Project of a spiral staircase to the second floor. Advantages and disadvantages. How to correctly calculate the design and make it ergonomic

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A person acquires Vacation home in order to take a break from the bustle of the city. For this purpose the owner creates everything the necessary conditions: improves the area, orders new furniture, makes repairs. He also purchases wooden stairs for his dacha, the manufacture of which does not take much time. Let us note that our company’s specialists cope with the task in the shortest possible time.

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Many residents of noisy cities, having the opportunity to move to a quiet country house for weekends and holidays, rarely neglect it. After all, what could be better than taking a break from work and relaxing in the fresh air. An important factor creating comfort and atmosphere country house, is its interior, where every detail is thought out to the smallest detail. If your house has two floors, then they are often connected by a spiral staircase to the second floor.

Today we will tell you in detail how to do spiral staircase with your own hands and what you will need for this, you will also see photos of the interiors of houses equipped with spiral staircases.

Types of stairs for country houses

Stairs for country houses are divided into two types:

  • marching;
  • screw.

Both types have both disadvantages and advantages. Design experts believe that the key criterion for choosing a staircase is the area of ​​the room and the features of its design.

The design of the flight of stairs is very simple. With the help of a march, adjacent landings are connected to each other. She has the following advantages:

  • convenience;
  • sustainability;
  • ability to withstand heavy loads.

However, along with this, the flight of stairs is not suitable for houses with a small area and is too large. Its angle of inclination and the height of the steps will not allow such a structure to be placed in a small house.

Features of spiral staircases and photo examples

That is why most owners of small country houses choose a spiral staircase. It’s not so difficult to assemble it with your own hands, it saves space, is very stylish and perfectly complements any interior, you can see photos of examples of successful combinations of such stairs with different types interiors, you can easily find them on the Internet.

But the spiral staircase has a number of disadvantages: It is difficult to walk on and is not suitable for carrying large items.

A spiral staircase to the second floor takes up an average of 2 square meters of space and you can make a structure with any slope and height with your own hands. But remember, the main thing is that it ensures safety and is comfortable.

Compared to marching structures, screw ones do not require a large amount of expensive materials, and you can make them yourself, unlike marching ones, complex design which involves the involvement of specialists for work.

And, of course, you can approach the creation of a staircase to the second floor creatively and turn it into a real masterpiece of art.

Types of spiral staircases

Spiral staircases differ from each other in a variety of designs, design features and sizes. In terms of location they are divided into:

  • structures adjacent to the wall;
  • which are attached to a vertical stand.

Constructions of the first type have a polygonal shape, reminiscent of a wall in outline. One edge of the steps is attached to the wall, and they are connected to each other by means of a bowstring or are located on stringers. This structure does not require additional support; its maximum rigidity is achieved through the railings.

But the second type of design implies the presence of additional support in the form of a vertical post, to which the steps are attached and separated radially from each other by means of bolts. Comfortable handrails ensure maximum reliability of such a staircase.

Spiral staircases Based on material they are divided into:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

As an example to describe the assembly of a spiral staircase with our own hands, we will take a wooden structure.

Advantages and features of wooden stairs

Despite the fact that stainless steel, other types of metal and glass are actively used to create spiral staircases, wooden structures remain the simplest and most affordable to assemble with your own hands. The main thing is to have the right tools on hand and follow step by step instructions.

Of course, along with advantages, any structure, including wood, has disadvantages. But now let's list the advantages:

  • compactness and saving of useful living space;
  • the most reasonable cost for assembling a wooden staircase. Compared to glass or cast iron, wood itself will cost much less, and in addition, to build the same metal staircase it will be more difficult on its own than wood;
  • significant material savings;
  • appearance designs. The wooden spiral staircases leading to the second floor are very elegant in themselves and will easily fit into any interior of the house.

Before you start work, you need to prepare materials and tools, as well as make all the calculations.

