Legal advice on tax issues. Tax consultations for individual entrepreneurs

About tax consulting services

Every individual entrepreneur, every commercial, industrial or public organization must comply with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation. But sometimes ignorance tax code in general or individual by-laws, clauses, articles in particular, leads to big or small troubles - such as problems with the tax inspectorate. And, as you know, ignorance of the law is not an exemption from penalties.

Tax services from the company "NK "Garantia"

Therefore, in many situations, qualified tax advice may be required, which can be provided by the Tax Consultation “Guarantee” company to legal and individuals. Our company also provides other services in the field of taxation, which includes:

  • Choosing the optimal taxation system for organizations and individual entrepreneurs.
  • Optimization of the taxation system.
  • Consultations on taxes in accounting work.
  • Conducting tax examinations, drawing up conclusions, recommendations for eliminating shortcomings and errors.
  • Consultations on taxpayer liability and penalties.
  • Assistance in choosing the form of an enterprise - LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • Consultations on taxation of individual entrepreneurs.

The development of any business can be successful and profitable if only financial and tax risks are minimized. Therefore, consultations with qualified tax specialists are necessary activities for any enterprise. They will allow not only to preserve and strengthen the business, but also to develop it in the future.

Other services of the company “Tax Consultation “Guarantee”

In addition to taxation issues, our company provides such types of services as accounting services and legal support for business, personnel records, organization and reorganization of LLCs, individual entrepreneurs, etc.

Our prices

Name of serviceService delivery periodPrice
Consultation of legal entities30 minutesfrom 1,000 rub.
Consultation on tax systems30 minutesfrom 1,000 rub.
Consultation on issues of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs30 minutesfrom 1,000 rub.
Consultation for individuals30 minutesfrom 700 rub.
Consultation for an individual entrepreneur30 minutesfrom 700 rub.
Consultation on tax optimization30 minutesfrom 2,000 rub.
Consultation on liability and penalties30 minutesfrom 1,000 rub.
Accounting Consultation30 minutesfrom 1,000 rub.
Conclusion or examination from 5,000 rub.

Scheme of working with us

  • Send a request or call
  • Our consultant will call and clarify the details
  • We will prepare a profitable offer
  • Let's start working on your tasks


We are aware of our responsibility to clients who trust us to solve important questions accounting, tax and legal support for our business and strive to provide our clients with maximum guarantees.

Therefore, we have voluntarily insured the activities of Tax Consultation “GUARANTEE” for 2,000,000 rubles - this completely eliminates your risks when collaborating with us. According to the agreement that we conclude with our clients, our responsibility does not end in the reporting year, we are responsible for another 4 years!

Hello! I opened IP 93.29, but did not immediately apply for the simplified taxation system. Can I apply a week after opening?

Do I need to pay taxes on the sale of an apartment purchased under DDU 3 years ago?

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Taxation of non-resident income received from sources outside the Russian Federation

Private question.

2000 price

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Do the amendments to the law on the application of CCP apply to all individual entrepreneurs without employees?

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Can a military member's income tax be refunded?

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Consultation with a lawyer on Tax Law

Modern tax law is a dynamically developing legal field. It has various mechanisms that make it possible to establish transparent relationships between citizens and the state regarding taxation.

In order to comply with tax-related regulations, which in turn are prescribed in the main law of the country, when conducting transactions, performing tax calculations for an ordinary citizen, or legal entity You will need to seek the help of a tax lawyer.

A competent approach is important!

A tax lawyer is, first of all, a dedicated professional who is ready to become a faithful ally in tax matters. Such a lawyer is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of the client. He knows exactly how the mechanism of a particular law, suitable for a particular case, works. In addition, he will defend the client’s interests in court as if he were his own, given that his opponent in the trial is not just an ordinary citizen, but the state itself.

Why is an exceptional approach required? this issue? The tax lawyer understands that winning trial, he helps his client avoid the sanctions that the law provides for in relation to the case under consideration. To achieve this outcome, you may have to participate in numerous, exhausting hearings, as well as file appeals against decisions with which the client does not agree. This is a difficult burden that our tax attorneys bear. They are real, brave, competent professionals. You can rely on them!

Main activities

The main thing a tax lawyer does is all tax issues. There are many different points here that are regulated not only by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but also by other legislative provisions and acts. They help to understand what tax, in what amount, and how a particular person pays. In them you can also find guidance for actions in dealing with tax disputes, which often arise among those who disagree with government agencies citizens.

The tax lawyer of the college is ready to handle the case both in court and in administrative proceedings.

We provide the following services:

  • Providing explanations regarding what consequences await the client for performing tax transactions, either verbally or in writing;
  • Drawing up an appeal against the decision of the tax authority and submitting it either to a court or to an administrative body;
  • Support of bankruptcy organized by the tax authority;
  • Conducting an appeal case before the court;
  • Assistance in reviewing accrued taxes;
  • Drawing up new tax schemes that are most suitable for the client when reorganizing taxes;
  • VAT refund;
  • Assistance in resolving disputes with the tax authorities.

Modern Russian system Taxation is the most confusing in the world. It is very difficult for an ordinary citizen to understand all its intricacies. Therefore, the help of a tax lawyer is the optimal and reasonable way to resolve the tax issue once and for all.

A competent tax lawyer is able to optimize the company’s taxation scheme as much as possible. It is worth noting that important feature tax legislation of the Russian Federation is that almost every enterprise has the opportunity to pay taxes in principle different ways. Hence the conclusion: those who know how to present themselves to the tax authorities can save big!

Welcome, dear visitor! If you are here on the website of the “Tax Consultation “GUARANTEE””, it means that you need an accounting or tax assistance. We will be happy to help you solve problems and issues related to accounting and taxes, and also provide qualified legal advice in these areas.

The company "Tax Consultation "GUARANTEE" offers individuals and organizations of any form of ownership remote accounting and tax services and legal support for their business. The company's highly qualified specialists will be able to find optimal solutions even in the most complex and confusing situations.

The history of the company “Tax Consultation “GARANTIA”” begins in 2002, when we first entered the market of accounting and legal services. Over the years, we have managed to earn a strong position and a reliable reputation in the market; we have a lot of successfully completed tasks to our credit; our company’s clients include both well-known companies and young enterprises that have just started business. And if you need competent legal or accounting help, then we are always open for dialogue and long-term cooperation!