Temporary shelter structures for improvised means. Temporary structures, shelters, short stays, overnight stays

There is a lot of evidence when people, left alone with wildlife, could not only save strength for a long time, but also reliably protect themselves from adverse natural factors. And the basis of successful survival has always been the presence of a temporary shelter.

Its construction is not only good protection, but also a good guide for rescuers, because from the air it is easier to detect a shelter or a camp equipped with signal signs than one person or even a group of people.

A prerequisite for choosing a site for a camp is future security. It is impossible to build a shelter on islands, low-lying banks and river banks, in the beds of dry rivers, at the bottom of narrow gorges and canyons, where mud landslides and rockfalls are likely. During periods of unstable weather and bad weather, you should not stop at the tops of mountains and hills, ridges and passes, where a thunderstorm poses a real danger. Check out Mountain Survival Skills.

AT winter time do not forget about the possibility of snow avalanches. Choose your camping site carefully and avoid areas that are devoid of vegetation or covered only with young growth.

Consider several varieties of shelter, which can be made even alone. Pay close attention to the advice of experienced travelers - they can not only help in setting up the camp, but also save your life.

If you are forced to build a shelter in an area with a cold climate, then it is important to take into account the terrain of the surrounding area. It is worth avoiding low-lying areas where masses of cold air, flowing down, form "cold sumps".

Also, you should not set up a camp near animal trails, because wild animals can bring a lot of trouble. Food containers, used dressings and garbage can attract uninvited guests, so try not to accumulate them near your home.

Insects, especially forest ants, can cause a lot of inconvenience. They will not only spoil food supplies, but also force you to leave the chosen place. Therefore, pay attention to the neighborhood of anthills.

Remember! Near your shelter there should be no rotten, chopped and hollow trees. Strong winds can knock them over easily.

One of the main requirements is the availability of water and firewood near the shelter. The advantage of one or the other depends on the specific conditions:

In a hot climate or in summer, water is more important, running water is better;

In a cold climate or in winter, firewood is more important, allowing you to survive.

In mid-latitudes, firewood is rarely a problem, except in early spring, when the meltwater has not yet subsided. At this time, dry fuel is a rarity. It is always difficult to find fuel in the tundra.

Hut of three poles

When choosing a site for the camp, consider the features of natural areas.

In the steppe, it is preferable to park in a beam or behind a hillock, which will help protect you from the wind, especially in cold weather. In dry and warm weather, mosquitoes can annoy, so the camp is set up on a hill, which is blown by the wind from all sides. You can also place it on the windward slope of the valley, but the fire will have to be made on the leeward side no closer than 8-10 m from the shelter.

In the tundra, build shelter in as dry places as possible. Try to stay away from swamps - on sandy or rocky hills, as well as on river terraces.

In the desert, especially in mountainous areas, daytime temperatures can reach very high values, and nighttime temperatures can fall below the freezing point of water. In such areas, it is necessary to provide protection from both heat and cold at the same time.

Before building a shelter, clearly imagine why you need it. Either as protection from precipitation, or from heat or cold, or protection from animals and insects. Although its type will largely depend on the availability of materials, the number of people, the duration of the parking, etc.

In deserts, especially mountainous ones, the daytime temperature reaches very high values, and at night it becomes so low that the water freezes. These areas require protection from both heat and cold.

When starting to build a temporary house, first decide why you need it - to protect yourself from rain and snow, cold and heat, insects, etc. Other important factors also influence the choice of the type of shelter: the availability of materials for construction, the duration of the proposed parking lot, the number of people and others

Snow hut - igloo

You will be lucky if you find a shelter created by nature. I mean a cave, a large crevice, a rock ledge, an hummock, or even a fallen tree or snowdrift. They require minimal finishing work, which will save your time and effort.

