What does the definition mean in Russian? Definition in Russian

Inconsistent definitions- these are definitions that are associated with the main (defined) word using the following types of communication:

- adjacencies. When an object is expressed by an unchangeable part of speech or an unchangeable form: brains on one side; soft-boiled egg.

- management. When the addition is placed in the definite case form of the main word: wooden chair with straw mattress.

Usually inconsistent definitions in a sentence with direct word order are found after the word being defined. The exception is possessive pronouns "their", "her", "his"- they are only located before the word being defined.

Ways of expressing an inconsistent definition.

1. A noun or a pronoun in the role of a noun in the indirect case without a preposition or with a preposition: flower bed at the house; surface waves; jacket pilot, furniture made of plywood.

2. Adverb: eyes bulging, horses ready, checkers naked O.

3. Infinitive: pursuit see, thirst to know.

4. Possessive pronouns “her”, “their”, “his”: her eyes, their lessons, his joy.

5. Comparative adjective: strawberry sooner, height slightly less.

6. Phrases with a noun as the main word: young woman With long hair , teacher remarkable mind, man vertically challenged.



1. to Determine - to determine (except for 1 sign) and To determine - to be determined. About the time. O. radiation level. O. concepts. O. penalties. O. for a vacant position.

2. Formulation that reveals the content, essence, main features of something. Logical o. Precise, correct, brief, cumbersome. Give o. something

3. Specialist. A court decision of the first instance on smb. issue related to the consideration of a criminal or civil case (excluding a verdict). O. court. Private, special o.(court decision drawing the attention of relevant organizations or officials to circumstances conducive to the offense).

4. Linguistic A minor member of a sentence, denoting a quality, property or other attribute of an object. O. answers the questions: which one? whose? which? Agreed about.(expressed by an adjective; for example: a big tree, new house). Uncoordinated o.(expressed by the indirect case of a noun, adverb, comparative degree, infinitive; for example: a letter from a son, the road home, a soft-boiled egg, a desire to see each other).


(definition), 1) establishing the meaning of an unfamiliar term (word) using terms (words) that are familiar and already meaningful (nominal definition) or by including familiar words in the context (contextual definition), or explicitly formulating equality (explicit, or normal, definition ), the left side of which includes the term being defined, and the right side contains a defining expression containing only familiar terms. 2) Clarification of the subject of consideration, its unambiguous characteristics (real definition). 3) Introduction to consideration of a new subject (concept) by indicating how this subject can be constructed (obtained) from data objects and already known ones. In the latter case, the definition takes the form of a system of defining relations (schemes, equalities) or “transition steps” (steps of induction) from the clearly defined and known to the unknown unknown (recursive and inductive definition).
in linguistics, a member of a sentence, grammatically subordinate to the name and indicating a sign (property, quality, belonging) of an object, phenomenon, etc. (for example, hot weather).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


See what “definition” is in other dictionaries:

    Definition (lat. defenitio limitation) is a logical operation that reveals the content of a concept. For example, the usual definition of a thermometer indicates that it is, firstly, a device and, secondly, precisely the one with which temperature is measured. Importance... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    DEFINITION, definition (from the Latin “definitio” - “limit”, “border”) - a logical procedure for giving a strictly fixed meaning to the terms of a language. Because the meanings of terms depend on their meanings, then every time, giving through a definition any... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    DEFINITION, definitions, cf. 1. Action under Ch. define in all meanings except 5. Precise definition of responsibilities. Determining the signs of cholera. Definition of plants. Determination of angles. Definition of punishment. Determination for service. 2.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Definition: Definition (logic), or definition, is the logical operation of establishing the meaning of a term. Definition (mathematics) the introduction of a new concept or object into mathematical reasoning by combining or clarifying elementary or previously ... ... Wikipedia

    - (definition) ..1) establishing the meaning of an unfamiliar term (word) using terms (words) that are familiar and already meaningful (nominal definition) or by including familiar words in the context (contextual definition), or explicit formulation... ...

    - (definition) 1) establishing the meaning of an unfamiliar term (word) using terms (words) that are familiar and already meaningful (nominal definition) or by including familiar words in the context (contextual definition), or explicit formulation... ... Political science. Dictionary.

