Dates are good for the heart. The incredible benefits of dates: for the heart, for blood vessels, for a beautiful figure

A unique dried fruit is able to improve the functioning of all body systems and become an indispensable product for every day for women, men and children.

Composition of dates

100 grams of dried fruit contains about 300 calories. It is an ideal product for set prevention excess weight- just replace them with all the sweets and the harmony of the figure will not be disturbed.

Scientists have found that 10 dates (just about 100 g), consumed every day, are able to saturate the body with magnesium, sulfur and copper, satisfy a person's need for iron by 50% and calcium by 25%.

The most important here are:

The combination of vitamin B5 with glucose and fructose - dates quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, so a couple of dried fruits eaten before the main meal will allow you not to overeat at lunch or dinner

Tryptophan is a source of vivacity and active mental activity. The amino acid protects the human psyche, prevents cells from aging, is indispensable for the health of the elderly and at the same time is a mild sleeping pill.

Glutamine - helps digestion, relieves heartburn
Pectin - resists ulcers and stomach cancer
Selenium - reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system
Potassium - supports the work of the heart
Iron - restores blood composition, raises hemoglobin
Vitamin A - good for vision
Vitamin B - regulates muscle function

1. Arteries

A huge amount of potassium in dates helps not only support the heart, but also release clogged vessels. This is what reduces the risk of seizures and heart disease. Only three dates a day - and your vessels will be easily cleansed.

2. Liver

Dates will help your liver get rid of toxins, reducing the risk of cirrhosis.

3. Heart

For the heart, dates are the most useful product. Very often doctors recommend them in the form of prevention of cardiovascular diseases. No wonder - dates are rich in potassium, lower cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels.

4. Eyes

Remember, at school, we were recommended to eat carrots for vision? It turns out that dates are much more effective and, to be honest, much tastier. These sweet fruits are very rich in vitamin A. Moreover, they produce a substance in the body that helps protect the shell of the eye from sunlight.

5. Energy

Dates are very nutritious. Athletes eat them all the time during a snack. The high content of sugar and healthy fats in them helps us feel full. 3 dates = energy charge for the whole day.

6. Digestion

As we have already understood, dates have an excellent cleansing effect. But they help not only the vessels, but also the stomach. That is why they are ideal for digestion. Dates have special acids that help digest food. Sometimes doctors recommend them even for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and even stomach cancer.

7. Painkiller

It's hard to believe, but it's true. Dates are a great pain reliever! Moreover, unlike medicines, they do not cause any addiction, although ... it's how you look at it. Dates have a special antibacterial effect, reducing the activity of infections in the body, and as a result, sensitivity to pain.

People prone to heart disease are advised to include various dried fruits in their diet.

If you eat them correctly and regularly, they support the activity of the heart muscle well, providing the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, among which potassium is especially valuable, which is indispensable for heart function and normal blood pressure.

Dried fruits and berries are added to cereals, pastries, desserts and casseroles, compotes, uzvars, healing mixtures and even sweets are prepared from them.

5 dried fruits that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system

And now we will consider which dried fruits have the most beneficial effect on the human heart.

1. Dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried pitted apricots. The abundance of potassium, magnesium, iron and B vitamins is their greatest advantage., they are mandatory included in the diet for people who have experienced heart surgery, monitor the composition of the blood and the nervous system. Dried apricots are indicated for:

  • arrhythmias;
  • the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • spasms of blood vessels, including coronary;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia and increased blood clotting;
  • obesity
  • edema of various etiologies;
  • violations of intestinal motility;
  • susceptibility to allergies.

Additional benefits of dried apricots are that they are a means of treating and preventing diseases, which are observed in almost all cores.

With a tendency to obesity, the use of dried apricots should become regular, but moderate: only 3-5 fruits per day.

2. Raisins

Dried grapes with and without seeds are just as good for the heart and strengthen blood vessels as dried apricots.