So, for work we need:

You need to approach the choice of material for creating a wooden structure wisely, remember the following:

  • to make degrees, take hardwood, such as beech, oak or maple;
  • for railings and bowstrings, take glued wood material;
  • The pole can be made of wood, stone or iron, but it’s better to take a metal pipe for it, preferably steel.

Making preliminary calculations

Calculations in each individual case of assembling a staircase with your own hands will include different numbers, but we take the following as an example design parameters:

  • staircase width – 0.9 m;
  • height – 3 m;
  • diameter metal pipe– 0.2 m.

Now, based on these indicators, we calculate:

  • the total diameter of the structure should be equal to twice the width of the step and the thickness of the pipe, that is, multiply 0.9 by 2 and add 0.2. We get 2 meters;
  • We calculate the radius of the circle of a person’s rise to the second floor of the house. To do this, take the sum of half the width of the step and the radius of the pillar. That is, we get the following equation: 0.9/2+0.2/2= 0.55 m;
  • The calculation of steps is calculated based on the radius of movement and the width of the step.
  • divide the circle into 15 equal parts using radial lines;
  • the line defining the height of growth is determined by the height from the first step of the coil to the last. Add another 15 cm to this indicator;
  • the height of the turn is calculated with a height of 185 cm, a step thickness of 0.5 mm and taking into account the margin, the turn is equal to 2.05 m;
  • calculate the height of the steps in a turn: divide 2.05 by 15, we get 13.67;
  • We calculate the number of steps by dividing the height of the stairs by the height of the step.

How to make handrails and steps with your own hands

As we mentioned earlier, you can make wooden steps yourself from durable wood, or you can purchase them ready-made and adjust them to the desired size.

After they are fitted, they should be finished, sanded, round the edges and varnish. Then the bushings are attached, with the help of which the steps will be attached to the supporting metal post.

Railing balusters can be made from metal rods, but plastic or glued beams are suitable for handrails. The railings are suitable in the form of rectangular wooden blocks of the size you need.

Assembling a spiral staircase

If we have prepared the railings, ready-made steps and a post for support, we can proceed directly to the actual assembly of the structure. Assembly consists of the following steps:

  • staircase fittings, as well as fasteners and bushings, are bolted to the steps;
  • each step must be “strung” onto the support pillar;
  • install the pole itself in the prepared place;
  • attach the support pipe to the floor and ceiling;
  • the steps must be placed with a certain overlap of each other and be fixed with bolts;
  • attach balusters to the steps;
  • Attach the railings to the balusters.

Also during assembly Please consider the following points:

  • the base of the metal pole must be located on a solid foundation;
  • you can partially fill the base and place special mortgages there to secure the support;
  • the support pipe must be bolted to the floor;
  • the baluster of the first step should be longer than the others in length and is used as a base on the floor;
  • fastening is done on the floor to make the structure more rigid.

Cost of a finished spiral staircase

If you want to equip your country house with a beautiful spiral staircase to the second floor, but you do not have time for construction work, or you simply do not like to do all this, then you can purchase a ready-made structure at a specialized hardware store. Its cost ranges from from 25 to 90 thousand rubles depending on design, material, design complexity and other factors.

You can also purchase cheaper, economical options for stairs, the quality of which will be very questionable. Of course, you will always have time to spend money, but making a staircase with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem, the main thing is to take your time and act according to the assembly instructions.

Examples of spiral staircases

During the construction of a private two-story house often a spiral staircase is built with your own hands, because it is not difficult task, the solution of which requires certain knowledge.

This design is a bit like the layout of a doll's house. The spiral staircase is not only functional, but also has an aesthetic appearance.

Of course, such a kit can be purchased ready-made, but building a staircase yourself, guided by your own taste, is much more interesting.

Characteristics of a spiral staircase design

Before you start building a spiral staircase to the second floor of the house yourself, you should study its main characteristics. There are several significant features that distinguish this staircase from a straight one.

The steps of a product of this design are arranged spirally. This technique makes it possible to arrange it as compactly as possible and save space.

