What is bovine hematogen made from? What is hematogen actually made from?

It’s very rare that a trip to a store or pharmacy with a child is complete without buying some treats. The list of products or medicines sometimes includes a treat called “Hematogen”. The sweetness that children and adults love has not only gastronomic, but also medicinal value. Known back in the Soviet years, it has retained its popularity until these times. Every parent, when choosing a product for a child, often reads the composition, so the question of what hematogen is made from worries many.

What is hematogen made from?

It’s unlikely that any of us in childhood would have guessed that hematogen was made from bovine blood. Most, having heard this from older friends, perceived it as a “comic horror story.” But only the parents knew for sure that the sweet bar, similar to toffee, was made from the blood of farm animals (cattle).

The history of this useful product began more than 120 years ago. Swiss doctor Adolf Gomel invented a medicine in liquid form, which consisted of bovine blood and chicken egg yolks. Hematogen was used in the form of a mixture that was given to patients. The process of evolution introduced its changes to the recipe for preparing the medicine: it was boiled, dried, processed, pressed and sugar was added.

In the USSR, a useful product began to be produced in post-war times, during a period when the welfare of the population deteriorated and children were exhausted by the war. That's when active food supplement appeared in solid form and with various additions. But it acquired its modern form after 1950. Since these times, the officially documented composition of hematogen has been found:

  • “processed blood” (dried) – 5%,
  • ascorbic acid(vitamin C) – 0.12%,
  • sweeteners.

Nowadays, hematogen is used as a means that stimulates hematopoiesis due to its high iron content. In simple words– increases hemoglobin. To make it clear how it affects the red pigment of the blood, let’s look at the theory one by one. The word hemoglobin itself contains the root heme, which “lives” in the gland. There are two types of microelement:

  • hemic iron is found in the heme molecule. We get it from animal tissue (poultry, red meat);
  • non-hemic comes from plant foods.

Hemic iron is absorbed by the body several times better. Low hemoglobin is almost impossible to raise with plant foods. Therefore, when treating anemia, scientists used hemic iron and the results were very effective. With the development of medicine, bovine blood began to be processed to reduce the likelihood of infection of the population. Animal blood is a potential carrier of many diseases. Today, most sweet bars contain either processed bovine blood or synthetic hemoglobin.

Composition of hematogen according to GOST

When making a tasty candy bar, manufacturers must adhere to state standards. Many businessmen, in order to make the product cheaper, change the recipe and add substitutes that have only taste value, but not medicinal value. On the sales market you can see the name: hematogen, hematogenKa, hematogen with pine nuts, new hematogen, children's, etc. Everything is to your taste and desire to eat delicious sweetness with beneficial properties. But after reading the composition of hematogen, it becomes obvious that many are substituting concepts and standards.

Hematogen - was always tasty and useful product. Useful because it was prepared from the dried blood of cattle.

This is a natural product very rich in iron, protein, carbohydrates and minerals. Hematogen is recommended for people with reduced hemoglobin in the blood, impaired vision, pregnant women, and children. Especially for those in whose body there is a lack of iron.

The hematogen came to Russia in the form of a mixture of bovine blood and egg yolk.

It was first released in Switzerland by Hommel back in 1890.

Hematogen began to be produced in the form of tiles in Russia after the 1917 revolution. It was necessary to compensate for the inadequate nutrition of children and soldiers of the Red Army.

Hematogen stimulates hematopoiesis well. In the 20s, this drug began to be produced en masse. It can be consumed by almost everyone as a dietary supplement.

The composition of hematogen includes

  • black food albumin (this is dried “bovine blood”);
  • starch syrup;
  • condensed milk with sugar;
  • vanillin.

That's what it is classic recipe hematogen according to GOST. 100 grams of product contains 354 kcal. All carbohydrates in Hematogen are easily digestible, so those who are on a diet should better refrain from consuming this product, or consult a nutritionist.

Nowadays, most manufacturers use only blood components, and hematogen is no longer always a natural product.

