House for a family of 3 4 people. Ideal home for a family of four

As you know, everything is known in comparison. We look at 30 photos of a house in the Scandinavian style, compare, draw conclusions.

Ideal home: what should it be?

In many "glossy" magazines, we often see huge houses with chic spacious rooms that create and maintain an image of luxury, comfort and some kind of inaccessibility.

Large areas, hundreds or even thousands of square meters with a perfectly matched design idea excite the imagination of the inhabitants. However, for most people, this is just " beautiful pictures that have nothing to do with their reality.

Answering the question of what should be the dream home, everyone will answer differently and will be absolutely right.

The thing is that everyone has their own vision, their own “ideal picture”, based, first of all, on life experience, level of education, financial condition, etc.

Perfect home in Scandinavian style

On the example of an average European family of four with an average level of income, let's consider one of the options for the "ideal home".

The house with a total area of ​​130 m² is located in a small Danish town near the North Sea coast. The year of construction is distant 1927.

The building was purchased as a property, completely restored and renovated.

Internal and exterior finish houses, including interior design, according to the owners of this dwelling, fully comply with the necessary modern standards, and the level of comfort allows them to say with confidence that they once dreamed of such a house and have now made their dream come true.

It should be mentioned that the house is made in the Scandinavian style and is quite typical for this region.

And now, in fact, the photos of this “ideal home” themselves.

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I have long wanted to draw the layout of a minimal house for a modern family. To be small, but roomy, cheap and quick to build. Here's what happened. Dimensions are only 6x8 meters, one floor + attic, about 70 sq. m. area. At the Architect, such houses (frame or timber) cost about 600,000 rubles, but the layouts are worse. You can build such a house yourself in one season, even alone, you will definitely meet a million. I built more, but spent many times more time. Therefore, I wanted to draw, taking into account my own experience, easier and less. The layout turned out to be universal, it can be mirrored as you like, swap rooms in place and cardinal points.
The material of the walls can be, in principle, any, but I am a fan of the frame. Finishing can also be any to the taste / style of the owner. Spacious kitchen-living room of about 22 sq. m., as it is now fashionable. The bedroom is on the ground floor, which is very convenient and relevant especially if there are elderly people in the house. The minimum dimensions of the rooms - 3.6 m - the size at which the room does not seem small. Technical rooms are smaller, but also optimal. The gas boiler is located on the wall in the kitchen part, SNiPs allow this. And if there is no gas, then there is also a convenient place for the stove, I drew a 6 kW "Swede" in size, and if you take Buleryan, then it will be more compact. Due to the small area, the house will be economical, you can also warm up with electricity, 3-5 kW is enough. I see the project as ideal for a family of 4, maximum 5-6. If you want high ceilings and Gothic beams, then you can leave a second light above the living room. Or make a third (!) compromising, narrow, but still isolated bedroom on the second floor. In such a small size, the bathroom on the second floor managed to accommodate a full-fledged one.
What had to be sacrificed for the sake of efficiency:
-A small bathroom on the first floor, although larger than in the apartment, but combined, which not everyone will like.
-Staircase is steep 25 cm step, 20 cm rise, although we had it even steeper (25x25) in the old office, you get used to it quickly. And yet this is not a ship's gangway like the Architect's, from which you'll get well - you won't collect the bones.
-There is no pantry as such, only a wardrobe under the stairs. But it is assumed that the household usually has a shed or utility block for such needs.
Layout development:
You can attach a veranda on the south side. It is possible to attach additional rooms from the western or northern side without altering the supporting structures and the roof. You can play around with the shape of the bay window, make it hexagonal or octagonal. The roof can be simple gable or broken. The external style can be anything from hobbits to techno.
Scold the layout, maybe you can think of something even better in this size?

Usually people build houses based on the possibilities of their budget. We calculated that a family of four would need a house of about 160 m2. To create good things, one must take into account not only parents, but also children (there are two teenagers in the family). They need large rooms for work or creativity. But parents also need their own territory.

