What is orbital chewing gum made from? Chemical composition of chewing gum

At the beginning of the 20th century, an ideal formula was derived:

  • 60% sugar or sweeteners;
  • 20% rubber;
  • 1% flavoring;
  • 19% corn syrup.

If initially natural rubber was used, now synthetic polymers are more often found in the composition. For example, polyisobutylene.

The basis of modern chewing gum There are 4 types of components: base, flavoring agents, dyes, sweeteners.

Composition of popular brands of chewing gum

Love is... Orbit Dirol
The basis Polymer rubber base
Sweeteners Glucose syrup;
Maltitol E965;
Sorbitol E420;
Manit E421;
Aspartame E951;
Acesulfame-K E950.
Isomalt E953;
Sorbitol E420;
Manit E421;
Maltitol syrup;
Acesulfame-K E950;
Aspartame E951.
Flavors Depending on the taste, natural or identical natural flavors are used.
Dyes Natural dyes are mainly used: E120 (green); E141(red); E160a (yellow, orange).E171 – titanium dioxide. Dye giving White color. Has strong whitening properties.E171;
E170 – calcium carbonate 4%. White dye.
Supplements Emulsifier E322 – soy lecithin.
Antioxidant E321 is a synthetic analogue of vitamin E. Slows down oxidation processes.
E330 – citric acid;
E296 – malic acid.
Sodium bicarbonate E500ii is a leavening agent and acidity regulator.Stabilizer E441 – hydrogenated rapeseed oil. Used to maintain shape. Texturizer E341iii.
Thickener E414 – acacia resin, emulsifier and defoamer.
Stabilizer E422 – glycerin.
Glazing agent E903 – carnauba wax. It is a natural product made from palm leaves.

Various nutritional supplements


It has a rubber base.

Considered harmless, but extensive studies have not been conducted.

To ensure that rubber remains elastic for a long time, glycerin, lecithin and other emulsifiers are added to it.


Use to improve taste and smell. They can be natural: essential oils, extracts, products containing aromatic components of fruits, spices, and so on.

Or flavors identical to natural ones. Such as vanillin, ethyl acetate, ethyl formate and others. Experiments on animals have shown the destructive effect of such flavorings on metabolism in the body. Particularly dangerous for children's bodies.

Flavorings irritate the oral mucosa and contribute to the formation of wounds.

In addition, the packaging usually does not indicate which flavors are used. It is impossible to check what enters the body.


Regardless of origin, they are strong allergens. E120 is obtained from plants (part of Orbit), E141 from insects, E160a is carotene. E171 is titanium white, which was previously not allowed in the food industry. Some gum contains E131, a dye that has a pronounced carcinogenic property.


As can be seen from the table, pure sugar is rarely used. Its substitutes are more popular, as they preserve the sweet taste of the product longer.

Sugar with prolonged contact with tooth enamel, it provokes the growth of microbes, which contributes to the development of caries.

Aspartame– an extremely popular sweetener. In the body it is broken down into methanol and amino acids. Methanol is toxic acts on the human vascular and nervous systems. May cause headache, nausea, weakness. Experiments on animals have shown that with long-term use of aspartame, cancer develops. This is due to the fact that as the temperature increases, methanol turns into formaldehyde. A safe dose is considered to be no more than 3 g per day.

Manitol, maltitol, xylitol can cause stomach upset; in large doses they have a laxative effect. This effect occurs when consuming a package (10 pieces) per day. Xylitol also promotes the formation of kidney stones.

Sorbitol and isomaltitol also have a laxative effect when the dose is exceeded by 30–50 g. They cause flatulence.

Acesulfame-K refers to food sweeteners medium level of danger. Considered a carcinogen. Although EU scientists deny the connection between the additive and the occurrence of tumors.

Additional components

Glycerol When E422 enters the bloodstream, it poisons the body, affecting the condition of the blood.

Antioxidants increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

Emulsifier E322 increases salivation; prolonged chewing disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon acid long-term use causes blood diseases. Promotes the formation of tumors.

Butyl And menthol cause a local allergic reaction - the skin around the mouth becomes inflamed.

