Forecast for the lunar day. Fifteenth lunar day What lunar day 15

The main symbol of the 15th lunar day- snake. Additional – jackal.

Stones of the 15th lunar day- agate, emerald, jet.

Colors of the 15th lunar day- black, scarlet and red.

Organ- diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

The image of a snake has long been used as an emblem that showed the sign of healing. Thus, the symbol of a snake can carry a state of understanding and wise protection.

An additional symbol of this day is the jackal. This beast sees in the dark and much that is connected with it carries something repulsive and frightening.
Under the auspices of these two symbols, the day can be divided into two halves. The first part of the day can be spent in a good mood, everything will work out. The second part of the day can show a person a certain experience. The second half of the day can last a long time and, therefore, by the evening you can be exhausted. But you will be very happy that the day is coming to its logical conclusion. And before you go to bed, analyze all the events, and you will understand that you have become wiser and more mature.

Main characteristics of the 15th lunar day

On the 15th lunar day it will seem to you that everything is achieved in a difficult and difficult way. On this day the influence of the new moon is felt. The 15th lunar day is the day when everything is bathed in energy. A very busy day.

It is important for a person to understand that your feelings and sensations will be heightened. But negative traits can prevail over positive character traits. You need to understand that a person simply needs to splash out his energy. And this manifests itself in emotions. Try to ensure that only good emotions find a way out.
We must not forget that a person can be called a person who acts deliberately, and he will not harm another person, no matter how this person drives him out.
On the 15th lunar day you need to be as careful as possible so as not to be irritable and inattentive.

Wisdom and awareness are necessary components of this day so that the day passes harmoniously and without complications. On this day you need to rely on your intuition and inner voice, which will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Health and the 15th lunar day

The new moon is the beginning of a new cycle. As you know, when something starts, activity increases. Therefore, all processes of the body will be in a state of movement, the beginning of movement.

You need to pay attention to the states of the body that will occur on this day. Since blood circulation has increased, the absorption of medications will occur quickly. This will benefit those who need to take them.
On the 15th lunar day, you need to pay attention to those people who have chronic diseases. Their condition may worsen. It is better for them to drink decoctions and infusions; they should not abuse pills.

On the 15th lunar day, do not drink a lot of liquid. It will be poorly absorbed. But in small doses, tasty drinks will lift your mood and improve your well-being.
If you always lead an active lifestyle, then today you need to reduce the amount physical training. Loads should be moderate or completely abandoned. Nothing will happen in one day if you don’t do fitness or other types of gymnastics.

The energy of the 15th lunar day is unstable, therefore a certain imbalance will appear in people’s condition. You can be led by your character weaknesses.

In order for your emotional and mental state to find harmony and balance, it is better to practice yoga and spiritual practices.

Love and the 15th lunar day

On the 15th lunar day, there is no need to create illusions about romantic relationships. On this day you need to be calm and not show strong emotions, because they will be out of place.

Both a man and a woman can express their feelings, but in a way that does not involve romance in the relationship. Save this display of love for a more auspicious day.

On the 15th lunar day, give up intimacy. It is the refusal of it that can bring you more joy. Your mutual understanding will increase, and you will simply become closer spiritually.

The energy of the day will make you want more pleasure, even if it is short-term. Try to get rid of these feelings. They are sent by the dark side of the day.

Don’t do rash actions today that could lead to difficulties and misunderstandings. Be able to understand your partner's condition. Your relationship still needs to be sorted out, but sorted out delicately and without offending both sides.

Work and creativity on the 15th lunar day

Since the 15th lunar day is endowed with half negative energy, it will be difficult to carry out any work in household chores. But on this day you can clean the premises. The house in which energy cleansing is sometimes carried out has greater protection from negativity.

The 15th lunar day is very bad for starting new and important things. There will be success only in the legal field. Those people who are planning to file a lawsuit will be surrounded by an aura of protection. You will be successful if you are absolutely sure that there is no untruth in this matter, and everything is legal.

Today is the day when you need to fight for the right to be understood. Avoiding the fight will make you think that you are to blame for something. But you just need to prove that injustice was done to you. You just need to prove to the accusing party that you are not guilty of anything.

If your partners want to sign an important agreement, then by all means, citing significant arguments, dissuade them from this idea. It is better to postpone signing documents until a more favorable time.

Creative people can create their own masterpieces. On the 15th lunar day, long-forgotten paintings can find a response in people’s souls. After all, art is also endowed with wisdom, just like the symbol of this day. These two energies have converged and can produce a charge of favorable combination of circumstances.

For those born on the 15th lunar day

On the 15th lunar day, people who are very emotional are born. They do not know how to restrain their emotions and therefore, because of this, unpleasant situations can happen to them.

Due to the contradictions that occur within them, the character of such people is difficult. From childhood, such children need to be taught to restrain their emotions. It is necessary to explain that this may be ugly, that you can harm yourself.
People born on this day feel at the level of high intuition when they are told a lie. You need to be as frank as possible with them, otherwise they won’t even want to see you, much less hear you.

Those born on this day are distinguished by high leadership qualities. They are able to gather good people around them and lead them to new heights and achievements.

Signs of the 15th lunar day

On the 15th lunar day, it is better to stay at home so as not to get into trouble. The less you pay attention to what surrounds you today, the calmer your soul will be. A quarrel, even one that you can only observe, is considered a bad omen for this day. Be reasonable.

Magic rituals of the 15th lunar day

Today you can perform rituals that will attract more money. This magical ritual is also called lunar, because the 15th lunar day is full of strong lunar energy. Because the moon, the new moon, is born.

Particular caution on the 15th lunar day

Take food with extreme caution on the 15th lunar day. The intestines and pancreas will be the most vulnerable on this day. There is no need to overeat, eat only light foods. Pay attention to your breathing, which is closely connected to the diaphragm. On the 15th lunar day, try not to harm your health.

Dreams and visions on the 15th lunar day

On the 15th lunar day, you can see dreams that were dictated by a person’s subconscious. These dreams reveal all the nuances of your personality. These dreams will tell you about many things that you would like to see or, on the contrary, never notice. A complete image of your entire essence may appear, with both your bad and good sides.

By interpreting the dream, you can understand what controls you and directs you to this or that action.

Today in a dream you can see both light and dark side Of your life. If the dream was calm and full of light, it means that a bright spiritual principle predominates in your essence. If you woke up and realized that you had a bad dream, then you need to start cleansing yourself from dark forces.

Mantras for the 15th lunar day

I am confident that I will receive support from other people.

Infinite Intelligence helps my mind achieve well-being.

The necessary people are attracted to me, to whom I am grateful (grateful).

My life flows in harmony with the world and Heaven.

I am confident that I will achieve success.

The 15th lunar day is considered both positive and negative at the same time. This means that all the positive and negative qualities of a person will be significantly enhanced. It is very important to remain calm on this day and not quarrel with loved ones if you really value your relationships. On this day, everything secret can become clear, so it is better to be truthful and honest enough so that you do not have to blush for your words. The 15th lunar day is considered a critical day before the full moon; this is the time when the inner beginning of each person is activated; it is very easy to succumb to various temptations.

Characteristics of 15 lunar days

The special properties of the 15 lunar day are that this day usually falls either on the full moon or on the eve of the full moon. It is also called the dark day of Hecate. On this day, all things must be done very wisely and extremely carefully; it is better to restrain your emotions.

Characteristics of the 15th lunar day:

Energy: this day is considered very active;

Color: scarlet red, black;

Stone: agate, morion;

Direction: western;

Symbol: snake and jackal.