But you need to take into account that ascent and descent along the screw structure is difficult. The staircase leading to the second floor may have a slight curve or consist of steep turns.

The spiral staircase structure can be made of wood, metal, concrete or profile pipe.

If you look at the drawings, it becomes noticeable that when viewed from above, it resembles the petals of a blooming flower overlapping each other.

Regardless of what kind of staircase is installed to the second floor - metal, wood, from a profile pipe or wood, step-by-step instruction its implementation has several general points. For a dollhouse, such a structure should be made of plywood.

The role of the guiding axis of the spiral staircase structure is performed by the central support. All steps are attached to it.

They are winder steps and differ very greatly from straight steps. This is taken into account in the process of measurements and calculations.

A turning design is a type of spiral staircase. Its fragments consist of winder steps.

These stairs are found in several groups:

  • half-turn;
  • curvilinear;
  • curved;
  • quarter turn.

Rotary parts are often assembled along the load-bearing wall. wooden structures. In the inner space small house sometimes they assemble free-standing stairs that are not attached to the walls.

They look very original and aesthetically pleasing, but moving along such stairs is inconvenient. If the stairs to the second floor do not have railings, then climbing them can be dangerous.

For the manufacture of with my own hands Marching stairs are most suitable. In a private house, single-span or double-span structures are installed.

Assembling a spiral staircase yourself can be more complex process, since carrying out the necessary calculations for installation has its own specifics.

Positive and negative sides

When planning a structure for lifting to the second floor, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of this design. Because, although it has several advantages, this model has significant disadvantages.

The main advantages of a spiral staircase to the second floor:

  • compact assembly. Compared to a regular staircase, a spiral staircase takes up less space in the house. In conditions of limited space in a small room, this is a very valuable quality. The staircase is in a semi-suspended state, attached to the central support and the wall. To further save space, furniture can be placed under the structure;
  • aesthetics. The spiral ascent to the second floor looks very decorative and spectacular. If the turns are smooth and have soft curves, then this becomes most noticeable;
  • acceptable cost. It will be cheaper to design and build a staircase to the second floor yourself than to hire a craftsman. The costs of building conventional flight stairs are much higher.

Negative aspects of the spiral staircase design:

  • difficulty lifting objects upward. Due to frequent turns and lack of space, carrying bulky loads can be difficult. Carrying long objects is almost impossible;
  • Compared to straight stairs, climbing spiral ones is more difficult. Moving up and down a spiral structure is more difficult than a regular staircase. If you do not take into account proportions and calculations when designing and installing all elements (supports, steps, railings and fastenings), then comfort and safety may be significantly reduced.

We must not forget that the spiral staircase to the second floor has steps narrowed at one end. If the climb is steep enough, it can be dangerous when moving.

For a family with a small child or old man, this won't work. You need to walk slowly along the spiral staircase and hold on to the railing.

With reliable handrails, this disadvantage can be easily removed. Accurate calculation of the dimensions and proportions of the width of the horizontal surface and winder steps of the stairs is of primary importance in the design and construction process.

Materials and calculations used for work

To get a durable and aesthetic design, you need to choose high-quality materials. Spiral stairs are often made of wood or metal.

The following types of stairs are available:

  • wooden;
  • welded metal from a profile pipe;
  • forged metal;
  • combined.

For stairs of the first type, only wood is used. The support for it is a beam with a cross-section of 10 cm. The steps must be carefully secured to the wall stringers.

For a metal structure made from a profile pipe, a channel is used, including metal sheets and corners for strengthening.

If only the frame of the staircase is mounted from metal, then sheets of plywood, wood or MDF overlays are used for the steps. Often they resort to a combination of stainless steel and MDF.

It is better to make railings from plastic - it is easy to give it a smoothly curved shape. Forged structures have the most aesthetic appearance, but they have a high cost.

It is easier to use ready-made modular products. In this case, a set of ready-made sections made of metal and steps made of wood is purchased, which are fixed to supports made of a profile pipe and brought under the entrance to the second floor.