If the help of nature does not shine for you, you will have to equip yourself. In this case, it is more difficult for a single person to survive, since at the same time they have to look for materials for shelter and maintain a fire. Pay attention to a few tips if you find yourself in a similar situation:

In severe climatic conditions, forces must be spent very economically;

In severe frost, in the absence of a fire, you can’t sleep;

Start equipping the shelter before dark, so that by the time darkness falls, the main work has been completed;

Arrange parking on a flat area: without holes, stumps and bumps. Try to choose a horizontal surface, because even a slight slope will interfere with normal rest.

Gable hut built with a single pole

Do not aim to build a spacious shelter. The main thing in your position is protection from precipitation and wind, with sufficient ventilation of the home. Optimal size for one person, the area is considered to be 2 × 0.75 m.

When building, be creative and use any improvised means and materials.

In a wooded area in the warm season, huts and sheds are well suited as shelters. To make them, you will need poles, spruce branches, branches and, if possible, materials such as fabric or PVC film. For their preparation and processing, you will need a knife or an ax, and sharp stones as a replacement.

Double-sided fabric hut with an outdoor awning

A shelter such as a gable hut, shown in the picture above, thanks to an awning, will create additional thermal insulation and provide reliable protection from precipitation.

Review the types of temporary shelters that are given in this article. Among them, huts in the form of a pyramid are the simplest to manufacture. It is convenient to build them in the presence of fabric or polyethylene, and the fabric must be stretched so as to avoid wrinkles.

To ensure good water flow, the angle between the walls should be about 60º. The height of such a shelter is no more than 1.5 m. Start pulling the fabric from the back wall, gradually moving towards the exit. Use one pole and trees, or three poles as a base. If using only poles, the angle between the ridge (long) pole and the rafters (crossing poles) should be about 90º, this will ensure the strength and stability of the structure.

Construction of a gable hut using spruce branches

A good solution would be a wigwam shelter. It is more spacious and allows you to build a fire inside, but it requires more film or fabric, and the length of the poles themselves should reach 4-5 m.

In the absence of film and fabric, you can use spruce branches to make a single or gable hut. When preparing material for the roof, be sure to leave a small branch-hook on the branch, which will be convenient to attach the spruce branches to horizontal poles.

Laying spruce branches starts from the bottom, like tiles. In this case, each subsequent layer covers the previous (lower) one to about half. With proper installation, water will roll off the roof as if it were a solid roof. Carefully close the top of the roof, braid the back of the hut with branches. In cold weather, additionally insulate the shelter by placing a layer of snow up to 30 cm on top.

Round fabric hut built around a tree

In a damp or wetland, the shelter should be raised off the ground. To do this, make a platform with a height of at least 0.5 m. In Fig. 2 ( Fabric huts built using wood) shows a triangular shelter for one person, but it can be made quadrangular for a larger volume. The main thing is that the location of the trees is appropriate.

So that during rain water does not flow into the shelter, a groove must be dug around the shelter with a width and depth of 8 to 10 cm. It will successfully divert water towards the slope of the area. Cover the bottom of your shelter with turf or earth, then water will not be able to penetrate inside even with heavy and prolonged rain.

To protect people in the event of contamination with dangerous poisonous substances or the use of military weapons mass destruction special structures are used - shelters. The first shelter appeared in the early 20s of the last century, and it was used to protect against gas attacks.

This term began to be used even before the war. Under it, it combines all types of various protective shelters, ranging from the simplest (from adverse weather conditions) to modern specially equipped structures in the event of an emergency with mass destruction.

First of all, such structures are equipped big cities, as well as settlements and objects that have one or another category of danger. This category can only be assigned by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The purpose and classification of shelters depends on the danger of the striking source, the terrain and population density.

What shelters exist and what can protect against

Shelters of modern design are able to protect the population from the destructive effects of:

  • Light and radiation radiation
  • Explosive shock wave, including nuclear
  • Chemical - toxic compounds
  • Fallout radioactive cloud
  • Biologically hazardous substances
  • High temperatures in case of strong, massive fires
  • Natural disasters (tornadoes, earthquakes)
  • Shard Waves

Protection is ensured by the presence of particularly strong structures, including room sealing, and anti-explosion devices. Thanks to a special ventilation and filtration system, radioactive particles, light radiation and toxic substances are not able to penetrate into the shelter.

