Why is a panel house worse than a monolithic one? What's better? Panel or monolith

Which houses are better: brick panel or monolith? Choosing a home - important point in the life of every person. Before purchasing, the client pays attention to a number of parameters:

  • house price;
  • location;
  • house delivery deadlines;
  • infrastructure of the area.

At the same time, some people practically do not pay attention to construction technology, or are guided by prevailing ideas in society. In fact, it is important to know what and how the house is built. Which is better: panel, monolith, brick? Let us present the most important characteristics of these materials.

Brick houses

Initially, brick was the main building material. But now the number of houses being built using this technology is significantly decreasing. Building a house from brick is a long and tedious task, which is why many people abandon this material, trying to build a building faster and cheaper. Brick houses have their pros and cons. Let's look at the advantages:

  • good sound insulation;
  • brick retains heat well, due to the fact that the walls of a brick house reach an average thickness of 64 centimeters. This is a rather thick brick layer, additional insulation is used;
  • a brick house absorbs and releases moisture, maintaining a comfortable temperature. It is not as stuffy as in a panel house.


  • brick construction is quite expensive;
  • constructing a building from this material takes a long time. Before building a new floor, you must wait until the solution has completely set. Brick also shrinks unevenly, so it is not advisable to lay tiles in the bathroom within a year after construction.

Let's look at what types of bricks there are. Red bricks are ceramic, they are made on clay. White brick- silicate, consists of sand and lime. Red brick is more environmentally friendly and reliable. However, it is much more expensive than white, and if the mortar during construction is not of high quality, streaks may appear. The characteristics of a brick no longer depend on color, but on the quality of workmanship. Therefore, you should not make a choice between types of bricks, the main thing is to purchase high-quality material.

Panel houses

Panel houses prevailed in the Soviet Union. Now their share is sharply decreasing. The material is considered not prestigious. However, everything is not as clear as it may seem. The advantages of the material include:

  • high speed of construction;
  • low cost if you make simple panels in the economy segment. If the panel is made with high quality, from good materials, high thickness and thermal insulation layer, then the cost of a panel house will increase sharply. In some cases, it may even be higher than the price of a brick house;
  • short shrinkage time after construction.

Thus, we note that the panels are different. Therefore, before purchasing, study the project declaration, visit the construction site, and consult with professionals.

Disadvantages of panel houses:

  • standard architecture;
  • difficulties may arise during repairs and reconstruction;
  • poor sound insulation. This factor depends on the specific house.

It is worth considering the quality of the panel and the presence of other materials that muffle noise. Thermal insulation of a panel house depends on the type of panels and on additional thermal insulation materials that can be used in the construction of the house. Panel or brick, which is better? As you can see, both of these materials have their advantages and disadvantages. If your budget is limited, then you should give preference to a panel house.

Monolithic brick houses

They are very popular. Advantages:

  • shrinkage after construction is practically absent;
  • high construction speed;
  • attractive appearance due to finishing natural brick;
  • good thermal insulation of external walls due to the three-layer structure.

Disadvantages of monolithic houses:

  • supporting columns break the projections of the walls. The solution to this issue is to install a built-in wardrobe;
  • poor sound insulation on supporting columns, but good on inter-apartment walls.

Buyers of monolithic apartments believe that the main disadvantage is that it is impossible to remodel them. However, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between panel houses and monolithic frame houses. Secondly, separate columns are provided, making it very easy to change the redevelopment. But in panel houses this is almost impossible. There is an opinion that brick houses are the warmest. Is it so? Experts say there is no clear answer to this question. Because nowadays there are many different materials whose thermal characteristics are several times better than those of brick. Houses that are made from modern materials are not always produced with high quality; the technology of work and operation is disrupted, and problems arise with maintaining the microclimate. In general, any enclosing structure must meet the requirements of the regulations. Let's look at some questions that people often have.

