Who is Kasyanov? Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov: dossier

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov
Co-chairman of the Republican Party of Russia - People's Freedom Party
from June 16, 2012
Co-chairman of the People's Freedom Party "For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption"
since 2010
6th Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
May 17, 2000 - February 24, 2004
(acting since May 7, 2000)
President: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Predecessor: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Successor: Viktor Borisovich Khristenko (acting),
Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov
10th Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
May 12, 1999 - May 17, 2000
Predecessor: Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov
Successor: Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin
Party: Republican Party of Russia - People's Freedom Party
Religion: Orthodoxy
Birth: December 8, 1957
Solntsevo, Moscow region, USSR
Spouse: Irina
Children: Natalya, Alexandra

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov(December 8, 1957, Solntsevo village, Moscow region) - Russian statesman and socio-political figure, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2004.
Chairman of the all-Russian socio-political movement "Russian People's Democratic Union". Co-chairman of the People's Freedom Party “For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption”

Mikhail Kasyanov- Son of a teacher.
1974-1976 - studied at the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI)
1976-1978 Mikhail Kasyanov - military service, which he served in the Kremlin regiment.
1978-1981 - worked as a senior technician, then as an engineer at the All-Union Design and Research Institute of Industrial Transport of the USSR State Construction Committee.
In 1981, 23-year-old Mikhail Kasyanov graduated from MADI with a specialty in civil engineering.
State Planning Committee of the RSFSR

Also in 1981 Mikhail Kasyanov was accepted into the apparatus of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan) of the RSFSR.
In the State Planning Committee Mikhail Kasyanov worked for 9 years. He worked as an engineer, economist, chief specialist and was eventually appointed head of a subdivision of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
1987 - graduated from the Higher Economic Courses under the USSR State Planning Committee.
In 1990-1991 he was the head of a subsection of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations State Committee economy of the RSFSR.
In the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance
From 1990-1991, head of a subdivision of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the State Committee of Economics of the RSFSR (RSFSR).
At the end of August 1991, the State Committee for Economics of the RSFSR was abolished, and in its place the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR was created. In the new ministry Mikhail Kasyanov became deputy head of the Department of Foreign Economic Affairs.
On November 11, 1991, by decree of the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR were merged into the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR, headed by Yegor Gaidar.
From 1992 to 1993 Mikhail Kasyanov- Head of the Department of Industrialized Countries and international organizations Consolidated Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.
1993-1995 Mikhail Kasyanov- holds the position of head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt, then head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt, member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In November 1995 Mikhail Kasyanov was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance Vladimir Panskov. After the formation of the new Chernomyrdin government in August 1996, the Ministry of Finance was headed by Alexander Livshits - Kasyanov retained the position of deputy.
In 1995 - early 1996, he worked on the issue of settling Russia's debt to the London Club. So in November 1995, an agreement in principle was signed on a 25-year debt restructuring ($32.5 billion), providing for a 7-year grace period, during which Russia will repay only part of the accrued interest.
Since April 1996, Mikhail Kasyanov, along with the Chairman of the Board of the National Reserve Bank, Alexander Lebedev, was considered a likely contender for the leadership of Vnesheconombank (the position had been vacant since February 1996). However, in the end, in October, the position was taken by the first deputy chairman of the board of the National Reserve Bank, Andrei Kostin.

At the end of 1996 Mikhail Kasyanov worked on the settlement financial relations Russia with the Paris Club.
He later worked as Deputy Minister of Finance, when Livshits was replaced in this post by Anatoly Chubais (March-November 1997), and then Mikhail Zadornov (from November 1997).
In August 1998, a default and economic crisis occurred in Russia. After the default, Kasyanov was appointed chairman of the working group to negotiate the restructuring of the external debts of Russia and the country's private banks. Kasyanov successfully negotiated with foreign creditors and thus earned a reputation as an experienced negotiator. Soon he was appointed first deputy finance minister Mikhail Zadornov.

Mikhail Kasyanov- Minister of Finance

On May 25, 1999, during the formation of the government of Sergei Stepashin, Kasyanov was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. In June he became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
However, Stepashin's government lasted only three months and was dissolved in August. In the Putin government that replaced him Mikhail Kasyanov retained his position.

