Lower body exercises for girls. A set of exercises in the gym for girls - the best exercise equipment for an ideal figure

Developed arm muscles are an integral part of a girl’s athletic, fit figure. Therefore, in any training it is necessary to devote time to exercises with weights on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearm. Don't believe in myths about big, masculine hands! It is impossible for women and girls to pump up their biceps and triceps for a number of physiological reasons. Dumbbells and barbells should not scare you: in the fight for beautiful figure sports equipment simply must become part of your training. Let's look at the features and practical recommendations female training of arms and shoulders.

Main muscle groups of the arms

Before moving on to exercise techniques and training programs, let's look at muscle structure shoulder girdle and forearms.

Hands consist of three main and most pumped muscle groups:

  1. Biceps. Visually, the most recognizable muscle is formed from two bundles - long and short.
  2. Triceps. These muscles make up the largest volume of the forearm, and therefore occupy a special place in the process of arm training. They consist of three bundles: lateral, medial and long.
  3. Forearm muscles: brachialis (the most important flexor muscle of the elbow joint) and brachioradialis (responsible for rotational movements forearm).

Anatomical structure of the muscles of the forearm and shoulder girdle: the most active muscle groups in arm training

The finger and wrist extensors are not the target muscles. They train simultaneously with other, more active muscle groups, especially in exercises using sports equipment and machines.

Physiological characteristics of the female body

There is a pattern that women take longer to develop their upper body (arms and shoulders) than men. The same training system will make men's biceps several times larger than women's. The situation is different with the lower body (legs and buttocks): it is much easier for girls to progress in the development of leg muscles. Therefore, exercises in special simulators to pump up the biceps or exercises with dumbbells, barbells, no matter how hard the training is, will not lead to an uncontrolled increase in the mass and volume of the arms. You should not be afraid that your shoulders will become masculine and your arms massive: the female body does not have enough testosterone (sex hormone) to create truly “big hands.” Exercises will give your shoulders and forearms graceful, sculpted contours and a toned appearance.

If you see overly pumped arms on a woman, this only means that the athlete was taking anabolic drugs, which led to unnatural muscle growth.

Arm training in the gym for girls

Exercises using sports equipment

Dumbbell (barbell) rows to the chin for women

The exercise is aimed at working out the most problematic area of ​​the forearm - the inner part of the arms (triceps). It is this place that girls most often want to change: restore elasticity to the skin, remove sagging muscles. To perform the exercise you will need two dumbbells, a barbell or a bar.

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take dumbbells (barbell) with an overhand grip.
  3. Bending your arms at the elbow joint, bring the dumbbells to your chin, trying not to change the position of the dumbbells in space.
  4. As you exhale, lower the projectile to the starting position.
  5. If you are working with dumbbells, it is appropriate to alternate hands or perform the exercise with both hands at the same time.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×12.

Video note: correct execution of the exercise

Arm curls with a projectile for a beautiful relief

For this exercise, you can use both dumbbells and a barbell (barbell) as a working apparatus. Curls are primarily aimed at training the beautiful biceps muscles.

Technique for doing it at home:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your body.
  2. Take the projectile in your hands so that your fingers point in the opposite direction from you.
  3. Straighten your shoulders, look straight or slightly upward.
  4. Raise the dumbbells (bar) to your chest, do not spread your elbows to the sides.
  5. Then slowly lower them to the starting position.
  6. Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×12–15 times.

Video instructions for the exercise:

Arm extensions behind the head can be performed while standing or sitting. The main goal of the exercise is to work the triceps.

Having chosen a comfortable starting position, follow these steps:

  1. Take one dumbbell in your hands and lift it above your head.
  2. Slowly lower the apparatus behind your head, bending your elbows.
  3. At the same speed, lift the dumbbell to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×10.

IMPORTANT! Don't use too heavy weights. Try to maintain balance throughout the entire approach. Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×20.

Video instruction:

Lateral raises with dumbbells

Raising your arms can be done in two ways: in a straight stance and in a bent position. The peculiarity of the second option is that it provides isolated pumping of the rear delta bundles. Taken together, the exercise is aimed at training the shoulder girdle.

  1. Stand up straight (or bend forward, keeping your back straight and creating a slight arch in your lower back). Hold dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Slowly raise your arms to the sides without bending your elbows.
  3. Keep the body static.
  4. Pause for 1-2 seconds and slowly bring your hands back to the starting position.

Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

Video instructions for the exercise:

Another exercise using dumbbells and working up. The main feature: the rotation of the hands when lifting the projectile. Target muscles: biceps and brachialis. This exercise allows you to tone your arm muscles using light weights.


  1. Stand straight (legs in a free stance), take the shells in both hands and lower them along the body.
  2. Alternately raise your arms with dumbbells to your shoulders, turning your hands outward.
  3. Do not press your hands too tightly to your shoulders; a light touch is enough.
  4. Raise and lower dumbbells at the same speed.

Number of approaches: from 2 to 3.

Number of repetitions: from 10 to 15.

Video instructions for performing the exercise:

Effective bodyweight exercises at home

The advantage of such training is that you practically do not risk overloading your spine and joints. Moreover, they do not contribute significantly to recruitment muscle mass, so they are perfect for girls who, as a rule, strive for a sporty but graceful figure.


Goal: training the triceps muscles of the arms.

There are several typical push-up options: with emphasis on your toes, with emphasis on your knees, with clap, with narrow and wide arms.

If you are a beginner and have practically never done sports (athletics, gymnastics, aerobics), start with the simplest version of push-ups - with emphasis on your knees. To do this, you will need a gymnastics mat or any other soft surface.

Exercise steps:

  1. Lie on your stomach, lift your body onto your outstretched arms, bend your legs at the knees.
  2. From this position, begin to slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor (as low as possible).
  3. As you exhale, slowly push your body back to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 2×10 or 3×7.

Video instruction of push-up technique:

A more difficult version of push-ups is plank push-ups with emphasis on the toes and clap push-ups. In these types of exercises great attention focuses on pumping the triceps. In addition, during the exercise, endurance and striking strength are trained, thanks to which you not only create relief in the muscles of your arms, but also improve your strength indicators.

Technique for performing push-ups from the floor with emphasis on the toes (plank) and technique of push-ups with cotton

Push-up technique:

  1. Take a lying position: place your hands at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders, and your feet on your toes.
  2. Straighten your elbows and look down.
  3. From this position, slowly lower your body to the floor, trying to keep your shoulder blades, hips, and feet in one straight line.
  4. After a short pause (1-2 seconds), rise to the starting position.
  5. To complicate the classic push-up, from the peak point (elbows bent), jerk upward with a clap.

Number of sets and reps: 3×8–10.

IMPORTANT! The wider the position of the hands during push-ups, the more involved in the work pectoral muscles. The smaller the distance between the palms, the better the triceps muscles of the shoulders work. For an ideal workout, you need to combine and alternate different variations of push-ups.

Practical tips for the exercise:

Pull-ups on the bar and parallel bars to work your arms and shoulders

Another effective exercise in arm training is all kinds of pull-ups: on the crossbar, horizontal bar, uneven bars, with your own weight and with weights, in a free hang and with emphasis on your legs. Purpose of pull-ups: work on the triceps and deltoids. Within the fitness room or sports grounds, you can use any rigidly fixed crossbars, block simulators or special horizontal bars.

To perform free-hanging pull-ups, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Grab the bar with both hands and cross your legs.
  2. Starting position: straight arms and straight body.
  3. Begin to pull your body up, trying to touch your neck to the bar.
  4. After passing the peak point, slowly straighten your arms and lower your body down.

