Protection from insects at home. Protecting a wooden house from mice and insects - modern and traditional methods

Today, many people prefer to purchase wooden houses. They have big amount advantages and features, among which the most important are beauty and reliability. However, despite the fact that such buildings are reliable, they require proper care, because otherwise after some time they will be in an uninhabitable condition. Why does this happen?

The fact is that wooden houses can contain various beetles. For example, grinder beetles can chew wooden walls, beams, spoil furniture. There may also be longhorned beetles in the tree, which also damage all property. Their larvae can be located in wood cracks. By gnawing on a tree, they feed, while making their way inside the tree. It should be noted that adult beetles eat less than larvae. However, they multiply - this is the main danger.

Methods for getting rid of insects for a wooden house

To get rid of harmful bugs quickly and for a long time, you should follow some rules:

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the wood from dust and dirt. It is also important to remove old paintwork.
  2. Areas of damaged wood must be thoroughly treated with chemicals. Typically, such products are applied with a roller or spray.
  3. After a few hours it is necessary to re-process. It should be carried out no more than three times. Chemicals penetrate into all the cracks in the wood and destroy different kinds Zhukov.
Disposal process Antiseptic wooden house must be done carefully, according to certain standards:
  1. It is possible to carry out the treatment with chemical agents that contain a tar solution.
  2. After processing, wood material should be primed or immersed in an antiseptic solution.
  3. Exits through which insects can crawl out must be filled with a toxic substance.
  4. Next, you need to impregnate the surface of the wood with a special solution.
  5. Then you need to spray an aerosol with an insecticide, after which you can spray a special gas. To ensure the safety of this process, it is necessary that there are no people or animals in the room.

There are many methods for antisepticizing a wooden house. The choice of method for getting rid of insects depends on the area of ​​the room, the type of tree and the degree of damage.

Please note that the treatment should be carried out both indoors and outdoors. It is usually carried out in the warm season, for example, in spring or summer. It is also necessary not to forget about annual preventive maintenance. As a preventive measure, you can use traditional methods, for example, the use of varnishes, oil paints, and wax. They perfectly protect wooden material from microbes, fungi, insects and high humidity.

After the procedures, the room must be thoroughly ventilated. This is necessary so that harmful substances and unpleasant odors disappear and cannot harm the health of people and animals.

Carrying out such procedures is mandatory for a wooden house. IN otherwise, the house will fall into disrepair in a short period of time.

Choose only high-quality products, antiseptics, paints and varnishes. They must be persistent. To carry out high-quality and fast work to protect your home from insects, contact our company, and we will help you in choosing and getting rid of harmful insects. The company employs only highly qualified workers who have many certificates confirming their professionalism. Our employees will do everything quickly and efficiently, you will definitely not regret that you contacted us.

suitable products

At home and outdoors - find out about the most convenient and easy-to-use products.

Protection from insects is a pressing issue that is becoming more and more relevant every year, because crawling and winged creatures have long learned to adapt to even the most difficult climatic and environmental conditions. The high adaptability of insects is due to the desire of each new generation to leave behind impressive offspring. In this article we will talk about how to destroy insects in the house without harming your beloved family.

From time immemorial, different types of insects have lived next to people, laying claim not only to tasty leftovers from the dinner table, but also to the warmth of the house, thereby reducing the level of comfort in the home. Many species of insects widespread throughout the globe cause significant harm to human health through their bites, as they are carriers of dangerous infections. Therefore, the issue of protection from unwanted neighbors in urban areas and in nature is especially acute.

Effective and safe protection against blood-sucking insects

The peak activity of flying bloodsucking insects is at night. They enter the room through windows and doors and, hiding behind the furniture, wait in the wings. A product such as a fumigator will help you defeat insects at home. It uses replaceable plates or liquid that release specific insecticides into the air. For people sensitive to chemical compounds, it is recommended to use products from the series, the principle of action of which is based on the natural substance pyrethrum.

Mosquito coils and rods

When outdoors, it is also recommended to use effective insect repellents such as RAPTOR®. To spend a peaceful evening in the gazebo with a cup of tea or a pleasant conversation, install them around the perimeter and set them on fire. Products that are released during the smoldering process will effectively protect you from insects.

