The Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a holiday in Belarus. Fire Service Day was celebrated on a grand scale in Belarus

July 25 is a professional holiday for rescue firefighters - Fire Service Day of the Republic of Belarus. As a professional organization, it was created in 1853 after the approval of the imperial “Table of composition of city fire brigades”. Fire departments were formed in thirty-two Belarusian cities. The protection of Minsk from fires was entrusted to the fire chief, his two assistants - non-commissioned fire chiefs - and 48 employees.

In 1906, the fire brigade was transferred under the leadership of the city government. Memorable events in the life of the city were the opening of two depots with fire towers in the suburb of “Kind Thoughts” and Serebryanka. In honor of the opening of the depot, one of the streets in Minsk is still called Fire.

During the Great Patriotic War Most of the service workers went to the front. Others, under bombing, together with the civilian population, saved surviving buildings and property from the fire. After the war, firefighters eliminated major fires, accidents, natural and man-made disasters.

In Soviet times, the fire service of Belarus had its own structure: the militarized fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the professional fire department and the fire department in the form of voluntary units. An important and tragic milestone in the history of the fire service was the battle for the lives of people during the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 1993, the Law “On Fire Safety” was adopted, which defined the legal basis and principles for organizing fire safety. In the same year, the militarized fire service (VPS) was created on the basis of the militarized fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On September 11, 1998, the UPU was annexed to the forces of the Ministry of emergency situations(Ministry of Emergency Situations) of the Republic of Belarus.

Today, the Ministry of Emergency Situations unites 17 special services: fire extinguishing and emergency rescue, chemical and radiation safety, engineering, diving, medical, explosives, aviation, search and rescue, parachute, pontoon, dog training, etc. A Center for Crisis Psychological Assistance has been created.

There are two higher educational institutions in the republic: the Command Engineering Institute in Minsk and the Gomel Engineering Institute, which organizes a lyceum for students in grades 7–11. This is how new specialists appear, ready to continue the honorable and difficult fire service. Professional development programs have been organized for existing employees at the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training.

As you know, it is better to prevent a fire and then put it out with tea. In Belarus, scientific and technical developments of fire protection are carried out by the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus. Much attention also pays attention to fire safety and safe work in industrial energy. A system has been built and is operating that provides round-the-clock monitoring and forecasting of natural and man-made emergencies.

Students secondary schools are also involved in fire prevention activities. In 2001, the Belarusian Youth Public Organization of Rescue Firefighters (BMOOSP) was created. She helps teenagers gain knowledge of the basics of fire life in order to adult life they were ready to make decisions in emergency situations. Specialists under the auspices of the BMOOSP organize various events on a republican scale: a children's creativity competition "Rescuers through the eyes of children", competitions for experts in the history of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and fire safety organizations, Olympiads in life safety on the basics of fire life, etc. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations take an active part in events, speak to children and conduct practical classes using equipment and firefighting equipment.

Every year, a Republican field camp “Rescuer” is held for teenagers. In addition to recreation, young rescuers participate in competitions in pitching a tent, providing first aid, overcoming an obstacle course, etc. Over the years of the field camp, many young people have had the opportunity to meet, make friends and test themselves.

The most significant event of the youth organization of rescue firefighters is the Republican and International gatherings of young rescue firefighters, which are held on the basis of the National Children's Educational and Health Center "Zubrenok".

The Fire Museum has been opened under the Minsk Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Kozlova St., 26). Here you can take a closer look at the history of fire fighting and see how fires were put out two centuries ago.

Fire Service Day is a good reason to remember history and look back at the work done by rescuers. Today, fire and emergency rescue units work professionally and harmoniously to eliminate fires and other emergencies that are dangerous to people, production and environment. Traditionally, a festive celebration is held in Minsk on this day with a parade of fire fighting equipment, employees and young cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a congratulatory concert and other events.

On the eve of the professional holiday, a meeting was held with the head of the Kopyl district department for emergency situations, Major of the Internal Service Vitaly Ilyuchik, who answered questions regarding the fire service.

- Vitaly Valentinovich, with what results do Kopyl rescuers celebrate Fire Service Day?

Since the beginning of the year, the volume of organizational, preventive and service-combat tasks for the safe functioning of economic entities in the region has been completed.

Over the past period of 2016, 24 fires occurred in the Kopyl district, in which 1 person died. Compared to the same period in 2015, the number of fires increased by 14.29% (2015 - 21 fires), the number of deaths remained at last year’s level. In 2016, 1 fire occurred at a government facility (1 - 2015).

The causes of the fires that occurred were: careless handling of fire - 15, violation of fire safety rules during the operation and installation of stove heating - 1, violation of the rules for the operation of electrical equipment - 8.

- What else were the efforts of the RCHS employees aimed at?