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    Definition- see the court ruling... Encyclopedia of Law

    - (court) 1) court order or arbitration court first instance or judge, not resolving the case on its merits. O. are decided in the deliberation room. When resolving simple issues, the court or judge may issue an O. after an on-site meeting... Legal dictionary

    In linguistics, a member of a sentence, grammatically subordinate to the name and indicating a sign (property, quality, belonging) of an object, phenomenon, etc. (for example, hot weather) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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In Russian, discussed in the syntax section. The definition is one of the minor members involved in the sentence; characterizes the attribute of an object by answering the questions: whose, which, which? The definition can be represented by a separate word and speech construction.

Classification of definitions according to the property of syntactic connection. Condition of agreement by gender. Definitions consistent in number and case form. Parts of speech used

Based on the nature of the connection between the components of the phrase, the main types of definitions in the Russian language are distinguished: additional view definitions - application. The agreed definitions are expressed:

  • noun capable of changing by number: fate- villainess;
  • adjective: green Mercedes;
  • participle: unfading light;
  • ordinal numbers: first messenger;
  • pronominal adjective: my hero.

Agreed definitions take the form of case and number of the word whose attribute they express. IN singular agree with the main word and gender.

as separate definitions. Options for isolation regarding main words

A separate definition in Russian is represented by participles and adjectives. It can be isolated both intonationally and punctuationally in cases where:

  • expressed as an adjective with a dependent word and in postposition;
  • is a participial phrase in postposition;
  • several single definitions follow the main word, equipped with another prepositive definition;
  • a single postpositive definition enhances the meaning of the main word;
  • distant from the word being defined by other members of the sentence;
  • definition refers to the pronoun.

Parts of speech as inconsistent definitions. What is a definition in Russian, created according to the type of adjacency or control

Inconsistent definitions with the main word are connected by type of adjacency or control using:

Characteristics of the application and its figurative power

An application, as a type of definition expressed by a noun, can consist of a “particular - general” relationship with the defined word according to the type of adjacency or agreement. This is a convenient and frequently used technique, because this definition in Russian most figuratively conveys:

  • property or quality of an object: bird- troika;
  • rank, age, profession of a person: steelmaker Ivanov;
  • more precise sign or explanation: Ural, main landmark of the European-Asian border, stretches from north to south;
  • names of brands, works of art, enterprises: novel "Dead Souls";
  • place names: peninsula Hindustan.

Classification of definitions according to the type of connection in the phrase. Management, coordination, adjacency

The phrase always contains one of the following:

  • coordination definitions with main word;
  • control definition;
  • adjacency definitions for the main word.
Types of definitions in Russian

Communication type


Definition as part of speech

Nature of communication


in hero cities


The defined (main) word sets case, gender, number for its definition (dependent word).

affectionate May


to our mothers

pronominal adjective

third horseman


the coming century



oblique case noun:

The main word puts the definition in one of the cases, which remains with it for any declension of the main word.

lesson on schedule, lesson on schedule

a) with a preposition (unchanged when declension of the main word)

husband's brother, husband's brother, husband's brother

b) without pretext

possessive pronoun:

for his misfortune, for his misfortune, for his misfortune

a) with a preposition (when the main word is declined, the preposition is replaced)

her dress, her dress, her dress

b) without pretext


"Crocodile" magazine, from "Crocodile" magazine

unchangeable noun in the nominative case

A type of connection without external manifestations. The definition is attached to the main word in the only form existing for it.

Komi literature, for Komi literature

immutable adjective

gun offhand, with gun offhand

a fixer, a fixer, a fixer


Homogeneous definitions as a way to comprehensively characterize the attribute of the word being defined, intonation and punctuation features

Homogeneous definitions enter the Russian language as equal words that characterize to the same degree defined word.

  1. They may refer to one characteristic of an object, which in conversation is conveyed by the intonation of the enumeration.
  2. Can convey gradation of a trait: close, acquaintance, beloved.
  3. If different characteristics are listed, homogeneity is observed according to a criterion common to all (impact on the listener, qualitative parameter):
  • white, faded desert sky;
  • long, straight, thick hair.