But it has a number of other advantages in the prevention and treatment of diseases that often accompany heart disease.

Raisins are very suitable for those who experience problems:

  • with the nervous system and blood vessels;
  • with the circulatory system.

Prevention of osteoporosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of sleep, increased immunity, elimination of vitamin deficiency, as well as the fight against inflammatory processes will become additional bonuses to.

It will also be pleasantly surprised by the fact that for all this it is not necessary to absorb useful, but high-calorie product in large quantities: To get all the benefits, it is enough to regularly eat just a few raisins a day.

3. Prunes

The help of prunes in the fight for healthy blood vessels is extraordinary. Just a few weeks regular use of this delicious product - and you will be surprised to find that:

  • normalized pressure;
  • improved work of the stomach and intestines;
  • metabolic processes were activated, began to leave excess weight and even reduced breath odor due to the antibacterial effect that is created by regularly including this dried fruit in your diet.

Prunes also increase immunity and are useful for diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.

4. Dates

This dried fruit is surrounded by many legends in cultures different peoples peace. The date has many advantages, including as a product that helps the circulatory system and the heart.

Date normalizes:

  • blood pressure;
  • blood composition;
  • brain work.

In addition, it is valued as:

  • antitumor agent;
  • useful product for tuberculosis;
  • dried fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the endurance of the body during physical and nervous stress.

5. Figs

Figs are generally a biblical plant. Dried figs have a wonderful ability to positively affect both the cardiovascular system and all other organs. Even when consumed in small doses, figs:

  • weakens spasms of blood vessels;
  • helps to reduce pressure;
  • prevents venous insufficiency;
  • reduces the likelihood of hypertension;
  • contributes to the disappearance of already appeared blood clots;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin.

An important advantage of this valuable product is the fact that it:

  • improves the activity of the digestive system;
  • helps the kidneys;
  • is a prophylactic agent for diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • eliminates beriberi;
  • useful in reducing immunity.

More dried fruits

Dried berries and fruits middle lane just as useful for the heart muscle and vascular elasticity as dried fruits from warm countries. Moreover, heart failure is usually accompanied by diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • obesity and other metabolic problems.

With all these diseases, it is necessary to include in the daily diet not only dried apricots and raisins, but also dried ones:

  • pears and apples;
  • cherries and raspberries;
  • red and chokeberry, etc.

Each of the listed products in dried form contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. and makes the diet of a person with abnormalities in the work of the heart more complete and healthy.

How to choose them correctly?

Due to the fact that recently dried fruits are often treated with sulfur dioxide for better storage and presentation, when they are used you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try not to buy dried fruits in questionable places.
  2. It is advisable to choose not the brightest and most beautiful dried fruits: the most useful fruits- are rather plain in appearance, their skin does not shine, and they have natural discreet shades.
  3. Before cooking, it is advisable not only to rinse the product, but also soak three times for half an hour in drinking water room temperature, changing the water each time.

Here is an infographic that demonstrates well what is worth buying and what is not:

Try to choose only natural dried fruits. In this case, they will not bring any harm, but on the contrary, they will please the body with all their useful properties.

Medical recipes based on them

A mixture of any dried fruits with the addition of honey and nuts to them will be extremely useful. Depending on the purpose of use and the disease, dried fruits are prepared from:

  • compotes for daily use in any diet;
  • uzvars for better preservation of vitamins (bring to a boil, turn off and infuse a mixture of dried fruits, berries and leaves of fruit plants and shrubs);
  • , using products with a concentrated composition.

The most common recipe is Amosov's pasta. Its preparation is simple, but the result of daily use is extremely useful.

  1. Soak dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, taken 250 grams each, in boiled water three times for half an hour, changing the water.
  2. Drain water, dry on a towel;
  3. Rinse one lemon, cut lengthwise and remove the seeds;
  4. Pass dried fruits and lemon through a meat grinder;
  5. Add a glass of chopped walnuts and 250 grams of honey, mix.