Since January 10, 2000 Mikhail Kasyanov- First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (due to the fact that the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin simultaneously served as the President of the Russian Federation and actually headed the Government).

Since May 7, 2000 (the day of inauguration of Putin, elected President) - Acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Government (2000-2004)
Kasyanov government

May 17, 2000 Mikhail Kasyanov was appointed Chairman of the Russian Government, forming a new government. In the new composition, the post of First Deputy Prime Minister was abolished (it was restored in November 2005, when this post was taken by Dmitry Medvedev).

However, subsequently the opinion was expressed [by whom?] that despite the high government position, Kasyanov was assigned only the function of formalizing and endorsing the ideas of the “St. Petersburg” ministers of the economic bloc, Alexei Kudrin and especially German Gref, endowed with all the real powers.

In 2003, Kasyanov made a statement that he considered the arrest of the head of the Menatep MFO, one of the co-owners of the Yukos company Platon Lebedev, an “excessive measure.”

In general, this period of Kasyanov’s government was marked by economic growth and an increase in government revenues, which made it possible to resolve the problem of public debt.

February 2004 - shortly before the presidential elections, he was dismissed from the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation along with the Government by decision of the President. Mikhail Kasyanov stayed in this post longer than other post-Soviet prime ministers, second only to Viktor Chernomyrdin and Vladimir Putin.

Political activity after resignation
Within a year after resignation Mikhail Kasyanov made absolutely no statements and did not participate in public life, engaging in analytical and consulting activities.

In February 2005, exactly a year after his resignation, Kasyanov began making statements about the “slowdown of economic growth” in Russia and that, in his opinion, “the country is going in the wrong direction” - towards “restoration of the Soviet system with elements of state capitalism.” At the same time, he accused the Russian authorities of dismantling the “democratic foundations of the constitutional system” (cancellation of elections for regional governors and heads of municipalities, raising the “passing” barrier for parties in the Duma elections to 7%) and stated that in Russia there is no separation of powers, no independent judiciary, no media freedom, no protection of private property. These statements led observers to say that Kasyanov had joined the liberal opposition to Putin and could act as the leader of the united democratic opposition in the next Duma (2007) and presidential (2008) elections.
Scandal with the dacha

In July 2005, State Duma deputy (faction " United Russia") Alexander Khinshtein made accusations against Mikhail Kasyanov. According to him, Kasyanov, when he was prime minister, privatized in 2003 at a reduced price the former state dacha of a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, M. A. Suslov. The published materials were used by the Prosecutor General's Office as a reason to initiate a criminal case under Art. 165 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“causing property damage on an especially large scale through deception or abuse of trust”). The publication of the materials and the message from the General Prosecutor's Office about the initiation of a criminal case coincided with Kasyanov's stay abroad (quoted from the Kommersant newspaper of July 26, 2005):
“I returned to Moscow, despite the threats made against me. I have no doubt that the systematically launched slanderous campaign to discredit me, based on lies and distortion of facts, is part of the general strategy of the authorities to completely cleanse the political field. The results of the implementation of such a strategy are obvious - growing social alienation and uncertainty among citizens about their future, slowing economic growth against the backdrop of record export prices and a steady decline in Russia's international authority. Creating conditions for a real, non-sham political process, involving public discussion of different points of view about the situation in the country and freedom to choose between them, is a task that I will continue to work on. »

In 2007, by a court decision, the dacha was returned to state ownership.
Preparations for the 2008 presidential elections

In September 2005, Mikhail Kasyanov again announced his intention to participate in presidential elections and criticized the activities of the Russian authorities.

In October 2005, Kasyanov, in an interview with the British liberal newspaper The Guardian, said in particular that he would “use huge profits from high oil prices to modernize pipelines. Such projects will help reduce market prices for oil and gas.” Mikhail Kasyanov also believes that the “fair price” of oil is $20-25 per barrel.

In November 2005, Kasyanov announced his intention to lead the Democratic Party of Russia and rely on it during his election campaign. In order to prevent this, the Russian authorities hastily organized a “parallel” congress of the DPR, at which the leadership of the party was transferred to Andrei Bogdanov.

On April 8, 2006, Kasyanov headed the new interregional movement “People's Democratic Union”. On July 1, 2006, the movement transformed into the all-Russian movement “Russian People's Democratic Union”.

