Everything is poison. A new look at the ideas of Paracelsus, or the incompatibility of drugs

“Everything is poison, and nothing is without poison; “The dose alone makes the poison invisible,” said one of the greatest scientists of the 16th century, Paracelsus. His real name was Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim - born on September 21, 1493, the city of Eg, canton of Schwyz, died, in full accordance with my hypothesis (), - September 24, 1541 Salzburg.
According to Paracelsus, everything in the world has only one source - the “great sacrament” - Misterium Magnum, from which everything arises and to which everything returns. Everything that is accessible to our gaze is only a small part of reality, its roughest material component. The world is diverse, complex and full of secrets. It is impossible to comprehend the laws of the universe and one’s own existence using the powers of reason, in the course of scientific work alone. Nevertheless, man, as a being endowed with a divine soul, is capable and has the right to any knowledge: there is no forbidden or hidden knowledge. As, incidentally, this is also stated in the Bible - “For there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest, nor hidden that will not be made known and not revealed” (Luke 8:16-17).
Man is a microcosm in which all the elements of the macrocosm are reflected. Paracelsus believed that man is like the Universe with its own laws, with its own firmament. The “small cosmos” is closely connected with the entire Universe - the large cosmos. The connecting link between the two worlds is the force “M” (either Misterium Magnumс, or this is the name of the god Mercury - in Ancient Rome Hermes Trismegistus was known as Mercury).
Man is the quintessence, or fifth, true essence of the world) and is produced by God from the “extract” of the whole world and therefore carries within himself the image of the Creator. “The knowledge that a person should have comes not from the earth and not from the stars, but from the Highest, and therefore, a person who has cognized the Highest can command the earth and the stars.”
According to the teachings of Paracelsus, man is dual in nature: “If a man is like his animal father, then he is like an animal; if he is like the Divine Spirit, which can illumine his animal elements, then he is like God.” Natural man possesses the element of earth, the earth is his mother, and to it he returns, losing his natural flesh; but the true man will be reborn on the day of resurrection in another, spiritual and glorified body. Spiritual reality is the original reality, into which sooner or later everything must return. Just as any natural metal, according to the then prevailing alchemical ideas, strives to become gold, so man strives to return to Materia Spiritualis, “spiritual matter,” through a complete transformation of his entire being.
"That which is below is similar to that which is above. And that which is above is similar to that which is below, so as to accomplish the wonders of the one thing," as stated in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Paracelsus sought to develop this principle in his teaching and practice, which in those days was called iatrochemistry (from the ancient Greek doctor) - a direction of alchemy of the 16th-17th centuries, which set its main goal preparation of medicines.
Paracelsus was sure that the laws of the universe are similar to the laws of the microcosm, therefore analogies and parallels can be found between the universe and man. Man's knowledge of his soul gives him power over nature. Self-knowledge is the key to understanding the universe. This approach goes back to the ideas of the ancient Greeks: “Know yourself,” says the inscription on the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. It is believed that this inscription arose as an answer to the question of the sage Chilon: “What is the best thing for people?”
Paracelsus warned that the power that comes from self-knowledge should not be used for the accumulation of earthly wealth. This power is given to obtain spiritual gold.
Paracelsus believed in the limitlessness of human capabilities in understanding the world. “People do not know themselves and therefore do not know what exists in their inner world. Every person has a divine essence (essence), all the wisdom and power of the world are inherent in him in the embryo, all types of knowledge are available to him in equal measure; and if someone has not discovered this in himself, he has no right to say that he does not own it, but only that he was not able to seek and find it.”
There is nothing forbidden for human knowledge; man is capable and even obliged to explore all phenomena, all entities that exist not only in nature, but also beyond its borders. “We must seek and knock, turning to the almighty Power within us, and keep it awake; and if we do this in the right way and with a pure, open heart, we will receive what we ask for, and find what we seek, and the doors of the Eternal, which were locked, will open before us...” These thoughts represent a direct development of biblical truths: The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7, vv. 7-8) says: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” The same thing is said in the Gospel of Luke (chapter 11, v. 9): “And I will say to you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
It was Paracelsus (and not Tolkien) who coined the word "gnome" for a small fantastic creature and gave the name to the metal zinc.