The resulting healing paste is stored in the refrigerator and taken in a tablespoon several times a day on an empty stomach.

You can prepare a similar mixture with a slightly different composition:

  • cranberry instead of lemon ();
  • raisins and any nuts;

You can also add cinnamon, flaxseeds, etc. to the mixtures.

Such pastes are an unusually tasty “medicine”. But you should not consume them more than 4 tablespoons a day because of the high concentration of their composition and calorie content.

What else should be consumed?

The core menu should not be limited to dried fruit dishes. And you can not categorically refuse those products that are harmful in large quantities, but are necessary in a limited amount. In the daily diet should be a variety of healthy foods:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fresh and dried herbs and fresh and dried (, carrots, celery, cucumbers, (with caution in tachycardia), sweet bell peppers;
  • turkey, rabbit and lean chicken pieces;
  • sea ​​fish, shrimp, squid;
  • daily protein 1 egg and 3-4 yolks per week;
  • all cereals, except semolina, legumes;
  • unrefined vegetable linseed, sunflower. olive oil;
  • butter - 5-10 grams per day;
  • low-fat (but not fat-free!) dairy products;
  • wheat and rye bran;
  • , especially , ;
  • natural honey;
  • any nuts;
  • berries, especially grapes, black currants, blueberries, cranberries, viburnum, red and chokeberry;
  • natural salted (not smoked) fat 1-2 times a week for 15-20 grams;
  • dry red wine;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • green weak and herbal teas.

Also check out the infographic:

Of course, the excessive use of these products can also cause any problems. Therefore, in everything you need to observe the measure and caution and do not forget about the need to prepare a variety of food.

What should be avoided?

There is still a list of products that are not useful for the cores in any quantity. It is advisable to abandon them forever, gradually removing them from your diet. These are rich in saturated fats, sugars or other harmful substances and high-calorie foods:

  • strong meat broths;
  • red meat, fatty and fried meat;
  • liver, kidneys, brains, caviar;
  • fatty cheese;
  • salted and smoked foods;
  • tonic carbonated drinks;
  • fatty dairy and sour-milk products;
  • store-bought yogurt and ice cream;
  • margarine and spread;
  • chocolate bars;
  • sweet pastries and cookies;
  • beer and spirits;
  • Lots of coffee and very strong black tea.

Also check out the picture:

Rejecting all of the above, the core does not lose anything except diseases. It is very easy to wean yourself from such products, replacing them with useful ones, the choice of which is much larger.

Also check out the video below:

Each of the dried fruits and berries has its own health value. of cardio-vascular system and their recommendations for use. The general warning is this: since this is a concentrated and high-calorie product, it is advisable to consume it in the morning and in reasonable moderation.

Dates are an oriental delicacy that both adults and children love. In addition to excellent taste, this fruit has a whole range of healing properties. What are the benefits and harms of dates for the human body? Let's figure it out.

What kind of fruit is a date

The date is a fruit that grows on the date palm. One such tree can produce up to 200 kilograms of fruit per year. It has a very rich elemental composition. In it you can find:

  • up to 70% carbohydrates;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, A, PP, E;
  • folic acid;
  • trace elements such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium.

It should be noted that carbohydrates obtained from dates are called fast carbohydrates, since their composition is natural fructose, glucose and sucrose. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Dried dates: benefits and harms

Dry date palm fruits are commercially available, which is why they are classified as dried fruits. Let's try to figure out what are the benefits and harms of dried dates for the human body, when and in what quantities you need to eat these healthy fruits so as not to harm your body.

This product is unique and has a certain effect on the male and female body:

  1. The benefits of dates for women lies in its antioxidant effect. So, the use of several fruits a day contributes to: psychological relaxation, stops the aging process, makes the symptoms that appear during menopause less painful, increases sexual libido.
  2. When using dates, men can experience the following beneficial effects: increased potency, a surge of physical strength, improved brain activity, and has preventive properties for hemorrhoids.

