World bondage: Jewish robbery. Cases of robbery of shops, apartments and country houses have become more frequent in Chelyabinsk

While the President of the United States makes plans to stabilize the situation in Chicago, violence and crime continue to flourish in the city itself. Many residents of the multi-million locality go to break the law in search of easy money.

This is exactly what happened to 38-year-old Dexter Riley, who decided to rob a bank and secure a comfortable life in the near future. That's just because of his sluggishness, the man dropped the previously purchased lottery ticket, according to which law enforcement officers reached him in a matter of days.

Having found the ticket, the FBI agents found out that it was purchased at one of the gas stations. Photo: flickr/ss/lucyrk/

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Riley decided to try his luck the day before the robbery. When he entered one of the Chase Bank branches, the lottery ticket was in his pants pocket. In the confusion, the man lost a small piece of paper, but managed to escape with $8.2 thousand.

Having found the ticket, the FBI agents found out that it was purchased at one of the gas stations. After reviewing the recordings of video cameras, the investigators found the criminal on them and found out what kind of car he had. A few hours later, the man was detained by patrolmen, who stopped a car similar in description.

Once under arrest, the attacker did not briefly deny his involvement in the bank robbery. He confessed that he spent the stolen money on computer console, drugs and payment of housing debts.

Now the suspect is awaiting a court hearing and it is likely that he will not be able to play the console soon.

According to the politician, it's time to stop the criminal wars in Chicago and take control of the situation.

Edmund Zagorski, who is due to be executed the other day, asked to do it with the use of an electric chair, and not a lethal injection, calling the first method "the lesser of two evils."

Alentin Yuryevich Katasonov - Professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the global financial system. In his books, he shows who and how regulates financial flows in the world, and most importantly, why Russia, with many unresolved internal problems, is now a sponsor of the West and sends billions of dollars there.

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, primarily the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine and are doing everything to ensure that Russia remains a monetary and raw material appendage of Western civilization.

How this doctrine was developed, what specific actions were taken and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian government in it - Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his new book presented to your attention. The materials cited by the author have been collected over many years and are exclusive.

Part 1


For the Lord your God will bless you, as He told you, and you will lend; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.

Deuteronomy 15:6.

The history of money and money circulation testifies that usurers (who today began to call themselves "bankers") were very inventive in constructing ingenious schemes and mechanisms for increasing money capital. The most important tool - loan interest appeared in ancient Babylon. The name of the inventor of this instrument is unknown. But the hint to the inventor was probably made by the one who once convinced Adam and Eve to taste the forbidden fruit in paradise. The catastrophic consequences of violating the prohibition given by God to the inhabitants of paradise are well known. The consequences of the practical application of interest on loans in ancient Babylon were hardly realized. The disease developed very imperceptibly. But today, in the 21st century, the consequences have taken on the scale of a catastrophe, which the media call the "global economic crisis."

The "virus" of usury has been present in society for almost as long as humanity has existed. Just for a long time" the immune system"of a single person and society as a whole was strong enough, and it did not allow the spread of this dangerous" virus. Ancient thinkers like Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) repeatedly warned about the existence of such a “virus” and the threats emanating from it, about the need to observe certain rules of spiritual and moral “hygiene”. Severe warnings are found in the Old and New Testaments. They are repeated in the Quran. The "virus" is contained not in the money itself (as some poets and philosophers emotionally assert), but in the hearts of people.

Chapter 2

It scares me that ordinary people don't want to know the fact that banks can create and destroy money at will. And the fact that the banks control the credit of the nation, direct the policy of the government and hold in their hands the destinies of the people.

Reginald McKenna, former chairman of Midland Bank

The "monetary revolution", as we said above, began in the Middle Ages. However, this was not a one-time event, the "revolution" continued in subsequent centuries, it is a "permanent revolution" that is happening before our eyes.

By "monetary revolution" we mean significant changes initiated by usurers in the monetary system, which lead to the strengthening of their positions in individual countries and in the world as a whole, bringing them closer to their longed-for goal - world domination.

Chapter 3

The lender never enjoys what he has, never rejoices in it, and even then, as interest increases, he does not rejoice over the profit, on the contrary, he is sad that growth has not yet been compared with capital; and before this unrighteous growth is completely equaled, he tries to put it into circulation, turning interest itself into capital, and forcibly compelling it to produce premature generations of vipers. Those are the percentages! They torment and devour the souls of the unfortunate more than these poisonous animals. Here is the "union of untruth"! Here are the "bonds of the yoke"! The man says: I give not so that you have something, but so that you return it with interest.