Example of preparation for a lesson in 6th grade: Patterns of formatting inconsistent definitions. Repetition of the covered topic and assessment of acquired knowledge

Russian language lesson. Definition.

Topic: Regularities of design of inconsistent definitions.

Educational goals:

  • consider previously studied parts of speech as definitions;
  • form the concept of agreement of definition.

Developmental goals:

  • establish the difference between an agreed type of definition and an inconsistent one;
  • stimulate creative thinking;
  • develop and train associative thinking.

Educational goals:

  • increase applied interest in native speech;
  • deepen understanding of the role of language in the history of the Russian people.

Type of lesson work: deepening the fundamental knowledge of the course.

Checking and assessing the degree of mastery of the previous topic:

  • Indirect object rule (2 people).
  • Exercise 131 (1 person orally).

Repetition of grade 5 material from the “Definition” section. Introduction to the topic of inconsistent definitions and the rules for their presentation. Physical exercise for vision training - working with cards. in groups

Topic of this lesson: Patterns of design of inconsistent definitions.

1. Specifying the goal.

2. Brief overview of the 5th grade material “What is a definition in Russian”:

  • write phrases on the board;
  • mark spellings;
  • indicate the method of communication;
  • name parts of speech;
  • indicate the number and case of dependent words;
  • formulate conclusions in positions:

a) definition functions;

b) differences in the type of connection;

3. Independent reading of the theoretical section.

4. Entering the topic in a notebook: “Ways to formalize inconsistent definitions”.

5. Retelling the rule.

6. Relieving visual stress - showing cards. Definition in Russian: guiding questions.

Questioning and performing exercises to reinforce new material. Work in groups, familiarization with texts of different difficulty levels

Consolidating new material:

  • formation of coordinated and inconsistent phrases (orally 4 people);
  • write down the indicated phrases on the board, indicating the type of definition (1 person);
  • Give examples of definitions with an explanation of their role in the conversation.

Work in groups:

Texts for work
I"Description of the school."
II“It is a thousand times preferable to have common sense without education than to have education and be deprived of common sense.” R.G. Ingersoll
IIISchool, medical..na, ol..garh, leadership..lstvo, s..knowledge, r..pport, j..nathan, p..esa, tel..graph, erudition..i, bra.. st..enlightenment, sh..colade, impression..decay, majority, zo..chiy, mit..ng, march(?) to, ch..mpion, k..mfort.
IV“The best equipped office in the school.”
V“During trial testing, Lena tried to use a cheat sheet. The teacher noticed this and rated her test result as a bad mark. How to explain to the teacher and should you tell your parents about this?”
VI“A careless student who can write even a simple dictation with so many errors and corrections that red marks from the teacher’s pen will stain his eyes is unlikely to want to understand the role of definition in the Russian language. Without hard work of thought and development of skills, attending classes will be meaningless.”

Distribution of texts. The general task is to highlight definitions. Additional tasks

Groups Creative task Analytical task
IWrite on your own behalf.Identify definitions.
IIRewrite the statement using commas.

Give arguments.

Highlight definitions.

IIIWrite down the words in the context of “education”.

Describe this connection using the selected words as an example.

Write phrases with these words.

Highlight definitions.

IVDescribe your impression.Isolate definitions.
VUnderstand the situation.

Describe possible actions.

Highlight definitions.

VIPerform a punctuation check.Write down phrases with an agreed definition.

Final concepts: what is the definition in Russian; techniques for indicating inconsistent definitions. Homework

  • Learn the rules for noting inconsistent definitions.
  • Write down 5 phraseological units from the life of birds.
  • Exercises to prepare for dictation.
  • Exercise on the covered topic.

A definition is a minor member of a sentence that denotes a sign, quality, property of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHOSE? WHICH? When parsing sentences, definitions are underlined with a wavy line.

Definitions usually appear as dependent words in phrases with nouns and can be associated with them by means of agreement (for example: BIG HOUSE, BEAUTIFUL GARDEN) or by means of control and adjacency (for example: MAN (what?) IN A HAT, KNOWLEDGE (what?) TO PLAY) . Definitions connected to nouns using agreement are called agreed upon, using control or connection – inconsistent.