This is far from full list components. Many components accumulate in the body and can become a time bomb for your health.

The benefits and harms of chewing gum, its pros and cons

How does chewing this product affect the body?

Positive sides:

  1. To some extent cleanses teeth of food debris. Some of it sticks to the gum, and some of it is washed away by saliva, which is released in greater volumes during the chewing process.
  2. Chewing provokes increased secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to chew only after eating. This speeds up the process of digesting food.
  3. Helps quickly eliminate bad breath.
  4. The process of chewing reduces nervous tension. Helps you relax in stressful situations.

Negative sides:

  • A lot of saliva is produced. Once in the stomach, it dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its acidity. As a result, additional acid is produced. If chewed on an empty stomach, the acid corrodes its walls. Frequent irritation causes stomach diseases;
  • dangerous for fillings and dentures. Provokes a violation of their integrity. The jaw becomes overstrained and dislocation may develop;
  • the ingredients are far from harmless. Many have not been fully studied. Can accumulate in the body and cause diseases;
  • sugar with prolonged contact with enamel contributes to the development of caries;
  • A large number of pads consumed per day (15–20 pieces) causes sudden weight loss and intestinal dysfunction.

Chewing after eating for 5–15 minutes will not cause harm to health. But it is healthier to brush your teeth or eat a solid vegetable or fruit (apple, carrot). This will also clean your teeth.

Can children chew gum?

Of course, it is the parents who decide whether to give or not give a treat to the baby. But Doctors do not recommend giving this product to children under three years of age.. It is better to postpone getting acquainted with this product until your fourth birthday.

Dangers to children's bodies:

  1. The tooth enamel of children is much thinner than adults; prolonged chewing thins it.
  2. Dyes, flavors and other additives are bad for children's health. Dangerous doses of harmful substances for children are several times lower than for adults. Therefore, if you use this product, then it should be with a minimum amount of dangerous ingredients.
  3. Safe use time is 5 minutes. But few people adhere to it. The child should not be allowed to chew for more than 15 minutes. And only after eating.
  4. It is noted that children who are accustomed to chewing gum are more likely to become dependent on bad habits in adulthood.
  5. Children often swallow gum. This can provoke severe conditions. There have been cases where sticky chewing gum blocked the intestines. There is a risk of suffocation.
  6. The process of chewing weakens attention. And in children it is already scattered. Frequent use of chewing gum can cause developmental delays.

Better introduce your child to this product as soon as possible. Do not allow uncontrolled chewing for a long time. Make sure that your baby does not play around with chewing gum in his mouth, to avoid accidental swallowing or getting the gum into the respiratory tract.

Thus, it is a product of questionable benefit. It does more harm. Can be consumed only after meals and for a short time. It's better not to get used to chewing gum. Children should be given it as little as possible. It is difficult for a child’s body to cope with the large amount of harmful substances contained in it.

This product should not be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or inflammation in the oral cavity. He does not replace brushing your teeth.

At the end, we invite you to watch a video on this topic:

It is always with us, we never leave the house without it, we use it after meals and keep it handy everywhere - this is chewing gum. Almost none modern man can't do without her. But not everyone knows how chewing gum is made and what it consists of. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Start of production

In order to understand what chewing gum is made from, let’s dive a little into history. Modern prototypes of this product were mentioned back in the days of the Mayan tribe. True, the description indicates it as hardened hevea juice, or, more simply, rubber. The ancient Greeks also chewed gum; the resin of the mastic tree, which perfectly freshens breath, was especially popular among them. In India, betel leaves and areca palm seeds were used for this purpose. By the way, a similar mixture of seeds is chewed in many Asian countries today.

Modern production is distinguished by complex technologies and a less pure natural composition of the product. It began to develop back in 1848. The world's first large factory was built, of course, in America. It was thanks to her that the rest of the world learned how chewing gum was made and began to consume it in such quantities. Several manufacturers took turns trying to develop its correct formula, ideal for the consumer, but it was only possible in 1928 with Walter Diemer:

  • There should be no more than twenty percent rubber in it.
  • The main part (up to 60%) is sugar and its substitutes.
  • Corn syrup - 19%.
  • Flavorings - no more than one percent.