Saint John Chrysostom

The transition to the legalization of usurious activities was not instantaneous, in different countries In Europe, it lasted from several decades to several centuries, even under the formally full power of the Roman Catholic Church. This transition period ended with the Reformation. A number of researchers draw attention to the fact that it was the transition of usury from an “illegal” to a “semi-legal” position that created the spiritual, moral and material prerequisites for the Reformation, became the main reason"spiritual revolution" in the bosom of Catholicism

In the transitional phase, there is a trend towards the formation of a "double approach" of the Roman Catholic Church to usury. This is, on the one hand, the preservation of strict prohibitions on usury for Christians; on the other hand, a condescending attitude towards the usurious activities of those persons who were outside the bosom of the Catholic Church.

Chapter 4

It turns out that our money is at the mercy of credit transactions banks that lend not money, but only promises to pay back money they don't have.

Irving Fisher (1867–1947), famous American economist

Banks create credit. It would be a mistake to assume that a bank loan consists of cash deposits held in a bank.

Encyclopædia Britannica 14th Edition


The modern parliamentary-bourgeois state gives all creativity to the exchange, that is, to the representative of capital. The autocratic stock exchange, having money ..., naturally acquires a growing dominance over labor in all its forms.

S.F. Sharapov (1855-1911), Russian thinker, public figure, economist

Fractional reserve enabled usurers to build over real money (gold or legal tender in the form of paper money) the second floor of the financial system in the form of deposit money created by commercial banks.

But this was not enough for usurers: they decided to build the third floor of the financial system in the form of securities. This is the floor on which “fictitious capital” lives, which is a derivative of money capital, and even more so commercial and productive capital (“real capital”).



Unlimited freedom and, let us add, the unlimited power of capital - capital that knows neither homeland nor moral laws - such is the Jewish world-power ideal. And this ideal, this power, through a monetary system based on gold, is openly proclaimed and powerfully laid down over the world.

S.F. Sharapov, Russian thinker, economist

The current world crisis is also a crisis of overproduction. Overproduction of money.


Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), American financier, speculator and adviser to several American presidents

Alfred Cato (1858-1922) French writer and journalist


Another important aspect of the liberalization of the "economy" was the encouragement of the "shadow" sector by usurers, in which "liberalization" reaches its climax. This sphere of "economics" will generally fall out of the sphere of state regulation, and life here is built "according to concepts." "Concepts" or norms of life of the criminal world are "sharpened" on main goal- profit maximization, capital growth. This world of the “shadow economy” is not the result of some spontaneous, random, unpredictable events in public life, “mistakes” and “miscalculations” of the authorities, but a project developed and implemented by world moneylenders. Actually, this is not even a “project”, but a way of existence for usurers. Just as the prince of this world (i.e. the devil) cannot bear the light and is always in darkness. The line between the legal and illegal activities of usurers has always been very shaky, but today it is completely blurred.

There is a merging of the legal part of the financial business with those people and groups whose activities literally fall under certain articles of the criminal codes. Naturally, the connections of "legal" financiers with "illegals" are carefully disguised. Moreover, "legal" financiers often verbally "fight" the "shadow economy" and "illegals" (those who operate in the "shadow economy"). But this is only in words. The entire modern business of the global financial oligarchy can be compared to an iceberg, in which the upper part is “legal” business, and the lower one is “shadow”. At the same time, the lower part is many times larger than the upper one.


X. Rakovsky (1873-1941), Soviet state, political and diplomatic figure

An analysis of the links between banks and other financial institutions with the "shadow economy" shows that almost all of these financial institutions are otherwise in the "shadow". On the "field" called "world financial system”, you can “play” only according to the rules that are defined by world moneylenders. Banks may call themselves "ethically oriented", "Islamic", "Catholic", "Christian", "social", "folk", etc. It does not matter. All of them must "play" according to the rules of world usurers. The only exceptions are banks and financial institutions of those states that are outside the global financial pyramid (outsider states, rogue states). Any bank that violates the written and especially the unwritten rules of the "game" flies out of the "financial field", and its organizers, as a rule, have serious problems.