Someone adds nuts, raisins, rose hips, and such a hematogen can no longer be called a medicinal product. However, for children, this replacement of an ordinary chocolate bar will be more useful.

Gematogen - biologically active food supplement, which contains black food albumin (dried stabilized blood or red blood cells of cattle) and other additives. This drug is mistakenly considered a healthy treat. Moreover, in some cases, taking hematogen is strictly prohibited. Delicious “candy” can do more harm than good to your health.

Black food albumin is dried stabilized whole blood or blood cells of agricultural animals and contains a huge number of allergens, primarily from erythrocyte membranes. For this reason, when consuming Hematogen, made from black food albumin, allergic reactions are detected in children and adults. These phenomena are aggravated by regular use of this product to correct anemic conditions.

Hematogen production technology

Hematogen is obtained by mixing sugar syrup, condensed milk and molasses, which are heated to 125 C. When the mass is cooled to 60 C, black food albumin is added to it. It is a powder of pure hemoglobin, which is extracted from bovine or pig blood. Red blood cell concentrate - main distinctive feature hematogen.

It is well known that to stabilize stored blood, polyphosphates are used, which bind and remove calcium from the body. Leading experts in baby nutrition have long paid attention to this fact (Ustinova, head of the baby food laboratory at the All-Russian Research Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, etc.). This fact is aggravated by the fact that manufacturers actually use phosphate concentrations that are 3-4 times higher than the norm.

Another problem is the quality of animal blood. Statistics show that in most cases it is oversaturated with hormones and steroids, medications, and stimulants. All these impurities will certainly end up in the hematogen bar in the future. Purifying blood and obtaining hemoglobin without impurities is not economically profitable. Its value would increase at least 10 times. You should not trust the packaging with hematogen, on which the manufacturer indicated: there is no black food albumin, the source of iron is purified hemoglobin. It is unlikely that this dietary supplement was manufactured using membrane technologies, chromatography and freeze dryers.


So, what are the risks of eating “safe” hematogen bars? We talked above about the dubious quality of purifying animal blood from impurities. However, this is not the only problem that a consumer may encounter. You never know where this blood came from. Often, under the guise of hemoglobin or black food albumin, blood products are imported into Russia, which are not certified for use in children’s nutrition and are potentially hazardous to health. They are supplied from neighboring countries that have been subject to radioactive contamination after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Ukraine and Belarus), as well as from Western countries where cases of bovine spongiform encephalitis are common.


The effectiveness of hematogen is also a controversial issue. Its digestion in the human body is a rather labor-intensive process, which most likely provokes the formation of putrefactive microflora.

The low efficiency of dietary albumin is explained by the fact that the digestion of this product is extremely difficult for proteolytic enzymes due to the stability of the membranes of dried aggregated red blood cells. It is known that iron can only be absorbed in the duodenum (26 cm long), that is, where black food albumin is located for the most part in an undigested state. Entering the large intestine, the remains of undigested protein stimulate the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Allergic reactions are a common companion regular use this medicinal delicacy.

And, by the way, do not forget that black food albumin is a product that is obtained by killing animals and expressing their blood. There is no need to talk about what kind of energy this supplement has. However, less impressionable natures may ignore this point.


Albumin is a protein that is an integral structural component of the blood of every person. It is produced in large quantities in the liver, regulates osmotic pressure, and performs a transport function. Its level in the blood is an indicator of the healthy state of the body.

A decrease in the amount of albumin can be associated with various processes and diseases. The causes are often: malnutrition, diseases of internal organs, malabsorption, endocrine diseases, consumption medicines. A blood test will help establish an accurate diagnosis. By the way, albumin in the urine (microalbuminuria) may indicate nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, which may well result from excessive consumption of hematogen.

All of the above facts cast doubt on the possibility of using products based on black food albumin in the organized nutrition of children and adolescents.

Hematogen is a healthy tasty sweet, familiar to many from early childhood. Hematogen can be classified as a multivitamin supplement, which contains iron and helps in hematopoiesis. Translated from Greek, “hematogen” literally means “birth of blood.” Why hematogen is useful, what it is made from and when and how much it should be consumed, read on.