According to where and how shelters are located, built-in and free-standing ones stand out. The first option is the most common. They are included in the design of the building under construction. As a rule, shelters are built into the basement of the house, which is located below ground level.

Free-standing shelters are unremarkable buildings, without any add-ons. They are built at some distance from large structures: in parks, courtyards, on the territory of enterprises.

According to the time during which shelters are built, they can be divided into capital advance ones. The latter may contain several floors or have only 1 floor, depending on the capacity.

All are designed for a certain number of people, which can vary from 150 to 600 sheltered.

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Rules for accommodation in shelters in case of emergency

People enter the shelter quickly, clearly, in an organized manner, excluding crush and panic. Accommodation takes place on benches, 2-tier bunks are also installed. High-capacity shelters may have separate areas for citizens with children. For those arriving with babies, "mother and child" rooms are organized.

Elderly or injured people, as well as those with chronic diseases, are placed closer to the ventilation grids. The shelter of the population in is coordinated by a special group of authorized specialists.

After the number of sheltered has reached the required number, by order of the commander, the shelter is sealed. Doors and emergency exits are closed with protective shutters.

As an exception, it is possible to receive late people through the gateway - the vestibule. All arriving citizens are required to have with them the necessary stock of long-term storage products, packed in a special insulated package. Personal items should be kept to a minimum. You should also have papers and toiletries.

The established rules, which must be strictly observed by all those present in the shelter, include:

  1. Follow all instructions of the commandant
  2. It is forbidden to use without permission open sources of fire (lamp, candles, matches)
  3. Do not smoke
  4. Try to keep a calm and quiet environment
  5. Do not take strongly odorous or flammable products with you.
  6. Do not bring pets
  7. Don't walk or run around the shelter unless it's necessary

All information about what is happening outside the shelter can be obtained using a valid radio channel. If the stay is prolonged, then the rest of the sheltered is organized in turn. In this case, places for lying are used.

In case of a threat to the sheltered people as a result of emergency possible early exit from the shelter. Leaving the shelter occurs at the decision of the chief of the service personnel. This is signaled by an audible signal.

When evacuating, the following sequence is established:

  1. Several people from authorized persons to provide assistance
  2. Injured, disabled, or those with health problems
  3. Elderly people
  4. Other citizens

Violating or somehow preventing this sequence is prohibited.

Types of temporary and simple shelters

What are they for, and how to do it yourself?

Sometimes situations may arise when a person found himself alone in the area where the emergency occurred or in nature, falling under the adverse effects of weather conditions (blizzard, downpour, lightning), then he needs to use a temporary protective shelter.

According to the way it will be produced, they stand out:

  • Natural, created by nature itself. This includes caves, grottoes, earth depressions, cracks. They save energy and time, but, as a rule, there are only in certain areas.
  • Man-made - these are those that a person creates himself from the materials at hand, available to him (awning, tent, rope, oilcloth)
  • Combined shelters. The most reliable and best option. Here, a natural element (for example, a tree, a shrub) is used as the basis for a hut or shelter.

The types of temporary shelters that can be made independently and in almost any situation include structures made of branches and large woven tree roots. For shelter, it is convenient to use slightly broken branches and long, falling almost to the ground. However, remember that during a thunderstorm it is forbidden to use trees as a shelter. This is dangerous.

With any waterproof, thick fabric(awning, canvas, tarpaulin) and setting it at a steep angle, you can build a pretty good temporary shelter from a downpour. To avoid seepage of water into your structure, you must try not to touch the inner surface.

In winter, the simplest shelter from the weather will be self-made depressions in the snow or snow drifts. However, at very low temperatures making a hole will be problematic, as the snow freezes and becomes hard.