Agreed definitions can be expressed by adjectives (NEW ROUTE), participles (PREVENTED ROUTE), possessive pronouns (OUR ROUTE) and ordinal numbers (FIFTH ROUTE). An inconsistent definition can be expressed by a noun in oblique cases (HOUSE - what? - ON THE MOUNTAIN), a comparative degree of an adjective (I DIDN'T SEE THE STORM - what? - STRONGER), an infinitive (OPPORTUNITY - what? - TO STUDY) and a pronoun (HIS BOOK) .

Inconsistent definitions may combine their meaning with the meaning of circumstances and additions. Compare: HOUSE (where?) ON THE MOUNTAIN and HOUSE (which?) ON THE MOUNTAIN. Both questions are entirely appropriate, and ON THE MOUNTAIN can be considered both a circumstance and a definition. Another example: MEETING (with whom?) WITH FRIENDS and MEETING (what?) WITH FRIENDS. In these phrases, WITH FRIENDS will be both an addition and a definition.

Separation- this is the highlighting on both sides of a letter with punctuation marks (commas, dashes, parentheses) of some part of the sentence.

Definitions are distinguished in accordance with the following rules.

1. An agreed definition consisting of several words and relating to the preceding noun is isolated. Compare two sentences:

Path, overgrown with grass, led to the river.
Overgrown with grass path led to the river.

2. The agreed definition relating to the personal pronoun is isolated, regardless of its place in the sentence and prevalence. For example:

Happy he is
He, happy, told me about his successes.
Pleased with your success, he told me about them.
He, happy with his successes, told me about them.

Please note: in the example from the first paragraph of the rule, the phrase OVERGROWING WITH GRASS is highlighted with commas. If a definition has dependent words, then together they make up attributive phrase.

This rule has three notes:

1. An agreed definition (both single-word and consisting of several words), relating to a noun and standing in front of it, can be isolated if it has an additional meaning of reason (that is, it combines the meanings of the definition and the circumstances of the reason). For example:

Tired, tourists decided to abandon the repeated ascent.
Tired after sleepless night, tourists decided to abandon the repeated ascent.

(In both sentences the definition explains reason refusal to climb again.)

2. Definitions that appear after the word being defined, but are closely related in meaning to it or to other members of the sentence, are not isolated. In such cases, if the definition is removed from the sentence, the phrase loses its meaning. For example:

He could hear things are quite unpleasant for yourself (Lermontov). Sea at his feet lay silent and white(Paustovsky).

3. The definition is isolated, wherever it appears, if it is separated from the word being defined by other words. For example:

In the end of January, covered in the first thaw, Cherries smell good gardens(Sholokhov).


    They drank coffee in a gazebo on the shore of a wide lake dotted with islands (Pushkin).

    Deeply offended, she sat down under the window and sat until late at night without undressing (Pushkin).

    The old woman, looking at him from behind the partition, could not know whether he had fallen asleep or was just thinking (Pushkin).

    Foolovites, who were not strong enough in self-government, began to attribute this phenomenon to the mediation of some unknown force (Shchedrin).

    The waves of the sea, encased in granite, are suppressed by enormous weights sliding along their ridges, hitting the sides of ships, the shores, beating and grumbling, foamed, polluted with various rubbish (Gorky).

    In its long beak, curved at the end, the seagull held a small fish.

    And either he made a grimace - blinded by the setting sun - or his face was generally characterized by some strangeness, only his lips seemed too short... (Mann).

    The curious and inquisitive children immediately noticed that something incomprehensible was going on in the city.

    His father met him with a gloomy and surprised look.

    He opened his notebook and drew two segments parallel to each other.

    Draw an equilateral triangle with a side equal to five centimeters.

    But now they did not speak for long, - the wise one, who did not interfere with their judgment, spoke himself: “Stop! There is punishment. This is a terrible punishment; You wouldn’t invent something like this in a thousand years!” (Bitter).

    A small night_bird_ silently and low rushing on its soft wings_ almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived to the side (Turgenev).