Hematogen was first produced in Switzerland by Friedrich Hommel in 1890 and was called “Hommel's Hematogen”. It was a liquid preparation in the form of a mixture of ox blood and egg white, and not the one we are used to today, reminiscent of a candy bar.

This hematogen was also sold in Russia until the beginning of the last century, until several enterprises were created in the then Soviet Union, which began producing hematogen in 1924.

Although this drug is more than a century old, it has not lost its relevance and today to this day it performs the same function as it did more than a hundred years ago. And today children also ask their mothers to buy a tasty hematogen bar. And the whole secret lies in its unique composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, proteins and, of course, iron. And he's also sweet.

What is hematogen composition made from?

Hematogen is a kind of medicine. Rich in vitamins and enzymes and designed to increase hemoglobin and treat anemia. Hematogen is a good source of iron and protein, which stimulate the process of hematopoiesis.

The main ingredient of hematogen is albumin, obtained from defibrinated cattle blood. Accompanying components are usually sugar, ascorbic acid, condensed milk, nuts, honey, molasses, chocolate and other flavoring additives.

In addition to iron and protein, the Hematogen bar contains everything necessary for the body amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, mineral compounds. Moreover, in proportions that are very close to the composition of our blood.

Hematogen can be called both a medicine and a prophylactic agent. It is often used in the treatment of anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency. At the same time, it can provide the body with the required amount of vitamin A.

How is hematogen useful?

Hematogen was invented to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. But the properties of this therapeutic and prophylactic agent do not end there.

Hematogen is capable of:

Improve vision;

Normalize digestion;

Improve metabolism;

Strengthen mucous membranes;

Renders positive influence on the respiratory system;

Increases defenses and resistance to colds;

Stimulates the production of iron in the blood;

Promotes growth in children;

Improves appetite in adults and children.

How medicine, in addition to the main treatment, Hematogen can be taken for:

Low hemoglobin;

Slow growth;

Unbalanced diet;

Flu and colds;

Infectious diseases;

Various chronic diseases;

Physical exhaustion;

Eye diseases;

IN rehabilitation period after operation;

Recovery period after cancer treatment.

Hematogen improves the delivery of oxygen to the cells of tissues and organs and increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions. As an addition to the main treatment, it can be used in the treatment of diseases. gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Hematogen helps to quickly restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

How to take Hematogen

Hematogen is more of a dietary supplement than a medicine. It still does not cure, but helps maintain optimal balance and health. Many people buy a hematogen bar at the pharmacy and eat it all at once. Usually no one buys or accepts it as a course. But doctors believe that it would be better to eat this tasty delicacy over a certain period, and not from time to time.

In principle, as a dietary supplement, it is not prohibited to anyone and anyone can pamper themselves with it. But there is still a certain category of people who should abstain or first consult a doctor before buying hematogen. But this category will be discussed a little later.

The daily norm of hematogen for an adult is 40 grams, i.e. You only need to eat 8 cubes during the day.

For people experiencing significant physical activity or working in hazardous working conditions – 50 grams. Pregnant women can eat the same amount, but not everyone. There is a category of women in this position who are not allowed to eat it at all.

For children under 15 years old - no more than 25 - 30 grams.

When using hematogen, you must follow certain rules.

Firstly, you first need to study the composition and instructions for use on the packaging. True, admission rules are not always indicated. But the composition, or rather the composition of components that improve the taste, is now quite extensive. There is hematogen with honey and bee products, nuts, sugar syrup and fructose.

When consuming it, it is still better to stick to the norm and eat it not at one time, but divide it into 2-3 doses.

Hematogen can stain your teeth, so it is better to drink it with plain water. It is strictly forbidden to drink it with milk, tea, coffee, fruit or vegetable juices.

Milk and dairy products contain a lot of calcium, and calcium interferes with the absorption and absorption of iron.