The most convenient option for temporary shelter is a tent purchased at a specialized store. It is presented in different versions depending on your needs and the weather conditions of the area where you are going. It can be easily carried from place to place.

In a situation of explosion or poisoning, you can take cover in any open or blocked gap. They have fairly good protective properties. In such an impromptu shelter, you will protect yourself from the shock wave, fragments, flying objects, radiation and light radiation. The probability of receiving exposure is reduced by almost 2 times.

In some cases, such slots can be specially and in advance made in places with an increased risk of infection. For this, sites are chosen that are not subject to flooding or flooding in the event of heavy rains or floods.

The public should know in advance where in its locality shelters are located. Usually they are located in places with the greatest concentration of people, where the collection radius does not exceed 500 m.

Tourism and recreation

The direction of blows should be such that sparks fall on tinder, flammable or smoldering material. Therefore, tinder can be prepared in advance and carried with you in an airtight package. It is easy to make tinder by soaking it with a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate and drying a piece of medical cotton well. Tinder can also be made from a piece of pure wool or cotton fabric.

Construction of a temporary shelter

Construction must begin with a careful selection of a place for shelter. The camp site should be well visible from the air and from the ground, so that the victims always have the opportunity to give distress signals and be seen when organizing their search. The choice of one or another design of a temporary shelter depends on the specific conditions of an extreme situation - weather conditions, topography, the presence of vegetation and the affected materials (polyethylene film, fabric, etc.) at the disposal.

Before you start building a shelter, you should clearly define its main purpose. For this, it is necessary to take into accountfactors that influence the choice of type of shelter:

  1. the presence of rain or other precipitation;
  2. air temperature;
  3. the presence of insects;
  4. availability of materials for construction;
  5. the duration of the proposed parking;
  6. the number and physical condition of the victims.

In the warm season, in the presence of a plastic film or some kind of fabric, you can quickly build canopy , which will protect not only from the scorching sun and rain, but will also be suitable for organizing an overnight stay. From the same materials can be made chum or wigwam . Their advantage is that they are able to protect against a drop in air temperature at night, as well as from mosquitoes and midges. In a wigwam, if you make a hole in the upper part of the cone, you can even make a fire and spend the night comfortably with slight frosts.

More reliable and comfortable shelters - huts. The basis, the frame for it can be poles leaning against a tree trunk, previously cleared of the lower branches. A spruce is laid on them.

In winter, in the presence of dense and thick snow cover in places where there are natural snow pits, slopes, high snowdrifts, snow pits and caves can be quickly dug. Snow is good construction material with high thermal insulation.

A primitive shelter in the snow can be dug at the foot of a large! thick spruce, deepening the depression around the trunk and covering the top with skis, poles, branches, and on top with a film, some kind of cloth. Its edges are sprinkled with snow or pressed down with snow blocks. Snow can be poured on top. The bottom is lined with branches, spruce branches, film. Under the snow cover around the tree, the temperature is 20-30 degrees higher than the air temperature outside.

eskimo hut needle . Its construction requires certain skills, as well as the presence of dense compressed snow. For its construction, you need to choose a flat area with a snow cover thickness of 80-100 cm. The end of the rope describes a circle with a radius of 75-150 cm. After that, you need to prepare snow blocks measuring 60 x 60 x 20 cm for the first row and 60 x 30 x 10 cm for building walls. The plates of the first row are set at an angle of 20-25 and cut obliquely in order to lay out subsequent rows in a spiral With increasing the inclination inside the hut (for each turn by about 5 °). In this case, the angle of inclination of the upper row will reach 45, and the diameter of the upper hole will be about 50-70 cm.

Methods of obtaining, maintaining fire and making a fire

Get fire in total by inflicting glancing blows on a hard rock (cream cue, sulfur pyrite, etc.) armchair. As an armchair, you can use metal objects: a file, the back of a knife blade, an ax blade. The direction of blows should be such that sparks fall on tinder - flammable or smoldering material. The success of the business depends on its quality. Therefore, tinder can be prepared in advance and carried with you in an airtight package.