To complicate the exercise, you can use weights that are attached either to the legs (metal, sand bracelets) or to the waist.

Another version of pull-ups involves a low crossbar, which can be used as a classic bar.

The exercise technique has some features:

  1. Take a hanging position with your feet resting under the bar.
  2. With your arms straight, create a straight but inclined line of the body relative to the floor surface.
  3. Bend your elbows, pulling your body up (your head should go over the bar).
  4. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position, straightening your arms at the elbows.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×10.

Practical advice for girls:

Pull-ups on parallel bars are one of the most common exercises in outdoor training. various groups muscles: triceps, biceps, serratus and rhomboids, pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles. Such pull-ups in gyms are performed on a special simulator; on sports grounds, classic parallel bars are used.


  1. Take a hanging position: lean on the bars with straight arms, bend your legs at the knees.
  2. Straighten your shoulders and slightly tilt your body forward.
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body.
  4. When the angle at the elbow joint is approximately 90°, return to the starting position.
  5. Control your movements: do not squeeze your shoulders and chest, work your triceps.

Number of approaches and repetitions: beginner level 2x7, professional 2x12 or 3x8.

Dips on the parallel bars:

Hand training program for girls

It is enough to allocate one day per week for arm training, since the main muscles of the shoulders and forearms are indirectly trained on the days of back and chest training, and this is more than enough. A lesson lasting 40–50 minutes should be divided into 2 or 3 blocks of 3 exercises (depending on sports training). Before training, it is important to do a 10-minute warm-up, including cardio or aerobics.

Program for beginners:

  1. Knee push-ups (2×10).
  2. Curls with a machine (you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells) 3x12.
  3. Raising arms to the sides (2×15).
  1. Arm extensions from behind the head (2×10).
  2. Pull-ups in a gravitron or on a low bar with emphasis on the legs (3x8).

Program for amateurs and professionals:

  1. Barbell row to the chin (3×8).
  2. Arm curls with a bar (3×12).
  3. Plank push-ups with emphasis on toes (3x8).
  1. Pull-ups on the bar (or parallel bars) (2x8).
  2. Arm extensions from behind the head (3×10).
  3. Lifting dumbbells with a turn (2x10).
  1. Raising arms to the sides at an angle (2×15).
  2. Hammer dumbbell raises (3×10).

When using certain exercises, the main criterion for effectiveness is the correct technique. It’s worth spending time on improving it, so try to start training with small weights, only gradually increasing the weights. The proposed training programs can be transformed by incorporating alternative exercises. If you don't have a home sports equipment, dumbbells and barbells can be easily replaced with water bottles. Remember to exercise regularly: exercise 3 times a week at home or in the gym, devoting 40 minutes to training your arms.

Gym workout plan for girls

Before starting training in the gym, it is important to define specific goals, set intermediate tasks and determine the frequency of training. Depending on the desired result, an individual training plan is drawn up. To achieve maximum effect, regular physical exercise should be supplemented with a balanced diet and the daily and rest routine should be normalized.

Training objectives and goals

Depending on the desired result, the goals of going to the gym can be grouped into the following categories:

Gaining mass and building strength
Modeling proportions
Exercises for weight loss
Increasing power parameters
Improving body definition and endurance

Training diary

To increase the effectiveness of your training and discipline yourself, it is recommended to keep a training diary. This can be either a regular journal, filled out by hand, or a special application for a smartphone. The diary is kept for the following purposes:

Assessing the dynamics of training progress
Recording indicators of muscle volume growth of individual groups and body circumferences
Analysis changes in endurance, speed and other parameters
Tracking changes in figure proportions
Monitoring of final results
Systematization classes and making adjustments to the schedule
Grade the effectiveness of specific programs and exercises

Work out on your own or with a trainer?

Benefits of training with a personal instructor

1. Development of an individual program taking into account specific physiological characteristics, personal desires and capabilities.
2. Achievements of results for a short time.
3. Monitoring the correct execution of the exercise and reducing the risk of injury.
4. Timely adjustment of the training plan taking into account progress.
5. Consultations on nutrition and recovery methods after working out in the gym.
6. Drawing up a convenient schedule with the possibility of rescheduling classes.
7. Moral support during exercises and motivation to achieve subsequent success.

Benefits of self-study

1. Individual schedule, freedom and independence from other people.
2. More possibilities for combining exercises.
3. Financial savings.
4. Unlimited time lesson.
5. The ability to perform a set at an individual rhythm and speed.

The most effective is considered to be a combination of two options. A session with a trainer will allow you to create a training plan in the gym and learn how to perform exercises correctly so as not to injure yourself. The trainer will also advise on possible loads in case of individual characteristics: illness, injury, etc. The duration of individual training depends on your wishes and budget.

Training schedule for beginners

For beginner girls, it is better to choose general strengthening types of loads as a starting workout. This will increase overall endurance and evenly pump and adapt all segments of the body. Training schemes focused on the load of all muscles will strengthen the muscle corset, acquire an athletic figure and beautiful body proportions. In the future, you can move on to leveling up individual groups.

How to create a training program yourself?

1. Drawing up a basic training program. Be sure to include a warm-up for 5-10 minutes in your plan, selecting 4-5 basic exercises for each large muscle group (quadriceps thighs, buttocks, back, chest, abs and arms). Selection of 3-4 additional loads (usually exercises combine loads on the main and additional segments. The workout ends with a cool-down for 5-10 minutes.

2. Set your priorities. The program and exercises are selected depending on the overall purpose of visiting the gym. You should not combine several tasks at the start - this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the lessons.

3. Select suitable load types. The development of large segments is carried out with basic exercises or their variations on simulators. Various exercises are introduced into the block for pumping secondary muscles, which are selected based on their effectiveness.

4. Repeat rate. Too much tension can lead to injuries and muscle tears, so do not exhaust yourself and do everything through force.

5. Increased efficiency. To avoid muscle adaptation to stress, it is recommended to change the training plan every 7-8 weeks, and also try to perform alternative exercise variations.

6. Rest. Rest between sets is 3-5 minutes. The higher the working weight, the longer the rest required between sets.

Features of training in the gym for girls


Preparation muscles and body to intense loads
Saturates cells with blood
Calls selection of testosterone, adrenaline and endorphins into the blood
Reduces the risk of injury
Increased nervous system tone
Acceleration of metabolic processes
Improved joint mobility


General. Performed for warming up.
Special. Stretching. Increases joint mobility and muscle elasticity.
Cardio. The duration should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Number of approaches and repetitions

Beginners are recommended to perform 3-5 sets. Each set contains 8-15 repetitions. Break between sets up to 3 minutes.
For advanced exercisers, the number of sets increases to 5-7 sets with 12-15 repetitions of exercises.

The break between loads increases with the working weight and can be up to 5 minutes.

Increasing the repetition rate will not lead to an increase in training efficiency. On the contrary, muscle fatigue increases and the risk of injury increases.

Training frequency

Advanced sports girls can exercise every day or twice a day, combining different types of loads. However, you should also remember the need to rest, at least one day a week. The duration of the training is calculated individually based on the degree of fitness and capabilities of the girl.

Free weights or machines

Free weights

Free weights Increased load and conditioning, as well as muscle adaptation to loads Complex muscle loading Large number of exercise modifications Increased risk of injury

Exercise equipment

Low risk of injury Load isolation Simplification of work Low variability in performing exercises Limited movements Inability to adjust the machine to individual parameters

For beginners, it is recommended to start working with simulators. Working with them will allow you to master the technique of performing the exercise and reduce the risk of injury. I use my own body weight as a base free weight for pull-ups, push-ups and squats.

Basic exercises or isolation?