It is better to take Hematogen with food, i.e. immediately after breakfast, lunch or dinner. The exception is meat, fish, liver, and dishes made from whole grains or cereals. In this case, you need to eat the hematogen after 2 hours. Or an hour before eating such food. The fact is that these products make it difficult to absorb iron.

If you have any health problems, it is still better to take Hematogen as a course, albeit for 3 weeks.

If you drink a complex of vitamins, then you need to leave a gap of at least 2 hours between consuming hematogen and taking vitamins.

This also applies to antibiotics. You need to drink or inject them at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after consuming the hematogen.

If you are taking medications with a high potassium content or following a salt-free diet, then it is better not to use hematogen for now or consult with your doctor on how best to combine this intake.

Hematogen overdose

When consumed in large quantities of hematogen, an overdose and side effects are possible. In such cases, you may experience:

Frequent urination;

Gastric bleeding may occur, especially if hematogen is taken during an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers;

Increased or abnormal heart rate;

Muscle weakness.

An overdose can occur when taking hematogen and multivitamin complexes simultaneously. Excess vitamins A, E, K, D can lead to:

Severe abdominal pain;

Bloody diarrhea;

Loss of appetite;

Hair loss;

Peeling of the skin;

Body tingling or feeling of overheating;

Change menstrual cycle;

Severe headache;

Pain in joints, back and muscles;

Changes in heart rate.

There may be blood in the urine and stool, tarry black stool, pale skin, and slight bruising.

Harm and side effects when using hematogen

In principle, hematogen is harmless. The main harm may be due to large simultaneous use. Some people may have individual intolerance, which may manifest itself:

An allergic reaction to the skin in the form of a rash, urticaria;

swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue;

Pain in the chest or throat when swallowing;

In this case, you need to stop taking Hematogen and consult a doctor.

After consumption, an unpleasant aftertaste may appear, reminiscent of the taste of iron.

It is prohibited to use hematogen:

Patients with diabetes mellitus;

For obesity;

If there is a predisposition to thrombophlebitis;

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Compatibility of Hematogen with other drugs

Hematogen is often prescribed by doctors as a complementary strengthening agent in the treatment of certain diseases. But there are medications with which hematogen is incompatible and can enhance or weaken the therapeutic effect. Such drugs include:


Some heart medications;

From high blood pressure;


Painkillers such as ibuprofen, diclofinac and others.

Concomitant use with hematogen can cause a number of side effects. Therefore, you need to warn your doctor that you are taking Hematogen or stop taking it during treatment.

Where to buy hematogen

Hematogen is sold in pharmacies. Sometimes it can be seen on supermarket shelves in the diet food departments.

The shelf life is usually indicated on the packaging. It can be stored under normal room conditions.

How is hematogen useful for children?

Hematogen is especially useful for children. It is not without reason that the main purpose of producing hematogen in the Soviet Union was to improve nutrition and treatment of children and soldiers of the Soviet Army. Those nutrients contained in the Hematogen bar play a very important role important role for the development of the child's body. Proteins, macro and microelements, vitamins help normalize and maintain proper metabolism in children.

It is useful for children to take Hematogen when:

Low hemoglobin;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Lack of vitamins in the body;

Poor nutrition and lack of appetite;

Experienced stressful situations;

Growth retardation.

Hematogen will be useful for a child who has suffered serious illnesses, including infectious ones.

Hematogen can be given to children after the age of three. Some doctors recommend starting to give it only from the age of five. Therefore, on this issue, you can give your child Hematogen; it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

The daily dose should be for:

Children aged 3 to 6 years – 5 grams per dose three times a day;

Children aged 6 to 12 years – 10 grams per dose twice a day;

For children over 12 years old – 10 grams per dose three times a day.

As a rule, a hematogen tile is divided into 10 cubes, each of which weighs 10 grams. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the required amount.

Is there bovine blood in hematogen

The answer to this question is both “yes” and “no”. Hematogen today is made from albumin obtained from the blood of cattle, which includes bulls. Albumin is a whey protein obtained from bovine blood plasma.