The key words of this day should be: completion of what was started, confidence, success and victory. And although a lot of temptations usually appear on this day, you should be careful and carefully monitor the signs. And although this day may cause a little laziness and fatigue, you need to concentrate and get ready, move towards success. You should not visit noisy companies, and do not visit places with large crowds of people.

The moon is very active on this day and it constantly strives to throw us new insoluble situations, it likes to put us in an uncomfortable position. But above all else, it helps to open the depths of the soul. On this day, various secrets may be revealed, and not everyone will be lucky.

The description of the lunar day, as a rule, says that you need to devote time to pacifying the flesh. You can follow some rules of asceticism on this day and stay away from people. These are the actions that will help you clear your inner world, take a breath and think about life. If you succumb to temptations, the lunar day will negatively affect the further development of events.

Lunar relationships

Romantic relationships, planned dates that are scheduled for the fifteenth lunar day, are best postponed, or postponed to another, better day. This is a rather difficult day, and romance on this day will be inappropriate. People who succumb to temptations on this day may experience negative consequences and regret their actions.

It is best to postpone sex on this day. And although there are no contraindications for making love on this day, carnal pleasures can bring severe devastation the next day. You will feel empty and disappointed. It is best to abstain and spend the day calmly.

Astrologers say that on this day only mature people can get married, who do not tend to be naive, who know what to expect from marriage. This day will also be favorable for those who are getting married not for the first time.

Astrologers categorically do not recommend that young couples start a family on this day, because such a marriage very often ends in divorce. The energy of the moon is so powerful that young families cannot cope with such a powerful flow of energy.

Conceiving a child

The 15th lunar day for conception is considered a critical day. Today you should be extremely careful, and conceiving a child on this day is undesirable. Since this day contains everything negative and positive, the child will combine love and hatred, which will control him all his life.

Astrologers categorically recommend not planning conception on this day; it is best to choose a calmer day for such a serious step. It is believed that the time of the full moon is quite alarming, and you should not take any serious steps that can greatly change your life. And although such a period is interesting, it also has dangers.

Work on this lunar day

The 15th lunar day is quite difficult, so important matters should be postponed. Although this day is very positive for the legal sphere. Astrologers recommend starting a trial, but only if you are confident that you are right. Especially if an injustice has been committed and you want to correct the situation. This time is suitable for struggle and restoration of justice.

This day is not the most suitable for changing jobs or quitting. There may be troubles and quarrels. If you are interested in a new job, you should also wait it out. You can only get a new job if you have already signed all the agreements. Then this day will be quite calm and will not bring unpleasant news.

This day will be positive for all people associated with creativity. There is an opportunity to have good fairs and sales. If you want to tell the whole world about yourself, then this day is very positive, because the flow of information on this day is at its maximum.

If conflicts and misunderstandings arise in work matters, it is worth resolving everything peacefully and quickly. You should not focus on the negative, but quickly resolve any conflicts. This applies to both superiors and subordinates.

Health on a lunar day

Fifteenth lunar day - this day is very good for starting a diet. On this day, astrologers recommend limiting yourself in food, which speaks of asceticism. Fasting on this day will have a positive effect on your thoughts.

Today, health requires special attention, especially for people who have chronic diseases ( diabetes, heart diseases). On this day you can start cleansing the body; the pancreas will need cleansing and various procedures more than ever. But there is no need to carry out operations. It is also impossible to carry out various acupuncture procedures and use hirudotherapy on this day. Blood loss should not be allowed.

Very often, diseases that begin on this day can be directly related to the evil eye or damage. And usually these diseases, even the simplest ones, last a very long time, are debilitating, and a person cannot recover from the disease for a long time.

If you adhere to these rules, the day will be very successful, do not forget that it is better not to drink alcohol and fatty foods on this day. It is better to focus on vegetables and fruits and eat only healthy foods. For meat lovers, it is better to give it up on this day; it will be good for your health.


The 15th lunar day is not the best for cutting hair best time. Indeed, on a lunar day today, cutting your hair can cause feeling unwell and health problems.

On this day you can dye your hair, but only in your natural hair color. Such changes can have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. If you dye your hair dark, all troubles will end and all adversities will pass by. But astrologers recommend that on this day it is better to avoid any serious changes, both in the personal sphere and in appearance. Hair cutting, even if it was previously scheduled, is better to reschedule or cancel. 15 lunar days hairstyles, lunar day haircuts are not the most important, and changing the hairstyle or color is best postponed for a few days.

This is a very important day and it is on this day that all wishes can come true. And although it is better not to do all the actions with your hair on this day, there is an opportunity to show leadership qualities and achieve success at work.

Characteristics of people born on the 15th lunar day

People born on the 15th lunar day have a very complex character; astrologers believe that they have an incredibly strong emotional beginning. Those born on this day must lead an ascetic lifestyle from childhood. Otherwise, for such people, whose birth falls on the 15th lunar day, emotions can take over. If a person follows only emotions and instincts, his life will be very difficult, because he will constantly suffer from his own actions.

A child born on this day should not lie, and it is very important for parents to instill sincerity and show the positive and negative. If you show a child good and bad, teach him to distinguish between them, the child can choose the right path and follow it all his life.

For people born on this day, it is very important to constantly improve, improve their inner qualities, and strive for the best. And although these people are usually very patient, they always want to find a place where they can really be alone.

People born on the 15th lunar day are very smart and quick-witted. They can realize themselves when they do what they like. Independence in all matters will be noticeable from the first day of birth. And although the person himself is very independent, he is still a leader and can manage a large number of people.

Dreams on the 15th lunar day

If you have dreams on the 15th lunar day, this may mean that people close to you cannot reach you. They try to warn you about the possible wrong decision you are about to make. Astrologers say that for each zodiac sign, dreams on the 15th lunar day mean different situations, largely depending on the Moon and its phase.

This day is very interesting, because if in ordinary life we control our emotions, words and choices, then in a dream everything happens differently. Our subconscious appears, which can reveal to us our most secret thoughts and desires. It is very important to remember the dream and be able to interpret it. Astrologers say that if everything was bright and pleasant in a dream, it means that your bright side prevails and even in a dream you are not subject to the dark and negative.

Such dreams on this day are always real, what happens to you in real life. Very often, in a dream, people can see the course of events that await them in the near future. Therefore, the dream is worth remembering and drawing certain conclusions.

You can, of course, use a dream book to interpret the dream, but attention should be paid to instincts and the inner subconscious. Draw on your own experience and think about the dream.

Ritual of the 15th lunar day

Astrologers consider this day to be very strong and if you carry out a lunar day ritual, then only at this magical time.

The ritual carried out today will carry a large amount of energy, because the full moon is a time when there is even an excess of energy. After all, it is on such a day that you can throw out all the negativity, but to prevent this from happening, you need to carry out different rituals. Direct energy in the right direction.

You can start rituals as early as the 14th lunar day, when energy begins to gradually accumulate. All information and decisions need to be correctly adjusted and adjusted.

On the 15th lunar day, various monetary rituals can be performed. You can prepare special charmed water, the energy of which is aimed at improving financial condition. This water should be carefully stored for a long time, after which it is worth taking a sip of water every day for the ritual to take effect.

There are many rituals with water, but astrologers recommend performing such rituals only with a trained person. It is best to choose a magician or sorcerer whose magic is closer to you.

The symbols of this day are snakes and jackals.

