Deleting a page on VKontakte. Why is it a great idea to remove yourself from all social media? People are removed from contact

There are many reasons. From the fear that personal data is being hunted by the secret world government, the Illuminati and Zionists to the fear of losing a loved one. There are well-founded reasons and, on the contrary, completely absurd ones. So why do people leave social networks?

To live in the real world

Of course, correspond with friends on VKontakte and Facebook- it is very interesting. And it’s even more fun to look through the not-so-successful photos of your classmates and classmates. But why live your life online if there are so many interesting things going on around you? You can have real get-togethers with friends. When communicating, use not only words, but also facial expressions and gestures. It is also much more pleasant and interesting to communicate. Those who realize this are removed from social networks and do the right thing.

To save your own time

Social media tighten. Like drugs, they become a real addiction. As soon as you get on the Internet, you immediately need to log into your account to watch the news, chat with friends, etc. And all this is not limited to five minutes. Some people can sit on social media for hours without a break. If a person understands that VKontakte takes away many hours from his life, then he leaves. And this is good. After all, during the hours spent in the wilds of social networks, you can do something useful, for example, acquire a hobby, achieve success in your career, clean the house, or have sex with your significant other.

When there is a need to hide something

Situations are different. For example, you get a new job. Today, the employer does not need to spend time on you psychological tests or something like that to find out who you really are. All you have to do is find your page on social networks and look at your photos and posts. From what you see, it will immediately become clear what kind of life you lead and what you are like. That's why some savvy job seekers are deleting their social media accounts while searching for a job.

Because of jealous partners

Some couples even break up and spouses get divorced because of likes or comments on social media. Therefore, in order to prevent such an outcome, people often delete their accounts in order to prove their devotion and fidelity to their other half.

During a quarrel

This is mainly the lot of teenagers. Often quarreling among themselves, they remove themselves from social networks, leaving at the end some sniveling phrase like: “It’s infuriating when you tell a person about your feelings, and in response there is silence.” Adolescence are characterized by impulsive decision-making when they do not achieve reciprocity.

In addition to the reasons that we have named, the creators of VKontakte themselves offer their users to choose a reason for deleting from the social network:

  1. I have another page.
  2. VKontakte takes up too much of my time.
  3. There is too much inappropriate material on VKontakte.
  4. I am concerned about the security of my data.
  5. No one comments on my page.
  6. Another reason.

But VKontakte administrators didn’t stop there. For the “other reason” item, they prepared their own funny options:

  1. I once created this page for my dog, but now she registered herself.
  2. I cannot live and work while there is a page with my name on the Internet. Stay safe, weak-willed vegetables!
  3. I found enough pornography and pirated content to last me a lifetime. Now I'm leaving.
  4. The secret world government, the Illuminati and the Zionists are after my personal data. I'm going underground.
  5. A wall of inattention surrounds me. Anastasia and Vladusik will regret my leaving, but it will be too late.
  6. When I open the VK page, I have strange sensations in the area of ​​my elbow joint. And you smell...

If you accidentally or deliberately deleted your own page, and then changed your mind and decided to restore it, or someone hacked you and, having gained unauthorized access, deleted your personal account, then it can be returned and renewed within 7 months, starting from moment of deletion.

What to do if the VK page is deleted?

To restore your account data, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Go to the VK social networking site.
  2. Use your old data (login and password) to log in.
  3. Enter the captcha code, which is shown as numbers and letters.
  4. In the open window, click on the hyperlink that says “Restore”.

If more than 7 months have passed since the VK page was deleted, what should I do?

If the period for restoring the page has expired, to restore it you will need to contact the technical support service of the social network or write a letter with a request to the email address [email protected]. The likelihood that they will help you is small, but it still exists.

The data restoration process may take some time as data is retrieved from archives and then restored. In addition, technical support may require confirmation of your rights to the page to make sure that it really belongs to you.

Why could the VKontakte page be deleted?

  • for sending spam (various invitations to groups or events that may pose a potential threat to your computer);
  • for obscene language (swearing, rudeness in public and groups);
  • for an avatar (main photo of the page) that insults someone’s religious or Political Views, promotes violence, is pornographic, etc.;
  • for personal information that is offensive;

Your account can be deleted for various reasons. On the social network, you can report to any page from which spam, as well as various types of obscene, pornographic or shocking materials are sent. If there are a large number of complaints, moderators may block you.
There is always the opportunity to restore your personal page, unblock it and return it under your leadership.

Social networks have become a part of our lives and require us to take them more and more seriously. Some people are fired from their jobs because of a Facebook post, while others are rejected from a promising position because of a cheeky tweet. You can actually sit down for a thoughtless phrase carelessly published on a social network.

However, we are adults. We can and must be responsible for our actions. What about children? Is it worth involving them in the social web before they themselves can decide whether to belong in this digital world or not?