With written rules, everything seems to be clear: if a commercial bank violates the official standards established by central bank or another regulator (for example, the capital adequacy ratio), - in the end, his license is taken away. But there are still unwritten rules. For example, it is necessary to participate in the "laundering" of "dirty" money. Sometimes the heads of banks are forced to do this under pain of death by criminal elements. But more often banks agree to such cooperation voluntarily and even look for criminal partners. Everything is very simple: if a bank refuses to work with “dirty” money, then it simply becomes uncompetitive and is doomed to bankruptcy.

Part 1


For the Lord your God will bless you, as He told you, and you will lend; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.

Deuteronomy 15:6.

Usury: the origin of the "virus"

The history of money and money circulation testifies that usurers (who today began to call themselves "bankers") were very inventive in constructing ingenious schemes and mechanisms for increasing money capital. The most important tool - loan interest appeared in ancient Babylon. The name of the inventor of this instrument is unknown. But the hint to the inventor was probably made by the one who once convinced Adam and Eve to taste the forbidden fruit in paradise. The catastrophic consequences of violating the prohibition given by God to the inhabitants of paradise are well known. The consequences of the practical application of interest on loans in ancient Babylon were hardly realized. The disease developed very imperceptibly. But today, in the 21st century, the consequences have taken on the scale of a catastrophe, which the media call the "global economic crisis."

The "virus" of usury has been present in society for almost as long as humanity has existed. It’s just that for a long time the “immune system” of an individual person and society as a whole was strong enough, and it did not allow the spread of this dangerous “virus”. Ancient thinkers like Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) repeatedly warned about the existence of such a “virus” and the threats emanating from it, about the need to observe certain rules of spiritual and moral “hygiene”. Severe warnings are found in the Old and New Testaments. They are repeated in the Quran. The "virus" is contained not in the money itself (as some poets and philosophers emotionally assert), but in the hearts of people.

Society on the way to the legalization of usurious interest has gone through a number of stages:

a) complete rejection by society of the practice of charging interest, which was reflected in the norms of religious and moral life, as well as legal norms; the main thing is that at this stage more or less effective control was exercised by the church and secular authorities over the observance of these norms; usury existed at that time, but it was "illegal", "underground";

b) connivance on the part of the church and secular authorities in the practice of charging interest while formally maintaining prohibitions; at this time usury was "semi-legal";

c) the gradual weakening and abolition of prohibitions on the collection of interest, while in most cases establishing restrictions on the maximum amount of interest; at this time usury became "legal".

The first stage was the longest, it lasted several millennia until the Middle Ages. Before the advent of Christianity, prohibitions on usury found their justification in the Old Testament, as well as in the works of Aristotle and a number of other thinkers and statesmen. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

In the Old Testament, the prohibition on charging interest was not absolute. It extended only to relationships among “friends”, i.e. Jews.

At the same time, the collection of interest from "foreign" Jews was not forbidden and was even encouraged:

“Do not lend to your brother at interest silver, or bread, or anything else that [can be] given at interest; lend to a foreigner at interest, but do not lend to your brother at interest, so that the Lord your God will bless you in all that is done by your hands in the land where you are going to possess it” (Deuteronomy 23:19).

In the Old Testament, as is known, the consciousness of the Jews was “programmed” for world domination, and this strategic goal was linked to usury as a means to achieve this goal:

“For the Lord your God will bless you, as He told you, and you will lend; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6).

Our well-known philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), who was quite loyal to the Jews, wrote that “Jews are attached to money not at all for its material benefit, but because they now find in it the main instrument for the triumph and glory of Israel” .

The double morality of Judaism regarding usury was later deepened in the Talmud: “God ordered to give money to the goyim (non-Jews. - V.K.) on loan, but to give it only for interest; therefore, instead of helping, we must harm them, even if they can be useful to us. The treatise Baba Metzia insists on the need to lend money at interest and advises Jews to teach their children to lend money at interest, “so that they can taste the sweetness of usury from childhood and learn to use it in advance” .