Poisons have been used from ancient times to the present day as weapons, antidotes, and even medicine.

In fact, poisons are all around us, in drinking water, in everyday objects and even our blood.

The word "poison" is used to describe any substance that can cause a dangerous disorder in the body.

Even in small quantities, the poison can lead to poisoning and death.

Here are some examples of some of the most insidious poisons that can be fatal to humans.

Many poisons can be lethal in small doses, so it is quite difficult to single out the most dangerous one. However, many experts agree that botulinum toxin, which is used in Botox injections to smooth out wrinkles is the strongest.

Botulism is serious illness, leading to paralysis, caused by botulinum toxin, which is produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This poison causes damage to the nervous system, respiratory arrest and death in terrible agony.

Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, double vision, facial weakness, speech impediments, difficulty swallowing and others. The bacterium can enter the body through food (usually poorly canned foods) and through open wounds.

2. Poison ricin

Ricin is a natural poison. A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea and diarrhea (possibly bloody), low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death may occur within 36-72 hours.

3. Sarin gas

Sarin is one of the the most dangerous and deadly nerve gases, which is hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide. Sarin was originally produced as a pesticide, but the clear, odorless gas soon became a powerful chemical weapon.

A person can be poisoned by sarin gas by inhaling or exposing the gas to the eyes and skin. Initially, symptoms may appear such as runny nose and chest tightness, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Then the person loses control over all functions of his body and falls into a coma, convulsions and spasms occur until suffocation occurs.

4. Tetrodotoxin

This deadly poison found in the organs of fish of the genus pufferfish, from which the famous Japanese delicacy "fugu" is prepared. Tetrodotoxin persists in the skin, liver, intestines and other organs, even after the fish has been cooked.

This toxin causes paralysis, convulsions, mental disorder and other symptoms. Death occurs within 6 hours after ingestion of the poison.

Every year, several people are known to die painful deaths from tetrodotoxin poisoning after eating fugu.

5. Potassium cyanide

Potassium cyanide is one of the fastest deadly poisons, known to mankind. It may be in the form of crystals and colorless gas with a bitter almond odor. Cyanide can be found in some foods and plants. It is found in cigarettes and is used to make plastic, photographs, extract gold from ore, and kill unwanted insects.

Cyanide has been used since ancient times, and in modern world it was a method of capital punishment. Poisoning can occur through inhalation, ingestion and even touching, causing symptoms such as seizures, respiratory failure and in severe cases death, which may occur in a few minutes. It kills by binding to iron in blood cells, making them unable to carry oxygen.

6. Mercury and mercury poisoning

There are three forms of mercury that can be potentially hazardous: elemental, inorganic and organic. Elemental mercury, which found in mercury thermometers, old fillings and fluorescent lamps, non-toxic on contact, but may be fatal if inhaled.

Inhalation of mercury vapor (the metal quickly turns into a gas at room temperature) affects the lungs and brain, turning off the central nervous system.

Inorganic mercury, which is used to make batteries, can be fatal if ingested and cause kidney damage and other symptoms. Organic mercury found in fish and seafood is usually hazardous over long-term exposure. Symptoms of poisoning may include memory loss, blindness, seizures and others.

7. Strychnine and strychnine poisoning

Strychnine is an odorless, white, bitter crystalline powder that can be acquired by ingestion, inhalation, solution, and intravenous injection.

The degree of strychnine poisoning depends on the amount and route of entry into the body, but a small amount of this poison is enough to cause a serious condition. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle spasms, respiratory failure and even lead to brain death 30 minutes after exposure.

8. Arsenic and arsenic poisoning

Arsenic, which is the 33rd element in the periodic table, has been synonymous with poison since ancient times. It was often used as a poison of choice in political assassinations, as Arsenic poisoning resembled cholera symptoms.

Arsenic is considered a heavy metal with properties similar to those of lead and mercury. In high concentrations it can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as abdominal pain, seizures, coma and death. In small amounts, it can contribute to a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

9. Poison curare

Curare is a mixture of various South American plants that were used for poison arrows. Curare was used in medical purposes in highly dissolved form. The main poison is an alkaloid, which causes paralysis and death, as well as strychnine and hemlock. However, after paralysis occurs respiratory system, the heart can continue to beat.