Workers of the Kopyl Regional Emergency Situations Department together with local executive bodies, other interested parties inspected the fire safety conditions of private households in 2016. In total, over the past period of 2016, 4,364 households (apartments) were inspected, of which 299 were large families, 5,839 people were instructed. Based on the results of inspections, 5 proposals were sent to deprive parents of parental rights who do not fulfill their responsibilities (16 - 2015), 5 response measures were taken (12 - 2015), 46 information on taking preventive measures against persons who abuse alcoholic beverages (80 - 2015), 1 person was sent to the LTP (1 - 2015), preventive conversations are constantly held with the rest, 27 letters were prepared and sent to relatives of citizens living alone about the need to provide assistance in bringing the house into a fire-safe condition (40 - 2015), 3 information about the referral single elderly people in nursing homes (8 - 2015). 47 information was sent to authorities and labor collectives where citizens previously worked about existing problems in ensuring fire safety, measures aimed at preventing fires and loss of life (13 - 2015).

- How are things going with staffing in the Kopyl Regional Emergency Situations Service?

Work is constantly being carried out to reduce staff turnover and improve the quality of selection of candidates for service. Many selection criteria have been increased with mandatory physical training tests. As of July 1, 2016, the shortage was 4 employees: 1 middle and senior management, 3 ordinary and junior management.

Work has been established with a separate group of the military registration and enlistment office of the Nesvizh and Kopyl districts to select candidates for service from among those who have served compulsory military service.

Information about the need for candidates for service is communicated monthly to citizens, organizations and enterprises.

- On the eve of the holiday, name the names of the best employees of the regional department.

For achieving high results and based on the results of work for the first half of 2016, as well as a great contribution to the prevention and elimination of fires and emergencies, we petition for the assignment of the next special rank ahead of schedule: “Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service” - Major of the Internal Service, First Deputy Chief, Chief inspection of supervision and prevention of the Kopyl Regional Emergency Situations Office Vitaly Bunyak; “sergeant major of the internal service” - senior sergeant of the internal service, senior driver of the logistics and maintenance group of the emergency response unit No. 1 in Kopyl, Evgeniy Borisevich; “warrant officer of the internal service” - to the foreman of the internal service, driver of the ambulance service No. 1 in Kopyl, Vadim Shabun.

The diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus will be awarded to the head of the guard of the emergency response unit No. 1 of the city of Kopyl, Alexander Cherkas, and the “Vydatnik” badges will be awarded to: senior firefighter of the emergency response unit No. 2 of the agricultural town of Timkovichi, Alexander Karpuk; commander of PASP department No. 13 of the agricultural town of Poteyki Vasily Klevchenya. The anniversary medal “160th year of the fire service of Belarus” was awarded to: inspector of the inspection of supervision and prevention of the RoChS Evgeniy Chirkun; head of the guard of the Emergency Service No. 2 of the agricultural town of Timkovichi Dmitry Sudenko; driver of the ambulance station No. 1 in Kopyl Viktor Losev; driver of PASP No. 14 in the village of Buchatino Andrey Ulasovich, as well as service veterans Vladimir Burma and Sergey Kulikovsky.

The diploma of the institution “Minsk Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations” of the Republic of Belarus will be awarded to the head of the Emergency Response Unit No. 1 of Kopyl Denis Uminsky; head of the guard of the Emergency Service No. 2 of the agricultural town of Timkovichi Denis Nikolaichik; driver of PASP No. 12 in the village of Lotviny Alexander Stulba.

I wish both the employees and veterans of the service good health, happiness, well-being in their families, and the implementation of their plans.

Dear employees and veterans!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! Courage and bravery, fearlessness and dedication are your distinctive qualities.

Today, fire service units have qualified personnel, modern equipment, and use effective fire extinguishing technologies. Actively lead preventive work on fire prevention. We wish all employees and veterans good health, happiness, family well-being, professional success and quiet duty!

District Executive Committee

District Council of Deputies

July 25 in Belarus is rightfully considered Fire Service Day - a professional holiday for those who do not know sleep, bad weather and fear of fire. It was on this day in 1853 that the Minsk provincial government and the Minsk City Duma, having considered the issue “On the creation of a fire department in Minsk,” approved the cost estimate for maintaining a fire department consisting of 51 people. At the same time, the first fire departments were organized in Vitebsk, Mogilev and other Belarusian cities.
“Professionalism. Courage. “Honour” – these are not empty words for the employees of the Korelichi district emergency department. Every day, taking a step towards self-improvement, they develop speed, agility, strength, and endurance. Thanks to this, using the necessary skills and abilities, they professionally fight for people’s lives in the most unpredictable and dangerous situations.
Fire does not tolerate uncertainty, weakness and fear - and firefighters, like no one else, know this. They are dedicated to their work and serve with dignity for the benefit of their native country. This is probably why it is customary to speak and write about the work of a rescuer with respect and sincere gratitude.
Putting out a fire, rescuing a child who accidentally locked himself in an apartment, removing a broken apple tree from the porch of a grandmother’s house, clearing snowdrifts from a veteran’s yard, removing a kitten from a tree—ROES employees are ready to help everyone, regardless of the degree of risk, time of day, or other circumstances. They boldly and fearlessly enter burning houses, working to their limits until the last spark is extinguished. Not only the condition of property, but also human life depends on how firefighters act. They monitor compliance with fire safety rules in enterprises, organizations and households, carry out a number of preventive measures to prevent fires and deaths in them, tirelessly protecting our peace. Whether it’s a weekend or a holiday, they are always on alert.