We invite you to think about the reasoning of Kim Shendrow, a person who personally encountered the consequences of a careless attitude towards social networks.

Some will say that I am a bad mother. Every day I talk about the lives and affairs of my children to hundreds of strangers. I have accumulated 1,549 people on my “friends” list, most of whom I have never spoken to or even seen. These so-called “friends” could tell you what my kids eat, how they are doing at school, what they love and hate.

Before my kids were old enough to articulate their resentment of my past actions, documenting life's moments on Facebook seemed like a good thing. Now that the children are getting older, their anger and resentment are growing stronger. This just creeps me out. Everything is going to the point that sooner or later I will have to delete my account.

Every time I post another photo of my kids jumping in the pool or sleeping curled up on the couch, I'm violating their privacy, and Facebook (and subsequently the entire Internet) won't forget. Will never forget.

However, there are also more general reasons why you should delete your accounts on social networks. Consider this list:

1. Facebook makes you think your life sucks.

People only post positive moments in their lives on social media. Failures and disappointments remain behind the scenes. As a result, looking through your friends' feeds, you may get the impression that their lives consist entirely of success, joy and accomplishment, while yours is not. This is a dangerous illusion.

2. Mom won't let me talk to strangers.

But the Facebook friend search algorithm thinks the opposite. He wants strangers to become your friends. The more there are, the better. Every day the social network tries to feed me people who are “friends of my friends.” This flow is diluted by people from my past - those, many of whom I would like to forget. It also contains my cousin, who passed away 2 years ago.

3. Your boss reads you

These are the times when a Facebook post can get you out of your current job and away from many promising jobs in the future. In Foxboro, USA, a man was fired for publishing a photo with a swastika drawn on the body of a drunken friend. There, teachers are fired for photos in which they drink alcohol. One senior female teacher was fired because she refused to unfriend current students. Even if you keep your posts away from specific individuals, your enemy may whisper about your posts and photos to your boss.

4. Your Facebook “friends” don’t care about your little joys and events.

Seriously, it’s unlikely that there will be many people on your list of friends who were really interested in learning that your kitten has finally trained to use the litter box. You need to be able to filter things based on whether there are reasons to be published. Dads, moms, stop posting photos and events with your children when “awkward” moments occur. In the future, this could be used to ridicule and mock your children.

5. You will stop slacking off at work.

Well, or at least you will spend a little less time on idleness. It's no secret that Facebook is a great time waster. In the USA, such gatherings on social networks work time cost employers $28 billion in losses annually.

6. Consequences of your revelations

There are times when you want to admit to some mistake or failure. And you write about it on Facebook. And friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues read this. And they remember this when they meet in person. And you will see it in their eyes, and maybe you will hear it behind your back. What makes people deliberately belittle their personality in the eyes of others?

Everything that is written here within Facebook is applicable to any other social service. With a sufficient level of insanity, the social network may well ruin your life. What do you think makes people behave this way in the digital environment? What reasons made you abandon social networks or reconsider the format of interaction with them?

According to experts, the peak of registration of new users on social networks is long behind us. Nowadays, there are frequent cases of deleting one’s social pages, that is, one’s social network accounts.

And over time, he completely deletes his social network account. Virtual “friends” (friends) are shocked. They are perplexed and cannot understand the action of their, now “offline”, friend.

There are many reasons for leaving the world of virtual friends. But the main factors that most often influence the decision to click on the “Delete” button and say goodbye to your virtual page.

Why is it easy to register on a social network, but difficult to delete an account?

By the way, deleting your account, for example, is not so easy. Instead of the planned few minutes (about the time it takes to register a new account), the process of deleting an account may take much longer.

There is a reason why Facebook developers have complicated the process of deleting a page. Apparently, to give a chance to a user already set to delete it to change his mind and still not deactivate his account.

Good reasons for deleting a social network account

What pushes people to break their once strong ties with social networks? Paradoxically, it is devotion to social networks, which often borders on addiction, that becomes one of the main reasons for abandoning one’s favorite page.

It has long been no secret that law enforcement agencies use social networks to search for (or prove guilt) suspects of various violations of the law.

Those who have already encountered representatives of Themis who, using information posted on social networks, proved or tried to prove the involvement of the owner of a social network account in a particular crime, go “offline” to avoid similar problems in the future.

From time to time, employers also monitor the pages of their subordinates on social Internet platforms. There are often cases when a photo posted by the account owner on his page became a reason for dismissal from his job. Simply because management considered the photo too revealing.

How to avoid having to delete your social network account?

Having decided to say goodbye to his active “online life”, the ex-owner of the social network. Pages as a reward receives a lot of free time, which can be spent not only on communicating with real friends.

And for users who are not going to stop active on social Internet platforms in the near future, good advice: be less frank online.

Because there is an opinion that information that once gets onto the Internet remains there forever.