But today there is no pure bovine blood from which the first hematogen was made in the form of a mixture. Watch the video to see how hematogen is made today.

Hematogen Russian

Russian Hematogen is produced by PC Pharm-Pro LLC, located in the Novosibirsk region. This manufacturer has a whole line of dietary supplement Hematogen with various fillers: pine nuts, hazelnuts, coconut flakes and others.

There is a children's option. It’s called “Russian Hematogen for children.” The composition of children's hematogen contains only the main components: condensed milk, vanillin, starch syrup and black food albumin.

The packaging indicates consumption standards for children and adults, as well as shelf life and conditions. The weight of the bar is 40 grams, which is divided into 8 bars.

Is it possible to use hematogen for pancreatitis?

The use of hematogen is not strictly prohibited for this disease. But you need to take into account the calorie content of the product and the amount of sugar in it. A standard Hematogen bar without additives contains 76 gamma carbohydrates and 345 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, you can occasionally pamper yourself with it, but excluding other high-carbohydrate foods that day and big amount Sahara.

Is hematogen useful for athletes?

Hematogen contains proteins - the main construction material for muscles. In addition, there are other useful material. Therefore, hematogen can be eaten after long workouts and with large physical activity. You just need to be more careful about quality. Unfortunately, now there is no single GOST and each manufacturer produces it according to its own recipe, i.e. according to TU.

How is hematogen useful, what role does it play and what is its effect on the human body, watch in this video of the “Live Healthy” program

Sweet bars with the inscription “Hematogen” are familiar to many from childhood. You can see many products with this name on sale, but they all differ in taste and composition. How to navigate their diversity and choose a truly useful product?

First of all, you should remember what exactly makes hematogen useful, and understand what in its composition it is better to do without.

What do we know about hematogen

Hematogen is perhaps the most popular means of preventing iron deficiency. When consumed correctly, it stimulates hematopoiesis and helps avoid the development of anemia. Hematogen is sold in the form of brown bars, bars and lozenges that look like toffee or chocolate. Condensed milk and sugar add sweetness to this product. However, despite the pleasant taste, we're talking about not about candy, but about a dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Like vitamin complexes, sweet hematogen bars should not be consumed in large quantities without adhering to the system. To achieve a healing effect, hematogen is taken in a course, in small portions. The product also has contraindications, so when planning a course of use for yourself or for a child, it is better to consult a doctor. In addition, you should not rely on dietary supplements to treat anemia. Hematogen is not a cure, but rather a prophylactic.

The beneficial qualities of hematogen are due to the use of defibrinated cattle blood purified from microorganisms in its composition. Blood protein is dried using a special technology, and the same black food albumin is obtained, containing bioavailable iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

The prototype of the modern hematogen first appeared in Switzerland in 1890. It was a mixture based on bovine blood. The drug turned out to be very effective, and its recipe remained until the middle of the 20th century, until the USSR began using state level solve the problem of preventing anemia in children. It was then that instead of the mixture, the taste of which no one had previously cared about, they began to produce sweet bars that looked like chocolate. Now they are known and loved in almost every Russian family, both adults and children.

Dietary albumin, which forms the basis of hematogen, retains the value of the red blood cells from which it is made. Due to this ingredient, hematopoiesis is stimulated in the body and the required level of fatty acids, cholesterol, and bilirubin is maintained. Sufficient vitamin A content has a beneficial effect on vision and promotes normal growth and development of the body.

Previously, hematogen was sold only in pharmacies, but today it has also appeared on supermarket shelves. The price of one tile ranges from 13–50 rubles. However, hematogen supplied to retail chains may not meet the requirements regulatory documents, making requirements specifically for dietary supplements. Hematogen on store shelves is usually just a delicacy with a familiar name. Its cost is higher due to flavoring additives, but the benefits are usually less. Sometimes you can find bars that don't even contain albumin.

