What is environmental safety at school? Plan of events dedicated to the environmental safety of the environment “Me and Nature

The current social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet. We feel special concern for the most defenseless citizens - small children. The task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Rules of behavior and safety measures are directly related to the living conditions of a person; each environment dictates completely various ways behavior and, accordingly, precautions.

To interact with the outside world without causing harm to oneself or nature, to take care of animal representatives and flora, about your planet as a whole, it is not enough just to want to do just that, it is not enough to sympathize with all living things. You need to be an environmentally literate person; you need knowledge that will help keep our Earth flourishing. The child must understand that man and nature are interconnected, taking care of nature - we care about man, his future, and what harms nature also harms man.

A small child looks at the world with wide open eyes, he is curious about everything, he definitely wants to know everything and about everything. Native nature is a powerful source of knowledge from which a child draws his first knowledge and impressions; he wants to touch, smell, examine and even taste everything. And our task is to teach the child to correctly perceive the surrounding nature, not to disturb the usual way of life of its inhabitants, to be sensitive and attentive. From early childhood, children should be introduced to the rules of behavior in nature, and also taught to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of others. Discussion of real situations, as well as discussion of problematic tasks, literary works that form children's ideas about good and bad deeds, about careful and indifferent attitude towards nature, teach children to be kind, protect the small and weak, show care and compassion. It is very important to help children understand the consequences of incorrect interaction with natural objects and learn to anticipate possible consequences of your actions.

The basics of safe behavior in nature need to be given a lot of attention and included in various types children's activities. Develop the ability to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment, understanding the broad concept of environmental danger. Fostering a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general.

Objectives of environmental safety in preschool educational institutions.

1. Understanding the importance of nature in human life and developing a caring attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see the beauty of nature, feel like a part of it, the desire to communicate with nature as often as possible.

2. Conscious, careful attitude towards water as important natural resource, its economical use. Environmentally conscious behavior while relaxing on the shores of water bodies.

3.Knowledge of the sources of air pollution, understanding the dangers of polluted air to health, developing the habit of avoiding polluted places.

4.Development of children’s aesthetic taste in the process of becoming acquainted with products made from natural materials. Fostering a caring attitude towards inanimate objects and objects made from them. Developing interest and observation skills.

5. Fostering an emotional, caring attitude towards plants, the ability to empathize with them as living beings, observe their lives and the desire to protect them.

6. Fostering a caring attitude towards animals, understanding the need for the existence of all species, not using the division into “harmful” and “useful”, beautiful and ugly. Formation of skills for caring for domestic animals and inhabitants of a corner of nature.

7.Understanding the need to protect wild animals, their homes and habitats. Rules of conduct towards animals while in nature. The ability to observe animals and predict the consequences of one’s actions towards them. Treats animals that live next to them kindly.

8. A caring, emotional attitude towards all forest inhabitants, compliance with the rules of behavior in the forest, understanding the consequences of environmentally illiterate behavior (making fires, destroying trees, destroying anthills, collecting plants for bouquets, catching animals). The ability to see beauty in every object of living and inanimate nature.

9. Participation together with adults in environmental activities. Overcoming the consumer attitude towards nature, creating the need to live in harmony with it.

Activities with children in a group and at home.

1. Observations in nature of living and inanimate objects.

2.Hikes and excursions into nature.

3.Visiting exhibitions and natural history museums.

4.Reading fiction.

5.Getting to know folk proverbs, signs, calendar.

6.Making crafts from natural material. Visual activity.

7. Inventing and asking riddles.

8.Watching television programs about nature. Listening to music.

9.Desktop-printed and didactic games natural history.

10. Games of natural history content: active, creative, verbal. Mathematical tasks.

11. Consideration of plot and landscape paintings. Stories based on a series of pictures.

12. Natural history educational conversations.

13.Experimenting with natural materials, research.

14.Collections of natural materials. Food products, animal care items, postcards, calendars.

15.Care of plants and animals.

16. Labor activity in nature: harvesting, assistance in growing fruit crops, collecting herbs and leaves for herbarium and crafts, digging flower beds, growing plants.

17.Environmental activities: feeding birds, picking up garbage, participating in landscaping the yard and kindergarten area.

18. Making homemade books and posters about animals, plants and environmental activities.

19. Drawing up rules for safe behavior in nature: with living and inanimate objects.

Anastasia Karaganova

Target: formation in children and parents of a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards environment and a desire to take care of preserving nature.