Fly protection

RAPTOR® will also help you defeat insects such as flies. The specific smell attracts these pests, but instead of the “promised” pleasure, they find themselves tightly glued to the tape. To combat fruit flies, RAPTOR® has created products that are completely safe for food. The product has become an innovation on the Russian market.

Moth protection

Various types of moths also cause a lot of trouble. An effective remedy from RAPTOR® - will provide you with up to 2 months of protection. You can fight clothes moths with, and. These insect repellents will relieve you of worry about your clothes for a long time. Among them you can choose both and options. To protect outerwear, RAPTOR® has developed a special product - a cover for moth-proof fur coats, in which it is convenient and easy to store any fur products. This is truly effective protection against insects.

Control of crawling insects in the house and on the site

The most common crawling troublemakers include cockroaches and ants. These hardy and extremely tenacious creatures have learned to adapt even to difficult climatic conditions, and their ability to develop immunity to insecticides haunts scientists all over the world.

In the summer, summer residents and lovers of country holidays especially suffer, where the army of ants is joined by hordes of ticks and other multi-legged creatures. With the onset of cold weather, insects seek refuge in apartments and country houses. And residents of the first floors of apartment buildings withstand pest attacks all year round.

The RAPTOR line of professional products includes products that are effective at home and in the country. The aerosol must be sprayed directly in the place where insects accumulate, as well as on all possible paths of their movement. As a rule, kitchen bins, the area behind the trash can and under the sink, under the stairs and on the porch of a country house are at risk.

The aerosol contains insecticides with contact and gastric action, which penetrate the body of insects through respiratory system and chitinous cover, destroying adults and eggs for very short term. The high efficiency of the aerosol is due to the content of two active components with immediate and prolonged action. Therefore, insects that do not enter the treatment zone are exposed to the insecticide along the “evacuation” routes, where drops of the active substance settle.

To eliminate the entire population of cockroaches and ants, use. The principle of action of the insecticidal preparation in the form of a gel is based on the instincts of insects. Attracted by the smell, they rush to feast on the gel, becoming carriers of a toxic substance with a prolonged effect. Returning to the population, infected individuals infect their fellows, and a chain reaction occurs.

The gel contains a new generation pyrethroid insecticide, which has passed numerous tests by manufacturers and the Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation. The use of Raptor gel according to the instructions does not harm the health of humans and pets.

How to get rid of a large accumulation of insects in an apartment

The fight against insects in an apartment is complicated by the fact that disinfection with heavy chemicals cannot be carried out in the presence of people. Having made their way into the home, insects take up residence in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, toilet, and find refuge in flower pots, where they organize nests for future offspring. Only an integrated approach will help get rid of a large army of pests.

Emergency measures for exterminating insects in an apartment:

  1. Prepare the room for disinfestation: carry out general cleaning, eliminate possible “bread” places for insects (food waste, crumbs, drops of water near the sink, food left in the open, uncovered cereals). Move furniture away from cabinets and thoroughly wash the floors and remove cobwebs - these are the corners where insects usually hide.
  2. Carry out a “search” of the apartment for ways of entry of insects: pests can get through cracks from neighbors, through ventilation shafts from basements. In this case, the elimination of insects will only be temporary, and they will return again.
  3. Buy special products designed to combat household insects that can be used in the apartment.

One of the most effective modern drugs for combating several insects at once is. The high degree of protection against crawling and flying creatures is due to the content of the modern Japanese active ingredient cyphenothrin (cyphenothrin) in the product, which has a strong nerve-paralytic effect on insects.


Ubiquitous animals can appear anywhere - in the basement, crawl space, attic, kitchen and living rooms. Owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings concrete houses They are extremely surprised to discover that, for example, a mouse has settled in the bathroom, although the apartment is located on the 5th or 7th floor. But for her, climbing sewer pipes or ventilation shafts is actually not that difficult. What then can we say about wooden low-rise buildings? For rodents, this is simply paradise.

The activity of mice regarding their settlement for the winter begins closer to autumn. They gnaw holes in the wall, which are not so easy to detect, get inside and nest where it is warmer and more nourishing. Wherein:

  • destroy food supplies stored in the house;
  • leave waste of their life;
  • carry dangerous infectious diseases into the home;
  • undermine wood;
  • damage furniture;
  • chew through wiring;
  • scare household members with their unexpected appearance;
  • crawl into small cracks that are smaller than the thickness of their body;
  • fill the space with unpleasant odors.