Monolith or brick, which is better? Brick is very popular, and accordingly the quality of this material is better: sound insulation, thermal insulation, environmental friendliness. However, despite the fact that brick is valued higher, people prefer to buy a monolith, because the cost of building a monolithic house is much lower than a brick or panel one. Is a brick or monolith cheaper at cost? Brick is the most expensive material, we have already talked about this. Therefore, the construction of a monolithic house will cost the client less. Where is better sound insulation in a panel or monolithic house? Due to its one-piece design, thick monolithic walls practically do not allow noise to pass through. But panel houses, unfortunately, do not have this advantage. In most cases, their sound insulation is very poor. And yet, what is better: panel or brick? Most people prefer brick houses. When using them, traditional technology is used. They provide high-quality sound insulation, which is especially important in apartment buildings.

What is better: a modern panel or a brick monolith? An apartment in a panel house is cheaper. Another advantage of this material is that apartments in panel houses are usually rented fully furnished. However, the big disadvantage of panel houses is low noise insulation. The owner of a brick house has freedom of action if he plans to remodel. This is due to the fact that in a brick house not all walls are load-bearing, whereas in a panel house almost all walls are load-bearing. The temperature in houses depends not only on the operation of the heating system, but also on the material from which the house is built. Let's draw a small conclusion and answer the main question: brick, monolith or panel - which material should be preferred? As you noticed, each material has a number of advantages and disadvantages. However, if it is made with high quality, then the difference in the result will not be so noticeable. Before purchasing, study the project declaration on the developer’s website. If necessary, you can contact the developer’s sales department, an experienced realtor or a real estate expert.

It is known that when choosing an apartment, it is important to consider what material the house is built from. This is reflected both in the cost of apartments and in the comfort of living in them. Modern multi-storey complexes are brick, panel or monolithic structures.

Brick houses

As a rule, load-bearing walls are two or two and a half bricks thick. Brick houses They are distinguished by high reliability, durability and excellent indoor microclimate. It is not so hot in summer, and warmer in winter than in panel houses.

Brick is considered an environmentally friendly material for the construction of residential buildings, and therefore most people prefer brick houses. But due to the high cost of brick high-rise buildings and the construction time, this significantly affects the cost of apartments in such buildings.

Panel houses

Technology allows for short term erect buildings by assembling them from ready-made reinforced concrete panels. For this reason, these are the most affordable apartments. Weak point Such houses are considered to be the joints of slabs that are highly susceptible to erosion.

Previously, panel houses were designed as cheap housing for the working class, and therefore were built with small, uniform apartments, inconvenient layouts and poor sound insulation. However, in modern panel houses all modern requirements for housing development are met. The apartments are more spacious, the layout is more thoughtful and comfortable. Only the problem of poor sound insulation remains unresolved.

Monolithic houses

The monolith is considered the most modern material construction of buildings. This technology has gained immense popularity in the construction of high-rise buildings. Reinforced concrete structures are superior in reliability to brick and panel buildings.

Thanks to construction technology, apartment layouts can be very diverse. Moreover, in addition to various curved wall shapes, it is possible to create volumetric spaces without supporting partitions. And to create an optimal microclimate in the room, the outside walls are sheathed with foam plastic.

And yet what is better?

The best option is to live in a brick or monolithic house. It is comfortable to live in such houses, and the buildings themselves are reliable and durable. The worst choice, but the most affordable: an apartment in a panel house. The layout is worse, and the noise and heat insulation leaves much to be desired.

Today the question is often discussed, which is better - a panel or a monolith? Monolithic houses are credited with almost magical properties of energy efficiency and durability, while the technology of panel or, as it should be called, industrial housing construction is considered outdated and a thing of the past. Konstantin Kuznetsov, vice president for industry and construction of the PIK group of companies, spoke to RBC Real Estate about the confrontation between two construction technologies, their pros and cons.

- What, in your opinion, is better: panel and monolithic housing?

In fact, the confrontation “panel versus monolith” is far-fetched, these are two different ways construction of buildings with different design features. There are high-quality and low-quality, both panel and monolithic houses, it all depends on who and how the building is built.

Industrial housing construction in our country is perhaps the only real way to solve the housing problem, since today only industrial technologies allow building quickly, efficiently and in large volumes.

- Why has there been a negative attitude towards industrial housing construction in our country?