We can blow big bubbles precisely because of this composition.

Now how do they make chewing gum?

The production of chewing gum in our time is practically no different in its technology from that described. True, rubber is now too expensive, and its analogue is synthetic rubber, and in addition to it there is a large set of various preservatives, flavorings and thickeners, without which it is difficult to imagine any modern product.

The basis

The production process is a complex matter; everything here is produced using automatic machines and in large volumes. And it all starts with the basics. It uses plastic and synthetic rubber, which is loaded into a special vat with a mixer. Here the mass is heated and mixed with glucose syrup, dyes and flavors. As a result, it becomes soft and elastic, convenient for further processing.

The most pleasant smells always come from warehouses with flavorings. Here they are in large quantities, but the interesting thing is that there really is no specific taste. For example, how do you make watermelon gum? This may take up to thirty various types flavorings. All of them have their own specific shelf life, lasting from several months to five years. To make the base, they are selected separately and delivered to the workshop in limited quantities.

After making each individual flavor, the large mixer has to be cleaned, this is a very painstaking and time-consuming job, but it is necessary to do this to prevent the flavors from mixing.


This is only the beginning of the process, but how do they make chewing gum next? Now let's go to the press. The resulting soft mass is fed into a special machine, which heats it up even more and compresses it, pushing it through a narrow gap. The result is a long, flat ribbon.

The next machine gives it the desired shape, familiar to us, similar to a record, and sends it further along the moving belt into the cooling chamber. We all know the sticky properties of chewing gum. It is necessary precisely for their elimination and subsequent convenient processing of the product.

Divide into pieces

The cooled chewing gum moves further and is cut into identical bars using special knives. Everything happens very quickly, literally in one second up to a thousand pieces are formed and sent for packaging, each of which is sent for mandatory inspection.

Of course, it is random; a person cannot, like an automaton, quickly measure thousands of pads, but such a check is also an important aspect in this production. Each company has a certain boundary between the maximum and minimum size of the product, and if a discrepancy is detected, the entire batch will be sent for recycling. The smoothness and appearance of the chewing gum is also taken into account.

At the packaging phase, everything is automated; here the chewing gum is wrapped in special paper, goes further to packaging and is placed in boxes. So we figured out how chewing gum is made.

Benefit or harm?

Anyone who is interested in how and what chewing gum is made from is sure to ask the question: “How harmful is it to our body?” There is an opinion that its influence is purely negative. But after examining the process, you can see for yourself that this is exactly the same confectionery product as any other, and the harm from chewing gum will be exactly the same as from a cake.

Let us note that the composition of all well-known manufacturers of chewing gum meets high modern requirements and includes only those acceptable for production. food products Ingredients. You really shouldn’t chew it for more than a quarter of an hour, as it has a negative effect on the stomach, causing increased digestive processes and, as a result, a large secretion of gastric juice, which corrodes its walls.

Don't forget: dentists indicate that chewing gum is intended solely for freshening breath and enjoying its pleasant taste.

The harm of chewing gum is a relative statement. After all, it was invented for a reason and is still being manufactured.

However, almost every person knows or has heard that such a product can be very harmful to the body.

How it came to be (history)

Chewing gum has been around since ancient times. Of course not in the same shape as now. In ancient times, various people used natural substitutes for chewing gum, for example, the Indians used rubber, the Greeks used the resin of various trees.

Gradually the habit of chewing was adopted by white people. They used pine sap and beeswax.

Modern chewing gum appeared in 1869. W.F. Sample created a mixture of rubber with substances necessary in the manufacture of chewing gum. However, the scientist himself never produced this product for sale.

Production gradually developed. And the first product, already more similar to the modern one, was created by Thomas Adams.

Currently, in stores you can find chewing gum for every taste and color.

What is chewing gum made from (composition)

What is included in modern chewing gum? The first such products contained only natural ingredients.

Unfortunately, nowadays you almost never see this. Chewing gum is simply stuffed with various chemicals.