On July 11-12, 2006, he participated in the national opposition forum “The Other Russia”, after which he entered the political meeting of “The Other Russia”, which aims to create a democratic state.

At the II Congress of the RNDS, held on June 1-2, 2007, one of the leaders of the Other Russia, Eduard Limonov, stated that he would like to see Mikhail Kasyanov as a single candidate from the Other Russia.

September 22, 2007 Kasyanov was elected Chairman political party"People for democracy and justice."

On January 27, 2008, Mikhail Kasyanov was officially denied registration as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation. The reason for the refusal was the poor quality of the subscription lists.

On February 1, 2008, M. Kasyanov protested Supreme Court Russian Federation refusal of the Central Election Commission to register him as a candidate for the presidency of Russia.
Co-Chairman of the People's Freedom Party
1 Kasyanov - For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption.ogv
Speech by Mikhail Kasyanov at the first rally of the coalition “For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption” on October 9, 2010

In September 2010, Mikhail Kasyanov, together with Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov and Vladimir Milov, led the coalition “For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption,” which in December of the same year was transformed into the People's Freedom Party. In June 2011, the Ministry of Justice refused to register the party.

Putin in 2011 about Kasyanov:

As for Kasyanov, as you know, I will remind you that he was the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation when I was acting President of Russia. And then, many liberal-minded and respected members of the Russian government in liberal circles - say, the same German Gref came to me and said: (demanded to remove Kasyanov from the government) “We will not work together with this swindler. It’s either him or us.” You know, over time the nickname stuck to him (even before he worked in the government) - “Misha-Two-Percent”. Because, allegedly, he was involved in some corrupt things. But, since there was no evidence of this, and I saw nothing except interpersonal likes and dislikes, I allowed him to serve until the end of his term. Did it work effectively? The first year and a half I tried to do something, the second two years there was zero activity. I think that he was already thinking about becoming president and was afraid to make some careless steps, because working at the head of the government of the Russian Federation is constantly associated with threats to the political component - a lot of specific decisions need to be made. In fact, Mikhail Mikhailovich avoided these decisions, however, he finalized them.

Special program. “Conversation with Vladimir Putin. Continuation". Transcript, Vladimir Putin

The ministers mentioned in Putin's statement commented on his statements in different ways. The head of Sberbank, German Gref, confirmed, but former Finance Minister Kudrin denied and said that his disagreements with Kasyanov concerned the pace of reforms, and he did not accuse Kasyanov of cheating. (In 2009, Mikhail Kasyanov recalled how, after his resignation from the post of prime minister, when he decided to “stop all interaction with the authorities,” at his last meeting with Putin, the latter “stated: know that if you start engaging in opposition activities, I will I’ll squeeze you in anyway.” And he added that in 1999, when I was Minister of Finance, there were rumors about Misha Two Percent in Moscow. I responded: “You know very well that this is complete nonsense,” to which Putin said: “The people.” They say that there is no smoke without fire. So keep this in mind.")

The famous political figure Valeria Novodvorskaya on February 14, 2007 in the studio of The New Times magazine described Mikhail Kasyanov as follows:

Kasyanov was Putin’s minister for quite a few years and somehow got along well with him, but only when Putin kicked him out did he become a democrat. Agree, this is suspicious. Wasn't it too late for him to become a democrat? And his first democratic act, as far as I remember, even before the tour to the USA - for some reason he took a photo with Prokhanov and went to hug Limonov. I have many very assumptions about Mr. Kasyanov: that he is a complete layman in politics, that he understands absolutely nothing about it and that this is a completely Kremlin project. So, if he received instructions somewhere, then I strongly doubt that it was in the USA and not in some other place.

Talk show on "NewTimes.ru" from February 14, 2007 16:05 (inaccessible link), Valeria Novodvorskaya

However, Valeria Novodvorskaya later made a different statement about Kasyanov:

... You are not mentioning Mikhail Kasyanov here, but he is also an honest and decent person with a lot of experience in government, who spoke out against the persecution of Khodorkovsky, Yukos, who went into opposition, is a fairly fearless person, a Westerner, and he certainly will not build socialism. This is also an excellent presidential candidate.