Rescuers are one of the key components of public safety in any country. Children want to become them in the future, their friends look up to them, their families are proud of them.
Korelichi ROCHS can also be called big family, an indivisible whole. Rescuers, drivers, dispatchers, inspectors, management staff - they all work and live as one team. Each of them is ready to help out a friend in a difficult situation, to lend a helping hand, even when it is not expected.

We are used to seeing them cheerful, active, with a good sense of humor. But how many other emotions they experienced during their service: fear, anxiety, sympathy, bitterness - only the eyes of a rescuer can tell about this.
Sometimes we do not realize the importance and courage of this profession. And only after seeing in person the shabby helmet, the jacket saturated with the smell of smoke, the gloves black from the flames, we understand: here he is, a real hero- my son, husband, brother, comrade!

Carolina KUCHUK.

Fire Service Day in Belarus in 2016 fell on Monday, July 25, so they decided to organize the celebrations the day before. On Saturday, July 23, in the center of the capital, you could watch the work of rescuers and even try your hand at the profession.

On land, in water and in the sky - rescuers took part in the parade. Detachments and dozens of units of special equipment marched along the central avenue—even the “old-timers” were in formation.

A metal helmet and canvas combat clothing have been the usual uniform of a firefighter since the middle of the last century. Behind them are those who are able to take hot objects with their hands: modern ammunition can withstand up to 400°C. Under the loud sounds of the bugle, they clear the way for modern technology.

Vladimir Vashchenko, Minister of Emergency Situations of Belarus: “Today we have all the equipment based on domestic chassis, developed by our scientific institutions, our institute with the support of the Academy of Sciences, and manufacturers. And you see, today we have all the equipment that is necessary to extinguish fires and eliminate any emergency situations.”

What is a holiday without music: brass bands play everyone’s favorite melodies, and a platoon of honor guard awaits spectators in the central alleys of Gorky Park.

Immediately after the official part, they staged a realistic show with a chase, collisions and explosions. If last year the rescuers showed a master class on the water, this year reinforcements also appeared from the air. The Mi-26 is the largest production helicopter in the world and is used to extinguish large fires.

Gennady Obmetka, reserve colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus: “Seeing what they are capable of and how they carry out these rescue measures, of course, well done. I think that in a combat situation, in real conditions, the guys will work, and there is no doubt about it.”

Thousands of people gathered in the center of the capital to observe the skills of the rescuers and share the holiday with them.

Today you can touch, try on and press any button. Even water cannons were provided for the children. Of course, everything is done according to safety regulations and under supervision.

It wouldn’t hurt to remind you of the real danger once again. For this purpose, several simulators were installed in the park. For example, on this (see video -approx. ed.) Emergency Situations Ministry employees are taught how to navigate burning apartments.

Incredible heat and almost zero visibility. Anyone can take the place of a rescuer. It is enough to put on heavy equipment and heroically break into the burning one-room apartment. This simulator simulates a fire as accurately as possible. The only difference is that the smoke is not real.

Most of those who wanted to be on the verge gathered near the shifter car. You can check for yourself what it feels like to roll over in a car.

Even on their professional holiday, rescuers have their finger on the pulse. In the capital alone, dozens of people turned to the Ministry of Emergency Situations for help during the day.

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  • The history of our rescuers began at the end of the 15th century. And on July 25, 1853 in major cities The first fire brigades were created. In Vitebsk, festive events in honor of Fire Service Day were held at several venues. Beach soccer competitions among service workers and veterans recently ended. The solemn ceremony of taking the oath took place today. Emergency Situations Ministry employees organized quizzes and competitions for children and adults; the most curious tried on rescuers’ combat clothing. The most spectacular part of the program was the demonstration performances and water extravaganza, which the firefighters staged with the help of special equipment. And in Brest, on Fire Service Day, a city park received a gift from rescuers. A themed art object appeared on the busiest alley. The bench is stylized as a fire truck from the early 20th century. Emergency call numbers are also listed here. The art object was made from steel and oak, according to the sketches of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the blacksmith shop of Brest. The first souvenir selfies were taken not only by city residents, but also by guests of the holiday - rescuers from Poland and Germany.

    The history of our rescuers began at the end of the 15th century. And on July 25, 1853, the first fire brigades were created in large cities.

    In Vitebsk, festive events in honor of Fire Service Day were held at several venues. Beach soccer competitions among service workers and veterans recently ended. The solemn ceremony of taking the oath took place today. Emergency Situations Ministry employees organized quizzes and competitions for children and adults; the most curious tried on rescuers’ combat clothing. The most spectacular part of the program was the demonstration performances and water extravaganza, which the firefighters staged with the help of special equipment.

    And in Brest, on Fire Service Day, a city park received a gift from rescuers. A themed art object appeared on the busiest alley. The bench is stylized as a fire truck from the early 20th century. Emergency call numbers are also listed here. The art object was made from steel and oak, according to the sketches of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the blacksmith shop of Brest. The first souvenir selfies were taken not only by city residents, but also by guests of the holiday - rescuers from Poland and Germany.