The base loads a large number of muscles and adapts the body to the load. Basic exercises form the basis of the workout. Isolating loads are performed when a certain “pumping” is required and are considered an auxiliary load

Training program in the gym for girls for weight loss and fat burning

The super-set is aimed at simultaneously burning fat and improving muscle definition. The program is designed for 4-8 weeks and is supplemented with cardio training. In total, 3-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions are performed. Rest between sets lasts up to 2 minutes.

Video training in the gym for girls: burning fat

A set of exercises for women: beginners


1. Narrow leg press
2. Smith machine squats
3. Romanian deadlift
4. Upper pull
5. French press of dumbbells with one hand from behind the head
6. Push-ups with wide arms
7. Plank


1. Walking lunges with dumbbells
2. Step ups
3. Deadlift
4. Upper pulley to chest
5. Lying leg raises


1. Smith Squats
2. Lunges with dumbbells
3. Raising arms through the sides while standing
4. Leg curls in the simulator
5. Glute bridge on the floor
6. Lying body crunch

A set of exercises for women: advanced level

The repetition rate is up to 5-7 sets of 20-25 times. Rest between repetitions is 1-2 minutes. Running on the treadmill is performed for 10 minutes each time.


1. Hanging Leg Raise
2. Hyperextension
3. Running
4. Press dumbbells lying on an incline bench
5. Bringing your arms together in the butterfly machine
6. Standing barbell chest press
7. Raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you
8. Running
9. Bent-over barbell row
10. Dumbbell lateral raises
11. Running


1. Triceps push-ups
2. Lifting dumbbells in front of you
3. Running
4. Fitball push-ups
5. Squats with arms extended forward
6. Running
7. Ab crunches
8. Jumping rope
9. Running


1. Barbell Squats
2. Bench press
3. Running
4. Barbell row to the waist
5. Standing Barbell Press
6. Running
7. Deadlift
8. Pull-down of the upper block behind the head
9. Running

Training program in the gym for girls to gain muscle mass

Performing basic exercises with free weights, with a gradual increase in load, will pump up your muscles. Beginners are advised to start with minimal weights and use an empty bar when doing barbell exercises. Compliance with a special diet is considered mandatory. Squats, push-ups and deadlifts are considered basic. Basic exercises involve large muscle groups and evenly pump the entire body. They train using a split system, that is, they divide the training of large muscle segments on separate days.

Video training for girls to gain muscle mass

A set of exercises for girls for a week: beginners

Frequency of exercises: 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

Legs and buttocks:

1. Squats with dumbbells
2. Lunges with dumbbells
3. Romanian deadlift with barbell or barbell
4. Leg extensions in the simulator
5. Swing your legs back with weights
6. Leg abduction in the simulator

Chest, triceps, shoulders and abs:

1. Dumbbell flyes
2. Incline Barbell Press
3. Dumbbell press
4. Reverse push-ups
5. Ab crunches

Back and biceps:

1. Pull-ups on the bar
2. Pulling the block behind the head or to the chest
3. Bent-over dumbbell row
4. Barbell Chin Press
5. Close Grip Bar Row
6. Barbell curl

A set of exercises for girls for a week: advanced level

Perform 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

Thoracic segment

1. Hyperextension with additional weight
2. Push-ups with wide arms
3. Incline Bench Press
4. Dumbbell flyes on a bench
5. Barbell Chin Press
6. Raising bent legs while hanging on the bar
7. Ab crunches on an inclined bench

Shoulder girdle

1. Hyperextension
2. Dumbbell flyes with press-up
3. Hammer with dumbbells
4. Dips
5. Raising straight legs while hanging on the bar
6. Seated dumbbell French press
7. Roman chair

Back and legs

1. Barbell Squats
2. Leg extension while sitting in a machine
3. Lunges in place with dumbbells
4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar wide grip
5. Bent-over dumbbell row
6. Row to the waist on the lower block sitting
7. Raising bent legs while hanging on the bar
8. Incline Crunch

Rest and recovery

In order not to overload the muscles and avoid injury, it is recommended to rest properly:

Between training days, it is recommended to use the “active rest” method and engage in swimming, dancing, cycling or light cardio exercise, which will speed up recovery and improve microcirculation in muscles and joints.

To avoid injuries, first get in shape with general strengthening exercises, then gradually increase the volume of the load, and only after that move on to strength training.
Monitor your fatigue and refrain from physical activity during periods of stress and exhaustion.
Between sets, give your muscles the opportunity to regain functionality and adapt to the load. Choose a comfortable frequency and frequency of exercises.
A balanced diet, proper sleep, massage and a trip to the sauna will help restore the strength and capabilities of the body.

Cardio training

Strengthening the muscles of the heart and blood vessels
Normalization of heart rate
Adaptation of the heart and blood flow to intense exercise
Respiratory system training
Increased endurance and overall tone
Improving body definition
Muscle strengthening
Fat Burning
Stimulates muscle growth

Cardio exercises can be an independent workout, a warm-up and cool-down, or an auxiliary exercise. It is important not to start with a fast pace and long load. The optimal duration is 35-55 minutes.

Formula for optimal heart rate during cardio training: 70-80% of 220 subtract age.

When will the results from training appear?

The first results of weight loss are visible after the first workout. Weight decreases due to water loss. Fat begins to disappear after 5-10 workouts. On average, after 2-4 weeks of training, fat loss will be up to 500 g per week.
Weight gain in women occurs with regular and intense training, 100 g per week.
Endurance increases after 3-4 weeks of regular exercise.
Daily stretching helps increase flexibility in the second week of classes.

Noticeable results from training depend on the regularity and duration of the frequency of training. It is important to develop a plan correctly and make adjustments on time. In addition, nutrition and rest are also important for proper muscle formation, relief and overall good condition. 25% of the results from training depend on genetics and individual anatomical and physiological characteristics.

If you look at Instagram, women’s training seems like another planet. Instead of barbells and dumbbells, some kind of elastic bands, instead of squats, and rows with a bench press - strange movements at half amplitude. In fact, this is more marketing of coaching services. Girls are used to believing that they are very different from boys, so it’s easier for them to sell all this strange activity. In reality, the same strength exercises are effective, and you need to concentrate more on working on technique, and less on “female and male” versions of popular exercises.

There are some peculiarities - they lie in the difficulty of women mastering pressing movements for the upper body, and in the peculiarities of proportions. The long legs and short body of most girls do not allow them to develop good squat technique on their own. Hence a lot of moral suffering about “the growth of the legs and the lack of progress in the buttocks.” What’s also “special” is the attitude - many still believe that women should train easily, and almost practice dancing with a barbell, so that they get a beautiful body. In reality, everything is more prosaic.

Weight loss and fat reduction

Non-professionals love to talk about the fact that there are no fat-burning workouts, there is only a calorie deficit from nutrition. In fact, “metabolic” or fat-burning workouts do exist. It’s just that most gym goers can withstand about two minutes of such training. The only “fat-burning workout” is the circuit, which consists of compound exercises with a barbell weighing approximately 70 percent of your one-rep maximum. The movements are performed in series of 30-40 seconds without rest, “circles” can be done only 4-5. Such training increases the body's oxygen consumption at rest and speeds up metabolism. And it doesn't practice for beginners.