Video message on Novodvorskaya’s blog in LiveJournal dated December 26, 2009 (inaccessible link), Valeria Novodvorskaya

In the press, Kasyanov has firmly established the nickname “Misha-Two-Percent,” which dates back to Kasyanov’s work in the Ministry of Finance, banks and commercial structures. (He himself explained the emergence of this nickname by his conflict with Gusinsky, which occurred in 1999, as a result of which “an anonymous article appeared in the Segodnya newspaper, which was part of Gusinsky’s holding company. It said that rumors were circulating in Moscow: they say, new minister Finance allegedly takes kickbacks, for this he was nicknamed Misha Two Percent.")

In his book “Without Putin” (pp. 102-104), Kasyanov writes that this false information was spread in 1999 by media oligarch Gusinsky for the refusal of Finance Minister Kasyanov to forgive a state loan of $150 million issued for the creation of the satellite television channel “NTV-plus” "
Personal life

Mikhail Kasyanov is married and has two daughters.

Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich- Russian statesman and socio-political figure. Chairman of the political party "People's Freedom Party" since September 16, 2010 (formerly "RPR-PARNAS", in 2012-2015 he was a co-chairman), chairman of the "Russian People's Democratic Union" since 2006. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from May 17, 2000 to February 24, 2004. According to Forbes, Kasyanov is one of the most effective prime ministers in history modern Russia. At the same time, a number of politicians and economists critically assessed the activities of Prime Minister Kasyanov, and according to Vladimir Putin, Kasyanov’s activity in the last two years of his work as chairman of the Russian government “was zero.” Since 2005, Kasyanov has been in political opposition to the Russian leadership.


Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich, born on December 8, 1957, native of the village. Solntsevo, Moscow region.

Relatives. Wife: Kasyanova ( maiden name Pereletova) Irina Borisovna, born April 13, 1956, graduate of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. She worked as a teacher of political economy and is currently retired. She was involved in a corruption case involving the purchase of land in Sosnovka-1 and Sosnovka-3.

Daughter: Klinovskaya (maiden name Kasyanova) Natalya Mikhailovna, born November 9, 1984, graduate of the Faculty of Political Science at MGIMO. The wife of Andrei Klinovsky, the son of the co-founder of the Epicenter Market company and the general director of the Shelter Corp company Timur Klinovsky.

Awards. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (April 21, 1996) - for services to the state related to strengthening the financial situation of the country.


Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute and the Higher Economic Courses under the USSR State Planning Committee.

Labor activity

  • After serving in the army, he worked at the All-Union Design and Research Institute of Industrial Transport of the USSR State Construction Committee.
  • From 1981 to 1990 - work in the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR: engineer, leading economist, chief specialist, head of a subdivision of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the State Planning Committee.
  • In 1990, he was appointed head of a subdivision of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the State Committee of Economics of the RSFSR.
  • In 1991 - Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.
  • From 1992 to 1993 - Head of a subsection of the Consolidated Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.
  • From 1993 to 1995 - Head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt, Head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt. Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1995, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • In September 1998, he was appointed head of the Working Group to conduct negotiations regarding the restructuring of Russian banks' debt to foreign creditors under transactions concluded before August 17, 1998.
  • On February 15, 1999, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • In March 1999, he was appointed Deputy Governor for the Russian Federation at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • In May 1999, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation in the government Sergei Stepashin.
  • In January 2000, he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • Approved in May 2000 State Duma of the Russian Federation as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • In January 2004, he was elected chairman of the Anti-Corruption Council under the President of the Russian Federation for a period of six months.
  • On February 24, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was dismissed along with the government he headed.


As a result, in February 2004, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resignation of the government. Appointed acting prime minister Viktor Khristenko. And already in March of the same year, State Duma deputies Victor Ilyukhin, Gennady Gudkov, Alexander Khinshtein, Evgeniy Roizman, Alexey Volkov And Vladimir Stalmakhov sent an appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check the funds that Mikhail Mikhailovich has to continue political activity, in order to establish their origin. The statement alleged that money for Kasyanov’s fund was withdrawn from the State Fisheries Committee.

If at first Mikhail Mikhailovich still hinted that there were financial projects that the President approved, then later he completely went into opposition to the current government. In 2005, he began to cooperate with other non-systemic oppositionists and even announced his intention to run for the highest government post in the Russian Federation in 2008. In November 2005, he headed the Democratic Party of Russia.