The negative perception of panel housing construction in our country has developed historically. Mass construction of residential buildings using reinforced concrete structures began in the Soviet Union in the 60s of the last century. At that time, priority was given to high rates of construction and cost savings, because let us remember that apartments were issued free of charge, and therefore should have cost the state as little as possible. Thus, due to the limited number of reinforced concrete products, their simplicity and high repeatability, the house was assembled very quickly, and its cost was low. One cannot ignore the fact that in mass-produced houses, as a rule, the areas of rooms, kitchens and bathrooms were smaller than in monolithic or brick houses.

- Why are modern “sockets” better?

- There have been significant changes in modern industrial houses - panel houses being built today are technologically completely different buildings that meet all modern requirements for safety and energy efficiency. First of all, their service life has changed, the warranty service life of a modern panel house is more than 100 years, the designs have fundamentally changed external wall, today it is three-layer Wall panel, made according to the sandwich principle: reinforced concrete structures outside and inside, with highly efficient insulation between them. For example, to insulate external panels in houses of the P-3MK "Flagman" series, produced by a house-building plant, part of the PIK group of companies, high-tech thermal insulation material is used. In addition, in modern panel houses, window units are installed immediately at the factory in accordance with GOST requirements, where strict control is carried out at the joints, which ensures no heat loss and no wind. PIK Group uses German PVC profiles and energy-efficient double-glazed windows coated with silver in its window blocks, which reflects up to 90% of heat waves, which allows residents to significantly save heat. Such windows also have valves for ventilation.

Another one important detail: in the production of modern panel houses, constructive solutions have been developed that protect the house from the progressive collapse of the building in emergency situations - these are special welded joints designs that provide high reliability.

I would like to note that modern industrial construction technologies are actively used these days not only in the territory of former USSR, but also in other countries of Europe and Asia.

- What are the main differences between the industrial technology of building houses and the monolithic one?

- The main differences are in the method of creating load-bearing and enclosing structures. In industrial housing construction, all house structures are manufactured in a factory; reinforced concrete elements gain strength in special heat treatment chambers under strict control in accordance with GOST requirements, which guarantees their quality. All structures arrive at the construction site in a completely finished form, for example, with already installed window units and ready-made channels for electrical wiring. At the construction site, workers simply assemble the finished elements of the house.

With the monolithic method of building a house, all the supporting structures of the house are concreted directly at the construction site, where it is necessary to carry out particularly strict quality control of the work, because the likelihood of disruption of the construction process due to human factors or unfavorable weather conditions is much higher here.

- What is the difference in terms of construction of buildings?

The speed of construction of a 17-story panel house takes on average 4-6 months and does not depend on weather conditions and time of year, because At a construction site, only the assembly of the house takes place. Monolithic house It is built over a longer period - from a year to two. This is due to the slower hardening process of concrete and climatic conditions. Concrete gains strength worse at temperatures below zero degrees or at too high temperature. After the supporting structure is ready, window blocks are mounted into the monolithic frame, and channels for communications are cut into the walls. All this takes extra time.

- Does the cost of construction differ, given the difference in technology?

- Without a doubt. The cost of constructing a panel house in terms of direct costs is 20 - 40% lower than similar monolithic objects. There is a difference in cost for the buyer as well; in a monolithic house, the buyer must often build it himself internal partitions between rooms and do electrical wiring; in a panel house, the walls are handed over for finishing. This significantly saves the cost of final finishing.

- What are the advantages of monolithic housing construction?

One of the characteristic differences of monolithic technologies is the ability to give almost any arbitrary shape to buildings and apartments. In a monolith it is much easier to realize the fantasies of a designer and architect, both in terms of the appearance of the entire house, the plasticity of the facade, and internal layout apartments

In panel houses, the layouts in most cases are already determined: usually the buyer is offered several layout options to choose from. At the same time, modern series of houses have a fairly large selection in terms of area and apartment layout. Consumer complaints about the appearance of the facades of industrial houses are also taken into account today, and house-building factories are developing new facade solutions that give houses a modern aesthetic appearance. By the way, this is one of the key areas of modernization carried out by our company over the past few years.

In addition, the PIK group of companies has done a lot of work to improve the apartment layout in their houses, for example, in the KOPE “Parus” and KOPE “Tower” series produced by the group alone, about 20 apartment layouts are offered, and in the near future it is planned to produce industrial series with free layouts. Taking into account changing requirements, the design and development of low-rise buildings is underway, which will make it possible to more harmoniously develop new territories in Moscow and the region.