Unfavorable, dangerous day of the lunar month. On the 15th lunar day increased emotional excitability, tendency to commit rash actions. Fears, phobias, and obsessive states intensify. You may have nightmares that you shouldn't pay attention to. You need to treat the information you receive today with caution - the 15th lunar day tends to deception, illusions, and a distorted perception of the world. Nothing important can be done today. If possible, take time for yourself and your loved ones. On the 15th lunar day, the likelihood of injury and food poisoning increases.

New cases
Don't start anything new
An extremely unfavorable day. There is a high probability of failure in work and business. At every step, mistakes and blunders await you. Therefore, you should be careful and not start big things. It is also advisable to avoid the solution financial issues, postpone court proceedings and real estate transactions to another day. Conflicts may arise in relationships with colleagues and superiors. Try to resolve them peacefully.

Put everything aside. What has to do with money? Losses are possible today
Real estate
Pick another day
Court cases
Can unexpectedly turn against you
It is very difficult to perceive information
You can express your emotions in creativity
Could turn into an argument
A showdown on this day is fraught with serious consequences. People around you today are tense and unbalanced, so conflicts are possible. It is better to reduce the amount of communication today. In relationships between spouses or lovers, misunderstandings may arise. In this case, you need to be patient so as not to quarrel. Be gentle and control yourself.
As has already been said, today the strength of carnal attraction is increasing. But it is deceptive. There is a danger of even falling into depression.
Doesn't fit
Bad day to move
You can rest
Phys. loads
Should be moderate. High Injury Day
On this day, the hormonal and regulatory systems are overloaded, the pancreas and diaphragm are vulnerable. Surgery is not recommended
Today it is better to stop eating fatty, sweet, high-calorie foods. It is undesirable to consume meat and meat products. Possible food poisoning. It is recommended to have a fasting day on vegetables or fruits
Highly undesirable
Worth abstaining
It’s worth postponing such an important process for another day.
Those born on the 15th lunar day have a difficult fate. Such a person is forced to overcome difficult life trials, lose loved ones, and work a lot and hard. Such people have many talents. Those born on this day are under the influence of the astral serpent. They say about such people that they have the nature of a snake. Such people are talented, they are destined for a long life, not burdened by illness. However, they are subject to passions and temptations. If a person cannot subdue his flesh, then it will be difficult for him. Because of his susceptibility to passion, a person does poorly at school as a child, often falls unsuccessfully in love as a young man, and suffers from this. They can be unhappy all their lives until they realize that their only way to live a calm and fruitful life is to direct their energies and passions to find what they love. Simply put, they need to find their calling.
Our dreams today are unpleasant, but they speak of our internal problems. Today you may have nightmares, disturbing dreams. They carry information about our internal problems and sometimes suggest a way to solve them. Dreams almost always come true.
A haircut
Haircuts may result in headaches and obsessive mental states.
Leave the plants alone. You can only remove weeds and control pests

More details about the 15th lunar day

The symbol is a snake.

Dark day of Hecate, on the 15th lunar day it's a full moon.

Day of Hecate. One of the hardest days of the month. Today there are many temptations and temptations. However, the Moon provides energy to change your life once and for all.
An energetically very powerful day, it is difficult for our body to manage this energy, so it can get out of control.
The moon magnifies several times our both bad and good qualities. Everything that will happen to you today is the fruits of what you “sowed” in the first half of the month. And if everything goes wrong, there is nothing to blame for this on the Moon, it just reinforces what you yourself have developed.
At the same time, the Moon gives us today a choice of how to spend this day - succumb to carnal temptations or reach a new level of development.
Today there is a desire for excesses in food, entertainment, sex - you want carnal pleasures, you can be overcome by excitement. However, you should refrain from doing this. A short burst of pleasure will be replaced by fatigue and loss of strength, and there are still two weeks ahead before the start of the new lunar month.
In order not to succumb to temptations, not to “break the woods,” you need to keep your emotions under control, be patient with others and not indulge your weaknesses.
Emotional stress can lead to quarrels and conflicts - do not give in to the storm of emotions, maintain inner peace and be an observer. But also help other people cope with their problems, stand up for justice.
Any form of asceticism is favorable - fasting, solitude, pacification of the flesh.
However, you can use the energy of the day to bring to life what you did not have enough strength for - today there will be plenty of them.
The way you live today will be imprinted on the astral plane as a clear matrix according to which the next two weeks of the lunar month will develop. Therefore, if you direct your forces towards your very desired goal, the Moon will charge your intention with enormous power, thanks to which you will be able to overcome your inertia, change yourself and throw your desire into the future, like a lasso, and you yourself will “catch up” with it. new life. To do this, you just need to live this day the way you would like your life to go in the future.
If you spend the day in passivity, indulging your weaknesses, feeling sorry for yourself, then internal transformation will never come, the Moon will strengthen what you have “earned” and you will merge even more with your negative side of personality, which will become your true “I” "
A good day to pay off debts.
Accepting and giving gifts is contraindicated; they will lead to losses.
A good sign on this day is a dog, even a barking one.

The symbol of the day is the tempting serpent. There are many temptations and temptations around us. The desires of the flesh become paramount, instincts become more acute. The negative impact of the day is very great. Today it is easy to become pliant and lazy. Be careful, you can easily be deceived in this state. Do not accept gifts and do not quarrel with others.

Dedicate a day to taming the flesh. Fasting, solitude and the practice of any form of asceticism will be beneficial. This is the only way to cleanse yourself internally and begin life in the new lunar phase with a renewed soul.
The fifteenth lunar day can be compared to a bridge. It is difficult to cross this bridge. Only spiritually rich people who have not succumbed to temptation will cope. Those who fail to resist the negative influence of the day will face unpleasant consequences.

In terms of quantity and power of energy, today is not inferior to the previous one. However, our body is weakened and cannot control the energy of the current day. Therefore, first of all, calm your emotions and be patient with others. Don’t start quarrels and don’t get involved in other people’s conflicts, of which you will see a lot today. Find inner peace.

Stand up for justice and help other people cope with their problems.

Do not give in to carnal impulses. A casual sexual relationship will only bring disappointment in exchange for a short moment of bliss. Excitement may take over you. Remember that if you succumb to any of the temptations, negative consequences await you.

Based on today, we can judge the nature of the coming two weeks of the ending lunar month. If the full moon falls on today, then the rest of the lunar month will be rich in emotions. People will feel nervous and agitated.

Health and nutrition.

The day is favorable for fasting or fasting. Abstinence in food is encouraged, so it is better to avoid feasts. Otherwise, you can eat both sweet and bitter, spicy and hot food. It is better to abstain from meat and dairy products. Eat vegetables and berries. The body will benefit from consuming viburnum, barley, and legumes. Alcohol and smoking are not permitted.

Surgery is not recommended today. In general, it is best to stay away from sharp tools such as scissors. For this reason, you should not go to the hairdresser. Vulnerable organs today are the pancreas and diaphragm. The diseases that arise today are caused by disturbances in your karma. To recover faster, you need to cleanse yourself internally.

Love and relationships.

People around you today are tense and unbalanced, so conflicts are possible. It is better to reduce the amount of communication today. In relationships between spouses or lovers, misunderstandings may arise. In this case, you need to be patient so as not to quarrel. Be gentle and control yourself.

As has already been said, today the strength of carnal attraction is increasing. But it is deceptive. There is a danger of even falling into depression.

Work and creativity.