At this time, criticism of the former prime minister again intensified in the media. Khinshtein wrote in MK that Kasyanov, taking advantage of his official position, privatized in 2003 at a reduced price land plot in Trinity-Lykovo. Moreover, he acted in this matter together with the oligarch Mikhail Fridman. In July 2005, the prosecutor's office, in connection with the deputy's statement, opened a criminal case against Mikhail Mikhailovich; in 2012, the case was dismissed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Despite the fact that the politician fell into disgrace, many oligarchs did not stop communicating with him. So he was spotted on the deck of Abramovich’s yacht in the company of the billionaire himself. He celebrated New Year 2005 in company with Deripaska. Boris Berezovsky called Kasyanov a “promising public politician”, and Leonid Nevzlin expressed his readiness to help him in the future struggle for the post of President of the Russian Federation. Such support did not increase Mikhail Mikhailovich’s support among the people.

The downside was the fact that Kasyanov repeatedly mentioned his visits to the United States, saying that his point of view coincides with the position of the American elite. The campaign against Kasyanov will later be built on these facts.

Things didn’t work out for Mikhail Mikhailovich in the DPR; he was elected party chairman Andrey Bogdanov Therefore, in 2006, Kasyanov led a new interregional movement, the People's Democratic Union, which was soon transformed into the all-Russian movement, the Russian People's Democratic Union. Later jointly with Garry Kasparov(United Civil Front) and Eduard Limonov(National Bolshevik Party) was created by the coalition of the All-Russian Civil Congress (VGK), which later grew into the “Other Russia” coalition.

But there were always disagreements in the opposition camp. Kasparov did not support Kasyanov’s desire to become the only presidential candidate from the united opposition. In December 2007, the Central Election Commission registered an initiative group to nominate Mikhail Mikhailovich as a candidate for the highest government post. But in 2008, Kasyanov was not registered as a candidate under the pretext that his signature sheets were of poor quality. Two thirds of the signatures were declared invalid for formal bureaucratic reasons.

Mikhail Mikhailovich was also denied registration of the People for Democracy and Justice party, so Kasyanov became a member of the European Party of Liberal Democrats and Reformers. His rhetoric became typical of the non-systemic opposition. He increasingly spoke about the infringement of basic human rights in the country, about the oppression of business, and there were demands for the release of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.

In 2010, together with Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov And Vladimir Milov Mikhail Mikhailovich once again made an attempt to create an opposition party, which became known as the People's Freedom Party (Parnas). But this time too, the Ministry of Justice refused to register her. After this, the party merged in 2012 with the registered Republican Party of Vladimir Ryzhkov, and began to bear the name RPR-Parnas. Kasyanov became co-chairman of the party.

During these years, Mikhail Mikhailovich actively participated in the protest movement, which was experiencing its dawn. He spoke at rallies in the winter of 2011–2012, including on Bolotnaya Square and Sakharov Avenue. But over time, the movement began to decline, and all the preferences that the opposition managed to achieve for itself gradually came to naught. The cohesion of the ranks of fighters against the regime began to quickly crumble. In 2014, Ryzhkov left the party; Milov had previously broken away. Nemtsov, one of Kasyanov’s main associates in recent years, was killed.

An attempt to participate in the 2015 regional elections also failed. Democratic coalition Alexey Navalny and Mikhail Kasyanov was not allowed to vote in the Novosibirsk region.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov began his career in the new Russia as a typical representative of the power elite. There was nothing about him that marked him as a future oppositionist. Cautious, hardworking, he was a true professional in his field, but at the same time, he was not alien to such qualities as a thirst for profit. He made many decisions to the detriment of the interests of the country, but to please his own pocket. And he would still be in that cohort of minions of life who today collect the cream from the Russian budget, if not for his excessive ambitions. Today, he repeats the fate of many Russian oppositionists who portray themselves as freedom fighters, while they themselves are all accessible ways looking for their place at the feeder. Not only are they in disgrace from power, not only are they not popular with the people, but they themselves do not see each other as worthy comrades.

Former Russian Prime Minister, Chairman of the PARNAS party Mikhail Kasyanov filed a police report after... During dinner, according to the politician, a group of 10 people entered the establishment, two of whom approached the table of the party leader. One of them threw a cake at Kasyanov, shouting threats.

