Scenario of a sports game for teenagers Zarnitsa. Scenario of the military sports game "lightning"

Scenariomilitary-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

A patriot is someone who loves his Fatherland, not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other nations, but because it is his Motherland. A person is either a patriot of his Fatherland, and then he is connected to it like a tree
roots with the earth, or is he just dust carried by all the winds.

Lightning scenario


Each detachment includes: a commander, snipers, sappers, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, and nurses.

Attributes and equipment:

  • 2 tunnels
  • Wooden hoops in two colors
  • 3 envelopes with cut pictures
  • 2 ropes 10 meters long
  • Volleyball net for completing the task “Crawl under the barbed wire”
  • A basket with ammunition, rubber balls for throwing at a target.
  • Plastic bottles buried in the snow to complete the mission “Clear the field”
  • Tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs

For each group:

  • Elements of a soldier's uniform for boys (camouflages, weapons)
  • Elements of clothing for nurses (white scarves with a red cross)
  • Group flag
  • Backpacks or duffel bags with the necessary equipment
  • Route plan
  • Awards and medals
  • Task package
  • First aid kit
  • Awards

Purpose of the game:

  • Continue to introduce military specialties and branches of the military.
  • To form high moral qualities: camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.
  • To foster patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.
  • Design of visual campaigning (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).
  • Formation of groups of children preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders, snipers, sappers, signalmen, intelligence officers, and nurses.
  • Conducting a complex of morning exercises on the theme “We are military pilots.”
  • Conducting a military song competition.

Progress of the game:

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory groups, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter.

Then the general comes out to solemn music.

"General": I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

General: Comrade soldiers, an emergency occurred at the General Staff: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?

Children: Ready!

"General": Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports,

report readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad: Squad, stand at attention!


Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

"General": To complete this task, you will need to use a plan, where in blue the place from where you will have to start your movement is indicated, in red the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated, and arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear? Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

"General": The units begin to complete the task.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, begin their route, performing one task after another.

“Crawl in a tunnel”

Target: At the command of "Gaza" crawl in the tunnel, wearing cotton and gauze bandages.

Rules of the game: Do not stop and do not remove the bandages.


Target: Find buried in the snow on the playground plastic bottles and unscrew the covers. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. The more mines cleared, the more points the team gets.

Rules of the game: if a child pulls a mine out of the snow, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the soldier is wounded and needs “medical care”, the orderlies bandage him.


Target: Crawl under the net without the help of adults.

Rules of the game: The more children overcome the obstacle without the help of adults, the more points they will earn.

“Hit the target”

Target: hit the target with “projectiles” - balls.

Rules of the game: Every hit by a child on a target brings the squad 1 point. Each participant has the right to make one throw.


Target: get over the “swamp” (hoops). Bring shells (cones), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game: You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered wounded.

« Providing medical care»

Target: nurses provide first aid.

Rules of the game: one group bandages the head, the other the arm, the third the leg.

« Deliver the package»

Target: According to the scheme, find the package and deliver it to headquarters.

Rules of the game: Run strictly along the lines, don’t go off course.

« Collect military equipment»

Target: Collect cut pictures.

Rules of the game: collect as quickly as possible.

At the appointed time, all detachments again gather on the site and submit reports to the general that the task has been completed.

"General": Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.

"General": Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task. All documents have been delivered to headquarters. Tell me what they show.

The children respond in unison with military equipment.

"General": Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks. And now let’s sum it up: the Snipers squad has won, they are awarded a banner kindergarten. I express my gratitude to all units for participating in today’s game “Zarnitsa” and to award you medals for courage, bravery, bravery and determination.

The commanders approach the general and take their awards.

The right to be photographed next to the banner is granted to all units. The children leave to the sound of marching music.

Lightning game. Video of the game being played at school.

ZARNITSA is a military sports festival that gives children a storm of emotions in the implementation of individual skills in basic military training, a visual representation of the simulation of military operations, and the improvement of military-patriotic and sports work at school. During the game, schoolchildren in grades 7-10 are divided into teams and compete in various military-applied sports with game elements; students in grades 11 help the teaching staff in conducting the event. With the help of the game, boys and girls get the opportunity to express themselves, be organized as a team, gain useful skills in making the right decisions in extreme situations, and be able to provide first aid to the victim.

Rules of the game.

The players are divided into five teams with the same number of people (a team consists of 25 people from different age categories), 11th grade students are responsible for conducting stages of the game, and the teaching staff acts as heads of garrison services. Teams choose their commanders, name, and emblem. A ceremonial line is held, the banner is carried out, and the anthem is played. On the podium, veterans give instructions to the players, commanders hand over reports to them, and the players greet them. Martial law is declared and a task is set, commanders receive combat sheets with the route ( Annex 1). Teams develop tactics (participants are divided among themselves into stages for which they will be responsible), garrison commanders invite participants to START; The FINISH is a table on which the team, using glue, must assemble the symbols of the game attribute (for each completed stage, the team receives one puzzle element). The goal of the teams is the symbolism of the game. Each team must act harmoniously, arrive at stages together, and if anyone is late, wait.