It is easy to make tinder by soaking it with a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate and drying a piece of medical cotton wool well. Tinder can also be made from a piece of pure wool or cotton fabric. It is dried over low heat until it starts to burn around the edges. Without letting the fabric ignite, it is removed from the fire and placed in a sealed package.

If there is no pre-prepared tinder, then it is prayed to make it using fine dry birch bark, primary pine or cedar bark, wood dust from a trunk eaten by insects, reed and bird fluff, in a word, everything that starts to smolder or ignites when a spark hits them. If possible, tinder is moistened with gasoline, alcohol or some other flammable liquid before use.

Other methods of making fire are based on the effect of heat generation during friction. The most productive of them is the drilling method. To do this, you need to make a bow, a drill, a support and a thrust bearing. A bow can be made from any branch about a meter long, 2-3 cm in diameter. As a bowstring, it can have a strong rope, a narrow strip from a cut belt. To make a support, you need to split a block of hardwood in half ( best material- dry larch). It is advisable to make a drill from the same type of wood. For this, a dry branch with a diameter of 1-2 cm and 15-20 long see. The upper part of the drill should be turned into a sphere or cone with an angle of approximately 60 °, the lower one - in the form of a cone with an angle of 30 °. At the same angle, on the surface of the support, 1.5-2 cm from the edge, a small indentation is made, where the drill is inserted with the lower end. The drill is pressed against the support with a thrust bearing. Therefore, it should also be made of hard wood, and it is better to use a stone with a slight indentation. After that, the drill is overwhelmed with a bowstring.

The simplicity of this method does not guarantee quick success, it depends on many factors: the correct selection of wood, the quality of the tinder, the pressure on the drill, the weather, etc. As a rule, this method can only be successful in the summer in

dry weather.

In clear sunny weather, you can focus the sun's rays on tinder using a lens from a camera, binoculars, glasses, and thereby ignite it. Focusing the rays on the tinder, the lens should be kept still. To do this, you can prepare some kind of emphasis for your hand in advance.

There are also chemical methods of making fire, based on the spontaneous combustion of various mixtures. The desired effect is obtained by the combination of potassium permanganate with glycerin, which can be found in a medicine cabinet as a tool used to soften the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, potassium permanganate is poured onto a dry surface, a few drops of glycerin are dripped onto it. After the appearance of smoke, a few more drops of glycerin are added, a bright flash occurs, from which the cooked tinder is set on fire.

When lighting a fire, one must take into account weather. In case of wind, find a quiet, sheltered place or build a windbreak. It is difficult to start a fire when it rains, because the humidity is high and the tinder cannot be kept dry. In such a situation, the methods of making fire by friction become ineffective and, if it is not possible to use another method, it is worth waiting for the rain to stop.

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For construction, you need to prepare everything you need, for example, improvised means (raincoat, jacket, pieces of canvas fabric) or natural materials (branches, poles, spruce branches).

The most accessible shelter is an awning. Installed at a certain angle to the ground, it will not only protect against precipitation, but will also reflect heat from the fire. Earth, stones, branches, clothes will protect from the sides.

In the forests, one can often find a tree broken at a height of 1-2 m, which has retained a strong connection with the stump. It is this option that is best made for the construction of a single or gable hut. If there is fabric or polyethylene, then you get a hut in the form of a pyramid. Such a hut can be made using poles. If there is no fabric or film, then the shelter is built only from wood materials. To do this, poles are laid on a tree as a base, in one or two rolls. You can use dry birch undergrowth, which is easy to dump and break by one person. These trunks have practically no branches, which allows them to be stacked tightly together.

First they build a roof, for which they make something like a lattice. Now this lattice is covered with spruce branches, branches with dense foliage, hay, pieces of bark - in a word, whatever you find. The roof is laid, starting from the bottom, so that each next layer covers the previous one approximately in the middle. Then the rain will flow down the roof without getting inside.