Designing a drawing is one of the most difficult parts of your work. But detailed instructions will help you prepare the drawings correctly.

Correctly performed calculations guarantee the comfort and safety of using a spiral staircase.

First you need to select a suitable one for construction work area and develop drawings. The entrance hole to the second floor must be more than 2 square meters. m and have access.

It is necessary to take into account the number and location of steps. Often spiral staircases They do not have risers, so they make a slight overlap of the steps in their narrow part one on top of the other.

You need to maintain a comfortable step width so that you don’t have to trip over the top step when going up and down the stairs. Usually 12 steps are enough to climb to the top.

Since the usable area of ​​the steps is reduced due to the method of their fastening and location conditions, the minimum width of the stairs should be increased.

The standard spiral design has a width of at least 1 m 20 cm. The degree of slope can be increased to 45°.

Installation and installation work for supports, steps, railings

Many owners of a two-story house are interested in how to make a spiral staircase. Work on its construction begins with the installation of a support stand.

It can be concrete or metal. If the frame is constructed from a profile pipe, then welding is used, and the wooden support is secured with anchor bolts.

The drawings indicate in advance the places where the steps are attached. The support should be located at a free distance from the walls.

To make it convenient to climb to the top floor using the spiral structure, you should correctly position the steps on the support.

More often, a frame from a profile pipe is welded for them, which exactly repeats the required shape of the structure.

The spiral staircase is attached to the axis and the wall with your own hands. Installation can be carried out using bolts for fastening. The final stage of the work is attaching the fences.

Railings make moving up a spiral staircase safer. Concrete, forged, plastic trim or decorative elements made of plywood will give them an aesthetic appearance.

The most common option for installing fences is the use of a thin profile pipe.

If wood is used to finish the structure, it is better to install wooden balusters. Creating continuous curved railings can be difficult.

To make curved elements from wood, it must be soaked for a long time and dried in a special vice. It is much easier to use imitation wood or plywood items.

Wood structures are often complemented with other materials. For example, elements made of profile pipes, plastic, stone or brick. There are even prefabricated concrete spiral staircases.

For many years, wood was considered the ideal material for staircase construction. Nowadays, wood is just as relevant.

The range of classic stairs is gradually complemented by ready-made cast iron or steel structures.

The final stage of work is coloring. Stair elements are carefully treated with sandpaper, vacuumed and covered with stain.

After this, three layers of wood paint or parquet varnish are applied. Special solutions for wood are most resistant to damage and abrasion. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Carefully, step by step, carrying out calculations and drawings, installation, assembly and painting of the structure, you can successfully build a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands.

If it is difficult to do this work yourself, then you can seek the help of specialists.

In private construction, screw structures are often erected to rise to the second floor; they are very compact and can transform even the most modest interior. And most importantly, assembling a spiral staircase with your own hands is not at all difficult and anyone can do it. To do this, you just need to know the design features of such structures, and mastering the installation technique will not be difficult.

Features of a spiral staircase

Before you make a spiral staircase yourself, you need to consider the main aspects associated with the features of this design. For example, there are a number of differences between similar products.

First of all, the steps are arranged in a spiral, allowing you to place the staircase more. However, due to this, the ascent and descent become less convenient. The staircase may have only a slight curve, or it may extend high up, alternating turns.

If you look at it from above, it looks like a flower with petals that are arranged in such a way as to slightly overlap each other.

Regardless of whether we are talking about a metal spiral staircase or a wooden one, a purchased model or a home-made one, all elements have a similar design. The central part of this design is the support, which acts as a guiding axis. It is to this that the steps are attached. They, in turn, are also radically different from the steps of ordinary marches, since almost each of them is a winder. This is reflected in the calculation methodology.

The main structural element of a spiral staircase is the central axis

Advantages and disadvantages

Since you are planning to make a spiral staircase to the second floor, you should first weigh the pros and cons, because, despite its advantages, this model also has a number of disadvantages, which in some cases may seem quite significant.

