Which tree is suitable for the zodiac sign Libra. Talismans for scales. The best mascots for other zodiac signs

Latin name Libra.

Motto: « Improve and judge with justice.

Character: light, clear mind.

Life Key: "I compare!".

Air sign, is ruled by Venus.

Metals: copper, bronze, tin, gold, silver. Gems: opal, tiger's eye, agate, serpentine, onyx, rose quartz, jasper, beryl, lapis lazuli.

Libra: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

Your evolutionary task - do not waste time! January Concreteness and ambition seem to be yours for the next thirty days and perhaps even throughout the year. The only effort you have to make is to take your time and not trust your "positive thinking" too much. Real positive thinking is not abstract trust in the world, but your concrete ability to act. Measure with what you don't know, go out with new people, groups that have different interests than yours, will do your best.

Trees: mountain ash, viburnum, maple, cherry, apple tree, olive, acacia, birch, alder, walnut.

shrubs: pomegranate, medlar, lilac, raspberry, gooseberry.

Plants: cudweed, goutweed, underbrush, carnation, ivy, burdock, tansy, cross, daisies, vasi-lek, flax, moss, comfrey, marshmallow, clover, narcissus, li-lea, violet, hyacinth, foxglove, geranium, jug-ka yellow, lily of the valley, forget-me-not, chrysanthemum, verbena.

February February This is the month when everything that happens, who you meet and what happens, seems strange, far from your being and your personality. Try not to regret in anger and fuel controversy. This is a good opportunity for the star to integrate the "missing parts". These are aspects of character that are left out of the exercise because you don't like them and are a bit taller for a lazy lion.

Month of March Love is not what you would like it to be. You feel it far away and inexpressible, as if others are allowed to experience it. At this time, it is important to work on hypersensitivity and how, erroneously or intelligently, you "offend". Then no one will tell you anymore, "You have something better than me."

Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, carrots, legumes, dill.

It is well known that olives very useful, but for Libra, the tree itself is more important, which is their main amulet against stress, overstrain, and wrong deeds. Olive allows them to make the right decision, not to lose their natural flexibility and promotes long-term fruitful mental activity. Any product made of olive wood with inserts of red garnet or purple amethyst enhances the properties of such a talisman.

Spring and the stars give you a great desire to start over and the courage to do so. If you've matured well who you are and what you really want, you can even cut bridges with people or places that seem narrow today, like washing woolen clothes at too high temperatures.

The month of May is a good month. The sun, your zodiac planet, is illuminated most time. Love and feelings can be so positive as to give you support and the ability to build your life in a truly positive exchange dynamic. However, by the twentieth year of the month, the planets appear, and there will be points of reference, small misunderstandings, but they can be overcome with patience and attention.

Good for Libra bowl with nuts and dried hazel twigs as a talisman of home well-being. Rowan or viburnum product with an insert of amethyst, pomegranate and lapis lazuli, it will become a talisman of good luck and success for Libra, advancement in the career and social ladder, and will contribute to achievements in scientific and teaching activities.

June In the month of June, you may experience unpleasant moments when you question the intelligence that you "govern" your life. Have patience and love for yourself, as there are visible dynamics today, even a family that already existed and that you just didn't know about. Better so, sooner than before!

July Good month to live well in love or make new encounters and finally be good encounters, according to your life needs and the quality of the feelings you feel you want to express and receive. The experience you make will go hand in hand with a deep understanding of what you are experiencing, thereby keeping you whole and safe. Your work will also give good results, and, above all, there will be public recognition of your qualities.

maple bouquet, collected in the spring, when the leaves are fresh and green, should be kept in the house all year as a talisman against ill health, especially associated with depressive states. In addition, he is a talisman that contributes to the economical use of energy, getting out of stressful situations.

One of the healthiest foods is cherry and cherry jam. However, this is useful not only for Libra. But the pits from cherries, washed, dried and folded into special bags, are an excellent talisman of magical and exciting meetings, love contacts and romantic adventures for Libra of both sexes. Alder will help mainly only Libra-women, making them the most elegant and charming.

In August, you will find yourself courageous, devoid of any hesitation or suffering. You will be as full of energy as the batteries you just bought. A deep need for freedom, an instinct for creativity, and a desire to express yourself make you the most "adventurous" and "non-contagious" animal of the month. Month of September A month of physical, even frailty, can put you "lying down". If you find yourself fragile, just rest and take the Stop that the Stars offer you. Use this time to reflect, with a quiet mind, on your life as if it were someone else's.