Death from curare is slow and painful, as the victim remains conscious but cannot move or speak. However, if artificial respiration is applied before the poison settles, the person can be saved. Amazon tribes used curare to hunt animals, but the poisoned animal meat was not dangerous to those who consumed it.

10. Batrachotoxin

Fortunately, the chances of encountering this poison are very small. Batrachotoxin, found in the skin of tiny dart frogs, is one of the most powerful neurotoxins in the world.

Frogs themselves do not produce poison; it is accumulated from the foods they consume, mainly small bugs. The most dangerous poison content was found in a species of frogs terrible leaf climber, living in Colombia.

One specimen contains enough batrachotoxin to kill two dozen people or several elephants. I affects nerves, especially around the heart, makes breathing difficult and quickly leads to death.

Original taken from biboroda V

Original taken from nathoncharova c Lethal doses for our body.

IN modern life It is very important to know when to stop. This was very well expressed by the founder of modern pharmacology, Paracelsus, in his quote “Everything is poison, everything is medicine, both are determined by the dose.” Every substance in the world has its own lethal dose.

Lethal dose of alcohol

Alcohol is, of course, not a vital product, but many people use it quite often, with or without reason. A lethal dose of alcohol for a person is 6-12 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight. To make it clear, these are three liter bottles in one, but your own body can save you by dumping toxic substances (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). But there are funny cases, such as in 2004 in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, a man was hit by a car, and 9.4 ppm of ethanol was found in his blood (the lethal dose is considered 6 ppm). Here’s the paradox: he was hit by a car and had a lethal dose of alcohol in his blood, but he recovers in a couple of days.

Lethal dose of vitamins

All vitamins can be fatal to humans if consumed in large quantities. Lack and excess of certain vitamins are equally harmful to the body. For example, vitamin A deficiency will lead to increased hair loss, and hypervitaminosis will lead to poisoning. Daily doses of any vitamins must be indicated on the packaging.

Lethal dose of sunlight

For several years now, there has been a trend of abnormal heat in the world, even in the north people are aware of how dangerous the Sun can be. Even in the last century they thought that the more you were in the Sun, the better. But it has already been proven that excessive sun exposure leads to skin defects, decreased sexual function, the development of cancer and death. Lethal dose in the sun for 8 hours.

Lethal dose of nicotine

You think nicotine is found only in tobacco, you are deeply mistaken, it is found in tomatoes, potatoes, bell pepper and eggplants. But the concentration in products is absolutely not harmful to humans, so don’t worry. Nicotine is a very strong poison. The lethal dose of nicotine for a person is 0.5-1 mg per kilogram of weight, which was clearer, this is about 100 cigarettes at a time.

Lethal dose of table salt

No one can live without salt Living being. Our daily norm salt is only 1.5-4 g. If you do not consume salt, the muscles will begin to die, the functioning of the stomach and heart will be disrupted, as well as the psyche will be disrupted and there will be constant depression. Complete absence salt in the diet will kill a person in 10 days. Excess salt is also very dangerous. The lethal dose of salt for a person is 250 g. Death will be very painful, as there will be a lot of swelling.

Lethal dose of caffeine

Contains caffeine in coffee, tea, energy drinks and cola. In small amounts, caffeine causes a feeling of vigor and a surge of energy, although after 3 hours this is all replaced by lethargy and fatigue. A lethal dose of caffeine would be 10 grams, which translates to 4.5 liters of coffee.

Lethal dose of water

Water is life. Everyone knows this! Nevertheless, it can be poisoned, even if it comes from a spring. Too much water leads to overhydration - this is a disruption of all body functions and further death. To achieve this you need to drink more than 7 liters of water per day. Of course, water poisoning is very rare, but it does happen. So in 1995, schoolgirl Lee Bett drank Ecstasy on her own birthday, and then 7 liters of water and died 4 hours later. In 2004, in Springville, USA, a mother forced her 5-year-old daughter to drink 5 liters of water as punishment. The result is a mother in prison, a child dead. January 2007, the radio station KDND in Sacramento, USA holds a competition called “Don’t pee - get game console" One participant drank 7.5 liters of water and died two hours later, and the girl who won the competition remained disabled for life. Lawsuits were filed against the radio station.