There is a high probability of failure in work and business. At every step, mistakes and blunders await you. Therefore, you should be careful and not start big things. It is also advisable to avoid resolving financial issues, postponing legal proceedings and real estate transactions for another day. Conflicts may arise in relationships with colleagues and superiors. Try to resolve them peacefully.
Today favors only people of art and science. They can confidently continue their business and not be afraid of failure.


on this day is under the influence of the astral serpent. They say about such people that they have the nature of a snake. Such people are talented, they are destined for a long life, not burdened by illness. However, they are subject to passions and temptations. If a person cannot subdue his flesh, then it will be difficult for him. Because of his susceptibility to passion, a person does poorly at school as a child, often falls unsuccessfully in love as a young man, and suffers from this. They can be unhappy all their lives until they realize that their only way to live a calm and fruitful life is to direct their energies and passions to find what they love. Simply put, they need to find their calling.


Conception is also undesirable. The child will have a difficult fate. Either love or hatred will dominate him. He will grow up either to be a great teacher or a noble scoundrel. Be careful when planning to conceive a child today.

A haircut

Haircuts today are also unfavorable because they lead to headaches.

Today you may have nightmares, disturbing dreams. They carry information about our internal problems and sometimes suggest a way to solve them. Dreams almost always come true.


Silence, peace, emptiness.

— any mindfulness practices;
- practice of victory over the flesh;
— practices of humility and repentance;
- eat viburnum;
- practices of attracting a soul mate.

1) Osho – “Vippasana” meditation
Meditation allows you to return to the “here and now” and develops awareness of the moment.
Stage 1: sitting (45 minutes)
Find a position in which you can sit completely still. If you need to change your position, it is possible. But do it slowly and deliberately. With your eyes closed, observe the rise and fall of the inhalation and exhalation just below the navel. Many things will distract your attention from breathing. As soon as you notice this, gently return to observing your breathing.
Stage 2: walking (15 minutes)
This is a slow, natural walk. Now you will not watch your breathing. The main object of observation will be the soles of your feet at the moment when they touch the floor when walking. Keep your eyes half-closed to see the floor in front of you several steps ahead.
(If you prefer to sit, you can sit for the entire hour)

2) Practice “Observation”
Pay attention to how people and situations will tempt you on this day. What will they offer? What are you easy to catch? Write it all down and meditate on it. Write down your observations at the end of the day.

3) Practice “Khortitsa Complex”
We get on all fours and imagine ourselves as a wolf.
We move our pelvis back and move our arms forward - we release our “claws” and stretch our body.
We move forward, as if sniffing out prey, and back again. Do this three times.
And we sit back on our heels. We lift our chin up and look “at the moon.”
And we howl, howling out all the negativity, all the unnecessary emotions that interfere with harmony.
When finished, we fold our palms in front of our chests, accepting ourselves and the world.
The practice is performed once, it allows you to get rid of the strongest emotional stress that intensifies on this day.

4) Practice “Meeting your soul mate or Secret Marriage”
Why this practice:
1. If you haven’t met your soul mate, it will bring your meeting closer. Because if this did not happen, then you have blocks in your subconscious that do not allow the Light of the Soul to do this for you (become distant). Perhaps these NPPs are associated with resentment towards the opposite sex, self-rejection, feelings of guilt, or simply the light of your Soul has come together like a wedge on someone.
2. If you have already met her, then improve your relationship. Because by accepting a new soul mate into practice, you turn on the distant Light of the Soul, which stimulates the development of your partner. After all, all the women of the world are hidden in every woman, and all the men of the Earth are present in every man, but they are in an unmanifested state. And by accepting a new woman or man, you stimulate your partner to open this line.
3. Gives a completely unique, magical, mystical experience of unity and exchange of energies with the opposite sex, an experience that is difficult to obtain in ordinary life. By acquiring it, you will be able to attract this feeling into your life.
This practice has one main condition: you should not expect that the person you consider to be your soul mate will come to you during the exercise. Many people have either a real person - a chosen one, or an image of a future chosen one in their dreams. This is exactly what can interfere with practice, because the main thing in it is to allow the person who comes in the form of a soul mate to come, and not the one you are waiting for.
It is important to remember that every person in this moment time has a certain degree of opening of the Soul. Depending on this, for him in this world there is necessarily a person of the opposite sex (half), who currently corresponds to his level of Soul Light. For example, your polar energy is 500 units. Leaving you, she moves through the Universe and finds the image of that person who has 500 units. energy. At the time of practice, the Light of your Soul coincides with the Light of the Soul of a certain (known to you or not) person, who comes to you during the exercise. Moreover, with each new practice, the image of the other half can change or be repeated; your task is to learn to accept it. After all, you are moving forward, your Soul is opening, and the person who came to the exercise before may have remained at the old level. And then another person comes to you in accordance with the openness of your Soul.
It often happens that a person comes to you who does not correspond to your ideal, taste and even causes rejection. You need to accept him and, moreover, connect with him as your only, beloved, unique one. When you do this, deep removal of blocks occurs - liberation from NPP. You discover a new petal of love within yourself, your creative energy, or the Light of the Soul, works more powerfully with all the positive consequences.
It may also happen that you will not see the face of your chosen one. Instead of a person, simply energy or images of animals can come to you: a dolphin, a tiger, a lion, and so on. This indicates your blocks, that in fact you do not accept the opposite sex. The Light of your Soul in the area of ​​your personal life works in close mode. Sometimes this even happens to people who have a partner or are married. This rejection, of course, affects both mental and sexual relations paired with. You can live with a person, have intimacy with him, but not accept him. This is transmitted to the partner, and he suffers from it. The consequences can be different: both drinking alcohol and finding another partner who will take it.
It’s worth working hard here - repeating this practice until a real living person comes to you.
The practice itself:
Turn on pleasant, meditative music. Lie down on the bed, close your eyes and relax. Feel that every cell of your body, like a flower bud in spring, opens and swings open to the sun. There is peace, tranquility, relaxation throughout the body. Then imagine that you are lying on the hot sand in complete privacy on the seashore. You can hear the sound of the snow-white surf; above there is a clear blue sky, along which rare clouds float. The sun is pleasantly hot. Peace, beauty and harmony reign throughout the world. This is an island in the ocean, and you are completely alone: ​​all your worries, troubles, worries are left there, far away, thousands of kilometers away. mainland. Experience the bliss of solitude. It does not put pressure on you, as happens when you are alone, but on the contrary, it inspires you. For only in true solitude do you gain integrity, unity with the world. Your Soul spreads its wings, and the world opens up to meet you - it opens up its endless possibilities of creativity, love, light.
Now look at the shore: a man is walking towards you along the edge of the snow-white surf - this is your soul mate. He moves towards you easily and joyfully, with love, and you feel a sweet excitement, anticipation of the bliss of the meeting. Try not to impose your image of a soul mate on this person - let whoever comes come. This is a very important point - permission. After all, a complete stranger to you may appear, and he may not correspond to your ideal. And this will not be surprising, because in fact, often our true soul mate does not coincide with our ideal, mental image of it.
Remember that each such meeting removes a block and opens a new petal of your Soul. Her Light becomes stronger, more distant and creates things in the area of ​​personal life: it brings closer and improves relationships if you already have a soul mate, and if not, it speeds up the time of meeting with her.
Your soulmate came up to you, and you hugged - and a mystical, mysterious act of unity began. Do what you want: swim, play, make love, or just lie on the sand, hugging and listening to each other. Feel the body of your soulmate, the smell and softness of your hair, the texture of your skin, hear your breath - accept your soulmate with every cell of your body and every fiber of your Soul. Experience the total unity of your beings, as if you had dissolved and bathed in each other. In this case, an exchange of energies occurs at the deepest - cellular level. Let yourself go, dream up! Swim in the sea on a yacht or with dolphins, walk around the island where there is a lot of lush greenery, exotic fruits, waterfalls with blue fonts, your beautiful home.
And your soul mate will be with you as long as you need to be filled with it. And then she will leave on her own, and you will see her off without sadness - because now she will come to you whenever you wish.
After this practice, you will definitely meet your soul mate, she will come to you in real life. You can repeat this exercise when you feel the need for it.”