Will be useful in the house chrysanthemum, especially its indoor views: friendliness and mutual understanding will reign in the house. The medlar is also good, the fruits of which contain malic and citric acid, vitamins C, B 1, B 2, E, pectins and sugars. The energy of medlar is light, airy. It helps to discover new qualities in oneself, prepares for travels and new sensations.

It lowers the temperature of emotions and helps you see things with a relaxed and witty objectivity. Month of October By the middle of the month, you can spend a few days too electric for your tastes. You have a crisis of judgment about others, about the world and how things are, not what they are, they should be. Your just a point of view, remember! Finally, success gives you a lot of pleasure and makes you more tolerant and obedient.

November November The awakening of passion and the desire to test you. If you haven't already, you can start with the esoteric paths of knowledge. Tarot, astrology, meditation, and how close you will get to a new perception of yourself, be welcome! The gates of understanding open and you get a brilliant look at you. On the one hand, there is an urgent need to create, on the other hand, the need to ensure security. These two feelings have put you in a state of anxiety, because the craft of creativity needs the high seas, and in order to express itself, it must unhook the gums from the butt.

Herbs and plants of Libra, and from shrubs - pomegranate, raspberry and gooseberry- Protect from all sorts of troubles, especially those associated with deep feelings and stress. And the fruits of olives and pomegranates, dried and set in a gold and silver net, are talismans of pleasant meetings, mutual understanding, good disposition and excellent pastime. At work, such a talisman facilitates contacts with superiors and colleagues, while all spiteful critics become completely harmless and harmless.

Is there still curiosity or peace of mind for you? Having Jupiter in your planet, health and growth helps you succeed, especially in practical and economic matters. However, despite this, some general dissatisfaction caused by the square of Saturn tends to find the right step to be happy. This is a year dedicated to "cleansing" and "cutting" everything that no longer fits your personality. Your evolutionary task is to make "Chaos a star".

January is an interesting month. You want to let go of everything that you feel is "empty" and "useless" and finally you have the courage. To help you through this metamorphosis, try to develop a creative vision for your Everyday life. Infuse your usual gestures more meaningfully: brushing your teeth, for example, you can imagine that you are cleaning every internal patina, every residue and shade from yourself. So, very practical and without such meditation, you will have the desire to give light and splendor to your being.

People born under the sign of Libra have a character that vacillates in search of truth and balance. They seem to be woven from contradictions. They like to argue, they are energetic, but indecisive and quick-tempered. At the same time very kind. And they, like air, like a breath of fresh water, need such talismans that can tip the scales in the right and right direction. In this regard, the talismans of the vegetable kingdom of Libra serve them in good stead, especially since Libra is an artistic nature, with a penchant for all kinds of arts.

February February You will have constant criticism of your work and general dissatisfaction with yourself. These emotions easily generate psychosomatization, so check directly if others are so unhappy with you. Month of March This is the time when you realize what paste you are made of. The support of Pluto, the planet of spiritual power and the deep unconscious, makes you freeze to live in the best not very bright period when your resources seem to be dwindling. The twenty-first day of the month is the day of the terrifying moon and extreme fatigue. Avoid that day to do what is important to you.

The element of the zodiac sign Libra is air space, and therefore Libra is characterized by an incredible craving for excellence, reliability and sociability. It is very important for them to have good attitude with other people and the environment.

Any quarrel takes energy from Libra in large quantities. And to replenish it, talismans are needed.

Greater personal autonomy and loss of dependency on others will make you a better and happier person. May May! This month is rich for you: your most important feelings are close to you, and new encounters will be available that will revitalize your life force. Perhaps even lovingly engaging in meetings, provided that, at least in the beginning, they are in the game. Accept travel invitations or even just spend time at home with old and new friends.

June You have all the inner resources to enjoy life. The ability to interpret everything that happens to you in the light of the “game of fate” will help you live well. When something happens, in fact, it's just perfect; he's about to figure out who or what.

Who patronizes Libra?

Representatives of this zodiac sign are protected by the planet of love. How did you guess we are talking about Venus. Her wards are extremely charming people, constantly striving for beauty. Only the amulet that can bring them aesthetic pleasure will be useful to Libra. Astrologers say that if a thing is beautiful, then it will become a wonderful amulet. But only on condition that the owner of this thing believes in the power of its magic.