Formation of basic military training skills, instilling a sense of patriotism, camaraderie, spiritual and moral values, and responsibility.


  1. Raising a single cohesive team.
  2. Choosing a form of creative expression.
  3. Involving schoolchildren in healthy image life.
  4. Preparation for overcoming difficulties, developing skills to act in extreme situations, the ability to provide first aid to the victim.

Event program:

  1. Formation.
  2. Ceremonial line-up for the opening of the military sports game “Zarnitsa”.
  3. Team presentation.
  4. Passage of the stages of the competition by the game participants.
  5. Summing up and awarding winners and runners-up.

Main stages of the game:

  1. Representation is an emblem, a greeting to rivals.
  2. Obstacle course.
  3. Providing first aid to victims for fractures, burns, wounds, bleeding.
  4. Carrying the victim.
  5. Drill.
  6. Assembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
  7. Putting on a gas mask.
  8. Setting up a tent.
  9. Packing the backpack.
  10. Light a fire and boil water for a while.
  11. Orientation by compass on the terrain.
  12. Dramatization of a war song.
  13. Drawing up symbolism.

Organization of the event:

Participating in the preparation of the game “Zarnitsa” are:

- school administration,
– life safety teacher,
– physical education teachers,
- school medical worker,
- class teachers,
– 11th grade students,
Primary School and 5-6 grades – fans.

Participants in the game must have a name. emblem, chant, greeting to opponents. Participants are given instructions on fire safety rules when handling fire.

Progress of the event

The opening of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” takes place at the main entrance to the school to the sounds of the chords of a ceremonial march. The school principal opens the holiday, WWII veterans congratulate the participants on the start of the game.

I. Main stages of the game.

1st stage. “Introduction – emblem, greeting of rivals”

Each battalion must greet its opponents (with pre-prepared greetings in poetic form). Present the emblem and talk about its designation; for this they receive a puzzle.

2nd stage. “Obstacle Course”

Each team member takes turns running an obstacle course against the clock (there is a specially equipped area on the school grounds). The times of all participants are summed up and a puzzle is given.

3rd stage. “Providing first aid to victims of fractures, burns, wounds, bleeding.”

The team receives a task that contains two questions (theoretical and practical). Reads and begins to provide necessary first aid measures. The task is assessed based on the actions of the entire team and the correctness of the task ( Appendix 2). The team receives a puzzle.

4th stage. “Carrying the victim”

Participants must carry the victim on a stretcher for a certain distance (four boys, one girl). First, they must unfold the stretcher, place the victim correctly (head first) and transfer him. The organizers take into account correctness and timing. The team receives a puzzle.

5th stage. “Drill training” The commander gives a command, on command the battalion must show its skills and be able to:

– line up in one line, in two, back;
– in one column and in threes;
– turns: right, left, around, half a turn;
– marching at a marching pace with a chant and a song.

The task is assessed based on the actions of the entire team and the correctness of the task. The team receives points and a puzzle.

6th stage. “Assembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle”

Four boys and two girls are participating in the competition. The guys have to assemble the machine correctly and quickly for a while. The team receives a puzzle.

7th stage. “Putting on a gas mask”

Five people from the team participate (four boys, one girl). On command, participants must put on gas masks correctly and quickly for a while. Time is counted according to the last participant. The team receives puzzle points.

8th stage. “Setting up a tent”

Teams select four people to participate in the competition (three boys, two girls). Participants of the competition must correctly and quickly, in a short time, set up and tension the tent. The team receives a puzzle.

9th stage. “Packaging”

Team members must choose one representative from each team. The participant must pack the backpack for a while. The team receives a puzzle ( Appendix 3).

10th stage. “Lighting a fire and boiling water for a while”

Four participants from the team must quickly light a fire and boil water in a pot. The team whose water boils faster wins this competition. The team receives a puzzle.

11th stage. “Terrain orientation using a compass”

Teams are given the coordinates of the enemy's hidden reserves. Participants must navigate by compass and find provisions. Two boys and one girl participate in this competition. The team receives sweet provisions and a puzzle.

12th stage. “Staging a war song”

Each team prepares homework - this is a song from the war years. The song needs to be presented, played.

The jury judges the competition according to the following criteria:

– originality of design;
– costumes;
– extras;
– arrangement;
– quality of performance
– song selection.

The team receives a puzzle.

The 13th stage is final. “Drafting symbolism” (Appendix 4)

At the final stage, the entire team must come in full force, after which a picture of the game’s symbols begins to be assembled and glued together. The garrison service chiefs evaluate the competition.