What is hematogen made from: product composition

In the USSR, liquid hematogen was produced according to GOST, but GOST was never developed for the classic recipe for hematogen, from which lozenges, bars and bars are made. So varieties of hematogen are produced according to technical specifications (TU). However, all components of hematogen are manufactured according to GOST standards.

The first hematogens were produced from whole cattle blood mixed with egg yolk. Today, instead of blood, hematogen contains black albumin powder. The classical technology for the production of hematogen implies the following basic composition:

  1. Black food albumin (GOST 33674-2015. Blood and products of its processing).
  2. Starch syrup (GOST R 52060-2003. Starch syrup. General technical conditions).
  3. Sweetened condensed milk (GOST ISO 6734/IDF 15-2012. Sweetened condensed milk. Determination of total solids content (control method)).
  4. Granulated sugar (GOST 33222-2015. White sugar. Technical conditions).
  5. Vanillin (GOST 16599-71. Vanillin. Technical conditions).

The calorie content of hematogen made according to this recipe is one and a half times lower than the calorie content of chocolate, and is 376 kcal per 100 g.

Modern manufacturers follow the classic recipe, but try to make improvements to it, following the achievements of modern medicine. For example, the composition may contain vitamins B and C, as well as trace elements that help the body absorb iron from black albumin.

However, not all changes to the classic hematogen formulation are justified for health reasons. Flavorings such as nuts or raisins can not only cause allergic reactions, but also often interfere with iron absorption. The benefit of such a hematogen remains questionable. That is why you should choose hematogen, produced according to the classic recipe and without flavorings. In such a hematogen, at least 5% of the mass will be black albumin, that is, in a 50 g lozenge its share will be 2.5 g.

The benefits of hematogen

So, black albumin, which is part of hematogen, provides the body with iron, which is well absorbed and stimulates hematopoiesis. In addition, this valuable component is rich in amino acids and vitamin A. It has a general strengthening and tonic effect at any age, so Hematogen is useful for both children and adults.

For children, for whom the hematogen was actually adapted, it is especially important to receive a sufficient amount of iron from food. This microelement is necessary for the normal development of a child and is actively consumed due to rapid growth. Hematogen covers up to 40% daily requirement children in iron, helping to avoid problems associated with its deficiency. Women also often require additional sources of iron. During pregnancy and breastfeeding the female body loses many microelements, and hematogen (though not everyone) helps to get in shape faster after the birth of a child. Unbalanced diet and busy schedule are common life problems modern man, and it is they that lead to iron deficiency, so men should also take Hematogen for prevention and maintenance of the vitality of the body.

Is there any harm?

Despite the fact that the hematogen looks like a regular one chocolate bar, this is a dietary supplement. It must be taken in a certain volume, in limited courses lasting 4–8 weeks, between which it is advisable to take a break. When consuming Hematogen daily, you should remember that for children aged 3 to 11 years it is enough to eat a small 25 g bar, and for older children, teenagers and adults - 50 g per day.

If this rule is violated, the development of symptoms of iron overdose cannot be ruled out: gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, difficulty breathing, and menstrual irregularities. Excess iron in the human body can “thicken” the blood, promoting blood clots, fragility of blood vessels, and lowering blood pressure. And although this is extremely rare and only with prolonged abuse, it is important to remember that all good things should be in moderation.

Hematogen also has contraindications. Because it contains large amounts of condensed milk, molasses and sugar, it should not be used to prevent iron deficiency in diabetes or overweight.

So, hematogen is a time-tested prophylactic remedy for compensating for iron deficiency in the human body. Despite all the benefits of this product, it has its contraindications, and if used uncontrolled, it can cause side effects. The basis of hematogen is black food albumin, its content in the classic product is approximately 5%. Additional flavoring additives, which manufacturers often add to bars to increase sales, can inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestines. When using hematogen for prevention, you should remember that this is a dietary supplement and follow the rules for its use.


1 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives (BAA)

2 Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. Pediatrician’s Handbook of Clinical Pharmacology / Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. - 1st ed. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - P. 156-159. - 320 s.