Modern Jewish authors argue that, in any case, it was extremely rare for Jews at the dawn of their history to engage in usury. They had a “taste” for usury only after the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem, and most of The population of Judea was taken captive by the Persian king Nebuchadnezzar. “Having found themselves in Babylon, a country with a developed system of usury, the former wealthy Jewish farmers who did not know the skills of any crafts, in fact, had no choice but to engage in trade and usury, learning the wisdom of these activities from local residents on the go, moreover, that the Torah (Pentateuch of Moses. - V.K.) did not prohibit issuing interest-bearing loans to non-Jews.

After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. Jews found themselves scattered all over the world, actively engaged in usury and later found themselves among the main organizers of the "monetary revolution". At the end of the Middle Ages, according to the well-known German sociologist, economist and philosopher W. Sombart (1863-1941), the permission to collect interest on a loan to a non-Christian turns into its obligation (the so-called 708 commandment in the Shulchan Arukh). As the Jewish historian and publicist Shahak (1933-2001) says, an interest-free loan in Halacha is equal to a gift; it is recommended in relation to a fellow believer and condemned in relation to a non-believer. He says: Numerous rabbinic authorities (but not all) - among them the famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) - consider it obligatory to demand from a non-Jewish debtor as high an interest as possible. Already the book of Nehemiah (5:4-8) shows the existence of an influential layer of usurers in ancient Israel - despite the fact that covetousness was strictly condemned there. But, of course, only in the diaspora does this activity gain real scope. The Talmud devotes an exceptional amount of space to the technique of usury: only the study of the Torah has more space, says Sombart.

The craving of the Jews for usury, according to many philosophers and theologians, has its roots in their religion, and we are talking not only about individual settings of the Old Testament or the Talmud, but about the general worldview. Here is what our contemporary, publicist and public figure M.V. Nazarov (born in 1946) writes about this: possession of them and to usury.

Jacques Attali: an ode to money and interest

The great ability of the Jews in the field of money and usury is proudly recognized by many Jewish authors. For example, the well-known ideologist of mondialism (i.e., the ideology of globalization and world government) Jacques Attali (born in 1943), who was at one time the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and is currently an adviser to the current President of France N. Sarkozy (born in 1955). In his opinion, the result of these abilities was the dominance of the Jews in world trade and world finance since pre-Christian times, which is why they scattered around the world along trade routes and "lines of money power" in more than they lived in Palestine. Jacques Attali admits that the words "Jew" and "usurer" have become synonymous among many peoples.

How to protect your business, property and life at the touch of a button

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The desire to profit from quick money, the early onset of darkness and a sense of impunity - all this is driven by armed bandits attacking sellers of shopping pavilions. So, last week during the night the raider, armed with scissors, robbed three outlets. He threatened the sellers, forced them to open the cash register and took out all the contents. The man got into the lenses of CCTV cameras, criminal cases were initiated against him under the article “robbery”. However, to date, the police are still looking for him ...

Business protection at the touch of a button

Entrepreneur Alexander D. decided not to risk his business and the lives of his employees. On the advice of a businessman friend, he turned to the Delta company, where he was offered a service.

This is an innovative product that requires huge technical and financial support, which only a large federal company can implement.

Mobile panic button from the company "Delta". Delta offers a unique personal security service

To connect a mobile panic button, installation and installation of any additional equipment is not required - just a mobile phone is enough.

Thus, in case of danger, when the seller does not have the opportunity to press the stationary panic button, he can call an immediate response group with one click on the smartphone screen. In 5-7 minutes, security will arrive at the facility, which will detain the attacker and hand him over to the police.

In the evening I was alone in the store. I needed to go to the back room for the goods. I looked out the window, there was no one on the street. From the back room I heard a noise at the counter, I saw that a robber had burst in, and a stationary button for calling security was under the counter. I didn’t risk my life, I called the Delta security team using the panic button in the mobile application, - says Tatyana, an employee of the trade pavilion. - It is very convenient to have such a button in the gadget, it is simple and clear. After 7 minutes, the guys from the "Delta" arrived and twisted the robber.

Depending on the necessary needs of the client, the Mobile Panic Button service can work in two versions: individual and collective access.

Only until October 20, the first 30 customers who ordered the mobile panic button service from Delta will be free of charge. In this case, the monthly fee will be from 50 rubles per month.

Family protection in one click

After evaluating the benefits of a mobile alarm button for business, Alexander D. decided to protect his family as well. His concern is not accidental: it is in autumn that cases of attacks on passers-by become more frequent. Moreover, the victims are often children, women and the elderly. Criminals not only tear out bags and rip off jewelry, but in a fit of rage inflict grievous bodily harm.