5) Practice attracting your soulmate
Turn on meditative music.
Lie down and relax your body.
Imagine being in the most beautiful place you can imagine! There are flowers all around, you hear birds singing, music is flowing, fountains are rustling. It’s a miracle, what a place!
You see a beautiful golden-pink Temple ahead, approach it, you are greeted by Angels, they are also in golden-pink clothes, you are led into a wonderful vaulted hall.
How beautiful it is here! There are wonderful vases with flowers, music is flowing, there are luxurious carpets on the floor, there are sofas along the walls, and tables with treats in front of them. In the middle of the hall, God Cupid and Goddess Vesta sit on two thrones, they greet you and invite you to come up.
You come up, greet them and say: I came to you with a request, I am ready to accept my soulmate into my life! I ask you to dissolve all the blocks in my bodies that prevent me from meeting him! You are asked to go to the center of the hall, and suddenly a pink-red-golden light begins to pour around you, on you and through you. A powerful force lifts you above the ground, you soar a meter from the floor, and you see, really see, how all your fears and blocks that have been stopping you flow out of you and are sent for processing into the ground. How easy and free you feel now! You are young, strong, the power of love fills you with powerful streams!! You smoothly descend to the floor, everything around is filled with this magical radiance, and suddenly the doors at the end of the hall swing open and He slowly walks towards you, caressing you with his eyes!!
And you realize that this is the one you have been looking for and waiting for all your life! He stretches out his hands to you, you are filled with unearthly delight!! It is he! Exactly the one you need! The one with whom you live your life, you will sing like a song, a cheerful and happy song! The gods join your hands and say to both of you: We bless you for happiness in family life! Live happily ever after! In love and prosperity! Thank the Gods and Angels, seal the feelings that you experienced here in your heart and return to reality!! May Love bless you!

6) Another practice of attracting your soulmate
You can draw a circle and, dividing it into eight sectors, describe your ideal man as you imagine him.
The first two sectors belong to the physical layer.
In the first sector, you describe his appearance as specifically as possible - height, eye color, hair color, if this is important to you, or something that you always pay attention to. His age. Also in this sector you describe his origin, what family he is from. You can write his nationality.
In the second sector you describe his status - social, financial. What does he own, do he have children, was he married. You describe his achievements and results. The third and fourth sectors are responsible for his intellectual level.
In the third sector you describe his interests, his aspirations and desires.
in the fourth sector you write about his education and his regalia, degrees and titles, and his knowledge, for example, of foreign languages, if this is important to you.
The fifth and sixth sectors are his sexual and creative levels.
In the fifth sector you write about his temperament and your sexual desires. It is very important that you are suitable for each other in this regard.
In the sixth sector you write about his hobbies, about his creative aspirations.
The seventh and eighth sectors are responsible for his emotional level.
By the seventh sector, you describe the ideal relationship with you: where you go together, how you spend your weekends, his relationship with children, you write about his relationship with friends, with the world, with colleagues. And finally, in the eighth, you describe his spiritual qualities: kindness, generosity, gentleness or, conversely, toughness.
You can fill out this circle in any order, it doesn't matter at all.
Look at the Moon and imagine how the image of your ideal man begins to appear on its matte disk, see what he looks like, his facial features, the color of his eyes, the outline of his figure, how he is dressed, how he moves. Now hear him talk about himself, he talks about his hobbies, his parents, where he studied, his plans, he brags about what he has now, he describes with enthusiasm what will happen to him in the future. He whispers in your ear about his sexual fantasies and how he will make love to you, how he will take care of you and what kind of relationship you will have. He tells you how you will spend your weekends, how you will raise your children, what makes him happy and what saddens him in this world. He tells you about his friends, about those who surround him. Imagine yourself next to him, do you feel good with such a man? What do you feel, what do you sense, maybe you want to add something or, conversely, you are ready to give up something.
Now fast forward a few years and look at your life as if from the future. You see your wedding, admire how beautiful a couple you are. And now another ten years have passed, you see your growing children, another twenty years have passed, thirty years have passed, you are surrounded by children and grandchildren. You love each other just as much and want each other just as much as in the early days, your passion remains the same, and you can still talk to each other for hours. You sit by the fireplace in your home and look back on those years, wondering what qualities of your man and what qualities of you helped keep your relationship so happy. And go back to the moment of your first meeting. And now, continuing to look at the disk of the Moon, call on the forces of all the elements - Water, Air, Fire and Water, asking them to help you attract such a man into your life.
And say the following words:
“I am a woman created from the four elements and creating the world around me. I am fully aware of my true strengths and whoever I meet will see them too. I know that somewhere there is someone who needs me and wants to meet me as much as I want to meet him. He needs me to achieve the absolute fullness of life. He longs to meet a woman with my character and appearance.
Our union will be happiness for both, since each loves the other exactly as he is, the infinite mind knows where each of us is, and then sets everything in motion for our union. I rely completely on the Divine and know that in these moments the invisible streams of its activity produce actions leading to the desired result. I send these words to the Divine, who unites those who are created for each other. It knows all the ways and means. It strives for the ideal fullness of life, and it will give this fullness to two lives, uniting them into one. Let it be so, for the benefit of me and the entire Universe.”
You can also read the Tibetan mantra four times on a full moon to attract love: “To do SIRO An VAT MONO RAM.”

7) Meditation “Journey to the inner kingdom of shadows”
Lie down comfortably and let your body relax and fall into some semblance of sleep. Take a deep breath and exhale, relax your body with each inhalation and exhalation. The body relaxes, blurs, as if falling asleep. Observe from the side how a soft wave of inhalations and exhalations plunges your body into deep relaxation.
Surrender to the gentle vibrations of your breath and the sounds of music and go into a world of images and fantasies.
Open up to a different world and a different reality, with their completely different laws and a different truth. Immerse yourself in this world and find a place in it that seems special to you. Maybe it's a forest clearing or lawn. Sit down there on the ground, feel the pleasant warmth and close your eyes. You are in a world of relaxation and peace. The earth will take away all the burdens and troubles of your life. They will flash before your mind's eye, like frames from a bad movie. And mentally open your eyes.
All around you you see such a strange darkness - it envelops you from all sides. Only in the very center, in the very heart of darkness, a light burns. A magical light that illuminates the abyss, the abyss of your Soul.
You have entered the kingdom of shadows. This world of everything forgotten, in which you never wanted to live. It is full of ideas that once filled your head. Everything you don't want to see becomes visible and clear here. Everything you never wanted to feel becomes a feeling here. All the opportunities you missed find their chance here. All the roads you have not taken here will still have to be passed. Everything becomes reality.
And now you notice a person here who is very unpleasant and alien to you. This is an inhabitant of your world of shadows. You take a closer look and discover that it is you. You are an inhabitant of the world of shadows.
It was not in vain that you came to this corner of your soul. Everything that you once did not do still has the status of reality. And this other world does not belong to someone else, but to you, personally. To you. This is your personal shadow kingdom.
And when returning from here, remember something that especially clearly caught your eye and try to implement it upon your return.
Stay in the kingdom of shadows as long as you need. And when you feel the desire to return, take a deep breath, exhale, slightly move your legs, arms, stretch your body and you can open your eyes. Notice how much time you spent in your personal shadow kingdom.