“He didn’t miss, I was covered in cake... This man continued to shout threats and insults at me... And that’s it, they calmly left,” Kasyanov said.

AiF.ru talks about what is known about Mikhail Kasyanov.

Mikhail Kasyanov. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov was born on December 8, 1957 in the village of Solntsevo, Moscow region, USSR.

From 1974 to 1976 he studied at the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI).

From 1976 to 1978, he served in the army on the territory of the Moscow Military District in the so-called commandant company (honor guard at the Moscow commandant's office).

From 1978 to 1981 he worked as a senior technician, then as an engineer at the All-Union Design and Research Institute of Industrial Transport of the USSR State Construction Committee.

State Planning Committee of the RSFSR

In 1981, he was accepted into the apparatus of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan) of the RSFSR. Worked at Gosplan for 9 years. He worked as an engineer, economist, chief specialist and was eventually appointed head of a subdivision of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations.

In 1987 he graduated from the Higher Economic Courses under the USSR State Planning Committee. In 1990-1991, he was the head of a subsection of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the State Committee of Economics of the RSFSR.

In the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance

In 1990-1991, he was the head of a subsection of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the State Committee of Economics of the RSFSR (RF).

At the end of August 1991, the State Committee for Economics of the RSFSR was abolished, and in its place the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR was created. In the new ministry, Kasyanov became deputy head of the department of the Department of Foreign Economic Affairs.

On November 11, 1991, by decree of the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR were merged into the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR, headed by Yegor Gaidar.

From 1992 to 1993, Kasyanov was head of the subsection of industrialized countries and international organizations of the Consolidated Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

In 1993-1995, he held the position of head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt, then head of the Department of Foreign Loans and External Debt, member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In November 1995 he was appointed deputy Minister of Finance Vladimir Panskov. After the formation of the new government of Chernomyrdin in August 1996, the Ministry of Finance was headed by Alexander Livshits— Kasyanov retained the position of deputy.

In 1995 - early 1996, he worked on the issue of settling Russia's debt to the London Club.

Since April 1996, Kasyanov, along with the Chairman of the Board of the National Reserve Bank, Alexander Lebedev, was considered a likely contender for the leadership of Vnesheconombank (the position had been vacant since February 1996). However, in the end, in October, the position was taken by the first deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Reserve Bank Andrey Kostin.

At the end of 1996, he worked to regulate Russia’s financial relations with the Paris Club. Later he worked as Deputy Minister of Finance, when Livshits was replaced in this post by Anatoly Chubais(March - November 1997) and then Mikhail Zadornov(since November 1997).

After the 1998 default, Kasyanov was appointed chairman of the working group to negotiate the restructuring of the external debts of Russia and the country's private banks. He successfully negotiated with foreign creditors and thereby earned a reputation as an experienced negotiator. Soon he was appointed first deputy finance minister Mikhail Zadornov.

Minister of Finance

May 25, 1999 during the formation of the government Sergei Stepashin Kasyanov was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. In June he became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. However, Stepashin's government lasted only three months and was dissolved in August. In the government that replaced him Vladimir Putin Kasyanov retained his position.

Since January 10, 2000 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (due to the fact that the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was simultaneously acting as President of the Russian Federation and actually headed the Government).

Since May 7, 2000 (the day of the inauguration of Putin, who was elected president) - Acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Government (2000-2004)

On May 17, 2000, Kasyanov was appointed Chairman of the Russian Government, forming a new government. In the new cabinet, the post of First Deputy Prime Minister was abolished (it was restored in November 2005, when this post was taken by Dmitry Medvedev).

February 2004 - shortly before the presidential elections, he was dismissed from the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation along with the government by decision of the president. Kasyanov held this post longer than other post-Soviet prime ministers, second only to Viktor Chernomyrdin and Vladimir Putin.

Preparations for the 2008 presidential elections

In September 2005, Mikhail Kasyanov again announced his intention to participate in the presidential elections.

Already in November 2005, Kasyanov announced his intention to lead the Democratic Party of Russia and rely on it during his election campaign.

On April 8, 2006, Kasyanov headed a new interregional movement, the People's Democratic Union. On July 1, 2006, the movement transformed into the all-Russian movement “Russian People's Democratic Union”.

On July 11-12, 2006, he participated in the national opposition forum “The Other Russia”, after which he entered the political meeting of the “Other Russia”.