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The social network Vkontakte has become a real sensation on the territory of the Russian-language Internet. At first it was simply used for communication between people (not necessarily located at a great distance), but then it acquired a lot of other meanings. Why then are people interested in how to permanently delete a page in a contact?

As a rule, they themselves explain their actions by saying that they decided to live without social networks. However, in reality, everything is far from so simple. Firstly, there is nothing inherently wrong with such resources, but “it’s all a matter of doses.” If the social network becomes a real addiction, then a person may decide to give it up. The problem is that There is absolutely no need to delete the page for this.

If someone truly gives up on social media, they simply stop using it. Deleting it won’t help anything - the page can be easily returned, and even if it has disappeared forever, you can create a new one without much effort. So why do people want to delete a VK page? To do this, you need to find out what this resource is.

What is VKontakte?

At first, everything was far from rosy. The network needed to be promoted, and for this they even held competitions among promoters. The most active ones received gifts from Apple. However, after about a year the audience grew to three million. From that time on, the long journey of the social network began, which has not stopped to this day.

VKontakte became a place where people uploaded their photos so that their many friends could see them. They posted videos and actively discussed them with everyone. Users wrote on the walls, talking about own life and thoughts.

The resource gave a lot of scope for creativity. People began to create groups where they published their own drawings or poems, various videos, such as blogs and stream recordings. Many have started making money using the social network, others use it as a means of advertising and promotion. Be that as it may, the capabilities of the site are really wide.

Why do some people want to delete the page?

What is the average page on a social network? First of all, this is the owner’s first and last name (often fictitious), as well as an avatar (very often a simple picture from the Internet). Secondly, there is a variety of personal information that can be displayed in columns such as “date of birth”, “hometown”, “worldview” and “about yourself”.

Finally, there is a wall on the page, originally used for communication, but today more and more for advertising and distribution of anything. In addition, there are sections with video and music, filled in according to the personal taste of the owner.

So, what could be the reason to delete a VKontakte page? As mentioned above, many will say that this is a desire to get rid of addiction, but, as a rule, this is just an excuse.

In fact, 95% of cases of deletion have only one single purpose - to attract attention. And, as a rule, the attention of one specific person. Yes, pages are deleted mainly by young people, while others simply abandon social networks.

However, there remains one more case in which the question of how to permanently delete a page in a contact is quite logical and normal. This is a situation in which a person creates a new account for himself. As a rule, this happens due to hacking of the previous one, or if you want to start everything from scratch, without offending old friends by removing them from the list.

How to permanently delete your VKontakte page?

Before the design change that occurred in mid-2016, it was possible to delete a VK page without instructions, on an intuitive level. To do this, just go to the settings, and there it becomes clear what to click on. Today, problems arise at an earlier stage.

The design change has hidden the settings so that they are now quite difficult to find. The required icon is located at the top, on the right - it shows the name of the page owner and a mini version of the avatar. After clicking on this, a small list will open from which you need to select “Settings”.

How to delete a page:

  • After clicking on “Settings”, a new window will open.
  • By default, it shows the “General” column – that’s what you need.
  • At the very bottom of this column there is the inscription “You can delete your page.”
  • Clicking on it will cause a pop-up window to appear. In it, the site will ask you to indicate the reason why the owner decided to delete it.
  • After this, all you have to do is click on the “Delete page” button.

Upon completion of these actions, the account will be replaced by an image of a dog’s face on a gray background. Next to it it will be indicated that the page can be restored before the expiration of six months. As a rule, no one waits for the end of this line, but returns the account to normal after about a couple of days, and sometimes in a couple of hours or minutes. At least this applies to those cases where a person “decides to give up social media” by seeking attention.

Deleting an old, no longer needed page

It is worth separately considering the question of how to permanently delete a page in a contact if it is duplicate and therefore no longer needed. Of course use the previous instructions and wait six months, but, as a rule, the owner eventually loses all access to his old account.

  • Previously, pages were linked to an email rather than a phone number. It is very easy to forget your password and answer to your security question.
  • The inability to access your e-mail makes it impossible to recover your social network password. As a result, the page remains inaccessible.

Fortunately, there is a way to solve this problem. As a rule, it works completely if the old page contains a valid first and last name. If this is not so, then the situation will be different in each specific case.

You can delete the old page permanently as follows:

  • Using your new account, you need to submit a support request.
  • This is done through the “Help” item, located in the same place as the settings.
  • Having opened the list of questions, you can scroll to the very bottom, click on the missing question and submit a request to the support service.
  • It will need to describe the situation with deleting the page.

As a rule, for successful completion you will need to send a photo that simultaneously shows the owner’s face, his account and the page of the passport. Other situations are also possible, since this always happens individually.

If the individual is successfully identified, at the request of the owner, his old page will be permanently deleted within a few days. This way, you can fully focus on your new account.