8) Practice “Peripheral attention”
This practice helps you quickly and effectively relax anywhere you are, and also develops awareness.
Wherever you are, sitting, lying or standing, allow everything around you to fall upon your awareness. Stop focusing on any one perception, and try to be aware of everything: seeing, listening, thinking, feeling. All together, at the same time. Instead of listening to specific sounds, try to hear everything happening around you, without focusing on any particular part.
Instead of looking closely at something, try to see everything at once that is in your field of attention. Don't look around - just what is in front of you now.
Try to take in everything you can. Both internal and external sensations. The feeling of air on the face, the feeling of body pressure on the chair, sensations inside the body, the touch of clothes, smells, sounds, images. Allow everything that comes from all perceptions to rush in like water through a broken dam.
Try to perceive intermediate spaces. For example, when you are in a group of people, try to hear the moments of silence between their words, try to see all the air between objects in the room, become aware of the air all around you, become aware of the background noise around you, without bothering to go into detail or recognize any objects. Listen to the noise in your mind, forget the programmed plot of thoughts and imagine it as nameless background noise. Just listen to the noise of it all.
The mind and body respond to such a choiceless surrender of control by relaxing. You will notice that certain muscles at the back of your head and temples relax each time you do this. Do this practice any time free time. And your body will very soon learn to respond to such release from control with relaxation.

Ritual for attunement with lunar rhythms

If you want the process of tuning into the lunar rhythms to happen for you as quickly as possible, try performing the Ritual of connecting with lunar energy on the very first Full Moon.

This, by the way, is a woman's privilege. It is the woman who tunes in to the Universe, to the Cosmic Mind through the Moon, and a man can tune in only through a woman. If there is no wise, harmonious woman nearby, sensitive, with developed intuition, it is very difficult for a man to catch subtle cosmic signals and act in harmony with the Universe. And it is unlikely that he will be able to do this. His task is different.

A woman, having tuned in to the lunar rhythms, makes what a man brings her suitable for life: she arranges her life, prepares food, bears and gives birth to a child, and warns a man about danger or, conversely, about good luck, feeling it with her whole being. And together they form a single whole, tandem, harmony, DAO. Isn’t this the harmony we strive for?
This ritual will help you tune in to the lunar energy, adjust to it, and live in harmony with the Moon. It should be done slowly and with pleasure. On the Full Moon, when the sky is clear and the full Moon is clearly visible, fill the bath halfway with cool (not hot!) water. Take a large clear glass or crystal vessel, scoop up water from the bath and leave it outside for a few minutes so that the moonlight falls on it. Then pour the water back into the bath. Add half a cup of milk, three drops of white wine and a piece of lemon zest to your bath. Light a white candle and fill the bathroom with smoke from a sandalwood stick, or drop sandalwood oil into an incense bottle.

Enter the bath, swim in the cool water, feeling how the energy of the Moon passes through you, calming and filling you with femininity, an intuitive understanding of everything that happens. After swimming, dry yourself and go to bed. From now on it will be easier for you to perceive lunar rhythms.

The 5th, 15th and 25th lunar days are money days. All rituals associated with monetary energy will enhance financial flows.

Here is the recipe for one of the interesting and tasty rituals.
puff pastry (packaging 1 kg.)
greens (dill, parsley)
egg (for lubrication)

Cooking method
The most important thing is to prepare yourself for the fact that these are not just pies, these are pies for attracting money!
And, of course, it is better to do them not alone, but in a company.
The most difficult, but enjoyable thing is to cut cabbage and greens... WITH SCISSORS. So to speak, “cutting the cabbage.”
We salt and pepper all this “wealth” to taste and knead it with our hands: “we count our money.”

Symbols of the day: snake

Stones of the day: agate, morion, selenite, jet, emerald

Description of the day

The fifteenth lunar day, like the previous one, is full of energy. The only difference is that today it is much more difficult to use forces. You can inadvertently overestimate yourself and overspend your energy reserves. In addition, this day is considered one of the demonic days of the month; it is dedicated to Anubis. His symbol is the serpent. The image tells us how short-lived happiness is, how often it is followed by the pain of disappointment. First of all, this applies to love and personal relationships: they are especially vulnerable today.

Haircut on this day

It is not recommended to get a haircut today - it may have a negative impact on your health. Dark hair color on this day will help you become “invisible” to troubles. Today it is recommended to get rid of curls and make a parting - this will attract positive and blissful energy.

Gardening on this day

Today is considered the most powerful day in terms of energy. On this day, active work on your personal plot is welcomed.

On this day you can start simple things that do not require titanic efforts and a long time. Today, luck is on the side of those whose work is related to trade. The first half of the day is especially unfavorable. During these hours, various difficulties may arise in work and personal life. Ambitions will be dangerous, and if you try to shift responsibility to someone else, you can even create big troubles for yourself. Even if not right now, but in the future.

The second half of the 15th lunar day is less unpleasant. During this period, it’s even a good idea to implement some kind of plan, although, most likely, in a completely different way than previously expected. If you are not confident in the method and doubt its success, it is better not to do anything, play it safe. At the same time, there is a chance to find new acquaintances. It is possible that curious ideas will suddenly come to you. Pay attention to them, they are worth it.

The fifteenth lunar day is one of the most important stages of the month, its most significant periods. After all, this is a full moon day, when the Moon is at its apogee, at the peak of its energy saturation.

Today is the last time we work tirelessly to see the fruits of our efforts. Already on this day or soon after it, you can finally notice the long-awaited results.

Use the entire maximum reserve of your strength, because if earlier there was not enough for something, then today there is enough. If you wish, you can move mountains. A person is given the opportunity to change something once and for all. It is only important that the decision is not momentary, but made in advance, carefully thought out. And if you are absorbed in one idea that has been haunting your mind for a long time and keeping you up at night, take the chance of the 15th day and do what you dream of. You can do it.

But please note that we are talking about a very strong desire, a vital one, about a goal without which you cannot see your future life. This is the only way you will awaken your strength, only this way the Moon will pour the necessary energy into you. True, in such inexhaustible strength lies the main danger of the full moon: the influence of the Moon is so strong that everything positive and negative in a person is intensified many times over.

Live today the way you would like to see your future existence.

If the first lunar day is the basis of the entire month, like a tracing paper from it, then the 15th is the same base for the remaining third and fourth lunar phases.

Features of the day

The fifteenth lunar day calls a person to internal transformation. If you spend it in inaction, without working on yourself, surrendering to the power of weaknesses and prejudices, then no changes in the soul, personality, character, behavior or habits will occur. A person will only merge more strongly with the negative traits of his personality, and they will grow even stronger on him. Under such influence, people make big mistakes. Have you noticed that very often books and films describe the full moon as the night on which crimes are committed? There is a logic here: negative qualities, greatly enhanced by the energy of the Moon, push a person to do the worst things.

Of the particular features of the 15th lunar day, the following are worth noting. Firstly, you should not give in to excitement at this time. That is, no games on betting, in casinos, cards, etc. The point is not even in the possible loss, but in the fact that fatal consequences for health and even life are likely. You never know what awaits a person on the road...

Remembering the road, let's say that you should not travel on the 15th lunar day. It is worth holding off on all trips, especially long ones. They can lead to unexpected results, often with a minus sign. Travel only if you cannot change your departure date.