The product contains:

  • Latex. This is the basis of the product and, as a rule, does not pose any particular danger to humans.
  • Currently, chemical flavors are increasingly used; natural flavors can be found quite rarely.
  • Chewing gum of various colors is sold in stores. For this, manufacturers use various dyes and also, as a rule, with a chemical composition.
  • The composition also contains substances such as glycerin and citric acid, which also have a negative effect on many organs and systems of the body.
  • And, of course, sugar, or rather its substitutes, which can be harmful to humans.

As you can see, the harm from chewing gum is due to the fact that most of the constituent elements are chemical and not natural substances.

A sweet girl tells how wonderful this product is for her teeth. However, is this true?

What are the benefits and harms of chewing gum for teeth?


  • teeth are cleaned of plaque and food debris,
  • there is a slight massage of the gums,
  • correction of the bite, but this is only possible with the use of special types chewing gum that is not sold in the store,


  • Bacteria begin to multiply in the mouth due to the alkaline environment resulting from high salivation during chewing.
  • Quite often, the chewing process ends with a person’s fillings, crowns falling out, and teeth breaking. At the same time, children quite often simply do not tell their parents about this.
  • The content of sweeteners has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Considering everything that has been written, we can conclude that with frequent use of such a product, you may not clean your teeth, but lose them.

The stomach won't thank you

Chewing gum is also harmful to children and adults because it can have a negative effect on the digestive system. During the chewing process, gastric juice is produced in large quantities.

If a person chews gum after eating, it will help digest food faster.

But on an empty stomach, such food can cause various diseases, for example, gastritis or ulcers.

A large amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach will lead to this. In addition, various chemicals found in chewing gum also have a bad effect on the digestive organs.

Source of infection

It is very difficult to explain to a child that you can chew such a treat for only 5-10 minutes. After all, it is so delicious. Many children can chew it together with a friend, transferring it from their mouth to another. Or they can stick chewing gum on various surfaces, and then put it in your mouth again.

Previously, by the way, it was popular to stick a treat behind the ear and then chew it again. However, in all these cases, a huge number of different bacteria and microbes accumulate on this product.

Scientists have long been studying all aspects of this product and have made various conclusions about its use:

  1. It promotes weight loss. When consumed, metabolism improves and appetite decreases.
  2. Having considered the effect on memory, scientists have not come to the same opinion - some are inclined to believe that it is harmful to brain processes, while others are inclined to believe that it, on the contrary, stimulates them.
  3. The benefit of chewing gum is to enhance the secretion of saliva, which cleanses the teeth.
  4. The time of use of the product should not exceed 10 minutes, so as not to have an adverse effect on the stomach.
  5. The treat cannot replace a toothbrush, so you shouldn’t replace one with the other.
  6. There is not a single product that will protect teeth from caries. Don't blindly believe advertising.
  7. Crowns, fillings, and tooth enamel can be damaged by constant use of chewing gum.
  8. After surgical interventions on the intestines, many experts advise chewing this delicacy in order to quickly restore the functioning of the organ.
  9. During consumption, the nervous system calms down.
  10. Fresh breath lasts for quite a short time, so do not overuse this remedy.
  11. The content of aspartame in the product can cause abnormal development of the fetus, so pregnant women should avoid this dish.
  12. The presence of glutamate in the treat makes it dangerous for children and pregnant women.
  13. The historical age of chewing gum is very old, which has been proven by archaeological scientists.

To chew or not (conclusion)

An adult cannot be prohibited from using such a product. You just have to not abuse it. When used for a short time, you can lightly clean your teeth when you don’t have a toothbrush, improve metabolism, and promote food digestion.

But chewing gum is also harmful. You should follow the rules for its use, then you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

Video: the benefits and harms of chewing gum for adults and children

Chewing gum is a common product and is loved and used by people of all ages. It seems like a technological innovation. In fact, chewing gum has an interesting, centuries-old history.

The history of chewing gum

People have long used the gifts of nature for various purposes, knowing their useful and harmful properties. Minerals and insects were used. Plant roots were useful for oral hygiene.