In fact, mice can nest anywhere - in insulation and polystyrene foam, in sawdust and underground bedding. They should not be left alone, as they multiply very quickly, and thanks to their natural instincts and herd life, they easily gain experience in how to avoid the traps placed in their path. There are often cases when overly smart representatives of gray pests manage to eat the bait in a mousetrap without getting caught in it.

Mice repellents need to be changed from time to time, as they quickly get used to danger and try to avoid it.

The fight against rodents should begin at the stage of construction of a wooden house. For this purpose, the following is selected as insulation:

  • ecowool - contains an antiseptic and a component that causes suffocation and a strong feeling of thirst in mice, but the material is completely harmless to humans;
  • expanded clay - a 10-centimeter layer directly under the floor is enough to protect wooden beams from rodents.

Laying fine metal mesh in the crawl space and on the surface of the plinth will help create a barrier that will be difficult for pests to overcome. Ash scattered at the intended entry points of mice, which irritates their mucous membrane, also helps. When moving into a ready-made house, it would be a good idea to get a cat. Even if she does not turn out to be a diligent hunter, she will still be able to scare off unexpected gray guests with her smell and menacing appearance.

If mice appear in an already residential building, you will first need to put it in appropriate order:

  • seal cracks and discovered holes, first filling them with broken glass;
  • place stocks of cereals, flour and sugar in metal or glass containers with lids;
  • carefully hide leftover food;
  • remove debris from old clothes and other rubbish;
  • remove from the house containers that have not been used for years, etc.

Only after this can we hope that more effective protection of a wooden house from mice and insects will bear fruit. Some remedies act instantly, others gradually, and others turn out to be inappropriate in the current situation, and therefore completely useless. There are modern methods of controlling rodents, but many prefer to use old-fashioned methods, which, in the end, turn out to be no less effective.

We list the most popular options for protection against rodents:

  • traditional mousetraps - often animals simply do not pay attention to them, since this danger is already in their genes;
  • poisoned baits are dangerous for pets;
  • ultrasonic devices - capable of scaring away mice from an area of ​​up to 100 square meters, and not just from a small house;
  • special means - it is recommended to use outside the house, since rodents before dying can hide in a hard-to-reach place that cannot be detected, but the unpleasant odor will remain in the room for a long time;
  • sharp-smelling substances such as naphthalene or kerosene are unlikely to be suitable for living rooms, so they are used in utility buildings;
  • ash – if it gets on the paws, it causes severe discomfort;
  • lime mixed with sugar and a container filled with water placed nearby - effective, but controversial from a humane point of view.

Despite the fact that the fight will be against pests and troublemakers, you should choose a more gentle method of getting rid of them. It is best to use, of course, ultrasonic repellers. And although they are not cheap, they can be used for quite a long time, moving them from home to a barn, summer kitchen, bathhouse, etc.

How to get rid of insects

It is imperative to combat insects by taking preventive measures, and, if necessary, solving the problem with drastic methods.

Preliminary processing wooden elements antiseptics are carried out during the woodworking process. Then the surfaces are impregnated during the construction of the wooden house. The applied compounds penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, creating a reliable protective layer. The surfaces are additionally painted with varnishes or paints, and over time the coating is renewed.

Antiseptic agents such as BIOREX, PINOTEKS, TIKKURILLA, etc., affect not only adults. Their larvae also disappear. To get rid of insect colonies already during the operation of the house, you will need to find out where the places where they accumulate are located. This will allow you to process contaminated wood more efficiently and efficiently. If significant defects are detected, it is recommended to remove the affected areas and replace them with new ones.

As practice shows, choosing an effective insect repellent in a house or apartment is a rather difficult task for an unprepared person. At the same time, the insect fighter himself may not think so, often believing that it is enough to buy “some kind of spray can” or chalk - and the insects will die out en masse, and the survivors will run away to their neighbors.

Often, when choosing a product, it is not taken into account that different insects may react differently (or not react at all) to certain insecticidal preparations. Sometimes in pursuit of “killer poisons” one may forget simple truth that individual substances are quite difficult to use independently without professional use, and instead of having a poisonous effect on insects, they can easily lead to poisoning of the person himself (and such cases, unfortunately, are not so rare and do not always end well).

