Installation of heating in your home. Do-it-yourself heating installation in a private house

Organization heating system in a private home is not an easy task. This work cannot be done without professional specialists in this field.

However, they can be involved at different stages of the work. Hired workers can complete the entire heating work or do only a specific stage of the work. You can also seek advice from specialists.

Regardless of whether you do the heating work yourself or hire workers, you definitely need to know all the stages and nuances of the process. Let's look at how to organize home heating with your own hands.

Heating system elements

In country houses it is better to use water heating. This method is considered traditional. Heat is supplied to the house using a coolant, which can be heated by various energy carriers.

Such a system includes the following components:

  • heating system devices;
  • heat source;
  • pipeline network.

If you do not have the time and opportunity to handle heating yourself, then contact the GWDE Engineering Company. Specialists in the installation of engineering systems will perform their work efficiently and will provide a guarantee for up to 7 years.

Full work is impossible without such equipment as:

  • expansion tank;
  • buffer capacity;
  • circulation pump;
  • distribution manifold;
  • automation devices;
  • hydraulic separator;
  • heating boiler.

It is important that for a water heating system a mandatory piece of equipment is an expansion tank. Everything else is installed if required.

Heating boiler

Today it is not difficult to select and buy a heating boiler. Available on the market wide range various models. They differ from each other only in the type of fuel used, as well as the energy carrier.

For private homes, the following types of devices can be used:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric.

Heating scheme in a private house

At this stage, it is better to seek help from professionals. They will amount correct scheme. Since making a heating circuit is not easy.

There are two types of heating:

  • Single-pipe, in which all radiators are connected to one collector.
  • Double-pipe, in which two pipes are involved. One goes to supply, and the second to return heat.

Two-pipe heating, among experts, is considered the most reliable system. At the same time, the costs are much lower than for the single-pipe type.

Heating installation

Before starting work, you need to decide on the location where the boiler will be located. If its power is not higher than 60 kW, then it can be placed in the kitchen space.

In other cases, you need to prepare a separate room, which should be well ventilated. It is also necessary to make a chimney through which combustion products will escape.

Let's look at the photo of the heating of the house and see how the boiler connection system is arranged.

Purchase and installation of pipes

There is a wide range of heating pipes on the market. Each owner chooses the type of pipes as desired. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which they are made.


Types of pipes

  • Copper is a great option. They are resistant to any changes in pressure and temperature.
  • Steel ones are chosen quite rarely. Since they are susceptible to metal corrosion, which shortens their service life.
  • Polypropylene pipes must be reinforced with foil. This way they will last much longer than conventional pipes. Polypropylene heating of a private house is the cheapest way.
  • Stainless steel is a very different option. However, it is a reliable, durable material.
  • Metal-plastic ones are suitable for those who have decided to install a heating system for the first time.
  • Polyethylene pipes are inexpensive, and their installation is very simple.

Selection of radiators

Manufacturers offer a wide selection various devices heating. First of all, you need to pay attention to the type of material, and then to their appearance.

Battery types:

  • Cast iron batteries have high heat output. But their cost is very high. And if you take Soviet-style models, their appearance will not decorate your home.
  • Bimetallic ones have a table frame inside. This type of device is used in apartment buildings.
  • Steel batteries are among the cheapest, with a service life of 20 years.
  • Aluminum, good because you can automatic mode regulate the heat supply.

It is important, when making a choice in favor of a certain type of device, take into account its features.

Of course, the process of organizing a heating system is very labor-intensive. However, if you understand all the intricacies, you can make heating yourself.

But, if this is still a difficult job for you, then it is better to hire specialists. And basic knowledge will help you control the entire installation process.

Photo of home heating with your own hands



Self-installation of a heating system in a private home may seem very difficult at first. However, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to correctly understand the basic principles of this process and carefully prepare for it.

Correct installation of heating for a cottage or house begins with an accurate calculation of the required power of heating equipment and selection of the most efficient heating system option in a particular case. To avoid mistakes, you need to consult a specialist. Correcting the errors will be very difficult and expensive.