Tasks: Create environmentally friendly environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of priority areas. Organize a practical environmental activities of children and parents. Develop mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, teachers, parents, the need for constant self-development ecological culture. To instill in children an attentive, reasonable, caring attitude towards surrounding nature your region.

Promotion "Clean World"

1. Discussion with children plan and content of the action, setting goals and developing paths and means of its implementation.

2. Conversations with parents, purchasing necessary items inventory: gloves, clothespins, bags.

3. Making a poster with children - an appeal to the residents of the city. Kinel about maintaining order and cleanliness in the city.

4. Cleaning areas of debris.

5. Digging in, whitewashing trees, watering.

6. Appeal to residents of the microdistrict about maintaining cleanliness and order (demonstration and hanging a poster on environmental theme).

7. Photo session “The cleanest and most beautiful area”.

Promotion “Look how nice the house you live in”.

1. Conversations about caring for your family nature.

2. Observation of trees and shrubs on the site.

3. Excursion to the Children's Park.

4. Hiking to a birch grove.

5. Speech by the eco-propaganda team "Sprout".

Promotion "Let's decorate the world around you» .

1. Purchase of flower seedlings.

2. Planting seedlings of trees and shrubs on the plots.

3. Planting flower seedlings in flower beds.

4. Caring for flower beds.

5. Slide show (photo) "The world of flowers in our area".

Promotion "Don't chase the pigeons".

1. Purchasing bird food.

2. Excursion to the children's park.

3. Feeding pigeons.

4. Bird watching, conversation.

Promotion "A Smart Look at Garbage".

1. Purchasing equipment for garbage collection.

2. Cleaning up garbage on the territory of the children's park in Kinel.

3. Making crafts from industrial and household waste.

4. Decorating the territory of the kindergarten with crafts.

Publications on the topic:

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State government educational institution "Special correctional general education boarding school in Mozdok"

Extracurricular activity

for the Year of Ecology

Geography teacher

Kaloeva Marina Elbrusovna

“Nature must be protected, just as we protect people.

Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth,

abuse of what does not belong

only for us, but also for them by right.”

K Paustovsky.

Purpose: To familiarize students with the influence of man on nature. Form the concept of “ecological safety”. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of the event.

Good afternoon dear friends. We are pleased to welcome you to our event. In January 2016, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in order to attract society to the issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation, preserve biological diversity and ensure environmental safety, signed Decree No. 7 “On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017.”

By cutting the ice, we change the flow of rivers,

We repeat that there is a lot to do,

But we will still come to ask for forgiveness

These rivers have dunes and swamps,

At the most gigantic sunrise,

In the smallest fry,

I don’t want to think about it yet,

We have no time for that now... yet.

Airfields piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and land without water.

There is less and less natural surroundings,

More environment

R. Rozhdestvensky.

Here are a few lines from a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky, but they reflect the fact that all of us, people of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly for ourselves, turned out to be not just witnesses, but also the culprits of these sad changes. After all, it is we, adults and children, who consume electricity, for the production of which there are entire industries, we drive cars that burn millions of tons of gasoline and require expensive asphalt roads... And factories and factories, huge megacities poison the air, soil and water.

On the planet year after year

Man harms nature

And he didn’t understand, the eccentric,

That nature is not a trifle!

He's used to conquering everything

But he cannot understand:

If he won't take care of her

He will destroy all living things.

If the planet is polluted, all living things will die, the planet will die. The worst thing is that man himself pollutes the environment and these pollutants return to man. Can a person remain healthy at the same time? This means that you need to be able to protect and take care of your home, the Earth, and therefore your health. Every person needs to observe not only the rules of personal hygiene, but also the rules of environmental safety.

Environmental safety is protection from the harmful effects of pollutants. Let's read the text, restore the missing words and learn the rules of environmental safety.

  1. ____ stand near a machine with ______________ running.
  2. Do not stay in a closed garage while working _______________.
  3. Breed ____________, which purify the air.
  4. Don't stand near _____________ people.
  5. You can't swim in _____________ water.
  6. Drink only _____________ water.
  7. Wear a hat during _________, it may be acidic.
  8. Do not collect _________ near roads, factories, landfills.
  9. Before eating, ______ fruits and vegetables _________ water.
  10. Don't eat foods that are past their ____________ date.

No, plants, cars, engines, dirty, clean, smoking, rain, mine, fitness, clean, and berries.