Advantages of screw design:

  • Compactness. Compared to a flight of stairs, it takes up minimal space, and it is more convenient to move along it than on folding or attached models.
  • Decorative. The spiral rise to the floor looks very impressive, especially if you use smooth transitions and soft curves.
  • Budgeting. Building a spiral staircase yourself is much easier and cheaper; it requires less materials.

Disadvantages of spiral staircases:

  • Difficulty lifting loads. Due to the turns and limited space, carrying large objects becomes very difficult.
  • Less convenience. It is more difficult to move, especially downwards, along a screw structure. If design rules are not followed, not only comfort but also safety suffers.

The main advantage of the screw design is its compactness

Materials used

In order for you to get a durable and aesthetic design, you need to select suitable materials. A spiral staircase is made with your own hands, mainly from wood or metal; most often you can find the following options:

  • wooden staircase;
  • metal welded;
  • forged metal;
  • combined.

In the first case, exclusively wood is used. A beam with a cross-section of at least 100 mm can serve as a support. It is advisable to additionally fix the steps on the wall stringers. For a metal structure, channels or pipes can be used, as well as angles or sheet metal for attaching steps. In the case where only a metal frame is created, wood or MDF overlays can be used for the steps. The combination of MDF and stainless steel looks quite good. For railings, the best option would be plastic, since it can be easily bent into a bent shape. Forged structures are considered the most decorative, but their cost is quite high.

You can also use ready-made modular products. In this case, you will have a set of metal sections and finished wooden steps that need to be secured to support pipes and brought under the entrance to the floor.

Varieties of spiral staircases according to materials of manufacture: wooden, metal, forged, combined

Project calculations

The most difficult part of the work is, perhaps, the development of the project, namely the drawings. Comfort and safety when using the structure depend on the correctness of the calculations. A do-it-yourself spiral staircase is worked out in several stages.

First you need to determine the area available for construction and prepare drawings. The hatch to the second floor cannot be less than 2 square meters; free access to the entrance must be provided. Then you should consider the number of steps and their location. Often, screw projects do not have risers, so you can make the steps slightly overlap each other in their narrowed part. At the same time, it is important to maintain a comfortable step so that a person can comfortably descend without clinging to the top step with his heels. Usually 11–13 steps are enough for a full climb.

The degree of slope can be increased to 45 degrees. Be sure to think through the drawings for the location of the handrails. Since the usable area of ​​the steps is reduced due to the method of their fastening and the specific location, it is necessary to increase the minimum width of the stairs. For standard screw structures it must be at least 120 cm.

Basic data and formulas for calculating a spiral staircase with a schematic representation of the structure

Installation of support

The first thing you will need to do is install the support posts. Since you have to make a spiral staircase with your own hands, in case of construction metal frame You must have welding skills. The wooden stand must be fixed with anchor bolts.

In most cases, a combined spiral staircase made of wood and metal is built with your own hands. First you need to indicate the places where the steps are attached in the drawings. It is necessary to ensure that the support is sufficiently removed from the wall so that nothing interferes with further construction.

If the spiral staircase is made only of wood to ascend to the floor, you additionally need to arrange lateral fixation of the steps. To do this, you can cut out stringers with your own hands and secure them to the wall and auxiliary beams. In this case, the design will be similar to a regular staircase with winder steps, but the turn will be steeper.

Method of fastening a support for a wooden spiral staircase

Installation of steps

To make it convenient to move up the stairs to the floor, you need to correctly position the steps on the axis. Usually a frame is welded for them, precisely adjusted to the final shape. It is best to use corners for it. You can also simplify the situation and weld the support in the form of a straight plate. You can weld two corner metal profiles together in the form of an inverted T-shaped stand. Wooden or metal steps are subsequently attached to it. Thanks to this frame, it remains possible to adjust the size of the steps.

A wooden spiral staircase, made by yourself, can have fastenings for steps on the axis, the wall, and also through the use of bolts, if you combine it with stainless steel.

