Do-it-yourself calculation of the geodome. Instructions for the calculator for calculating the domed roof and domed house

The calculation of the geodesic dome is carried out according to a given radius (base surface area), in order to obtain:

  • Estimated dimensions of the ribs and their number
  • Number and type of required connectors
  • Angles between edges
  • Required height, total building area
  • Dome surface area

Dome base area calculated by given radius S=π*R 2 . In this case, it should be taken into account that the real area will turn out to be somewhat smaller, due to the fact that the radius of the dome is usually calculated along the outer surface of the hemisphere (along the "tops"), and the walls of the dome also have a certain thickness.

Geodesic dome height is determined by a given diameter, and can be 1/2, 1/4 of the diameter for an even frequency of splitting (at a high frequency, it can be 1/6, 1/8). For odd - 3/8, 5/8 diameter (etc.).

4V, 1/4 sphere4V, 1/2 sphere

Surface area of ​​a geodesic dome calculated according to the well-known formula for calculating the area of ​​a sphere S=4π*R 2 . For a dome equal to 1/2 sphere, the formula will look like S=2π*R 2 . In a more difficult case, when we are talking about the area of ​​the segment, sphere, calculation formula S=2π *RH, where H is the height of the segment.

Calculation of structural elements of a geodesic domeIt can be done using ready-made tables that specify:
  1. The number of dome ribs of the same length - ribs A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. A dome with a frequency of 1V has one rib - A. A dome with a frequency of 2V has two ribs - A, B. A dome with frequency 3V three edges - A, B, C. Etc.
  2. Number and type of used connectors - 4-terminal, 5-terminal, 6-terminal.
  3. Coefficients for converting the lengths of the dome ribs to the radius of the dome. For example, if you want to build a 2V dome with a height of 1/2 and a radius of 3.5 meters, you need to multiply the radius value (3.5) by a factor of 0.61803 to determine the length of rib A, and multiply by a factor of 0.54653 to determine the length of the edge B. We get: A \u003d 2.163m, B \u003d 1.912m.

1V dome

A1.05146 25
5 way connector 6
4 way connector 5

2V dome

RibsOddsQuantity for 1/2
A0,61803 35
B0,54653 30
4 way connector 10
5 way connector 6
6 way connector 10

3V dome

RibsOddsQuantity for 3/8 Quantity for 5/8
A0,34862 30 30
B0,40355 40 55
C0,41241 50 80
4 way connector 15 15
5 way connector 6 6
6 way connector 25 40

4V dome

RibsOddsQuantity for 1/2
A0,25318 30
B0,29524 30
C0,29453 60
D0,31287 70
E0,32492 30
F0,29859 30
4 way connector 20
5 way connector 6
6 way connector 65

5V dome

RibsOddsQuantity for 5/8
A0,19814743 30
B0,23179025 30
C0,22568578 60
D0,24724291 60
E0,25516701 70
F0,24508578 90
G0,26159810 40
H0,23159760 30
I0,24534642 20
4 way connector 25
5 way connector 6
6 way connector 120

Dome calculation

Based on one parameter, you can select others, they will be calculated automatically. The radius of the base can differ from the radius of the sphere only when rounding the edge of the figure.


Attention! The length is indicated along the top edge (usually it is longer), in some cases (for example, ? spheres), the total length of the product may be longer due to the bottom edge. This happens when the edge of the figure is aligned (to a circle), because the computer program tries to orient the edges of the edge into one common plane for them, this is necessary for the convenience of installing the structure on a plane (the surface of a planet, for example).

dome frame

There are several ways to assemble the dome frame. The simplest and most affordable is the connectorless method, which allows you to safely assemble domes up to 40 m in diameter.

Comparison by number of materials

More than 150 m 3 is required for the production of a log house with an area of ​​250 m 2 . rounded 22nd log, building and finishing lumber. At the same time, the construction of one passive wooden geodesic dome 14 m in diameter, with three floors, with a total area of ​​350 m 2 requires 10 m 3 of lumber, 12 m 3 of slab material (LVL, OSB3, FSF). ALL!!!


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This page is an instruction for a calculator for calculating domed structures, including domed roofs and domed houses.

The interface language is set to Russian by default. You can change it to one convenient for you by selecting the language you need from the drop-down list.

Instructions for the calculator

Initial data.

The "Initial data" area is intended for setting the wireframe geometry. You can set options in the following fields:

« Frequency, V» is the number of vertex splits. As the frequency increases, the number of vertices and edges increases, respectively. The larger this value, the more the shape of the frame approaches the sphere and the shorter the length of the edges.

An icosahedron is a polyhedron whose splitting frequency V is equal to 1.

The value of the partition frequency equal to one corresponds to the structure in the form of an icosahedron. As the frequency increases, the edges of the icosahedron are split into parts. The number of edges is equal to the partition frequency.

Split frequency

« Split class"- this item is responsible for choosing the shape of the polyhedron.

With a partition frequency equal to two or more, different variants of each partition are possible. These options are divided into classes. If we project the partition onto the face of the icosahedron, then the classes of the partition can be represented as a diagram.

Classes for splitting dome structures.

In the calculator, Roman numerals indicate the main classes, there are three in total. Arabic numerals indicate variations of the main classes.