We do not stand still, we develop new design and technological solutions that allow us to build quickly, beautifully and with high quality.

Differences between data multi-storey buildings insignificant. The main point lies in the methods of pouring concrete. If ready-made elements for a panel house arrive at the construction site, then the walls of the monolith are poured directly on site. With this method, it is not always possible to control the quality of work, but some adjustments may be made weather.

Monolithic or panel - which house is better for a quiet life?

In terms of comfort, a monolithic house is significantly ahead of its panel counterpart. It has a more developed infrastructure, but audibility in monolithic buildings is an order of magnitude lower. Among other advantages, it is worth highlighting its attractive appearance, thanks to which the high-rise building can easily become an organic part of any landscape.

Monolithic houses have virtually no seams and due to this, their service life is significantly increased. Thanks to the uniform distribution of the load, it is possible to avoid the appearance of cracks in the thickness of the walls and on their surface. It is impossible not to mention great opportunities for architectural experiments. Construction by monolithic technology allows you to embody your wildest fantasies in terms of the shape and layout of the object. All these advantages make it clear which house is better, monolithic or panel, but let’s not sum it up prematurely.

Against the backdrop of such significant advantages, it may seem that panel house incompatible with the concept of “comfortable living”. It's actually not that bad. The advantage of panel high-rise buildings is their quick construction. The floor and walls there are much smoother, so further finishing can be done in a short time. The material consumption will be insignificant, because the surfaces are free of obvious defects.

Apartments in panel houses are primarily aimed at people with limited budget. Their price is an order of magnitude lower than for similar rooms in a monolithic new building. Most often, cheap housing is chosen by young families who want to quickly acquire their own corner.

Housing in monolithic high-rise buildings is purchased by people with good financial resources. First of all, the quality of construction is important to them and often the issue of price does not matter. To be fair, it is worth noting that in some areas the difference in price between panel and monolithic apartments is insignificant. To ensure a comfortable stay, you should still make a choice in favor of a monolith.

What is the situation with audibility in monolithic houses?

Sound insulation is one of the most important factors to pay attention to when purchasing. new apartment. If we compare audibility in monolithic houses and panel houses, then in the latter it is many times worse. In order not to hear every rustle of your neighbors, you will have to spend a lot of money. Considering the cost of soundproofing an apartment in a panel high-rise building, saving on its cost does not seem entirely reasonable.

The sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic high-rise building is much better. You won’t hear your neighbor’s TV behind the wall or an evening showdown. However, many are trying to improve the sound insulation of their apartment, especially if the developer decided to save on materials and bypassed the required standards.

Very often, a poor level of sound insulation occurs due to incorrect design or architectural decisions of the apartment owner himself. This especially applies to apartments with an open plan.

The developer’s task is to deliver the “box” with communications, and the owner himself erects the partitions. Noise may be caused by poor quality materials or poor planning. For example, if the bathroom adjoins the bedroom, then the sound of water through the pipes will become a common occurrence.

Having considered the advantages and disadvantages, you can find the right answer to the question of which house is better, monolithic or panel. The positive properties of the monolith are obvious, and the problem of audibility can be easily solved with the help of soundproofing materials.
Buying an apartment is an extremely important decision. Try to find the advantages and disadvantages specifically in your case, and only after that make a deal.

The current panel-type houses have been significantly improved. They are built faster and among their advantages is that apartments, as a rule, are cheaper. Monolithic houses on a deep pile foundation are the most resistant to ground movements and floods; they have no seams or joints; in essence, these are single rigid structures

How does the type of house affect the liquidity and quality of an apartment, what do developers offer today, what technologies are used and, finally, what kind of house will be warm, durable and comfortable to live in?

Panel house

Panel house technology is construction from ready-made blocks produced at house-building factories. In the 70s of the last century, panel microdistricts could be found in all cities, as this housing was built quickly. However, the quality suffered: a significant drawback of panel housing construction was poor thermal insulation of interpanel seams. The current panel-type houses have been significantly improved. They are built faster and among their advantages is that apartments, as a rule, cost less. But the layout of the housing is always known in advance: if the buyer is focused on a standard layout, then a panel house will give him the necessary “predictability”. But for someone who wants to show their imagination in arranging their apartment, a panel house with its clear layout is unlikely to be suitable.

