of ​​the deposit itself and in adjacent areas, as well as minimizing the impact of the consequences of conservation or liquidation of the enterprise on the geological environment, which are closely related with it other components of the natural environment and living conditions of people.

    6.3. To achieve this goal, the monitoring system of a mothballed or liquidated object solves problems that practically coincide with the tasks of monitoring developed deposits of solid minerals. Specific monitoring tasks are justified in the project of conservation or liquidation of production facilities associated with the use of subsoil.

    The most significant during conservation (liquidation) of objects are the following negative processes:

    – deterioration in the quality of groundwater due to flooding of mine workings;

    – flooding of undermined areas or those located in low areas of the relief and changes in the landscape;

    – deterioration of soil water-salt balance;

    – pollution of underground aquifers used for domestic and drinking water supply to the population;

    – penetration of harmful gases into surface structures and the atmosphere;

    – activation of dangerous engineering-geological processes (landslides, landslides, etc.) during open-pit mining of mineral reserves;

    – displacement of the earth’s surface over underground mine workings with the formation of failures and unacceptable deformations of the earth’s surface, damage to buildings, structures, underground and above-ground communications.

    6.4. The structure and content of monitoring of a mothballed or liquidated object is also not fundamentally different from the structure and content of monitoring of deposits of solid minerals during their development. A specific issue during conservation and liquidation is the duration of observations. In canning, this is the conservation time; during liquidation - a period of stabilization of the hydrodynamic regime and the active phase of displacement of rocks and the earth's surface.


    AIPS – automated information and forecasting system;

    GKZ – State Commission for Mineral Reserves;

    MTPI – solid mineral deposit;

    MMTPI – monitoring of solid mineral deposits;

    PDM is a permanent model;

    RKZ – regional commission for mineral reserves;

    TKZ – territorial commission for mineral reserves.

    Depending on the terms of licenses for the use of subsoil, such water intakes can be both an object of MMTPI and an object of groundwater monitoring.

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