In rainy weather, you can cover the hut with waterproof material, and in cold weather, pull it inside for warmth.

It is very important to insulate the floor: cover it with spruce branches or a thick layer of dry grass, moss, leaves, a blanket.

2.3 Types of winter shelters.

If you are left alone in the forest during the cold season, you can arrange an overnight stay on the site of a burned-out fire on the heated ground. This way of spending the night without building a special shelter is used by hunters. Having cleared the site of snow, a small fire is lit for 2-3 hours (the warm-up time depends on the air temperature: at a temperature of minus 10-15, two hours are enough, at minus 25-30, 5 hours are needed). Then the coals are raked to the side. On a heated place, a bedding of spruce branches is laid to a height of 1-1.5 meters. Let it warm up (about 30 minutes). After the spruce branches stop soaring, you can go to bed.

If necessary, you can equip a more reliable shelter. The most reliable and durable winter shelter is IGLU. It came to us from the Eskimo inhabitants of the Arctic.

To build an igloo, first of all, you need to choose a flat area with dense and deep snow. Loose, fluffy, snow is not good. With the help of a rope and a knife, draw a circle that will determine the size of your home based on the following calculation: for one person - 2.4, for two - 2.7. It must be remembered that the larger the hut, the more difficult it is to build. If there are many people, then it is better to build many small igloos.

2.4 Temporary shelters in the desert.

Temporary shelters in the desert should protect from the scorching rays of the sun and the sharp drop in temperature at night.

A primitive shelter can be built from the trunks of saxaul, desert acacia, or some other shrubs. To do this, in the sand, in a depression between the dunes, they dig a hole 1.5 meters deep and strengthen its walls with branches. In stony and gravel deserts, shelters are built from stone slabs, covered with bushes on top. When building a temporary shelter in the desert, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind. And remember that sudden silence is a sure sign of an impending storm. Rustles and sounds disappear, the desert literally freezes. The feeling of stuffiness intensifies. A small cloud appears on the horizon, which quickly increases in size. A strong wind is rising. We must be prepared for this and, first of all, we must take care of water and food. At the first gusts of wind, you should use any shelter (stone, bush, tree), lie on your side with your back to the wind and wrap your head in any fabric, or at least cover your face with a cloth; sandstorms are usually short-lived. But even if the wind does not subside for several hours, it is better to wait. Never try to keep moving.

If in a difficult situation you took shelter from the weather, but cannot make a fire, then burning inside the shelter of small twigs, dry alcohol, paper and other combustible materials on stones, in a bowl, tin can. This will help raise the temperature in the temporary shelter, warm your hands.

3 Building a fire.

3.1 Place for a fire.

Before making a fire (if there are no matches) and kindling a fire, a place is prepared for it away from trees and bushes (no closer than 4-6 meters). It is thoroughly cleaned of forest debris: grass, dry leaves. It is even better to remove the top layer of sod, exposing the soil in an area larger than the fire itself, and, if possible, overlay this place with stones. This is done in order to avoid accidental spread of fire to dry vegetation, leading to a forest fire. It is very dangerous to build a fire in the immediate vicinity of dry grass and dry coniferous forests, where the flames can spread quickly even with a slight breeze. A fire built on peat soil easily ignites a layer of peat under the turf, and it is very difficult to put out such a fire, since the flame can appear from the ground only after a few days.

And if there is shallow snow on the ground, you need to clear a place for the ground. Trample deep snow tightly, make flooring from damp logs and branches.

3.2 Making fire.

Kindling a fire in any weather, at any time of the year is a kind of art. Lighting a fire without matches is perhaps the most difficult thing in an extreme situation, since life often depends on the presence of fire.

In the absence of experience, it is difficult to light a fire even with a large supply of matches. But what if there are no matches? There are several ways with the help of improvised means. But before you use them, you should prepare dry tinder, that is, something that can quickly ignite even from a small spark. As tinder, finely chopped tree bark, gauze, cotton wool, fluff, dry moss, parts of clothing are used, which, if possible, are moistened with gasoline.