Summing up the results of the competition: The winners are determined by the stopwatch time and the fewest penalty points. Teams are awarded certificates and valuable gifts. Also in the competition, the winners of each stage of the competition are identified and awarded.

Scenario for the military sports game “Zarnitsa”


formation of the desire for victory, harmony of perfection, physical and spiritual principles;
developing children's skills for quick reaction in unusual situations;
development and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people.
development and strengthening of students’ physical fitness;
team building;
nurturing the spirit of patriotism among the younger generation;

FORMS OF CONDUCTING THE “ZARNITSYA” COMPETITION- a relay race that consists of several stages. The types of competitions differ at different stages. On the tourist obstacle course, the start is given with a difference of 10 minutes. The start of each stage is given separately. The time to complete each stage (stage score) is recorded separately.

Competition participants: students of grades 5-11

Introduction - announcement of the competition program.

Stage route

Stage 1. Physical training

"Spring Marathon"

"Accurate shooter".

"Super jump."

Stage 2 “Tourist obstacle course”.

The whole team participates in overcoming the obstacle course.

Obstacle course stages:

1. Checkpoint (checkpoint) - Encryption

2. Obstacle course
Walking along a log.
Hanging crossing.
Lighting a fire. Tourist hub.
Collect the newspaper.
Envelope with the task.
Setting up the tent.

Stage 3 Competition “Our local historians”

Stage 4 “Historical Quiz” Competition

Stage 5 Competition “Best Readers”

Stage 6 Performance of a military song

Stage 1. Physical training / Based on the results of the first stage, the winning team receives 10 points, the losing team - 7 points.

"Spring Marathon"

Each team invites 7 people from the team to participate - they cover the distance in a circle (the length of the distance is 120 meters). Both teams start at the same time. Participants of one team are released into the distance one by one. The team determines its own tactics for overcoming the distance. The transfer of the relay baton to the next participant from the team is accomplished by handing over the relay baton. You can pass the baton anywhere along the course. The winner is determined by the shortest time to complete the distance.

"Accurate shooter".

From the starting line, 6 participants from each team (3 boys and three girls) make 2 throws at a horizontal target. The team itself determines the order and participants of the game in its team. The winner is determined by the greatest number of grenade hits on the target.

"Super jump".

Eight participants from one team take turns performing a standing long jump. The first participant performs a jump from the start line, the second participant performs a jump from the landing point (set along the heels of the jumping participant) of the first athlete, the third participant jumps from the landing point of the second participant, etc. The winner is determined by the greatest distance from the start line to the last landing point (jump of the 8th participant).

Stage 2 “Tourist obstacle course”. / In competitions 1-8, the team that completes the tasks of the stage in the shortest time receives 20 points, the losing team receives 15 points

A team of 10 people takes part in overcoming the obstacle course.

Obstacle course stages:

1. Checkpoint (checkpoint) Encryption:
Before the start of the obstacle course, teams receive a package with an encrypted password; after decryption, the team receives a route sheet, which indicates the names of the stations and the sequence of their passage. Next, the teams begin moving along the route stations.

Each team is given an encrypted card.
(25 19 1 2 3 16 6 18 20, 18 12 6 3 1 15 19 4 15 17. 15 22 17 1 14 31 30 19 5 3 6 16 20 25 119, 15 5 9 14 19 1 14 11.)

Text: headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains. One tank is guarded by two guns.

2. Obstacle course
Walking on a log

Bumps. Cross the hummocks from one bank to the other without stepping on the ground. If the participant hits the ground, he returns to the beginning of the stage and goes through it again.

Hanging crossing. It is necessary to cross a section of the path along two parallel ropes (jumping is a penalty of – 20 seconds).

Participants in the competition must crawl behind the captain under a net stretched at a distance of 30-40 cm from the ground. If someone hits the net with their back, there is a 20 second penalty.

3. Topography.
Each participant draws a card with a topographical sign on it and names this sign. For each incorrect answer, the team receives a penalty point (1 point – 20 seconds).

4. Lighting a fire - Tourist hub
The team uses the surrounding fuel to light a fire in the maximum amount of time without using flammable mixtures and materials, paper and birch bark. The fire flame should burn the thread above the fire. Failure to comply with the conditions of the stage is punishable by a fine of 1 minute.

Teams are asked to draw one card out of three with the names of tourist nodes.

Counter clew Grass

It is necessary to tie the chosen knot correctly (the penalty for incorrectly tied is 30 seconds).

5. Sniper.

Shooting from an air rifle.
Two participants per team must hit the target from a distance of 15 meters, each with 5 bullets). One miss - 20 second penalty

6. Collect a newspaper.
In 1 minute, assemble a sheet of newspaper torn into 10 pieces (20 second penalty)

Envelope with the task.
Each team is given an envelope in which a proverb on a military theme is cut into separate words. From these words you need to assemble the entire proverb in one minute.