« Partition method» - allows you to choose between Equal Chords, Equal Arcs, and Mexican.

« Axial symmetry» — selection of the axis of symmetry, which is taken into account when cutting off a part of the dome from the sphere and aligning the dome vertically. Possible options:

  • Pentad - the axis of symmetry passes through the vertex, where 5 edges converge.
  • Cross - the axis of symmetry passes through the vertex, where 6 edges converge.
  • Triad - the axis of symmetry passes through the face.

« Fullerene» - selection of the dome shape in the form of fullerene, which fits ("inscribed") into the sphere, or describes it ("described"). The "Fulerene" field is not available when choosing the "Joint" connection option.

« Base Leveling» – allows you to align the base relative to the plane of the base by changing the parameters of the edges at the base of the dome. The "Base Alignment" field is not available when the "Cone" connection method is selected or the fullerene shape is selected.

« Part of the sphere» - selection of the part of the sphere that the dome will consist of. For domes of different frequencies, different cutoff ratios are possible.

Dimensions and connection method

The "dimensions and connection methods" field allows you to set the dimensions of the sphere and select the method for connecting the edges of the dome. Field options:

« Sphere radius, m» — sets the radius of the sphere.

You can select the following connection options from the drop-down list:

  • "Piped" is a connection method using connectors. When this connection method is selected, an additional field appears in which you can specify the diameter of the pipe that makes up the connector.
  • "GoodKarma" is a connectorless connection method, in which each edge consists of two beams. When this connection method is selected, an additional field appears in which you can specify the method of connecting edges clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • "Semikone" is a connectorless connection method, in which each rib consists of two beams.
  • "Cone" is a connectorless connection method, in which each edge consists of one beam.
  • "Joint" is a connectionless connection method, in which each edge consists of one bar. When this connection method is selected, an additional field appears in which you can specify the method of connecting edges clockwise or counterclockwise. The "Joint" method is not available for the fullerene dome.
  • “Nose” is a connectorless connection method, in which each edge consists of one bar. The possibility of choosing this method of connection is provided only for the dome in the form of a fullerene. In order for this connection method to appear in the list of connection options, you must first set the dome shape in the form of fullerene in the "Fulerene" field in the "Initial data" section. To do this, in the "Fulerene" field, select one of the options: "Inscribed" or "Described". When this connection method is selected, an additional field appears in which you can specify the method of connecting edges clockwise or counterclockwise.

For all connection methods, the ribs at the base of the dome consist of a single beam.

Fin dimensions

This field specifies the width and thickness of the ribs in millimeters.

Dome scheme

The right side of the calculator displays a diagram of a given dome. The dome can be rotated with the mouse and zoomed in and out with the mouse wheel.

In the calculator, you can see: frame, roof, scheme and plan by clicking the appropriate button. They can also be rotated, enlarged and reduced.

The scheme on the "Roof" tab allows you to exclude individual faces and edges of the structure from the calculation. To exclude a face, click on it with the mouse. To exclude an edge, it is necessary to exclude faces adjacent to it on both sides.

When excluding faces and edges from the calculation in the "Roofing" tab, the values ​​in other tabs and sections of the calculator are recalculated automatically.

This feature can be useful for analyzing possible openings in a structure, such as doors and windows.

In the plan tab, you can see the projection of the lower edges of the structure onto the plane at the base. As well as the dimensions from the center of the sphere to the ends of the projections and the height of the ends of the edges.

By selecting individual edges with the mouse, you can see similar information for any edge of the dome.

Clicking the mouse again removes the selection.

If the dome face is excluded in the "Roof" tab, then when you switch to the "Plan" tab, the edges of these faces will be automatically highlighted.

To see the base plan in full, rotate the diagram with the mouse.

Measurement results

The content of the "measurement results" block becomes visible when you click on the heading of this "measurement results" block.

The name of each field is self-explanatory.

In the "Dimensions" block, the number of sizes and the number of elements themselves are indicated:

"Faces" - the first number indicates the number of dimensions, the second number indicates the number of faces. In the diagram, faces of the same size are shown in the same color.

"Ribs" - the first number indicates the number of dimensions, the second number indicates the number of edges. In the diagram, edges of the same size are shown in the same color and marked with the same letters.

"Vertices" - the first number indicates the number of vertices to which different edges are connected, regardless of the fact that fewer edges are connected to the base vertices. The second number shows the number of vertices.


The ribs block shows the type, size and number of all ribs of the calculated dome.

The diagram uses the following symbols:

  1. The index of the edge and its color in the diagram. Latin letters are used as an index.
  2. The number of edges of this type (index).
  3. The value of the dihedral angle between the plane of the rib and the adjacent face of the dome.
  4. Numerical designation of the vertex at which the edge abuts with the given end.
  5. The value of the dihedral angle between the outer plane of the rib and the cut plane.


The face block shows the type, size and number of all faces of the calculated dome.


The vertex block shows the type, size and number of all the vertices of the calculated dome. The vertices are given without taking into account the clipping of a part of the sphere from the dome. So if one or more edges have the designation “undefined”, then this means that in a truncated dome there are such vertices at the base and there are no faces with the designation “undefined”. In order to see all the faces, you need to select the entire sphere "1/1" in the "part of the sphere" field.