Scientists have calculated:

  • In one day, one hundred species of plants and animals disappear on earth;
  • Every minute the forest area is reduced by 15 million hectares;
  • The paper lasts for two years until it completely decomposes. tin– 90 years, plastic bag 200 years, glassware 2000 years.

This problem is especially relevant now. In the meantime, what is required of us? The main thing is that everyone is united by one goal - to preserve, maintain and improve the environmental well-being of the environment. Only through coordinated and close interaction can significant results be achieved.

The Year of Ecology is a good reason to remember that nature has taken care of us, giving us a huge amount of necessary resources, as well as a reminder to take care of it.

Nature reserves are being created to protect the environment. National parks, endangered species of plants and animals are listed in the Red Book.

We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Earth - mother. Green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from sands. Our planet - greatest secret and a miracle. It contains the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of humanity. The science of ecology studies our home - planet Earth and how we should live in this house. Everything in our house is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if the sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered in darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if plants disappear, animals and humans will have nothing to eat... Therefore, preserving nature means preserving life.

You, man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her;

On universal hikes

Don't trample its fields.

In the station bustle of the century

Hurry to evaluate it:

She is your long-time good doctor,

She is the ally of the soul.

Don't burn her recklessly

And don’t exhaust it to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth:

There are many of us, but she is alone.

So that you can feel the joy of tomorrow.

The Earth must be clean and the sky must be clean.

And he tormented this Earth without mercy for centuries,

And the “reasonable” person took everything only for himself.

Now they rushed to save the “natural environment”,

But why did we sense trouble so late?

It’s hard for us to see through the smoke of factories

All the suffering that the Earth has to endure.

How long will we have enough water if there is poison dissolved in it?

How long will those forests where the axes clatter last?

To save fields, forests, meadows and the clean surface of rivers -

Only you, a reasonable person, can conquer the entire Earth!

Our Earth is a blue planet,

Dressed in fresh air and sunshine.

No, believe me, the land of doves

From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.

Mountains, plains, forests and fields -

All this is our planet Earth.

The winds sing, playing with the clouds,

Showers are noisy... and from edge to edge

You won't find anything more wonderful in the world

Our beautiful and kind planet!!!

Earth is a beautiful planet

In the radiance of the sun's rays.

I love to meet your sunrises

And hear the stream flow.

Watch the waves roll in

Playing with pebbles as we go,

How birds fly from the south

To the big old pond.

The trees have timid leaves,

And the smell of herbs in the silent night.

How the buds burst on the trees,

Like a woodpecker knocking on the bark.

Your sunrises and sunsets,

Plains, rivers and fields.

Everything than with birth once upon a time

We were gifted by Mother Earth.

Dear experts, please tell me what documents should be developed in educational institution on environmental safety?


Answer to the question:

Activities to protect the environment and ensure environmental safety are subject to mandatory documentation.

Documentation can be: substantiating; permitting; organizational and administrative; planned; negotiated; reporting; internal administrative management documentation.

In this situation, first of all, you can appoint a person responsible for environmental safety. These responsibilities can be assigned to the life safety teacher-organizer or another employee.

Sample order form:

(name of company)

PRI K A Z No. 1

Moscow _______________20__

On the appointment of a person responsible for environmental protection and waste management

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002, the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999, Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998.


1. Assign responsibility for environmental protection and waste management... (position name) P.P. Ivanov.
2. Ivanov P.P. keep records of storage and transfer of waste to third-party organizations licensed to collect, use, neutralize, transport, and dispose of waste.

3. Ivanov P.P. develop, submit for approval before ______________20__:

Regulations on control in the field of production and consumption waste management;

The procedure for organizing the collection, storage, disposal and removal of production and consumption waste;

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Director S.S. Sidorov

Reviewed by: P.P. Ivanov

The specific composition of environmental safety documentation is determined depending on the nature and conditions of the organization’s impact on the environment, based on direct instructions in laws and regulations on the mandatory nature of certain documents, as well as on the basis of the need for documentary evidence of the organization’s compliance with established requirements in the field of environmental protection environment and ensuring environmental safety.