  1. Maybe it was a thorn or the tip of a nail that had come out of the felt padding of the clamp (Aitmatov).
  2. Lying on his armour-hard back, he saw, as soon as he raised his head, his brown, convex belly, divided by arched scales, on the top of which the blanket, ready to finally slide off, was barely holding on (Kafka).
  3. In the bright dawn, the black tops of birches were outlined, thin as letters (Pasternak).
  4. The princess absolutely hates me, two or three epigrams about me have already been retold to me - quite caustic, but at the same time very flattering (Lermontov).
  5. I am still trying to explain to myself what kind of feeling was boiling in my chest then: it was the annoyance of offended pride, and contempt, and anger - born at the thought - that this man was now looking at me with such confidence, with such calm insolence - two minutes ago ago, without exposing himself to any danger, he wanted to kill me like a dog, because wounded in the leg a little more severely, I would certainly have fallen off the cliff (Lermontov).
  6. Grease the mold to prevent it from rusting, and remove the kitchen table, make a sauce from oxylithium hydrate_ diluted in a glass of fresh milk (Vian).
  7. Staggering and gasping for breath, he finally went ashore, saw a robe lying on the ground, picked it up and mechanically rubbed himself with it until his numb body warmed up (Hesse).
  8. My father's elder brother, who died in 1813, with the intention of setting up a village hospital, gave him as a boy to some doctor he knew to study the art of paramedics (Herzen).
  9. Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? (Bulgakov).
  10. But that’s not all: the third in this company was a cat that had come from nowhere, huge, like a hog, black, like soot or a rook... (Bulgakov).
  11. Winter evening on December 14th_ thick_ dark_ frosty (Tynyanov).
  12. The fields, all the fields, stretched right up to the sky, now rising slightly, then falling again; here and there small forests could be seen, and ravines dotted with sparse and low bushes... (Turgenev).
  13. One, black, large and shabby, was very similar to those rats that he saw on ships during his travels (Tournier).
  14. The strangest incidents are those that happen on Nevsky Prospekt! (Gogol).
    Doctor Budakh_ washed up_ dressed in everything clean_ carefully shaved_ looked very impressive (Strugatskys).

Definition - a minor member of a sentence. The definition answers the question: what? whose? and denotes the attribute of an object. The definitions are explained by the members of the sentence.

There are 2 types of definitions

1) Agreed

2) Uncoordinated

Agreed Definitions

Agreed definitions are combined with the word being defined in form (number, case, gender). And they can be expressed:

1) Adjective: I bought an orange T-shirt.

2) Pronoun: Our road.

3) Numeral: Give me the second volume.

4) Communion: Greening forest

Agreed definitions most often appear before the word being defined.

The meanings of the agreed definitions are varied. Depends on the meaning of the words (lexical) that they are.

Definitions that denote the quality of an object are expressed by qualitative adjectives. Definitions that indicate the attribute of an object by time and location are expressed relative adjectives. Definitions that are expressed by possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns denote belonging.

Definitions that indicate the uncertainty of an object in relation to property, quality, belonging, are expressed by indefinite pronouns. Definitions that are expressed by ordinal numbers indicate order in counting. Definitions that can denote a characteristic associated with an action are expressed by participles.

Inconsistent definitions

Inconsistent definitions are combined with the main adjunct (they are an unchangeable part of speech or form) or control (placed with the main word and in a certain case). And they can be expressed:

1) Noun with and without a preposition in the indirect case: Climate in St. Petersburg. Pilot's flight.

2) Infinitive: The desire to see. I have a desire to learn.

3) Adverb: I was served soft-boiled eggs. I love walking.

4) Comparative adjective: Smaller house.

5) Possessive pronoun his, her, theirs: His sister. Their apartment.

6) In a complete phrase: Mom saw a girl of about fourteen.

Inconsistent definitions can indicate belonging if they are expressed by a noun without a preposition in the genitive case.

Inconsistent definitions may mean different things

  • - sign according to the material;
  • - a sign that indicates that an object has any external features or details;
  • - a sign characterizing an object in relation to space;
  • - a sign indicating the contents of an object;
  • - a sign indicating the purpose of an object, if they are expressed by a noun with prepositions in indirect cases.

Inconsistent definitions can mean a sign in relation to direction, quality, time, method of action, if they are expressed by an adverb. Inconsistent definitions, which are expressed by the infinitive, serve to reveal the content of the subject