The great light of a deep understanding of who you are and how you "move" in your life will allow you to incorporate whatever you currently feel disfigured or dissonant. If you choose, you will be ready to cut bridges with what seems incurable or, simply and effortlessly, you will accept it. Month of August The second half of the month will be better than the first, especially for those born in the second decade. new power, the power of your Sun, puts your wings on your feet, helping you feel "heavy" in the last period.

Your innate ethical sense and elegance will be sharper and more effective than ever, helping your mood greatly. You are the mannequin of the zodiac! In the month of September, he may receive information or contacts that are not very honest and disinterested. Look at the real motives of those around you, and without saying you "know", reserve and zip up like a winter coat. The time of trust and opening of the heart will soon return.

Venus is not the only planet ruling Libra. Representatives of this zodiac sign are also under the tutelage of the Sun, Mars and Saturn. These planets have their own metals - these are copper and bronze, which are often used to make amulets.

Now a few words about which metal suits Libra as a talisman. It is definitely silver. This metal helps cleanse the body, normalizes the composition of the blood and provides the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of most organs. If you are Libra by the zodiac sign, wear a silver talisman. After a while, your creativity and energy potential will increase dramatically!

Month of October. Sometimes things are "crippled" to allow for changes in opinion, and often it's life's little wounds to change course and direction. It is important not to be stubborn and, above all, not to wear bandages and patches during the healing! Many tensions are finally lost, giving confidence in the life and inhabitants of the Earth. A wave of optimism can even push you to organize a big trip or go on a journey of knowledge.

it's the same good time to find traveling companions and get to know each other. You are deeply rooted and deeply rooted. A few months before this coming, one prepares for its beneficial influence. Your evolutionary task is to “learn to keep up with the changing times”, learn to eradicate unnecessary things and habits. January. Zodiac. By skipping them for a month, you will find out how many things and feelings you feel have changed, slowly but inexorably.

Amulets for Libra men do not have a fundamental difference from amulets for Libra women. Talisman stones are especially in demand among the fair sex, but men are far from always indifferent to stones on rings, cufflinks and tie clips.

Talisman table

Your relationship is drier and narrower, more focused on quality rather than quantity. A little, but good, he says, and if some friendship loses its strength, you can't blame or feel too much nostalgia. In February, you may think that everything you did in an attempt to build relationships and a material environment was inadequate or that you did not have the right credit. Instead of looking back at the past, look ahead. Cast your eyes and your heart on what you are feeling fluctuating at this time.

Without warning, you will lose the fence of inadequacy and you will end up in the place you like. The month of the month of the passage, without any particular star quality to signify it. You can use it to better explore who you are by making time for intimate activities. Spiritual practices, readings and cinemas good quality perfectly marked for this purpose.

Libra is a reliable talisman. You can get a figurine in the form of scales, a photograph, a picture, a pendant, earrings or any other gizmos dear to your heart that can play the role of an amulet. The most important thing is your belief that the accessory is endowed with the power of magic, which means that it is able to provide the necessary assistance.

The love and sense of beauty in your life is restored in a new perspective, turn the fire into your relationship and if you don't have it, light yourself up and activate everything you instinctively hold on to! You might even have interesting meetings. May Good news! The prickly astrological point of your Heaven, Lilith, is about to change sign and move a little further, a little touchy and a lot of confusion. From here quiet life and a greater ability to live in constant motion. The prospects of getting and expanding your work are also favorites.

This talisman will become a reliable assistant in. The constant wearing of a heart-shaped pendant helps to activate the anahata chakra, which is responsible for love energy. This will help you achieve location with the opposite sex!

Plants for scales

Violet, calendula and rose are suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign. These plants feel good both in city apartments and in any country and garden plots. You can carry a dried plant with you, its image is also suitable as an amulet. The properties of the amulet do not change from its appearance. Get more information about mascots plant origin you can from the article "signs and superstitions about indoor plants", which you can see.

Best day of the week for Libra

If Libra takes on something extremely important, then it is best if it happens on Friday. The day of Venus will bring them good luck in any endeavor. The second most important day of the week for Libra is Saturday.

happiness numbers

These seven numbers Libra should definitely remember: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.

Plan all the significant events of your life for these dates of the month, and luck will surely smile at you. And it doesn’t matter that it’s about your wedding or some important deal. Everything will be in perfect order.