Regular gym goers must first learn how to do basic exercises and control body position, and only then manipulate oxygen consumption using circuit training. At the start, the classic scheme “2 cardio workouts per week and 3 strength training” is suitable. The plan could be like this:

  1. Perform strength training on all muscle groups three times a week. Divide the exercises into planes, or work on the principle of “squat and press day” and “deadlift and vertical press day.” Beginners can do the same set of exercises in simulators; the important thing here is frequency and technique, and not a “super-new” exercise plan and their alternation;
  2. Do cardio 2 times a week. Non-professionals like to include here circuit training with your own body weight, or working on cardio equipment, but for a beginner the first type of activity is more likely to be strength training than cardio. Therefore, those who have been exercising for less than six months should understand cardio as either walking, jogging, pedaling a bicycle, or all the same, only in exercise machines. The usual recommendation to “do 20 minutes of cardio on free days” is also not enough for everyone. It takes a textbook half hour to get your bearings here. physical activity per day recommended by WHO to keep us healthy;
  3. Seto-repetition “weight loss” regimens should provide a large volume of training activity. To put it simply, the weight of the burden is less. More approaches. Optimally – 4-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions of each exercise with good technique. Do you need circular ones? No, if a person does not have the strength to perform them, or lacks physical fitness;
  4. Nutrition must meet two requirements - balance, that is, a sufficient amount of fats and proteins with a reduced amount of carbohydrates, and an orientation toward creating an energy deficit. To calculate your diet, use the Fat Secret or any other application.

Training program for gaining muscle mass

“Wishlists” like “make a nut” or “toned legs and athletic shoulders” are nothing more than gaining muscle mass. It sounds creepy for the average person, but the girl has little chance of turning into the Hulk. Even if you remove cardio training, and do weight training in a strength mode, and eat protein, the result will be just an athletic, toned body, and not a monster mass figure.

What to do:

  • Train in the gym every other day, no more often;
  • Review your diet - at least 3-4 g of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight, and 2 g of protein. If the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope, take enzymes. But you will have to eat, muscles will not grow out of thin air;
  • Approaches and repetitions may vary. If a girl cannot gain muscle in any way, working in the usual “bodybuilding” mode of 8-12 repetitions, she is shown low-repetition strength training, in the mode of 4-6 repetitions in 5-6 approaches. For everyone else, the standard 5 approaches, two of which are warm-up.

Workouts for tone

Any health problems are a reason to consult a doctor, and the presence of spinal curvature, injuries, joint pain is a reason to find a qualified trainer. Lack of sports experience is also a reason to contact a coach. A few personal training sessions will be useful if the last physical education lesson took place at school, but there is more than enough energy and enthusiasm.

Power must be orderly. You can’t just come to the gym and randomly run around the machines, calling it a “circuit”.

  1. Strength training begins not with a joint warm-up, but with light generalized cardio. We translate - from walking in a stepper, ellipse or pedaling an exercise bike. You only need to exercise for 5 minutes to achieve light sweating, then move on to warming up the joints.
  2. The joints are kneaded in the anatomical plane - that is, the elbows and knees are bent and extended, the wrists and ankles, as well as the shoulders and hips - are gently rotated. 9 flexions-extensions or rotations in each joint are enough. You also need to gently rotate your head without throwing it up.

You need to start doing strength exercises with warm-up weights. This is a mandatory rule - they usually start with 40-50 percent of the planned working weight, and add 5-10 kg in leg exercises, and 2.5 kg in upper exercises.

Warm-up is required not only in movements with a barbell, but also in exercises for the back, arms, and even the abs. You need to start pumping it with a smaller amplitude, gradually increasing it.

It is important to rest between exercises according to a timer; those losing weight rest for no more than a minute, everyone else – 90-120 seconds. If the goal of training is to develop strength, you can rest and large quantity time, depending on how you feel. The program below is suitable for any purpose; it is optimal to use those working weights that a girl can lift with good technique. Remember that for most, the success of a training program will be determined not so much by what the program itself provides, but by compliance with nutritional rules.

Workout 1

Exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle

The exercise is performed from the starting position lying on the floor, the heels are spaced from the buttocks at a distance of 10-12 cm, the feet are literally pressed into the floor. You need to exhale to bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones and return to the starting position.

Do 3 approaches 15-20 times. Over time, you can add weights - a dumbbell behind your head.

Long back muscles, hamstrings, buttocks

The starting position is taken face down in the hyperextension machine. The body goes down, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. With exhalation - full extension of the torso, with inhalation - lowering down.

Perform 10-20 repetitions in three approaches; over time, you can increase the load by picking up a barbell plate and placing it behind your head.

Classic squat (barbell on back)

Works the buttocks, thigh muscles and center of the body

The barbell is taken from racks located at the level of the athlete’s collarbones. The bar lies just below the upper trapezius muscles so that the back can remain tense. The grip on the bar is tight; there is no need to bend your wrists back. As you exhale, the barbell is removed from the racks by extension in knee joints, a step back is performed and the legs are placed to the sides. Next, the pelvis goes down with an exhalation, and the knees move to the sides and bend. The optimal depth of lowering of the pelvis is the one at which the back remains straight and there is no rounding in the lumbar region. You need to stand up with an exhalation, resting your entire foot on the floor.

If your heels come off during a squat, you need to pay attention to the width of your feet, pick up weights on the platform, and stretch your ankle joints. If the main problem is bringing your knees inward, you should work in a narrower stance.

Squatting training begins with calf extension in the machine, then a squat without weights, a goblet squat with a projectile on the chest, work in a Smith machine, and finally a barbell. The goal of mastering this chain is to develop mobility of the knee, ankle and hip joints, as well as strengthen the muscles.

Back muscles work

Starting position – sit on a machine bench with your feet fully resting on the floor. Then, while exhaling, you need to begin to pull the shoulder blades towards each other and towards the spine, and by contracting the back muscles, bring the handle of the exercise machine to the chest, and then return it to its original position.

It is important not to start with your biceps, by bending your arms at the elbow.

Works the buttocks and hamstrings

You need to sit next to the bench, place your shoulder blades on it, and rest your feet on the floor. Then you should lift your buttocks off the floor and get into the “spine parallel to the floor” position. At the same time, the shoulder blades should not “ride” forward along the bench. You can hold the weight with your hands. Beginners sometimes learn this movement without a barbell before starting to use it. If placing the bar on your hips is not comfortable, you need to wrap it with a special pad, or use fitness mats.

An assistant delivers the barbell from the racks to avoid injury. Even if it is a 20 kg bar, insurance is still required. The movement begins by tightening the shoulder blades and “pressing” the pelvis into the bench, then the assistant lifts the barbell onto straight, outstretched arms, with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders. Lower the barbell to the chest, in the solar plexus area, until it touches the body and the bar. The forearms are positioned at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. The barbell is pressed out in one powerful movement.

After completing all repetitions, an assistant helps return the bar to the racks. To avoid shoulder injury, you should not press on a “flat” back; your shoulder blades should remain pressed, not your lower back.

This is a shoulder exercise. You need to stand up straight, slightly bend your elbows, lean forward slightly, and abduct your forearms to the sides. As soon as the forearm reaches parallel level with the floor, the movement stops and the dumbbells smoothly return to their original position.

Workout 2

Core muscles

Lie down on a bench, or take a lying position, fixing your hands behind your head (you can grab some kind of support), while exhaling, using the force of your abdominal muscles, bring your legs to the waist line, and slightly twist your pelvis to the lower ribs. As you inhale, lower it back down. The movement should not be carried out due to inertia; you should not swing your legs.

Perform 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Completely repeats what was done in the first workout.

Lunges with dumbbells in hands

Hips and buttocks

Stand straight, feet under your shoulders, dumbbells in your hands. Take a step back, maintaining the distance between your hips, and lower your body down by bending your knees. At the lowest point, the thigh of the “front” leg is parallel to the floor.

You need to perform the same number of repetitions on each leg.

The body is tilted, the free hand rests on the bench, the working hand is with a dumbbell at the side. By bringing the shoulder blade to the spine, the dumbbell is pulled towards the belt as you exhale. On inhalation, it goes down.