On a note

Many insect repellents are divided into household and professional. The former, if the instructions are strictly followed, can be used by an untrained person at home, while the latter are officially allowed to be used only by trained workers of special pest control services.

Today, sometimes some people try to purchase powerful insecticidal agents for professional use via the Internet, at pest control services, and even at the SES (through connections), being not always sufficiently aware not only of their potential health hazards, but even how In general, they should be treated correctly.

Today, chemical repellents called insecticides are the most effective and have proven themselves to be the best. They are widely used for the destruction of both insects and harmful insects on agricultural land and industrial warehouses.

In general, insecticides can be divided into the following groups:

So, before you buy an insect repellent, you must first choose the right one. Otherwise, even a very powerful drug may turn out to be useless and even dangerous in a particular situation.

“On our farm there is no place to buy insect repellent at all. Everyone poisons the Prussians and bedbugs in the old fashioned way with vinegar and tansy, and it’s all to no avail. They only create appearances. Therefore, when we went to the city again, we bought Karbofos, a lot, a whole canister. Works well, although it smells disgusting. We were told that this product could only be used in the country house or garden, but we used it on the whole house, barns, chicken coop, and summer kitchen. My husband even rubbed the inside of the doghouse with it. And now we no longer have cockroaches, there are no bedbugs in the chicken coop, and fleas avoid the dog.”

Tamara Grigorievna, Samara region

Rules for choosing insect repellent in the home

  • Safety for human health;
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor (there are cases when upholstered furniture retained the medicinal smell of the applied insecticide for months, and as a result it simply had to be thrown away);
  • Ease of use;
  • Speed ​​of action (if you are willing to wait a couple of weeks, some drugs may be suitable, but if you absolutely need to kill insects within a day, then these will be completely different means and methods).

Today you can buy insect repellent not only in household chemicals or household goods stores, but also via the Internet. When purchasing, be sure to take into account the area of ​​the room and read the appropriate instructions for the correct use of the drug - so that, for example, you do not use it against cockroaches as shown in the photo below:

For use, Get is diluted with water in the concentration specified according to the instructions and sprayed around the house in places where insects may accumulate and move. It has a prolonged action and a barrier effect: that is, you can treat, for example, ventilation ducts around the perimeter, and insects crawling from neighbors and crossing the treated area will almost inevitably die after some time.

Today you can buy Get insect repellent for about 800 rubles. per bottle of 100 ml - this amount is enough to treat about 100 sq. meters of area.

“...We poisoned my grandmother’s apartment from bedbugs and cockroaches three times. The first time they wanted to make do with little blood and smeared everything with pencils. There are fewer cockroaches, but the bedbugs don’t react to these pencils at all, even though we smeared them all over the bed. Then we bought Dichlorvos Eco, like this modern version Dichlorvos. Almost all the cockroaches were removed, but the bedbugs survived. Even after re-treating the apartment, they continued to crawl and chew on us. Then we ordered two bottles of Geta from Yekaterinburg. One bottle was enough to remove everything that moved in the house. The second bottle was kept as a reserve.”

Irina, Tula

Tetrix and its features

Having learned about the high effectiveness of Tetrix, today many people are trying to buy it in any way, forgetting that this drug is not intended for household use, but is used only by pest control services.

The product is produced in Holland, supplied in canisters of two liters or more (sold by specialized companies that supply wholesale insect repellents). Although today plastic, aluminum and glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter have also begun to appear on the market. The drug is quite expensive, one liter is enough to treat several apartments, and therefore, if you really use it yourself, then only together with your neighbors on the landing.

Tetrix insect repellent liquid has a very strong unpleasant odor. Processing should be carried out with open windows, always wearing a respirator and safety glasses. The product is very effective and destroys all insects in the house, regardless of their species.

However to an ordinary person It is still difficult to buy Tetrix, it is expensive and quite problematic to use - poisoning with this insect repellent if used incorrectly is very likely.

Clean house from insects

Insect repellent Clean Home is a typical aerosol for household use. Quite effective against cockroaches, ants, woodlice, moths, and can help remove bedbugs if there are not too many of them in the room. The product has an unpleasant strong odor; Comes with a special tube that can be used to process narrow crevices and holes.

A 150 ml can of clean Dom aerosol costs about 100 rubles. To treat a medium-sized one-room apartment, you will need at least three cylinders.