At the II Congress of the RNDS, held on June 1-2, 2007, one of the leaders of the “Other Russia” - Eduard Limonov - stated that he would like to see Mikhail Kasyanov as a single candidate from the “Other Russia”.

On September 22, 2007, Kasyanov was elected chairman of the political party “People for Democracy and Justice.”

On January 27, 2008, Kasyanov was officially denied registration as a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. The reason for the refusal was the poor quality of the subscription lists. On February 1 of the same year, Kasyanov protested the refusal of the Central Election Commission in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Co-Chairman of the People's Freedom Party

In September 2010, Mikhail Kasyanov, together with Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov and Vladimir Milov led the coalition “For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption,” which in December of the same year was transformed into the People's Freedom Party (PARNAS). In June 2011, the Ministry of Justice refused to register the party.

State Duma elections 2016

December 11, 2015 Alexey Navalny announced at the Democratic Coalition forum that Kasyanov would head the coalition list in the State Duma elections.


Married to Irina Kasyanova, has two daughters.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov is a statesman, former head of government and the Ministry of Finance, leader of the People's Freedom Party and the Russian People's Democratic Union.

Having joined the opposition, the politician became an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin and the ongoing reforms, an active participant in the “Dissent Marches” and protests for fair elections. He is convinced that a war with Ukraine is necessary for the head of the Russian Federation in order to keep his citizens and power under control. The politician called all decisions regarding Crimea direct aggression and illegal annexation of the territory of a neighboring state.

The childhood and youth of Mikhail Kasyanov

The future high-ranking official was born on December 8, 1957 in the village of Solntsevo near Moscow (which received the status of a city in 1971, and a district of the capital in 1995). His mother was an economist, his father was a mathematics teacher and school director. Misha was the youngest child in a family that already had two daughters, Ira and Tanya.

According to his maternal grandfather Pavel Morozov, his grandson was like him - he grew up as a diligent and serious boy, and studied well. After graduating from school, he entered the capital's Automobile and Highway Institute.

After two years of training, the young man was drafted into the army. His service took place in a military unit stationed in the capital.

The beginning of the career of Mikhail Kasyanov

Having been demobilized from the ranks of the Soviet Army in 1978, Mikhail entered the design research institute of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs, and then into the apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR. In 1981, he continued his interrupted studies at MADI.

Later, the young engineer also graduated from the Higher Economic Courses and successfully moved up the career ladder in the departments of the RSFSR State Committee for Economics. After its abolition, he served in the Ministry of Economy, where in 1991 he became deputy head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity (FEA).

In 1993, he was appointed head of the Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, then - a member of the board of this department. At the end of 1995, Kasyanov became Deputy Minister of Finance, retaining his post in 1996 in the new cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin.

During this period, the department successfully carried out work to replace the repayment terms of the Russian Federation's debt of thirty-two and a half billion dollars to the London Club. Kasyanov was involved in the decision financial issues and with the Paris Organization of Creditor Countries and other foreign creditors.

In the government of Yevgeny Primakov, the civil servant served as deputy minister of finance, then, in the office of Sergei Stepashin and Putin, as head of the same department. In 1999, he became a member of the country's Security Council.

Government of Mikhail Kasyanov

After President Boris Yeltsin left and Vladimir Putin took over his functions, Kasyanov was first deputy prime minister. Then, simultaneously with the post of minister, he served as acting prime minister, and since May he was confirmed to this post.

In 2000, the head executive power became the head of a number of government commissions - military-industrial, anti-terrorism.

During the investigation of violations of the law in the management of IMF funds, conducted in Sweden, an article in an Italian tabloid appeared about the prime minister as the director of “Russiagate” (by analogy with the Watergate scandal). He was accused of allegedly being involved in the transfer of about $5 billion in loan funds allocated by the fund to secret accounts.

In 2001, the left factions initiated a motion of no confidence in the cabinet, which did not find support in the Duma. Similar claims were also made in 2003, but in general, economic growth was noted in the country during the period of Kasyanov’s government.

During his premiership, he expressed disagreement with the imprisonment of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the leader of Yukos, and Platon Lebedev, the head of Menatep, believing that such actions by the authorities had a negative impact on the image of the country and the situation around the general mood of investors.