In residential buildings in the private sector, installation of heating systems is done individually. The main component of the system is liquid, steam or gas, which transfers heat to heating devices through pipes. Steam heating is based on the circulation of steam generated when water is heated. Turning into condensate, the steam moves from the heating devices to the boiler, then heats up again. Such a system has little efficiency, creating many problems. Therefore, it is now prohibited to install steam heating in residential buildings.

Air heating is, first of all, a “warm floor”. It requires significant energy costs; installation of this system is not always possible.

Water heating is the most convenient and efficient this moment way to heat a private house. You can install this type of heating yourself.

Water heating

Installation of heating, water supply, sewerage in a cottage or house under construction is carried out in parallel. Since the technologies are similar, the tools and equipment required are the same.

To install heating with liquid coolant, you need:

  • hot water boiler;
  • a circular hydraulic pump that drives liquid through the system from the boiler to the radiator; antifreeze requires a higher power pump;
  • the damper tank regulates the supply of liquid due to an elastic membrane that bends under water pressure;
  • the heating system circuit consists of radiators and heated water supply pipes;
  • heating devices - batteries, etc.;
  • primary measuring transducers (sensors and regulators) for monitoring intra-system temperature and ensuring uninterrupted heating operation.

To work you need the following tools:

  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • set of adjustable wrenches.

Types of boilers

The type of heating boiler is determined by the fuel on which it operates. To choose the right energy carrier, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of boilers of various categories.

Installation of heating boilers operating on briquettes or pallets, i.e. solid fuel, is usually carried out in buildings with an area of ​​no more than 100 m². Solid fuel - peat, firewood, pallets or coal, are affordable. However, it requires storage space. After all, the combustion chamber of a solid fuel boiler must be filled every 10-12 hours. This boiler requires periodic cleaning.

Pyrolysis - a modern option solid fuel. The pyrolysis boiler can operate without manual filling for several days, since fuel is supplied automatically. The efficiency of heating using pyrolysis increases due to the combustion of not only fuel, but also the gas released.

Liquid fuel - kerosene, diesel or fuel oil, is more often used in steppe regions. Liquid fuel boilers do not require frequent loading. They are cast from cast iron, so they have quite heavy weight. The fuel supply must be stored in accordance with GOST 1510-84.

If there is a gas main, it is more advisable to install a gas heating boiler. Gas is the cheapest fuel. If there is no central gas supply in the house, it is possible to install heating boilers running on bio- or liquefied gas. Such boilers must be registered with Rostekhnadzor. They should only be installed by specialists.

Basic diagram of a home heating system

Single-circuit water boilers are used only for space heating. A special boiler is installed for hot water supply. The dual-circuit system provides heating and hot water supply.

Distribution without circulation does not ensure the removal of cooled water. Batteries heat up unevenly. The temperature in them drops as they move away from the boiler. The efficiency of such a system is low; it is almost impossible to set the required temperature.

Two-pipe circulation wiring provides heating devices with pipes for supplying hot water and discharging cooled water. All batteries heat up to the same temperature. Collector-type wiring involves connecting 2 pipes to each heating device. The pipes are connected to the boiler through a manifold without connecting to each other.

Preliminary calculations

Installation heating systems requires a thorough calculation of all the main parameters that allow us to determine the required power of the heating boiler, the diameter of the pipes and the volume of heating devices. First, the total volume of the house in cubic meters is determined, including all unheated rooms. Radiators are not installed in bathrooms, storage rooms, corridors, etc. But a certain percentage of heat is consumed through these premises.

The required amount of energy per 1 m³ is an indicator that depends on the climatic conditions of the region. For temperate climates, the initial boiler power is from 40 W/m³. You need to add at least 20% to the result obtained so that the boiler does not work at its limit.

The radiator volume is calculated for each room separately. To do this, the initial power of the boiler is multiplied by the volume of the room. 20% of the result obtained is added. The resulting figure must be divided by the power of 1 fin of the selected radiator. The resulting value, rounded to the nearest whole value, will show the required number of radiator sections in the room.

More about pipes

Installation of heating and water supply is carried out using metal, copper, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes. From the boiler to the heating circuit, pipes are laid only from metal. Although they are gradually rusting. Copper pipes must be installed by a professional with experience and the appropriate equipment.