The ancient chewing gum was used by the Mayan Indians; it was a substance made from rubber juice - chicle. There is evidence that in northern Europe people used birch resin to relieve toothache. The Aztecs had codes of conduct associated with this drug. Unmarried women and children were allowed to chew whenever they wanted, married women and widows were allowed to chew at home, and men were ordered to hide.

People have known about the product since ancient times. Residents of North America adopted this useful experience from the Indians.

Important! Chewing gum as we know it appeared in 1848. September 23 is officially recognized as her birthday.

At this time, the Curtis brothers came up with the idea of ​​mixing pine resin with beeswax and selling this invention. The chewing gum was a good success. This allowed production volumes to increase in 1850. Then paraffin flavorings were added to the composition and 4 brands of chewing gum were produced.

In 1869, dentist William Semple patented rubber chewing gum. It included: charcoal, chalk, flavorings. He assured that chewing gum has properties that are beneficial for teeth and is durable. Due to unknown circumstances, the product did not go into mass production.

According to legend, in 1869, a general who fled Mexico met inventor Thomas Adams and sold chicle (rubber). He failed to create a rubber substitute. Then the inventor welded rubber and made chewing gum, which was quickly sold out in local shops.

He then introduced licorice flavoring. Black Jack was born, the first flavored chewing gum. In 1871, Adams received a patent for an apparatus for mass production of a product. In 1888, the appearance of Tutti Frutti chewing gum. Pharmacist John Colgan suggested adding flavoring to the mixture before adding sugar. Now the smell and taste remained longer.

The seller, William Wrigley, noticed that the chewing gum was in demand among customers and decided to improve the manufacturing method. In 1892, Wrigley's Spearmint was produced, and a year later, Wrigley's Juicy Fruit. These types of chewing gum still hold the top positions in global sales. Wrigley came up with the idea of ​​adding mint, powdered sugar and other flavorings and producing gum in different shapes.

Important! In 1928, Walter Diemer invented chewing gum with an interesting property that made it easy to blow bubbles: “bubble gum.”

The researcher improved Frank Fleer's product, which was not in demand. Children really liked chewing gum as entertainment. Competitions were held among its fans. In 1994, a world record was set: a 30.8 cm bubble was inflated. At that time, they did not think about the benefits, properties or harm of chewing gum.

After 1945, thanks to the soldiers, the whole world learned about it. In the USSR, there were only Soviet analogues that did not have pleasant properties, in ugly packaging. In the 1990s, foreign chewing gum candy wrappers were collected and used for games.

Chewing gum composition

Chewing gum contains:

  • base: rubber or other synthetic polymers – 20–30%;
  • table sugar or sweeteners – 60%;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • stabilizers (usually glycerin);
  • aroma enhancers;
  • emulsifiers (based on egg yolk);
  • dyes;
  • thickener E414;
  • lemon acid;
  • titanium dioxide (provides a snow-white color);
  • preservative (antioxidant).

It has changed a lot from the ancient gum. These are the main components. The content of the listed substances in popular types chewing gum:

Is chewing gum good for you?

You might think that its properties are exclusively harmful. Actively promoted in the media positive influence chewing gum on teeth.

Active salivation

Microbial colonies form on teeth within 2 hours after brushing. They process leftover food, producing acids that destroy enamel. The result is caries. During chewing, saliva is reflexively released, which has a slightly alkaline pH and contains mineral components. The properties of chewing gum actually strengthen tooth enamel and neutralize the environment, but not due to its composition.

Intestinal motility and secretion are reflexively activated. A person recovers faster after intestinal surgery and switches to everyday food thanks to chewing gum.

Cleansing the mouth and teeth

Important! Teeth become cleaner after chewing gum. Having a viscous consistency, it attaches food debris to itself, promoting cleansing, but not in all cases.

The teeth have a pronounced anatomy - deep pits and may be crowded. Then food and plaque get clogged there. But according to dentists, there are benefits from chewing gum after eating.

Jaw strengthening

You can use chewing gum as an unusual exercise machine. This is a useful feature. When chewing, the load on the teeth and their ligaments decreases, then on the jaw bone and muscles. This beneficial property helps develop the maxillofacial skeleton in children.