"Panel" today. In the primary market, panel houses today account for up to 20%, although back in 2001-2003. This type of construction was very popular.

Opinion. According to the construction director of the company, “ Northern city» Victor Korshenbaum, panel housing construction has exhausted itself. This is primarily due to the fact that the buyer has become more demanding, and the quality of panel houses no longer suits him. Although such houses undoubtedly have a margin of safety, the future lies in more durable and reliable technologies.

Brick house

A material that has been tested for centuries. Housing in brick houses is high quality and comfortable. Brick houses “breathe” better and are much more environmentally friendly; They are heat-intensive and have a high degree of fire protection. Brick is not susceptible to the appearance of fungi and microorganisms.

Opinion. According to general director CJSC Petrotrest-Monolit Alexander Perevyazkin, brick house-building technology is one of the most conservative. During Soviet times, attempts were made to mechanize the procedure brickwork, but they all ended in nothing. The idea of ​​brick panels and brick blocks was not realized either.

"Brick" and the housing market today. Brick houses are usually classified as luxury housing, but there are currently very few offers for brick construction on the housing construction market. This is due to the fact that brick construction technology requires long construction times and increased labor intensity. Therefore, housing in brick houses is quite expensive, and offers for the sale of apartments in new brick buildings are quite rare.

Brick-monolithic house

Technology leaders. Apartments in monolithic buildings, according to experts, are the most liquid type of real estate and they are the ones that are bought up first. The basic principle monolithic construction is that the load-bearing skeleton of the building is made of concrete: during construction a rigid frame is created with various types enclosing structures. External walls are brick with a layer of heat-insulating material or panel.

Opinion. Monolithic housing construction, according to construction director of the Northern City company Viktor Korshenbaum, this is the most advanced construction technology, which is becoming increasingly popular.

Experts claim that the actual lifespan of the “monolith” is more than 100 years. However, this statement can be questioned if, due to the crisis, the developer switched to cheaper materials. In this case, even building a house using monolithic technology is not a guarantee of quality. A guarantee of the high quality of a house can be the reputation of the developer and the quality control system he has created, which gives confidence that only high-quality materials and technologies that have undergone special testing are used in construction.

What is good about the “monolith”? Monolithic housing construction has become the optimal solution for St. Petersburg. As you know, St. Petersburg is located on marshy, weak soil, so even long piles of strong houses cannot save the foundation from destruction. And monolithic houses on a deep pile foundation are the most resistant to ground movements and floods; they have no seams or joints; in essence, these are single rigid structures.

Example. Leading developers, such as the Northern City company, use this technology in construction primarily because monolithic brick buildings are durable, have increased thermal insulation properties and are environmentally friendly.

The use of this technology avoids sedimentary cracks. In addition, the safety of such houses has been confirmed by experts: a monolithic brick building does not have harmful effects on the health of the people living in it - all the embankments in the city, by the way, are made of the same granite from which the crushed stone used in the construction of monolithic buildings is made.

Individual project and layout. Another advantage of monolithic houses is their individuality. Each house has its own design, it is original and unique. Monolithic houses are exclusive, so they are usually built in especially attractive places in the city. Important feature is that in most rented houses the apartments have only load-bearing walls, and what size and configuration the premises will be and how many there will be is decided by the buyer. In these houses you can create an open layout and embody your ideas and vision of housing.

Completely monolithic new buildings are quite rare; most often these are brick-monolithic or panel-monolithic new buildings. When creating facades, architects and builders have great freedom in choosing shapes and materials. As a rule, external walls are faced with brick or wall blocks with several layers of special insulation. As a result, the level of thermal insulation and noise protection increases by 20-40%.

Opinion. As Viktor Korshenbaum, construction director of the Northern City company, emphasizes, it is very important from the point of view of the energy efficiency of the building that walls made using monolithic technology have practically no seams. Accordingly, there are no problems with joints and their sealing, and the problem of air exchange is solved by installing special valves in metal-plastic windows.