By consuming these dried fruits, a person significantly reduces the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases, stroke. Eating dates helps to eliminate the effects of stress.

The benefits and harms of dates for the body - we understand the healing properties

Such a product has a beneficial effect both on the whole organism and on each organ separately. Consider what dates are useful for in more detail.

Application for heart problems

An excellent solution would be dates for the heart, as they contain:

  • vitamin. BUT;
  • most of the vitamins of the group. AT;
  • selenium.

These elements contribute to the proper functioning of the heart muscles. You need to eat dates on an empty stomach in the morning in the amount of 3-4 pieces. This will prevent heart attacks, as the components of the product help lower triglyceride levels and reduce the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood.

How to use for hypertension

The trace element composition of this fruit allows you to normalize blood pressure, so it is often eaten as a prevention of hypertension. In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat 3-4 dried fruits 30 minutes before a meal. You should not get carried away with dates, as their calorie content can cause weight gain, which, as you know, is often a provocateur of increased pressure.

Useful for vascular problems

The vascular system is the main transport route through which oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the cells of the whole organism. Dates for vessels are useful for their high content of potassium, which helps to clear the lumen in the clogged areas of the vessels. This fruit can act as a prevention of the accumulation of cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries, thereby preventing thrombosis.

Home therapy with dates

AT medical purposes Eastern healers were the first to use this fruit. Today and domestic ethnoscience actively uses these dried fruits in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

  1. Cough medicine. Dried fruits can be made good medicine from a persistent cough. For cooking, stock up on milk. Pour 6 fruits of a date tree with milk so that they are completely covered. Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes. Cool, drain the milk, and eat the dates before going to bed. Such a medicine reduces the inflammatory process, facilitates the process of expectoration, removes mucus and softens the cough.
  2. Medicine for worms. In the morning, 100 grams of dates are eaten. Nothing else to eat before lunch. Repeat these actions for 7 days. Usually this period is enough to notice the effect.
  3. Heartburn medicine. Glutamic acid, which is included in the list of elements that are present in the fetus, helps to cope with heartburn. Three dates on an empty stomach in the morning will help you forget about the problem.
  4. Medicine for stomach problems. Before treating the gastrointestinal tract with dates, you need to know that their use for constipation, colitis, gastritis is unacceptable. It is recommended to eat fruits of a date tree if:
  • a mild laxative effect is needed;
  • it is necessary to activate intestinal motility;
  • microflora should be stabilized.

How to eat oriental delicacy

To get the maximum benefit from date palm fruits, you need to eat them correctly. The following rules will teach you how to do this:

  1. Before eating, the fruit should be washed well.
  2. They should be consumed at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. There is such a product, it should be separate from others, since different combinations, for example with an orange, can cause frustration.
  4. Use dates instead of sweets for tea, it's tasty and healthy.

The harm of dates for the human body and contraindications to their use

No matter how useful this miracle fruit is, it also has a harmful effect. If you eat more than 10 pieces of fruit daily, then there are risks:

  • development of allergic reactions to this product;
  • the occurrence of flatulence, constipation;
  • digestive disorders;
  • the appearance of causeless headaches and insomnia;
  • depression of the nervous system (lethargy, lethargy).

As for contraindications, people who have:

  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • excess weight;
  • caries.

As you can see, this oriental delicacy has more benefits than harm to the body, so eat dates for health, only in organic quantities.

In the Middle East and North Africa, dates have been included in the human diet since ancient times. The juicy fruits of the date palm served as a second bread for the poor; in dried form, they were used to satisfy hunger in caravans. Healers used dates in the treatment of many diseases.

What are the benefits and harms of dates for the body, how to use them, and to whom the fruits are contraindicated?

What are dates rich in?

Ripening under the hot eastern sun, dates absorb natural strength and receive a large set from the earth. useful substances. In the amber berry of the East there is copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, boron, iron. It is rich in protein and various amino acids. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B6, B2, C. As you can see, the list of substances useful for the human body is impressive.