1) A battle is beautiful with courage, and a comrade with friendship

2) The courageous one blames himself, and the cowardly one blames his friend

(20 second penalty)

7. Medicine.
The team provides first aid to the victim (one of the team members). The nature of the injury is a fracture of the tibia and carrying the victim. The sequence of implementation of assistance measures, the correctness of bandaging, transportation, as well as the humane attitude towards the victim are assessed.

(Penalty 2 minutes)

8. Setting up the tent.
The team sets up a tourist tent within a certain time. The correctness of installation is controlled by the judge, who assigns penalty points for errors in installation: a fold on the tent slope - 30 seconds, a general distortion of the tent - 30 seconds.

Stage 3 Competition “Our local historians”. (The number of correct answers is the number of points)

Both teams take part in the competition in turn. Children answer questions in several areas of local history:

history of the native land;
flora and fauna of the area;
famous people of our city (region);
streets of your native village;
sights of the village (district, region), etc.

Stage 4 Competition “Historical Quiz” (Number of correct answers – number of points)

Stage 5 Competition “Best Readers” (Winners receive 5 points)

Stage 6 Performing a song.

Each team is given pieces of paper with the words of a military song. Then they are given a soundtrack to listen to. The team must perform this song.

7 Summing up, awarding the winners

Scenario military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

A patriot is someone who loves his Fatherland, not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other nations, but because it is his Motherland. A person is either a patriot of his Fatherland, and then he is connected to it, like a tree with its roots to the earth, or he is just dust carried by all the winds.


Each detachment includes: a commander, snipers, sappers, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, and nurses.

Attributes and equipment:

    2 tunnels

    Wooden hoops in two colors

    3 envelopes with cut pictures

    2 ropes 10 meters long

    Volleyball net for completing the task “Crawl under the barbed wire”

    A basket of ammunition, rubber balls for throwing at a target.

    Plastic bottles buried in the snow to complete the mission “Clear the field”

    Tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs

For each group:

    Elements of a soldier's uniform for boys (camouflages, weapons)

    Elements of clothing for nurses (white scarves with a red cross)

    Group flag

    Backpacks or duffel bags with the necessary equipment

    Route plan

    Awards and medals

    Task package

    First aid kit

Purpose of the game:

    Continue to introduce military specialties and branches of the military.

    To form high moral qualities: camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.

    To foster patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Preliminary work:

    Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game "Zarnitsa" with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.

    Design of visual campaigning (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).

    Formation of detachments from children of preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders, snipers, sappers, signalmen, intelligence officers, and nurses.

    Conducting a complex of morning exercises on the theme “We are military pilots.”

    Conducting a military song competition.

Progress of the game:

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory groups, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter.

Then the general comes out to solemn music.

"General": I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

General: Comrade soldiers, an emergency occurred at the General Staff: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?

Children: Ready!

"General": Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports,

report readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad: Squad, stand at attention!


Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!


Comrade General! The “Yunarmen” detachment is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

"General": To complete this task, you will need to use a plan, where in blue the place from where you will have to start your movement is indicated, in red the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated, and arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear? Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

"General": The units begin to complete the task.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, begin their route, performing one task after another.

“Crawl in a tunnel”

Target: At the command of "Gaza" crawl in the tunnel, wearing cotton and gauze bandages.

Rules of the game: Do not stop and do not remove the bandages.


Target: Find buried plastic bottles in the snow on the sports ground and unscrew the caps. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. The more mines cleared, the more points the team gets.

Rules of the game: if a child pulls a mine out of the snow, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the soldier is wounded and needs “medical care”, the orderlies bandage him.


Target: Crawl under the net without the help of adults.

Rules of the game: The more children overcome the obstacle without the help of adults, the more points they will earn.

“Hit the target”

Target: hit the target with “projectiles” - balls.

Rules of the game: Every hit by a child on a target brings the squad 1 point. Each participant has the right to make one throw.


Target: get over the “swamp” (hoops). Bring shells (cones), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game: You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered wounded.

« Providing medical care»

Target: nurses provide first aid.

Rules of the game: one group bandages the head, the other the arm, the third the leg.

« Deliver the package»

Target: According to the scheme, find the package and deliver it to headquarters.

Rules of the game: Run strictly along the lines, don’t go off course.

« Collect military equipment»

Target: Collect cut pictures.

Rules of the game: collect as quickly as possible.

At the appointed time, all detachments again gather on the site and submit reports to the general that the task has been completed.

"General": Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.

"General": Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task. All documents have been delivered to headquarters. Tell me what they show.

The children respond in unison with military equipment.

"General": Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks. And now let’s summarize: the Snipers squad has won, and they are awarded the kindergarten banner. I express my gratitude to all units for participating in today’s game “Zarnitsa” and to award you medals for courage, bravery, bravery and determination.

The commanders approach the general and take their awards.

The right to be photographed next to the banner is granted to all units. Children to marching musicleaving.