One of the methods of making fire, often described by the authors of adventure novels, is the use of a magnifying glass, which can be made from 2 watch glasses connected to each other with clay or adhesive plaster, with water poured inside. But this method is only suitable if you have at least two hours, more precisely, 2 whole glasses and subject to sunny weather.

Travel and other popular travel and adventure literature often describes how fire is produced by rubbing. Indeed, it is possible to get fire in this way, but for this it is necessary to make a lot of effort, skill and it is very difficult to complete the structure itself, consisting of a bow, a drill and a support.

Natural water (except spring water and water from high-mountain clean streams) must be purified before use. The water of rivers, lakes and other surface water bodies is often undrinkable, as it may contain pathogenic microbes, pesticides and other toxic substances. If you took water from an unverified source, it should be boiled for at least 30 minutes. It is not recommended to take water directly from a lake or swamp. On a low bank, a few meters from the water, you need to dig a hole, and when it is filled with water, carefully scoop out the water. By repeating this operation two or three times, you can get purified water from this hole, which can be consumed after boiling. An accessible source of water in nature are moisture-containing plants, such as birch, which gives Birch juice. You can get water if you put a plastic bag on a branch of a deciduous tree, put a pebble on its bottom and tightly tie the bag at the base. Some time later on inside film, drops of moisture will appear, which will drain to the bottom of the bag. You can drink morning dew if you learn how to collect it. To do this, in the evening you need to put a bunch of small stones (pebbles) on a tarpaulin, and by morning water will collect on it.

There are no places on Earth where a trained person could not find food for himself. AT natural conditions it can be obtained by hunting and fishing (if there are appropriate devices for this), look for edible plants, berries, mushrooms and nuts. Plant foods can support human life for a long time.

On the territory of Russia there is a large number of wild plants suitable for food. These are apple, pear, mountain ash, raspberries, currants, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries. Edible young shoots of reeds, rhizomes of water lilies, the inner layer bark of young trees, buds of birch, linden.

However, it is necessary to comply general rules safety: never eat unfamiliar berries, mushrooms and plants; do not eat plants that produce white milky juice at the break, as well as berries and mushrooms with an unpleasant odor.

If in natural conditions you need to build a temporary shelter (for example, if the weather has deteriorated, or night is approaching, or you decide to wait for a group of rescuers on the spot), then you first need to determine for what purposes you need it (to protect yourself from rain, cold , wind, etc.), what building materials you can use and what tools you have (shovel, axe, oars, knife, etc.). Depending on this, you can determine which type of shelter suits you.

There are several types of temporary shelters: a canopy, a barrier, a hut, a snow trench, a snow cave, etc. The choice of the type of shelter also depends on the season, your skill, diligence and physical condition. Then you need to choose a place for temporary shelter.

First of all, it should be dry and, if possible, be close to water (stream, river). It is necessary to clear the selected site well, and then prepare the building material (poles, spruce branches, branches, bark, etc.).

A canopy is the easiest shelter to build under a naturally formed roof - rocks and trees. In the forest, you can choose a spruce spruce for this, the branches of which lie on the snow. Under the branches near the trunk, they dig a recess and line it with spruce branches. The place for the fire is chosen so that the fire does not touch the branches and trunk of the tree. The entrance is hung with a tent or plastic wrap.

The screen is also the simplest shelter for protection from wind and snow. Most often, a barrier is built for recreation during winter hikes in a wooded area. A rope is pulled between the trees or two stakes with forks at the ends are driven into the ground at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each other.

A gable hut is built in the same way as a barrier, only the frame is made on both sides. The back of such a shelter can be blocked with spruce branches, and the entrance can be hung with a piece of cloth.

A snow cave can be dug in a large snowdrift located on a slope, in a stream bed, near a large stone. The finished cave is closed with a wall of tightly packed snow bricks. A hole and a hole for ventilation are made in the wall.