Despite the high content of carbohydrates, up to 65%, the fruits of the date palm are not contraindicated in diets. They do not contain cholesterol, and carbohydrates are represented by easily digestible fructose, glucose and sucrose.

With such a set of minerals, healing microelements and vitamins, the date could not help but get on the table of a person. Add to this the pleasant sweet taste of the fruit, and it will become clear why it is so appreciated in the countries of the East, and not only in them.

What are the benefits of dates for the human body

Numerous studies by scientists and physicians have stated that the date benefits both adults and children. So what and how does the fruit of the date palm help?

  • Date is able to relieve insomnia, improve sleep and relieve depression.
  • Useful for the female reproductive system. It supplies substances that strengthen the muscles of the uterus and vagina, which allows you to bear a fetus without the threat of miscarriage.
  • Increases potency in men. For amplification male power soak it in milk for 24 hours, add honey and cardamom. If you drink this composition in the morning, then the man will always be in excellent sexual shape.
  • A few date fruits eaten for breakfast relieve problems with the intestines and improve its functioning.
  • By supplying the body with potassium, it stimulates the work of the heart in case of heart failure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, speeds up recovery after a long illness, and helps with paralysis of the facial nerve.
  • The dietary fiber of the fetus is able to stop the formation of dangerous tumors. Together with pectin, they increase the peristalsis of the stomach, helping the proper absorption of food.
  • It helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertension, improves blood flow in anemia, and is useful for diabetic nutrition.
  • It has a positive effect on human brain activity.
  • They are also good for teeth. Fluorine contained in fruits prevents caries and strengthens tooth enamel.

The versatility of the healing properties of dates is manifested in all areas of human life. Its medicinal, nutritional and dietary qualities are comparable to cereals.

A delicious oriental fruit is also in demand in cooking. It is added to pastries, salads, compotes. Dates are used to produce honey and sugar. In Arab countries, a nutritious paste is made from the fruits of the date palm, which has a long shelf life.

Dates are useful for athletes and people involved in fitness. They maintain the tone of the body, quickly restore strength, give energy for exercise.

What is the harm of dates and to whom they are contraindicated

With all the usefulness of dates, there is a whole list of restrictions on their use.

  • The high glycemic index of dates is dangerous for those with diabetes. even a few berries can trigger an increase in blood sugar.
  • In a limited amount, it is worth eating fruits for people who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.
  • The fruits should not be consumed by those who suffer from fructose intolerance.
  • They are not recommended for people who have kidney problems. Especially with urolithiasis.
  • The high calorie content of dates is harmful for people prone to obesity.

Whether you have restrictions on the use of date palm fruits, or not, fruits should not be eaten in large quantities. 10 berries a day are enough for children and adults to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

How to choose dates and in what form to eat

In stores, dates are sold in dried form. They bring fruit from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Israel. The highest quality fruits are those that are ripe and dried on a palm tree. Manufacturers, in order to speed up the process of preparing the marketable appearance of fruits, subject them to heat treatment. Drying is carried out in special ovens. All beneficial features dates are saved, you can safely buy them.

If the fruits were soaked in sugar or glucose syrup, they lost a large number of useful elements. This product does not have healing properties for the body.

Refuse to buy fruits that stick together in the package, and sugar crystals are visible on their surface. Defiantly shiny berries are a sign of processing dates with fat. It's not worth taking them.

It is important to eat these fruits properly. It is better for children to give them with whole milk. If you have problems with digestion, cook compotes from dates. When using them in dried form, remove the skin from the berries. In fruit salads, they go well with apples and various slightly acidic fruits. You can not combine fruits with lemons, oranges, grapefruits. The high amount of moisture in citrus fruits kills the flavor of the date.

Dates- the fruits of the date palm, a tall tree of the palm family, with long (up to 6 meters) large leaves. Dates - juicy berries, large, oval or spherical amber-red color.