Lately we have recognized that our youth lack patriotic feelings. But aren’t we to blame for the fact that our teenagers feel repulsed by the words: Fatherland, army, small Motherland? That is why there is now a need in the country to restore the authority of the above words. For this purpose, in schools, cultural institutions and additional education programs are being created for the patriotic education of children. Many teachers complain about the lack of methodological works in which they could find recommendations and advice on this problem. But is it necessary to “reinvent the wheel” when we have the experience of the Soviet school? I think we need to select the best examples of Soviet pedagogy, adapt them to our times and introduce them into the educational system.

One of the striking examples of the education of patriotism in the Soviet system were the games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”. Based on these two wonderful games, a game was developed for high school boys - “Pre-Conscription”.

Target: to awaken the interest of young people in the army, its role and place in the life of society and the fate of the Fatherland.

Tasks: apply the knowledge gained in history and military training in lessons and independently acquired in practice, cultivate pride in the historical past and present, develop the basic skills of a young soldier.

The game consists of two rounds. The first round consists of tasks: theoretical knowledge about the army, its history and practical knowledge of drill exercises, medical practice and civil defense exercises. The tour is conducted colorfully with show elements. That is why this event is held in close contact with creative teams of schools, additional education or culture. The game must be held in a large sports hall, with enough space not only for all participants in the game, but also for their numerous fans.

The second round is purely sports with elements of shooting, running, and strength exercises, where each team scores points by competing not only in individual championships, but also in team competitions.

In this development we give a version of the first round game. The game can be held not only within the city, but also become the basis for holding it within the walls of an educational institution. To implement this project, you will need technical means: sound equipment, microphones, phonogram recordings.

It is very important to pay attention to the composition of the jury when preparing an event. The jury should consist of competent people in each field of knowledge of each competition separately, so that the participants do not have any doubt that this person is an amateur. The jury should include military personnel, historians, medical workers, music workers, emergency and civil defense workers, or physical education and life safety teachers. The main thing is that these people are not interested in this or that team winning.

Preliminary preparation is of great importance in this event. It is necessary to carefully develop a provision in which all competitions of the game are described in detail so that the participants do not have any misunderstanding.

Having studied the situation, the participants in the game are obliged to begin preparing for the competitions. It’s good if preparation for the game becomes a system, then physical education and life safety teachers will not have to prepare children separately from their main classes. The evaluation and judging criteria must also be spelled out in detail. At each stage of the game, evaluation sheets are developed indicating the jury members, which must be submitted to the counting commission at the end of each competition. Props, sports equipment, as well as the decoration of the hall must be carefully checked and prepared before the start of the game.

Military sports game scenario

I round

In the gym, decorated with banners, balls, and emblems of the teams participating in the competition. The competition is attended by jury members, war veterans, and fans. Participants are lined up in front of the hall according to school numbers.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Teams, for the 1st round of the “Pre-conscription” competition, step into the hall, march!

Participants march into the hall and become the letter “P”.

Military Commissar. Pre-conscripts! Be equal! Attention! Squad commanders, prepare to submit your report! Report ready! At ease!

The school commander standing in the vanguard. Branches, be equal! Attention! Comrade chairman of the jury, school department No. ___ (commanders take turns calling the number of their school) were built for the “Pre-conscript” competition.

Military Commissar. At ease! (Words of greeting are heard.)

Leading. Our competition is judged by a jury consisting of:

(The jury includes representatives of the city military registration and enlistment office, ROSTA, the city training and methodological center for civil defense and emergency situations).

Leading. The floor for greetings is given to the head of the city education department.

Competition plan:

  1. Battle sheet competition.
  2. Formation and song competition.
  3. Theoretical competition “Wheel of History”.
  4. Competition “Song in a Military Overcoat”.
  5. Practical competition “Rescue Service”.
  6. New recruit competition.
  7. Commander competition.

Leading. The departments take their places in the hall. (All participants take seats in the hall). So, a song and structure competition. School department No. is invited to the parade ground (Branches are being reviewed by school numbers.)

Leading. While the jury is summing up the formation and song, listen to the results of the battle sheet competition.

Leading. And now the theoretical competition “Wheel of History”. On my command, the squad commanders should receive envelopes. Teams must open them, read them and write their answers legibly. Then submit the questionnaire with answers to the jury members. Comprehensive information on each issue is taken into account. We remind you that the use of hints and cheat sheets is not allowed. Punishment is disqualification of participants from this competition.

10 minutes are allotted for this competition. Commanders, get the packages! Time!

Competition questions:

  1. “Great names of Russia” - name outstanding Russian military leaders, commanders who glorified the Russian army.
  2. “Army of Russia” - name the modern types of troops and types of troops that took part in the battles of Poltava and Borodino.
  3. “Awards of the Motherland” - provide the most information about orders and medals modern Russia shown on the sheets.