Helps you calm down

Chewing gum has a pleasant taste and a cooling effect. It does not lose consistency, volume, does not dissolve, not only freshens breath, but helps to calm down, the effect of the action itself has been scientifically proven. Useful properties Chewing gum has enough. But there is also harm from it.

Why is chewing gum harmful?

A product with a beneficial composition can be harmful, not to mention chewing gum.

The emergence of addiction

People relieve stress in different ways. Someone smokes, eats, someone uses chewing gum. There are studies confirming the occurrence of dependence on it.

Breakage of dentures and loss of fillings

According to studies, there have been cases of unpleasant consequences due to chewing gum, but they are rare. If all the teeth are present, the filling is made correctly, from high-quality material, then it (or the denture) will last a long time. But they can absorb dyes and flavors from chewing gum, which reduces the service life of the structure. Elastic bands are not recommended for people with braces or plates for straightening teeth. When chewing, structural elements may bend, the briquette may come off, or the product may stick to them, which will worsen oral hygiene. This will cause harm and make treatment difficult.

Poisonous effect

To determine the presence of this property in chewing gum, you need to study the composition in detail. The basis is synthetic polymers. No effects on the body have been identified.

Glycerin (E422) draws water from tissues. There is little of it in chewing gum, but it is used in frequently consumed products: bread, confectionery.

Sugar does not cause tooth decay, but it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Some people use sweeteners - sorbitol. This substance is a laxative. Aspartame can cause headaches and allergies. Xylitol and maltitol in chewing gum are relatively safe to consume.

Flavorings, both natural and synthetic, can cause allergies. Flavor enhancers harm taste buds when chewed for a long time. Regular healthy food seems unpleasant when using the rubber band for a long time.

The dyes contained in chewing gum are carcinogenic. Carcinogenicity – the ability to cause cellular mutations. So far there has not been a single case of cancer or other neoplasm caused by chewing gum.

Chewing gum is harmful to children

Attention! There is a risk of asphyxia (suffocation) during sleep, if accidentally swallowed. All muscles are relaxed, and chewing gum can accidentally enter the larynx when taking a deep breath.

Children are very curious and can give each other food to try. There is a risk of transmission of infection from one child to another through saliva. He can become infected himself if he leaves a gum somewhere or drops it and then chews it.

You should not give chewing gum to your child instead of food. This is harm. Saliva and gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid are secreted reflexively. Since food does not enter the stomach, the acid will begin to act on its mucous membrane, causing gastritis. This disease causes problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients. nutrients from food, which is especially bad for a growing child’s body.

Facial asymmetry

Warning! There is a possibility of facial asymmetry in children and adolescents who often use chewing gum during periods of teeth change and active jaw growth.

With frequent and prolonged chewing, especially on one side, the muscles are overloaded and overdeveloped, which is negative for jaw growth. They may be underdeveloped or overdeveloped. One half may be larger or longer than the other. These are pronounced effects from excessive and prolonged use of chewing gum that are harmful.

Hence problems with bite: crowding, improper closure of teeth, maxillofacial pathologies, especially in combination with bad habits (biting a pen, pencil, nails). Their signs and consequences: problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), changes in the profile and configuration of the face, even problems with posture. But chewing gum has benefits for humans; it’s not just advertising.

How to chew gum without harm to your health

It will not replace brushing and toothpaste. You can use chewing gum after eating for no more than 10 minutes. Rinse your mouth first to prevent harm to your teeth. The properties of chewing gum after meals can be used for weight loss, as they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and food is better absorbed. There is an elastic band designed specifically for weight loss.

Chewing gum should not replace a full meal. It will cause harm. Eat alternative options Chewing gum replacements that are healthier.

What can replace chewing gum?

Advice! To eliminate bad breath, you can chew mint leaves, coffee beans, cardamom, ginger root, and parsley.

You can use mint candies, dragees, mouth sprays, and hygienic rinses. The question of their properties and harm to the child is decided after consultation with a doctor. For healthy snack Yogurt, dried fruits, fresh fruits are suitable. Solid foods will be useful for the development of the child’s chewing apparatus: carrots, apples.