Dates are an amazing fruit, which in many countries are credited with properties to improve health and prolong life. It is said that in China there are centenarians whose diet is exclusively based on dates. In any case, this is a very healthy product, and many nutritionists recommend eating it instead of sweets. In addition, dates have been known for their healing properties since ancient times.

Doctors have found that low blood sugar often leads to the fact that a person experiences an exorbitant feeling of hunger, and after eating just a few dates, the feeling of hunger disappears. Thus, if a fasting person first eats dates when breaking the fast, then later he will be satisfied with a small amount of food, will not overeat and will not harm either his spiritual or physical health.


Proteins (5.8%).

Fats (0.2-0.5%).

Carbohydrates - 60-65% - the highest percentage compared to all other fruits.

15 salts and minerals. The amount of mineral compounds in dried dates varies from 0.1 to 91%.

So, minerals are represented by phosphorus (30-350 mg/100 g), calcium (34-60 mg/100 g), iron (0.7-6.0 mg/100 g), potassium (up to 700 mg/100 g ), sodium (up to 1 mg/100 g), copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc.

Oil (0.2-0.5%).

23 different amino acids that are missing from most other fruits.
Dates are also rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is also essential for optimal brain function and maintaining a normal mental state, especially in old age. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in food allows you to stop the aging process of cells. In addition, thanks to tryptophan, dates have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

In addition to tryptophan, dates also contain another amino acid, glutamic acid, which prevents heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acid.

Vitamin B (0.07-0.09 mg/100 g), B2 (0.05-0.1 mg/100 g), B5 (0.1-2.2 mg/100 g), vitamin C (up to 30 mg / 100 g), as well as pantothenic acid (B5), niacin, vitamins A, A 1.

Pectin (0.5-3.9%).

Dietary fiber (6.4-11.5%).

Beta-carotene (30-145 mg/kg).

Fluoride protects teeth from caries.

Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens immune system and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Due to the combination of a huge amount of sugars (glucose and fructose (26-55%), which are quickly absorbed by the body) with vitamin B 5, date palm fruits have a valuable property not only to quickly satisfy hunger, but also restore physical strength, energy and freshness of the brain and nerves.

Like most plant foods, dates do not contain cholesterol.

The energy value 100 g of the edible part of the fruit - 142-274 calories, dried or dried - 340 calories. The fruits contain from 40.0 to 77.5% of dry matter. The date is low in calories, so feel free to use it instead of sweets, and your weight will be normal.

Buying at least 200 g of dates on the market, you buy an incredible amount of minerals, salts and vitamins.

Scientists believe that 10 dates a day is enough to provide daily requirement a person in magnesium, copper, sulfur, half the need for iron, a quarter of the need for calcium.

So, eating only dates and water, you can live for several years.

Modern medicine has also paid quite close attention to dates as the subject of many years of study, academic research, during which numerous beneficial features this product.

Among them:

Dates are an excellent tool in the fight against harmful amoeba;

Dates contain substances that kill pathogenic bacteria in the human body;

Dates are an indispensable food and medicine for astronauts, and they are also much healthier than caviar;

Dates contain substances that promote increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which greatly facilitates the process of childbirth in a woman, makes it quick and not so painful;

Dates contain vitamin A, which maintains and improves vision at night;

Due to the presence of vitamin B, dates are very useful for the normal functioning and development of the muscular system;

Dates improve appetite;

Dates are fruit, food, medicine, drink and sweetness.

Of course, it is clear that a person can live without dates, but they are extremely beneficial for health.