In the meantime, the teams are answering theoretical questions, the best artistic groups and soloists of educational institutions in our city will perform before you.

Leading. Time to turn in your jury packages!

Leading. Now listen to the results of the formation and song competition. The jury's word.

Leading. The next competition “Songs in a Military Overcoat” Now fragments of phonograms of songs from the Great Patriotic War. Within 5 minutes, write the title, the author of the words and music, and, if possible, the first performer. Prepare paper and pens. Phonogram!

Fragments of WWII songs are heard:

  1. “Roads” – words by L. Oshanin, music by A. Novikov
  2. “In the dugout” – words by A. Surkov, music by K. Listov
  3. “In the forest near the front” - words by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter
  4. Dark night” – (from the film “Two Fighters”) words by V. Agapov, music by N. Bogoslovsky
  5. “Katyusha” – words by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter

Leading. In the meantime, our teams are writing answers, this artistic number is performed for all veterans.

Leading. Teams, submit answers to the music competition. Now let’s ask the jury to announce the results of the theoretical competition “Wheel of History.”

Leading. And now the “Rescue Service” competition. The first task is making and putting on cotton-gauze bandages. Prepare required material. Manufacturing time: 3 minutes. All team members take part in this competition. So, pay attention! Time!

(While the competition is being held, an artistic number is performed).

Leading. To complete the second task, for convenience, the teams are divided into several groups of four teams each.

The first group lines up in front of the jury. They put 4 chairs and sit the “conditionally injured” on them. On command, the second participant puts a gas mask on the “victim”, after the jury checks that the gas mask is put on correctly, in relay order the other two participants carry one at a time to the “safe zone”. The “safe zone” is marked in the hall with a line and green flags. One of the “porters” remains with the “victim,” the other returns and helps the next participant carry the next “victim,” and so on until the entire team is in the “safe zone.” The correctness, speed and time of putting on the gas mask are taken into account.

After the performance of the first group, the second is called, etc.

Leading. And now the jury will announce the results of the “Songs in a Military Overcoat” competition.

Leading. I am announcing the next competition “Recruits”. Who among us from a young age does not know what “outfit out of turn” is? Of course, that's it. This is extra work in the kitchen or simply peeling potatoes. To prevent our army recruits from getting into trouble, I suggest peeling potatoes in this room. On command, squad leaders peel one potato, having completed the task, pass the knife to the next team member, etc., until all the potatoes are peeled. At the end of the cleaning, the commander raises his hand up, signaling to the jury that the squad has completed the task. The speed, quality, and thinness of the peel layer are taken into account.

While our “recruits” are busy important matter, you can watch performances by amateur artists.

Leading. And one more task. Within 3 minutes, quickly and legibly write proverbs and sayings on military topics on a piece of paper marked from your school. Time.

Amateur performance number.

Leading. The jury is given the floor to sum up the results of the practical competition “Rescue Service”.

Leading. And we will end our meeting with a competition of commanders.

During military service, the commander replaces both father and mother for conscripts, so he must know his “recruits” like the back of his hand. So you have to find out the first and last name of each of your charges by shaking hands with your eyes closed. Now each jury member will approach the teams and put on blindfolds. Then he will bring his “recruits” to him in any order. For each correct answer, a point for the team. Any hint from outside is punished. That is, the answer is not counted.

Leading. And one more task for the commanders. Within 15 seconds you need to examine the objects on this table. Memorize and then write them down on sheets. Commanders come to the table. Time.

Leading. While the jury sums up the results of all competitions, creative teams perform in front of the participants and spectators.

Leading. To sum up the results of the “Pre-Conscription” competition, the teams should line up! (Fanfare sounds.) Branches, be equal! Attention! The jury's word.

Leading. This concludes our competition, but those who are unlucky today should not despair. The second round is just around the corner, which will be decisive in the calculation for the title of absolute winner of the city competition “Pre-conscript.” On your behalf, allow me to thank the jury members and teachers for their work and organization of the “Pre-Conscription” competition. Goodbye! See you again!

Some people will think that it’s so easy to just pick up and play this game, but others will think that it’s unrealistic and takes a long time. But only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Try it! This is just an option. How many of them will you have?

I hope that this game and preparation for it will at least partially close the gap in the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren and will help in the future to systematize work in this direction.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 24"



COMPLETED BY: Aksenova V.Ya.




Goals of the game (SLIDE 3):

    creating a joyful, solemn holiday atmosphere;

    upbringingpatriotism among the younger generation;

    instilling in children the need for activities physical culture and sports; consolidation of skills and abilities acquired in classes;

    instilling a sense of respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland;

    formation of strong-willed qualities, determination, endurance, desire and ability to overcome obstacles;

    improvement of military-patriotic and mass sports work in


    educating schoolchildren in the spirit of readiness to defend the Motherland;

    mastering the skills of providing first aid for injuries and


Tasks (SLIDE 4):

    instill love for the Motherland, feelings of patriotism;

    promote the health of students through motor skills and

    outdoor games;

    create conditions for the realization of creative, physical, intellectual abilities;

    organize activities to develop a sense of cohesion and mutual assistance in the children's team;

    to promote the development of ingenuity, resourcefulness, dexterity, endurance, and willpower in children.