The movement begins with the work of the shoulder blade, and not with a turn of the body.

The barbell is placed on the floor, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders so that the hands are on the outside of the hips. The grip is strong, straight, and you can use straps. At the start, the bar touches the ankle. Then the pelvis lowers slightly, the weight is transferred to the heels, and, resting her feet on the platform, the athlete removes the bar from the floor without relaxing her back. Due to extension in the hip joint, the bar rises to the level of the “trouser pockets”, and then smoothly lowers back.

You can use a straight or incline bench. First, tighten the shoulder blades to the spine and lower them to the pelvis, then lower the arms slightly bent at the elbows until the forearm is parallel to the floor, lowering to the sides. Then – bringing your arms together in front of your chest.

The exercise can be replaced with dips if you have enough strength training for this. First you need to sit on the bench, lower your buttocks lower, the edges, and bend your elbows. Forearms are parallel to each other. Then push up to the starting position. The legs can be straight (difficult option) or slightly bent at the knees.

Workout 3

As in the first workout, 15 repetitions in 3 approaches.


Same as workouts 1 and 2.

Hips, buttocks, and long back muscles

The movement is mistakenly considered a squat, but in fact it is a deadlift. You need to take the dumbbell in straight, outstretched arms, place your feet on the most comfortable wide stance, and lower your pelvis below your knees, touching the floor with the dumbbell; from this position, place your back at a slightly angle so that your arms are straight and perpendicular to the floor. By straightening your knees and hip joints, you need to fully straighten, returning your spine to a vertical position.

Back muscles work

The barbell is taken from the racks, the height is at mid-thigh level. Step back and bend forward so that the angle is approximately 45 degrees. Further, the movement resembles the work in all back exercises - the shoulder blades are pulled towards the spine, the barbell is brought to the lower abdomen, then the reverse movement.

The barbell is taken from the racks to the chest, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The barbell is pressed up behind the head and lowered to the starting position.

Romanian deadlift

The movement is also called the “Romanian thrust”. The barbell is lifted from the racks, as in a bent-over row, but the movement itself resembles a deadlift. Due to flexion at the hip joint, the bar lowers to a comfortable depth and then returns back.

(52 ratings, average: 4,90 out of 5)

Today we will talk about proper training for women. You will learn what a competent training program for girls consists of.

Popularization strength training is gaining momentum among representatives of the fair half of humanity. There are more and more girls and women in gyms. But really useful information There is practically no way for them to train.

Before we start delving into the topic, a few words about motivation. That magic pill that allows you to achieve results, overcome pain and go even further.

In women it is more developed. They often have to limit themselves in food, rest and the like, just to become more beautiful (appearance helps her win in natural selection). They are naturally inclined to always look perfect, and this requires constant self-control. Such motivation develops and becomes stronger over the years. This skill turns out to be useful in other areas of life.

By adding knowledge and a competent approach, the girl will be able to achieve the result she needs in gym.

Female physiology

The main feature of the female body is the tendency to accumulate nutrients in reserve. This is a key difference from the male body.

This is primarily due to the amount of hormones norepinephrine and testosterone. They not only influence the formation of muscle mass and proportions, but also influence the central nervous system (CNS), in particular they are responsible for aggression and perseverance. Men, due to their physiology and the amount of hormones, are able to train to failure (when the next repetition in the correct technique and amplitude is impossible on their own), i.e. almost to the limit.

A woman, unless she is crazy or takes testosterone from outside, will not be able to train like this. She often stops 2-3 repetitions before failure, due to the lack of the above hormones. It’s difficult for her to go through the pain, to finish the last failed repetition.

Another feature of the female body is due to the fact that the number of muscle fibers in the muscles of women is less than that of men. In this regard, the ability to perform strength work in a low number of repetitions is poorly developed in girls. This means that any strength work up to 6 repetitions will not make sense.

The next feature is the distribution of muscles throughout the woman’s body. Weak top and strong bottom. Narrow shoulders, weak arms, poorly developed pectoral muscles. Most of muscles are concentrated in the lower part - these are the buttocks and legs. It is easier for women to progress in lower body training because... there's more muscle there. It will be very difficult for them to progress in the upper body.

In order for a woman to develop her upper body, she should exert more effort than men.

Another feature will affect the female press. Any healthy woman experiences “periods” once a month. Due to the fact that at this time pain appears in the lower abdomen, nature made sure that there were fewer of them. How? The number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. Accordingly, the neuromuscular connection is worse than in men. It is much more difficult for a woman to develop abs than for a man.

The metabolic rate of women is lower than that of men. This means that women consume much less energy per kilogram of body weight than men. This way, men can eat more without gaining weight. This is also due to the fact that men have more muscles. And muscles are a very energy-consuming material, even at rest.

Excessive The intake of carbohydrates in a woman’s body is much more easily transferred to reserves (fat) than in men.

On the other hand, the fat that is formed in women can be used much more easily as a source of energy than in men. This is due to the reproductive function of women, due to the need to provide energy to the offspring.

The most important feature that leaves its mark on the construction of a training program for girls is the menstrual cycle. It creates periods of rise and fall in physical performance. During the first two weeks after the end of menstruation, women feel physically uplifted and are capable of high performance. At this time, her training can be quite difficult.

On average, ovulation occurs after two weeks (28-day cycle). And here there is a strong decline in energy and physical capabilities. The female body tries to save energy as much as possible, including accumulating it. At this time, it is able to accumulate nutrients even more efficiently, regardless of whether the egg has been fertilized or not.

As a general rule, you should limit physical activity in the gym during this time. Make your workouts easier. Eliminate or reduce the intensity of heavy lower body and abdominal exercises. In addition, you should reduce your calorie intake because... 3-4 weeks are the most dangerous for a girl’s appearance, because the body will change.

After menstruation, the female body is strong for the first two weeks, the next two are weak and tries to retain more energy (gain weight).

Therefore, microperiodization works very well in women's training. When the load is not constant, but changes cyclically. The peak of loads should be combined with the first two weeks, and the decline in the third and fourth.

Sports physiologists say that sports periodization is the key to long-lasting and powerful results. And this is good from the point of view of women, because... nature itself laid down such a mechanism.

Brief conclusions:

  • In women's training, microperiodization should be used.
  • The training should be high-volume (many repetitions, sets and little rest).
  • No excess carbohydrates. Monitor your diet carefully.
  • Don't focus on your buttocks and legs - pay even a little more attention to your upper body.

Taking into account female physiology (the information discussed above), we will immediately dispel the myth that training in the gym with weights will turn you into a man in a skirt. In order to get even a little closer to the male form, you will have to resort to special pharmacological drugs. Even men have had a hard time achieving the desired shape for years, and a girl certainly won’t turn out to be a mutant!

Strength training will help you form beautiful upper and lower body shapes, improve overall muscle tone, strengthen the health of all body systems without exception, and improve your condition and self-esteem. And a few more advantages from working out in the gym with weights:

  • The more muscles you have, the more calories you spend to maintain them, which means there are fewer prerequisites for fat accumulation.
  • After strength training in the gym, your metabolic rate increases for a day or even more. At the same time, after aerobics and other cardio joys, just for a couple of hours.
  • The gym will allow you to shape your figure wherever you want (what we train is what we develop). No amount of aerobics will give such an effect.

How to create a training program for girls

The body will change and adapt only when external conditions are unusual and stressful for it.

What is this for? The main problem women face is working with too little workload, not working enough. You will mark time for years, and your butt () and abs () will never appear.