With mental stress
It is believed that dried dates have a beneficial effect on the brain, increasing its performance by 20% or more;

With physical fatigue and exhaustion
Just half an hour after eating dates, even a very tired person regains strength and energy;

With diseases of the respiratory tract;

For cardiovascular diseases
Due to the high content of potassium. In case of heart failure, dates stimulate the activity of the heart, serve as a tonic and tonic, restore strength after a long illness;

With anemia, anemia;

To prevent the development of ulcers and cancer of the stomach, intestines
Pectin and dietary fiber increase intestinal motility, thereby preventing the development of cancer;

To increase the amount of male seed;

With impotence;

With disorders of the nervous system;

For successful labor
It is very useful to use dates for women in order to restore the body after childbirth. Scientific experiments have shown that dates contain special stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. And this, in turn, not only facilitates the process of childbirth, but also reduces the period of postpartum hemorrhage;

At seasickness and motion sickness;

With colds;

To prevent miscarriages;

To strengthen the walls of capillaries;

To improve digestion, eliminate gastrointestinal disorders
Dates are very useful for digestion, they have a cleansing effect on digestive system. And the Russian scientist I. I. Mechnikov recommended consuming dates for intestinal disorders;

To improve vision, reduce eye fatigue;

To enhance blood circulation, reduce high blood pressure;

To reduce side effects from many antibiotics;

To prevent aging, dates prolong life;

To enrich mother's milk with vitamins
The use of dates by nursing mothers contributes to the enrichment breast milk many essential vitamins for the full development of the child, increasing the resistance of the baby's body to many diseases. Therefore, it is these fruits that modern nutritionists recommend to pregnant and lactating women;

To heal bleeding gums
The minerals contained in dates are very important for teeth. They are one of the building and strengthening of dental tissue substances. This is the reason for the benefits of dates for teeth;

To strengthen the immune system;

To prevent the formation of carcinogens;

To reduce the likelihood of blood clots, to help increase resistance to infections;

For children unbalanced and suffering from nervous disorders;

To prevent heart disease and blood pressure related diseases;

For the treatment of edema and dizziness caused by diseases of the inner ear;

With premenstrual syndrome in women;

To regulate blood sugar;

To remove heavy metal ions from the body;

To eliminate depression in pregnant women;

To prevent arthritis;

To suppress pain (contain substances similar in structure to aspirin);

To reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer
Sometimes patients do not have enough money for expensive medicines. But this is not such an irreparable problem. The benefits of dates in the treatment of cancer are very great. The patient can eat dates, and this must necessarily give a positive effect. During the year, dates can always be found in most shops at a relatively low price;

To improve metabolism in the body and lower blood cholesterol levels;

In the treatment of helminthic invasions of the liver and jaundice, due to the presence of vitamin B, dates are an excellent addition;

Like date sugar poultices. They are effective for muscle pain.

Since sun-dried and dried dates have a sticky surface and can get pollutants and bacteria on them, they should not be kept outdoors for a long time, and they should be washed before use.


Gastrointestinal gas formation

There are pressed dates with ground black cumin.

Means for growth and lengthening of eyelashes

Burn and grind a few pressed dates. Before going to bed, bring your eyes with the resulting powder.

Disorder and pain of the colon

Take on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and then eat 7 pressed dates. And in the evening before going to bed, take 1 teaspoon of camel hay oil and drink 100 ml of black cumin decoction.


Often drink a decoction of dates with rice.

Anemia, impotence and chronic fatigue

Put 10 fresh dates in a liter jar, add 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1/8 teaspoon of cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Close the jar and leave it in a warm place for at least 2 weeks. After that, eat a date every morning.


When treating a migraine, it is advisable to start with a back and neck massage. Next, the doctor will prescribe homeopathic remedies. In addition, you need to drink Chinese green tea daily, as it lowers intracranial pressure. In the first weeks after the start of treatment, it makes sense to drink an infusion of horsetail grass (1/5 cup 3 times a day) and eat 50-100 g of dates daily.

Nervous diseases

Eat dates with a glass of milk.

Exhaustion and thinness

More often eat dates along with nuts, such as peanuts.

Recipe to improve mucus flow and soothe joint pain

Make date honey and drink 3 times a day.