Location : school playground

Dress : sports uniform

Equipment : sheets with the names of the stages, encryption, telephone, ropes wound on round sticks, skittles, compass, model of a tank (two boxes of different sizes were covered with green paper and cardboard, a barrel was attached), plastic bottles with caps, bandages, cotton and gauze bandages , 2 tents, homemade puzzles of the coat of arms of Kemerovo, tokens - stars, soundtracks of songs " Holy war", "Solar Circle", fanfare, carcass for the award ceremony.

Event program:

    Grand opening of the military sports game on the Zarnitsa area.

    Completion of the stages of the competition by game participants:

Main stages of the game:






    "Military ranks"

    Taking "tongue"


    "Firing line"

    "Forest Pharmacy"

    "Medsanbat" 1




    Summing up and awarding winners and runners-up.


1. Ceremonial line (SLIDE 5)

Organizer 1 (SLIDE 6)

73 years ago

To our sweet and proud one,
To our happy homeland
To our dear, peaceful land
The fascist scoundrel has attacked!

The song "Holy War" is played.

At the front, soldiers fought for every inch of their native land, for their father’s house, for their relatives and friends!The children fought alongside them as equals. This is Zina Portnova, Volodya Dubinin, Marat Kazei.Books are written about them, legends are composed, poetry and music are composed. The main thing is that they are remembered. This memory is passed on from generation to generation.

As in the old days, our Russian Army is famous for its warriors. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our Russian Army is you, today’s boys and girls. And the power of our Army depends on how you grow up.

Today we are holding a military sports game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. (SLIDE 7)

Game motto: In order to serve the Motherland, you must be strong and courageous!. (SLIDE 8)

This game will be proof thatWe, too, in difficult times for the Motherland, are ready to stand up for its defense.

Organizer 2

To stay alive, a soldier in war must be able to do many things: establish communications, clear mines, shoot accurately. Today you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in military affairs. You must go through all the stages. At each stage, after completing the task by all participants, you will receive part of the secret report. Your task is to collect all the parts of the secret report, deliver it to the game headquarters and decipher it.This task is very difficult. You will need courage, bravery, boldness.

The military sports game “Zarnitsa” is considered open. (Fanfares sound)

In addition to team tasks, our game will include individual tasks. By completing them, you will earn additional points, based on the results of which the winners in the individual championship will be determined.

Organizer 1.

STAGE 1 – “Rookie” (SLIDE 9)

You are our vanguard. The fate of the main offensive of our troops depends on you.

Therefore, we must be confident in each of you. We need to know that you are ready

to these tests.

I will start a proverb or catchphrase, and you must continue it.

There is safety in numbers)

It’s hard to learn - it’s easy... (in battle)

For your Motherland, neither strength nor life... (don’t be sorry)

Motherland, know how to stand up for her... (stand up) 2

Cheek brings success)

The bullet is afraid of the brave, the bayonet is afraid of the brave... (does not take)

Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a friend... (stupid)

Peace builds, but war... (destroys)

Perish yourself, and comrade... (help out).

The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming... (general)

Stage 2 - "Checkpoint". (SLIDE 10)

It's time for our squad to leave the location and start moving. In case of a chemical attack, receive protective equipment (cotton and gauze bandages are provided).

Now we need to go through the checkpoint. To do this you need to provide a password.

Now the squad receives an envelope with the text of the encrypted password. In 2 minutes you need to find the key to the cipher, decrypt the password, and bring it to everyone.

At the end of the time, the squad in a column, one at a time, passes through the checkpoint, calling the password, and lines up at the starting line.

(The presenter gives the command to open the package.The team must decipher the encryption by the number of the letter of the alphabet 1-A, 2-B, ..., 33-I).

The key to encryption


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


21 14 6 13 29 11 2 16 6 24 3 6 9 5 6 14 16 13 16 5 6 24

(A skillful fighter is well done everywhere)

Stage 3 – “Signalmen” (SLIDE 11)

For us to know where you are, we needlay a cable, establish and check communication with headquarters. According to the number of pairs of participants, pegs are driven in, to which one ties a rope wound around a round stick, and the secondunwind the cable (rope), moving towards the phone, tie the other end to it. As soon as the communication lines are laid, the signalmen give a signal with a flag.