In addition to aerosol, products from the Clean House brand are also available in the form of powder and gel against cockroaches and ants. In the kitchen, these insect repellents will be effective, but it is better not to use them as a remedy for blood-sucking insects.

Combat: price, effectiveness and application features

Combat is a Korean-made aerosol insect repellent produced with a pleasant lemon or mint scent. It is effective against cockroaches, ants and moths, can help remove bedbugs and fleas, is quite easy to use and is inexpensive.

The line of products also includes the drug Combat Multispray - an aerosol against any insects (about 200 rubles for a 400 ml bottle), Combat Superspray against crawling insects (250 rubles for 500 ml), traps for cockroaches, painted to resemble laminate (about 100 rubles for 6 traps) and gel (50 rubles for 30 grams). Traps are positioned only against cockroaches, and the gel is positioned against cockroaches and ants.

The executioner and its effectiveness

Executioner - insect repellent with wide range actions. With proper treatment of the room, it allows you to destroy any arthropods. It is produced using German technology (it was developed to combat bedbugs), sold in small bottles, the contents of each of which are diluted in 0.5 liters of water for use.

To remove insects from a one-room apartment, 20-25 bottles are required, which makes Executioner one of the most expensive products on the market (the price of a bottle is 70 rubles). The drug is easy to buy on the official website.

Insect Raptor

Insect repellents Raptor, like Combat, are quite large collection drugs in different release forms and against different insects. Perhaps the best known remedy is Raptor for crawling insects, with which housewives successfully remove cockroaches and ants.

There are several Raptor anti-moth products - sections and aerosol - which in this niche are considered one of the most effective and affordable. Traps and gel Raptor - additional funds to enhance the effect of aerosols, but they can also be used to independently combat insects with a small number of them in the house.

Any insect repellent hardware store sells several Raptor products, making them one of the most popular in households.

Mosquitall collection of products: sections, fumigators and sprays

Among Mosquitall products, it is easy to find a reliable remedy for flying insects: the manufacturer’s collection includes moth sections with the scent of lavender, mosquito fumigators, skin protection products from bites and creams to combat the consequences of insect bites.

The most commonly used household insect repellents are sections and fumigators. The first ones are hung in closets with things to prevent infection with clothes moths, the second ones are plugged into the socket before going to bed.

Anti-moth products from Mosquitall are presented on the market with the following drugs:

  • Sections with lavender scent and without scent. Serve to repel moths.
  • Dry perfume with the scent of lavender. They are also repellents.
  • Sprays and aerosols for treating clothing and killing moth larvae.

In general, Mosquitall household insect repellents are quite inexpensive, but are designed specifically to combat mosquitoes and moths. In most cases, it will not be possible to remove bedbugs or ants with their help.

Gel Globol against household pests

Gel Globol is a German product for killing cockroaches and ants. It attracts pests with its smell: insects feed on it, after which they die within a few hours.

Ants willingly take drops of the gel to the anthill, where this insect poison destroys the larvae and the queen. One drop of Globol gel contains an amount of insecticide sufficient to kill 500 cockroaches. However, the gel, of course, has absolutely no effect against bedbugs and fleas - it simply does not attract them as a food source.

Unfortunately, in 2014-2015. supplies of the gel to Russia have stopped, and now finding the original drug on the market is very, very problematic.

Klopoveron and its effectiveness against bedbugs

Klopoveron is a unique Soviet military development, which is still considered one of the most powerful remedies against bedbugs. The secret of its effectiveness is that instead of insect control chemicals, Klopoveron contains “species-specific protein toxins and animal cells” to which bedbugs cannot develop resistance.

On a note

In general, this information describing the remedy seems rather dubious. Most likely, the composition is still based on some kind of chemical insecticide, and not necessarily a unique one.

It is impossible to buy Clopoveron on open sale, but, as a rule, having learned the price of the drug, many buyers prefer to use more accessible and less expensive products. Today Klopoveron is sold in the USA as Bed Bugs Killer Pro and costs about 3,000 rubles for 250 grams of powder. The drug requires dilution in water and treatment of surfaces on which insects move.

Only among foreign websites can you find an insect repellent store that works with the manufacturer and order delivery of the drug to Russia. In practice, it turns out that it is cheaper and easier to destroy bedbugs by calling a team of exterminators.