Mix dates, honey, black cumin and Alexandrian leaf (cassia), taken in a ratio of 1: 1. Consume in small portions.

Firming (tonic) means

Grind an equal amount of pressed dates, camel hay, black myrobalan, ginger, cinnamon and mix everything with honey, heating over low heat. Then pour the mixture coconut milk and eat like jam.

To increase potency

Pour a glass of dates with 2 glasses of fresh milk, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder there. Mix well, leave for 24 hours in a cool place. Eat dates during the day with milk. Daily use of a mixture of dates, milk and cinnamon will increase sexual desire and make semen abundant. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.

prescription for constipation

Pour 5 pieces of dates with 0.5 liters of water and boil like compote. Pour the cooled broth into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. And with the remaining "compote" do this: throw a handful oatmeal, mix and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Here's your breakfast, tasty and healthy.

Treatment of stroke and facial paralysis

Ripe soft dates should be pitted, passed through a meat grinder and eat 2-3 teaspoons of this paste 3 times a day after meals. If it is difficult to swallow, you can slightly dilute with milk or ghee. The course of treatment is a month or more.

Remedy for indigestion (ancient recipe)

A decoction of dates with rice is an excellent remedy for indigestion: pour 5 washed fruits with a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool, remove the bones, rub the pulp and add the decoction. Mix a glass of boiled rice with the resulting mixture and use for dessert. It is important not to overdo it, because the abuse of dates can cause a headache.

For good bowel function

Mix 5 chopped fresh dates, 1 teaspoon of melted butter and 2 pinches of black pepper. This mixture should be eaten early in the morning from 5.30 to 6.00 am, after which no food or drink should be taken for 2 hours. Such a mixture enhances the absorption and assimilative functions of the intestine, and also improves bone tissue nutrition, stool formation, and muscle tone.

Although ghee is a saturated oil, its molecular structure is different from other animal fats. It is made up of short chain fatty acids (easily absorbed by the body), as opposed to long chain fatty acids (which are difficult to digest and cause cancer and blood clots). Ghee is more nutritious and studies have shown that, if consumed in moderation, does not increase blood cholesterol levels.

With anemia, sexual weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome

Place 10 fresh dates in a jar of ghee (about 1 liter), add 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Close the lid and leave in a closed warm place for a week. After a week, eat 1 date early in the morning. It is a good remedy for anemia, sexual weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and morning sickness during pregnancy.

For palpitations and chest pain

Two dates, crushed and mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey, are a good remedy for palpitations and chest pains.

With hypertension

If the patient does not have high blood sugar, you can eat 50-100 g of dates every morning half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, a break of 10 days, after which the course can be repeated.

With hoarseness and dry cough

Boil 10 dates for half an hour in 0.5 liters of water. Drink the decoction hot. You can also boil 6-7 dried dates in 1 glass of milk.

To increase vitality

Date drink: Soak 5 fresh dates in a glass of water overnight. The next day, grind the dates (don't forget to remove the pits) in the same water in a blender and drink. The drink will give you vitality and energy.

Children's recipes

1. Dried dates are good for children to chew when they are teething.

2. For teething diarrhea, give your child half a spoonful of date sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day. Date sugar is an excellent substitute for white sugar and is a rich source of iron.

Contraindications and side effects.

If you do not use dates in large quantities, you can not be afraid of side effects.

People suffering from acute gastritis, enteritis, colitis should consume them in small quantities.

2) Due to their high sugar content, they are not recommended for diabetes as well as people prone to obesity and overweight.

3) Abuse of these fruits can cause severe headache.

4) Dates are digested for a long time, so they are not recommended to be consumed 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

In terms of calories, dates are superior to all other fruits. And now dates are for Arabs, which is bread for Russians. They eat them boiled and fried, make jams, jellies, various drinks.

In dried or dried form, dates are very well preserved. Since ancient times, they were taken with them on long trips (they do not take up much space and are very high in calories). They are served with tea along with figs and other sweets.