In February, by decision of the head of state, the cabinet of Mikhail Mikhailovich was dismissed. During a meeting with media representatives, the president cited the reason for this as the government’s loss of work dynamics, as well as the advisability of periodically updating the composition of key government agencies.

Kasyanov served in the prime minister's chair longer than any other post-Soviet prime minister, second only to Chernomyrdin and Putin.

Further career of Mikhail Kasyanov

After his dismissal, the politician rested, traveled a lot in Finland, Sweden, France, and visited Silvio Berlusconi. He also gave a series of lectures on the economics of the Russian Federation at US universities, took up independent consulting on legal, financial and other business issues, and created the company MK-Analitika in collaboration with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

A year later, Mikhail Mikhailovich began to declare in the media that Russian Federation, in his opinion, is following the wrong undemocratic path; in Russia there are no independent mass media or courts. He harshly condemned the situation in the state and the course of the current government, which is provoking inflation and capital outflow, in April at the Russian Economic Forum in the British capital.

These circumstances have given political scientists reason to assume that Kasyanov is preparing to run in the presidential elections in 2008 as the leader of the opposition.

Scandal involving Mikhail Kasyanov

In 2005, the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case regarding the legality of the former prime minister's acquisition of a state dacha that previously belonged to Suslov, a Soviet statesman and politician. In other words, the politician was accused of privatizing state property at a reduced price.

During this period, the former head of government was abroad. After receiving information about the criminal trial, he returned to Moscow, perceiving the incident as a stage in a campaign to discredit him politically.

Mikhail Kasyanov “Russia without Putin”

In 2007, the dacha was transferred back into state ownership, and five years later the case was dismissed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Presidential elections and Mikhail Kasyanov

In the preface to the collection “The Future of Russia,” published in 2005 by a British foreign policy think tank, the ex-prime minister stated that the main features of a democratic state have been destroyed in the Russian Federation with the help of a new “vertical of power.”

He outlined his own program of action, including such measures as the repeal of changes to the electoral legislation, the revival of judicial reform, the transfer of one of the central TV channels to private ownership, and the admission of mistakes in foreign policy and restoration of previous relations with the European Union and the United States.

In September, the politician announced plans to run for head of state in 2008 as a Democrat.

In 2006, the former prime minister headed the Russian People's Democratic Union and became a participant in the opposition forum “The Other Russia”. A year later, he headed the People for Democracy and Justice party.

Interview with Mikhail Kasyanov about the report “Putin.War”

He was denied registration as a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2008 due to violations discovered in the signature lists.

Personal life of Mikhail Kasyanov

The former prime minister is married. He and his wife Irina studied at the same school. In 1985, the couple gave birth to their eldest daughter, Natalya, and in April 2005, daughter Alexandra. His wife and daughters are absolutely not public people and rarely appear in gossip columns.

In 2006, the eldest daughter, while a student at MGIMO, married Andrei Klinovsky, the son of the head of the construction company Agrocomplex Gorki-2, whose fortune was estimated at one hundred million dollars. The young people met at the university where they studied together, although the groom is two years older. Andrei's family owns a house in Nice, and his father owns a Falcon 2000 EX Easy plane. The couple had two daughters, the first a year after the wedding, the second in 2009.

The politician enjoys hunting, tennis, skiing, and windsurfing.

Mikhail Kasyanov now

Where is Mikhail Kasyanov now? In 2010, the ex-prime minister (RNDS), together with Boris Nemtsov (Solidarity), Vladimir Ryzhkov (RPR) and Vladimir Milov (Democratic Choice), created an association of political forces supporting liberal ideology called “For Russia without arbitrariness” and corruption", renamed PARNAS.

At the end of 2014, the ex-prime minister signed a petition demanding to stop the aggression in Ukraine with the withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory, and to end all-round support for the separatists in Donbass. This spring, in the European Parliament, he announced that he considers it legitimate and supports the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Mikhail Kasyanov on the murder of Boris Nemtsov

IN this moment PARNAS, headed by Kasyanov, intends to appeal to the courts, including the European Court of Human Rights, due to the refusal of the Central Election Commission to satisfy their complaint about illegal actions election committee Novosibirsk region. They were denied registration of the party list for elections to the regional legislative assembly due to the small number of voter signatures recognized as authentic.