A mobile panic button helps to call a security team as soon as you see a "bad" company. At the same time, there is no need to hide in the entrance or run from intruders: the panic button will act as a bodyguard. At the moment the panic button is activated, the signal reaches the federal data processing station in less than a second and is immediately duplicated to the nearest crew. Help will arrive in five minutes.

It is not known at what point the panic button will come in handy, but with the Delta mobile application, it is always at hand. Thus, the problem of loss or shortage of signal key fobs is solved once and for all. Besides, in personal account you can give the use of the alarm button to an unlimited circle of people, whether they are your friends or relatives.

You can connect an emergency mobile button in three steps:

1) Download the free Delta mobile application;

2) Conclude an agreement with Delta;

3) Receive SMS about service activation.

Until October 20, the first 30 customers who ordered the panic button service will receive a connection as a gift, the subscription fee will be from 50 rubles per month.

Home and apartment protection

As confirmed by criminal reports, in the autumn the number of thefts of personal property of citizens with the breaking of the front door in apartments and houses sharply increases. Chelyabinsk residents finish the gardening season and leave country houses until next summer. That is why household, electronic appliances and gardening equipment become prey for burglars for subsequent resale.

In addition, during the daytime, while children are in kindergartens and schools, and adults are at work, burglars are able to freely enter an apartment or house.

Our correspondent talked to a local resident who shared his method of protecting housing from thieves.

This summer, my wife and I bought a country house near the city and immediately began to think about how to protect it during the winter months while we were away. They did not hope for a local watchman and connected it. By the way, we successfully got to the action, and we paid half of their cost for the alarm system and fire detectors. Plus, we were given a 25% discount on home security and installed an application with a notification function for me and my wife on the phone,” our interlocutor said.

Our correspondent's neighbor on the landing also made sure that by connecting his Vacation home to the Delta security system, he made the right choice.

Last winter, thieves almost carried all the equipment out of the cottage. But they couldn't even crack front door- The Delta alarm went off. In five minutes, a rapid response team arrived and tied them up on the spot, ”recalls a neighbor. - By the way, the thieves had a can of gasoline with them, perhaps they wanted to cover their tracks and start a fire. Thankfully everything worked out. And about six months ago, thieves tried to get into my apartment, but when they saw the sticker on the door, they did not even try to open the lock.

The pensioner Svetlana, a neighbor from the top floor, joined the conversation.

We almost flooded our neighbors this month. The hose to the sink in the kitchen leaked, but fortunately, the Delta alarm worked in time, and the leak was quickly eliminated, ”the woman says. - And even before the installation of security, our country house was constantly robbed, doors and windows were broken: there was not enough money to buy everything again! Now the working neighbors and incomprehensible visitors bypass our house, and the neighbors themselves ask: where did we install such a smart one, and even so inexpensively!

A young mother passing by entered into the dialogue.

This year our child went to the third grade, and thanks to SMS notifications in the Delta mobile application, we can know that the child has returned home from school. In addition, we are now not afraid to leave him alone at home for several hours. If he hears that the doorbell is ringing or knocking, using the panic button in the application, he can call the Delta Rapid Response Team, which always arrives in 5-7 minutes.

Profitable promotions for your own safety

To help city residents protect their homes from unpleasant situations: thieves, water leaks, floods, fires, and other problems, the Delta company makes profitable gifts.

Discount up to -50% for connecting a security alarm to the apartment + ;

Part 1


For the Lord your God will bless you, as He told you, and you will lend; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.

Deuteronomy 15:6.

Usury: the origin of the "virus"

The history of money and money circulation testifies that usurers (who today began to call themselves "bankers") were very inventive in constructing ingenious schemes and mechanisms for increasing money capital. The most important tool - loan interest appeared in ancient Babylon. The name of the inventor of this instrument is unknown. But the hint to the inventor was probably made by the one who once convinced Adam and Eve to taste the forbidden fruit in paradise. The catastrophic consequences of violating the prohibition given by God to the inhabitants of paradise are well known. The consequences of the practical application of interest on loans in ancient Babylon were hardly realized. The disease developed very imperceptibly. But today, in the 21st century, the consequences have taken on the scale of a catastrophe, which the media call the "global economic crisis."