If you are a night owl, keep in mind that between midnight and three o'clock in the morning it is better not to do anything serious, not to work or communicate.

The signs of the 15th lunar day say that if today you quarrel with someone or witness a quarrel, this is a bad sign. But meeting a dog on this day is a good omen.

14-15-16 lunar days are days of strength that are important not to miss!

The full moon is coming - the time when the energies of Nature, and with them our internal energy, reach their peak of activity, and can be directed with maximum success (and minimal effort!) at attracting money. Those who follow the lunar calendar have probably noticed an extraordinary surge of energy during this period - 14-15-16 lunar days. You have more than enough strength, you are ready to “move mountains”, the energy is seething and splashing over the edge, there is so much of it that it is even difficult to fall asleep at night.

The wisest decision is to direct this powerful flow to achieve the goal - wealth, abundance, prosperity. The full moon itself usually falls on the 15th lunar day, but the days before and after it are also very energetic - that's why I combined them together. Try not to miss this period!

“Catch” this gigantic wave of energy: perform at least one ritual in three days. And even better - every day according to the ritual! Then your money dream will receive an incredible boost of energy and will come true in the shortest possible time!

There is another reason why you should “lean into” rituals during the full moon. The fact is that the full moon period itself is considered not very favorable due to excess energy. If on a new moon we experience a lack of it, then on a full moon the opposite is true. “Extra” energy tends to splash out in the form of anger and irritation; there is an urge to quarrel, to express everything that hurts, to show oneself “in all its glory.” You can avoid such manifestations by directing your energy in a different direction, for example, to “money” rituals: they will “take away” your excess energy. And the money will come, and you will feel better.

During the full moon, sources of information are opened, so all cases started during this period, especially on the 14th lunar day, initially carry information that will contribute to their implementation.

Try to set up as many cycles as possible: calls, meetings, starting projects, concluding contracts, etc. Then the business you have started will go on by itself, with minimal effort on your part. New sources of information will be connected to it and corrected, directed in the right direction. You'll have to wait a whole month for your next chance!

How to tune in to the money ritual on 14-15-16 lunar days?

Since the full moon is an unfavorable period, before the ceremony it is advisable to throw off negativity and balance your emotional state. To cleanse the body, thoughts and soul, ablution is usually performed before the ritual.

Rinse off in the shower to cleanse yourself physically, then soak in a sea salt bath. After 10-15 minutes, open the plug and stay in the bath until all the water has drained out. As the water level drops, imagine that all your thoughts about everyday affairs and all your thoughts go away with it. negative energy, which has accumulated in you. A feeling of purity and peace will indicate that the purpose of ablution has been achieved. This is just a recommendation.

If you feel good and no dark thoughts bother you, you can start doing it without ablution. During cleansing, do not let your thoughts run wild, tune them to the ritual, because it has already begun. Yes, yes, the ritual begins from the moment you just started thinking about it! The energies have already begun to move, and the Higher Powers are listening to your words. After ablution, you are almost ready for the ritual. All that remains is to prepare the room where it will be held. This preparation consists of purification. After all, our houses, being enclosed spaces, accumulate energy dirt - it needs to be eliminated so that it does not create interference. This is especially important during the full moon.

You are familiar with cleansing methods from , choose any one. The easiest way is to go around the room with a candle or smoke it with incense.

Express rituals on 14-15-16 lunar days

simplest money ritual on a full moon, this is to prepare for future use water charged with your money dream and moonlight, or some kind of “money” drink that is stored for a long time and which you can then drink for a long time.

I offer three recipes to choose from.

Moon water

To prepare moon water, you will need two glass jars with a volume of 500–800 ml, which must first be sterilized.

Fill one of the jars clean water(preferably thawed) and throw in a pinch of “money” herbs that are at hand (marjoram, basil, mint, calamus, cinquefoil, jasmine flowers, myrtle, verbena, sage, pine needles, linden flowers, rosemary). Two or three herbs are enough. There is no need to grind them into powder. If possible, use fresh herbs, they have more living energy, but in the absence of them, dry ones will do.

Water with herbs added to it needs to be charged. Create an image of your money dream in your head, imagining yourself, for example, under money rain or swimming in a money lake. Let the picture clearly appear in your head and become stronger, then take a deep breath and, as you exhale, with a force of will, “throw” it into the water. After this, you need to expose the jar to moonlight for at least 2 hours. After this time, pour the water into the second jar, strain through a strainer, and close tightly.

The moon infusion is ready. Store it in a dark place and never expose it to sunlight! For the infusion to have an effect, just add it to a glass of water (1 teaspoon per glass).

If you want to stretch the infusion for a long time, pour vodka into several 50 ml bottles, adding 5 drops of infusion to each. To take it, add 2 drops of infusion from a bottle to a glass of melted water or just clean water. Drink the infusion every day, no matter what lunar day it is.

Spicy cognac drink

Place all ingredients in an enamel bowl and stir for 5-7 minutes with a non-metallic spoon or wooden stick in a clockwise direction, visualizing yourself under a shower of money. Then, without closing, leave it to soak in the moonlight, choosing a place where it will fall into the drink for at least 2 hours. Cover the pan with a lid and place in a cool, dark place until the next full moon. After the lunar month, strain, pour into a clean bottle and drink 2 tbsp every day. spoons.

Honey drink with orange and spices

Pour cognac into a saucepan, add honey and, stirring clockwise, cook over low heat until the honey is completely dissolved and the liquid becomes smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the orange zest, herbs, spices and lemon juice. Pour cognac and honey into it, cover the pan with a lid. This whole process must be accompanied by visualization and a clear mindset towards a money dream. Expose the drink to moonlight so that lunar fluids enter it for at least 2 hours. After this, close the bottle tightly and leave the drink to infuse until the next full moon, strain and pour into a clean bottle. Drink 2 tbsp every day. spoons. In addition to attracting money, the drink has the ability to protect against colds.

Drink with raisins and dried apricots

  • 2 l cognac
  • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 2 cups dried apricots
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of jasmine flower infusion
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of linden flower infusion

Prepare infusions of linden and jasmine flowers (separately): put the flowers (if possible, use fresh ones, but dry ones will do) in a small bowl and pour in a little clean (preferably melted) water. Heat without boiling, then let cool and strain. Add remaining ingredients. Stir the mixture clockwise with a non-metallic spoon or wooden stick for a few minutes, keeping the image of your money dream in your head. Pour everything into a transparent glass bottle, close it tightly with a lid and expose it to moonlight for at least 2 hours. Then put the drink in the refrigerator to infuse until the next full moon, strain and pour into a clean bottle. Drink 2 tbsp every day. spoon.

Ritual with a candle and crystal on 14,15,16 lunar days

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • green candle,
  • ground cinnamon,
  • censer and charcoal (these three components can be replaced with a natural incense stick with the scent of any money plant),
  • quartz crystal (can be replaced with amber, citrine, malachite, jade, alexandrite, jasper, lapis lazuli, topaz or emerald - all these stones are magically associated with money), the main thing is that at least one face of the stone is sharp.

1. Burn incense.

2. Say an appeal to God:

This is an example, you can address God (the Absolute, the Higher Powers, the Universe, the Cosmos) in your own way and call Him as you wish: God, Jesus, the Absolute, the Universe, the Higher Powers, the Cosmic Mind... If you speak from the heart, if you are sincere, He will hear you. Ask Him for help. There is nothing wrong or shameful in asking God for money. All such prohibitions were once spread by the church for purely political reasons. Being rich is not a sin, it is a sin to put money above all else in life and do bad things for it. So don't be shy and don't feel any guilt.