In order for the body to begin to form beautiful shapes (increase muscle size), training must be hard (even if the weights are less than for men). It should really be hard for you to complete those last few reps. Remember, your training is high-volume, you rest little and work a lot (you don’t lift with heavy weights and records like men, you lift with the volume of your work - a lot of exercises, a lot of approaches, a lot of repetitions, little rest).

Treat working on yourself in the gym not like drinking tea, but like turning ideal shapes out of granite with a hammer and chisel, hard and persistent work.

The training program for men (not beginners) is based on a split. When the entire body is broken down into muscle groups and these individual groups are trained in different days in a forceful manner close to refusal. This way there is more time to maximally exhaust each muscle group and, in turn, more rest for it, because. Each group's training sessions are infrequent.

Women should not train in this manner. A strong character does not suit them. Women should train their entire body at once - in one workout. Women recover faster after training because... do not approach failure and do not destroy deep muscle tissue.

Training should be based on the following calculation. Large muscle groups are identified and one or two basic exercises for them are selected. A large volume of work is performed with a large number of repetitions and sets.

You should choose exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles, because... Women do not have the opportunity to devote an entire training day to working one muscle group. You should train 2-3 times a week, depending on how you feel, and it should be excellent before training.

Training program for girls (whole body at once or full body)

Extremely important. All joints, ligaments and muscles are warmed up - protection from injury.

  • 5-6 approaches to max. repetitions

Disperses blood throughout the body and trains the abs.

  • 5 sets of 10-15 reps

Shaping exercise for buttocks and legs.

  • 5-6 sets of 10-15 reps

Working out the back.

Works the triceps, anterior deltoid and inner chest, which pushes the chest forward.

  • 5-6 sets of 10-15 reps

Development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. An incredibly difficult but effective exercise.

Pause between approaches 30 seconds - 1.5 minutes. Select a working weight so that the last repetitions are difficult for you, but the technique must be perfect. The pace of all exercises is deliberately slow!

You can change the set of exercises for specific muscles, as long as they remain basic and you perform them flawlessly. This workout will take you about 60 minutes.

Gone are the days when intense sports and heavy equipment belonged entirely to men. Representatives of the fair sex of different ages purchase subscriptions to fitness clubs not only before the holidays and the beach season, but with the goal of changing their lifestyle. Most women who exercise regularly can be seen in the rocking chair. For modern girls, the gym becomes a place where they can safely burn excess fat and build muscles, build a harmonious, strong and healthy body.

The training program for girls in the gym differs from men’s classes in intensity and combination of exercises and should take into account:

  • level of physical fitness;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • features of physiology and anatomy;
  • the goal of the exercise is loss excess weight, drying, muscle building;
  • phase menstrual cycle.

A set of exercises for girls consists of basic and modified movements, with an even load and a large number of repetitions.

Features of the female body

From an evolutionary point of view, the female program consists of procreation - anatomically and physiologically, the girl’s body is completely configured for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to children. The female body as opposed to the male:

  • strives to accumulate nutrients in order to ensure the survival of itself and the child if necessary;
  • has fewer muscle fibers (myofibrils) and, as a result, lower energy consumption;
  • contains more muscles in the lower body, also to protect the unborn child;
  • has weak neuromuscular connections in the abdominal area to relieve menstrual and labor pain, so pumping up the lower abs is more problematic;
  • characterized by a lower rate of metabolic processes;
  • better able to accumulate glycogen in muscles, which is used during active exercise;
  • converts carbohydrates into fat faster, creating reserves;
  • needs a fat layer, which serves as a depot for sex hormones.

Dependence of training on the phase of the menstrual cycle

Functional training for a girl necessarily takes into account the periods of the menstrual cycle, during which colossal hormonal and physiological changes are observed:

  • after menstruation, a new egg matures, a surge of strength and energy occurs, at this time you should engage in strength training;
  • after ovulation, approximately 10-16 days of the cycle before the start of the next menstruation, the body switches to energy conservation;
  • in case conception has occurred, during this period the muscles need a lighter load.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, women's training should take place cyclically:

  • immediately after menstruation - strength training;
  • after ovulation - ease the load on your legs and abs, you can switch to aerobic exercises to burn fat.

Aerobic exercise (running, brisk walking, cycling) burns fat effectively for 30-50 minutes while maintaining a heart rate of 110-130 beats per minute.

The benefits of working out at the gym

Women's training consists of aerobic and strength training, which requires a location and sports equipment. The following factors help you effectively lose weight and build muscle:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • drinking regime;
  • proper sleep and rest;
  • competent training.

This can be achieved in the gym or by working out at home, the main thing is to choose adequate, competent physical activity. To do this, you need to have the necessary knowledge, ensure the availability of sports equipment and master the correct technique. The regularity of exercise depends on the level of self-discipline.

Exercises in the gym, the availability of equipment of varying degrees of complexity and consultations with specialists greatly facilitate this task.

Why the gym is a priority

Benefits of exercising on machines in the gym for women:

  • the opportunity to train under the supervision of a trainer who will create a training and nutrition program in accordance with your needs;
  • comfortable conditions - air conditioning and air temperature;
  • exercise machines allow you to effectively perform “female exercises”, for example, on the inner thighs and triceps;
  • the ability to gradually increase loads;
  • a wide variety of strength and aerobic activities.

A set of exercises in the gym for girls allows you to build the right workout, enjoy the workouts and achieve effective results.

Training goals and program features

Girls come to the gym for various reasons:

  • lose weight and burn excess fat;
  • increase the muscles of certain groups, for example, the gluteal;
  • prepare your body for a vacation on the beach;
  • increase endurance and strength;
  • get your body in good physical shape;
  • prepare for competitions.

Depending on the final goal, women's training will consist of various combinations of basic exercises and aerobic exercise. The weight loss program in the gym for girls consists of a portion of cardio, exercises for the arms, legs, back and abs. Circular and multi-joint exercises for the whole body are also used.

The training program for gaining weight in the gym consists of the same exercises as for men, modified to suit a woman's physique. Experts recommend using a high number of repetitions and approaches, but less weight.

Training program for the weaker sex

Proper women's workouts help increase endurance and strength, burn excess fat, build muscles and get defined relief. Experts agreed that training for women should not consist of split sessions, when a specific muscle group is stressed. The optimal option includes basic exercises for girls for the whole body.

Due to the different levels of endurance and efficiency in different phases of the menstrual cycle, it is recommended for girls to use separate workouts in the gym: intensive in the first two weeks of the cycle and lighter after ovulation.

Types of training

Fitness programs for girls depend on the ultimate goal and are divided into types:

  • for weight loss;
  • for gaining muscle mass;
  • drying;
  • maintaining active physical fitness.

Where to begin

Each fitness center and gym provides clients with an introduction to the trainers, services and area. An introductory lesson for a girl, accompanied by a trainer, is necessary in order to find out the level of physical fitness, draw up a lesson plan, and clarify the sequence of exercises.

The girls' first training session is devoted to learning the technique of performing exercises, which will allow them to practice safely and avoid injury. On average, to get comfortable in the gym, you need to train for about 4 weeks. After studying the basics and basic exercises, you can work out in the gym without a trainer, independently adjusting the level of load.

Monthly training program

The standard monthly program for girls consists of two parts. The period immediately after menstruation includes increased exercise, the second part is lighter, without exercises on the lower body and abdominal muscles. Each complete workout for women consists of:

  • warm-ups;
  • cardio loads;
  • main part;
  • hitches;
  • stretch marks.

Video with a training program for girls in the gym

Power training

A weekly strength program for girls includes 3-4 sessions lasting 50-90 minutes, depending on the number of approaches, repetitions and rest time. There should be enough time between workouts for the muscles to recover; this can take 1-3 days depending on the intensity of the load.