implementation of federal state environmental supervision when carrying out economic and other activities using facilities located in accordance with the law Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and facilities providing negative impact on the environment, in accordance with the list of such objects established by the authorized federal executive body; paragraph 1 was additionally included from August 1, 2011, no longer in force from June 30, 2015 - - see;

establishment for the purposes of state environmental supervision of categories of economic and other activities carried out legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens, based on criteria and (or) indicators of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, as well as determination of indicators of high and extremely high chemical and radiation pollution of the environment; 1state regulation of the circulation of ozone-depleting substances;

implementation of other provided federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation powers;

establishing a list of pollutants;

Interesting information about professional standard for environmental engineer posted here.

establishing a list of areas of application of the best available technologies;

establishing a procedure for the development, updating and publication of information and technical reference books on the best available technologies;

establishing a procedure for issuing complex environmental permits, making changes to them, re-issuing them and revoking them; 1 establishing criteria on the basis of which objects that have a negative impact on the environment are classified as objects of categories I-IV.

Children are sensitive to the world around them and are in close relationship with it, especially at an early age. Growing up, the child loses this connection, acquiring the habits of a consumer society. Therefore, it is important to develop a child’s understanding of the world around him and the need to take care of it. This is especially effective in schools. In Russia, secondary education is still late in responding to global challenges. A decisive role today is played by environmental education, free from frameworks and bureaucracy that hinder the transition of the education system to the path of sustainable development.

School education does not keep up with global challenges

Education is a central element in building a sustainable society. It helps to understand the nature of problems, form critical and creative thinking necessary to find effective non-standard solutions to global problems, including environmental ones. In this regard, the concept appearededucation for sustainable development (ESD),which is included inSustainable Development Goals (SDG Target 4.7) and promoted by UNESCO. The goal of ESD is to achieve changes in knowledge, values, skills and daily habits to create a more sustainable and responsible society. It is important to help children understand how their actions can affect the planet and future generations.

In Russia, mass environmental education of schoolchildren is just beginning to take shape. Officially, environmental education is regulated by the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which sets standards, some of which state that environmental education should be carried out at all levels of education. But in practice, things are completely different. The subject “Ecology” is taught only in some of the schools and is optional. Most schoolchildren study ecology as part of other subjects: the environment or natural sciences in primary school and natural science disciplines - biology, geography, chemistry - in secondary. The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology is held once a year. Students prepare for it largely on their own.

Educational programs have been criticized for their strong division into subjects, which prevents students from making connections between them. And in context global problems It is important to develop systems thinking. This is dealt with by environmental education, which not only introduces children to natural processes and environmental problems, but also teaches them to see the relationships between elements and approach solving problems from different angles.

Enthusiastic teachers and NGO experts lay the foundation for environmental education

While the education system lags behind global trends, proactive teachers come to the rescue, voluntarily imparting knowledge and skills in the field of ecology to their students in the classroom, classroom hours and in environmental circles. Play a major role in environmental education non-profit organizations who develop materials for conducting additional classes on ecology in schools.

In 2014, the ECA Movement released its first environmental lesson for schoolchildren.It was dedicated to the topic« Mobile technologies for ecology» Gradually, several lessons were developed on different topics. The ECA team has collected all these materials on one platform. This is how it aroseportal « Ecoclass » , which presents all environmental education materials: lessons, posters, videos, tests, competitions and quests. This is a convenient resource for teachers who can take ready-made scripts for interactive lessons with colorful presentations and exciting games and tasks for students of different ages completely free of charge, so that they can conduct interesting and useful lessons without putting much effort. WITH There are now more than 30 available on the portal environmental lessons. More than 59 thousand teachers have already conducted eco-lessons, and more than 2 million schoolchildren have received valuable knowledge.

According to Elvira Zinatullina, coordinator of the Ecoclass project, the value of environmental education lies precisely in the enthusiasm of teachers, when lessons are taught due to their sincere desire to impart knowledge, and not according to the requirements of the school curriculum:

“We are not following the path of compulsory education; initiative is more important here. If a teacher himself is interested in ecology, then he will be able to convey this to both the school and the children. Many teachers understand that the situation is escalating and are actively involved in the solution themselves. environmental problems. But they don’t have much time to prepare lessons. Thanks to Ecoclass, they can use ready-made materials and conduct interesting classes.”

The format of eco-lessons stands out from the school curriculum, this makes them unique and interesting:

“The lessons always find a response among schoolchildren - the classes are structured in such a way that children are constantly in dialogue, always involved in the learning process. Schoolchildren are immersed in project activities: they discuss in groups important questions, make decisions independently, then present and justify these decisions. That is, the lesson teaches not only the basics of environmental education, but also develops many useful skills.”