Scheme of mounting steps on the axis

Fences and railings

The final stage is attaching the fences. For spiral staircases, this is not only a way to secure less convenient movement to the floor, but also an additional way to decorate the structure. The most common option is to use thin metal tubes. This kind of fencing looks especially impressive if it is combined with forged inserts and bent wooden railings.

Marking and installation diagram of railing posts

When finishing a structure with wood, it is more appropriate to install wooden balusters. The main difficulty you may encounter is when trying to create a continuous, rounded railing. In principle, you can make bent products from wood, but to do this you will have to soak it for a long time and dry it in a special way. It is better to use imitation wood, namely PVC products.

Now you know the basics of how to build a classic spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands. More accurate calculations and installation methods are determined individually for each project.

The spiral staircase serves as an excellent interior decoration. By adhering to a certain order when calculating and installing the structure, you can make a staircase of any shape.

Elements of a spiral staircase

A characteristic feature of a spiral staircase is the arrangement of steps. The steps are installed radially, from the center to the edge of the circle. From above, the gangway looks like a circle or polygon. To make the structure, prepare several main components:

  • Steps;
  • Central support;
  • Balusters;
  • Railing.

Calculation of structural elements

To link the structure to your home, calculate the main elements of the staircase based on the following recommendations:

  • The optimal length of steps is 80 cm. In case of rare use - 60 cm.
  • The diameter of the stairs is about 2 m.
  • The width of the step in the middle part should be at least 20 cm. At 15 cm from the middle part, the width should not be less than 10 cm.
  • The diameter of the support (stand) is from 2 to 5 cm.
  • The height between the turns of the staircase is more than 2 m.
  • The number of steps in a full turn is at least 12.

Approximate calculations of a spiral staircase

On construction sites on the Internet you can find finished projects spiral staircases that can be converted to suit your premises. With a structure height of 3 m, the initial dimensions can be taken as follows:

  • The outer diameter of the structure is 220 mm.
  • The internal diameter of the structure is 20 cm.
  • Number of steps - 27 pcs.
  • The thickness of the steps is 5 cm.
  • Step height - 11.1 cm.
  • Step length - 100 cm.
  • Step width – 36.1 cm.

Material selection

Hardwood species (oak, maple), metal profiles, and plastic are suitable for construction. All materials can be combined with each other.

Making steps

The market sells blanks for steps 40 mm thick in two sizes - 40 × 80 cm and 30 × 110 cm. Select the desired size. Saw each piece into two parts diagonally. Cut samples to your size. In the narrow part of each step, make a hole with the diameter of the central support. Round the edges of the steps and sand the surface using a machine.

Making a stand

The column must be steel, usually a thick-walled pipe. Saw off the sample to the required length. Remove the thrust disc from the metal sheet. Weld the column to the thrust bearing.

Balusters and railings

Balusters are made of wood or metal. Make the bottom one longer so that it rests on the floor - it will serve as additional support. It is better to make the railings bent; they look beautiful, although they are difficult to make.

Bushings for racks for fastening steps

The bushings are put on the column and the steps are held on them. The height of the bushings is equal to the height of the step, and inner diameter equal to the diameter of the stand. To avoid deforming the steps and the bushing itself, make safety washers. When calculating the height of the bushings, take into account the thickness of the washers.

Assembling the stairs

Secure the central support to the floor strictly vertically. If the floor is wooden, secure the stand using anchor bolts. The support is attached to the cement floor using concrete pouring using tie rods. Install a bushing on the central column, the height of which is equal to the height of the step. The first step is put on it. The remaining bushings and steps are installed on top. The steps should overlap each other by 5-6 cm. Place them in the required position and secure with bolts. Balusters and railings are attached to the wide part. The top step should be flush with the floor of the second floor. At this point, mount the platform and secure the upper part of the column, additionally holding it in a vertical plane. The last step is painting the structure.

The spiral staircase has a very attractive appearance, but you must climb it carefully. The narrow steps and problems with transporting large objects limited their mass construction. It is rational to build such stairs in rooms with little traffic.