Strength training scheme

Part of the workout Exercise Performance
Warm-up Joint exercises
Main part Squats 5 sets of 15 times
Vertical block thrust 5 sets of 15 times
5-6 approaches 15 times
Barbell row to the chin 5-6 approaches 15 times
Crunches 4 sets maximum number of times
Hitch Cardio 10 minutes, pulse 120
Stretching 5-10 minutes

This workout is also suitable for beginners, if you reduce the number of approaches and working weight. As your endurance increases, the workout can become more difficult.

Description of basic strength training exercises

Correct technique is necessary to avoid injury and ensure the effectiveness of the exercises. It is better to perform fewer sets and repetitions, but correctly, than to chase the quantity.


Strengthen the hips and buttocks, beginners use the bodybar, advanced athletes choose suitable weight pancakes

Execution: feet shoulder-width apart, place the bar on your shoulders and squat, keeping your back straight. The knees should not protrude beyond the level of the feet. The upper body leans forward and the body weight rests on the heels. Having reached the bottom point, you should pause for a couple of seconds and rise to the starting position.

Vertical block thrust

Used to pump the upper back. Execution: choose the appropriate weight, take the starting position with a straight back, hands on the holder placed wide. The holder must be pulled forcefully towards you, closer to your chest and smoothly returned upward.

Trains the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and chest. Execution: prepare the barbell, take a position on the bench, place your hands wider than your shoulders. The projectile is lowered to chest level and, as you exhale, rises to its original position.

Barbell row to the chin

Strengthens the muscles of the back, chest, arms and shoulder girdle. Execution: to take the starting position, place the barbell on the floor, take it with an overhand grip at a distance slightly wider than the shoulders, straighten your back and hold the barbell at hip level, arms slightly bent at the elbows. As you exhale, pull the barbell to the chin, elbows pointing up and to the sides, at the top point they are above the shoulders. You need to hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.


The gym uses an inclined bench; options with legs raised or lowered and knees bent are possible. Execution: from the starting position, with the force of the abdominal muscles, while exhaling, lift the body, twisting the back. You should pause at the top point and lower down while inhaling.

Exercises in the second half of the cycle

After ovulation, endurance decreases significantly and other exercises are used that eliminate greater stress on the lower body. The training scheme does not change, it includes all the same mandatory parts - warm-up, cardio, base, cool-down and stretching. Only the exercises change, their total number, as well as the number of approaches. More time is spent on cardio and stretching.

Lightweight exercises

Description of the basic exercises of the lightweight part

The upper body is trained, focusing on the muscles of the arms - biceps and triceps, back, chest and shoulder girdle. The weight of the equipment is reduced, multiple repetitions allow you to form plastic muscles and increase endurance. With each repetition, the weight of the projectile can be reduced to maintain the correct technique.

The work is done on the back muscles, using a lower block and a V-shaped handle. Execution: take the starting position with your feet resting on the platform, knees slightly bent; back straight, chest forward. As you exhale, bend your elbows and pull the block toward your stomach. After a delay of 2-3 seconds while inhaling, the block is calmly released until the arms are level.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

It is used to work on the deltoid muscles, and exists in various variations - standing, sitting. Light weight dumbbells are used; it is better to control the correct technique in front of a mirror.

Execution: in the starting position, stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and bend your body parallel to the floor, back straight. As you exhale, raise your arms with dumbbells up, pointing your elbows towards the ceiling, pause at the top point and, as you inhale, lower your arms down.

Exercise for biceps, used in various variations - sitting, standing, lying down. Use light weight dumbbells.

Performing alternating arm curls while standing: in the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands directed toward the body. As you exhale, bend your left and right arms in turn, fixing them for a couple of seconds at the top point, straining your biceps. As you exhale, lower your arms down. Elbows are free.

For weight loss

The peculiarity of girls’ training is that to achieve diametrically opposite results, the same exercises are used in the gym, the only difference is in nutrition:

  • For effective weight loss proper nutrition with a calorie deficit is necessary;
  • for weight gain - increase calorie intake by 20%.

For beginners

The program for beginner girls is aimed at increasing endurance and muscle strength. The most simple circuit includes warm-up, base and cool-down. As a warm-up, run at an average pace and walk for up to 10 minutes. Basic exercises:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • dumbbell press;
  • circuit training for the abs.

The cool-down consists of cardio and stretching of those muscle groups that were actively worked. Initial training should occur at an average pace and last 40-50 minutes, 3 times a week, preference is given to working with your own weight or small dumbbells.

Warm up with cardio

Warm-up for girls consists of stretching and cardio. Stretching prepares joints and ligaments for active movements, cardio exercise increases heart rate per minute, strengthens muscles and the cardiovascular system. the main task cardio - increase the percentage of oxygen in the blood, which enhances fat burning. The following simulators are used for this:

  • treadmill - for of cardio-vascular system, muscles of the lower body;
  • stepper;
  • cycling - relieves tension from the knees, trains the muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • elliptical - training for the top and bottom, including the arms, shoulder girdle and legs.

Each simulator has its own advantages - which muscle groups are most involved, the level of load. To lose weight, you should exercise for 15 to 30 minutes, maintaining a heart rate of 110-130 beats per minute. While doing cardio, you should reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and increase proteins.

Main exercises

  • muscle tissue burns more calories;
  • strong muscles form a sculpted body.

The best exercises for women in the gym for the lower body - different kinds squats and lunges, using dumbbells or barbells. This part of the body contains large muscle groups that consume a lot of calories. Developing your legs and buttocks helps you burn excess fat.

When exercising independently in the gym, girls are advised to monitor the correct technique in the mirror and combine exercises. For efficiency and progress, it is necessary to increase the weight of dumbbells and barbells.

For weight gain

Gaining muscle mass occurs when you increase your daily diet by 20% and increase the total amount of protein that is used to build muscles. Strength training for girls is aimed at the basic weak spots- arms, chest, thighs, buttocks.

For beginners

The training program for beginner girls helps to learn the technique and prepare the muscles for stress, gradually increasing the weight of the exercise equipment.

Sample workout diagram for beginners

How to build muscles

A women's strength training program helps build strong, toned arms, a flat stomach, a thin waist, firm buttocks and slender hips. Features of women's training - the dependence of the intensity of training and the combination of exercises on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Strength exercises for girls are performed in 4-5 approaches with repetitions of 10-20 times and minimum time for relax.

Basic exercises (base) for girls:

  • for arms and back - push-ups, dumbbell press, pull-down, vertical pull-down, barbell press, chin-up;
  • on the buttocks and legs - squats with a barbell on the shoulders, lunges with dumbbells, leg press while sitting in a frame;
  • on the chest - push-ups, dumbbell presses, dumbbell raises while lying down.

Unprepared girls should not use heavy weights; it is better to focus on performing the exercise as correctly as possible. Lots of repetitions with light weights are more effective.


An effective way to pump up your abdominal muscles is to use circuit training, which involves 2-3 exercises performed in a circle one after another with a short rest break. For example:

  • crunches on a bench with a downward inclination;
  • lifting the legs with emphasis on the elbows;
  • hyperextension.

The abs are involved in almost all basic exercises, so training 2-3 times a week will be enough. Or include 1 exercise in each workout.

Keeping your body in good shape

It has long been proven that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the occurrence of many chronic diseases. Exercising in the gym helps keep the body in good physical shape, improves the psycho-emotional state and the body's defenses.