Culture and chewing gum

In the 1990s, chewing anywhere and everywhere was fashionable in Russia. But no one likes someone who does this during a conversation or in the theater. This is uncivilized. An active life forces you to snack on the go, but everything should be in place; you should not overuse chewing gum.

How to make chewing gum at home

Children love chewing gum very much. To avoid harm, you can learn to cook useful product Houses.

Advice! You can make a treat from your favorite foods.

Recipe for chewing gum that is useful for children of all ages:

  • choose juice as desired, add sugar and heat;
  • add to gelatin, mix and strain through a sieve;
  • pour the mixture into the molds and leave in the refrigerator for 6–8 hours.

The chewing candy is ready. It will resemble, have both a pleasant taste and beneficial properties.

Making chewing gum from fruits or berries:

  • Peel and cut products;
  • pour boiling water, cook for 20 minutes over low heat;
  • when everything is boiled, drain the compote, add sugar and gelatin (dissolved in water);
  • you can use molds or put the gum in a container to harden;
  • put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Healthy chewing gum is ready. You can take it with you for a snack.

Treat recipe for older children. Chewing gum based on Gum base, which is purchased in stores and online.

  • 1 tbsp. l. Heat the gum base in a water bath, stirring occasionally;
  • pour in liquid honey or syrup - 1 tsp;
  • mix;
  • add 1 tsp to the mixture. flavoring, 1/2 tsp. spoons of powdered sugar, coloring (optional);
  • table or cutting board sprinkle with powdered sugar;
  • put hot chewing gum;
  • During cooling and after, you need to roll it in powder;
  • form a sausage, cut into pieces.

The taste and properties of the finished chewing gum will be similar to the purchased one. When adding dyes and flavors, they will be distinguished only by the absence of a bright wrapper.


The benefits and harms of chewing gum is a complex question, but if followed simple rules its use will be useful. It masks problems. First of all proper care Using the properties of oral chewing gum, it will help maintain the beauty of your smile and health for many years.

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Every year, several tens of thousands of tons of chewing gum are consumed in Russia, and the market volume reaches hundreds of millions of dollars. In this issue we will tell you what this product is made of and how beneficial it is for your body.

Previously, chewing gum or analogues similar to it were made from tree resin. The first industrial production was owned by the Curtis brothers, it was they who came up with the idea of ​​adding flavorings to the resin, but, unfortunately, due to the low quality, expressed in the fact that sawdust or even pine needles could be found in the chewing gum, the company was ruined. In the 19th century, the technology of adding sugar and persistent flavor additives appeared, which was later patented by Wrigley, the largest manufacturer of chewing gum in the world. From significant dates It is also worth noting the year 1944 when the famous Orbit entered the market and 1968, when the equally popular Dirol brand was born, which, on this moment occupy most Russian chewing gum market.

Nowadays, manufacturers use synthetic plastic and rubber as a base, and chemical sweeteners and flavorings to impart the taste of chewing gum. In addition, it will be important to note the presence of preservatives that prevent bacteria from proliferating and fluoride, which to some extent promotes dental health, but, as in the case of toothpaste, will not help avoid caries.

Surely, you have already wondered whether it is safe to consume chewing gum. To begin with, I would like to emphasize that when you chew, your salivation increases, which helps cleanse your teeth and remineralize them, and if you have heartburn, its symptoms decrease. In the case of an empty stomach, excessive saliva production causes increased secretion of gastric juice, which can ultimately lead to gastritis or ulcers. Also, let’s not forget about sorbitol, a sweetener found in many chewing gums. In large quantities it can cause quite severe diarrhea.

And finally, let us remind you of what was already said in one of our issues. Many people think that if you swallow chewing gum, it will remain in the stomach for several months, or even years, and can also stick to the walls of the intestines and remain there forever. Of course, this statement is far from the truth. Like any product that falls into gastrointestinal tract, chewing gum is digested under the influence of acids and enzymes. The only thing that distinguishes the digestion of chewing gum from the digestion of regular food is the time it takes to remove the remains from the body. This period can reach several days, but this will not affect your well-being in any way, provided that you do not eat several kilograms of this rubber mass.