Metal-plastic pipes are made of aluminum coated with plastic. You can install them yourself. Such pipes have a low specific gravity and high reliability.

Installation of heating from polypropylene pipes can also be carried out independently. Such pipes weigh little and are easy to install. Their service life is quite long.

The pipes are connected to the boiler directly, without intermediate connectors. The main main pipe of the composite riser indoors should have a diameter of 22 mm.

Heating system installation

First, the heating boiler is installed. A concrete or asbestos-cement stand is installed for it. After installing the chimney, all joints and seams between it and the boiler are sealed with clay. The cement may crack.

Installation of heating radiators in rooms begins with the installation of brackets attached with dowels to the external wall of the house. The optimal location for heating devices is the window sill area. Basic standards for installing heating devices:

Installation Heating radiators are carried out observing the basic installation rules:

Pipeline installation

After installing the radiators, installation of heating pipes, as well as other components, begins. First, the water drain pipe is cut in. It is mounted at the lowest point of the system between the main riser and the boiler. A damper tank is installed 3 m (or more) above the boiler. Both units are equipped with ball valves to shut off the water.

The heat pump must be installed on the waste water inlet side of the boiler. The circulation is adjusted accordingly. In case of damage to the pump, additional pipes must be installed to bypass it, equipped with ball valves. If necessary, these pipes will bear the main load during repair or replacement of the heating boiler.

Without properly equipped heating, comfortable living in a private home is out of the question. Therefore, if the house is planned to be used for year-round living, the issue of heating arrangement should be given special attention. The work in question can be performed in accordance with several different ways. The differences between them are only in the type of energy carrier used and some design elements. The most popular and profitable option for a private home is gas individual heating.

Existing systems can be classified according to the type of energy carrier, due to which space heating is carried out. The most commonly used are electrical, steam and water systems, less often - air and open fire systems. The last option is classic fireplaces, traditional Russian stoves and other similar units.

However, this type of heating system cannot be considered as the main and full-fledged source of heating - an open flame is unable to provide uniform heating.

When choosing a suitable heating system, you need to take into account the characteristics of your particular case. Each type of heating has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, one-pipe systems have lower efficiency when compared to their two-pipe counterparts.

The process of arranging private heating systems is divided into two large stages. First you need to perform all the necessary calculations, and then install the appropriate equipment.

Calculations need to be given special attention. It is important to determine the optimal characteristics of the boiler, the right number radiators and the required volume of materials.

When calculating a boiler, the statement according to which To heat an area of ​​10 m2, 1 kW of power is enough. However, this is an approximate calculation, which is not correct in all situations. It is better to use a simple formula according to which to determine the required power, it is necessary to multiply the value of the building’s heat loss coefficient by the volume of the heated space and by the largest temperature difference inside and outside the building.

To determine the appropriate heat loss coefficient, you need to know what material the house is built from. So, if the main building material are boards, a coefficient in the range of 3..4 is used for calculations. For brick houses (1 layer) this coefficient will be in the range of 2-3, in the case of “two-layer” brick - 1-2, and for a high-quality thermally insulated building - 0.6-1.

These indicators also should not be taken as absolutely correct. They may vary depending on the quality of the building’s thermal insulation.

For example, if the main building material is half-timber, but high-quality internal and external thermal insulation is provided, the building can be considered well insulated.

The volume is found according to the elementary school formula: the length of the room is multiplied by its height and width. It is enough to simply sum up the volumes of all heated rooms.

As a result, all that remains is to deal with such a parameter as the temperature difference. To do this, determine the highest value for your home (for example, it will be 25 degrees), and check the reference information for the lowest winter temperature for your region (for example, a value of -35 degrees is used). Subtract the second value from the first and you get a figure of 60 degrees.

Further calculations will not present any difficulty. For example, the volume of the heated room is 100 m3, and the coefficient value is 1.5. In this case, after multiplying the numbers in accordance with the formula, it turns out that the boiler should have a power of 9000 W, i.e. 9 kW.

This is not a 100% correct calculation. Professionals take into account many other factors, but when independently arranging the heating of a private house, you can get by with the given formulas.