Karbofos: harsh and inexpensive

Karbofos is a typical outdated “chemistry” for insects (organophosphorus). It has a persistent unpleasant odor, is used both indoors and in gardens and gardens, sold in the form of powder and liquid concentrate for dilution. Safe enough for humans and versatile when fighting various insects.

On a note

Recently, populations of cockroaches and bedbugs resistant to Karbofos have been discovered. But in general, in most cases, the product is still more or less successful in exterminating insects, especially if the apartment owners are willing to endure a persistent unpleasant odor for weeks.

However, even if you can’t buy any of the above mentioned products, you can try poisoning insects with the drugs that are on sale specifically in your city - fortunately, such drugs are often created on the basis of the same insecticides. You can choose the most effective option if:

  1. Use the recommendations of friends who have recently been helped by insect repellent (and forget about grandmothers’ stories about dust, wormwood, tar, vinegar and kerosene - times are changing).
  2. Focus on products containing Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Fenthion, Piperonyl butoxide, Chlorpyrifos, Malathion and their derivatives. If the composition is not indicated at all, then it is better to refrain from purchasing the drug. If you need to kill a small number of cockroaches, woodlice or ants, you can try using boric acid or borax (mixed with egg yolk). These are relatively safe, effective and inexpensive insecticides, requiring, perhaps, additional effort when working with them.

And the main thing is not to forget: the effectiveness of the product depends by much more than half on the correct use of it. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions and poison insects successfully. Good luck!

Useful video: comparing the effectiveness of various chemical insect repellents

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Testing modern tools

Educational film about remedies for blood-sucking insects

People have long valued wooden buildings, including houses, not only for their visual appeal, but also for their environmental friendliness. Air in wooden house special, since this material creates a unique microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Therefore, wood is not only a popular building material, including today. He is even given magical properties, for example, in such popular teachings as feng shui. However, with all the abundance of advantages, it should be noted that wood is somewhat vulnerable in comparison with, say, brick, foam concrete and others. building materials, not afraid of external influences.

Insects in a tree. Who is the enemy?

There are hundreds of times more species of insects on earth than tree species. These little inhabitants of our planet greatly bother people and deprive them of comfort. They are no less dangerous for the tree. There are several types of them that are considered a real disaster. Of course, if you don't take action in advance. So, the most common wood pests are:

Furniture sharpener

This pest is about 3 millimeters in size, so due to its miniature dimensions it is not immediately noticeable. The grinder will bite into any wooden surface (including furniture inside the house). The main condition for it is the absence of varnish and paint on the surface. He quickly makes holes and goes inside. Its holes are 2 mm in diameter, and often yellow dust spills out of them - this is the result of its processing of wood.

The wood grinder is dangerous because of its omnivorous nature - it grinds all types of wood, and it also bothers you with its rapid reproduction. The females burrow into the holes made very deeply and lay clutches of eggs there. The presence of a grinder can be recognized not only by its numerous holes, but also by the characteristic sound it makes. They resemble the ticking of a clock, which is why sharpeners are popularly called “watchmakers.” But thanks to this, they can be detected quite quickly. They make this sound to attract females, so an attentive owner will quickly notice the presence of strangers in the house.

First, you will need to conduct a thorough inspection of the furniture and the entire house. Yes, this is a painstaking task that requires diligence, but this is the only way to get rid of pests. All discovered holes must be processed. The grinder does not tolerate moisture, this is his weakness. Therefore, the surface is treated with wet compounds. It could be:

  • Vaseline or green oil;
  • A solution of naphthalene in gasoline;
  • A mixture of turpentine and kerosene in a ratio of 1: 3. In order for the moisture to stay in the wood longer, a thin layer of wax or paraffin is applied to the holes on the upper side (they are usually located compactly - children’s nests can be located on one heel). The holes can be quite deep, so it is better to inject the liquid inside using a syringe.

After removing pests, it is important to carry out preventive measures - treating wood with special compounds. Furniture can be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of sodium fluoride. Be sure to ventilate the room, since these beetles do not like fresh air either.

House grinder

He is also called a “sharpener”, as he actively sharpens furniture. However, there is a significant difference between the two types. If an ordinary “watchmaker” is only interested in dry furniture, then a home sharpener likes humidity. Therefore, it is especially common in wooden baths, in attics near windows, where drops of moisture periodically fall after rain. Of all the species, he prefers conifers. You can also find out about its presence in the house by the characteristic holes that appear in wooden structures. It is easier to notice, since its dimensions reach up to 7 mm.