The "virus" of usury has been present in society for almost as long as humanity has existed. It’s just that for a long time the “immune system” of an individual person and society as a whole was strong enough, and it did not allow the spread of this dangerous “virus”. Ancient thinkers like Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) repeatedly warned about the existence of such a “virus” and the threats emanating from it, about the need to observe certain rules of spiritual and moral “hygiene”. Severe warnings are found in the Old and New Testaments. They are repeated in the Quran. The "virus" is contained not in the money itself (as some poets and philosophers emotionally assert), but in the hearts of people.

Society on the way to the legalization of usurious interest has gone through a number of stages:

a) complete rejection by society of the practice of charging interest, which was reflected in the norms of religious and moral life, as well as legal norms; the main thing is that at this stage more or less effective control was exercised by the church and secular authorities over the observance of these norms; usury existed at that time, but it was "illegal", "underground";

b) connivance on the part of the church and secular authorities in the practice of charging interest while formally maintaining prohibitions; at this time usury was "semi-legal";

c) the gradual weakening and abolition of prohibitions on the collection of interest, while in most cases establishing restrictions on the maximum amount of interest; at this time usury became "legal".

The first stage was the longest, it lasted several millennia until the Middle Ages. Before the advent of Christianity, prohibitions on usury found their justification in the Old Testament, as well as in the works of Aristotle and a number of other thinkers and statesmen of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

In the Old Testament, the prohibition on charging interest was not absolute. It extended only to relationships among “friends”, i.e. Jews.

At the same time, the collection of interest from "foreign" Jews was not forbidden and was even encouraged:

“Do not lend to your brother at interest silver, or bread, or anything else that [can be] given at interest; lend to a foreigner at interest, but do not lend to your brother at interest, so that the Lord your God will bless you in all that is done by your hands in the land where you are going to possess it” (Deuteronomy 23:19).

In the Old Testament, as is known, the consciousness of the Jews was “programmed” for world domination, and this strategic goal was linked to usury as a means to achieve this goal:

“For the Lord your God will bless you, as He told you, and you will lend; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6).

Our well-known philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), who was quite loyal to the Jews, wrote that “Jews are tied to money not at all for its material benefit, but because they now find in it the main instrument for the triumph and glory of Israel.”

The double morality of Judaism regarding usury was later deepened in the Talmud: “God ordered to give money to the goyim (non-Jews. - V.K.) on loan, but to give it only for interest; therefore, instead of helping, we must harm them, even if they can be useful to us. The treatise Baba Metzia insists on the need to lend money at interest and advises the Jews to teach their children to lend money at interest, “so that they can taste the sweetness of usury from childhood and learn to use it in advance.”

Modern Jewish authors argue that, in any case, it was extremely rare for Jews at the dawn of their history to engage in usury. They had a “taste” for usury only after the first temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, and most of the population of Judea was taken captive by the Persian king Nebuchadnezzar. “Having found themselves in Babylon, a country with a developed system of usury, the former wealthy Jewish farmers who did not know the skills of any crafts, in fact, had no choice but to engage in trade and usury, learning the wisdom of these activities from local residents on the go, moreover, that the Torah (Pentateuch of Moses. - V.K.) did not prohibit issuing interest-bearing loans to non-Jews.

After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. Jews found themselves scattered all over the world, actively engaged in usury and later found themselves among the main organizers of the "monetary revolution". At the end of the Middle Ages, according to the well-known German sociologist, economist and philosopher W. Sombart (1863-1941), the permission to collect interest on a loan to a non-Christian turns into its obligation (the so-called 708 commandment in the Shulchan Arukh). As the Jewish historian and publicist Shahak (1933-2001) says, an interest-free loan in Halacha is equal to a gift; it is recommended in relation to a fellow believer and condemned in relation to a non-believer. He says: Numerous rabbinic authorities (but not all) - among them the famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) - consider it obligatory to demand from a non-Jewish debtor as high an interest as possible. Already the book of Nehemiah (5:4-8) shows the existence of an influential layer of usurers in ancient Israel - despite the fact that covetousness was strictly condemned there. But, of course, only in the diaspora does this activity gain real scope. The Talmud devotes an exceptional amount of space to the technique of usury: only the study of the Torah has more space, says Sombart.