According to average values, heating 1 m2 of room area requires about 90-100 W of heating boiler power.

In most cases, 1 element of a heating battery produces about 150 W of thermal power.

Knowing these values, you can easily determine how many elements are needed to heat a particular room.

To obtain more accurate results, you can use a formula according to which the area of ​​the heated room is first divided by the amount of heat given off by one battery element, and then the resulting value is multiplied by 100.

It is strongly recommended to perform a competent calculation of the materials used to construct a private heating system. By spending a little time on this, you can save significant amounts of money by avoiding the purchase of unnecessary material.

Remember that you need to add some margin to all the obtained values, usually 10-15%.

The calculation itself is not difficult. To carry it out, you need to first prepare a diagram of the future heating system. On it, mark the locations of the main components, and then, according to the diagram, calculate the number of fittings, pipes and other elements used in arranging the heating system.

Installation procedure for an individual heating system

The work of independently arranging individual heating requires a number of different devices. Prepare them in advance so as not to be distracted by searching for missing materials in the future.

Heating system connection kit

1. Spanners.

2. Powerful electric drill or hammer drill.

3. Electric screwdriver.

4. Hammer.

5. Pipes and fittings.

6. Stopcocks.

7. Clamps and screws for their fastening.

8. Hooks for mounting radiators and anchor bolts to secure these hooks.

9. Special fasteners. Needed in cases where it is planned to install batteries made of aluminum or steel.

10. Regulators and various kinds of sensors. Installed if necessary.

11. Heating boiler safety group.

12. Capacity capable of performing functions expansion tank, if its installation is necessary.

If the basis of the heating system is a gas boiler, remember that installing and connecting such units yourself is prohibited.

To do this, you need to contact the gas service and wait until authorized specialists complete the necessary installation work. You will be involved in laying pipes and installing radiators.

Individual heating can be laid in accordance with a variety of schemes. When choosing a specific option, you need to focus on the features of the boiler. Modern units are equipped with a fairly wide range of different components, which must be paid attention to when performing work.

The installation of a gas boiler, as already noted, should be carried out by professionals from the relevant service.

After completing the installation of the main heating unit, the batteries are installed. Traditionally they are placed under window openings.

Special hooks are used to attach batteries to the wall. Modern fasteners consist of a plate with two hooks. This option is very convenient to use. Anchor bolts are used to fix the plate.

The batteries must be equipped with Mayevsky valves, with the help of which excess air will be removed from the system. If there is an automatic air ventilator, there is no need to install the mentioned taps.

Water heating is one of the most popular in our country, since water circulating in a closed circuit is used as a coolant. Heating up in the boiler, it moves through the pipes and gives off heat to the installed heating devices.


  • is easy to install;
  • the presence of a closed circuit, due to which the volume of the coolant does not change;
  • the possibility of separate supply to each room and control over its heating.


  • slow air heating;
  • water must be of high quality and contain a minimum of salts and impurities;
  • the need to install expensive copper pipes so that the components of the system do not fail due to corrosion;
  • water heating cannot be turned off in winter to prevent pipes from bursting.
  • As you can see, there are quite a lot of options that allow you to organize the most efficient and economical heating a private house, which will provide comfortable living at any time of the year.
  • But in order for the system to work smoothly and justify its purpose, its high-quality installation is necessary, so it makes sense to contact specialists who will carry out the entire range of work, from development and drafting to installation and commissioning, and will also provide a guarantee and further service. .
  • Every developer, when planning to build a house, is faced with the problem of choosing a heating system. There are many heating methods, but the most proven is old, good radiator heating, which can last for many years without causing much trouble. If the building is located close to a heating plant, you can obtain permission and make an insertion, thereby ensuring the heating of the house with municipal heat.
  • However, taking into account modern trends towards a constant increase in the cost of heating services, individual or autonomous heating, which has a number of obvious advantages, compared to centralized heat supply, looks like a more promising option.

Professional heating installation from Design-Prestige.