For beginners

You should start exercising with gentle workouts lasting 40-50 minutes. Fitness program for beginners includes:

  • Cardio exercises on exercise machines for 15 minutes;
  • basic exercises for arms, back, legs and abs - 5 exercises for 2-3 approaches, with an average number of repetitions, in each approach there will be from 10 to 15;
  • cool down of cardio and stretching for 10 minutes.

Standard scheme

A productive training system in the gym for girls would be a week with 3 training days and 3 days of rest; one day can be devoted to relaxation and stretching - massage, yoga. Upper training for girls includes exercises with dumbbells and barbells, and for the lower body the most effective exercises- classic squats with different leg widths and lunges.

An example of training girls

Part of the workout Exercise Performance
Warm-up Joint exercises Slow circular movements of the joints from top to bottom - neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, pelvis, knees, feet.
Running at a medium pace, cycling, elliptical Pulse not lower than 110-130 beats per minute, 15 minutes
Main part Upper block pull 3 sets of 10 times
Leg extensions in the simulator 3 sets of 10 times
3 sets of 12 times
Crunches 2 approaches maximum number
Hyperextension 3 sets of 15 times
Hitch Cardio 10 minutes, pulse 120
Stretching Bends, arm rotations, lunges 5-10 minutes

Alternative options

For those who don't like dumbbells and barbells, there are machines that work on large or isolated muscle groups. A set of exercises on simulators for beginner women includes cardio and strength training. The most suitable option is circuit training, which consists of 4-5 exercises for different muscle groups.

Correct order of exercises:

  • cardio;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • press;
  • lower body.

The sports program consists of 2-3 such circles.

Effective workouts for women can be created using weights for lower limbs, with which swings and leg abductions are performed. Such loads are suitable for women in initial training.

Main debates on the topic

It’s not easy for girls to decide to start working out in the gym because of prejudices and myths about exercise, hormones and heavy iron. But well-designed training programs for girls allow you to burn excess fat and build muscles in the right places, and special programs for beginners introduce them into the world of sports as carefully as possible. In any case, working out in the gym is better for a girl than spending a lazy lifestyle on the couch. Personal trainers take into account all the features of women’s physiology and anatomy and help create effective classes.

Fear of over-pumping

The main fear of girls is the fear of overdoing it and acquiring a cartoonishly bloated, masculine figure. In fact, it is impossible for a woman to pump up to huge sizes using only exercise equipment because low content testosterone in the blood. Professional athletes use special sports nutrition and supplements that stimulate muscle growth. For women, regular exercise in the gym only threatens the lack of excess weight and a fit, athletic figure.

Proper training

A harmoniously developed figure is formed through combined training and proper nutrition. It is necessary to create a training program for girls in such a way that part of the session is occupied by cardio exercises, and basic exercises involve all major muscle groups.

The girls' weekly training plan includes 3-4 training days:

  • on the upper body;
  • lower body;
  • press.

Leg day

The program for women is based on a classic basis, but using small weights of dumbbells and barbells. For example, a leg day program might look like this:

  • any type of cardio 15 minutes;
  • leg extension in the simulator, 3 sets of 10 times;
  • leg press, 3 sets of 10 times;
  • raising and lowering legs in the simulator, 3 sets of 20 times;
  • leg abduction with weights, 3 sets of 20 reps;
  • cardio 10 minutes;
  • stretching.

The list of exercises for girls can be supplemented and combined, divided into groups or using the whole body.

How many approaches, how many repetitions

A gym workout plan consists of individual exercises consisting of repetitions and sets. A repetition is a single execution of an exercise; a set is a group of repetitions without stopping or resting. The number of repetitions and approaches depends on the following parameters:

  • entry-level training;
  • difficulty of the exercise;
  • exercise equipment weights;
  • phases of the menstrual cycle.

The correct number of repetitions and approaches

The training schedule for girls should take into account physiological characteristics and transfer basic strength exercises to the first half of the cycle. You should start with a machine weight that allows you to perform 15 repetitions in the first approach. Always aim for better results and strive to perform more repetitions. If it becomes too easy, increase the weight or complicate the exercise, replace it with another. Trained girls perform 5-6 sets of 15 repetitions.

The rest between sets should not be too long, 30-60 seconds is enough. Muscles grow with adequate load and oxygen debt.

Barbell or dumbbells

A set of exercises in the gym for women includes exercises with barbells and dumbbells of different weights, which are necessary for building a healthy and strong body. The advantages of these simulators for girls:

  • a toned, strong body is formed;
  • passive burning of calories increases;
  • the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • psychological changes - increased self-confidence.

Girls will be helped to train properly by properly designing a workout and using multi-joint exercises with dumbbells. For beginner women, the training center consists of exercises with dumbbells and a light barbell - squats, lunges, presses, barbell raises with different hand positions.

How to eat if you go to the gym

Training in the gym will be ineffective without a proper and balanced diet. Nutrition must be adjusted to your load according to two criteria:

  • calorie content - for weight loss with an energy deficit, for weight gain with a surplus;
  • the ratio of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Strength training for girls leads to the loss of calories and the destruction of protein molecules in the muscles. To restore them and synthesize new fibers, it is necessary to increase the intake of proteins from food and limit the amount of fast carbohydrates.

Nutrient ratio options for girls with different loads:

  • for weight loss you need 40-50% protein, 30-40% fat, 10-20% complex carbohydrates;
  • for weight gain - 35% protein, 50% carbohydrates, 15% fat.

Those who work out properly in the gym need to eat a nutritious diet with enough protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and water. On training days, it is recommended to increase the amount of water to restore water-salt balance.

Should I drink gainers and proteins?

Manufacturers sports nutrition offer a wide range of products with different compositions that help replenish nutrients, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. This allows you to increase strength and endurance during intense training, build muscle mass and recover faster.

Gainers are carbohydrate-protein mixtures that promote rapid muscle gain. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and proteins build muscle cells. If the training program for girls in the gym is aimed at gaining weight, then using gainers will increase the effectiveness of the training.


Proteins are protein mixtures that are used during intense strength training to restore muscles during weight loss, cutting and gaining mass. A gentle program for beginners allows the body to replace lost nutrients and energy through nutrition, complex circuits workouts lead to significant losses of protein, which is easier to consume in the form of supplements. Especially if the training time is late enough for a normal dinner, and it can be replaced with a protein shake.

These mixtures do not contain hormones or dietary supplements and are made from natural raw materials. Girls and women can take sports supplements without harm to health or danger of over-pumping.

Conclusions: what is worth remembering

A fitness program for women should consist of cardio and strength training, alternating training days and rest periods to restore muscles. A well-designed program that combines exercises for various muscle groups with warm-up and cool-down will help you exercise correctly in the gym or at home. You should also pay attention to your diet and drinking regime.

Compared to exercise in a rocking chair, aerobics, a classic program for women, provides less stress and energy costs. Strong and developed muscles after strength training burn more fat even during the rest period. A harmonious and sculpted body is a worthy result of regular and active exercise in the gym.

How long to practice and when to expect results

Proper training can show tangible results 6-8 weeks after the start of training. This can be checked using a mirror, scales and measuring tape. Most of the muscles in women are located in the lower part of the body, so changes are most likely observed in this area. In second place in terms of speed of results are the arm muscles, namely the biceps. The last to appear are the abdominal muscles, when the percentage of body fat decreases significantly.

When training on your own, pay attention to how you feel, the speed of recovery after exercise, muscle pain and tension, and the adequacy of strength loads. You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself and exercise half-heartedly, but excessive exercise will not speed up weight loss or muscle gain. You can view the full training course from the video.

Exercises in the gym - effective method lose weight and gain feminine, sculpted shapes. Don't be afraid of iron, loads and exercises. A properly designed workout will help increase your level of physical activity, improve your health and improve your self-esteem.