Traditional in style but built to modern standards, this home is designed for a family of four. When the family modeled their daily routine, it turned out that they spend a lot of time together in the kitchen at the dining table and in the living room. It follows that although there should be a separate place for each member of the family, for communication, eating and cooking, the whole family should be comfortably accommodated in one room. This option is optimal, since one common room occupies a smaller area than several isolated ones. At the same time, a large room gives the impression of a large space.

As a result of a long discussion of the project, several sketches of the layout were made. They were discussed in detail with the builders, who issued a rough estimate of the projects.

Common areas and individual elements of the house. In the design of the house, I wanted to combine elegance and expediency. The attic window for the internal stairs and the top of the porch visually break the straight line of the roof. A large porch provides shelter in bad weather and welcomes you into the home. Immediately to the left of front door there are shelves, compartments and hangers for clothes and shoes.

The kitchen and living room are part of the same room. The heart of the house is the big room. It is bright and comfortable, as the windows look out on three sides. in the residential area, it is made in the form of a cellular structure of intersecting beams and boards "on edge", connected into a tongue and rests on unfinished beams. This design visually increases the volume of the room, while the built-in and the sofa take up less space on the floor than free-standing furniture. The ceiling in the living room is slightly higher than usual - 3 m (to the lower planes of the beams).

This increase in height gave a significant increase in the volume of the room. Raw lathing bars (75x100 mm) give such a play of light and shadow on the floor beams (150x200 mm) that the latter seem lighter and taller. Such a ceiling is very attractive and its acoustic properties are higher than those of a ceiling covered with gypsum boards. The center of attraction is a fireplace with a high mantelpiece. All family members can be in the living-dining room at the same time: two people are engaged in cooking on the "island"-kitchen, two others can be accommodated at the table in the corner. There is one door leading to the terrace with a barbecue fireplace on the south side of the house.

Although the big room is the center family life, parents and children have their own premises. At the disposal of teenagers the entire second floor. Their rooms are separated by a bathroom. The daughter's room has a "cathedral" ceiling with a window in the roof slope. The bed is in an alcove, making room for other activities.

son's room- on the north side of the house. She freely communicates with his studio (it is also a living room), located between two children's rooms. During construction, the layout of this part of the house had to be changed: they made two small rooms with a studio-living room, and under ladder for the attic they allocated a place in the hall. An unexpected win - a window in helped to illuminate the upper part of the hall.

The parents' bedroom on the first floor is the minimum size. Big windows in it, as it were, "reveal" the room. To save space, I had to place a bathroom and a recreation area nearby.

Negotiated details. The shape of this house is almost exemplary. This is partly similar to houses built in the traditional New England style. The lines of the walls and roof are simple and strict. What sticks out of the roof pattern is the stair window and the top of the porch. The rafters rest on Mauerlats at a height of three meters.

The simplicity of building forms is characteristic of the individual elements that make up the “highlight” of the house: windows, exterior cladding, chimney, load-bearing beams and interior decoration.

On the outside wood paneling this one has a diamond pattern that repeats on both the chimney and the interior decoration peak of the pediment.

The most expensive (about $6,000) home element is a fireplace with a chimney. This is the central detail of the house both outside and inside. A large mass of bricks surrounding the firebox from the outside is necessary for good drawing and even distribution of heat.

Closets and built-in furniture. For a small house, the issue of storage places for things, products, etc. is important. Therefore, they try to place pantries in almost all available places. Built-in wardrobes give a gain in free space, which would be occupied by ordinary furniture. For example, a 50x300 mm plank wall frame for an internal staircase is perfect for building bookshelves.

In the kitchen, there is a corner built-in by the window, which takes up less space than a regular table with chairs. Before issuing drawings of the benches and sofas to determine the correct dimensions, life-size mock-ups were made in the workshop.

In order to savings in building a house I had to give up the basement. But it should be noted that, unlike a workshop or studio, a basement cannot be built into a finished house.