3. Using the sharp edge of a crystal, scratch a symbol of your desire on the candle, for example, a dollar or euro sign, a wealth rune F, a bag of money, a car, a house...

4. Wet the fingers of your right hand (if you are left-handed, then your left) with essential oil and lubricate the candle with it from the ends to the middle: with this procedure, called dressing the candle, you transfer your energy to the candle. While rubbing the candle, focus on the money and visualize. The “picture” can be anything, the main thing is that you yourself and, of course, money or things that you would like to have are present in it. Try to feel how your energy flows into the candle.

5. Place the candle in the candlestick, place the crystal next to it and light it. As the candle burns, the energy contained in it will be slowly released through the flame and directed towards the fulfillment of your desire. Continue focused visualization while looking at the flame for 10-15 minutes. The candle, crystal and symbol will fulfill the task assigned to them!

6. Thank God (in your own words) and let the green candle burn out completely.

Lunar ritual of calling money

For the ceremony you will need:

Go out into an open area illuminated by the moon. Look at it, transfer the money in your wallet from one compartment to another three times. Look at the Moon again and say:

Mother Moon, I ask you, make sure that my income increases.

When you get home, take a green candle and anoint it with patchouli or cinnamon essential oil. Then rub it on all the bills that you transferred in the light of the Moon. While you are oiling the candle and the bills, picture your money dream in your mind. Light a candle, place bills around it, sit next to it and, looking at the flame, visualize for another 10-15 minutes. Try not to get distracted. Concentration is very important! The success of the ritual, not only this one, but any ritual in general, is determined by how much you can concentrate. The ceremony is completed. Mentally thank the Moon (it’s better if you go to the window and look at it) and leave the candle to burn out. Put the money in your wallet.

Ritual “Money Magnet”

For the ceremony you will need:

  • two bowls or bowls, preferably made of green glass (rinse them first and fill one with clean, preferably melted, water),
  • small magnet (magnetic iron or artificial magnet),
  • green candle,
  • essential oil of patchouli, cinnamon or orange

In the morning, put the magnet in your pocket and carry it with you all day. At every opportunity, take it out and, drawing in your imagination the image of your money dream, breathe on it, touch it. The more often you do this, the better. It is important that it absorbs as much of your energy as possible. The magnet should be programmed with your money dream and become a catalyst for its fulfillment. In the evening, after the moon rises, light a green candle and say an appeal to God in free form, for example:

I appeal to the Forces of the Universe, to the Sun, Moon and stars, to the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water! I ask you to overshadow me with your presence and send me a share of the wealth that you possess.

Take the magnet in your hands and visualize it for a few minutes, mentally projecting onto it your desire to attract money. Then place the magnet in the empty bowl. Fold your hands into a handful and plunge them into a bowl of melt water. Breathe on the water for a couple of minutes, imagining that the water in your palm is foaming with banknotes. Then pour the water into the bowl with the magnet. Continue this process until the jar is about three-quarters full. If you want, add a few drops of essential oil to the water to enhance the effect of the ritual. To make the magnetized water work, rub it into your palms, visualizing yourself under a shower of money. The collected water must be used within three days.

Drawing is a bait for money on 14-15-16 lunar days

This ritual is carried out on each of three days (14-15-16 lunar days) full moon. Items needed for the ritual:

  • green sea salt (if you don’t find it in the store, tint regular sea salt with an alcohol solution of greenery or food coloring),
  • green candle,
  • five coins worth 5 kopecks or 5 rubles,
  • a small green fabric bag (or a green handkerchief),
  • patchouli or cinnamon essential oil,
  • a handful of fresh soil.

You will need to put the energy of your money dream into a pattern that is laid out with sea salt (note: sea salt, because it stores the energy of water!) on a large dish, stool, tray or other flat surface. The drawing cannot be destroyed within three days, so think about the location in advance. Pour the salt into a glass or porcelain bowl. Stir the fingers of your right hand for a few minutes, imagining yourself swimming in a sea of ​​banknotes or surrounded by things you would like to buy with that money. Then take a handful of salt and, continuing to visualize, carefully and slowly lay out the symbol shown in the picture.

Start at the top point of the pentagram, then lead to the top right, then to the top left point opposite, to the bottom right and finally back to the top. Having finished with the pentagram, place a circle around it, and a square around the circle. Salt should be poured clockwise. To enhance the effect of the ritual, while you are drawing, say in a whisper or in a low voice:

Money money money. This drawing will attract money to me.

So, you have depicted a pentagram inscribed in a circle and a square. As you look at it, try to feel how the energy of your money dream is pulsating inside the symbol and waiting for you to release it. To do this, rub a green candle with patchouli or cinnamon essential oil (if there is no oil, just hold the candle in your hands), drawing your money dream in your imagination, place it in a candlestick in the center of the pentagram, light it and say out loud or to yourself:

There is money inside the pentagram. They are here now, with me, this is my money.

As you say these words, imagine how the energy you put into the symbol rushes up into the heavens, and then falls on you like a shower of money. After this, blow out the candle. The next day, repeat this procedure. And on the 16th lunar day, having completed the ritual, destroy the drawing with your right hand - this is necessary in order to release the energy remaining in it. Pour the salt into a green bag or scarf, add five five-kopek or five-ruble coins and a handful of earth, mix and store at home in a secluded place.

A ritual that will help you quickly find a job

For the ceremony you will need:

  • two yellow candles,
  • green candle,
  • essential oil of pine or cedar,
  • incense (cinnamon and mint are best - an incense stick or powdered herb),
  • censer and charcoal.

1. Burn incense.

2. Lubricate the green and yellow candles with essential oil from the ends to the middle. While you are lubricating, imagine yourself in the job you dream of. If you don’t know what kind of job you need, focus on money: imagine that you have been offered a job or position with a high salary, feel the joy that will cover you when this event actually happens. Experience joy now, during the ritual, and it will attract suitable work to you.

3. Place the candles in a row: green in the center, and yellow to the right and left of it.

4. Light the candles and say:

I appeal to the Forces of the Universe, to the Sun, Moon and stars, to the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water! I ask you to overshadow me with your presence and open the way for me to a suitable job. I call on money luck to come to me!

5. Continue visualizing while looking at the candle flames for 10-15 minutes.

6. Thank God (in your own words) and let the candles burn out completely.

Ritual of getting rid of lack of money on 14-15-16 lunar days

On a full moon, you can not only attract something positive into your life, but also get rid of something bad and unnecessary, including lack of money. But such a ritual must be performed after the full moon, that is, on the 16th lunar day, and certainly at moonrise (the time of sunrise is indicated in the lunar calendar - it coincides with the start time of the lunar day). Seeing the Moon is a must, without this the ritual loses its meaning. If you are busy at this time, or the sky is covered with clouds, abandon this ritual in favor of some other one from this chapter.

14,15,16 lunar days. Lunar rite

Stand with your back to the Moon and pick up a small mirror so that the Moon is completely reflected in it. In this position, our energy in relation to the Moon turns out to be inverted, we seem to turn it on in reverse. While looking at the Moon, say three times:

Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.

That's the whole ritual! The rest will be done by the Moon and your Faith!

The full moon (14-15-16 lunar days) is a time of peak energy, when with a minimum of effort you can achieve maximum results. The moon generously gifts us with its vibes. Therefore, any action you take aimed at attracting money receives a double charge of energy. This is a time of magic, a time of miracles. Do not miss your chance! One ritual performed on the full moon will do more for you than ten performed on other days!