Stage 4 – “Charter” (SLIDE 12)

Guys, do you know what the charter is?Charter - a set of rules and duties of military personnel.First, the recruit studies the regulations, takes the oath, and only after that is considered a real soldier. We will not test your knowledge of the charter, but will conduct a mini-quiz

(Mini quiz. For each correct answer you are given a token - an asterisk)

What is the solemn passage of troops called? (Parade)

The soldier is sleeping, and she is walking. (Service)

Winter guard shoes? (Felt boots)

What do you call a teenager on a ship learning to sail? (Cabin boy)

Whose words: “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight? (A.V. Suvorov)

What is the offensive action of troops called? (Attack)

What is the name of the military hospital? (Hospital)

A combat vehicle with rockets? (Katyusha)

What is "lemon"? (Grenade)

Star piece of the uniform? (Epaulettes) 3

Stage 5 – “Ammo” (SLIDE 13)

For a successful offensive of the troops, we need to replenish our ammunition supplies. But here's the problem. The cars brought the shells, but they couldn’t bring them to us. There is a swamp on their way. You needin a column one at a time, go through a section of marshy terrain, jumping “from hummock to hummock” (hummocks are circles drawn on the asphalt) and carry shells (pins)

Stage 6- "Military ranks" (SLIDE 14)

Before going on the attack, we must know all military ranks, that is, know to whom we must directly report.

The team must remember and name military ranks (from “private” to “army general”).


To undertake any military maneuver andTo complete the task without loss, you need to carry out reconnaissance and take the “tongue”.

This is not an easy matter.

Scouts must have not only strength, but also extensive knowledge.

We received a report that the “tongue” can be found in the forest.

Using a compass, go along the azimuth, find and take the “tongue”

(the discovered one runs away, the children catch up with him)

Stage 8 – “Minefield” (SLIDE 16)

From the “language” we learned that there was a minefield ahead.

We need to find and neutralize the “mines.”

The task of the sappers is to use “mine detectors” (gymnastic sticks) to find “mines” (plastic bottles buried at a depth of about 5 cm) and neutralize them. Do not forget that the mine cannot be touched until it is neutralized (you need to unscrew the cap).

Stage 9 – “Firing Line” (SLIDE 17)

Enemy tanks are moving towards us. It is necessary to destroy them.

Participants take turns throwing a “grenade” (pin). From a distance of 3 meters they try to hit the target - a model of a tank. If you miss the target, it means you get a shrapnel wound (“a shrapnel” is a piece of cardboard on which it is written where it was wounded).

Stage 10 – “Forest Pharmacy” (SLIDE 18)

We got wounded (children who missed the target). They need first aid.

Unfortunately, all supplies of medicine have run out. All that was left were bandages. What can replace cotton wool and necessary medicines in field conditions? (Children call medicinal plants and talk about them healing properties)

Stage 11 – “Medsanbat” (SLIDE 19)

Fortunately, our wounded do not have open wounds.

It is necessary to provide them with first aid and take them to the hospital.

(Children apply bandages, but then the command is heard: “Gas!”)

Stage 12 – “Gases” (SLIDE 20)

The children put cotton and gauze bandages on themselves and the wounded and take them to the hospital.

Stage 13 "BIVAC" (SLIDE 21)

Almost all tasks are completed, you can rest a little. Some clouds were moving. It will probably rain soon. The tents need to be set up quickly.

Stage 14 “Report” (SLIDE 22)

You have received the last part of the report. All that remains is to put all the parts together and read it.

(Children complete the task, make up the coat of arms of the city of KEMEROVO from puzzles.)

REPORT: your combat task is to loudly shout “HURRAY!” three times. and start singing the song “Sunny Circle”

The game is summed up.

ORGANIZER 1: The military sports game “Zarnitsa” has come to an end.Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks.

You have shown yourself to be not only dexterous, strong, brave, fast, but also friendly, able to be a single team.(SLIDE 23)

For active participation in military sports game"Zarnitsa" are awarded......

IIIThe place according to the number of points is……


Iplace …..

Everyone gets sweet prizes.

(Thanks to the organizers, participants, sponsors)


We held a competition
We wish you farewell
Strengthen everyone's health,
Pump up the muscles tightly.


Watch TV less often
Sweat more with weights,
Don't lie on the sofa
Jump with a jump rope!


Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to everyone: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!"

Bibliography (SLIDE 25, 26)

1. Babansky Yu.K. Pedagogy. - M., 1988.

2. Bure R.S. Teach children to work. - M., 1987.

3. Goffman Zh.I. Military-patriotic and international education in the lessons of initial military training. - M.: graduate School, 1985.

4. Davydov V.V. Problems of developing learning. - M., 1986. 5

5. Kutafin O.E. Fundamentals of state and law. - M.: Lawyer, 1996.

6. Makarenko A.S. vol. 5, 1960.

7. Feldshtein D.N. Psychology of education of adolescents. - M., 1978.

8. Federal target program “Patriotic education of citizens” Russian Federation, perpetuating the memory of Russian soldiers and significant events military history Fatherland." pp. 7-17.