You can fight against this pest using aerosols sold in specialized stores. They are applied to all holes (its holes are also located compactly). Even if the aerosol does not get deep into the hole, the beetles and larvae die from toxic chemicals that penetrate inside when sprayed.

In addition, a solution that you can prepare yourself at home also works well. Take equal parts of kerosene (turpentine), naphthalene and tar (tar, carbolic acid). This composition must be used to treat surfaces. If possible, inject it inside using a syringe. The house grinder, as mentioned above, is sensitive to vapors, so even if the composition does not penetrate deep inside, the beetles die from the fumes.

Woodcutter or barbel

This pest is one of the giants. Its size in adulthood reaches about 2 mm. This is the maximum of its growth, but in comparison with house grinders the difference is noticeable. He prefers dry, coniferous wood. He really loves not fresh, just cut down, but older ones. His favorite place is living in houses 10-15 years old, telegraph poles. As a rule, he does not touch furniture, preferring the construction of houses. You can also find out about its presence in the house by the holes. Moreover, these holes are also large - due to the size of the beetle. The diameter of the holes can reach up to 0.5 cm.

The barbel does not like frost and cold, so it is most active in the warm climatic zones of our country, especially in the southern part. During the breeding season it is especially active. There have been cases when, in a short period of time, these pests destroyed not only individual scraps, but also entire neighborhoods!

Modern industry offers good means to combat barbels. Among the most popular are ADLER WurmEx and TYTAN antiseptic. Longhorned beetles are also very sensitive to fumes that are toxic to them. Therefore, many companies specializing in home protection offer just this option - treating the room with a special osphine gas, which penetrates everywhere, including into holes hidden from the human eye, for example, in ceiling structures.

  • It is also important to carry out similar treatment of the premises as a preventive measure. Processing is very important wooden surfaces antiseptic Lignofix. However, according to user recognition, the best antiseptics are:
  • Stabil;
  • Stabil Extra;
  • I-Profi

Rotten weevil

It got its name because of the specific appearance, which really resembles an elephant's trunk. That's why people call it "elephant". The dimensions of the rotter are small - about 3 mm. He prefers coniferous trees located in damp areas of the house. It can be seen in bathhouses, near windows, in attics. Its presence is noticeable by the characteristic holes and dust that it leaves behind. It is very common in the European part of Russia. The rotters destroy the tree with skill. If no measures are taken, then within a short time the tree will really only be rotten.

The holes found in which these beetles live and lay their larvae are treated with a special compound and poured inside using a syringe. To combat rotting insects, it is better to use insecticidal preparations in specialized stores. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use fumigators and treat wood with a special composition.

Unfortunately, if for some reason you do not take care of the wood of the house in advance or entrust its construction to non-professionals, then redoing the work later will be both more expensive and more difficult. For example, it is often necessary to remove already applied paint or varnish from the surface and only after that carry out antiseptic treatment of the wood, since paint and varnish coatings cannot always protect the wood from pests. It is necessary to turn to special pest control products.

What are the types of protective equipment?

Fortunately, the modern industry offers many options and you can choose any that suit you. In general, they can all be divided into several groups depending on their mode of action.

It can be:

  • Contact means. As the name suggests, they act by direct contact with insects. These include DDT, chlorodon, chlorophos, hexochlorane. However, these products are toxic to pets and humans, so it is necessary to limit their access to them during the period of treatment of the premises;
  • Intestinal. They act by getting inside the insect. These compounds contain sodium, copper, naphthalene and others.
  • Fumigants. Their action is based on vapors that are poisonous to insects, which they emit when sprayed. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since you don’t have to look for holes and inject the product or manually process them. The disadvantage of fumigants is that they quickly evaporate, so more of them are required.

By the way, there are also universal compositions like the biocidal composition “Zhuk”. It acts on almost all wood-boring beetles, their larvae and even fungus. At the same time, the color of the wood does not change from its application. It contains insecticidal components and bioseptics.

It is noteworthy that if you choose modern means of protecting your home, then you do not have to worry that they will have a negative impact on the microclimate of the room. In addition, such products are not flammable; they belong to hazard class 4.

Pest control today is less difficult and more effective than it was just a few decades ago.