What's the result?
1. Panel housing construction is popular due to its low price and high speed of construction of houses. However, the quality panel construction as before, it is inferior to brick and monolithic.
2. Brick housing - comfortable, reliable, environmentally friendly and convenient. But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages - high cost and duration of the construction cycle. Today, there are practically no offers for brick housing on the housing market under construction.
3. Monolithic

Having bought housing in a panel house, will you regret the purchase? After all, having paid extra and purchased an apartment in a monolithic building, you can not hear the screams of your neighbors behind the wall day after day, and not complain about the cold. And you can redesign your own living space quite easily. What to choose - panel or monolith?

Until now, thousands of Russians live in apartments. Technological progress has also affected the technology of building residential buildings. It became possible to build taller houses with a qualitatively new level of comfort. Panel houses built using outdated technologies have a standard appearance and do not differ in variety.

Houses of the P-44T, KOPE, P-3M, GSM-1 series combine all the advantages and benefits of panel houses, and thanks to the use of modern technologies in their design and construction, they can be serious competitors. Panel houses are characterized by small apartment areas, low prices and fairly functional layouts. It is also important that the apartment is almost ready for renovation, which cannot be said about monolithic houses. Unlike panel houses, monolithic houses have a more attractive appearance, since they are built according to “individual” projects. Apartments in monolithic buildings have a large area. Due to the absence of interior partitions, the owner can design his own apartment. But this increases the cost of repairs.

Panel houses

According to Muscovites, approximately 29% do not highlight any advantages, 26% are pleased with the low cost of such housing, the high speed of building a house is to the liking of 15% of the capital's residents, 8% of the capital's residents are absolutely satisfied with everything, 8% of Moscow residents believe that panel houses it is cooler in summer and warmer in winter, and only 14% of Muscovites live in panel houses and are not satisfied with the conditions.

Negative qualities of panel houses, which are called by residents of such buildings: low quality, low level of sound insulation, difficulty in redevelopment, unsightly appearance. When characterizing panel-type houses, the following phrases were most often mentioned: “I can hear everything the neighbors are doing,” “the ceiling and walls may crack,” “it’s cold in winter,” “unattractive view,” “inconvenient,” “the house is fragile.”

Monolithic houses

Construction began in the capital only 15 years ago. Now such houses can safely be called houses of a new generation. But like panel houses, monolithic houses have both strengths and weaknesses. Positive features found in monolithic houses are: strength of construction, possibility, high level of sound insulation, high thermal insulation properties. Comments on this issue: “a monolithic house is stronger and more reliable”, “the house is resistant to earthquakes”, “high sound insulation”. Residents are attracted by the fact that “you can do the redevelopment yourself,” “you can do whatever you want inside.” “A monolithic house is durable and it lasts a long time.” Phrases like “nothing leaks”, “ideal for living”, “only advantages”, “I would prefer it for living” were also used.

Among the disadvantages of monolithic type houses, the following were identified: high price housing, poor quality of buildings, some consider the lack of partitions and the fact that the house takes a long time to be erected as a disadvantage. And again the respondents’ comments about the disadvantages of monolithic housing. “High”, “monolithic houses take a long time to build”, “use of non-ecological materials”, “extremely poor quality of construction”. People are not happy with the fact that the apartment actually needs to be rebuilt; erecting partitions takes a lot of effort, money and time. Some residents of the capital cited the following arguments: “not enough air,” “presence of drafts,” “inconvenient location of apartments.”

Summing up

The majority of capital residents (68%) find their affordable price(26%) and speed of construction. However, 32% of Muscovites do not find any advantages in panel houses.

Despite this, after the next question it turned out that the absolute majority of Muscovites (98.52%) find a lot of shortcomings in panel houses. In addition to the main drawback, the low quality of buildings, the following were highlighted: poor sound insulation, cold, impossibility of redevelopment, etc.

They also have their fans. 98.54% of Muscovites are aware of the advantages of such houses. 43% of residents are confident that monolithic houses are strong and durable. In addition, these houses have an attractive appearance. Many were pleased with the opportunity to make redevelopment to their liking.

The disadvantages of monolithic houses were also identified. 30% of Muscovites believe that such houses are too expensive. Many are not satisfied with the quality of construction, the timing of construction of houses and the need self-construction partitions.