  • The company has been offering clients its highly qualified services for a significant period in Moscow and all surrounding regions. During this period, we have received satisfied clients who are ready to again seek professional help from highly qualified employees.
  • Professional installation home heating is produced taking into account all existing customer wishes and basic standards. The list of work performed includes drafting, installation of systems heating a private house, equipment maintenance and repair. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed equipment replacement to a new, more practical and functional one.
  • To obtain the required operating efficiency of the heating system, it is equipped with a heating system isolated from residential premises. boiler room, in which everything is located heating equipment. This allows you to create comfort in the living space of your private home. Contact the Design Prestige organization and enjoy the special comfort of home with practical heating.
  • Construction industry trends in last years the desire for autonomy is becoming increasingly clear. The idea of ​​a house that can provide comfortable living conditions even in the absence of centralized utility networks is attractive to a large number of private developers. One of the main requirements for autonomy is independent House heating .
  • Autonomy is of particular importance for arranging a comfortable home in the country. Gas pipelines are not laid in dacha areas, and the supply of electricity is not stable enough. The optimal solution cottage heating can be considered the installation of an autonomous gas supply system.

Gas holder– guarantee of independence from central networks

  • To create a completely autonomous home heating installation of a special tank for storing liquefied gas is required on the site. Usually, gas holder buried in the ground below the freezing level. This measure allows you to protect the energy supply system from freezing.
  • Advantage of using gas holder obviously - complete autonomy. The tank powers the boiler and gas electric generator. Thus, it is provided as cottage heating or cottage, and full power supply. Your own source of electricity allows you to use the water supply system from a well or well in an autonomous mode.

Use of modern equipment and thorough knowledge innovative technologies provide consistently high quality work.

The OTOPLENIE.RU company has extensive experience in the design, installation and installation of private heating systems country houses. We guarantee that installing a heating system in a private home with us will bring you only warm emotions and save money. Why this is so, read below!

Thoughtful placement of equipment

We will select the optimal location for the heating boiler, heating radiators, etc. Our engineers will draw up a layout diagram and pre-approve it with you. We guarantee that the entire house will warm up evenly.

The cost of installing heating in a house. Brief price list.
Name of works Explanations Unit change Cost of work, rub.
Installation of a heating device (radiator, floor convector) Installation of the device, installation of shut-off and control valves, connection of the forward and return pipelines ( Linear dimensions device does not exceed 2 meters). PC. 2 800
Installation of a convector built into the floor Standard version of the convector. The linear dimensions of the device do not exceed 2 meters. PC. 3 740
Installation distribution manifold radiator heating and manifold cabinet Pipeline connection, installation shut-off valves. External or built-in cabinet. The built-in wardrobe is mounted in a finished niche. Niche production is available for an additional fee. PC. 5 300
Installation of mains and risers DN 0-16 (cross-linked polyethylene, polypropylene, metal-plastic). m.p. 65
Installation of mains and risers DN 17-20 (cross-linked polyethylene, polypropylene, metal-plastic). m.p. 95
Pressure testing of the building heating system By heated area. sq.m. 15

Heating a private home using any type of fuel!

  • main gas;
  • imported gas from a gas tank;
  • electricity;
  • diesel fuel;
  • firewood, coal, peat.

Backup heat sources

You can combine equipment different types fuel. For example, by installing diesel and solid fuel boilers. The most popular duplication option among our Customers is installation together with a diesel or gas boiler electric boiler of low power, to maintain positive temperatures in country house if the main heat source is turned off.

SRO approval

Certificate of admission of the OTOPLENIE.RU company to work that affects the safety of capital construction projects No. 0559.03-2011-7718710850-S-069.


Private heating system country house usually includes the following equipment:

  • Boiler;
  • Chimney;
  • Pumps;
  • Pipes;
  • Heating appliances (convectors, radiators, trench convectors);
  • Various fittings for connecting pipes;
  • Other details.

The most complex and important component of the entire heating system is the equipment, usually located in the boiler room. It is better to entrust the installation of a boiler room in a private house to certified specialists, since the result of the work will have to be submitted to supervisory authorities.

Installation of a boiler room in a private house

A private boiler room can be located in different parts of the house, depending on this there are:

  • Built-in boiler rooms (in the basement or on the floors of the building);
  • Attached boiler rooms (located in an extension to the building);
  • Roof boiler rooms (in the attic or on the roof), etc.